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Negative Reinforcement in Infant Care Simulation: Alternative Caregiver Responses to Prevent Child AbuseTye, Miriam 20 June 2014 (has links)
This study was conducted to replicate and extend previous research on infant caregiver behavior by demonstrating negative reinforcement of infant caregiver behavior in response to crying and teaching appropriate care responses under conditions of inconsolable crying. A computerized infant simulator was used to create a laboratory simulation of infant caregiving. In Study 1, participants were exposed to negative reinforcement conditions and an extinction condition. In the negative reinforcement condition, participants engaged in caregiving responses to escape from the cry. In the extinction condition, the cry was inescapable and two of three participants stopped engaging in the previously reinforced caregiving response. Data was collected on cumulative duration of caregiving responses. In Study 2, participants were taught a task analysis of appropriate care responses under conditions of inconsolable crying using behavior skills training. Data were collected on percentage of completed appropriate care responses. Results showed acquisition of appropriate care responses following training.
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An Electromechanical Synchronization of Driving Simulator and Adaptive Driving Aide for Training Persons with DisabilitiesBerhane, Rufael 24 March 2008 (has links)
Cars have become necessities of our daily life and are especially important to people with disability because they extend their range of activity and allow participation in a social life.
Sometimes driving a normal car is impossible for individuals with severe disability and they require additional driving aide. However, it is dangerous to send these individuals on the road without giving them special training on driving vehicles using an adaptive aide.
Nowadays there are a number of driving simulators that train disabled persons but none of them have joystick-enabled training that controls both steering, gas and break pedal. This necessitates the design of a method and a system which helps a person with disabilities learn how to operate a joystick-enabled vehicle, by using a combination of an advanced vehicle interface system, which is a driving aide known as Advanced Electronic Vehicle Interface Technology (AVEIT) and virtual reality driving simulator known as Simulator Systems International (SSI).
This thesis focuses on the mechanism that synchronizes both AVEIT and SSI systems. This was achieved by designing a mechanical and electrical system that serves as a means of transferring the action between the AVEIT and SSI system. The mechanical system used for this purpose consists of two coupler units attached to AVEIT and SSI each combined together by the electrical system. As the user operates the joystick, the action of AVEIT is transferred to the SSI system by the help of the electromechanical system. The design provides compatibility between the AVEIT and SSI system which makes them convenient for training persons with disability.
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The BSD Socket API for SimulatorLiu, Zhiwei January 2007 (has links)
BSD Socket API for Simulator is a project to run untouched Real World Application (RWA) binaries on the powerful modern general-purpose network simulators. BSD Socket API for Simulator is designed to eliminate most of the drawbacks of previous works. It is simulator independence, so it can make use of the powerful functionality and versatile tools provided by modern general-purpose simulators such as NS-2. It is fully compatible with BSD Socket API, so RWA can be run on it without re-linking and re-compiling. It is transparent to the RWA, so RWAs are run on BSD Socket API for Simulator as they are on normal operating systems. BSD Socket API for Simulator is built on the concept of message redirecting. It has two critical parts: shared library and customized simulator application. The shared library is loaded into the address space of RWA. On one hand, messages sent by RWA are captured by the shared library and redirected to the customized simulator application. On the other hand, messages from simulator are redirected by the customized simulator application to the shared library. BSD Socket API for Simulator has been intensively tested. The test results show that it functions as expected and it has an acceptable performance.
