Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sielkundige""
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Positive psychology and subclinical eating disorders in South Africa : a literature review / Kirsten D.K.Kirsten, Doret Karen January 2011 (has links)
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body–dissatisfaction (BD) and drive for thinness (DT) globally and locally, and the at–risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exists no South African program tailored to the needs of afflicted female students and which includes a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory. In this chapter a theoretical overview on the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence and the rationale for a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory are provided. Thereafter three preliminary South African studies, namely two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis & Swanepoel, 2010) and the Weight Over–concern and Well–being program of Kirsten, Du Plessis and Du Toit (2007) are discussed. Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing Positive Psychology theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and promote protective factors. As such, Well–being therapy (Fava & Ruini, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well–being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and Self–Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) that can promote true self–esteem in the form of self–determination and mindfulness (Kabat–Zinn, 1998), with its inherent self–compassion, kindness and self–forgiving manner, show promise. More in–depth studies with larger samples are however needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Investigating the role of translators in cross-language qualitative research in psychologyde Vos, Jacqueline January 2018 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana. / Academics in social sciences are increasingly conducting research in multilingual contexts.
Researchers in the field of cross-language research agree that issues on the role of
translators and translation are often neglected and even omitted in research reports, which
may affect the trustworthiness of such a study. The aim of this study was to investigate the
role of translators in cross-language qualitative research from the views of master’s and
doctoral students who conducted cross-language qualitative research in psychology at a
selected South African university.
Exploratory qualitative research and methodology were deemed suitable for this study. Key
participants were sampled through snowball sampling. Five postgraduates availed
themselves to participate. Data were collected by semi-structured e-mail, telephone and/or
face-to-face interviews. Semi-structured interviews were audio recorded and transcribed by
the researcher after the interviews. As the number of available participants was limited, the
researcher also sampled unpublished dissertations (5) and doctoral theses (2) to conduct
document analysis.
Transcripts were imported into ATLAS.ti™, whereafter the qualitative data were analysed
by means of thematic data analysis. Five main themes emerged from the data. Themes from
the transcripts as well as notes in the researcher’s reflective journal and relevant literature
findings were collated. Finally, a critical discussion was provided.
Key participants believed that translators may play a significant role in several stages of a
cross-language qualitative study. Participants reported experiencing several translation
challenges, namely: language barriers between them and their research participants;
difficulty translating subject terminology from English into Afrikaans; and outdated bilingual
scientific dictionaries. Findings also revealed that the credentials of the translator hired may
have an impact, whether positive or negative, on the translation product.
Reasons why translators may be excluded from a cross-language qualitative study were
also highlighted. Firstly, although some of the participants reported that translators may be
valuable in a cross-language study, all of them strongly asserted that they possessed high
language competency, and therefore they deemed the inclusion of translators unnecessary.
It also emerged that qualitative researchers may need to be cognisant of ethical issues that
may arise in a cross-language study. Translators may further be excluded as translation
may not be suitable for the specific research design (for example, phenomenology). Finally,
researchers may not have the financial means to hire translators.
None of the key participants reported the language/translation challenges they experienced
during their studies and the possible impact it may have had on the methodology or quality
of data. They did not deem it an important aspect of their studies. In some of the dissertations
and theses sampled, only the mother tongue of participants was often indicated but, in most
cases, was discussed very superficially. These researchers mostly mentioned (as part of
the biographic information) the language profile of their participants; that the data for that
study were collected in either Afrikaans or English; and that the data were translated and
analysed. Finally, although some of the sampled research reports were edited by
professional language practitioners, translation and grammatical errors were clear
throughout in the manuscripts. From this research it was clear that including translators in
cross-language qualitative research in psychology is not a common practice in the South
African context, and matters relating to translation and how challenges in this regard were
dealt with are grossly neglected and mostly omitted in postgraduate research reports. To
conclude, limitations of this study were highlighted, and recommendations for future
translation research and practice were made.
Keywords:; / Navorsing in sosiale wetenskappe word toenemend in veeltalige kontekste uitgevoer.
Kruistaal kwalitatiewe navorsers is dit eens dat vraagstukke rondom die rol van vertalers en
vertaling gereeld oor die hoof gesien word en selfs in navorsingsverslae uitgelaat word, wat
uiteindelik die vetrouenswaardigheid van so ʼn studie mag affekteer. Hierdie studie het ten
doel gehad om ondersoek in te stel na die rol van vertalers in kruistaal kwalitatiewe
navorsing vanuit die oogpunt van meestersgraad- en doktorale studente wat kruistaal
kwalitatiewe navorsing in sielkunde aan ʼn gekose Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit uitgevoer het.
Eksploratiewe kwalitatiewe navorsing en metodologie is as geskik geag vir hierdie studie.
Sleuteldeelnemers is deur middel van sneeubalsteekproefneming gekies. Vyf nagraadse
studente het hulleself beskikbaar gestel om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Data is deur
middel van semi-gestruktureerde e-pos-, telefoon- en aangesig-tot-aangesig-onderhoude
ingesamel. Die aantal deelnemers wat aan die studie kon deelneem was beperk en daarom
het die navorser ook ongepubliseerde verhandelings (5) en proefskrifte (2) ingesamel ten
einde dokumentanalise uit te voer.
Transkripsies is in ATLAS.ti™ ingevoer, waarna die kwalitatiewe data deur middel van
tematiese data-analise ontleed is. Vyf hooftemas het uit die data gespruit. Temas uit die
transkripsies sowel as die navorser se notas uit haar reflektiewe joernaal en relevante
literatuurbevindinge is saamgevat, waarna ʼn bespreking gevolg het.
Sleuteldeelnemers was van mening dat vertalers ʼn belangrike rol kan speel in verskeie fases van ʼn kruistaal kwalitatiewe studie. Volgens deelnemers het hulle verskeie vertaaluitdagings
ervaar, naamlik: taalhindernisse tussen hulle (die navorser) en hul navorsingsdeelnemers;
uitdagings om vakterminologie van Engels in Afrikaans te vertaal; en verouderde tweetalige
vakwoordeboeke. Bevindinge het ook getoon dat die aangestelde vertaler se kwalifikasies
ʼn impak mag hê, hetsy positief óf negatief, op die vertaalproduk.
Redes waarom vertalers van ʼn kruistaal kwalitatiewe studie uitgesluit kan wees, is ook
uitgelig. Ten eerste, hoewel enkele deelnemers meegedeel het dat vertalers in ʼn kruistaal
kwalitatiewe studie waardevol kan wees, het alle deelnemers sterk benadruk dat hulle oor
hoë taalvaardigheid beskik, en daarom het hulle die insluiting van vertalers in hul studies
onnodig geag. Dit blyk ook dat kwalitatiewe navorsers bewus moet wees van etiese
vraagstukke wat in ʼn kruistaal studie mag onstaan. Vertalers kan voorts uitgesluit word
indien vertaling nie geskik is vir die spesifieke navorsingsontwerp nie (byvoorbeeld,
fenomenologie). Laastens, navorsers beskik moontlik nie oor die finansiële middele om
vertalers aan te stel nie.
