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Genetic Basis of Control in Fruit Mass Via Pedicel Characteristics in Apple PopulationsJairam Baba Danao (19172569) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Pedicels are the slender stalks that attach the fruit to the plant. They play a crucial role in fruit development. The characteristics of the pedicel comprise complex traits that are controlled by multiple genes. To study whether genetic control of fruit mass was via control of pedicel characteristics, we used two unique hybrid apple populations: ‘20 Ounce’ x ‘Prairie Fire’ and ‘Edward VII’ x ‘Prairie Fire’. Both ‘20 Ounce’ and ‘Edward VII’ x ‘Prairie Fire’ produce large fruit over 200 g, whereas ‘Prairie Fire’ is a small-fruited crabapple with fruit size less than 2 g. These populations offer the potential to investigate how pedicel attributes relate to apple fruit size. Previous work established a correlation between pedicel characteristics and apple fruit mass. Specifically, pedicel length showed an inverse relationship, while pedicel diameter was directly related to fruit mass. Shorter and broader pedicels were expected to offer the least resistance to water and nutrient flows. We hypothesize that among the genes that control fruit mass, some govern pedicel length and diameter. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) analysis (Linkage mapping) was performed, and 5 QTLs were associated with characteristics such as fruit mass, pedicel length and pedicel diameter with LOD scores of 4 and above. That being said, no common region was associated with both the fruit mass and pedicel characteristics. This does not support our hypothesis and suggests that different regions may be controlling all these traits. Knowledge of QTLs and subsequently genes that affect fruit mass and pedicel characteristics in apple have potential applications in apple breeding and fruit production. The identification and manipulation of these genes holds the promise of developing new apple cultivars with improved pedicel traits and ultimately fruit mass and enhanced fruit quality.</p>
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Bridging the TB data gap: in silico extraction of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis diagnostic test results from whole genome sequence dataNg, K.C.S., Ngabonziza, J.C.S., Lempens, P., de Jong, B.C., van Leth, F., Meehan, Conor J. 05 November 2019 (has links)
Yes / Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are widely
employed in routine laboratories and national surveys for detection of rifampicinresistant (RR)-TB. However, as next-generation sequencing technologies have
become more commonplace in research and surveillance programs, RDTs are being
increasingly complemented by whole genome sequencing (WGS). While comparison
between RDTs is difficult, all RDT results can be derived from WGS data. This
can facilitate continuous analysis of RR-TB burden regardless of the data generation
technology employed. By converting WGS to RDT results, we enable comparison of
data with different formats and sources particularly for low- and middle-income
high TB-burden countries that employ different diagnostic algorithms for drug
resistance surveys. This allows national TB control programs (NTPs) and
epidemiologists to utilize all available data in the setting for improved RR-TB
Methods: We developed the Python-based MycTB Genome to Test (MTBGT) tool
that transforms WGS-derived data into laboratory-validated results of the primary
RDTs—Xpert MTB/RIF, XpertMTB/RIF Ultra, GenoType MDRTBplus v2.0, and
GenoscholarNTM+MDRTB II. The tool was validated through RDT results of
RR-TB strains with diverse resistance patterns and geographic origins and applied on
routine-derived WGS data.
Results: The MTBGT tool correctly transformed the single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) data into the RDT results and generated tabulated frequencies of the RDT
probes as well as rifampicin-susceptible cases. The tool supplemented the RDT
probe reactions output with the RR-conferring mutation based on identified SNPs.
The MTBGT tool facilitated continuous analysis of RR-TB and Xpert probe reactions
from different platforms and collection periods in Rwanda.
Conclusion: Overall, the MTBGT tool allows low- and middle-income countries to
make sense of the increasingly generated WGS in light of the readily available RDT. / Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Fellowship grant 2016- 1346.
