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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Génotypage moléculaire des papillomavirus humains chez des femmes à risque de cancer du col de l'utérus : implication pour le dépistage et la prévention / Molecular genotyping of human papillomavirus in women at risk of cervical cancer : Implications for screening and prévention

Belglaiaa, Essaada 04 November 2015 (has links)
A l'échelle mondiale, le cancer du col de l'utérus (CCU) constitue un problème majeur de santé publique touchant 528 000 femmes, il est responsable de 266 000 décès chaque année. Son taux d'incidence varie d'un pays à l'autre et reste remarquablement plus élève dans les pays en voie de | développement où l'accès aux soins, même primaires reste précaire. De nombreuses études I épidémiologiques ont démontré qu'environ 99,7 % des cancers du col de l'utérus sont associés à l'infection par des Papillomavirus Humains (HPV) oncogènes, en particulier les HPV16 et 18. Ces données ont permis le développement de vaccins prophylactiques dirigés contre ces deux génotypes viraux. Il s'agit d'un des! cancers les plus faciles à prévenir et à traiter a condition qu'il soit détecté suffisamment tôt et traité| correctement. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était d'étudier deux populations de femmes à risque du CCU qui vivent sur deux continents différents (Afrique/Europe). Ces deux populations étaient référées auprès de médecins hospitaliers pour des problèmes gynécologiques. La majorité des femmes n'avaient pas été dépistées (femmes marocaines), ou avaient été sous-dépistées selon les recommandations de l'ANAES (femmes françaises de plus de 65 ans). Au cours de cette étude, les femmes ont eu un frottis cervico-utérin (FCU) pour une analyse cytologique et une recherche d'ADN d'HPV, soit par amplification de cible (PCR ; population marocaine), soit par amplification de signa! (test hc2 ; population française). Les échantillons; HPV positifs ont ensuite été génotypes, soit par génotypage complet (INNO-LiPA ; population marocaine),| soit par génotypage partiel (qPCR HPV16,18 et 45 ; population française). Les frottis étaient normaux dans la majorité des cas : chez 81,9% des femmes marocaines et 68,6% des femmes françaises. Les frottis de signification indéterminée (ASC-US) ont été diagnostiqués chez 15,8% des femmes françaises. Les frottis en faveur d'une lésion de bas grade (LGSIL) étaient observes chez 12,9% des femmes marocaines et 7,4% des femmes françaises. Les frottis en faveur d'une lésion de haut grade (HGSIL) étaient de 5,2% chez les femmes marocaines et 4% chez les femmes françaises. Les frottis évocateurs de cancer ont été décelés uniquement dans la population française (2,9%). La prévalence d'HPV était du même ordre de grandeur (23%) dans les 2 populations et augmentait avec la sévérité de la lésion cytologique pour atteindre 75% dans les frottis HGSIL chez les femmes marocaines et plus de 90% chez les femmes françaises. La quasi-totalité des échantillons en faveur d'un CCU étaient infectés par un HPV. Par ailleurs, dans les deux populations, le génotype prévalent dans tous les types de frottis était THPV16, génotype le plus cardnogène. Un tiers (36,2%) de la cohorte des femmes marocaines était infecté par le VIH, qui s'est avéré le plus important facteur prédictif de l'infection HPV, indépendamment des autres facteurs de risqueI étudiés (caractéristiques sociodémographiques, comportement sexuel, tabagisme...). En France, le dépistage du CCU est préconisé tous les trois ans chez les femmes de 25 à 65 ans. Toutefois, les femmes âgées de plus de 65 ans dont l'espérance de vie est élevée et qui n'ont pas été ou qui ont été mal dépistées pourraient bénéficier d'un test HPV dont la Valeur Prédictive Négative est très élevée. Au Maroc, en l'absence de dépistage organise, il est aussi souhaitable de proposer un test HPV dans le cadre du dépistage j du CCU. La vaccination anti-HPV pourrait aussi prévenir ce cancer. / Worldwide, cervical cancer (CC) is a major public health problem affecting 528 000 women and responsible for 266 000 deaths every year. Its incidence rate varies from one country to another and remains remarkably higher in developing countries where access to care, even primary remains precarious. Many epidemiological studies have shown that approximately 99.7% of cancers of the cervix are associated with infection with oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV), especially HPV16 and 18. These data allowed the development of prophylactic vaccines directed against these two viral genotypes. It is one of the easiest cancers to prevent by early detection of precancerous lesions. The objective of this PhD thesis work was to study two populations of women at risk of CC who live on two different continents (Africa / Europe). These two populations were referred to hospital doctors for gynecological problems. The majority of women were not screened (Moroccan women) or were under-screened according to ANAES recommendations (French women over 65 years). At entry in the study, women had a cervical smear for cytology and HPV DNA research, either by target amplification (PCR; Moroccan population) or signal amplification (hc2 test; French population). HPV positive samples were then genotyped, either with full genotyping (INNO-LiPA; Moroccan population) or with partial genotyping (qPCR targeting HPV16,18 and 45; French population). Smears were normal in most cases: in 81.9% of Moroccan women and 68.6 % of French women. Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASC-US) were diagnosed in 15.8% of French women. Smears in favour of low grade lesion (LGSIL) were observed in 12.9% of Moroccan women and 7.4 % of French women. Smears in favour of high grade lesion (HGSIL) were in 5.2 % of Moroccan women and 4% of French women. Smears suggestive of cancer were detected only in the French population (2.9%). The prevalence of HPV was of the same order of magnitude (23%) in both populations; and increased with the severity of cytological lesions to reach 75% in HGSIL smears among: Moroccan women and over 90% among French women. Almost ail samples with CC were infected with high risk HPV. Furthermore, in both populations, the most prevalent genotype in ail types of smear wasHPV16, known to be the most carcinogenic. One third (36.2%) of the cohort of Moroccan women was infected with HIV, which was the most powerful predictor of HPV infection, independent of other risk factors studied (sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behavior, smoking ...).In France, CC screening is recommended every three years for women 25 to 65 years. However, women over 65 whose life expectancy is high and who have not been or have been poorly screened could benefit from an HPV test. In Morocco, in absence of organized screening, it is also desirable to provide an HPV test as a part of CC screening. The HPV vaccines could improve the situation by reducing the incidence and mortality from this cancer

