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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comunicação e gestão da informação com o uso de TI: estudo multicaso em pequenas empresas do setor de informática de Ribeirão Preto - SP / Communication and information management by using IT: multicase study in small companies of the computer field of Ribeirão Preto-SP

Felcar, Alexandre Henrique 04 October 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os recursos de TI e analisar de que forma as pequenas empresas podem utilizá-los para realizar a comunicação e a gestão da informação, privilegiando o uso de computadores para esta finalidade. A criação e o surgimento de recursos baseados na tecnologia da informação permitiram uma nova abordagem para estes aspectos. A realização da comunicação e a gestão da informação por meio de recursos baseados na tecnologia da informação impactaram de maneira significativa na forma com que o trabalho era realizado nas empresas. A importância do uso de recursos que possibilitem a realização do processo de comunicação mediada por computador, aliada à necessidade de se obter informações tempestivas e corretas, se tornaram variáveis associadas à melhoria da competitividade organizacional. A metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa foi o método qualitativo-exploratório, em que o estudo multicaso, proporcionou vivenciar a realidade com base no referencial teórico apresentado na pesquisa bibliografia. O trabalho de campo contou com a colaboração de três pequenas empresas do setor de informática da cidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP, nas quais foram possíveis a identificação dos recursos contemplados na pesquisa bibliográfica, e a análise de sua utilização em cada uma das empresas pesquisadas. / This essay was done in order to identify the IT (Information Technology) resources and analyse the way that it may be used by the small companies to perform communication and information management, thus making use of computers for this purpose. The creation and emerging of resources based on information technology permitted a new approach to these aspects. The achievement of communication and information management through means based on information technology caused a significant impact on the way that job was performed in the companies. The importance of using means that make possible the realization of the communication process, added to the need to obtain timely and correct information, have become associated variables to the improvement of the organization competitiveness. This research was done by the exploratory-qualified method, in which the multicase study, enabled the experiment of reality based on the theoretical reference presented in the research bibliography. The field work had the collaboration of three small companies of the computer field in the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP, where it was possible to identify the resources contemplated in the bibliography research, and the analyses of the usage in each one of the researched companies.

A influência das relações sociais na sobrevivência de pequenas empresas: um estudo no setor do varejo de alimentos em Porto Alegre/RS (BRASIL)

Ramos, Cláudia Felippe 21 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:40:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 21 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para os estudos sobre a competitividade da pequena empresa em mercados globais. Nessa perspectiva analisa as influências de relações sociais para a sobrevivência de pequenos varejos do segmento de gêneros alimentícios. O fenômeno da sobrevivência dessas empresas no Brasil é difícil de ser compreendido considerando a tensão existente entre a atuação dessas organizações e a pressão exercida por grandes supermercadistas. Buscando-se uma ótica alternativa para compreender esse fenômeno, o presente estudo parte do pressuposto de que as relações sociais podem ser explicativas para as relações de mercado. A análise toma como base dados secundários sobre o varejo de alimentos no Brasil e, como dados primários, o estudo de caso de três pequenos mercados que se destacam por sua longevidade e sobrevivência face à instalação de grandes mercados varejistas em bairros de classe média em Porto Alegre/RS. Também são considerados dados qualitativos sobre a percepção de empresas forne / The purpose of this investigation is to contribute for the studies about small companies’ competitiveness the in global market. It is taken as a theoretical assumption that social relations can explain the survivor of small food goods retails in an environment dominated by the big supermarkets chains. In Brazil, the phenomenon of survivor of these companies is hard to be understood if we just consider the concurrence between small and large companies. Theories about social relation influence on market relations are taken as an alternative view. The analysis is based on secondary and primary data. Secondary data was used as evidences to describe the food retail market in Brazil. Primary data came from three case studies of small retails located in Porto Alegre (RS/ Brasil) that were considered survivors because they had continued on activity even after the installation of big retails markets on their neighborhood. It was also considered qualitative data about the perception of two food goods the suppliers comp

