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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coordination of the information and material flow of lego products - A case study at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB / Samordning av informations- och materialflödet för legomaterial - En fallstudie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Falk, Matilda, Hedkrok, Sabina January 2015 (has links)
Studien betraktar informations- och materialflödet för legomaterial på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB i Finspång. Det studerade problemet gäller att det finns en dålig uppfattning bland de anställda om hur flödet och arbetet med lego ser ut, samt dålig kommunikation mellan de inblandade avdelningarna. Genom intervjuer med ansvariga för legomaterialsamt granskning av tidigare dokument har legoflödet kunnat beskrivas. Problematiken på företaget har studerats utifrån teori kring processer och flöden samt kommunikation, integration och koordinering Rapporten presenterar en samordnad bild över arbetet med legomaterial genom en kartläggning med tillhörande flödesschema över informations- och materialflödet för lego inom företaget. I studien har problem med koordination och samarbetet mellan de inblandade avdelningarna identifierats. Rapporten följs upp med förslag på åtgärder och vidare arbete för att lösa problemen.

Betydelsen av anställningsform för arbetstrivseln och sammanhållningen i en arbetsgrupp

Nordlander, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Tillfälliga anställningar har de senaste 20 åren blivit allt vanligare på arbetsmarknaden till följd av större konkurrens och arbetsgivarens krav på flexibilitet. Tidigare studier visar att tillfälligt anställda känner ett visst utanförskap och missnöje. Huvudsyftet med studien är därför att, med stöd av Social Identity Theory och Parkers modell (2003) om psykologiskt klimat, testa om tillfälligt anställda upplever sämre arbetsgruppssammanhållning och arbetsattityder än fast anställda. Enkäter skickades ut till 796 sjuksköterskor och sedan gjordes beräkningar med t-tester för oberoende stickprov. Resultatet bekräftade tidigare teori om sambandet mellan psykologiskt klimat och arbetsattityder dvs. ju bättre arbetsgruppssammanhållning desto bättre arbetsattityder. Däremot fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna i upplevelse av arbetsgruppssammanhållning och i uppvisande av arbetsattityder. Framtida forskning bör ta hänsyn till heterogeniteten i gruppen tillfälligt anställda.

The Evaluation of Vertical Pole Configuration and Location on Assisting the Sit-to-stand Movement in Older Adults with Mobility Limitations

Vena, Daniel 17 July 2013 (has links)
Grab-bars and transfer poles are common sit-to-stand aids for older adults with mobility limitations. This study investigates differences in kinematics and kinetics in the lower limbs across different transfer pole configurations and positions. Configurations tested are a single pole, two poles and a pole with a horizontal grab-bar at near and far positions. Three-dimensional biomechanics were used to calculate kinetics and kinematics of the lower extremities. Forces were also recorded from the pole. This study found horizontal pole forces were an effective replacement for trunk generated horizontal momentum. Reduced vertical pole forces were applied by participants using the `far' poles which resulted in increases in non-dominant hip moments when using the single and double pole configurations. Horizontal pole use introduced non-dominant directed lateral COM trajectory throughout the movement. This coincided with increased horizontal forces in the dominant foot to balance moments about COM in the transverse plane as a motor control strategy.

The Evaluation of Vertical Pole Configuration and Location on Assisting the Sit-to-stand Movement in Older Adults with Mobility Limitations

Vena, Daniel 17 July 2013 (has links)
Grab-bars and transfer poles are common sit-to-stand aids for older adults with mobility limitations. This study investigates differences in kinematics and kinetics in the lower limbs across different transfer pole configurations and positions. Configurations tested are a single pole, two poles and a pole with a horizontal grab-bar at near and far positions. Three-dimensional biomechanics were used to calculate kinetics and kinematics of the lower extremities. Forces were also recorded from the pole. This study found horizontal pole forces were an effective replacement for trunk generated horizontal momentum. Reduced vertical pole forces were applied by participants using the `far' poles which resulted in increases in non-dominant hip moments when using the single and double pole configurations. Horizontal pole use introduced non-dominant directed lateral COM trajectory throughout the movement. This coincided with increased horizontal forces in the dominant foot to balance moments about COM in the transverse plane as a motor control strategy.

