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AI as a Creator : How do AI-generated creations challenge EU intellectual property law and how should the EU react?Adolfsson, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
AI technology is becoming more present in the area of innovation and creativity, an area that for so long has been reserved for humans. Intellectual property protection is a way to incentivise these innovations and creativity, but what happens to this incentive if we extend this protection to subject-matter that derives from AI-machines? Today, the legislation does not answer how such works should be treated and there are several complex intellectual property issues raised by AI-generated creations. The general public might believe that the answer is simple – when an AI-machine creates something, the owner of that creation ought to be the programmer of the AI. However, it is not that straightforward in intellectual property law since it is intended to award innovation and creativity, qualities that typically only humans can attain. Therefore, the intellectual property laws today are not sustainable and need to be adapted to the challenges posed by AI. This thesis examines the challenges of the implied human requirement, harmonisation issues, the risks of discouraging creation and creations derivative from other subject-matter. Different solutions have been discussed in the debate and in legislative initiatives in the EU. Inspiration can also be found also from other law regimes, such as the United Kingdom, United States of America and China, and recent case-law from Australia. Some of the solutions that are in the centre of the debate are giving AI-machines legal personhood, introducing a special computer-generated works regime and to create a sui generis protection. After a review of the different options in the analysis part of this thesis, the most suitable solution for the EU, in my opinion, appears to be introducing a special computer-generated works regime where the IP holder will be determined based on the involvement in the creating process and will always be a natural or legal person. This solution will guarantee legal certainty and is in line with current principles and the general goal to promote innovation and investment.
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Ålderns inverkan på teknikstress hos universitetslärare / The effect of age on technical stress in university teachersNell, Karlo, Klasson, Emilia, Sjölin, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Den ökande användningen av information-och kommunikationsteknik (ICT) hos lärosäten i samband med omställningen till distansundervisning har inneburit att allt högre krav ställs på universitetslärare. Den stress som uppstår i samband med användningen av ICT kallas för teknikstress och kan bland annat ge upphov till problem med sömn, koncentration och sociala relationer. Det kan också leda till mindre trivsel och motivation på jobbet. Ålder och kön är faktorer som i tidigare forskning undersökts och man har kommit fram till blandade resultat, men ett relevant resultat är att medelålders lärare i åldern 35-45 år lider av mer teknikstress jämfört med lärare som är yngre än 35 och äldre än 45 och det tros bero på att de som är i medelåldern har ett mer komplicerat förhållande mellan hem och arbete på grund av att man till exempel har barn. Det finns också andra studier som kommit fram till resultat som skiljer sig från dessa. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan ålder och teknikstress. En kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkät skickades ut till åtta högskolor och universitet i Sverige och 1422 svar togs emot. Frågorna i enkäten baseras på de fem källorna till teknikstress som är tekno-överbelastning, tekno-komplexitet, tekno-invasion, tekno-otrygghet och tekno-osäkerhet. Dessa används som underlag för att mäta mängden teknikstress hos respondenterna. De resterande frågorna behandlar de påverkande faktorer på teknikstress som identifierats i tidigare forskning. Datan analyserades med deskriptiva, univariata och bivariata analyser. En övergripande univariat analys utfördes på kön och ålder med frekvensfördelning. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns en korrelation mellan teknikstress och ålder och att samtliga åldersgrupper upplevde liknande mängder av teknikstress. Det fanns ingen skillnad i mängden teknikstress för män och kvinnor samt de med barn under 18 år och de utan barn under 18 år. / The increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education institutions in connection with the transition to distance education has meant that ever higher demands are placed on university teachers. The stress that arises in connection with the use of ICT is known as technological stress and can, among other things, give rise to problems with sleep, concentration and social relationships. It can also lead to less job satisfaction and motivation. Age and gender are factors that have been investigated in previous research which has shown mixed results, but a relevant result is that middle-aged teachers aged 35-45 suffer from more technical stress compared to teachers younger than 35 and older than 45 and it is believed to be due to the fact that those who are middle-aged have a more complicated relationship between home and work due to having children, for example. There are also other studies that have come up with results that differ from these. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether there is a correlation between age and technostress. A quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire was sent out to nine universities in Sweden which yielded 1422 responses. The questions in the survey are based on the five technostress creators which are techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-invasion, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty. These are used as a basis for measuring the amount of technical stress in the respondents. The remaining questions address the influencing factors on technostress identified in previous research. The data were analyzed with descriptive, univariate and bivariate analysis. An overall univariate analysis was performed on gender and age with frequency distribution. The results show that there is no correlation between technology stress and age and that all age groups experienced similar amounts of technology stress. There was no difference in the amount of technical stress for men and women as well as those with children under 18 years and those without children under 18 years.