A sociedade unipessoal como forma organizativa da micro e pequena empresa / The one-man partnership as an alternative for structuring micro and small companies in Brazil

Facchim, Tatiana 11 June 2010 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo abordar a adoção da sociedade unipessoal como forma organizativa da micro e pequena empresa, demonstrando não só a viabilidade jurídica de sua inserção no ordenamento brasileiro como também a conveniência de seu estabelecimento como uma das alternativas de organização do empresário singular. / The essay deals with the subject of the acceptance of the one-man partnership as an alternative for structuring micro and small companies in Brazil, evidencing not only that it is possible to insert this kind of partnership within the Brazilian legal system, but also the convenience of adopting such option for the organization of the sole entrepreneur.

Förenkling av revision i mindre aktiebolag : Vilka är alternativen? / Simplification of auditing in small companies : Which alternatives are there?

Jernebring, Lina, Revenius, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Den första januari 1983 infördes revisionsplikt för alla aktiebolag i Sverige. Idag gör EGs fjärde bolagsdirektiv det möjligt att undanta mindre företag från kravet på revision och debatten kring revisionsplikt i små bolag i Sverige är nu intensiv. Sedan årsskiftet 2004 gäller även ett nytt regelverk, Revisionsstandard (RS) i Sverige och detta såväl som ökade krav på oberoende har ytterligare intensifierat debatten. Enligt flertalet studier är ett borttagande av revisionsplikten inte realistiskt, dock anses att små och medelstora företag är i behov av enkla och ändamålsenliga regler. Det är således relevant att undersöka hur en ändamålsenlig revision skulle kunna se ut i mindre aktiebolag.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att tydliggöra vad som kan avses när begreppet ”förenkling” används i debatten kring revision i mindre aktiebolag. Detta genom att undersöka vilka alternativ till förenkling av revisionen för mindre aktiebolag som kan finnas. Vidare är avsikten att, utifrån ett urval insatta personers åsikter kring revision, analysera styrkor och svagheter med dessa eventuella förenklingsmöjligheter.</p><p>Avgränsningar: Studien är avgränsad till att behandla vilka möjligheter som finns till att den lagstadgade externa revisionen skulle kunna förenklas förutsatt att den behålls. Vidare omfattas endast förenklingsmöjligheter i mindre aktiebolag. Mindre företag definieras i likhet med EGs fjärde direktiv som företag med färre än 50 anställda, en omsättning understigande 7,3 miljoner euro och en balansomslutning understigande 3,65 miljoner euro. Vidare är studien avgränsad geografiskt till att endast omfatta möjligheter till förenkling av revision i mindre aktiebolag i Sverige. Dock har en undersökning kring hur revisionen ser ut i England, Tyskland och USA gjorts för att se om Sverige möjligen skulle kunna använda någon strategi för förenkling som dessa länder använt sig av.</p><p>Genomförande: I denna studie har främst en kvalitativ metod använts, detta i form av såväl litteraturstudier som fem stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer. De respondenter som intervjuades valdes ut på den grund att de ansågs vara väl insatta i det studerade området.</p><p>Resultat: Hur en förenkling skulle kunna se ut skiftar, men utgångspunkten ser ut att vara att minska omfattningen på revisionen och därmed hålla kostnader nere. Ett antal förslag på förenklingsmöjligheter framkom vid vår studie. Ett var det tyska alternativet där antingen revisorn eller en skatterådgivare skulle kunna lämna ett utlåtande om omfattningen på den bokföringskontroll som har skett. Ett annat var förslaget om revisorsintyg, vilket används i England och USA. Vidare gavs förslag om datorstödd revision, införande av ny bolagsform i form av AB-Light, ett slopande av förvaltningsrevisionen och förenkling av revision genom förenkling av redovisningen. Sammanfattningsvis var det i två av dessa förslag, slopad förvaltningsrevision och förenklad revision genom förenklad redovisning, som styrkorna såg ut att överväga svagheterna. I respondenternas diskussion kring de olika alternativen framkom även ett förslag om obligatorisk efterfrågestyrd revision, vilket framstod som det förslag som var mest motiverat att undersöka vidare.</p> / <p>Background: In January 1, 1983 mandatory audit was introduced for all companies in Sweden. It is today, through the fourth EC directive, possible to exempt small companies from the requirement on auditing, and the debate about mandatory auditing in small companies in Sweden is intense. Since the turn of year 2004 there is a new body of regulations in Sweden, Revisionsstandard (RS). This as well as increased requirements on independence has intensified the debate further. According to several papers a removal of the mandatory audit is not realistic. However small- and mediumsized companies are considered to be in need of simple and suitable rules. Thus, it is relevant to examine how a suitable audit could be designed in small companies.</p><p>Aim: The aim with this paper is to explain what can be considered when the concept ”simplification” is used in the debate about auditing in small companies. This is done through an investigation of which alternatives there are of simplification auditing of small companies. The intention is also to, on the basis of opinions from selected persons that is versed in the subject, analyse the strengths and the weaknesses with the possible simplification alternatives.</p><p>Delimitations: This paper is delimited to consider which possibilities there are to simplify the statutory external auditing, provided that it will still be kept. Only possibilities to simplification of the auditing for small companies are considered. Small companies are defined in the fourth EC directive as companies with fewer than 50 employees, a turnover of less than 7,3 million euro and a total balance sheet of less than 3,65 euro. The paper has a geographic delimitation and does only consider the possibilities to simplification of auditing in small companies in Sweden. However there has been an investigation about how auditing is designed in England, Germany and the USA to see if Sweden possibly could use any of the strategies of simplification that these countries have used.</p><p>Realization: In this paper mainly the qualitative method has been used. This as well as in form of a investigation of literature as well as five semi-structured interviews. The respondents that have been interviewed were chosen on the basis that they were considered to be versed in the examined subject.</p><p>Conclusion: How a simplification could be designed is varying, but a reduction of the extent of the auditing seems to be a good start to keep the costs low. Several suggestions on how to simplify auditing were made in the paper. One of them was a German alternative where either the auditor or the tax advisor is supposed to leave an opinion about the extent of the control that has been made of the accounting. Another suggestion was a certificate of auditing, which is used in England and in the USA. Suggestions were also made about a new form of company - AB-Light, a removal of the management audit and a simplification of auditing through a simplification of accounting. In two of these suggestions, a removal of the management audit and a simplification of auditing though a simplification of accounting, were the advantages dominating the weaknesses. The respondents also came up with the proposal that the auditing should be controlled by demand but still mandatory, which appeared as the most motivated suggestion to investigate further.</p>

