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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding / Salome Steyn

Steyn, Salome January 2014 (has links)
Die fokus van hierdie studie is die verkenning van grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding. Positiewe sielkunde is gebruik as die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, en ‘n fenomenologiese benadering is gebruik as die metodologiese struktuur van die kwalitatiewe studie. Hierdie studie van opvoeder-leerder verhoudings in die grondslagfase is gerig op die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot leerders se goeie prestasies, hulle positiewe ontwikkeling, sowel as die opvoeder se eie werksbevrediging. Dit dra ook by tot die welstand van opvoeders, leerders en die skoolgemeenskap. Alhoewel gesonde verhoudings in die skoolgemeenskap van die allergrootste belang is, blyk dit dat die doelbewuste uitbouing van die skoolgemeenskap se verhoudingswelstand as belangrike sosiale hulpbron verwaarloos of afgewater word. Die volgende navorsingsvraag het na vore gekom: Wat is grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding? Die perspektief van die positiewe benadering van sielkunde is gebruik om die meganismes van gesonde verhoudings binne die skoolgemeenskap bloot te lê. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode om die fenomeen te verken. Inligting is verkry deur middel van individuele onderhoude en ʼn fokusgroepbespreking as navorsingstegnieke. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik en nege grondslagfase opvoeders verbonde aan ‘n privaatskool in die Gauteng-provinsie van Suid-Afrika was deelnemers aan die navorsing. Die doel van die studie was om grondslagfase opvoeders se belewing van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding te verstaan. Tydens die proses van data-insameling is daar visuele en tekstuele data verkry. Deelnemers het collages gemaak ter beskrywing van hul belewing van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding; daarna is individuele onderhoude en die fokusgroepbespreking gevoer. Klankopnames van die versamelde data is getranskribeer, en ‘n narratiewe analise is gedoen. Bevindinge van hierdie studie is vervat in vier hooftemas: Die rol van emosies en verhoudingswelstand, opvoeders se verhoudingsvaardighede, werksbevrediging, uitdagings en verhoudingswelstand. Hierdie bevindings omvat die gesonde hantering van emosies, doelgerigte bevordering van verhoudingsvaardighede, die belewing van werksbevrediging, en die ervaring van uitdagings wat oorwegend gekoppel is aan welvarende leerders se huiskonteks. Die bevindings is verder verfyn in die subtemas wat die grondslagfase opvoeder se alledaagse belewing van die Opvoeder-leerder verhouding opvoeder-leerder verhouding in diepte beskryf. Die bevindings toon dat die opvoeders se positiewe ervaring van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding gesien kan word as ‘n belegging in die welstand en positiewe funksionering van beide die opvoeder en die leerder. Aanbevelings word gemaak sodat opvoeders verbeterde opvoeder-leerder verhoudings kan beskerm en bevorder deur doelgerig die ondersteuning van multidissiplinêre spanne te ontgin. Opvoeders moet begelei word om die dinamiese krag van interpersoonlike verhoudings op ‘n kreatiewe manier te gebruik ten einde die volhoubare welstand van skoolgemeenskappe as gesonde en bemagtigende ruimtes te verseker. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding / Salome Steyn