Geeneen van die sleuteldeelnemers het die taal- of vertaaluitdagings wat hulle in hul studies
ervaar het, genoem nie en het ook nie gemeld wat die moontlike impak op die metodologie
of kwaliteit van die data mag wees nie. Hulle het dit nie in hulle studies belangrik geag nie.
In enkele gekose verhandelings en proefskrifte is die moedertaal van navorsingsdeelnemers
in daardie studies aangedui, maar is meestal baie simplisties bespreek. Hierdie navorsers
het grotendeels slegs die taalprofiel van hulle deelnemers genoem (as deel van die
biografiese inligting); dat data in hulle studies in óf Engels óf Afrikaans ingesamel is; en dat
die data vertaal en ontleed is. Laastens, hoewel sommige van die navorsingsverslae deur
professionele taalpraktisyns geredigeer is, is vertaal- en grammatiese foute steeds
deurgaans in die manuskripte opgemerk. Dit blyk duidelik uit dié navorsing dat die insluiting
van vertalers in kruistaal kwalitatiewe navorsing in sielkunde nie algemene praktyk in die
Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is nie, en sake wat verband hou met vertaling en hoe uitdagings in
dié verband hanteer is, word grootliks nagelaat en meestal in nagraadse navorsingsverslae
uitgelaat. Ten laaste is beperkings van die studie uitgelig, en aanbevelings is gemaak vir
toekomstige vertaalnavorsing en -praktyk. / Batlhatlheledi mo dithutong tsa maaranyana a dikgolagano gareng ga batho ba ba dirang
patlisiso ka ga bopuontsi, ba ntse ba oketsega go feta. Babatlisisi mo tikologong ya dipuo
tse di fapaaneng ba dumela gore mabaka a a ka ga karolo e e tsewang ke baranodi le
diphetolelo, mo nakong e ntsi e tlogelwa kwa morago mme le gone ga e akaretswe gotlhelele
mo dipegong tsa patlisiso. Seno, se ka ama boikanyego jwa serutwa. Maikaelelo a serutwa
seno e ne e le go batlisisa karolo e e tsewang ke baranodi mo patlisisong ya dipuo tse
fapaaneng e e itsegeng ka la ‘qualitative’, go tswa mo dikakanyong tsa baithuti ba dithuto
tsa Masetase le tsa Bongaka, ba ba dirileng patlisiso tsa dipuo tse di fapaaneng mo
patlisisong e e itsegeng ka la ‘qualitative’, mo go saekholoji mo yunibesiting e e kgethilweng
mo Aforikaborwa.
Patlisiso e e ka ga ditlhaloso tsa mabaka a a batlisisiwang, ya go utulola mmogo le mokgwa
wa go batla tshedimosetso, di fitlhetswe e le tse di siametseng serutwa seno. Batsayakarolobagolo
ba patlisiso ba ne ba kgethiwa mme ba ne ba tshwanetse go batla batsayakarolo
bangwe ba go tla dirwang diteko ka bone. Batsholadidikerii tsa dithuto tse dikgolwane ba le
batlhano ba ne ba ithaopa go tsaya karolo. Tshedimosetso e kgobokantswe ka imeile ya
seka-thulaganyo, mogala le/kgotsa dipuisano tsa go lebelana ka matlho. Ditherisano tsa
seka-thulaganyo di ne tsa gatisiwa mme tsa kwalololwa ke mmatlisisi morago ga dipuisano.
Ka ntlha ya fa palo ya batsayakarolo e ne e le e nnye, mmatlisisi o ne a kgobokanya dikao
di le 5 go tswa mo dithutong tsa Masetase, le tse 2 go tswa mo go tsa Bongaka, tse di sa
phasaladiwang di kanoka.
Dikgatiso di ile tsa tsengwa mo teng ga ATLAS.ti™, mme morago tshedimosetso e e ka ga
ditlhaloso e ne ya kanokwa ka mokgwa wa kanoko ya dithitokgang. Go tswa mo
tshedimosetsong, go ne tlhagelela dithitokgang di le tlhano. Dithitokgang go tswa mo
dikgatisong mmogo le dikwalwa go tswa mo jenaleng ya dikakanyo tsa mmatlisisi le
diphitlhelelo go tswa mo dipuisong tsa patlisiso, di ne tsa kgobokanngwa. Mo bokhutlong,
go ne ga nna le puisano e e nang le dikakanyo tse di farologaneng.
Batsayakarolo-bagolo ba na ba dumela gore baranodi ba ka tsaya karolo e e botlhokwa
thata mo thutong ya ditlhaloso e e ka ga dipuo tse di fapaaneng. Batsayakarolo ba begile fa
ba nnile dikgwetlho tsa diphetolelo, e leng: dikganedi tsa puo magareng a bone le batsayakarolo ba bone mo patlisisong; bothata jwa go fetolela mareo a serutwa go tswa mo
Seesimaneng go ya kwa Seaforikanseng; le dibukantswe tse dipuopedi tsa bonetetshi tsa
bogologolo. Diphitlhelelo di supile gape gore bokgoni jwa moranodi yo o hirilweng bo nnile
le tshusumetso, E ka ne e le e e siameng kgotsa e e sa siamang, mo go lereng phetolelo.
Mabaka a goreng baranodi ba ka tlogelwa kwa morago mo serutweng se se ka ga dipuo tse
di fapaaneng, le one a ne a tlhagisiwa. Sa ntlha, le fa ba bangwe ba batsayakarolo ba begile
gore baranodi ba ka nna botlhokwa thata mo serutweng se se ka ga dipuo tse di fapaaneng,
botlhe ba ne ba dumela gore ba na le bokgoni jwa maemo a a kwa godimo jwa puo, mme
ka lebaka leo, ba bone gore go akaretsa baranodi ga go tlhokege. Go ne ga tlhagelela gape
gore babatlisisi ba dipatlisiso tse di ka ga ditlhaloso, ba ka tshwanela go ela tlhoko mabaka
a a amogelegang ka sengwe se tsewang se siame kgotsa se se siama, a a ka tlhagelelang
mo serutweng se se ka ga dipuo tse di fapaaneng. E bile baranodi ba ka nna ba se
akarediwe ka gonne diphetolelo di ka fitlhelwa se nne matshwanedi mo mekgweng le mefuta
e e dirisiwang go kgobokanya le go kanoka tshedimosetso ka ga dipatlisiso (sekao, serutwa
se se ka ga kakanyo kgotsa maitemogelo). Mo bokhutlong, gongwe babatlisisi ba ka se nne
le madi a go thapa baranodi.