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A Multimedia DSP Processor Design / Design av en Multimedia DSP ProcessorGnatyuk, Vladimir, Runesson, Christian January 2004 (has links)
<p>This Master Thesis presents the design of the core of a fixed point general purpose multimedia DSP processor (MDSP) and its instruction set. This processor employs parallel processing techniques and specialized addressing models to speed up the processing of multimedia applications. </p><p>The MDSP has a dual MAC structure with one enhanced MAC that provides a SIMD, Single Instruction Multiple Data, unit consisting of four parallel data paths that are optimized for accelerating multimedia applications. The SIMD unit performs four multimedia- oriented 16- bit operations every clock cycle. This accelerates computationally intensive procedures such as video and audio decoding. The MDSP uses a memory bank of four memories to provide multiple accesses of source data each clock cycle.</p>
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Simulator for Resource Allocation in Hybrid NetworksLi, Cai January 2005 (has links)
<p>Much work has been done in simulating traditional cellular networks. But with the incoming of ad-hoc network technology, the next generation networks will employ hybrid network architectures using both cellular and ad-hoc networking concepts. </p><p>We investigate how to create a simulator being able to simulate a hybrid wireless network. This involves setting up a cellular network and an ad-hoc network respectively. However, the most important thing is how to integrate them seamlessly. </p><p>Fortunately, there has already been a simulator called SIMRA which simulates a UMTS cellular network. Therefore, this thesis work is greatly simplified as how to extend and improve SIMRA to implement a simulator for hybrid wireless network. We selected J-sim as the developing platform for our simulator and our development was greatly based on the wireless package provided by the latest version of J-sim. </p><p>To evaluate the new simulator, different resource allocation algorithms were run against it and the results were compared to those generated by earlier extensions to SIMRA under the same simulation settings. It showed that the resource allocation algorithms behaved similarly under the hybrid wireless network environment. Nevertheless, there are some discrepancies in behaviors of algorithms used for evaluation that still need to be studied.</p>
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From vision to prototype : Virtual road racing / Från idé till prototyp : Virtuell cyklingÖstlund, Eric Chung Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>Riding a stationary exercise bike regularly can lead to many health benefits such as stronger muscles, higher metabolism and reduced body fat percentage to mention a few. The biggest drawback is that training on a stationary exercise bike can be immensely boring with no stimulation or amusement factor. </p><p>This thesis presents the development of a prototype, a road racing simulator that makes training on an exercise bike more stimulating. The prototype consists of an exercise bike and a computer game. It also features a network option, making it possible to race other users, multi player style. The purpose is to make home training on the exercise bike more amusing, enjoyable and maybe even challenging. </p><p>The focus in this report lies mainly on the graphics and network parts but all steps in producing the prototype are described so the reader can get a complete picture of the project.</p>
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Automatisk sortering med engreppsskördare vid slutavverkning / Automated Sorting with a Single Grip Harvester in Final FellingErikssohn, Per, Oscarsson, Marcus January 2005 (has links)
<p>Arbetet som skogsmaskinförare är mycket belastande både fysiskt och mentalt. För att minska arbetsskador och sjukskrivningar, vilket i längden kan leda till brist på förare och svårigheter att rekrytera nya, behöver arbetsbelastningen minskas. Genom att automatisera vissa delar av skördarförarens arbete kan vinster avseende både den fysiska och mentala belastningen göras. Detta genom att föraren får mer tid att ta de många beslut som ingår i arbetet medan maskinen tar över enkla, upprepade handlingar. Därmed minskar också reglageanvändningen och det ges fler möjligheter till mikropauser då musklerna kan återhämta sig.</p><p>Målet med examensarbetet var att genom studier av kommunikationen mellan människa och maskin komma med förslag på hur belastningsproblemen kan lindras. Samtidigt får inte produktiviteten försämras, eftersom det skulle avskräcka tillverkare och köpare att satsa på nya idéer.</p><p>Genom att göra intervjuer och observationer med förare samt studiebesök hos tillverkare, kunde en kognitiv uppgiftsanalys av förarens arbetssituation göras. Utifrån denna identifierades sedan en rad problemområden varav ett valdes ut för vidare arbete. Arbetet fokuserades på att utveckla en automatisk sorteringsfunktion och ett antal koncept arbetades fram. Två av dessa idéer vidareutvecklades till färdiga koncept vilka sedan testades och analyserades i simulatormiljö. För att se hur de nya funktionerna fungerade jämfört med dagens arbete gjordes också samma test med det konventionella arbetssättet vars resultat sedan användes som referensvärde. Efter varje test gjordes dessutom subjektiva mätningar av arbetsbelastningen för att få en uppfattning om hur koncepten upplevdes.</p><p>Resultaten av studien visar att reglageanvändningen minskar vilket ökar möjligheterna för mikropauser i arbetet. Det ger föraren möjligheter att återhämta sig under arbetets gång och därmed minska belastningsproblemen. Det visar sig dock att avverkningstiden ökar något och att de subjektiva skattningarna hos de nya koncepten är något sämre än referensvärdena. Det beror dock med stor sannolikhet på att testföraren till vardags arbetar med det konventionella arbetssättet och att det inte fanns tid för tillräcklig övning och tillvänjning till de nya koncepten.</p>
