Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sielkundige""
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Die selfkonsep van studente wat hakkel : 'n verkennende ondersoekLouw, Karlien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verskynsel van hakkel word omgewe deur persoonlike belewenisse wat bydra tot die vorming van die selfkonsep van iemand wat hakkel. Die toenemende soeke na die oorsake, "behandeling" en "genesing" van hakkel lei waarskynlik tot die onderbeklemtoning van die wyse waarop die persoon sin maak van sy of haar hakkel. Holistiese ondersteuning fokus egter nie slegs op die hantering van hakkel nie, maar ook op die positiewe integrasie van hakkel in iemand se selfkonsep – ongeag die pyn of hartseer wat daarmee geassosieer word. Om dit te kan doen, word kennis benodig van die wyse waarop die verskillende dimensies van die persoon se selfkonsep tot uitdrukking kom.
Die doel van hierdie studie was tweeledig van aard. Eerstens het dit gepoog om die selfkonsep van studente wat hakkel te verken en te beskryf deur middel van hulle belewing daarvan ten opsigte van die verskillende dimensies van die selfkonsep. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot 'n ruimer begrip van die wyse waarop die selfkonsep van die betrokke studente manifesteer in verskillende verhoudings. Tweedens het die studie ten doel gehad om meer holistiese wyses van ondersteuning te identifiseer en wat gevolglik gelei het tot die identifisering van sodanige ondersteuning binne die terapeutiese sowel as die onderrig- en leeromgewings.
Ten einde hakkel as 'n menslike hoedanigheid te verstaan en te verduidelik, word van 'n kwalitatiewe benadering tot navorsing gebruik gemaak. Dit word ondersteun deur gefundeerde teorie as gekose navorsingsontwerp wat die induktiewe wyse van datagenerering en -analise beklemtoon. Die metodes van navorsing ten opsigte van datagenerering sluit in individuele onderhoude en 'n fokusgroep. Data is geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van die konstante vergelykende metode. Die verkenning van die studente se selfkonsep op hierdie wyse het uiteindelik tot die identifisering van enkele determinante ten opsigte van intra- en interpersoonlike funksionering aanleiding gegee. Die twee prosesse van heling en verwonding betrokke in die vorming van die studente se selfkonsep illustreer hoe verhoudings tot die ondersteuning of selfs stigmatisering en gevolglike uitsluiting van hierdie studente bydra.
Die verkenning van die verskillende dimensies van die selfkonsep van studente wat hakkel het die volgende aan die lig gebring: Dat die selfkonsep dien as uitdrukking van die studente se verband met hakkel op die drie verskillende vlakke van sielkundige funksionering, naamlik die:
- Kognitiewe vlak: vervreemding van die outentieke self, persoonlike waarhede, transendensie en kongruensie
- Affektiewe vlak: psigiese verwonding
- Konatiewe vlak: kompensasie, isolasie en projeksie Spesifieke terapeutiese benaderinge kan moontlik heling bevorder by die student wie se selfkonsep broos blyk te wees weens die verwonding wat soms met hakkel gepaard gaan. Dit kan waarskynlik as 'n voorafgaande raamwerk dien vir die ontwikkeling van 'n enkele, meer omvattende behandelingsplan ter bevordering van 'n positiewe selfkonsep. Toeganklikheid ten opsigte van akademiese deelname vir studente wat hakkel behoort bevorder te word in 'n veilige en nie-bedreigende onderrig- en leeromgewing. Spesifieke wyses van ondersteuning in die konteks van die Universiteit Stellenbosch is voorgestel. Die uitsluiting van studente wat hakkel weens stigmatisering bring psigiese verwonding mee, wat gevolglik bydra tot die wyse waarop die student se selfkonsep tot uitdrukking kom.
As navorser vertrou ek dat hierdie studie sal bydra tot 'n ruimer begrip van die selfkonsep van studente wat hakkel. Op so 'n wyse kan Opvoedkundige Sielkunde as vakgebied 'n agent van verandering wees, deurdat dit krities-reflekterende denke ten opsigte van die holistiese ondersteuning van studente wat hakkel, aanmoedig. Die teoreties gefundeerde gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings in hierdie tesis kan dien as kennisraamwerk vir toekomstige navorsing op hierdie gebied. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of stuttering encompasses personal experiences that contribute to the forming of the self-concept of somebody who stutters. The increased search for the causes, "treatment" and "curing" of stuttering probably leads to underemphasising the manner in which the person makes sense of his or her stuttering. However, holistic support focuses not only on dealing with stuttering, but also on the positive integration of stuttering in someone's self-concept – regardless of the pain or distress associated with it. To be able to do this, knowledge about the manner in which the various dimensions of the person's self-concept are expressed, is required.