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Characterization of fungicide resistance in grape powdery and downy mildew using field trials, bioassays, genomic, and transcriptomic approaches: quinoxyfen, phosphite, and mandipropamidFeng, Xuewen 06 February 2018 (has links)
Development of fungicide resistance in fungal and oomycete pathogens is a serious problem in grape production. Quinoxyfen is a fungicide widely used against grape powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator). In 2013, E. necator isolates with reduced quinoxyfen sensitivity (designated as quinoxyfen lab resistance or QLR) were detected in Virginia. Field trials were conducted in 2014, 2015, and 2016 at the affected vineyard to determine to what extent quinoxyfen might still contribute to disease control. Powdery mildew control by quinoxyfen was good, similar to, or only slightly less, than that provided by myclobutanil and boscalid in all three years. The frequency of QLR in vines not treated with quinoxyfen declined only slowly over the three years, from 65% to 46%. Information about the mode of action of quinoxyfen is limited; previous research suggests that quinoxyfen interferes with the signal transduction process. We profiled the transcriptomes of QLR and sensitive isolates in response to quinoxyfen treatment, providing support for this hypothesis. Additional transcriptional targets of quinoxyfen were revealed to be involved in the positive regulation of the MAPK signaling cascade, pathogenesis, and sporulation activity. Grape downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola), another important grape pathogen, is commonly controlled by phosphite fungicides. A field trial and laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine whether P. viticola isolates from vineyards with suspected control failures showed reduced sensitivity against phosphite fungicides. Prophyt applied at 14-day intervals under high disease pressure provided poor downy mildew control in the field. Next-generation sequencing technologies were utilized to identify 391,930 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and generated a draft P. viticola genome assembly at ~130 megabase (Mb). Finally, field isolates of P. viticola collected from a Virginia vineyard with suspected mandipropamid control failure were bioassayed. The EC50 values of the isolates were >240 μg.ml-1 for mandipropamid, well above the field rate. The PvCesA3 gene of two resistant isolates was sequenced revealing that these isolates had a GGC-to-AGC substitution at codon 1105, the same mutation that has been found associated with CAA resistance elsewhere. / PHD / Powdery and downy mildew are two diseases of grapes that can cause large yield losses, and are usually controlled by regular fungicide applications. Development of fungicide resistance has been a growing challenge. Quinoxyfen is a protectant fungicide commonly used against powdery mildews. Unusual grape powdery mildew isolates that grew well on quinoxyfen-treated plants in the laboratory (designated as quinoxyfen lab resistance or QLR) were detected in a Virginia vineyard. In 2014, the first year of this study, 65% of powdery mildew isolates from parts of this vineyard that received no further quinoxyfen treatments had the QLR type of resistance, and this declined only slowly to 46% by the third year. Field trials were conducted in 2014, 2015, and 2016 to determine the efficacy of quinoxyfen in the presence of QLR. Powdery mildew control by quinoxyfen on both grape clusters and leaves was similar to, or only slightly less, than that provided by the standard anti-powdery mildew fungicides myclobutanil and boscalid in all three years. In order to gain a better understanding of the mode(s) of action and resistance mechanism(s) of quinoxyfen, gene expression of QLR and sensitive isolates, both in the presence and absence of quinoxyfen, was analyzed by nucleic acid sequencing. This study confirms previous research suggesting that quinoxyfen interferes with the important biological process signal transduction, and revealed additional gene targets of quinoxyfen.
The phosphites are a group of fungicides commonly used to control grape downy mildew. Control failures after phosphite application have occasionally been suspected, and downy mildew isolates from vineyards with and without suspected control failures were tested in laboratory bioassays to determine if any level of resistance could be demonstrated. There was a limited range of sensitivity, and none of the isolates showed a notable loss of sensitivity. A field trial was conducted to determine the efficacy of one phosphite fungicide, Prophyt, applied at 14-day intervals under conditions favorable for disease development. Prophyt provided poor downy mildew control, suggesting that it has to be applied more frequently. Next-generation sequencing technologies were utilized to identify genetic markers for clade identification and generated a draft genome assembly of grape downy mildew, which improves the understanding of grape downy mildew genome. Grape downy mildew isolates collected from a vineyard in Virginia where mandipropamid provided poor control of downy mildew were bioassayed. The isolates tolerated mandipropamid rates well above the field rate, showing that they were indeed resistant. The mutation that confers mandipropamid resistance on other continents was found in the PvCesA3 gene of two resistant isolates.