A biomechanical investigation of the effects of pregnancy on spinal motion and rising to stand from a chair

Gilleard, Wendy January 2001 (has links)
During pregnancy the female body must accommodate the enlarging gravid uterus and increased mass. Therefore the maternal musculoskeletal system is required to adapt in both morphology and functional workload. After childbirth there is a rapid change in both mass and dimensions, requiring further adaptations. The objectives of the study were to investigate seated and standing upper body posture, the kinematics of seated and standing trunk motion, and the three dimensional kinematics and kinetics during rising to stand from a chair, as pregnancy progressed and in the early post-birth period. Nine maternal subjects (aged 28 to 40 years) were tested at less than 16 weeks, 24 weeks, 30 weeks, 38 weeks gestation and at 8 weeks postbirth. The subjects, fitted with 37 retroreflective markers, were filmed during upright sitting, quiet standing, and four trials each of maximum seated and standing trunk forward flexion, side to side flexion and during maximum seated axial rotation. Three trials each of constrained and free rising to stand from a height adjustable stool and with each foot placed on a forceplate were also recorded. An eight-camera motion analysis system was used to record movements of the body segments and synchronised force plate variables in three dimensions. Motion of the ankle, knee and hip joints, pelvic, thoracic and head segments and the thoracolumbar and cervicothoracic spines and shoulder joints were investigated. Twelve nulliparous subjects (aged 21 to 35 years) were used as controls to provide standard descriptive data and to investigate the consistency of the selected biomechanical variables with repeated testing. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to investigate the possibility of linear and quadratic trends showing systematic changes within the maternal group, over the four test sessions during pregnancy for each variable. Two tailed Student t-tests were used to compare the maternal postbirth variable results with the control group. There was no significant effect of pregnancy on the upper body posture during upright sitting and quiet standing. Postbirth, the pelvic segment had a smaller anterior orientation and the thoracolumbar spine was less extended, indicating a flatter spinal curve. The maternal subjects were similar to the control subjects in early pregnancy and postbirth for trunk segment motions during seated and standing forward flexion and side to side flexion and seated axial rotation. Strategies, such as increasing the width of the base of support and reducing obstruction to movements from other body parts, were used in late pregnancy in attempts to minimise the effects of increased trunk mass and circumference. For seated and standing side to side flexion, the strategies were successful and no significant decreases in range of motion were seen. For seated and standing forward flexion and seated axial rotation, motion of the thoracic segment and the thoracolumbar spine were significantly reduced, although movement of the pelvis was less affected. In early pregnancy and postbirth the kinematics and kinetics of the lower limbs and upper body segment kinematics during constrained and free rising were generally similar to the control subjects. As pregnancy progressed there were increases in mass and dimensions of body segments. The effect of increased mass was seen in increased ground reaction forces and sagittal plane lower limb joint external moments. An increased base of support width was found in association with an increased lateral ground reaction force and ankle inversion moment from each foot, which would move the body centre of mass medially. There was little change in the three dimensional kinematics of the thoracolumbar and cervicothoracic spine, although the contribution of the upper body segments differed for each rise condition. There were also few significant changes in the displacement of the ankle, knee and hip, and the angular velocity of ankle and knee joints. The maternal subjects were thus able to flex the upper body forward, raise the body and maintain stability as pregnancy progressed, regardless of whether the rise to stand was performed in a natural manner or under constrained conditions. The overall results show that, contrary to expectations as pregnancy progressed, maternal subjects minimised propulsion rather than increasing it to overcome the increased mass and possibly limited trunk flexion. A fear of postural instability may have made the subjects more cautious and as they were able to adequately flex the trunk forward, propulsion was minimised in favour of maintaining upright terminal balance.