The aim of this study was of dual purpose. Firstly it attempted to explore and describe the self-concepts of students who stutter by means of their experiences of stuttering with regard to the different dimensions thereof. This has lead to a better understanding of the way in which the self-concept of the students concerned becomes manifested in different relationships. Secondly this study aimed to identify more holistic ways of support which has lead to the identification of such ways in both the therapeutic and teaching and learning environments.
To understand and explain stuttering as a human quality, a qualitative approach to research is used. It is supported by grounded theory as selected research design, which emphasises the inductive method of data generation and analysis. The methods of research with regard to data generation include individual interviews and a focus group. Data is analysed by using the constant comparative method. Exploring the students' self-concepts in this way eventually led to the identification of a few determinants with regard to intra- and interpersonal functioning. The two processes of healing and suffering involved in students' self-concepts illustrate how relationships contribute to the support or even stigmatisation and consequential exclusion of these students.
The exploration of the different dimensions of the self-concept of students who stutter brought the following to light: That the self-concept serves as a manifestation of the students’ relationship with stuttering on the three different levels of psychological functioning, namely the:
- Cognitive level: alienation of authentic self, personal truths, transendence and congruency
- Affective level: psychological distress (suffering)
- Conative level: compensation, isloation, projection Specific therapeutic approaches can possibly enhance healing in the student whose self-concept seems to be brittle due to the psychological distress or suffering that sometimes goes with stuttering. It can probably serve as a preliminary framework for developing a single, more comprehensive treatment plan to enhance a positive self-concept. Accessibility with regard to academic participation for students who stutter should be enhanced in a safe and non-threatening teaching and learning environment. Specific ways of support in the context of the Stellenbosch University are suggested. The exclusion of students who stutter due to stigmatisation causes psychological suffering, which consequently contributes to the manner in which the student's self-concept is expressed.
As a researcher, I trust that this study will contribute to a broader understanding of the self-concept of students who stutter. In such a way, Educational Psychology as a subject field could be an agent for change by supporting critical-reflective thinking with regard to the holistic support of students who stutter. The theoretically grounded conclusions and recommendations in this thesis could serve as a framework of knowledge for future research in this field.
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Ingrid Jonker : 'n psigologiese analiseVan der Merwe, Lucas Martinus January 1978 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om met behulp van die werktuie,
deur die Sielkunde ontwikkel, 'n analise van Ingrid Jonker
(1933-1965) te maak en sodoende meer oor die "kuns van
menswees" te wete te kom. Dit geskied aan die hand van 'n
ondersoek na haar lewe en werk, wat so gevoer word dat groter
begrip vir die medemens in die algemeen en vir die skeppendbegaafde
persoon in die besonder, daaruit voortspruit.
In die inleiding tot die eerste hoofstuk word die probleemstelling uiteengesit. Daarna word daar op die wisselwerking
tussen die Letterkunde en die Sielkunde ingegaan en aangetoon
hoedat wedersydse bevrugting dikwels langs hierdie weg, wat
oor baie jare strek, plaasgevind het. Vervolgens word die
wyse waarop kuns deur sommige ondersoekers aan 'n psigopatologiese verskynsel gelykgestel word, krities ondersoek.
Verskille word aangetoon en sowel die oorsprong van, as die
gevare verbonde aan so 'n gelykstelling word blootgelê.
Hierna word die verwantskap tussen skepper en skepping en
die verskillende vorms wat dit mag aanneem, uiteengesit en
ondersoek. Vervolgens word aangetoon waarom Ingrid Jonker tot onderwerp
van studie gekies is. Die plek wat sy in die Afrikaanse
Letterkunde inneem, haar invloed op ander kunstenaars, die
omstandighede wat haar lewe gekenmerk het, die invloed van
die era waarin sy geleef het en ander faktore, wat die keuse
beinvloed het, word uiteengesit. In die laaste afdeling van hierdie hoofstuk word die wyse
waarop daar in die analise te werk gegaan is, verantwoord.