Steyn, Salome January 2014 (has links)
Die fokus van hierdie studie is die verkenning van grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding. Positiewe sielkunde is gebruik as die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, en ‘n fenomenologiese benadering is gebruik as die metodologiese struktuur van die kwalitatiewe studie. Hierdie studie van opvoeder-leerder verhoudings in die grondslagfase is gerig op die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot leerders se goeie prestasies, hulle positiewe ontwikkeling, sowel as die opvoeder se eie werksbevrediging. Dit dra ook by tot die welstand van opvoeders, leerders en die skoolgemeenskap. Alhoewel gesonde verhoudings in die skoolgemeenskap van die allergrootste belang is, blyk dit dat die doelbewuste uitbouing van die skoolgemeenskap se verhoudingswelstand as belangrike sosiale hulpbron verwaarloos of afgewater word. Die volgende navorsingsvraag het na vore gekom: Wat is grondslagfase opvoeders se belewings van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding? Die perspektief van die positiewe benadering van sielkunde is gebruik om die meganismes van gesonde verhoudings binne die skoolgemeenskap bloot te lê. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode om die fenomeen te verken. Inligting is verkry deur middel van individuele onderhoude en ʼn fokusgroepbespreking as navorsingstegnieke. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik en nege grondslagfase opvoeders verbonde aan ‘n privaatskool in die Gauteng-provinsie van Suid-Afrika was deelnemers aan die navorsing. Die doel van die studie was om grondslagfase opvoeders se belewing van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding te verstaan. Tydens die proses van data-insameling is daar visuele en tekstuele data verkry. Deelnemers het collages gemaak ter beskrywing van hul belewing van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding; daarna is individuele onderhoude en die fokusgroepbespreking gevoer. Klankopnames van die versamelde data is getranskribeer, en ‘n narratiewe analise is gedoen. Bevindinge van hierdie studie is vervat in vier hooftemas: Die rol van emosies en verhoudingswelstand, opvoeders se verhoudingsvaardighede, werksbevrediging, uitdagings en verhoudingswelstand. Hierdie bevindings omvat die gesonde hantering van emosies, doelgerigte bevordering van verhoudingsvaardighede, die belewing van werksbevrediging, en die ervaring van uitdagings wat oorwegend gekoppel is aan welvarende leerders se huiskonteks. Die bevindings is verder verfyn in die subtemas wat die grondslagfase opvoeder se alledaagse belewing van die Opvoeder-leerder verhouding opvoeder-leerder verhouding in diepte beskryf. Die bevindings toon dat die opvoeders se positiewe ervaring van die opvoeder-leerder verhouding gesien kan word as ‘n belegging in die welstand en positiewe funksionering van beide die opvoeder en die leerder. Aanbevelings word gemaak sodat opvoeders verbeterde opvoeder-leerder verhoudings kan beskerm en bevorder deur doelgerig die ondersteuning van multidissiplinêre spanne te ontgin. Opvoeders moet begelei word om die dinamiese krag van interpersoonlike verhoudings op ‘n kreatiewe manier te gebruik ten einde die volhoubare welstand van skoolgemeenskappe as gesonde en bemagtigende ruimtes te verseker. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Inleiding tot die eksperimentele Sielkunde

