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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grammatisk språkförståelse vid fyra år - testar vi det vi tror? : En jämförande studie av två grammatiska språkförståelsetest

Aittomäki, Minna, Winell, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Det har gjorts många studier kring barns språkproduktion medan kunskaperna om hur och när förståelsen utvecklas är mindre. Forskare är eniga om att förståelsen i stort föregår produktionen även om vissa grammatiska strukturer produceras innan barnet har en full förståelse för dem. Att testa språkförståelse är svårt då barnet behöver utföra någon form av handling för att visa vad det förstår. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra två grammatiska förståelsetest, Nya SIT och TROG-2, dels resultatmässigt och dels innehållsmässigt. Sjuttiosex fyraåriga barn, enspråkiga med svenska som förstaspråk och flerspråkiga, testades med båda testen. Slutsatserna är att de båda testen poängmässigt har en ganska hög korrelation för hela gruppen barn, 0,7 enligt Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient. Korrelationen är 0,6 för flerspråkiga barn och 0,5 för enbart svenskspråkiga barn. En regressionsanalys visar att språk är den faktor som mest påverkar resultatet och att kön liksom ålder inverkar mindre. Analysen av testmomenten visar att TROG-2 testar grammatik i en högre grad än Nya SIT som bara till en del ger svar på om barnet förstår grammatik. / Many studies have investigated the development of children's language production, yet knowledge about how and when language comprehension develops is scarce. Researchers are agreed that comprehension generally precedes production, even though some grammatical structures are produced before the child fully comprehends them. Testing language comprehension is difficult, requiring the child to perform some kind of action in order to show his or her understanding. The aim of this study is to examine two grammatical comprehension tests, Nya SIT and TROG-2, and to compare both their content, and the results they generate. Seventy-six monolingual Swedish and bilingual 4-year-old children were tested with both tests. The conclusion is that the results of the two tests for all the children correlate fairly well, 0.7 according to Spearman's rank correlation. The correlation for the bilingual children is 0.6 and for the monolingual Swedish children 0.5. A regression analysis shows that language is the factor that has the greatest influence on the results, and that gender and age have less influence. The analysis of the test items shows that TROG-2 is a more thorough test of grammar than Nya SIT which only partly reveals the child's understanding of grammar.

Validering av föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III för svenska barn i tre års ålder