Die teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie word uiteengesit
en daaruit blyk dat die analise beskou word as 'n poging
tot doeltreffende begrip van 'n persoon wat nie in die
hier-en-nou situasie aanwesig is nie. Hierdie sogenaamde
"analise in absentia" is dan geskoei op die lees van daardie
psigoterapeutiese pogings wat op empatiese begrip van die
medemens gebaseer is.
Besondere klem word gelê op die feit dat die sielkundige
die terrein van die Kuns as sielkundige betree en dat kunskritiek en kunswaardering hoegenaamd nie aan die orde kom
nie. Die analise is derhalwe uitsluitlik daarop afgestem
om tot 'n ryker begrip van Ingrid Jonker se lewe te lei, om
haar werk op so 'n wyse te ontsluit dat die mens daaragter
vir sover moontlik kenbaar word en om idees wat andersins
nie verband met mekaar sou hou nie en gedrag wat andersins
onverklaarbaar sou wees, tot 'n sinvolle geheel saam te snoer.
Om hiertoe te kan kom, word die begrippe waarvan daar gebruik
gemaak word, onderskei en sowel die metodes wat gevolg as die
beginsels wat toegepas word, uiteengesit. In die laaste instansie kom die wyse waarop daar in ander soortgelyke ondersoeke te werk gegaan is en die mate van ooreenkoms wat dit
met hierdie studie vertoon, aan die orde.
Ingrid Jonker se lewensloop word volledig in die eerste gedeelte van hoofstuk twee uiteengesit. Hierna word 'n aantal
van haar werke wat sowel gedigte as sketse, kortverhale en
'n drama insluit, in chronologiese volgorde gerangskik en
in ses afdelings, verteenwoordigend van verskillende tydperke
in haar lewe, aangebied en ontleed. Aan die einde van elke
afdeling word die belangrikste temas wat daarin voorkom,
saamgevat. Ten slotte word 'n oorkoepelende uiteensetting
van al die verskillende temas gegee. Sommige van die werke
wat ontleed word is vry-algemeen bekend en is ook in haar
gepubliseerde bundels opgeneem. Ander kom slegs in jeug- en
populêre tydskrifte voor. In hoofstuk drie word die nuwe begrip vir die kunstenares
as mens, waartoe daar uit die beskrywing van haar lewe en
die ontleding van haar werk gekom is, opnuut saamgestel.
Eers word sommige van haar persoonlikheidseienskappe beskryf,
daarna word 'n uiteensetting van die verskillende gevoelens
en behoeftes wat sy ervaar het, gegee. Dit word opgevolg
deur 'n beskrywing van die houdings en gedrag wat sy openbaar het. In die laaste instansie word die aanpassingsprobleme wat sy ondervind het en die beskerrnings- en aanpassingsmeganisrnes waarvan sy gebruik gernaak het, weergegee.
Omdat soveel wanopvattinge oor haar geestestoestand wêreldin
gestuur is, word in die volgende afdeling hieraan aandag
gegee. Die laaste afdeling van die hoofstuk word gewy aan
'n uiteensetting van die gevolgtrekkings, waartoe daar voortspruitend uit hierdie studie, geraak is. In hoofstuk vier kom die implikasies wat hierdie studie vir
die Sielkunde inhou en die raakpunte tussen haar lewe en die
werk van 'n psigoterapeut, aan die orde. Eerstens word die
voorveronderstellings waarop die studie gebaseer is, herbevestig en daarna word aangetoon watter insigte dit opgelewer het. So beklemtoon dit, byvoorbeeld, dat die mens
nie net in afsondering van sy medemens beskou en behandel kan
word nie. Daar word dus aangetoon hoedat sy nie anders as
teen die agtergrond van die gesinsdinamiek, waarvan sy deel
gevorm het, begryp kon word nie en hoedat hierdie verbondenheid in die terapeutiese hulp wat sy ontvang het, ingeweef
kon word. In dieselfde trant word aangetoon hoedat die
tyd waarin sy geleef het en die samelewing waarvan sy deel
gevorm het, 'n ewe belangrike invloed op haar uitgeoefen
het. Haar vermoë om intens by 'n situasie betrokke te wees en
tegelykertyd objektief daarteenoor te staan, kom as derde
raakpunt met die werk van 'n psigoterapeut aan die orde.