Ga go ope wa batsayakarolo bagolo yo o begileng dikgwetlho tsa puo/phetolelo tse ba
kgatlhaneng le tsona mo dithutong tsa bone le le seabe se di nnileng le sona mo mokgweng
wa go batla tshedimosetso kgotsa boleng jwa tshedimosetso. Ga ba a bona seno e le ntlha
e e botlhokwa mo dithutong tsa bone. Mo dithutong tsa masetase le tsa bongaka tse di
kgobokantsweng, go ne ga tlhagisiwa fela puogae ya batsayakarolo, mme mo mabakeng a
le mantsi, puisano ka ga yona e ne e se boteng. Babatlisisi bano ba kaile go le gantsi (jaaka
karolo ya tshedimosetso ka ga motho) ka ga puo e e buiwang ke batsayakarolo; gore
tshedimosetso ka ga serutwa seo e kgobokantswe ka puo ya Seaforikanse kgotsa Seesimane; le gore tshedimosetso e ne ya fetolelwa mme ya kanokwa. Mo bokhutlong, le
fa diphoso tse di ka puo mo go tse dingwe tsa dipegelo tsa dipatlisiso di ne tsa baakanngwa
ke baitseanape ba ba dirang ka puo, diphoso tsa phetolelo le thutapuo di nnile teng mo
dikwalweng. Go tswa mo patlisisong eno, go ne ga itshupa gore go akaretsa baranodi mo
patlisisong ya dithuto tse di ka tlhaloganyo, e e ka ga ditlhaloso mo dipuong tse di
fapaaneng, ga se se se diriwang ka tlwaelo go ya ka Seaforikaborwa. Le gona, mabaka a a
amanang le phetolelo le mokgwa o dikgwetlho di neng tsa rarabololwa ka teng, di kgatolositswe e bile ga di akarediwe mo dipegelong tsa dipatlisiso tsa dithuto tse di
Go konosetsa, dikganedi tsa serutwa seno di ne tsa supiwa mme ga newa dikgakololo ka
ga dipatlisiso le tiriso ya phetolelo mo isagong. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A.(Linguistics)
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Psigoterapeutiese vaardigheidsopleiding aan die kind met die oog op selfkonsepverbetering / Psychotherapeutic skills training for the child with the purpose of improving self-conceptDuif, Ronel 09 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / As sielkundige in privaat praktyk neem die navorser waar dat 'n negatiewe
selfkonsep onderliggend is tot verskeie aanmeldingsprobleme, asook die kind se
onvermoe om te aktualiseer, ten einde sy volle potensiaal te bereik.
Opvoedkundige sielkundiges het 'n behoefte geidentifiseer aan
hulpverleningsingrepe om die probleem aan te spreek. Dit het gelei tot die
daarstel van 'n model: "Model vir psigoterapeutiese vaardigheidsopleiding aan
die kind met die oog op selfkonsepverbetering". Hierdie model het die opheffing
van selfkonsepgebreke, deur middel van psigoterapeutiese vaardigheidsopleiding,
ten doel.
Die model is saamgestel vanuit die navorser se praktykervaring en 'n
literatuurstudie wat gelei bet tot die samestelling van konseptuele raamwerke vir
selfkonsep en psigoterapeutiese vaardigheidsopleiding. Seltkonsepgebreke is in
hierdie studie in verband gebring met vaardigheidstekorte. Dit bet daartoe gelei
dat selfkonsepgebreke aangespreek kon word deur gebruik te maak van
Die slotsom waartoe gekom is, is dat daar 'n verbetering in die selfkonsep van
kinders in die middelkinderjare plaasgevind bet met die toepassing van die
model. Volgens opvoedkundige sielkundiges in privaatpraktyk le die waarde van
die model en die riglyne vir die operasionalisering daarvan, daarin dat dit
praktiese toepassingswaarde bet in die proses van hulpverlening. / As a psychologist in private practice, the researcher notices that a negative
self-concept is underlying to several initial reported problems, as well as the
child's inability to actualize in order to reach his full potential. Educational
psychologists identified the necessity for supportive intervention to address this
problem. This has led to the establishing of a model: "Model for
psychotherapeutic skills training for the child with the purpose of improving
self-concept". This model aims to relinquish self-concept shortcomings by
means of psychotherapeutic skills training.
This model has been constructed from the researcher's experience in her practice
as well as a literature study, which led to the compilation of conceptual
frameworks for self-concept and psychotherapeutic skills training. In this study,
self-concept shortcomings have been linked to the lack of skills. This has
resulted in self-concept shortcomings to be addressed by skills training.
The conclusion which has been reached is that there is an improvement in the
self-concept of children in mid-childhood years with the implementation of the
model. According to educational psychologists in private practice, the value of
the model and the guidelines for the implementation thereof, lie in the the fact
that the model has practical applicational worth in the process of rendering
support. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Adapting and validating the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire for educators in Gauteng / Rachele PaverPaver, Rachele January 2014 (has links)
Education is essential in providing future human capital that is much needed to build a sustainable, competitive economy. However, the importance of a quality education is often underestimated. In order to enhance working conditions of educators, it seems essential to investigate the role of the positive psychology paradigm by means of developing teachers’ areas of deficiencies and capitalising on their strengths in order for them to reach their full potential and flourish. The current study aimed to adapt and validate the recently developed Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) in an attempt to make it suitable for educators.
The general objective of this research study was to establish the psychometric properties of the SUDIQ by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent, discriminant and empirical validity. A cross-sectional field survey design and a convenience sample of educators from several educational institutions in the Gauteng Province (N = 502) was utilised to gather the data. CFA was used to test the factorial validity of the adapted SUDIQ scale. In order to prove convergent and discriminant validity, the relationships between the SUDIQ dimensions and similar theoretical constructs (job resources, strengths use, psychological capital, proactive behaviour and person-job fit) as well as constructs postulated to be unrelated to the SUDIQ dimensions (age and education) were determined. Finally, the relationship between the SUDIQ dimensions with vigour, dedication, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was determined by using multiple regression analysis.
The results confirmed that the SUDIQ comprised a four-factor structure. These four factors were perceived organisational support for strengths use, perceived organisational support for deficit improvement, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficits improvement. These dimensions were positively related to the scales such as the strengths use scale, autonomy, supervisor and colleague support, psychological capital, proactive behaviour, and person-job fit. Anticipated perceived organisational support for deficit improvement and proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were unrelated to age. The scales were also relatively weakly related to education. Furthermore, the results revealed that perceived organisational support for strengths use, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were significant predictors of both vigour and dedication. However, it was found that the only SUDIQ dimension that predicted emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was proactive behaviour toward strengths use.
Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Adapting and validating the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire for educators in Gauteng / Rachele PaverPaver, Rachele January 2014 (has links)
Education is essential in providing future human capital that is much needed to build a sustainable, competitive economy. However, the importance of a quality education is often underestimated. In order to enhance working conditions of educators, it seems essential to investigate the role of the positive psychology paradigm by means of developing teachers’ areas of deficiencies and capitalising on their strengths in order for them to reach their full potential and flourish. The current study aimed to adapt and validate the recently developed Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) in an attempt to make it suitable for educators.