Schlebusch, B. J. January 1948 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Elke skolier wat rue tevrede is om dit op skool slegs met lepels in te kry nie, het seker al gewonder hoe kennis oorspronklik verkry word. In daardie stadium is ons gewoonlik nog tevrede om die feite wat die onderwyser aan ons voorlê, of wat ons in die boeke gelees het, op gesag aan te neem. Maar selfs dan toets ons dikwels daardie gesag deur gewone en terloopse waarnemings. Byvoorbeeld: in die fisika leer ons dat as ons 'n groot en 'n klein klippie gelyktydig van enige hoogte laat val, hulle ook gelyktydig op die aarde sal beland as daar nie met die een klip intussen iets gebeur het wat nie met die ander klip gebeur het nie: met ander woorde as aIle faktore gelyk gebly het. Toe ons van hierdie gelyk-vallende klippies gehoor het, het party van ons op 'n dubbelverdieping gebou, of selfs op die dak van die buitegebou, opgeklim en die twee klippies self laat val om na te gaan of dit werklik so was. En hiermee het ons 'n eenvoudige eksperiment uitgevoer om te toefs of die hennis wat ons geleer het wel reg was. Dit was 'n eenvoudige eksperiment omdat die invloed van die lugdruk, en van die wind wat waai en 'n groter uitwerking op die groot klip het as op die klein klippie, buite rekening gehou is by die waarneming. Ons het ook net van ons oë gebruik gemaak om te kyk of die twee klippe gelyktydig op die aarde beland. Maar as ons middels kon aangewend het om die invloed van die genoemde twee faktore te bepaal, sou dit 'n meer presiese eksperiment gewees het en nie 'n terloopse waarneming nie. Sulke presiese eksperimente word in die laboratorium uitgevoer met die doelom betroubare kennis te kry. Die soort wetenskaplike kennis wat ons op skool leer, is reeds in die verlede deur navorsers vasgestel, en hulle bevindings is nou beskikbaar vir ons in teksboeke. Hulle eksperimente was bedoel om op nuwe kennis uit te kom. Maar die student wat sy verstand gebruik is nie noodwendig tevrede met gesag nie; hy wil self graag eksperimente maak om te sien of wat die gesag beweer werklik so is. Sy eksperimente is bedoel om eerstens te toets of die ander navorsers se resultate reg is, en tweedens 0111 hom oefening te gee met die uitvoering van eksperimente. Navorsers werk op wetenskaplike manier om nuwe kennis te verkry. Dit word vertel dat Newton S)' idee van die aantrekkingskrag van die aarde gekry het toe hy 'n appel sien val het, en dat Archimedes die idee van sy wet: dat voorwerpe in water van hulle gewig verloor, en dat die gewig wat daardie voorwerpe verloor gelykstaan aan die gewig van die volume water wat deur die voorwerpe verplaas word, gekry het terwyl hy besig was om te bad. Waarheid is dat albei allank besig was om oor hulle probleme na te dink en na te soek, en dat toe Newton die appel sien val het en Archimedes die gedagte in die. bad gekry het, dit feite was wat by vorige kennis aangesluit het. Hulle was egter nie daarmee alleen tevrede nie; daarna het albei die gedagte gaan toets .met wetenskaplike proefnemings om op kennis uit te kom. Die proefnemings en wetenskaplike navorsing kan jare en jare se harde werk vereis het. Om die eerste atoombom te laat ontplof het tientalle wetenskaplikes en duisende geskoolde assistente en werksmense jare se werk gekos. So het dit ook baie jare geverg om vas te stel dat mense wat siek word nie getoor is nie maar dat, byvoorbeeld, kieme 'n groot rol kan speel byeen of ander siekteverskynsel; en dit weer het ons aan die wetenskaplike navorsingsmetodes van 'n Pasteur te danke. Die verslag valt wetenshaplilu: navorsers se werk is nou ons wetenskaplike literatuur. Hierdie mense wat 'n eksperiment vir die eerste keer gemaak het, het dit nie gedoen om te toets of ander mense se feite korrek is nie, maar om uit te kom op oorspronklike feite van hul eie. In die Sielkunde is die basis vir die metodes van ondersoek dieselfde as vir ander wetenskappe. Daar is die noodsaaklikheid om deur middel van wetenskaplike proefneming op nuwe kennis uit te kom. Om dit te kan doen moet 'n mens eers leer hoe om 'n proefneming in te rig en moet jy voldoende oefening kry met proefnemings. As studente is dit vir ons 'n vereiste om die verskillende verskynsels self te kan ondersoek en later miskien self op nuwe kennis uit te kom en, wie weet, self een of ander oorspronklike bydrae te maak. Maar dan moet ons weet hoe om 'n eksperiment of ondersoek uit te voer. Om dit geleerd te stel: Ons moet die objektiewe metodes van 'n wetenskaplike eksperiment beheer; ons moet weet hoe om 'n proefneming in te rig.

Ontwerp en evaluering van 'n psigoontwikkelingsprogram vir huweliksverryking.