In die laaste instansie word aangetoon hoedat die Sielkunde,
soos trouens ook elke ander dissipline, binne perke lê en
hoedat dit, in 'n ondersoek van hierdie aard, nie alle antwoorde verskaf nie. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1978. / gm2013 / Psychology / unrestricted
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Learners' perceptions of respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community / Lucie GrimovaGrimova, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
From a positive psychology perspective, the last few decades have seen continuous
growth in research emphasising well-being in school communities. Schools should be viewed
as spaces that enable life success, as opposed to mere learning environments aimed at
academic success. Well-being is often associated with relational well-being and building,
enhancing and maintaining positive relationships at schools. Along with academic
performance, relational well-being is vital to learners‟ current and future development. Such
social well-being may, in turn, affect psychological well-being positively, as these two
influence each other greatly. In this context, positive educator-learner relationships must be
based on mutual respect, as it may provide a vast array of benefits to secondary learners‟
well-being and academic performance. Moreover, positive interpersonal connections between
educators and learners based on mutual respect are valuable tools for managing effective
discipline in classrooms, which means that educators also benefit from protecting and
promoting good relationships with their learners. Positive educator-learner relationships are
highly relevant for secondary school learners living in high-risk communities, where support
and resources for enhancing and developing their psychosocial well-being are limited. For
such leaners school is often the only safe and supportive environment they have. It is
therefore imperative to bring the personal into the educational environment by building,
enhancing and maintaining respectful educator-learner relationships based on mutual respect.
However, educator-learner relationships have specifically been neglected in regard to
learners‟ perceptions of respect as experienced from and given to educators. Due to the
identified gap in the literature, the main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore and
describe, through qualitative, phenomenological research design, learners‟ perceptions of
respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community within a high-risk
environment in the South African context. The participants for this study were fifteen secondary school Grade 12 learners. The data
were gathered in two phases, namely written assignments, and, the World Café technique was
applied. Thematic analysis was used to identify relevant themes. The findings revealed three
main themes, and each theme includes several subthemes. Firstly, respect is well-intended
behaviour, with the subthemes being listening and paying attention; good communication;
obeying educators and school rules; good manners such as being helpful, polite and kind, and
greeting others; saying thank you and please; academic responsibility; and receiving support
and praise from educators. Secondly, respect is positive relationships, with the subthemes
being building a relationship; parent-child relationship; as well as trust and confidentiality.
Thirdly, respect is consistent, fair and mutual, with the subthemes being respect as a two-way
street; respect as something to be earned; respect as something that is consistent over time;
and respect that means treating everyone equally, fairly and with acceptance. It can be
summarised that all participants‟ responses illustrated a collective yet subjective learners‟
perceptions of respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community
within a high risk community in South Africa. For further research it was recommended to
gain better understanding how learners in secondary school communities perceive respect in
educator-learner relationships in regard to various cultures. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Experiences of meaningfulness by a group of women during their first pregnancy : a focus on relationships / Jomari de BeerDe Beer, Jomari January 2014 (has links)
The health and wellbeing of pregnant women are considered to be an international priority by the World Health Organization (WHO). Even though pregnant women constitute a large part of the population globally and in South Africa, there is a lack of research regarding their psychological wellbeing. It is known that a psychologically well-functioning pregnant woman has the capacity to attach to her baby and to be an effective parent. The WHO places emphasis on the health of pregnant women not only because they are crucial to the survival and reproduction of humanity, but also because they are more vulnerable during pregnancy and need extra support. Pregnancy is associated with many physical and psychological changes and has a major impact on a woman’s life. Although there are challenges associated with pregnancy, it can also be a special experience of psychological and personal growth. Most previous studies have focused on the medical, biological, and pathological aspects of pregnancy. Although this research is important, it is crucial that psychological well-being during pregnancy is investigated in order to find ways to proactively strengthen it. Research showed that women whose psychological well-being is lacking are vulnerable and prone to developing mental disorders. A pregnant woman who is psychologically well is better