Frivillig revision och dess påverkan på trovärdigheten : En studie av fyra banker

Lindgren, Lina, Nyback, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Ett undantag från revisionsplikten infördes för mindre aktiebolag den 1 november 2010, som berör ungefär 70 % av de svenska aktiebolagen eller 250 000 bolag. Vid kreditgivningen behöver bankerna information för att minska risken och vikten vid att informationen stämmer är stor. Revisorn är ett sätt för att bekräfta informationen och öka trovärdigheten för räkenskaperna. Detta ledde till vår problemformulering: Förändras trovärdigheten i ett bolags finansiella rapporter om aktiebolaget väljer bort revisionen? Vilka konsekvenser får det för bolagen i relation till bankerna? Syftet är att få en bild av om trovärdigheten hos ett bolag förändras då de väljer bort revisionen och vilka konsekvenser det kan få. Studien har en deduktiv ansats, vilket innebär att vi började med datainsamling och teorier. Sedan har fyra intervjuer genomförts med banker i Örebro stad som sedan har analyserats med hjälp av teorier om revision, intressentmodellen och principal-agentteorin. En majoritet av bankerna säger att trovärdigheten till de finansiella rapporterna påverkas om bolaget avstår från revision. Dock har de inte vidtagit åtgärder på grund av detta och har därför inte fått några konsekvenser för de bolag som inte har revision. / An exemption from the audit requirement was introduced for smaller companies affecting about 70 %, or 250,000, of the Swedish limited companies. When lending, banks need information to reduce the risk. The auditor is a way to confirm the information and increase the credibility of the accounts. This led to our problem: Is the credibility of a company's financial statements changing for the limited companies that choose not to have an auditor? What are the consequences for the companies in relation to the banks? The purpose is to get a view if the credibility of a company changes when they opt out of the audit and the consequences it may have. The study has a deductive approach, which means that we started collecting data and theories. Then, four interviews were conducted with banks in the city of Örebro, which were analyzed using the theories of audit, stakeholder theory and principal-agent theory. A majority of the banks says that the credibility of the financial statements is affected if the company refrains from audit. However, they have not taken action because of this, and it have not had any impact on the companies that do not have audit.

