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Investigation of moment redistribution in FRP-strengthened continuous RC beams and slabsTajaddini, Abbas January 2015 (has links)
Most reinforced concrete (RC) structures are continuous in some way, and many of these structures are strengthened using fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials as a routine basis. The problem of how to exploit moment redistribution in FRP-strengthened continuous RC structures is still unresolved. Reduction in ductility has been recognised in such structures. However, FRP-strengthening is introduced as an effective method to enhance the strength and load bearing capacity of RC structures. As a result, design guidelines worldwide employ conservative guidance for design, such that they limit the potential exploitation of moment redistribution in FRP-strengthened members. To date, limited research has been conducted into the redistribution of bending moment in such structures. Previous theoretical studies have not yet led to a reliable and rigorous solution for quantifying moment redistribution throughout the loading cycle. In addition, a wide scatter of moment redistribution percentage findings, from zero to 56%, has been reported in previous experimental studies. This demonstrates the need for further research to effectively characterise the circumstances under which moment redistribution can be relied on, both into and out of FRP-strengthened zones in continuous RC flexural members. This research aims to encourage the use of FRP for strengthening existing RC structures in a more efficient manner. The findings help to better understand restrictions on moment redistribution into and out of FRP-strengthened zones, effect of mechanical anchorage of the FRP on the degree of moment redistribution, and the extent to which moment redistribution can be relied on. A new analytical model, only based on structural mechanics, is developed in this research. A comprehensive set of large-scale structural testing is undertaken to validate the analytical model under various strengthening circumstances. The analytical and experimental results show that moment redistribution can occur into FRP-strengthened zones to full capacity without any limitation, even if the FRP is unanchored. Further, bending moment can also be redistributed out of strengthened zones to a considerable extent (up to 20%), depending on the quantity and stiffness of the FRP, and provided that the FRP is fully anchored. A set of parametric studies is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of different parameters on the level of moment redistribution. The major parameters include compressive strength of concrete, steel reinforcement proportion, steel yield strength, FRP quantity and stiffness, ultimate strain of the FRP, strengthening configuration, load position, beam shape, and curvature ductility. The outcomes demonstrate that it is not only the curvature ductility of FRP-strengthened sections that is important to the capacity for moment redistribution (out of such zones), but also the mode of failure, strength of the other critical zones, the ratio of stiffness between the critical zones, and the loading arrangement. It is concluded that moment redistribution in continuous FRP-strengthened concrete structures should be permitted both into and out of strengthened zones, provided that the criteria for such redistribution are met.
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Análise da interação entre núcleos estruturais e lajes em edifícios altos / Analysis of the interaction between shear/core walls and slab in high buildingsSousa Junior, Edgard 02 July 2001 (has links)
É apresentado um estudo sobre a análise de edifícios altos enrijecidos com núcleos estruturais utilizando-se processos discretos. A ligação do núcleo estrutural com as lajes do pavimento do edifício é o ponto principal deste estudo. As vigas, pilares e lajes são analisados utilizando-se o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os núcleos estruturais, que no presente estudo podem ser de seção aberta ou semifechada, são analisados pela teoria de flexo-torção é levado em consideração o empanamento do elemento do núcleo, dessa forma aparece o esforço denominado bimomento. O empenamento do núcleo estrutural é transferido para as lajes, ocorrendo alteração em sua distribuição de esforços. Para o cálculo da estrutura do edifício como um todo é utilizada a técnica de subestruturação em que o edifício é dividido em subestruturas formadas por um determinado número de andares. Os resultados da forma de cálculo pesquisada são comparados com modelos já desenvolvidos por outros autores. / This is a study about the analysis of tall buildings with shear/core walls using discrete processes. The joining of shear/core with slabs in tall buildings is the main subject of this work. The beams, columns and slabs are analyzed using the Finite Element Method. The building analysis is in 1st order. The shear/core walls, in this study, can present open or semi-closed cross section; they are analyzed by the theory of warping of beams of solid sections. In this theory we consider the warping of the core element, accounting for the bimoment. The warping of the core is transferred to the slabs, and the efforts in the slabs are altered. In order to calculate the building structure we are using the sub-structure technique, the building is divided in substructures created by a certain number of floors. The results of this research are compared with models developed by other authors.