equipped to form a healthy attachment with her baby, cope with her newfound parenthood, and is less likely to develop pregnancy-related mental illness. It is clear that the presence of meaningfulness in life leads to enhanced psychological well-being. This study is conducted from a psychofortological perspective and focuses on exploring and gaining a deeper understanding of first-time pregnant women’s experiences of meaningfulness during their pregnancy. A qualitative, phenomenological approach was used to gain a deep understanding of the women’s experience of meaningfulness. Reflexive journals and the Mmogo-method® were used to gather data. After a thematic analysis was done on the visual (the presentations and participant’s explanations thereof) and textual (reflexive journals) data a deeper understanding was gained of the participants’ experiences of meaningfulness during pregnancy. According to the data spirituality and relationships contributed most to their experience of meaningfulness during pregnancy. This study focused only on how meaningfulness was found in the participant’s various relationships during their pregnancy. The main relationships that were identified were with their husband, their unborn baby, and with their parents. A rich description of these relationships helped to deepen our understanding of the first-time pregnant women’s experience of meaningfulness. The findings from this study make a valuable contribution to the improved understanding of the concept meaningfulness in the specific life domain of relationships and in the context of pregnancy. This confirmed the structure of the Meaning Model of Wissing and Delle Fave (2014) and deepened our understanding of the ‘meaningfulness in life’ category. This understanding is valuable as it can be used proactively to develop programmes to enhance pregnant women’s psychological well-being. No previous research in this regard in the South African context specifically could be found. Literature indicated that there is a lack of research to better our understanding of meaningfulness in different life domains and contexts, especially from a psychofortological perspective. This study’s contribution is significant as it not only deepens our understanding of meaningfulness experienced during pregnancy and the role relationships play, but also because it can make a valuable contribution to informing, developing, and implementing intervention programmes to proactively enhance the psychological well-being of pregnant women in South Africa. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Learners' perceptions of respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community / Lucie GrimovaGrimova, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
From a positive psychology perspective, the last few decades have seen continuous
growth in research emphasising well-being in school communities. Schools should be viewed
as spaces that enable life success, as opposed to mere learning environments aimed at
academic success. Well-being is often associated with relational well-being and building,
enhancing and maintaining positive relationships at schools. Along with academic
performance, relational well-being is vital to learners‟ current and future development. Such
social well-being may, in turn, affect psychological well-being positively, as these two
influence each other greatly. In this context, positive educator-learner relationships must be
based on mutual respect, as it may provide a vast array of benefits to secondary learners‟
well-being and academic performance. Moreover, positive interpersonal connections between
educators and learners based on mutual respect are valuable tools for managing effective
discipline in classrooms, which means that educators also benefit from protecting and
promoting good relationships with their learners. Positive educator-learner relationships are
highly relevant for secondary school learners living in high-risk communities, where support
and resources for enhancing and developing their psychosocial well-being are limited. For
such leaners school is often the only safe and supportive environment they have. It is
therefore imperative to bring the personal into the educational environment by building,
enhancing and maintaining respectful educator-learner relationships based on mutual respect.
However, educator-learner relationships have specifically been neglected in regard to
learners‟ perceptions of respect as experienced from and given to educators. Due to the
identified gap in the literature, the main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore and
describe, through qualitative, phenomenological research design, learners‟ perceptions of
respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community within a high-risk
environment in the South African context. The participants for this study were fifteen secondary school Grade 12 learners. The data
were gathered in two phases, namely written assignments, and, the World Café technique was
applied. Thematic analysis was used to identify relevant themes. The findings revealed three
main themes, and each theme includes several subthemes. Firstly, respect is well-intended
behaviour, with the subthemes being listening and paying attention; good communication;
obeying educators and school rules; good manners such as being helpful, polite and kind, and
greeting others; saying thank you and please; academic responsibility; and receiving support
and praise from educators. Secondly, respect is positive relationships, with the subthemes
being building a relationship; parent-child relationship; as well as trust and confidentiality.