Hur kan företags val att inte anlita en revisor förklaras? : en studie gjord i efterdyningarna av avskaffandet av revisionsplikten i Sverige den 1 nov 2010

Kempengren, Christoffer, Lundin, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
Efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för små företag i Sverige, den 1:e november 2010, har många små företag valt att inte anlita en revisor. Den främsta orsaken till detta torde vara kostnaden men eftersom det finns flera fördelar med revision undrar man om det finns andra bakomliggande orsaker. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar små företags val att inte anlita en revisor, samt om dessa små företag har något gemensamt. Studien fokuserar på således hur företag uppfattarna fördelarna med revision men vänder på argumenten och ställer frågan varför, trots de uppenbara fördelarna, företag väljer att inte anlita en revisor. Via ett positivistisk vetenskapligt perspektiv, genom en deduktiv undersökning baserad på befintlig teori används av en kvantitativ metod för att samla empirisk data. En undersökning av totalt 400 enkäter skickades ut och av dessa gav 82 fullständiga svar. Hälften av frågeformulären skickades ut till små bolag som inte anlitar en revisor och hälften till de som anlitar en revisor. Enligt resultatet av vår studie kan vi finna statistiska samband bland alla våra tre hypoteser. Det vill säga det finns ett samband mellan uppfattningen om revisionens kostnad, värde respektive behov och slopandet av revision. Studiens resultat visar även att behovet av revision ökar i enlighet med att ett företags storlek ökar. Resultatet presenteras i huvudsak genom data och tabeller. Förslag för framtida forskning är exempelvis att bredda studien och testa enkäten på andra intressenter för att få deras syn på nyttan med revision. Revisorns roll och förtroende har skadats av finansiella skandaler och liberalisering. Denna studie visar dock att tre år efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten i Sverige - så efterfrågar fortfarande företag revisorer. / Since the removal of the audit requirement for small companies in Sweden, on the 1th of November 2010, many small companies have chosen not to hire an accountant. The main reason for this is likely the cost, but because there are several benefits of audit, we wonder if there are other underlying causes. The purpose of this thesis is to explain what factors influence a small company's choice to not hire an accountant and if these small companies have something in common. The study focuses on how companies perceive the benefits of auditing but reverses the arguments and asks the question why, despite the obvious advantages, companies choose not to hire an accountant Through a positivistic scientific perspective, through a deductive examination based on existing theory we will make use of quantitative methods in order to capture all the data we need. A survey of total 400 questionnaires was sent out and these resulted in 82 complete responses. Half of the questionnaires were sent out to small companies that don’t hire an accountant and the other half to those who do hire an accountant. According to the results of our study, we find statistic connections of all our hypotheses. That is to say there is a correlation between the perceptions of audit cost, value and need, and the abolition of the audit. The study's results also include that the need for audit increases as the company increases in size. The results are presented mainly through the data and tables. Proposals for future research are for example to broaden the study and to test the questionnaire on other stakeholders to get their views on the usefulness of the audit. The auditor's role has been damaged by financial scandals, loss of trust and liberalization. Our data demonstrate and provide the auditor a vindication because, after three years of the removal of the audit requirement in Sweden, small companies still have a demand for auditing.