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Modelagem numérica de lajes mistas de aço e concreto em situação de incêndio / Numerical modelling of steel-concrete composite slabs in fireSantos, Daniel Bomfim Rocha dos 12 May 2014 (has links)
As lajes mistas de aço e concreto consistem de um sistema estrutural formado por fôrmas de aço (chapas perfiladas) permanentes sobre a qual é lançado o concreto armado. Após a cura do concreto, esses elementos trabalham conjuntamente, garantindo o comportamento misto. Esse tipo de sistema é amplamente utilizado na construção civil brasileira, por propiciar diversas vantagens, como a não utilização de fôrmas de madeiras e escoras. Com a finalidade de avaliar o comportamento térmico, estrutural e termoestrutural acoplado desse tipo de sistema, foram desenvolvidos modelos numéricos em elementos finitos no pacote computacional TNO DIANA em duas etapas distintas. Na primeira etapa é feita uma análise térmica bidimensional, cujos campos térmicos na seção transversal da laje são calibrados por meio de resultados experimentais disponíveis na literatura, avaliando os principais parâmetros que influenciam na distribuição de temperatura na laje, como a emissividade resultante e a resistência térmica na interface aço/concreto. Nessa etapa também se desenvolve um pós-processador em Visual Basic 11.0 capaz de ler os campos térmicos gerados pelo DIANA e calcular o momento fletor plástico resistente em função do tempo de exposição ao fogo. Esses resultados são comparados com aqueles calculados de acordo o modelo de cálculo da ABNT NBR 14323:2013. A segunda etapa consiste no desenvolvimento de modelos numéricos tridimensionais para se avaliar o comportamento termoestrutural acoplado de lajes mistas simplesmente apoiadas. Nessa etapa, primeiramente se faz a validação e calibração dos modelos numéricos à temperatura ambiente, avaliando fatores como a simetria dos modelos e a resistência ao cisalhamento longitudinal na interface entre a fôrma de aço e o concreto. Posteriormente, se realiza a validação do modelo numérico em temperatura elevada por meio de resultados experimentais disponíveis na literatura, considerando os efeitos dos gradientes térmicos na degradação das propriedades mecânicas e na expansão térmica do aço e concreto. Após a calibração do modelo numérico tridimensional em temperatura ambiente e elevada, se realizam análises paramétricas considerando a influência da armadura positiva, da espessura fôrma de aço, da resistência à compressão do concreto, da altura da laje e do vão entre apoios, por meio da curva de incêndio padrão. Os resultados obtidos dos modelos numéricos tridimensionais são comparados com aqueles obtidos pelo método do momento fletor plástico, calculados por meio dos resultados dos modelos térmicos, e de acordo o modelo de cálculo da ABNT NBR 14323:2013. / Steel-concrete composite slabs consist on a structural system comprising of permanent steel sheeting on which reinforced concrete is cast. After the cure of concrete, these elements work in conjunction, ensuring the composite behavior. This structural system is widely used in Brazilian civil construction, especially for providing several advantages, such as no use of formwork and post shores. In order to assess thermal, structural and staggered flow-stress behavior of this structural system, finite elements numerical models were developed in software TNO DIANA in two distinct steps. In the first step a two-dimensional thermal analysis is carried out, whose thermal fields in the slab cross section are calibrated by experimental results available in the literature, evaluating the main parameters that affect the temperature distribution in the slab, as the resulting emissivity and thermal resistance in the steel/concrete interaction. In this stage is also developed a post-processor in Visual Basic 11.0, which is able to read the thermal fields generated by DIANA and calculate the plastic bending moment capacity versus fire exposure time. These results are compared with those calculated according to the ABNT NBR 14323:2013 calculation model. The second step consists in the development of three-dimensional numerical models to evaluate the staggered heat-flow behavior of simply supported composite slabs. In this step, first is done the calibration and validation of the numerical models at ambient temperature, assessing factors such as the symmetry of the models and the longitudinal shear resistance between steel sheeting and the concrete. Later, numerical models are validated in fire through experimental results available in the literature, considering the effects of thermal gradients in the degradation of the mechanical properties and thermal expansion of steel and concrete. After validation of the three-dimensional numerical models at ambient and elevated temperature, parametric analysis are performed considering the influence of sagging reinforcement, the thickness of steel sheeting, compressive strength of the concrete, the slab height and the span between supports, through standard fire curve. The bending resistance of tri-dimensional numerical models is compared with that obtained by the plastic theory, calculated through the results of two-dimensional thermal models, and according to ABNT NBR 14323:2013 calculation model.