Avaliação da limpeza das paredes em canais radiculares instrumentados pelas técnicas rotatória e self-adjusting file (SAF) associadas ao uso de diferentes quelantes / Evaluation of the cleanness of root canals walls instrumented with rotary and the self-adjusting file (SAF) techniques associated with different chelators

Ferraz, José Antonio Brufato 27 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), a limpeza das paredes dos canais radiculares instrumentados pelas técnicas rotatória e Self-adjusting file (SAF®) com uso do NaOCl a 1% como solução irrigadora e o uso do EDTA a 15% e da Quitosana 0,20% como soluções quelantes, e quantificou os íons cálcio removidos pelas diferentes soluções irrigadoras por meio de espectrometria de absorção atômica. Trinta dentes caninos inferiores humanos foram divididos em dois grupos (n=15), de acordo com a técnica de instrumentação utilizada: A - instrumentos FlexMaster® usados na técnica Free Tip Preparation, assegurado alargamento mínimo de 200, até o instrumento # 60.02, irrigados com 1 mL de NaOCl 1% em cada troca de instrumento e B - sistema SAF®, com prévio alargamento manual até o instrumento K #20, aplicação da SAF® por 4 minutos, com fluxo de irrigação pelo sistema VATEA de 5mL/min. Os dentes foram divididos em três subgrupos conforme a irrigação final: G1-NaOCl 1%, G2- EDTA 15% e G3 Quitosana 0,20%. Utilizou-se 5mL de cada solução à 1mL/min. A solução extravasada pelo forame foi coletada e submetida à análise espectrométrica. O EDTA 15% apresentou maior capacidade de remoção de íons cálcio do que a Quitosana a 0,20% (p<0,05) e o NaOCl 1% não removeu íons. Os espécimes foram analisados em MEV. As fotomicrografias obtidas foram avaliadas qualitativamente em relação à remoção da camada de smear observada. Não houve diferença entre as instrumentações rotatória e SAF® nos terços dos canais avaliados. Analisadas as interações entre as técnicas utilizadas e aos terços do canal, o EDTA 15% apresentou melhores resultados que a Quitosana 0,20% (p<0,05), sendo ambas as soluções melhores que o NaOCl 1%. Conclui-se que as soluções quelantes testadas foram capazes de remover íons cálcio das paredes dos canais radiculares - com superioridade do EDTA 15% sobre a Quitosana 0,20%, e o NaOCl a 1% não apresentou essa capacidade - e removeram a camada de smear das paredes dos canais radiculares com superioridade do EDTA 15%, sem interferência das técnicas de instrumentação avaliadas rotatória e SAF®. / The present study evaluated, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the cleanness of the root canal walls instrumented by rotary and the self-adjusting file (SAF®) techniques using 1% NaOCl as an irrigating solution and 15% EDTA, 0.20% Chitosan as chelator solutions, and quantified the calcium ions removed by the different irrigants with atomic absorption spectrometry. Thirty human mandibular canine teeth were divided into 2 groups (n=15) according to the instrumentation technique used: A- FlexMaster® instruments used with the Free tip Preparation, assuring a minimal enlargement of 200m, up to a #60 .02 instrument, irrigated with 1mL of 1% NaOCl between each instrument; and B- SAF® system, with previous enlargement to a type K #20 manual instrument, application of SAF during 4 minutes, with VATEA irrigation system at a flow of 5mL/min. The teeth were divided into three subgroups according to the final irrigation protocol: G1- 1% NaOCl, G2- 15% EDTA and G3- 0.20 % Chitosan. Five mL of solution were used at 1mL/min. The solution extruded thru the foramen was collected and submitted to spectrometric analysis. 15% EDTA showed higher calcium ion removal capacity then 0.20% Chitosan (p<0.05) and the 1% NaOCl did not remove ions. The specimens were evaluated by means of SEM. The photomicrographs obtained were qualitatively evaluated in terms of smear layer removal. There was no significant difference between the rotary and SAF® instrumentation systems in the evaluated canal thirds. The interaction techniques used and canals thirds showed that the 15% EDTA revealed better results than the 0.02% Chitosan (p<0.05), and both were better than 1% NaOCl. It can be concluded that the tested chelating solutions removed calcium ions from the root canals walls with better results for 15% EDTA than 0.20% Chitosan; 1% NaOCl did not present this capacity - and removed the smear layer form the root canal walls with better results for 15% EDTA, with no difference between the evaluated techniques rotary and SAF®.