Daniels, Lito Errol January 1997 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Psychological interventions can take place in a number of ways. The familiar one-to-one therapeutic approach is appropriate in most cases, but within certain contexts the following can be considered as disadvantages of such an approach: it is expensive; it can only involve a small number (one or two) people at any given time. The result is that only a few people can afford this type of service, as well as the under-utilization of professional people's ingenuity and expertise. This is especially the state of affairs pervasive within the South African context, where there exists a great need to involve more clients simultaneously. The latter can be achieved by using the model of the Psycho development process. As a result, Psycho-development programmes has become increasingly relevant in Psychology, Education and associated disciplines. Family Psychology is a field which presents a number of possibilities, concerning the social development of married couples. The development of psycho-social life-skills of married couples, is a specific area in which little research has been done to date - a fact which should be noted. The purpose of the present study was to devise a programme for the development of psycho-social life-skills for married couples. In addition, the results of the programme on an experimental group of married couples were ascertained. For evaluation of the effectiveness of the 'programme, a qualitative evaluation was done by conducting informal discussions with couples who participated. in the programme. 287 In conclusion, the general applicability of the programme for continued use, was assessed. The motivation for the present research was two-folded. Firstly, the author observed deficiencies in the psycho-social life-skills of couples. This observation was reinforced and confirmed through discussions with married couples, social workers and psychologists. Secondly, the assumption that the development of psycho-social life-skills should receive more attention, was confirmed through relevant literature. Most of the existing enrichment-programmes have limited attraction for potential couples. The programme that has been developed to address the problem of deficient psycho-social life-skills of couples, consists of the following sections, namely, "Getting acquainted and listing of strength "Why couples argue II j "Win-Win conflict negotiation" j "Understanding one another and communicating love to your parner"j "Sharing your feelings with your partner and assessing your sexual relationship". The assumption was that there would be a significant difference between couples that took part in a intervention programme (experimental group) and couples that did not take part in a intervention programme (control group). This was operationalised by involving 38 couples (sample) of which 18 couples (experimental group) took part in the intervention programme and 20 couples (control group) who did not take part in the intervention programme. During evaluation the fuctioning of couples was used as criteria, using the Dyadic Adjustment scale (Spanier, 1976) as the evaluation-instrument. The programme was implemented at the beginning of 1996 by applying it to an experimental group. Both the randomly selected experimental group and the control group (N = 76) were assessed by using the standardized measuring instrument. After pre-testing, the programme was implemented over a period of five weeks. Re-measurement (post-testing) occurred during the following two weeks and the follow-on measurement (post-posttesting), 17 weeks after the implementation of the program. Statistical analysis (quantitative investigation) after the implementation of the programme, indicated that the experimental group derived considerable benefit from the programme. This group obtained significantly better results than the control group in every section covered by the programme. These conclusions agree with the predominantly positive comments of the. participants about the quality and suitability of the programme. In conclusion it can be said that the main objectives of the research were accomplished, namely to devise a functional programme for the development of psycho-social life-skills for married couples, and that the validity of the programme has been established, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Practical wisdom as executive virtue for positive psychology : a pastoral-theological evaluation / Johan Leon Ferreira

Ferreira, Johan Leon January 2010 (has links)
The central theoretical statement of this study proposes that practical wisdom as an executive virtue within positive psychology may be applied in a pastoral-theological paradigm. One of the main virtues in positive psychology, namely wisdom, is investigated and defined in this study. The article format has been used in this thesis, ultimately consisting of five articles. In Article 1 the scriptural perspectives found on practical wisdom in the Old Testament are discussed. From the information contained in the article, it is deduced that Old Testament wisdom should and can possibly be used to connect the reader with the teachings in a realistic way so that the person is enabled to apply the principles of Old Testament wisdom literature to everyday circumstance. Article 2 deals with the wisdom principles found in the Sermon on the Mount. It can be said that wisdom teachings found in the Sermon on the Mount could possibly be used to enable the reader to achieve personal happiness in everyday life. It is further concluded that the principle of the transforming initiative could possibly be used in a valid psychotherapeutic process by the Christian psychologist with Christian clients. In Article 3 the meta-theoretical fields of philosophy, psychology, and specifically positive psychology, are investigated in terms of wisdom principles. The study focuses on how practical wisdom can be used as an executive virtue within the context of a Christian psychotherapeutic process. The conclusions from this chapter are used to direct the empirical research on the executive function of wisdom. Wisdom is an essential part of the psychotherapeutic process and can be used to enable the client to achieve personal happiness in everyday life. Article 4 deals with the empirical research where practical wisdom as executive virtue in the psychotherapeutic process was used to drive a process of personal growth and exploration for the clients in this study. It is stated further that wisdom is not the primary aim of the therapeutic intervention, but a tool to assist the therapist and the client in a more effective, outcomes-based, measurable result of personal growth. In Article 5 a pastoral-theological model for the executive virtue of practical wisdom in positive psychology is formulated. This model could possibly be applied to a therapeutic context, providing the client has the ability to comprehend the concepts and that the spiritual dimensions fit into his religious frame of reference. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Practical wisdom as executive virtue for positive psychology : a pastoral-theological evaluation / Johan Leon Ferreira