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Untersuchungen zur Assoziation genetischer Polymorphismen im Gen des Endotoxinrezeptors CD14 mit der transkriptionellen Aktivität / Investigations of Association of Genetic Polymorphisms in the CD14 Endotoxin Receptor Gene with Transcriptional ActivityBregadze, Rusudan 20 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Utilisation d'une approche de chimie biologie intégrative dans la recherche de nouvelles molécules actives sur la prolifération et la différenciation des cellules souches cancéreuses / A chemical biology approach for the discovery of molecules acting on tumour initiating cells isolated from glioblastomasFeve, Marie 29 June 2012 (has links)
Depuis l’émergence du concept de cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC), de telles cellules ont été isolées à partir de diverses tumeurs solides, dont les glioblastomes. Les CSC et les propriétés qui les caractérisent permettent de mieux comprendre l’hétérogénéité tumorale, ainsi que l’agressivité de certaines tumeurs et les récidives après traitement. Avec la mise en évidence des CSC, un nouveau paradigme est apparu dans le domaine de la thérapie anticancéreuse visant à cibler non seulement les cellules de la masse tumorale, mais également les CSC, plus résistantes aux chimio- et radiothérapies, mais aussi capables d’entrer en quiescence et de reformer la tumeur d’origine. L’isolement de CSC à partir des tumeurs, leur physiopathologie et la recherche de molécules capables de les détruire ou de les différencier afin de les rendre plus sensibles aux traitements mobilisent un nombre croissant d’équipes de recherche et certaines industries pharmaceutiques. Cette thèse présente un travail sur des CSC isolées de glioblastomes humains et s’inscrit dans la démarche énoncée ci-dessus. / Since the emergence of the concept of cancer stem cells (CSC), such cells were isolated from various solid tumors including glioblastomas. The CSC and the properties that characterize them allow a better understanding of tumor heterogeneity and aggressiveness of certain tumors and recurrences after treatment. With the highlighting of CSC, a new paradigm has emerged in the field of cancer therapy. New strategies aim at targeting not only the cells of the tumor mass, but also the CSC, more resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy, but also capable of enter into a quiescent state and to reform the original tumor. The isolation of CSC from solid tumors, their pathogenesis and the search for molecules capable of triggering their death or differentiate them to make them more sensitive to treatment, mobilize a growing number of research teams and some pharmaceutical industries.This thesis presents a work on CSC isolated from human glioblastomas and is framed inside the approach set out above.
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Chronic hepatitis C: Liver disease manifestations with regard to respective innate immunity receptors gene polymorphisms / Chronische Hepatitis C: Manifestationen der Lebererkrankung in Bezug auf die relevanten Genpolymorphismen des angeborenen ImmunsystemsAskar, Eva 04 July 2011 (has links)
Etwa 3% der Weltbevölkerung sind von dem Hepatitis-C-Virus-Infektion betroffen. Phänotyp der HCV-induzierten Lebererkrankung variiert stark von einem Patienten zum anderen. Die Wahrnehmung der viralen doppelsträngigen RNA (dsRNA) und einzelsträngigen RNA (ssRNA) durch den Toll-like-Rezeptor 3 (TLR3) bzw. TLR7 scheinen an der Früherkennung der Pathogene und an der Wirtsantwort auf viraler Infektion beteiligt zu sein. Darüber hinaus ist die membran-assoziierte Form des Endotoxin-Rezeptor-Bestandteils CD14 (mCD14) mit TLR3 in Intrazellulärräumen kolokalisiert und erweitert die dsRNA-Erkennung und TLR3-Signalleitung. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert epidemiologische und klinische Daten von Patienten kaukasischer Abstammung mit einer chronischen Hepatitis C in Bezug auf bestimmte Einzellnukleotidpolymorphismen (SNPs) mit relevanten minor allele frequencies (MAFs) in Genen, die für obengenannte Rezeptoren kodieren. Es wurde keine Assoziation von dem TLR3-Promotor-Polymorphism rs5743305 (T/A) mit TLR3-Genexpression gefunden, weder in peripheren mononukleären Zellen des Blutes (PBMCs) noch in der Leber; keine weitere Korrelation mit epidemiologischen und klinischen Parametern der chronischen Erkrankung waren zu beobachten. Andererseits, T-homozygote Patienten am rs3775291-(C/T)-Polymorphismus (der in Exon 4 lokalisierter nicht-synonymer SNP) zeigen Tendenz zu einer höheren TLR3-Genexpression in der Leber. Außerdem, unter HCV-subtyp-1a-infizierten Patienten sind keine T-Homozygoten zu finden. Im Unterschied zur Lage bei alkoholischer Lebererkrankung wurde in chronischen Hepatitis-C-Patienten keine Assoziation