The Effects from Stair Climbing on Postural Control During Sit-to-Stands

Crake, Dylan January 2017 (has links)
Rising up from a chair (sit-to-stand; STS) and stair climbing are both activities of daily living (ADLs) done throughout our lives. The ability to complete ADLs is crucial for independent living. The goal of this thesis was to research how two ADLs interact with each other and affect postural control. It was hypothesized that an increased number of flights of stairs climbed would lead to a decline in postural control during/after a STS in older more than younger adults. Fourteen older adults and fourteen young adults were tested by completing three STSs before and after climbing 1, 3 and 5 flights of stairs, chosen at random. Movements of the center of pressure (COP) for each STS were obtained from a force platform. Only an age effect was found for COP velocity (left-right and anterior-posterior directions) during the momentum transfer phase, during stabilization and after stabilization. Therefore, contrary to our hypothesis, stair climbing did not lead to significant changes in COP movements during and following a STS.

Relationen mellan Shadow IT och tyst kunskap.

Carnerud, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Organisationer möter nya utmaningar då IT möjliggör för delning av information att ske i stora mängder och i hög hastighet. De alltmer utsuddade gränserna mellan privatliv och arbetsliv leder till att privat teknik används för arbetsrelaterade syften, så kallad shadow IT [SIT]. För att anskaffa sig konkurrensfördelar ställs krav på organisationer att hantera informationsteknologier, men också en av de största tillgångarna organisationer besitter: medarbetarnas kunskap. Denna uppsats ämnar till att undersöka relationen mellan shadow IT och tyst kunskap. SECI-modellen som innehåller konverteringar mellan tyst och explicit kunskap har använts som ett verktyg för att undersöka kunskapsdimensioner (socialisering, internalisering, kombination och externalisering) och hur dessa förhåller sig till SIT. Inom ramen för denna kvalitativa studie har 7 intervjuer genomförts, varav 3 telefonintervjuer och 4 besöksintervjuer. Resultatet visar att kunskapkonverteringarna residerar i olika informationstyper, där indikationer visar att shadow it [SIT] är kopplat till tyst kunskap och target IT [TIT] är kopplat till explicit kunskap. SIT spelar en stor roll i socialiseringsprocessen på grund av teknikens förmåga att bygga relationer som kan ligga till grund för delningen av tyst kunskap. SIT utgör vidare en plattform för internalisering genom att skapa ett forum för att skapa och dela arbetsmaterial på ett informellt sätt. Utan SIT finns det en risk att delningen av tyst kunskap inte skulle ske i samma utsträckning, vilket är något organisationer måste ta i beaktning. I och med SITs inbyggda ‘sense of urgency’-design kan kunskapskonverteringar även ske i en hög hastighet då medarbetarna behandlar förfrågningar mer brådskande. / Organizations face new challenges as IT enables information sharing in large quantities and at a high speed. The increasingly blurred boundaries between private and working life lead to usage of private technology for work-related purposes, so called shadow IT [SIT]. In order to gain competitive advantages organizations must manage its information technologies, but also one of the largest assets an organization possess: the knowledge that resides within their employees. This paper aims to explore the relationship between shadow IT and tacit knowledge. The SECI-model that contains conversions between tacit and explicit knowledge has been used as a tool for exploring knowledge dimensions (socialization, internalization, combination and externalization) and how these relate to SIT. Within the framework of this qualitative study, 7 interviews have been conducted, of which 3 telephone interviews and 4 visit interviews. The result shows that the knowledge conversation resides in various information concepts, where indications show that shadow IT [SIT] is linked to tacit knowledge and target IT [TIT] is linked to explicit knowledge. SIT plays a major role in the socialization process due to its ability to build relationships that can form the basis for tacit knowledge sharing. SIT further provides a platform for internalizing by creating a forum for creating and sharing work materials in a informative manner. Without SIT, the sharing of tacit knowledge might not happen to the same extent, which is something organization must take into consideration. Due to the build-in ‘sense of urgency’-design in SIT, knowledge conversions can also happen at a high rate since employees process request more urgently.