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Aircraft Simulator / Simulator för flygfarkostIskender, Hani January 2005 (has links)
<p>At Saab Bofors Dynamics there are projects running which purpose are to develop simulators for various weapon systems like RBS 70. In order to manage creating real working simulators Saab Bofors Dynamics has to do more research and this final thesis is a part of this process.</p><p>This final thesis has been performed at Saab Bofors Dynamics in the department of modelling and simulation, RTRKM, in Karlskoga. The purpose was to develop a control algorithm which makes it possible for an aircraft to behave real when controlling through a joystick.</p><p>The conclusions show that further improvements are needed before the aircraft behaves entirely by the laws of physics. Among other things it is necessary to decrease the number of delimitations that have been done.</p>
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A model for simulation and generation of surrounding vehicles in driving simulatorsJanson Olstam, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>Driving simulators are used to conduct experiments on for example driver behavior, road design, and vehicle characteristics. The results of the experiments often depend on the traffic conditions. One example is the evaluation of cellular phones and how they affect driving behavior. It is clear that the ability to use phones when driving depends on traffic intensity and composition, and that realistic experiments in driving simulators therefore has to include surrounding traffic.</p><p>This thesis describes a model that generates and simulates surrounding vehicles for a driving simulator. The proposed model generates a traffic stream, corresponding to a given target flow and simulates realistic interactions between vehicles. The model is built on established techniques for time-driven microscopic simulation of traffic and uses an approach of only simulating the closest neighborhood of the driving simulator vehicle. In our model this closest neighborhood is divided into one inner region and two outer regions. Vehicles in the inner region are simulated according to advanced behavioral models while vehicles in the outer regions are updated according to a less time-consuming model. The presented work includes a new framework for generating and simulating vehicles within a moving area. It also includes the development of enhanced models for car-following and overtaking and a simple mesoscopic traffic model.</p><p>The developed model has been integrated and tested within the VTI Driving simulator III. A driving simulator experiment has been performed in order to check if the participants observe the behavior of the simulated vehicles as realistic or not. The results were promising but they also indicated that enhancements could be made. The model has also been validated on the number of vehicles that catches up with the driving simulator vehicle and vice versa. The agreement is good for active and passive catch-ups on rural roads and for passive catch-ups on freeways, but less good for active catch-ups on freeways.</p>
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Construction of a Simulator for the Siemens Gas Turbine SGT-600Nordström, Lisa January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis covers the development of a simulator for the Siemens Gas Tur-bine SGT-600. An explanation on how a gas turbine works is also given, as well as the principles behind the control system used by Siemens to control the turbine.</p><p>For Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery to be able to test its control sys-tem before delivering a gas turbine to the customer, a simulator is needed. The control system needs to be adjusted for every unique gas turbine, since there are several options for the customer to choose between when ordering the turbine. A control system standard is under development, which also needs to be tested in a simulator.</p><p>The framework for the simulator, i.e. the hardware and software that form the simulator system, was predefined to suit this specific purpose. The Siemens software SIMIT is used for developing the model. SIMIT is a real time simulation tool where models are constructed using blocks, similar to MATLAB Simulink.</p><p>A gas turbine is basically a heat engine that produces mechanical energy or electricity. The main task of the control system is to control the fuel flow to the combustion chamber and by that keeping the machine at desired speed.</p><p>The gas turbine model was developed using measurement data from a site in Hungary, where a gas turbine of the type SGT-600 is in service. The model is based on simplified relations between the signals. By analyzing measurement data and learning about the functionality of a gas turbine it was found out that the speed of the gas generator affected most other sig-nals, like temperatures and pressures. The gas generator speed was found to be dependent on the heat flow, which is determined by the openings of the gas control valves.</p><p>As a result of this thesis a working simulator for the gas turbine SGT-600 has been developed. The simulator can be used for testing the control sys-tem standard and for testing the control system when adapting it to a spe-cific delivery. It is also suitable for educational purposes, for example to instruct customers.</p>
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