The general objective of this research study was to establish the psychometric properties of the SUDIQ by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent, discriminant and empirical validity. A cross-sectional field survey design and a convenience sample of educators from several educational institutions in the Gauteng Province (N = 502) was utilised to gather the data. CFA was used to test the factorial validity of the adapted SUDIQ scale. In order to prove convergent and discriminant validity, the relationships between the SUDIQ dimensions and similar theoretical constructs (job resources, strengths use, psychological capital, proactive behaviour and person-job fit) as well as constructs postulated to be unrelated to the SUDIQ dimensions (age and education) were determined. Finally, the relationship between the SUDIQ dimensions with vigour, dedication, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was determined by using multiple regression analysis.
The results confirmed that the SUDIQ comprised a four-factor structure. These four factors were perceived organisational support for strengths use, perceived organisational support for deficit improvement, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficits improvement. These dimensions were positively related to the scales such as the strengths use scale, autonomy, supervisor and colleague support, psychological capital, proactive behaviour, and person-job fit. Anticipated perceived organisational support for deficit improvement and proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were unrelated to age. The scales were also relatively weakly related to education. Furthermore, the results revealed that perceived organisational support for strengths use, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were significant predictors of both vigour and dedication. However, it was found that the only SUDIQ dimension that predicted emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was proactive behaviour toward strengths use.
Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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A conceptual model of volunteer well-being: a hermeneutic phenomenological studyFurtak, Aleksandra Maria 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 241-295 / Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / This study, to enhance understanding of volunteer well-being and to develop a
conceptual model of volunteer well-being through an in-depth exploration of
volunteers’ work–life experiences, was guided by an interest in volunteering as well
as curiosity about well-being as a concept. My perception of the importance of
volunteering for our society was based on first-hand knowledge of a volunteering
context operating in the Gauteng health sector, as well as the volunteering literature,
which confirmed its importance and encouraged me to conduct research on this
resource. The literature on well-being highlights its importance for employees in
particular and organisations in general and thus justifies the study. The literature also
supported my preference for conducting this research on volunteer well-being from a
qualitative perspective. Further motivation for the research was provided by my
awareness of the challenging nature of the volunteering context as well as the adverse
personal circumstances of the volunteers. Accordingly, recognising the importance of
well-being in volunteers, I was prompted to dedicate attention to this dynamic work
To achieve its aim, in this research I applied a qualitative research approach and a
hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenological research methodology. In-depth
interviews were used to explore the work–life experiences of eight volunteers and a
phenomenological hermeneutical analytic process was used to analyse the data. The
data were further contextualised and the findings supported by the relevant well-being
literature. Based on the findings, a conceptual model of volunteer well-being was
constructed. This model enhances our understanding of volunteer well-being,
ultimately contributing to knowledge and practice in the field of volunteering. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die begrip van vrywilligerswelstand te
bevorder en om ’n konseptuele model van vrywilligerswelstand te ontwikkel
deur ’n omvattende ondersoek van vrywilligers se werklewe-ervarings. Die
studie was gelei deur ’n belangstelling in vrywilligerswerk en ‘n nuuskierigheid oor
welstand as ’n konsep. My waarneming van die belangrikheid van vrywilligerswerk vir
ons samelewing is gebaseer op eerstehandse kennis van ’n vrywilligerskonteks in die
Gautengse gesondheidsektor en die literatuur oor vrywilligersdienslewering, wat die
belangrikheid daarvan bevestig het en my aangemoedig het om navorsing oor hierdie
hulpbron te doen. Die literatuur oor welstand beklemtoon veral die belangrikheid
daarvan vir werknemers en organisasies oor die algemeen, en regverdig dus die
studie. Die literatuur het ook my voorkeur om hierdie navorsing oor vrywilligers se
welstand vanuit ’n kwalitatiewe perspektief te benader, ondersteun. My bewustheid
van die uitdagende aard van die vrywilligerskonteks asook die ongunstige persoonlike
omstandighede van die vrywilligers het my verder gemotiveer om die navorsing te
doen. Dienooreenkomstig, as erkenning van die belangrikheid daarvan om vrywilligers
se welstand te fasiliteer, is ek geïnspireer om aandag te skenk aan hierdie dinamiese
Om hierdie doel te bereik het ek ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en ’n
hermeneutiese (verklarende) fenomenologiese navorsingsmetodologie in hierdie
navorsingsprojek gebruik. Indiepte onderhoude is gebruik om die werklewe-ervarings
van agt vrywilligers te ondersoek, en ’n fenomenologiese, hermeneutiese, analitiese
proses is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die data is verder gekontekstualiseer en die
bevindings is deur die tersaaklike literatuur ondersteun. ’n Konseptuele model van
vrywilligerwelstand is op grond van hierdie bevindinge opgestel. Hierdie model
bevorder ons begrip van vrywilligerswelstand, en lewer sodoende ’n bydrae tot die
kennis en ervaring op die terrein van vrywilligerswerk. / Thutopatlisiso eno ya go tlhama sekao sa kgopolo sa boithaopi go tswa mo
mogopolong wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo ka go sekaseka go ya
kwa botennye, maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi, e kaetswe ke kgatlhego mo
boithaoping, keletso ya go itse ka ga mogopolo wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa
botshelo le dikwalo tse di ka ga boithaopi. Kitso e e tseneletseng ya bokao jwa
boithaopi jo bo dirang mo lephateng la boitekanelo la Gauteng, gammogo le dikwalo
tsa boithaopi, di tlhomamisitse botlhokwa jwa boithaopi mo setšhabeng sa gaetsho
mme tsa nthotloetsa go dira patlisiso ka ntlha eno. Go tlaleletsa, thutopatlisiso eno e
tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse di ka ga seemo se se amogelesegang le botlhokwa jwa
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo se se totileng badiri ka bo bona le ditheo
ka kakaretso. Dikwalo gape di tshegeditse tlhopho ya me ya go dira patlisiso ka ga
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa baithaopi ka mogopolo wa go batla go
batlisisa mabaka a a bakang seemo se se rileng. Thotloetso e nngwe ya patlisiso e
tlisitswe ke temogo ya me ya dikgwetlho tsa boithaopi gammogo le maemo a a sa
amogelesegeng a baithaopi. Fela jalo, ka go lemoga botlhokwa jwa go gokaganya
seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo mo baithaoping, ke ne ke patelesega go
tota mofuta ono wa tiro.