The Strategy of Italian micro-small business to face the current economic difficulties

Corinaldesi, Patrizio January 2012 (has links)
The current economic-financial conditions in Italy are characterized by the financial crisis, decrease in demand, increase in taxation and banking credit restriction. Moreover, this aspects add up to structural problems of the Italian economy, like low level of labor productivity and high public debt. Italian industry is formed mainly by micro and small companies, that are suffering particularly this situation. This research wants to identify successful strategies for micro and small Italian companies to face actual difficulties and compete in these dynamics. To do that, the method chosen is the multiple-case and the qualitative research with semi-structured interviews to key respondents and strategic decision makers of three micro and small Italian companies. Starting from the literature review on strategic subjects, this paper wants to contribute to investigate a range of successful strategies that Italian micro-small companies could adopt to overcome current problems. The findings of this research are that part of the strategic process should be internal to companies, adopting a right size and boundaries, a good corporate culture, a rigorous financial management and a deep innovation’s process, both for process and products. Then, the more successful competitive strategy for Italian small company seems to be a hybrid strategy, mostly balanced on differentiation. Finally, a partial diversification by developing new products or/and new markets is a good strategy to diversify the high risk of the current situation and create new possibilities of success.

Förenkling av revision i mindre aktiebolag : Vilka är alternativen? / Simplification of auditing in small companies : Which alternatives are there?