Odeskog, Sanna, Stenberg, Noomi January 2015 (has links)
Föräldraskattningsformuläret The Swedish Communicative Development Inventory (SCDI-III) är en modifierad form av MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventorys tredje form (CDI-III), och har tagits fram som ett forskningsinstrument för undersökning av språkförmågan hos barn i åldersgruppen 2;6-4;0 år. Det är av stor betydelse att barn i riskzonen för att utveckla en språkstörning upptäcks i tid för att språket ska kunna stimuleras under gynnsamma utvecklingsfaser. Kliniskt verksamma personer har givit uttryck för ett behov av ett material som kan ge en överblick av ett barns språkförmåga inför vidare språkutredning. Behovet av ett sådant material bidrog till att validiteten hos SCDI-III behövde undersökas, vilket utgjorde grunden för föreliggande studie. Syftet var att validera det redan normerade föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III med etablerade språktest för att undersöka om det kan användas för att identifiera barn som ligger i riskzonen för språkstörning. Fyrtioen barn (21 flickor och 20 pojkar) i åldersgruppen 3;0-3;11 med svenska som modersmål, och 41 vårdnadshavare deltog i studien. Barnens grammatiska förmågor undersöktes med valideringsinstrumenten SIT (Språkligt Impressivt Test) och Gramba (Grammatiktest för barn) och deras lexikala förmågor undersöktes med BNT (Boston Naming Test) och PPVT-III (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test). Testningen utfördes på deras respektive förskolor och vårdnadshavarna fyllde i SCDI-III, varefter resultaten jämfördes.  Medelstarka signifikanta korrelationer konstaterades mellan skattningarna på SCDI:s ordproduktionsdel och barnens resultat på BNT respektive PPVT-III, samt mellan föräldrarnas skattningar på formulärets meningsbyggnadsdel och testresultaten på Gramba. Inga signifikanta eller starka korrelationer för meningskomplexitetsdelen i SCDI-III hittades mot något av de fyra testen. Utöver dessa resultat framkom att flickor presterade signifikant bättre än pojkar på Gramba och de äldsta barnen fick signifikant högre resultat än de yngsta på BNT. Resultaten i föreliggande studie tyder på att olika metoder och perspektiv behövs för bedömning av barns språkförmågor. SCDI-III skulle därför kunna vara ett kompletterade verktyg i form av ett samtalsunderlag mellan kliniskt verksamma logopeder och vårdnadshavare, men kan inte användas som enskilt bedömningsinstrument. / The Swedish Communicative Development Inventory (SCDI-III), a parent report instrument, is a modified form of the third version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory, and has been developed as a research tool for the investigation of the language ability of children aged 2;6 - 4;0 years. It is of great importance that children who are most at risk of developing a language impairment are identified in time in order to increase the possibility to stimulate their language in favourable developmental phases. Clinicians have expressed a need for a material that can provide an overview of a child’s language ability, prior to carrying out further language assessment. The need of such material has contributed to the need for an investigation of the validity of SCDI-III, which has formed the basis for the present study. The purpose was to validate the already standardized parent estimation form SCDI-III with established language assessments to investigate whether it can be used to identify children who are at risk for language impairment. Forty-one children (21 girls and 20 boys) aged 3;0 - 3;11 years, with Swedish as their mother tongue, and 41 guardians participated in the study. The grammatical abilities of the children were examined using the validation tools SIT (Språkligt Impressivt Test) and Gramba (Grammatiktest för barn) and the lexical abilities were examined using BNT (Boston Naming Test) and PPVT-III (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test). The testing was performed at their respective daycare center, and the guardians filled in SCDI-III, after which the results were compared.   Moderate significant correlations were found between estimations in SCDI’s word production section and the children’s production on the BNT and the result of the PPVT-III, and between parents’ evaluations in the sentence construction section of the questionnaire and the test results on Gramba. No significant or strong correlations in the sentence complexity section of the SCDI-III were found on any of the four SLP assessments. In addition to these results, girls performed significantly better than boys on Gramba and the oldest children had significantly better results than the youngest on the BNT. The results of the present study suggest a need for different methods and perspectives for the assessment of children’s language abilities. SCDI-III could therefore be a complementary tool in providing a basis for discussion between practicing speech-language pathologists and guardians, but cannot be used as an assessment tool by itself.

Tonnenstühle als möbelkundliches Phänomen

von Stülpnagel, Karl Heinrich, von Jeinsen, Katharina 30 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen eines Seminars über „Möbel als historische Quelle“ am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Leipzig im WS 2005/06 unter der Leitung des Verfassers wurde Sebastian Jung, Student der Kunstgeschichte, angeregt, eine Hausarbeit anzufertigen mit dem Thema ,,Gibt es geböttcherte Möbel? Eine Spurensuche in der Niederländischen Malerei“. Einige der folgenden Überlegungen entstammen dieser Arbeit. Die Gewerke der Tischler, Schnitzer, Drechsler und Zimmerleute sind holzverarbeitende Berufe, die immer auch Möbel angefertigt haben. Vom Böttcherhandwerk ist dies nicht bekannt, sieht man einmal von modernem Kneipeninterieur „im Böttcherstil“ ab. Das Besondere der Böttcherei ist, dass die einzelnen Holzteile – Dauben genannt – ohne Holzverbindungen nur mittels Reifen zusammengehalten werden. Dies benötigt eine regelmäßige Pflege durch den Nutzer, zum Beispiel durch das Nachschlagen der Reifen. Ist dies nicht gegeben, schwindet das Holz, die Reifen werden locker und es besteht so die Gefahr, dass alles auseinander fällt. Es handelt sich also bei geböttcherten Dingen um relativ empfindliche und pflegeintensive Gegenstände.