Go fitlhelela maikaelelo ano, patlisiso eno e dirisitse mokgwa wa patlisiso o o
lebelelang mabaka a a rotloetsang ntlha e e rileng (qualititative research) le mokgwa
wa patlisiso o o ranolang (hermeneutic phenomological research methodology). Go
dirisitswe dipotsolotso tse di tseneletseng go sekaseka maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi
mme ga dirisiwa thulaganyo ya tshekatsheko ya phenomenological hermeneutial go
sekaseka tshedimosetso. Tshedimosetso e ne ya bewa ka bokao mme diphitlhelelo
tsa tshegediwa ka dikwalo tse di maleba. Go ikaegilwe mo diphitlhelelong tseno, go
ne ga thalwa sekao sa kgopolo sa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa
baithaopi. Go tshitshinngwa gore go dirisiwe sekao seno go dirisa ka botlalo le go
netefatsa go nnela leruri ga tiro ya baithaopi, gore kwa bokhutlong go tshwaelwe mo
kitsong le mo tirong mo lephateng la boithaopi. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)
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Inklusiewe en nie-formele benadering tot die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent / An inclusive and non-formal approach to talent identification in adolescent learnersMoolman, Lindie 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne daar te stel vir die vroeë identifisering van talent wat die totale funksionering en konteks van die leerder in ag neem.
‘n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om die navorsing en teorieë wat met die onderwerp verband hou, te ondersoek. Die denkverskuiwing van intelligensie as een konstruk na ‘n multikonstrukbenadering wat uit onderliggende intellektuele vermoëns voortvloei, is verken. Definisies van begaafdheid en talent wat oor ‘n tydperk onstaan het, is omskryf en die rasionaal vir die gebruik van talent in plaas van begaafdheid is gegee.
Die bio-ekologiese teorie van Bronfenbrenner, die positiewe sielkunde en die bate-gebaseerde benadering dien as teoretiese begronding van die studie. Talentontwikkeling en -identifisering is aan die orde gestel deur die liggaamlike, kognitiewe, sosiale, persoonlikheids-, emosionele en morele ontwikkeling van die adolessent te bespreek. Verder is die stand van talentidentifisering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole ondersoek en is aangedui in watter mate dit deur amptelike beleid gerig en ondersteun word. Beginsels wat tydens talentidentifisering in ag geneem moet word asook enkele identifiseringsmodelle wat ‘n bydrae tot die kennis van begaafdheid en talentidentifisering lewer, is bespreek. Verder is ‘n verskeidenheid talente wat uit algemene intellektuele intelligensie ontwikkel, aangedui.
Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar nie in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse skoolbeleid direkte riglyne is vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent nie. Die deurlopende klem op akademiese prestasie en die feit dat leerders teen ‘n graadgemiddeld geassesseer word, lei waarskynlik daartoe dat ander metodes van assessering nie altyd in Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamers tot hul reg kom nie.
Ten einde ‘n verskeidenheid talent te identifiseer en terselfdertyd ‘n leerder se konteks in ag te neem, is afsonderlike talentskale vir leerders, ouers en onderwysers ontwikkel en toegepas. Riglyne vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent is dus op ‘n nie-formele manier ontwikkel.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die talentidentifiseringsproses bewuswording van verskillende talente waaroor leerders beskik, kan bewerkstellig. Dit help leerders om hul selfkennis uit te brei en om ‘n denkverskuiwing van die erkenning van slegs akademiese talent na ‘n verskeidenheid van talentdomeine wat die uniekheid van elke leerder ontgin, te maak. / The purpose of this study was to formulate guidelines for the early identification of talent, taking into consideration the overall functioning and context of the learner.
A literature review was done to investigate the research and theories on the topic. The mind shift from intelligence as one construct to a multiconstruct approach arising from underlying intellectual abilities was explored. The definitions of giftedness and talent, which have existing for some time, were presented and the rationale for using talent instead of giftedness was provided.
Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory, positive psychology and the asset-based approach served as theoretical grounding for the study. Talent identification and development were established by discussing the physical, cognitive, social, personality, emotional and moral development of the adolescent. The state of talent identification in South African schools was also investigated, and an indication was given of the extent to which it is guided and supported by official policy. Principles to be considered in identifying talent and a few identification models that contribute to knowledge of giftedness and talent identification were discussed. A variety of talents developing from general intellectual intelligence were also highlighted.
The literature review reveals that in the current South African school policy, there are no direct guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners. The constant emphasis on academic performance and the fact that learners are assessed against a grade average probably lead to other methods of assessment not always coming into their own in South African classrooms.
To identify a variety of talents and at the same time take into consideration a learner’s context, separate talent scales for learners, parents and educators were developed and applied. Guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners have therefore been developed in a non-formal way.
The findings of this study indicate that the talent identification process can lead to awareness of different talents of learners. This helps learners to expand their self-knowledge and to bring about a mind shift from the recognition of only academic talent to a variety of talent domains which reveal the uniqueness of each learner. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo ukwakha imihlahlandlela yokuhlonzwa kwekhono masinya, kubhekwa indlela umfundi ngamunye asebenza ngayo kanye nesimo angaphansi kwaso.
Kwabhekwa imibhalo ukuze kuphenywe ngocwaningo nemibono yezinzululwazi ngaphansi kwalesi sihloko. Kwaphenywa ngokusuka endleleni yokubheka inhlakanipho njengendlela okuyiyona yodwa yokwakha kuyiwe ezindleleni ezihlukene kaningi zokwakha ezisukela emakhonweni obuhlakani acashe ngaphansi kwazo. Izincazelo zesiphiwo nekhono, esezibe khona isikhathi eside, zethulwa kwase kunikezwa izincazelo zokuthi kungani kusetshenziswa ikhono kunesiphiwo.
Umbono kaBronfenbrenner wobudlelwano phakathi kwezinto eziphilayo kanye nendawo eziphila kuyo, izifundo zezengqondo zemiphumela emihle kanye nendlela yokubheka encike ekubeni nenani kwento konke kusebenza njengengqikithi yombono wenzululwazi yalolu cwaningo. Ukuhlonza kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwekhono kwasungulwa ngokubamba izingxoxo mayelana nokuthuthuka kwabantwana asebengena ezingeni lentsha ngokomzimba, ngokwengqondo, ngokwenhlalo, ngokwendlela yokuziphatha, ngokomoya nangokwesimilo. Isimo sokuhlonza ikhono ezikoleni zaseNingizimu Afrika naso sibhekiwe, kwanikezwa
nesilinganiso sokuthi lingakanani izinga lokuholwa nokusingathwa yinqubomgomo esemthethweni. Imigomo okufanele ibhekwe ngesikhathi sokuhlonza ikhono kanye
nezinye izibonelo ezingasiza olwazini lokuhlonza iziphiwo namakhono nayo yadingidwa. Izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono avela ebuhlakanini obujwayelekile obuhambisana nemicabango nazo zaqhakambiswa.
Ucwaningo lwemibhalo luveze ukuthi kwinqubomgomo yamanje yaseNingizimu Afrika, ayikho imihlahlandlela eqondile yokuhlonza amakhono kubafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha. Ukuqhubeka nokugcizelela ukwenza kahle kwezemfundo kanye nokuthi abafundi bahlolwa ngokwezilinganiso ezivamile zamabanga cishe kuholela kwezinye izindlela zokuhlola ezingafiki kwezifana nezabo emakilasini aseNingizimu Afrika.