zwischen den Fibrosegrad und CD14-Gen-C-159T-Polymorphismus gefunden. Bei T-homozygoten Patienten wurden jedoch häufiger portale lymphoide Aggregaten gefunden als bei C-Allele-Trägern. Außerdem das Vorhandensein von portalen lymphoiden Aggregaten korrelierte eng mit der Leberentzündung und mit Gallengangsläsionen. Am Ende wurde der funktionelle nicht-synonyme SNP in Exon 3 des X-gekoppelten TLR7 Gens, rs179008/Gln11Leu, untersucht. Die Analyse war auf homo- und hemizygoten Personen, die mittels Allelspezifischentranskriptquantifizierung (ASTQ) in heterozygoten weiblichen Personen eingeordnet wurden, eingeschränkt. Es zeigte sich dabei ein individueller verzerrter Mosaizismus in PBMCs. Das variante T-Allel war nur mit der Anwesenheit der portalen lymphoiden Aggregaten assoziiert. Hepatische Viruslast und Expression der Gene, die bekannterweise bei einer chronischer HCV-Infektion induziert sind, unterschieden sich zwischen Wildtyp- und Variantallelträger nicht. Jedoch eine signifikant niedrigere Expression der interleukin-29 (IL-29)/lambda1 interferon (IFN-λ1) und beider Untereinheiten seines Rezeptors (IL-10 Rβ and IL-28Rα) war bei T-homo- und hemizygoten Patienten zu beobachten. Diese Tatsache könnte eher eine Auswirkung auf die Ansprechbarkeit auf zukünftige IFN- λ-basierte Therapie haben, als auf eine Vorhersage des Ausgangs der gängigen IFN-α-basierten Therapie.
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Identification des peptides du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I par spectrométrie de masseBramoullé, Alexandre 12 1900 (has links)
L’immunité adaptive et la discrimination entre le soi et le non-soi chez les vertébrés à mâchoire reposent sur la présentation de peptides par les récepteurs d’histocompatibilité majeur de classe I. Les peptides antigéniques, présentés par les molécules du complexe d’histocompatibilité (CMH), sont scrutés par les lymphocytes T CD8 pour une réponse immunitaire appropriée. Le répertoire des peptides du CMH de classe I, aussi appelé immunopeptidome, est généré par la dégradation protéosomale des protéines endogènes, et a un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de l’immunité cellulaire. La composition de l’immunopeptidome dépend du type de cellule et peut présenter des caractéristiques liées à des maladies comme le cancer. Les peptides antigéniques peuvent être utilisés à des fins immunothérapeutiques notamment dans le traitement voire la prévention de certains cancers. La spectrométrie de masse est un outil de choix pour l’identification, le séquençage et la caractérisation de ces peptides. Cependant, la composition en acides aminés, la faible abondance et la diversité de ces peptides compliquent leur détection et leur séquençage. Nous avons développé un programme appelé StatPeaks qui permet de calculer un certains nombres de statistiques relatives à la fragmentation des peptides. À l’aide de ce programme, nous montrons sans équivoque que les peptides du CMH classe I, en mode de fragmentation par dissociation induite par collision (CID), fragmentent très différemment des peptides trypsiques communément utilisés en protéomique. Néanmoins, la fragmentation par décomposition induite par collision à plus haute énergie (HCD) proposée par le spectromètre LTQ-Orbitrap Velos améliore la fragmentation et fournit une haute résolution qui permet d’obtenir une meilleure confiance dans l’identification des peptides du CMH de classe I. Cet avantage permet d’effectuer le séquençage de novo pour identifier les variants polymorphes qui ne sont normalement pas identifiés par les recherches utilisant des bases de données. La comparaison des programmes de séquençage Lutefisk, pepNovo, pNovo, Vonode et Peaks met en évidence que le dernier permet d’identifier un plus grand nombre de peptides du CMH de classe I. Ce programme est intégré dans une chaîne de traitement de recherche d’antigènes mineurs d’histocompatibilité. Enfin, une base de données contenant les informations spectrales de plusieurs centaines de peptides du CMH de classe I accessible par Internet a été développée. / Adaptive immunity and discrimination between self and nonself in jawed vertebrates relies on the presentation of peptides by the major histocompatibility (MHC) class I receptors. Foreign or self peptide antigens presented by the MHC molecules are probed by CD8 T-cell lymphocyte for proper immune response. The repertoire of MHC I peptides collectively referred to as the immunopeptidome is generated through the proteasomal degradation of endogenous proteins and plays an important role in the regulation of cellular immunity. The composition of the immunopeptidome is cell specific and can harbor important hallmark of human diseases including cancer. Antigenic peptides can also be used in immunotherapy to mount an appropriate immune response