The Relative Contribution of Flexibility of the Back and Hamstring Muscles in the Performance of the Sit and Reach Component of the AAHPERD Health Related Fitness Test in Girls Thirteen to Fifteen Years of Age

Baker, Alice Ann 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to quantify the relative contribution of low back flexibility and hamstring flexibility in the sit and reach test item of the AAHPERD Health Related Fitness Test in order to examine the validity of the sit and reach test. Subjects were 100 female students, 13 to 15 years of age in physical education classes. Hamstring flexibility was measured using the Leighton flexometer. Spinal mobility was measured using a tape measure. The sit and reach test was performed according to instructions given in the AAHPERD Test Manual. Data were analyzed using correlation, linear regression, and multiple regression. Conclusions of the investigation were (1) hamstring flexibility is moderately related to the sit and reach test, (2) low back flexibility has a very small relationship to the sit and reach test, and (3) the sit and reach test is an inadequate measure of low back and hamstring flexibility.

The Relationship of the Sit and Reach Test to Criterion Measures of Hamstring and Back Flexibility in Adult Males and Females

Langford, Nancy Jane 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the criterion-related validity of the sit and reach test as a measure of hamstring and low back flexibility in adult males and females. Subjects were 52 males and 52 females, 20 to 45 years of age. Hamstring flexibility was measured using a goniometer. Spinal flexibility was measured using a tape measure and an inclinometer. The sit and reach test was performed according to the AAHPERD Health Related Fitness Test Manual. Data were analyzed using correlations and appropriate descriptive statistics. Conclusions of the investigation were: 1) in adult males 20 to 45, the sit and reach test is a valid measure of hamstring flexibility but has questionable validity as a measure of low back flexibility, 2) in adult females 20 to 45, the sit and reach test is a moderately valid measure of hamstring flexibility and is not a valid measure of low back flexibility.

Unfamiliar Streets: The Chattanooga Sit-ins, the Local Press, and the Concern for Civilities

Harris, Jessie 06 May 2011 (has links)
Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff in their breakthrough work, The Race Beat, contended that mainstream newspapers—white newspapers—largely ignored the black community until the 1950s and 1960s when editors gradually began opening their pages to reports of racial discrimination and the emerging protest against segregation. This coverage significantly shaped the civil rights movement, Roberts and Klibanoff argued. “Unfamiliar Streets” offers nuance to their narrative. Examining the local coverage of the 1960 Chattanooga sit-in movement as a case study, Jessie Harris contends that reporters and editors, although they should be credited for extensively covering the sit-ins, ultimately cared more for civilities than civil rights. Their coverage detailed the protests, fights, and mobs downtown, but only rarely provided perspectives of student demonstrators and rarely called attention to the injustices of segregation.

De la gestion des données techniques pour l'ingénierie de production - Référentiel du domaine et cadre méthodologique pour l'ingénierie des systèmes d'information techniques en entreprise

Bacha, Rebiha 08 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail traite des problèmes méthodologiques dans les projets de mise en œuvre des Systèmes d'Information Techniques (SIT) en entreprise. Il a pour champ d'application le domaine de l'ingénierie de production. L'objectif est l'amélioration de deux aspects de ces problèmes : le cahier des charges de la maîtrise d'ouvrage et de la maîtrise d'œuvre, et la démarche globale de conduite de ces projets. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un référentiel du domaine, élaboré à l'aide de diagrammes de spécification standards. Orienté expression des besoins en GDT, le référentiel est réutilisable dans les développements futurs de SIT en phase d'analyse du domaine. La démarche d'élaboration du référentiel est rationalisée ; elle se veut un guide méthodologique pour l'ingénierie même des SIT. Elle implique les principaux acteurs suivant un processus itératif. Cette démarche est de plus contextuelle pour mieux appréhender les singularités des projets et suffisamment flexible pour respecter le caractère créatif des métiers d'ingénierie.