Ferreira, Johan Leon January 2010 (has links)
The central theoretical statement of this study proposes that practical wisdom as an executive virtue within positive psychology may be applied in a pastoral-theological paradigm. One of the main virtues in positive psychology, namely wisdom, is investigated and defined in this study. The article format has been used in this thesis, ultimately consisting of five articles. In Article 1 the scriptural perspectives found on practical wisdom in the Old Testament are discussed. From the information contained in the article, it is deduced that Old Testament wisdom should and can possibly be used to connect the reader with the teachings in a realistic way so that the person is enabled to apply the principles of Old Testament wisdom literature to everyday circumstance. Article 2 deals with the wisdom principles found in the Sermon on the Mount. It can be said that wisdom teachings found in the Sermon on the Mount could possibly be used to enable the reader to achieve personal happiness in everyday life. It is further concluded that the principle of the transforming initiative could possibly be used in a valid psychotherapeutic process by the Christian psychologist with Christian clients. In Article 3 the meta-theoretical fields of philosophy, psychology, and specifically positive psychology, are investigated in terms of wisdom principles. The study focuses on how practical wisdom can be used as an executive virtue within the context of a Christian psychotherapeutic process. The conclusions from this chapter are used to direct the empirical research on the executive function of wisdom. Wisdom is an essential part of the psychotherapeutic process and can be used to enable the client to achieve personal happiness in everyday life. Article 4 deals with the empirical research where practical wisdom as executive virtue in the psychotherapeutic process was used to drive a process of personal growth and exploration for the clients in this study. It is stated further that wisdom is not the primary aim of the therapeutic intervention, but a tool to assist the therapist and the client in a more effective, outcomes-based, measurable result of personal growth. In Article 5 a pastoral-theological model for the executive virtue of practical wisdom in positive psychology is formulated. This model could possibly be applied to a therapeutic context, providing the client has the ability to comprehend the concepts and that the spiritual dimensions fit into his religious frame of reference. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

First-time mothers' experiences of meaningfulness during their third trimester of pregnancy : a focus on spirituality / Amone Redelinghuys

Redelinghuys, Amone January 2014 (has links)
Pregnancy can be a very difficult time of transition for some women as they have to adapt, change and prepare for the role and responsibility that awaits them after their baby is born. This is especially challenging for first-time mothers as they experience higher levels of anxiety and uncertainty than more experienced mothers. From a fortogenic perspective, pregnancy can be viewed as a developmental opportunity for maturation and growth. With high levels of psychological well-being the new mother will be able achieve optimal functioning by being a sensitive and responsive and confident in her abilities to care for her new-born baby. There is substantial evidence to show that spirituality is strongly associated with psychological well-being, but the lived experiences of first-time mothers have not yet been explored. Therefore this study aims to explore a group of first-time mothers‟ experiences of meaningfulness during their third trimester of pregnancy by focusing on their spirituality. Qualitative research and a phenomenological design were used to gain in-depth understanding of the experiences of first-time mothers. The Mmogo-Method® and reflective journals were used as data-gathering techniques and visual and textual data were captured. The data were analysed by using thematic analysis (textual) and comparing the symbolic values (visual) with the research question. This group of first-time mothers expressed a very personal and intimate relationship with a Divine reality that they rely on and from it they derive a sense of meaningfulness. This sense of meaning stems from their belief that the Divine reality is the giver of life; they were given a responsibility to carry new life. Unconditional trust in the Divine reality makes them willing to surrender control of their lives and accept the responsibility they were given. They find meaning, which potentially has implications for higher levels of psychological well-being. The findings of this research provide the basis for developing interventions for mothers-to-be to make sense of their pregnancy by relying on their pre-existing spiritual frameworks. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

First-time mothers' experiences of meaningfulness during their third trimester of pregnancy : a focus on spirituality / Amone Redelinghuys

Redelinghuys, Amone January 2014 (has links)
Pregnancy can be a very difficult time of transition for some women as they have to adapt, change and prepare for the role and responsibility that awaits them after their baby is born. This is especially challenging for first-time mothers as they experience higher levels of anxiety and uncertainty than more experienced mothers. From a fortogenic perspective, pregnancy can be viewed as a developmental opportunity for maturation and growth. With high levels of psychological well-being the new mother will be able achieve optimal functioning by being a sensitive and responsive and confident in her abilities to care for her new-born baby. There is substantial evidence to show that spirituality is strongly associated with psychological well-being, but the lived experiences of first-time mothers have not yet been explored. Therefore this study aims to explore a group of first-time mothers‟ experiences of meaningfulness during their third trimester of pregnancy by focusing on their spirituality. Qualitative research and a phenomenological design were used to gain in-depth understanding of the experiences of first-time mothers. The Mmogo-Method® and reflective journals were used as data-gathering techniques and visual and textual data were captured. The data were analysed by using thematic analysis (textual) and comparing the symbolic values (visual) with the research question. This group of first-time mothers expressed a very personal and intimate relationship with a Divine reality that they rely on and from it they derive a sense of meaningfulness. This sense of meaning stems from their belief that the Divine reality is the giver of life; they were given a responsibility to carry new life. Unconditional trust in the Divine reality makes them willing to surrender control of their lives and accept the responsibility they were given. They find meaning, which potentially has implications for higher levels of psychological well-being. The findings of this research provide the basis for developing interventions for mothers-to-be to make sense of their pregnancy by relying on their pre-existing spiritual frameworks. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Geskiedenis van die Departement Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1917 tot 1979