Thirdly, respect is consistent, fair and mutual, with the subthemes being respect as a two-way
street; respect as something to be earned; respect as something that is consistent over time;
and respect that means treating everyone equally, fairly and with acceptance. It can be
summarised that all participants‟ responses illustrated a collective yet subjective learners‟
perceptions of respect in educator-learner relationships in a secondary school community
within a high risk community in South Africa. For further research it was recommended to
gain better understanding how learners in secondary school communities perceive respect in
educator-learner relationships in regard to various cultures. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Experiences of meaningfulness by a group of women during their first pregnancy : a focus on relationships / Jomari de BeerDe Beer, Jomari January 2014 (has links)
The health and wellbeing of pregnant women are considered to be an international priority by the World Health Organization (WHO). Even though pregnant women constitute a large part of the population globally and in South Africa, there is a lack of research regarding their psychological wellbeing. It is known that a psychologically well-functioning pregnant woman has the capacity to attach to her baby and to be an effective parent. The WHO places emphasis on the health of pregnant women not only because they are crucial to the survival and reproduction of humanity, but also because they are more vulnerable during pregnancy and need extra support. Pregnancy is associated with many physical and psychological changes and has a major impact on a woman’s life. Although there are challenges associated with pregnancy, it can also be a special experience of psychological and personal growth. Most previous studies have focused on the medical, biological, and pathological aspects of pregnancy. Although this research is important, it is crucial that psychological well-being during pregnancy is investigated in order to find ways to proactively strengthen it. Research showed that women whose psychological well-being is lacking are vulnerable and prone to developing mental disorders. A pregnant woman who is psychologically well is better equipped to form a healthy attachment with her baby, cope with her newfound parenthood, and is less likely to develop pregnancy-related mental illness. It is clear that the presence of meaningfulness in life leads to enhanced psychological well-being. This study is conducted from a psychofortological perspective and focuses on exploring and gaining a deeper understanding of first-time pregnant women’s experiences of meaningfulness during their pregnancy. A qualitative, phenomenological approach was used to gain a deep understanding of the women’s experience of meaningfulness. Reflexive journals and the Mmogo-method® were used to gather data. After a thematic analysis was done on the visual (the presentations and participant’s explanations thereof) and textual (reflexive journals) data a deeper understanding was gained of the participants’ experiences of meaningfulness during pregnancy. According to the data spirituality and relationships contributed most to their experience of meaningfulness during pregnancy. This study focused only on how meaningfulness was found in the participant’s various relationships during their pregnancy. The main relationships that were identified were with their husband, their unborn baby, and with their parents. A rich description of these relationships helped to deepen our understanding of the first-time pregnant women’s experience of meaningfulness. The findings from this study make a valuable contribution to the improved understanding of the concept meaningfulness in the specific life domain of relationships and in the context of pregnancy. This confirmed the structure of the Meaning Model of Wissing and Delle Fave (2014) and deepened our understanding of the ‘meaningfulness in life’ category. This understanding is valuable as it can be used proactively to develop programmes to enhance pregnant women’s psychological well-being. No previous research in this regard in the South African context specifically could be found. Literature indicated that there is a lack of research to better our understanding of meaningfulness in different life domains and contexts, especially from a psychofortological perspective. This study’s contribution is significant as it not only deepens our understanding of meaningfulness experienced during pregnancy and the role relationships play, but also because it can make a valuable contribution to informing, developing, and implementing intervention programmes to proactively enhance the psychological well-being of pregnant women in South Africa. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Die role van die leerondersteuner binne inklusiewe onderwysVan Graan, Mariette 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MEd))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMIMG: Die transformasie vanaf ʼn tradisionele onderwysstelsel na ʼn inklusiewe stelsel het ʼn perspektiefverandering tot gevolg gehad. Die verandering in perspektief het ʼn verskuiwing weg van ʼn klem op individuele diagnose en voorskriftelike terapeutiese intervensies deur professionele persone, na ʼn groter klem op die ontwikkeling van samewerkende en konsulterende verhoudings tussen onderwysers, professionele persone en ouers meegebring. Hierdie verandering in denke het ʼn invloed gehad op die rolle van onderwysers, skoolhoofde en ondersteuningspersoneel. In hierdie studie word daar spesifiek gefokus op die rol- en praktykomskakelings van die eertydse remediërende onderwysers na leerondersteunende onderwysers (leerondersteuners).