Jernebring, Lina, Revenius, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den första januari 1983 infördes revisionsplikt för alla aktiebolag i Sverige. Idag gör EGs fjärde bolagsdirektiv det möjligt att undanta mindre företag från kravet på revision och debatten kring revisionsplikt i små bolag i Sverige är nu intensiv. Sedan årsskiftet 2004 gäller även ett nytt regelverk, Revisionsstandard (RS) i Sverige och detta såväl som ökade krav på oberoende har ytterligare intensifierat debatten. Enligt flertalet studier är ett borttagande av revisionsplikten inte realistiskt, dock anses att små och medelstora företag är i behov av enkla och ändamålsenliga regler. Det är således relevant att undersöka hur en ändamålsenlig revision skulle kunna se ut i mindre aktiebolag. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att tydliggöra vad som kan avses när begreppet ”förenkling” används i debatten kring revision i mindre aktiebolag. Detta genom att undersöka vilka alternativ till förenkling av revisionen för mindre aktiebolag som kan finnas. Vidare är avsikten att, utifrån ett urval insatta personers åsikter kring revision, analysera styrkor och svagheter med dessa eventuella förenklingsmöjligheter. Avgränsningar: Studien är avgränsad till att behandla vilka möjligheter som finns till att den lagstadgade externa revisionen skulle kunna förenklas förutsatt att den behålls. Vidare omfattas endast förenklingsmöjligheter i mindre aktiebolag. Mindre företag definieras i likhet med EGs fjärde direktiv som företag med färre än 50 anställda, en omsättning understigande 7,3 miljoner euro och en balansomslutning understigande 3,65 miljoner euro. Vidare är studien avgränsad geografiskt till att endast omfatta möjligheter till förenkling av revision i mindre aktiebolag i Sverige. Dock har en undersökning kring hur revisionen ser ut i England, Tyskland och USA gjorts för att se om Sverige möjligen skulle kunna använda någon strategi för förenkling som dessa länder använt sig av. Genomförande: I denna studie har främst en kvalitativ metod använts, detta i form av såväl litteraturstudier som fem stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer. De respondenter som intervjuades valdes ut på den grund att de ansågs vara väl insatta i det studerade området. Resultat: Hur en förenkling skulle kunna se ut skiftar, men utgångspunkten ser ut att vara att minska omfattningen på revisionen och därmed hålla kostnader nere. Ett antal förslag på förenklingsmöjligheter framkom vid vår studie. Ett var det tyska alternativet där antingen revisorn eller en skatterådgivare skulle kunna lämna ett utlåtande om omfattningen på den bokföringskontroll som har skett. Ett annat var förslaget om revisorsintyg, vilket används i England och USA. Vidare gavs förslag om datorstödd revision, införande av ny bolagsform i form av AB-Light, ett slopande av förvaltningsrevisionen och förenkling av revision genom förenkling av redovisningen. Sammanfattningsvis var det i två av dessa förslag, slopad förvaltningsrevision och förenklad revision genom förenklad redovisning, som styrkorna såg ut att överväga svagheterna. I respondenternas diskussion kring de olika alternativen framkom även ett förslag om obligatorisk efterfrågestyrd revision, vilket framstod som det förslag som var mest motiverat att undersöka vidare. / Background: In January 1, 1983 mandatory audit was introduced for all companies in Sweden. It is today, through the fourth EC directive, possible to exempt small companies from the requirement on auditing, and the debate about mandatory auditing in small companies in Sweden is intense. Since the turn of year 2004 there is a new body of regulations in Sweden, Revisionsstandard (RS). This as well as increased requirements on independence has intensified the debate further. According to several papers a removal of the mandatory audit is not realistic. However small- and mediumsized companies are considered to be in need of simple and suitable rules. Thus, it is relevant to examine how a suitable audit could be designed in small companies. Aim: The aim with this paper is to explain what can be considered when the concept ”simplification” is used in the debate about auditing in small companies. This is done through an investigation of which alternatives there are of simplification auditing of small companies. The intention is also to, on the basis of opinions from selected persons that is versed in the subject, analyse the strengths and the weaknesses with the possible simplification alternatives. Delimitations: This paper is delimited to consider which possibilities there are to simplify the statutory external auditing, provided that it will still be kept. Only possibilities to simplification of the auditing for small companies are considered. Small companies are defined in the fourth EC directive as companies with fewer than 50 employees, a turnover of less than 7,3 million euro and a total balance sheet of less than 3,65 euro. The paper has a geographic delimitation and does only consider the possibilities to simplification of auditing in small companies in Sweden. However there has been an investigation about how auditing is designed in England, Germany and the USA to see if Sweden possibly could use any of the strategies of simplification that these countries have used. Realization: In this paper mainly the qualitative method has been used. This as well as in form of a investigation of literature as well as five semi-structured interviews. The respondents that have been interviewed were chosen on the basis that they were considered to be versed in the examined subject. Conclusion: How a simplification could be designed is varying, but a reduction of the extent of the auditing seems to be a good start to keep the costs low. Several suggestions on how to simplify auditing were made in the paper. One of them was a German alternative where either the auditor or the tax advisor is supposed to leave an opinion about the extent of the control that has been made of the accounting. Another suggestion was a certificate of auditing, which is used in England and in the USA. Suggestions were also made about a new form of company - AB-Light, a removal of the management audit and a simplification of auditing through a simplification of accounting. In two of these suggestions, a removal of the management audit and a simplification of auditing though a simplification of accounting, were the advantages dominating the weaknesses. The respondents also came up with the proposal that the auditing should be controlled by demand but still mandatory, which appeared as the most motivated suggestion to investigate further.