Scholtz, Magda 12 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Werkstuk vir die graad van Magister in Lettere en Wysbegeerte (Voorligtingsielkunde) / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this document specific attention was given to the foundation and development of the Department of Psychology at the University of Stellenbosch during the period 1917 to 1979. Furthermore, the role that the Department of Psychology played in the development of psychology in South Africa has been addressed. The initial development of the Department of Psychology, important staff appointments made by the Department as well as contributions made by individuals was mentioned. The role that the Department played in the development of Counselling Psychology, the development of the Clinical- and Counselling Psychology courses, the approval of these courses and the registration of psychologists are discussed. The services rendered by the Department of Psychology, as well as research that have been done and the role that the Department played in the South African context is also included in this study. The findings entailed that the Department had an important influence in the development of psychology. The Department of Psychology at the University of Stellenbosch is the oldest psychology department in South Africa. A strong scientific and experimental approach was established in the Department. Fundamental laboratory work formed the basis for a variety of internationally acknowledged research studies and publications. The Department followed a preventative approach in the training of professional psychologists. The first grade course for the training of counselling psychologists in South Africa was instituted at the Department. The Department also played a leading role in the establishment of the University of Stellenbosch Bureau for Student Counselling. The Department was often criticised for not being involved in socio-political matters in the country during the apartheid era and that the research done by the department was focused on sustaining the apartheid ideology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werkstuk word die totstandkoming en groei van die Departement Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch tussen 1917 en 1979 sowel as die rol wat die departement in die ontwikkeling van sielkunde in Suid-Afrika gespeel het, bespreek. Die totstandkoming van die Departement Sielkunde, belangrike personeel aanstellings wat gemaak is en die belangrikste bydraes wat gelewer is, word bespreek. Daar word ook aandag geskenk aan die rol wat die Departement in die ontwikkeling van Voorligtingsielkunde gespeel het, die ontwikkeling van die Kliniese- en Voorligtingsielkunde kursusse, die goedkeuring van dié kursusse en registrasie van sielkundiges. Verder word gekyk na dienste wat deur die Departement Sielkunde gelewer is, navorsingswerk wat gedoen is asook die Departement se rol en betrokkenheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Daar word bevind dat die Departement 'n uiters belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling van sielkunde gespeel het. Die Departement Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is die oudste sielkunde departement in Suid- Afrika. 'n Sterk wetenskaplike en eksperimentele inslag is van die begin af in die Departement gevestig. Fundamentele laboratoriumwerk wat gedoen is, het tot verskeie internasionaal erkende navorsingsaktiwiteite en publikasies gelei. In die opleiding van professionele sielkundiges is 'n voorkomende benadering deur die Departement gevolg. Die eerste graadkursus vir die opleiding van voorligtingsielkundiges in Suid-Afrika is gevolglik ook by die Departement ingestel. Die Departement het verder 'n leidende rol gespeel in die vestiging van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Buro vir Studentevoorligting. Dit word egter ten laste van die Departement gelê dat die Departement 'n mate van onbetrokkenheid by die sosio-politiese strominge in die land gehad het en deur sy vroeë navorsing bygedra het tot die grondlegging van die apartheidsideologie.