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Recomendações para projeto de lajes formadas por vigotas com armação treliçada / Recommendations for design of slabs with lattice reinforcementMateus Ortigosa Cunha 09 August 2012 (has links)
As lajes formadas por vigotas pré-moldadas são utilizadas em larga escala no Brasil, em especial as formadas por vigotas treliçadas. As facilidades no manuseio e economia de fôrmas são algumas das vantagens do sistema. Apesar de serem muito utilizadas, ainda existe necessidade de estudo das recomendações no sentido de basear o projeto destas lajes. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: (a) contribuir no projeto de lajes formadas por vigotas com armação treliçadas através de uma análise crítica da bibliografia pesquisada; (b) tratar de temas pouco disseminados no que se refere ao cálculo de lajes pré-moldadas; (c) fornecer recomendações de projeto através de exemplo resolvido que aborda as principais dúvidas de projetistas da área. Neste exemplo avaliam-se as lajes, entre outros aspectos, quanto às flechas iniciais e ao longo do tempo, vibrações e momento negativo nos apoios. Os resultados são analisados e confrontados com as indicações da bibliografia. Comprova-se o fato destas lajes serem mais susceptíveis quanto às vibrações causadas por caminhada e mostra a dificuldade em atender à ABNT NBR 6118:2003. O vão máximo admissível para uma laje do exemplo de aplicação é 28% inferior quando comparado à laje maciça de mesma espessura na análise da vibração excessiva. Enfatiza a importância em prever armadura contra o colapso progressivo e demonstra que o aumento de consumo de aço em 5% é pequeno quando comparado ao total, para uma laje do exemplo de aplicação. / Precast slabs are used in large scale in Brazil, special those formed by lattice reinforcement. Facilities handling and economy mold are some of the advantages of the system. The objectives of this work are: (a) improve study of the design of slabs formed by precast lattice reinforcement through a review of literature; (b) address topics a little spread regards to the calculation of precast slabs; (c) providing design recommendations through examples solved by addressing the main concerns of designers in the area. This example evaluate the slabs to initials and long-term deflections, vibrations and bending moment at the supports. The results are analyzed and compared with indications in the literature. It demonstrates the suscetibility of the slabs for vibrations caused by walking and shows the difficulty in following ABNT NBR 6118:2003. The maximum span for one slab of the aplication example is 28% slower than solid slabs with the same thickness in excessive vibration analysis. This dissertation emphasizes the importance of predicting reinforcement against progressive collapse and shows the increase in steel consumption is small compared to the total, for one slab of the example.