Navorsingstudies het getoon dat die rol van die leerondersteuner tans baie meer omvattend is as vroeër, met die gevolg dat die volgende navorsingsvrae ontstaan het: Wat is die rol van leerondersteuners binne inklusiewe onderwys en watter ervarings het hulle gehad tydens hul rol- en praktykomskakelings?
Die doel van hierdie generiese interpretatiewe navorsingstudie was om vier leerondersteuners wat voorheen as remediërende onderwysers gewerk het se ervarings van hul rol- en praktykomskakelings te analiseer, te beskryf en te verduidelik. Die studie is gedoen vanuit die interpretatiewe paradigma wat die kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gerig het. Data is deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde en fokusgroeponderhoude asook dokumente van die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement gegenereer. Die onderhoudsdata is getranskribeer en verwerk.
Bevindinge het getoon dat al die leerondersteuners unieke ervarings gehad het. Daar was egter ʼn ooreenkoms in die ervaring van ʼn klemverskuiwing wat plaasgevind het vanaf remediërende onderwys na leerondersteuning. ʼn Belangrike aspek wat uit die data voortgespruit het, was dat leerondersteuners se daaglikse take en verantwoordelikhede by hul spesifieke skole grootliks van mekaar verskil het, vanweë die verskillende skoolkontekste.
Daar is verder bevind dat daar ʼn leemte is in die ondersteuning wat leerondersteuners aan onderwysers bied. Voorstelle is gemaak om ondersteuningsnetwerke te vorm binne die verskillende sisteme van die leerder se konteks, sodat skole omgeskakel kan word na inklusiewe gemeenskappe. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transformation from a traditional education system to an inclusive education system implies a change in perspectives. Perspectives in education support that have traditionally focused on the so-called medical deficit approach have since changed to a model that focuses on inclusive education. An inclusive education system moves away from an approach that focused on diagnosis and treatment, to a system where the removal of stumbling blocks within society and the participation of all people, especially those with differences, in the everyday life of society, are recognised. The change in perspective requires the transformation in the roles of education support professionals. This study focuses specifically on these role conversions that the former remedial teachers have to make in becoming learning support teachers.
Research has shown that the role of learning support teachers is more comprehensive within an inclusive system. This led to the following research questions: How do learning support teachers experience their role conversion? Because studies proved it to be problematic to define the role of the learning support teacher, due the influence of the context on their work, a second question arose: What is the role of the learning support teacher within an inclusive education system?
The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to analyse, describe and explain the experiences of four remedial teachers during their role conversion to learning support teachers. The study was conducted within an interpretive paradigm which guided the qualitative research design. Data was generated by means of semi-structured and focus group interviews and included relevant documents from the Western Cape Education Department regarding the role of learning support teachers and inclusion. The interview data were transcribed and analysed.
The findings show that all the learning support teachers had unique experiences during the role conversion. An important aspect that resulted from the data was that the day-to-day operations and responsibilities of learning support teachers differed from one another, due to the difference in the school contexts.
An additional outcome of the analysis identified a lack of support for teachers. Recommendations are made to create support networks within the different systems of the learner‟s context to ensure that schools are converted to inclusive communities
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Job stress in management personnel in secondary schools : an educational-psychological investigation / Shelley SmitSmit, Shelley January 2000 (has links)
The aims of this study were to determine: • The nature of job stress. • Factors causing job stress in management personnel. • The perceived severity or intensity of job stress in management personnel in secondary schools. • The frequency of occurrence of job stress in management personnel in secondary schools.
In order to achieve these aims a literature study and empirical investigation were
undertaken. The data was investigated and evaluated and certain conclusions were
made. Appropriate primary and secondary sources were used in the literature study.
A DIALOG search was conducted using the following key words: job stress,
occupational stress, career stress, work stress, management and education. The
nature of job stress and factors causing job stress in management personnel were
Spielberger's Job Stress Survey (JSS) was used for the empirical investigation. This
questionnaire was designed to determine the amount of stress associated with a
particular event and the frequency of its occurrence.
The population consisted of the management teams (principals, deputy principals and
heads of department) of 180 randomly selected secondary schools throughout South
Africa. The management teams of 102 secondary schools throughout South Africa
constituted the sample.