against cancer cells displaying these peptides. Mass spectrometry is a tool of choice for the identification, sequencing and characterization of these peptides. However, the amino acid composition, the low abundance and diversity of these peptides make their detection and sequencing more challenging. We developed a software, called StatPeaks, that calculates statistics relative to the fragmentation of peptides. Using this software, we demonstrate that under collision induced dissociation (CID) MHC class I peptides fragment in a very different fashion than tryptic peptides, commonly used in proteomics. However, the higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) mode available on the LTQ-Orbitrap Velos enhances peptide fragmentation and provides high resolution fragment information that significantly improves the confidence in MHC class I peptide identification. This inherent advantage confers the ability to perform de novo sequencing to identify polymorphic variants that would normally elude conventional database searches. The comparison of de novo peptide sequencing software Lutefisk, pepNovo, pNovo, Vonode and Peaks indicated that the later software enabled higher rates of correct identification for MHC class I peptides. This software was integrated into a data analysis pipeline for the identification minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHAs). A web-based library that stores spectral information of hundreds of synthetic MHC class I peptides was developed in support to the needs of the immunopeptidome discovery program.
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Immobilisation de biomolécules pour l’analyse multiparamétrique sur biopuces : application au génotypage érythrocytaire haut-débit / Biomolecule immobilisation for multiparametric analysis on biochips : application to high-throughput blood group genotypingLe Goff, Gaëlle 14 October 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’intéressent à l’immobilisation de biomolécules pour le développement d’outils d’analyse multiparamétrique pour la caractérisation d’échantillons biologiques et le diagnostic, sur un support de type biopuce couplé à une détection colorimétrique.Un premier axe de recherche concerne le développement de tests d’hybridation d’acides nucléiques et d’immunotests à haut-débit automatisés sur plaque de filtration. Cette méthode a permis la mise au point d’un test de génotypage automatisé pour le dépistage transfusionnel haut-débit (génotypage érythrocytaire étendu) en collaboration avec l’Établissement Français du Sang Rhône-Alpes (EFS-RA). Il permet d’analyser 96 échantillons en quatre heures, et de caractériser six génotypes par échantillon. Cet outil a fait l’objet d’une validation sur un panel de 293 donneurs.La seconde partie des travaux présentés s’intéresse au développement d’un procédé d’immobilisation d’oligonucléotides sur un polymère particulier (PolyshrinkTM) pour l’élaboration d’un système d’analyse miniaturisé. Plusieurs stratégies d’activation ont été envisagées et ont abouti à la mise au point d’une technique d’immobilisation d’oligonucleotides in situ dans des plots d’hydrogel. La méthode de fabrication permet d’obtenir une matrice de plots d’hydrogel de 60 µm de diamètre et d’une hauteur de 6 µm en moyenne. En outre, il a été démontré que les oligonucléotides immobilisés dans les plots pouvaient détecter de façon quantitative et sélective les cibles complémentaires présentes dans l’échantillon analysé en utilisant une détection par colorimétrie ou par chimiluminescence. / The work reported in this thesis focuses on biomolecules immobilization for the development of multiparametric analysis tools on a biochip coupled with a colorimetric detection, applied to the characterization of biological samples and to diagnosis.The first concern was the development of high-throughput automated hybridization tests and immunotests on a filtration plate. This method led to the elaboration of an automated platform for extended blood group genotyping in collaboration with the Etablissement Français du Sang Rhône-Alpes (EFS-RA). It enables to analyze 96 samples in four hours and to characterize six genotypes per sample. Its analytical performances were validated on a panel of 293 blood donors.The second part of this work aimed to elaborate a new strategy for oligonucleotide immobilization on an innovative polymer (PolyshrinkTM) for the development of miniaturized analysis systems. Several approaches were evaluated and led to an in-situ immobilization of oligonucleotides in hydrogel dots technique. This method leads to 6 µm hydrogel dots with a diameter of 60 µm. Moreover it was demonstrated that such immobilized oligonucleotides were able to detect targets specifically and quantitatively using either a chemiluminescent or a colorimetric detection.