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Análise de estruturas tridimensionais de edifícios altos considerando a rigidez transversal à flexão das lajes / Three dimensional analysis of tall buildings considering the transverse bending stiffness of slabsDermival Paula Bezerra 24 July 1995 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo do comportamento das estruturas tridimensionais de edifícios altos, sujeitos às ações verticais e laterais, considerando-se a rigidez transversal à flexão das lajes. A análise é feita pelo processo dos deslocamentos para todos elementos, onde emprega-se o Método dos Elementos Finitos na discretização das lajes e vigas em cada pavimento. O sistema estrutural não considera a presença dos núcleos estruturais, pilares ou pilares-parede submetidos à flexo-torção. As lajes também funcionam como diafragmas infinitamente rígidos em seu plano, sendo responsável pela compatibilidade dos deslocamentos correspondentes e pela transmissão das forças do vento aos pilares. Elaborou-se um programa de computador que automatiza o processo utilizado, e alguns exemplos são apresentados para comprovar sua validade. / This work presents a study about the behavior of three dimensional structures of tall buildings, subjected to vertical and lateral loads, considering the transverse bending stiffness of slabs. The analysis is done by stiffness method for all elements, and Finite Element Method is used in the discretization of slabs and beams of each floor. The structural system does not consider cores, columns or shearwalls that are subjected to warping effects. The slabs also act as diaphragms with an infinite stiffness in their plane, responsible displacements, for compatibility of the horizontal and so transmit the wind forces to the columns. A computer program is developed to get automatic the process utilized in the analysis, and some examples are presented to check its validity.
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Análise de estruturas tridimensionais de edifícios altos considerando a rigidez transversal à flexão das lajes / Three dimensional analysis of tall buildings considering the transverse bending stiffness of slabsBezerra, Dermival Paula 24 July 1995 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo do comportamento das estruturas tridimensionais de edifícios altos, sujeitos às ações verticais e laterais, considerando-se a rigidez transversal à flexão das lajes. A análise é feita pelo processo dos deslocamentos para todos elementos, onde emprega-se o Método dos Elementos Finitos na discretização das lajes e vigas em cada pavimento. O sistema estrutural não considera a presença dos núcleos estruturais, pilares ou pilares-parede submetidos à flexo-torção. As lajes também funcionam como diafragmas infinitamente rígidos em seu plano, sendo responsável pela compatibilidade dos deslocamentos correspondentes e pela transmissão das forças do vento aos pilares. Elaborou-se um programa de computador que automatiza o processo utilizado, e alguns exemplos são apresentados para comprovar sua validade. / This work presents a study about the behavior of three dimensional structures of tall buildings, subjected to vertical and lateral loads, considering the transverse bending stiffness of slabs. The analysis is done by stiffness method for all elements, and Finite Element Method is used in the discretization of slabs and beams of each floor. The structural system does not consider cores, columns or shearwalls that are subjected to warping effects. The slabs also act as diaphragms with an infinite stiffness in their plane, responsible displacements, for compatibility of the horizontal and so transmit the wind forces to the columns. A computer program is developed to get automatic the process utilized in the analysis, and some examples are presented to check its validity.