Gestão da informação como base da ação comercial de uma pequena empresa de TI

Krafta, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, são propostas definições de modelos de gestão da informação para orientar a estratégia de ação comercial de uma pequena empresa de TI. Como atividade inicial, foi feita uma contextualização da empresa, um mapeamento dos processos internos e uma redefinição de requisitos informacionais, para então fazer a proposição de um conjunto de novos modelos, com interfaces de saída de dados e de consulta com base em filtros para auxílio no melhor uso das informações. O novo conjunto de modelos foi implementado na prática e utilizado nas atividades diárias da ação da equipe comercial (gerência e equipe de vendas). O trabalho então relata a experiência obtida e traz também uma avaliação da facilidade, compreensão e uso das novas ferramentas. Foi utilizado o método da pesquisa-ação, pois havia interesse e abertura da empresa no sentido de implementar na prática o conjunto de modelos que seriam propostos. Buscou-se assim uma maior contribuição, tanto para o mundo acadêmico quanto para o gerencial, através da aplicação prática, onde foi possível ver em uso o que estava sendo proposto, podendo observar e avaliar as conseqüências práticas para a empresa. A empresa reagiu positivamente aos modelos implementados, tanto em termos de aceitação quanto na avaliação de compreensão e utilidade. A equipe de vendas avaliou o uso dos modelos como sendo algo que agrega valor e agilidade nas tarefas, assim como a gerência e a direção da empresa viram agregação nas atividades de tomada de decisão e de planejamento estratégico. A empresa, de forma geral, percebeu melhores condições de dominar a informação que circula por seus processos, o que pode dinamizar e orientar suas ações comerciais. / This research proposes to define models for information management to guide the commercial action of a small IT company. The activities start with a diagnosis of the company’s context and internal processes and a redefinition of information requirements, to then propose a new set of models, with interfaces of data output and consult, based on filters that lead to a better use of the information. The new set of models was implemented and used during the daily commercial activities (sales team and management). The practical experience is then detailed based on the evaluation of ease, comprehension and use. Action research was chosen as method for this study because there was interest and availability of the company to put in practise the new set of models that was proposed. Through the practical experience, it was expected do bring a wider contribution to academic and management worlds. The company reacted positively do the models that were implemented, in terms of acceptation and in terms of comprehension, ease of use and utility. The sales team evaluated the use of the models as something that brought added value and agility to their activities, as well as the commercial management and company’s directors, in the decision making activities and strategic planning. The company considered that, after using the models, there were better conditions of dominating the information which circulates along the processes, and, therefore, it became more dynamic to orient the commercial action.

Gestão da informação como base da ação comercial de uma pequena empresa de TI

Krafta, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, são propostas definições de modelos de gestão da informação para orientar a estratégia de ação comercial de uma pequena empresa de TI. Como atividade inicial, foi feita uma contextualização da empresa, um mapeamento dos processos internos e uma redefinição de requisitos informacionais, para então fazer a proposição de um conjunto de novos modelos, com interfaces de saída de dados e de consulta com base em filtros para auxílio no melhor uso das informações. O novo conjunto de modelos foi implementado na prática e utilizado nas atividades diárias da ação da equipe comercial (gerência e equipe de vendas). O trabalho então relata a experiência obtida e traz também uma avaliação da facilidade, compreensão e uso das novas ferramentas. Foi utilizado o método da pesquisa-ação, pois havia interesse e abertura da empresa no sentido de implementar na prática o conjunto de modelos que seriam propostos. Buscou-se assim uma maior contribuição, tanto para o mundo acadêmico quanto para o gerencial, através da aplicação prática, onde foi possível ver em uso o que estava sendo proposto, podendo observar e avaliar as conseqüências práticas para a empresa. A empresa reagiu positivamente aos modelos implementados, tanto em termos de aceitação quanto na avaliação de compreensão e utilidade. A equipe de vendas avaliou o uso dos modelos como sendo algo que agrega valor e agilidade nas tarefas, assim como a gerência e a direção da empresa viram agregação nas atividades de tomada de decisão e de planejamento estratégico. A empresa, de forma geral, percebeu melhores condições de dominar a informação que circula por seus processos, o que pode dinamizar e orientar suas ações comerciais. / This research proposes to define models for information management to guide the commercial action of a small IT company. The activities start with a diagnosis of the company’s context and internal processes and a redefinition of information requirements, to then propose a new set of models, with interfaces of data output and consult, based on filters that lead to a better use of the information. The new set of models was implemented and used during the daily commercial activities (sales team and management). The practical experience is then detailed based on the evaluation of ease, comprehension and use. Action research was chosen as method for this study because there was interest and availability of the company to put in practise the new set of models that was proposed. Through the practical experience, it was expected do bring a wider contribution to academic and management worlds. The company reacted positively do the models that were implemented, in terms of acceptation and in terms of comprehension, ease of use and utility. The sales team evaluated the use of the models as something that brought added value and agility to their activities, as well as the commercial management and company’s directors, in the decision making activities and strategic planning. The company considered that, after using the models, there were better conditions of dominating the information which circulates along the processes, and, therefore, it became more dynamic to orient the commercial action.

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