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A influência de polimorfismos de base única na metilação de DNA em genes de receptores olfatórios / Single nucleotide polymorphisms lead to differential DNA methylation in odorant receptor genesSilva, Artur Guazzelli Leme 24 April 2018 (has links)
Os genes de receptores olfatórios (OR) pertencem a uma família de proteínas de membrana formada por cerca de 1000 genes no genoma de camundongo. Os genes OR são expressos de forma monogênica e monoalélica nos neurônios olfatórios (OSNs). No entanto, ainda não está claro o mecanismo que permite essa forma de expressão peculiar, sobretudo, qual o papel da metilação de DNA nesse processo. Nosso estudo determinou o padrão de metilação de DNA da região promotora e codificadora do gene Olfr17. Em células de epitélio olfatório (MOE) de camundongos adultos, observamos na região codificadora (CDS) do gene uma frequência de metilação em dinucleotídeos CpG 58%, enquanto que na sua região promotora ela foi bem mais baixa. Os níveis de metilação do Olfr17 em MOE de embrião (E15.5) e fígado foram similares aos observados em MOE de animais adultos. Em seguida, analisamos se a metilação de DNA pode regular a expressão gênica do Olfr17. Utilizando animais transgênicos onde os neurônios olfatórios que expressam Olfr17 também expressam GFP, pudemos selecionar neurônios olfatórios GFP+ e analisar a metilação do gene Olfr17, que está ativo nestas células. Verificamos que o padrão geral de metilação do Olfr17, tanto na região CDS como na região promotora, não se altera quando este gene está ativo. Este resultado indica que alterações na metilação do gene Olfr17 não são necessárias para que este receptor seja expresso. Finalmente, verificamos que a região promotora do gene Olfr17, de duas linhagens de camundongos diferentes, a C57BL/6 e a 129, possuem dois polimorfismos de base única (SNPs) que alteram o conteúdo CpG. Devido a estes SNPs, a linhagem 129 apresenta dois sítios CpG adicionais, inexistentes na linhagem C57BL/6. Nossas análises mostraram que estes CpGs são frequentemente metilados, o que torna o promotor do Olfr17 de 129 significativamente mais metilado que o promotor de C57BL/6. Em seguida, nós analisamos o nível de expressão no MOE dos dois alelos de Olfr17, o 129 e o C57BL/6, utilizando ensaios de RT-qPCR. Estes experimentos demonstraram que o nível de expressão do alelo 129, que possui 3 CpGs metiladas em seu promotor, é menor que o do alelo C57BL/6, que apresenta apenas uma CpG que é pouco metilada em seu promotor. Nossos resultados sugerem que as alterações na região promotora influenciam a probabilidade com que o gene OR é escolhido para ser expresso no MOE. / Olfactory receptor (OR) genes belong to a large family of membrane proteins composed of 1000 genes in the mouse genome. The OR genes are expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in a monogenic and monoallelic fashion. However, the mechanisms that govern OR gene expression are unclear. Here we asked whether DNA methylation plays a role in the regulation of OR gene expression. We first determined the DNA methylation pattern in the coding (CDS) and promoter regions of the odorant receptor gene Olfr17. In olfactory epithelium (MOE) cells, the CpG methylation level in the CDS is 58% but is much lower in the promoter region of the gene. In embryonic MOE (E15.5) and liver, the levels of Olfr17 DNA methylation are similar to the ones shown in adult MOE. We next analyzed whether DNA methylation is involved in Olfr17 regulation. We isolated GFP+ neurons from transgenic mice that coexpress GFP with Olfr17, and analyzed the DNA methylation pattern of the Olfr17, which is active in these cells. We found that the general methylation pattern, both, in the coding and promoter regions is not altered in the active gene. These results indicate that changes in DNA methylation are not required for the activation of Olfr17. Finally, we found that the Olfr17 promoter region from two different mouse strains, C57BL/6 and 129, has two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that alter the CpG content. The SNPs lead to the existence of two additional CpGs in the 129 allele, which are absent in the C57BL/6 allele. These CpGs are frequently methylated, making the 129 Olfr17 promoter significantly more methylated than the Olfr17 promoter from C57BL/6. We next performed RT-qPCR experiments to analyze the expression levels of the 129 and C57BL/6 Olfr17 alleles in the MOE. These experiments showed that the expression level of the 129 Olfr17 allele, which contains three methylated CpGs in its promoter region, is lower than the one from C57BL/6, which contains only one, undermethylated CpG, in its promoter. Our results suggest that these promoter modifications regulate the probability of the OR gene choice.