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Ålderns inverkan på teknikstress hos universitetslärare / The effect of age on technical stress in university teachersNell, Karlo, Klasson, Emilia, Sjölin, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Den ökande användningen av information-och kommunikationsteknik (ICT) hos lärosäten i samband med omställningen till distansundervisning har inneburit att allt högre krav ställs på universitetslärare. Den stress som uppstår i samband med användningen av ICT kallas för teknikstress och kan bland annat ge upphov till problem med sömn, koncentration och sociala relationer. Det kan också leda till mindre trivsel och motivation på jobbet. Ålder och kön är faktorer som i tidigare forskning undersökts och man har kommit fram till blandade resultat, men ett relevant resultat är att medelålders lärare i åldern 35-45 år lider av mer teknikstress jämfört med lärare som är yngre än 35 och äldre än 45 och det tros bero på att de som är i medelåldern har ett mer komplicerat förhållande mellan hem och arbete på grund av att man till exempel har barn. Det finns också andra studier som kommit fram till resultat som skiljer sig från dessa. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan ålder och teknikstress. En kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkät skickades ut till åtta högskolor och universitet i Sverige och 1422 svar togs emot. Frågorna i enkäten baseras på de fem källorna till teknikstress som är tekno-överbelastning, tekno-komplexitet, tekno-invasion, tekno-otrygghet och tekno-osäkerhet. Dessa används som underlag för att mäta mängden teknikstress hos respondenterna. De resterande frågorna behandlar de påverkande faktorer på teknikstress som identifierats i tidigare forskning. Datan analyserades med deskriptiva, univariata och bivariata analyser. En övergripande univariat analys utfördes på kön och ålder med frekvensfördelning. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns en korrelation mellan teknikstress och ålder och att samtliga åldersgrupper upplevde liknande mängder av teknikstress. Det fanns ingen skillnad i mängden teknikstress för män och kvinnor samt de med barn under 18 år och de utan barn under 18 år. / The increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education institutions in connection with the transition to distance education has meant that ever higher demands are placed on university teachers. The stress that arises in connection with the use of ICT is known as technological stress and can, among other things, give rise to problems with sleep, concentration and social relationships. It can also lead to less job satisfaction and motivation. Age and gender are factors that have been investigated in previous research which has shown mixed results, but a relevant result is that middle-aged teachers aged 35-45 suffer from more technical stress compared to teachers younger than 35 and older than 45 and it is believed to be due to the fact that those who are middle-aged have a more complicated relationship between home and work due to having children, for example. There are also other studies that have come up with results that differ from these. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether there is a correlation between age and technostress. A quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire was sent out to nine universities in Sweden which yielded 1422 responses. The questions in the survey are based on the five technostress creators which are techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-invasion, techno-insecurity and techno-uncertainty. These are used as a basis for measuring the amount of technical stress in the respondents. The remaining questions address the influencing factors on technostress identified in previous research. The data were analyzed with descriptive, univariate and bivariate analysis. An overall univariate analysis was performed on gender and age with frequency distribution. The results show that there is no correlation between technology stress and age and that all age groups experienced similar amounts of technology stress. There was no difference in the amount of technical stress for men and women as well as those with children under 18 years and those without children under 18 years.
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La Gerusalemme di San Vivaldo : Visualiseringar av Jerusalem i en vallfartsort i det tidiga 1500-talets ToscanaRomatowski, Martin January 2022 (has links)
In early-sixteenth-century Tuscany, the small countryside convent of San Vivaldo was transformed into a new Jerusalem. A large number of chapels, decorated with sculptures, frescoes and reliefs, were erected under the supervision of the Franciscan order and in accordance with the Holy City’s topography. This thesis primarily examines the visual means by which the illusion of Jerusalem was constructed and what version of the Holy City that was offered to the San Vivaldo pilgrims. This is done through an analysis of the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre and the Chapel of Calvary. In addition, possible connections between Franciscan meditation texts and the chapel complex’s art and architecture are explored. The scientific perspectives used are theories on visual culture as a vehicle for creating inner images; substitution; the interplay between memory, meditation and space; and pilgrimage as a liminoid experience. The results show that the San Vivaldo Franciscans strived to place the beholders in the depicted biblical stories by multimedial, affect-stimulating and interactive means. This strategy can be linked to the order’s meditation techniques, which also sought to bring the Christocentric narratives to life. In addition, the idiosyncratic shapes of the Jerusalem tomb and other significant architectural elements were recreated, which may have relocated the visitors mentally to the Holy City and, by extension, the proximity of Jesus. The Jerusalem that was built in San Vivaldo was neither one-sidedly biblical nor early modern. Instead, the site’s visual culture created several temporal and spatial layers that acted simultaneously and side by side.
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