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Lajes alveolares protendidas: cisalhamento em região fissurada por flexão / Prestressed hollow core slabs: shear in region fissured due to bendingPeriotto, Bruna Catoia 21 June 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar o comportamento de lajes alveolares protendidas de uso corrente no Brasil (pequenas espessuras e alta protensão) quanto ao cisalhamento em região fissurada por ação do momento fletor, para diferentes situações: sem e com capa e com preenchimento parcial de alvéolos. Foi desenvolvido um estudo teórico com o emprego de equacionamentos analíticos disponíveis na literatura técnica, envolvendo as recomendações da norma brasileira NBR 6118:2003 (Projeto de Estruturas de Concreto), do ACI-318:2008 (Building code requirements for structural concrete) e da EN 1992-1-1 (2004) (Eurocode 2- Projeto de estruturas de betão Parte 1-1: Regras gerais e regras para edifícios). Foram feitas comparações com resultados experimentais obtidos a partir de inúmeros ensaios de lajes alveolares protendidas. As unidades ensaiadas nesta pesquisa foram disponibilizadas por quatro empresas brasileiras de intensa atividade no mercado, sendo analisadas as capacidades resistentes de diferentes tipos. Assim, foram realizados 96 ensaios, 31 para a determinação da capacidade resistente à flexão e 65, ao cisalhamento, sendo selecionados modelos de lajes com grande emprego no mercado brasileiro. A partir desses ensaios, foi possível entender melhor o comportamento das lajes alveolares protendidas produzidas no Brasil. Com as diversas análises, considerando os ensaios experimentais e um vasto estudo teórico quanto ao dimensionamento dessas lajes, verificou-se a adequabilidade de equações de diferentes normas. Assim, foi possível identificar o equacionamento que melhor representa o comportamento das peças produzidas no Brasil, considerando inclusive peculiaridades de comportamento, que apresentam diferenças constratantes com relação a unidades produzidas em outros países. A partir desses estudos, produziu-se um amplo memorial de cálculo, considerando as diversas tipologias de lajes estudadas, com o objetivo de contribuir de modo didático com os engenheiros de estrururas. Logo, com esta pesquisa, foi possível não somente melhorar o entendimento do comportamento de tais lajes alveolares, como também fornecer subsídios para a avaliação desses elementos, considerando as características específicas das lajes produzidas no Brasil e, assim, contribuir para a padronização do dimensionamento junto à norma brasileira NBR 14861 (Laje pré-fabricada - Painel alveolar de concreto protendido). / This work had as major objective to analyze the behavior of Brazilian prestressed hollow core slabs - small thickness and high level of prestressing - considering shear in a cracked region due to bending moment, for different design situations: without concrete topping, with concrete topping and with filling the voids. A theoretical study was developed with the use of analytical equations available in the technical literature, involving the recommendations of the Brazilian code NBR 6118:2003 (Design of concrete structures), ACI-318: 2008 (Building code requirements for structural concrete) and EN 1992-1-1 (2004) (Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings), comparing experimental results from many prestressed hollow core slabs tests. The slabs tested in this study were provided by four different Brazilian companies with intense activity in the market, and the resistant capacity of different typologies was analyzed. Thus 96 tests were made, 31 to determine the bending capacity and 64 for the determination of shear strength, and were selected slab models from the Brazilian market that are highly employed. From these tests, it was possible a better understanding of the prestressed hollow core slabs behavior produced in Brazil. With several analysis considering the experimental tests and an ample theoretical study about the design of these slabs, the adequacy of different codes equations were verified. Thus, it was possible to identify the equations that best represent the behavior of elements produced in Brazil, also considering the behaviour peculiarities of these slabs that have contrasting differences, if compared with units produced in other countries. From these studies it was produced a large design manual, considering the various types of studied slabs, aiming to contribute in a didactic way to the structural engineers. So, with this research, it was possible not only to improve comprehension of the behavior of such prestressed hollow core slabs, as well as provide information for evaluation of these elements, considering the specific characteristics of the slabs fabricated in Brazil and thus to contribute with the standardization of the design in the Brazilian code NBR 14861 (Prefabricated slab - Prestressed concrete hollow core panel).
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Simultaneous inversion of 3D velocity structure, hypocenter locations, and reflector geometry in Cascadia /Preston, Leiph Alexander. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-112).