“The Price of a Woolworth’s Burger:” The Importance and Overshadowing of the Nashville Sit-Ins

Owens, Aaron M 01 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the sit-in demonstrations that used direct action and civil disobedience to target segregation at store lunch counters. The Nashville demonstrations were the last sit-in protests to occur that are discussed in this thesis, which also examines the protests in Wichita and Greensboro. Historians argue that the Wichita and Greensboro sit-ins were the most important demonstrations of their kind. The movement in Wichita was the first protest to end segregation policies at targeted stores, and the Greensboro protests led to a direct action movement in over fifty other cities targeting lunch counters. However, the Nashville based sit-ins surpassed the other two cities in planning and organization, demonstrations, and ending results following the protests. This thesis will provide a historical analysis of events in America’s past that led to the sit-in movement; the thesis will also examine the movements within the three cities.

A preliminary investigation of the correlation between IQ scores and modality

McKay, Nancy Spitler January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Influence de la mobilité de la colonne vertébrale sur les composantes posturale et focale du transfert assis-debout / Influence of the spine's mobility on the postural and focal components of sit-to-stand transfer

Alamini Rodrigues, Caroline 28 October 2016 (has links)
Il est connu que le mouvement volontaire entraîne une perturbation de la posture, qui nécessite d'être compensée par des mouvement contre-perturbateurs définis comme " ajustements posturaux ". Ce processus dynamique, qui se produit avant, pendant et après le mouvement focal, nécessite la mobilité de la chaîne posturale, avec un patron spécifique pour chaque tâche.L'objectif de cette thèse de doctorat a été d'explorer l'influence de la mobilité du rachis sur les composantes focale et posturale du transfert assis- debout, ou sit-to-stand (STS), qui est une tâche indispensable à l'autonomie fonctionnelle. Trois séries expérimentales ont évalué l'effet d'une restriction de mobilité de la colonne vertébrale sur les ajustements posturaux anticipateurs (APAs) et le mouvement focal de la tâche de STS réalisée à vitesse maximale. Des paramètres biomécaniques ont été calculés à partir des données fournies par un plateau de forces et un capteur de pression. La première série a évalué l'effet de la mobilité lombo-pelvienne au moyen de trois types de contentions lombaires, et a montré qu'une réduction du jeu articulaire de cette région était associée des APAs plus longs et plus amples, ainsi qu'à une augmentation de la durée du mouvement focal. La seconde série a mis en évidence les mêmes variations en explorant l'influence de la mobilité de la colonne cervicale au moyen de trois contentions cervicales. La dernière série s'est focalisée sur le rôle de l'augmentation de la tension musculaire le long du tronc, en utilisant un protocole spécifique de compression bimanuelle. Les résultats ont montré qu'une tension musculaire plus élevée induisait une augmentation de la durée des APAs mais sans variation de la durée du mouvement focal. L'ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que la colonne cervicale et la colonne lombaire sont à la fois impliquées dans les composantes focale et posturale du STS, et que le maintien de leur mobilité peut favoriser l'autonomie fonctionnelle. En revanche, l'augmentation de la tension musculaire le long du tronc nécessite uniquement une réorganisation des ajustements posturaux pour maintenir le même niveau de performance. / It is well known that voluntary movements induce internal disturbances to posture, which need to be balanced by counter-pertubing movements defined as " postural adjustments ". This dynamic process, which occurs before, during, and after the focal movement, requires the mobility of the postural chain, with a specific pattern for each task. The aim of this PhD thesis was to explore the influence of spine mobility on the focal and postural components of the sit-to-stand (STS) task, which is instrumental for functional autonomy. Three series of experiments assessed the effect of spine mobility restriction on anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) and focal movement (FM) of the STS task peformed at maximum velocity. Biomechanical parameters were calculated from force plate, and pressure sensor data. The first series assessed the effect of lumbo-pelvic mobility using three different lumbar contentions, and showed that restricted articular free play in this area was associated with longer and larger APAs, along with a higher duration of the focal movement. The second series of experiment showed the same variations when exploring the effect of cervical spine mobility using three different cervical contentions. The last series focused on the effect of increased muscular tension along the trunk, using a specific bimanual compressive load paradigm.The results showed that higher tension lead to longer APAs with no variation of FM duration. Taken together, these findings suggest that the lumbar and cervical spine are involved in both the focal and postural components of the STS task, and that preserving their articular free play might be useful to favour functionnal autonomy. In contrast, increased muscular tension along the trunk only require a reorganization of the APAs to keep the same level of task performance.

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