The data obtained in the empirical investigation was statistically analysed and
interpreted. In conclusion the study was summarised, findings were reported and
specific recommendations were made for implementation in practice and for further
research. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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Job stress in management personnel in secondary schools : an educational-psychological investigation / Shelley SmitSmit, Shelley January 2000 (has links)
The aims of this study were to determine: • The nature of job stress. • Factors causing job stress in management personnel. • The perceived severity or intensity of job stress in management personnel in secondary schools. • The frequency of occurrence of job stress in management personnel in secondary schools.
In order to achieve these aims a literature study and empirical investigation were
undertaken. The data was investigated and evaluated and certain conclusions were
made. Appropriate primary and secondary sources were used in the literature study.
A DIALOG search was conducted using the following key words: job stress,
occupational stress, career stress, work stress, management and education. The
nature of job stress and factors causing job stress in management personnel were
Spielberger's Job Stress Survey (JSS) was used for the empirical investigation. This
questionnaire was designed to determine the amount of stress associated with a
particular event and the frequency of its occurrence.
The population consisted of the management teams (principals, deputy principals and
heads of department) of 180 randomly selected secondary schools throughout South
Africa. The management teams of 102 secondary schools throughout South Africa
constituted the sample.
The data obtained in the empirical investigation was statistically analysed and
interpreted. In conclusion the study was summarised, findings were reported and
specific recommendations were made for implementation in practice and for further
research. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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Die ontwikkeling van 'n psigometriese instrument om die leerbenadering van volwassenes te bepaal (Afrikaans)Schaap, Pieter 19 January 2007 (has links)
The effectiveness with which people learn in modem organizations is increasingly emphasized in today's information and knowledge driven economy. The effectiveness of learning and the increase of expertise in a rapidly and dramatically changing economic, political and social environment is regarded as being extremely important for the success and survival of organizations. The way an individual views the process of learning influences the learner's approach to a learning opportunity and the effectiveness of the learning process concerned. An individual's awareness of his/her own learning approach and opportunities for critical and realistic reflection on his/her own behaviour is important for the development of effective learning. Opportunities for critical and realistic reflection on his/her own learning behaviour promotes a learner's ability to handle new and complex situations. The need for a reliable and valid measure for learning approaches as a means to facilitate critical and realistic reflection by a learner must be emphasized in this regard. Related to this is the need for a systems model which promotes a holistic approach to the interpretation of learning approaches and the facilitation of effective learning within organizations. The primary aim of the study was to develop a questionnaire with acceptable psychometric properties which could be used to determine the learning approaches of adults. The secondary aim of the study was to develop a systems model which indicates the relationship between learning approaches, macro- and micro-learning environment factors, personal factors and learning outcomes for organizations. A literature analysis was undertaken to develop a systems model (secondary aim) which could serve as a theoretical framework for the development of a learning approaches questionnaire. Different approaches as described in existing literature were identified, delimited and defined. The factors which influence individuals' learning approaches were investigated. A systems model of learning was developed on the basis of the literature study. This model is used to indicate the relations between learning approaches, learning environment factors, personal factors and learning outcomes. A clear and identifiable input component, a process component and an outcomes component which are interdependent and interact with one another, were identified on the basis of the literature. The study concluded that a systems model of learning provides a useful holistic framework to assist the understanding, interpretation and influencing of learning approaches and the factors which influence learning approaches. The empirical part of the study focuses on the development of a learning approaches questionnaire for adults. The learning approaches questionnaire (LAQ) which was developed consists of two sections, a learning approaches in terms of the learning content section (LAQc) and a learning approaches in terms of social orientation section (LAQs). The LAQc section consists of a deep, surface and achievement learning motive dimension and a related deep, surface and achievement strategy dimension, as well as a self-efficacy and fear-of-failure dimension. The LAQs consists of a dependent, independent, co-operative and competitive learning approach dimension. The research results demonstrated that the LAQ displays content, factor and construct validity. The factor structures of the LAQ are stable for business and tertiary learning contexts. The research results also showed that the LAQ is a reliable and unbiased measure for various language groups. The results of the empirical investigation strongly supported the systems model of learning. The grouping of learning approaches according to particular views of what learning encompasses, the mutual relations between learning approaches, as well as the situational nature of learning approaches as depicted in the systems model, were confirmed. By using the systems model of learning, the LAQ can make an important contribution to the facilitation of effective learning in organizations. / Thesis (D Com (Human Resources Management))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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