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Early-age behavior of calcium aluminate cement systemsIdeker, Jason H. 02 October 2012 (has links)
Compared to the knowledge base for ordinary portland cement concrete (OPCC), relatively little information exists for calcium aluminate cement concrete (CACC), despite its existence for over 100 years. There is particularly a lack of knowledge related to early-age behavior of CACC, specifically volume change and cracking potential. To assess these early-age properties, two unique pieces of equipment were developed and employed: a rigid cracking frame and free deformation frame which enabled quantification of restrained stress generation and unrestrained autogenous deformation, respectively. These two pieces of equipment employed active temperature control and allowed a wide range of isothermal and realistic temperature conditions to be imposed upon hydrating cementitious samples. Match-cured samples (i.e. identical temperature curing to that in the frames) enabled the quantification of mechanical property development. Samples cured at discrete isothermal temperatures up to 30 °C developed tensile forces in the rigid cracking frame and exhibited shrinkage phenomena in the free deformation frame. At temperatures above 30 °C, the converse was true and significant compressive forces developed in restrained testing and expansion was observed in unrestrained testing. It was found that this was a direct result of microstructural development related to the formation of metastable phases (associated with shrinkage) and stable phases (expansion as a result of conversion from metastable to stable phases). Proper use of this material must take into account behavior associated with both types of hydrate assemblages, metastable and stable. Realistic time-temperature histories were also investigated based on field-scale concrete cast as part of this research project. It was found that volume change at earlyage was dominantly controlled by thermal history. Furthermore, it was not simply the maximum temperature reached, but the rate of temperature rise during hydration and the resulting duration of time spent at high temperature that profoundly influenced volume change and property development. The research described in this dissertation represents a significant advancement of the state-of-knowledge of this unique material and has further elucidated the role of temperature during hydration of CACC. / text
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Ledo apkrovų įtaka tvenkinių šlaitų gelžbetoninėms tvirtinimo plokštėms / Influence of Ice Load on the Reinforced Concrete Slabs of Strengthening SlopesBelozaras, Evaldas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Tvenkinių šlaitų tvirtinimo plokščių būklę, ilgaamžiškumą lemia jas veikiantys poveikiai ir apkrovos, susidarantys veikiant klimato sąlygoms, agresyviai aplinkai bei kitiems įvairiems veiksniams. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos tvenkiniuose susidarančias ledo apkrovas ir jų įtaką šlaitų tvirtinimo gelžbetoninėms plokštėms. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikta literatūros analizė, siekiant nustatyti ledo apkrovų tipus. 2008 – 2009 m. mokslinių ekspedicijų metu natūriniais tyrimais įvertinta 14 tvenkinių šlaitų tvirtinimo gelžbetoninių plokščių būklė pagal STR.1.12.03:2006. Remiantis literatūros ir natūrinių tyrimų rezultatų analize, nustatyta, kad tvenkinių šlaitų tvirtinimo gelžbetoninės plokštės labiausiai ardomos dėl ledo poveikio. Detalesniam tyrinėjimui parinktos 4 tvenkinių plokštės, kurių suardymo pobūdis leidžia teigti, kad šlaitų tvirtinimo plokštės buvo suardytos veikiant ledo apkrovoms. Darbe ledo poveikis analizuotas vertinant prie tvenkinių šlaitų tvirtinimo plokščių prišalusio ledo vertikaliąją apkrovą Fd ir susidarantį lenkimo momentą M dėl pažemėjusio vandens lygio. Atlikus ledo apkrovos kintant vandens lygiui analitinius skaičiavimus, sudaryta šlaitų tvirtinimo gelžbetonines plokštes veikiančios apkrovos dydžio priklausomybė nuo ledo storio. Nustatyta, kad tvenkinių ledo apkrovos labiausiai priklauso nuo ledo storio – didėjant ledo storiui bendruoju atveju ir ledo apkrovos didėja. / The state and durability of the slabs strengthening slopes of the ponds are influenced by the impacts and loads occurring because of the climatic conditions, aggressive environment and other various factors.
The aim of the work is to assess the ice loads that occur on the Lithuanian ponds and their influence on the concrete slabs strengthening slopes.
To achieve this objective, analysis of the literature was performed to determine the types of ice loads. The state of 14 concrete slabs was evaluated by field investigations in accordance with STR. 1.12.03:2006 during the scientific expeditions in 2008-2009. In accordance with the literary and field investigation analysis, it was found out that the concrete slabs strengthening the slopes of the ponds are mostly damaged by the influence of the ice. 4 slabs of the ponds were chosen for the more detailed research. The character of the damage allows proposing that the strengthening slabs were influenced by the ice loads. In the research the effect of the ice was analyzed estimating the vertical load of the ice frozen on to the slabs strengthening slopes of the ponds Fd and bending moment M emerging because of the dropped level of the water. After analytical calculations of the ice load, when the water level is changing, were performed, the dependence of the load size on the thickness of ice was made. It was determined that ice loads of the ponds mostly depend on the thickness of the ice –in general case, when the ice is getting... [to full text]
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