Die ervarings van hoërskoolleerders met liggaamlike gestremdhede

Erasmus, Stephanus Johannes Frederick 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was onderneem om insig te bekom oor hoёrskool leerders met 'n liggaamlike gestremdheid se ervaringe. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen ten einde begrip en insig te ontwikkel omtrent die kernaspekte ter bevordering van effektiewe insluiting van adolessente met 'n liggaamlike gestremdheid tot die hoofstroomskool. Die narratiewe ondersoek as ontwerp was gepas juis omdat so 'n ontwerp kreatiewe ruimte laat vir die deelnemers om die betekenis wat hulle aan hul lewenservarings heg, te verwoord. Die deelnemers is die geleentheid gebied om in hul eie woorde en op hul eie manier hul storie te vertel van hoe hulle met 'n gestremdheid hoёrskool ervaar. Die primêre metodes van ondersoek was semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, een fokusgroeponderhoud en die skep van kollages. Die deelnemers is huidiglik in die adolessensie fase wat hulle op dieselfde emosionele en fisieke ontwikkelingsvlak as hul portuur plaas. Die verskil word gemanifesteer in hoe die adolessente met liggaamlike gestremdhede hulself sien en hoe die reaksies van hulle portuurgroep oor hulle gestremdhede hulle selfbeeld beïnvloed. Beter insig in die realiteit van hul ervarings, hulle gevoelens en uitdagings kan beter ondersteuning aan dié adolessente moontlik maak. Die proses van data-analise het vyf temas opgelewer, naamlik: skoolkeuse, sosiale lewe, ondersteuning, reaksies op gestremdhede en uitdagings. Die kernaspekte hieraan verbonde berus hoofsaaklik op die houdings en sieninge van die hele skoolgemeenskap, die aanspreek van die uitdagings, die benutting van spesifieke onderwys- en onderrigstrategieё ter bevordering van insluiting en die erkenning van die waarde wat die insluiting van adolessente met liggaamlike gestremdhede tot hoofstroom-onderwys toevoeg. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat, alhoewel die reaksies op hul gestremdheid meesal negatief is, word die adolessente deur die positiwiteit van 'n minderheid aangemoedig om uitdagings te oorbrug. Negatiewe ervarings sluit in strukturele uitdagings, gevoelens van hartseer, eensaamheid, uitsluiting, verwerping, frustrasie, onvergenoegheid, angstigheid en geїrriteerdheid. Positiewe ervarings sluit in vaardighede, bekwaamheid, talente, interafhanklikheid, volhoubare ondersteuning en vriendskappe sowel as geleenthede vir interaksie met hulle portuurgroep, veral die van die teenoorgestelde geslag. Die studie het ook leemtes uitgewys in terme van die onvermoё van die onderwysowerheid om hulle insluiting in die hoofstroom te fasiliteer by wyse van infrastruktuur sowel as bewusmakingsveldtogte en die daarstelling van programme om adolessente met 'n liggaamlike gestremdheid te ondersteun. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to acquire insight into the experiences of high school learners with a physical disability. Qualitative research methods were used to develop understanding and insight with regard to core aspects which promotes effective inclusion of adolescents with a physical disability into mainstream. The narrative approach as research design was appropriate especially as this research design allows the participants greater creativity to express in words the meaning of their lived experiences. The participants were offered the opportunity to tell their stories in their own words and in their own way of how they experience high school with a disability. The primary methods of research were semi-structured interviews, one focus group interview and the creation of collages. The participants are currently in the phase of adolescence which places them on the same level of emotional and physical development as their peers. The difference manifests itself in the way that adolescents with a physical disability see themselves and how the reactions of their peers towards their disabilities influence their self-image. Enhanced insight into the reality of the experiences, feelings and challenges of adolescents with disabilities can lead to improved support. The process of data analysis has yielded five themes, namely: school selection, social life, support, reactions towards disabilities and challenges. Important aspects related to these themes are based mainly on the attitudes and views of the whole school community; the way in which challenges are addressed; the utilization of specific education and teaching strategies to improve inclusion and the acknowledgement of the value of inclusion that adolescents with physical disabilities add to mainstream education. The findings indicated that, although the reactions towards their disability are mostly negative, these adolescents are being driven to overcome their challenges through the positivity of a minority. Negative experiences include: structural challenges, feelings of sadness, loneliness, exclusion, rejection, frustration, not being good enough, anxiety and irritability. Positive experiences include: skills, competencies, talents, interdependency, sustainable support and friendships, as well as opportunities for interaction with their peers especially those of the opposite sex. The study also indicated shortcomings in terms of the inability of the education authority to facilitate their inclusion into mainstream with regard to infrastructure, as well as awareness campaigns and the introduction of programmes to support adolescents with a physical disability.

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