Ukuhlonza izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono kube futhi kubhekwa isimo somfundi, kwasungulwa futhi kwasetshenziswa izilinganiso ezihlukile zokukala amakhono abafundi, abazali nawothisha. Ngakho-ke, imihlahlandlela yokuhlonza ikhono labafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha yakhiwe ngendlela engalandeli kakhulu umthetho kanye nokuhleleka.
Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iveza ukuthi inqubo yokuhlonza amakhono ingaholela ekubonakaleni kwamakhono ahlukahlukene abafundi. Lokhu kusiza abafundi ukuba bakwazi ukwandisa ulwazi labo futhi benze kube khona ukucabanga ngokwahlukile ekwamukeleni kuphela ikhono lezemfundo kodwa kwamukelwe namakhono ahlukahlukene aveza ukwahluka komfundi ngamunye. / Department of Educational Psychology / D. Phil. (Educational Psychology)
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A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors : a multidisciplinary perspectiveRudolph, Elizabeth Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans, Tswana and Tsonga / In a complex world, change is inevitable and wellness in the workplace remains a popular research phenomenon in facilitating employee and organisational productivity. Churches as organisations are not exempt from change dynamics in the world of work. Employees of the church, namely pastors and their well-being are similarly imperative, as they are also responsible for facilitating the well-being of others. Coaching has emerged as a valuable and useful psychological helping process aimed at enhancing employees’ well- being and facilitating their engagement, commitment and productive work behaviour. Mentoring and training are predominant interventions aimed at addressing aspects potentially relevant to pastor well-being in both the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), albeit each with very distinct objectives in terms of calling, and professional and skills development. In light of the current underutilised mentoring programme of the DRC and the sole emphasis on skills training in the URCSA, this study emerged from the need to understand how an in-depth understanding of pastors’ experiences of well-being can contribute to construct a coaching model for professional pastoral caregivers. In order to develop a coaching model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastors, my multidisciplinary background (stemming from Industrial and Organisational Psychology [IOP], Human Resource Management [HRM] and Theology) increased my curiosity about pastors’ experiences of well-being in a Christian faith-based South African church context. In qualitative research inquiries, investigators creatively use multiple qualitative methods from a pragmatic stance. Hence, in this thesis I used at first two qualitative research methods, namely interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) and narrative synthesis that contributed to a transparent and systematic way to collect analyse, and document the research report. As a third qualitative research method, I used an auto ethnographic reflection writing style to make trustworthy inferences about the research findings and to think about the implications thereof on the rest of the research community. A coaching model was constructed and is proposed as a possible model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastor (individual employee) and by implication also of a church (non-profit Christian faith-based organisation). This thesis also contributes methodologically to emerging IQA research in a South African work context. Lastly, the thesis contributes to multidisciplinary studies as it integrated theoretical and empirical perspectives from three disciplines, namely IOP, HRM and Theology. / In 'n ingewikkelde wêreld is verandering onvermydelik en welstand in die werksplek bly 'n gewilde navorsingsverskynsel om werknemer- en organisatoriese produktiwiteit te fasiliteer. Kerke as organisasies is nie vrygestel van veranderingsdinamika in die wêreld van werk nie. Kerke se werknemers, naamlik pastore en hul welstand is op soortgelyke wyse noodsaaklik omdat hulle verantwoordelik is om ander se welstand te fasiliteer. Afrigting het as 'n waardevolle en nuttige psigologiese hulpproses ontluik wat daarop gemik is om werknemers se welstand te bevorder en om hul betrokkenheid, toewyding en produktiewe werksgedrag te fasiliteer. Mentorskap en afrigting is oorwegende intervensies wat daarop gemik is om aspekte aan te spreek wat moontlik relevant kan wees tot pastore se welstand in beide die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) en die Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika (VGKSA), alhoewel elkeen baie duidelik onderskeibare doelstellings met betrekking tot roeping, en professionele en vaardigheidsontwikkeling het. In die lig van huidige onderbenutting van mentorskapprogramme van die NGK en die uitsluitlike klem op vaardigheidsopleiding in die VGKSA, het hierdie studie ontstaan uit die behoefte om te verstaan hoe 'n diepgaande begrip van pastore se ervaring van welstand tot 'n konstruktiewe afrigtingsmodel vir professionele pastorale versorgers kan bydra. Om 'n afrigtingsmodel te ontwikkel om pastore te versorg en hul welstand te optimeer, het my multidissiplinêre agtergrond (industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie) my nuuskierigheid oor pastore se welstand in 'n Christelik-gebaseerde Suid-Afrikaanse kerkkonteks geprikkel. In kwalitatiewe navorsingsvrae, gebruik navorsers meervoudige kwalitatiewe metodes uit 'n pragmatiese standpunt kreatief. In hierdie tesis het ek dus aanvanklik twee kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik, naamlik interaktiewe kwalitatiewe ontleding (IKO) en narratiewe sintese wat bydra om data deursigtig en sistematies te versamel, te ontleed en die navorsingsverslag te dokumenteer. As 'n derde kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode het ek 'n reflektiewe outo-etnografiese skryfstyl gebruik om betroubare afleidings oor die navorsingsbevindings te maak en om oor die implikasies daarvan op die navorsingsgemeenskap te dink. 'n Afrigtingsmodel is saamgestel en is voorgestel as 'n moontlike model om na pastore (individuele werknemers) om te sien en hul welstand te optimeer en dus ook die van 'n kerk (niewinsgewende organisasie wat op die Christelike geloof gebaseer is). Hierdie tesis dra ook metodologies tot ontluikende IKO-navorsing in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse werkskonteks by. Die tesis dra laastens tot multidissiplinêre studies by omdat dit teoretiese en empiriese perspektiewe van die drie vakgebiede, naamlik industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie, integreer. / Mo lefatsheng le le marara, diphetogo di nna di le gona mme itekanelo ya mo tirong e sala go nna ntlha e e tlwaelegileng ya dipatlisiso go gokaganya tlhagiso ya badiri le ya setheo. Dikereke jaaka ditheo ga di a gololesega mo dintlheng tsa diphetogo mo tirong. Badiri ba kereke, e leng baruti, le itekanelo ya bona, ba botlhokwa fela jalo ka ntlha ya fa le bona ba rwele maikarabelo a go ela tlhoko itekanelo ya ba bangwe. Katiso e tlhageletse jaaka tsamaiso ya thuso e e boleng le e e mosola ya saekholoji e maikaelelo a yona e leng go tokafatsa itekanelo ya badiri le go gokaganya seabe sa bona, maitlamo le maitsholo a a mosola mo tirong. Tataiso le katiso ke ditsibogo tse di dirisiwang gantsi tse maikaelelo a tsona e leng go samagana le dintlha tse di maleba mo itekanelong ya baruti mo Kerekeng ya Dutch Reformed (DRC) le ya United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), le fa tsotlhe di na le maitlhomo a a farologaneng go ya ka pitso, tlhabololo ya boporofešenale le bokgoni. Ka ntlha ya lenaneo le ga jaana le sa dirisiweng mo go lekaneng la tataiso la DRC le kgatelelo ya katiso ya bokgoni fela kwa URCSA, thutopatlisiso eno e bakilwe ke tlhokego ya go tlhaloganya ka moo go tlhaloganya go ya kwa botennye ga maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ka tshwaelang ka gona go aga sekao sa katiso sa baruti ba batlhokomedi ba porofešenale. Go aga sekao sa katiso sa go tlhokomela le go oketsa itekanelo ya baruti, lemorago la me la maphatamantsi (go tswa mo Saekholojing ya Madirelo le Ditheo [IOP], Botsamaisi jwa Badiri [HRM] le Thuto ya Bodumedi (Thioloji)) le okeditse phisegelo ya me ya go itse ka maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ya ka bokao jwa kereke ya Aforikaborwa e e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete. Mo dipotsisong tsa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, babatlisisi ba dirisa mekgwa e mentsi ya patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka go tswa mo kemong ya dintlha. Ka jalo mo thesising eno ke dirisitse mekgwa ya ntlha e mebedi ya dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, e leng tshekatsheko e e lebelelang mabaka ka tshusumetso (IQA) le motswako wa kanelo o o tshwaetseng mo tseleng e e seng bofitlha le e e rulaganeng go kokoanya, sekaseka le go kwala pegelo ya patlisiso. Jaaka mofuta wa boraro wa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, ke dirisitse setaele sa go kwala sa itshekatsheko ya othoetenokerafi go fitlhelela ditshwetso tse di ikanyegang ka ga diphitlhelelo tsa dipatlisiso le go akanya ka bokao jwa tsona mo setšhabeng sotlhe sa dipatlisiso. Go agilwe sekao sa katiso mme se tshitshinngwa jaaka sekao se se ka dirisiwang go tlhokomela le go tokafatsa itekanelo ya moruti (modiri a le mongwe) mme ka go rialo gape le ya kereke (setheo se se sa direng letseno se e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete). Thesisi eno gape e tshwaela mo ntlheng ya mekgwa mo dipatlisisong tse di tlhagelelang tsa IQA go lebeletswe Aforikaborwa. Kwa bokhutlong, thesisi eno e tshwaela mo dithutopatlisisong tsa maphatamantsi ka ntlha ya fa e kopantse megopolo ya tiori le ya maitemogelo go tswa mo maphateng a le mararo e leng, IOP, HRM le Thioloji. / Eka misava ya nsohensohe, ku cinca i nchumu lowu nga sivelekekiku na swona ku hlayiseka entirhweni swa ha ri nchumu lowu nga duma swinene eka ku endliwa ka rhiseche eka ku pfuneta mutirhi na nhlangano leswo swi tirha hi xiyenge xa vuyelo bya le henhla. Tikereke tani hi minhlangano a yi le handle eka timhaka ta ku cinca emintirhweni. Vatirhi va kereke, ku nga vafundzhisi na vuhlayiseki bya vona na swona i swa nkoka tani hi leswi va nga na vutihlamuleri eka ku tiyisa leswo van'wana va hlayisekile no va na rihanyu lerinene. Ku dzabela swi vonaka tani hi nchumu wa nkoka no pfuneta eka ku pfuneta hi swa ngqondo leswi swi nga na xikongomelo xa ku yisa emahlweni vuhlayiseki bya vatirhi no endla leswo va va eka xiyimo xa ku tirhisana, ku tiyimisela no va na mahanyelo ya ku gingirika emintirhweni na ku tirha hi vuyelo. Ku mentharixa na vuleteri i minchumu leyi endliwaka hi xikongomelo xa ku langutana na rihanyu lerinene ra vafundzhisi va tikereke ta Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) na United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), hambi leswi yin'wana ya tona yi nga na swikongomelo swo hambana hi ku landza xivito, na ku hluvukisiwa ka vuprofexinali na vuswikoti. Hi ku vona leswo nongonoko wa ku mentharixa a wu tirhisiwi swinene eka DRC kasi eka va URCSA ku tshikileriwa ngopfu vuleteri bya vuswikoti, dyondzo leyi yi sukela eka xilaveko xa ku twisisa swinene hi vuenti swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi swa vuhlayiseki bya vona ku pfuneta ku endla modlele wa vudzaberi eka vahlayisi va vafundzhisi hi swa vuprofexinali. Leswo ku endliwa modlele wa vudzaberi bya ku hlayisa no yisa ehenhla xiyimo lexinene xa vafundzhisi, tidyondzo ta mina (leti sukelaka eka Industrial Organisational Psychology (IOP), Human Resource Management [HRM] na tidyondzo ta ntivo-vukwembu ku nga Theology) swi yise ehenhla ku navela ku tiva ka mina hi swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi hi vuhlayiseki bya vona eka vugandzeri bya vona lebyi byi nga le ka Vukresre eka tikereke ta vona eAfrika Dzonga. Eka swivutiso swa qualitative research na ntirhiso wa ndzavisiso hi vuswikoti leswi swi tirhisiwaka ku endla qualitative methods eka xiyimo lexi khomekaka. Hikokwalaha eka thesis leyi ndzi tirhise eka mafambiselo mambirhi ya qualitative research methods, ku nga interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) na narrative synthesis leyi yi nga pfuneta ku kuma maendlelo lama ya nga rivaleni ku hlengeleta nxopanxopo na ku endla dokumente ya xiviko xa rhiseche. Maendlelo ya vunharhu ya qualitative research method, lama ndzi nga ma tirhisa i ya authethnographic reflection writing style ku endla tiinferense ta ku tshembeka hi vuyelo bya rhiseche na ku ehleketa hi ti-implications ta swona eka hinkwavo lava va endlaka rhiseche. Modlele wa vudzaberi wu endliwile na swona hi wona lowu wu gangisiwaka tani hi modlele lowu kotekaku wa vuhlayisi na ku yisa ehenhla nhlayiseko wa mufundzhisi (ku nga mutirhi wun'we) kasi hi vuyelo na swona eka kereke (ku nga nhlangano wa vupfumeri bya Vukreste lowu nga tirheleku vuyelo bya mali). Thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta hi metodoloji ku humesa IQA research eka xiyimo xa Afrika Dzonga. Xo hetelela, thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta tidyondzo ta multidisciplinary tani hi laha ti nga hlanganisiwa eka thiyori na le ka empirical perspectives ku suka eka tidisiplini tinharhu leti ku nga, IOP, HRM na Theology. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))
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Fostering self-regulation through positive discipline during free play in early childhood educationMsipha, Zenzile 10 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The fostering of self-regulation is of great importance in the Early Childhood
Development (ECD) phase, because it leads to future self-discipline. The aim of the
study was to understand the participants’ ways of fostering self-regulation during free
play in three primary schools in Zimbabwe. The theoretical frameworks of the study,
namely positive psychology and Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory (SDT),
as well as the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT), regarded the learners’
support for autonomy, competence and relatedness as key characteristics of positive
discipline that support the development of self-regulation. Benner’s interpretive
phenomenology method was used with the aim of describing and interpreting
participants’ experiences of the phenomenon under study. The social constructivism
paradigm underpinned the study and the approach was qualitative. Data collection
and analysis were guided by Benner’s interpretive phenomenological method. A
paradigm case, themes and exemplars were used in data presentation, discussion
and interpretation. Findings showed that free-play activities consisted of, for instance,
socio-dramatic play, indoor play in play corners and outdoor play. The common
practices used by the participants to foster self-regulation through positive discipline
were co-regulation, positive reinforcement, time-out and logical consequences.