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Frequência de polimorfismos nos genes responsáveis pela absorção, distribuição, metabolismo e excreção (ADME) de medicamentos na população brasileira / Frequency of polymorphisms in the genes responsible for the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of drugs in brazilian populationKim, Vera 24 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A variação genética em genes que codificam a absorção, distribuição, metabolismo e excreção (ADME) de medicamentos frequentemente afeta a farmacocinética da droga e resulta na variabilidade da eficácia e segurança do medicamento. No entanto, a frequência da variação genética nos genes ADME diferem entre as populações. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as variações genéticas nos genes ADME nos pacientes brasileiros portadores do vírus da hepatite C e comparar com outros bancos de dados (1000 Genomes Project e Exome Aggregation Consortium). Métodos: Um total de 147 genes ADME foram genotipados em 100 amostras por sequenciamento de DNA genômico usando SureSelectXT (Agilent) e MiSeq, NextSeq (Illumina). Resultados: Um total de 2004 SNPs em 147 genes foram analisados, incluindo enzimas de fase I (n=50), enzimas de fase II (n=37) e transportadores (n=60). Uma coleção de variantes genéticas indica que há pelo menos 2 vezes mais variações do que semelhanças entre os pacientes com hepatite C e os principais grupos continentais. Estas diferenças foram observadas em vários genes relevantes, incluindo CYP1A2, CYP3A4, NAT2, ABCB1 e SLCO1B1. Além disso, pacientes auto declarados como branco, pardo, negro e asiático também apresentaram diferenças de frequência alélica quando comparados à europeus, americanos mixos, africanos e asiáticos nos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A1, CYP2B6, GSTP1 e ABCG2, respectivamente. Conclusão: Concluímos que os pacientes com hepatite C tem uma frequência alélica de genes ADME diferente dos outros bancos de dados. Embora a personalização do tratamento medicamentoso com base no genótipo individual, e não na etnia, possa ser a mais apropriada, as diferenças nas frequências alélicas entre os continentes devem ser consideradas ao projetar ensaios clínicos de novos medicamentos / Background: Genetic variation in genes encoding drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) proteins often affects the drug pharmacokinetics and results in variability in drug efficacy and safety. However, the frequency of genetic variation in the ADME genes differ among populations. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic variations in the ADME genes in Brazilian patients with hepatitis C and to compare to other databases (1000 Genomes Project e Exome Aggregation Consortium). Methods: A total of 147 ADME were genotyped in 100 samples from Brazil by targeted genomic DNA sequencing using SureSelectXT (Agilent) and MiSeq, NextSeq (Illumina). Results: A total of 2004 SNPs in 147 genes that were analyzed, including phase I enzymes (n=50), phase II enzymes (n=37), drug transporters (n=60). We provide a collection of genetic variants that indicate that there are at least 2-times more variation than similarities between patients with hepatitis C and major continental groups. These differences were observed in several relevant genes including CYP1A2, CYP3A4, NAT2, ABCB1 and SLCO1B1. Moreover, white, brown, black and Asian self-reported patients also showed allele frequency differences when compared to European, mixed American, African and Asian for polymorphisms of the genes CYP1A1, CYP2B6, GSTP1 and ABCG2. respectively. Conclusion: We conclude that the hepatitis C patients has an allele frequency of ADME genes different from other data bases. While personalization of drug treatment based on individual genotype rather than ethnicity may be more appropriate, differences in allelic frequencies across continents should be considered when designing clinical trials of new drugs
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