Movement Control after Stroke : Studies on Sit-to-walk and on the Relations between Clinical and Laboratory Measures

Elmgren Frykberg, Gunilla January 2010 (has links)
Aims: The principal aims of this research were 1) to extend existing knowledge of the everyday sit-to-walk (STW) transfer in subjects with stroke and in matched controls by exploring temporal, kinematic, and kinetic aspects, and 2) to investigate the relations between some clinical and laboratory measures of postural control and locomotion in stroke rehabilitation and research. Methods: Ten community-living subjects with stroke (mean age 59 years) and ten matched controls were enrolled in the STW studies (Studies I, II, and IV). In the study regarding relations between clinical and laboratory measures the same samples (part of Study II) and also 20 outpatient subjects with stroke (mean age 50 years) participated (Study III). Data collections were performed in laboratory environments with clinical assessment instruments, video cameras, force plates and a movement analysis system. Results: 1) Study I: A temporal aspect of STW was studied. Four phases were defined. The subjects with stroke used significantly more time during the 2nd STW phase, defined from seat-off to the loading peak of the 1st swing leg. Study II: A movement aspect of STW was investigated. The stroke subjects generated significantly less centre of mass momenta in horizontal and vertical directions, and the momenta peaks occurred significantly earlier than in the controls. Study IV: A force aspect of STW was explored. The subjects with stroke generated significantly larger propulsive impulse beneath the (non-paretic) stance buttock and significantly more braking impulses were exerted by both buttocks and particularly by the stance foot. 2) Part of Study II: A strong correlation was found between the clinical measure Fluidity Scale and the laboratory measure Fluidity Index. Study III: Moderate correlations were shown between Berg Balance Scale, ratings of weight distribution during quiet stance, and force measures. Conclusions: The findings of the STW studies show a changed force interaction between the lower extremities post-stroke, likely influencing movement patterns and temporal characteristics of the everyday transfer. The results are considered to reflect compensatory motor strategies. The results of the studies on relations between some clinical and laboratory measures indicate that the strength of the relation is multidimensional.

Feasibility Analysis of a Powered Lower-Limb Orthotic for the Mobility Impaired User

Eby, Wesley R. January 2005 (has links)
Powered orthotic devices can be used to restore mobility to the impaired user, and may thereby assist them in daily living tasks. An investigation is performed herein to examine the feasibility of a powered lower-limb orthotic in assisting the sit-to-stand task by 50% of the required torque. Feasibility is considered via simulation. A three-link sit-to-stand model, which is driven by kinematic data, is developed. Models of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator and a DC motor are used to determine which of the two technologies can make a more appropriate contribution to the sit-to-stand task. Simulation revealed that both the Pneumatic Muscle Actuator and the DC motor are reasonable actuator choices, and neither limited the ability to achieve 50% torque assistance. The ability to assist the task was, however, limited by the ability to derive a control signal for the actuator from the user-orthotic interface. It was concluded that the user-orthotic interface requires further investigation. It was also found that while both actuator technologies are suitable for contributing 50% of the required torque, the Pneumatic Muscle Actuator is preferable due to its ability to scale to greater torques.

Feasibility Analysis of a Powered Lower-Limb Orthotic for the Mobility Impaired User

Eby, Wesley R. January 2005 (has links)
Powered orthotic devices can be used to restore mobility to the impaired user, and may thereby assist them in daily living tasks. An investigation is performed herein to examine the feasibility of a powered lower-limb orthotic in assisting the sit-to-stand task by 50% of the required torque. Feasibility is considered via simulation. A three-link sit-to-stand model, which is driven by kinematic data, is developed. Models of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator and a DC motor are used to determine which of the two technologies can make a more appropriate contribution to the sit-to-stand task. Simulation revealed that both the Pneumatic Muscle Actuator and the DC motor are reasonable actuator choices, and neither limited the ability to achieve 50% torque assistance. The ability to assist the task was, however, limited by the ability to derive a control signal for the actuator from the user-orthotic interface. It was concluded that the user-orthotic interface requires further investigation. It was also found that while both actuator technologies are suitable for contributing 50% of the required torque, the Pneumatic Muscle Actuator is preferable due to its ability to scale to greater torques.

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