Teachers and learners often perceived the teachers’ use of time-out and logical
consequences as punishment rather than positive discipline, because of the rigidity of
its application without considering psychosocial needs. The findings, however, were
consistent with an understanding of fostering self-regulation through positive discipline
during free play by nurturing the learners’ psychological needs for autonomy,
competence and relatedness, as well as mindfulness. Research proposed
mindfulness as a possible fourth basic psychological need. In line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) for achieving a better and sustainable future for all people
by 2030, participants perceived the fostering of self-regulation through positive
discipline as part of gender education for eradicating gender-based violence and to
foster resilience. / Selfregulering moet in die vroeë kinderjare reeds by klein kinders gekweek word sodat
hulle later in die lewe in staat sal wees om selfdissipline aan die dag te lê. Die doel
van hierdie studie was om vas te stel hoe die deelnemers by drie laerskole in
Zimbabwe gedurende vrye spel selfregulering by leerders gekweek het. Die drie
teoretiese raamwerke waarop hierdie studie berus, is die positiewe sielkunde, Deci en
Ryan se selfbeskikkingsteorie (SBT) en die teorie van basiese psigososiale behoeftes
(TBSB). Hiervolgens is die bevrediging van kinders se behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘competence’) en verhoudings (‘relatedness’) voorvereistes vir die
positiewe dissiplinering waarmee selfregulering by hulle gekweek word. Benner se
metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie is gevolg om deelnemers se belewing van
die fenomeen te beskryf en te vertolk. Die sosiale konstruktivisme het die grondslag
van hierdie studie gevorm, en die benadering was kwalitatief. Data is volgens Benner
se metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie ingewin en ontleed. ʼn Paradigmageval,
temas en voorbeelde (‘exemplars’) is in die aanbieding, bespreking en interpretasie
van data gebruik. Volgens die bevindings het vryespelaktiwiteite bestaan uit onder
meer sosiaal-dramatiese spel, binnenshuise spel in speelhoekies, en buitelugspel. Die
praktyke waarvolgens deelnemers selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
gekweek het, was onderlinge regulering, positiewe versterking, afkoeltyd en logiese
gevolge. Onderwysers en leerders het afkoeltyd en logiese gevolge nie as positiewe
dissiplinering nie, maar eerder as straf belewe aangesien dit streng toegepas word en
nie met die kind se psigososiale behoeftes rekening hou nie. Die bevindings strook
egter met ons siening van die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
tydens vrye spel deur leerders se psigososiale behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘comptetence’), verhoudings (‘relatedness’) en bewustheid
(‘mindfulness’) te bevredig. Navorsers stel bewustheid (‘mindfulness’) as ʼn vierde
basiese psigososiale behoefte voor. In ooreenstemming met die Doelwitte vir
Volhoubare Ontwikkeling (DVO’s) vir ʼn beter en volhoubare toekoms vir alle mense
teen 2030, het deelnemers gevind dat die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering deel uitmaak van genderopvoeding as teenvoeter vir geslagsgeweld, en
vindingrykheid aanwakker. / Ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula kubaluleke kakhulu esigabeni sokuThuthukiswa
Kwabantwana Abasebancane (i-ECD phase), ngoba kuholela ekuzikhalimeni
esikhathini esizayo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqonda izindlela
zababambiqhaza zokukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ezikoleni ezintathu zamabanga aphansi eZimbabwe. Izinhlaka zombono
wezinzululwazi zalolu cwaningo, ezaziwa ngokuthi okuhle kwengqondo kanye
noMbono Wenzululwazi kaDeci noRyan Wokuzimisela (i-SDT), kanye noMbono
Wenzululwazi Wezidingo Eziyisisekelo Zokuphathelene Nenggqondo (i-BPNT),
zithathe ukwesekwa kwabafundi njengokuzimele, ikhono kanye nokuhlobana
njengezimpawu ezisemqoka zokukwazi ukuzikhalima okuhle okusekela
ukuthuthukiswa kokuzilawula. Kusetshenziswe indlela kaBenner yokuhumusha
okwenzekile ngenhloso yokuchaza nokuhumusha okwenzeke kubabambiqhaza
kulokho okufundwa ngako. Inqubo yokwakhiwa kwezenhlalakahle iyona esekele
ucwaningo kanti futhi indlela yokwenza ibibheka amaqiniso. Ukuqoqwa kwemininingo
nokuhlaziywa bekuncike endleleni kaBenner yokuhumusha okwenzekile.
Kwasetshenziswa izimo semiqondo, izingqikithi kanye nezibonelo ukwethula
imininingo, izingxoxo nokuhumusha. Okutholakele kukhombisile ukuthi ukudlala
ngokukhululeka kubandakanya, ngokwesibonelo, ukudlala ngokulingisa ezenhlalo,
ukudlala endlini emakhoneni okudlala kanye nokudlala ngaphandle. Imikhuba
ejwayelekile esetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula
ngokusebenzisa ukukhalima okukahle kwakungukulawula ngokubambisana,
ukukhuthaza okuhle, ukuqedwa komdlalo kanye nemiphumela eyenza umqondo. Othisha nabafundi babevame ukubona ukuqedwa komdlalo nemiphumela eyenza
umqondo njengento esetshenziswa ngothisha njengesijeziso kunokukhalima okuhle,
ngenxa yobukhuni bokusetshenziswa kwako ngaphandle kokubheka izidingo
zomqondo. Okutholakele, nokho, bekuhambisana nokuqonda kokukhuthaza
ukuzilawula ngokukhalima okukahle ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ngokunakekela izidingo zabafundi zokuphathelene nengqondo ekuzimeleni, ikhono
kanye nokuhlobana, kanye nokuqaphela izinto. Ucwaningo luhlongoze ukuqaphela
izinto njengesidingo sesine esiyisisekelo kokuphathelene nengqondo.
Ngokuhambisanayo neziNjongo Zokuthuthukiswa Okusinokusimama (ama-SDG)
ukuze kufezeke ikusasa elingcono nelinokusimama kubantu bonke ngonyaka ka-
2030, ababambiqhaza babona ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngokuzikhalima okukahle
njengengxenye yemfundo yobulili ukuze kuncishiswe udlame oluncike ebulilini futhi
kukhuthazwe ukuqina. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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