Punção ecoendoscópica de massas sólidas pancreáticas por técnica de pressão negativa versus capilaridade: estudo prospectivo e randomizado / Negative pressure versus capillarity for EUS-FNA of pancreatic solid mass: a prospective and randomized trial

Cheng, Spencer 02 August 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A punção aspirativa por agulha fina guiada por ecoendoscopia (PAAF-EE) é método consagrado para o diagnóstico de lesões sólidas de pâncreas. A aplicação de pressão negativa (PN) durante a PAAF-EE tem objetivo de manter o tecido junto à ponta cortante da agulha durante sua passagem através da lesão, resultando no desprendimento e retenção de células. A capilaridade (CP) é outra técnica que utiliza a retirada gradual do estilete durante a PAAF-EE e parece ser igualmente eficaz, além de evitar aspiração indesejada de hemácias e coágulos. OBJETIVO: Analisar o rendimento da ecopunção de lesões sólidas pancreáticas utilizando PN versus (vs) CP e os aspectos citológicos qualitativos e semiquantitativos da celularidade e contaminação por sangue dos grupos estudados. MÉTODO: No estudo, foram randomizados 50 pacientes com lesões sólidas de pâncreas para realização de PAAF-EE. Cada paciente foi submetido a quatro punções, intercalando as duas técnicas. A ordem das punções foi randomizada por computador. O grupo A (PN, CP, PN, CP) e o grupo B (CP, PN, CP, PN). RESULTADOS: As sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia da PN vs CP foram 95,2% vs 92,3%; 100% vs 100%; 95,7% vs 93%, respectivamente. Quando foi considerada a associação das duas técnicas (PN+CP), os resultados da sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia foram 95,6%, 100% e 96%. O valor preditivo positivo (VPP) foi alto para todas técnicas (100%) e os valores preditivos negativos (VPN) para PN, CP e associação dos métodos foram de 66,7% vs 57,1% vs 66,7%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatística no rendimento diagnóstico entre a PN e CP: 88% vs 80% (p=0,344), entretanto as técnicas somadas (PN+CP) foi superior à CP isolada: 94% vs 80% (p=0,016). A avaliação citológica qualitativa e semi-quantitativa de celularidade e contaminação por sangue no esfregaço e emblocado pelas técnicas de PN e CP não apresentou diferença estatística (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O rendimento diagnóstico da PAAF-EE pela técnica de PN versus CP de massas sólidas de pâncreas não apresenta diferença estatística, entretanto a utilização das técnicas combinadas é superior, particularmente em relação à CP isolada. A celularidade e contaminação por sangue é semelhante independente da técnica utilizada (PN ou CP) ou do tipo de preparação citológica (esfregaço ou emblocado) / BACKGROUND: Endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is an established diagnostic method for solid pancreatic masses. Application of negative pressure (NP) during EUS-FNA has the purpose of holding tissue against the cutting edge of the needle as it is moved through the lesion leading to cell detachment and drawing them up. Capillary (CP) sampling is another technique that removes the needle stylet gradually and continuously during the EUS-FNA and seems to have comparable results with less blood and clot aspiration. AIM: Analyze diagnostic yield of EUS-FNA of pancreatic solid mass using NP versus CP and evaluate cytological qualitative and semi-quantitative features of cellularity and blood contamination of each group. METHOD: A total of 50 patients were randomized for NP or CP EUSFNA with a standard 22G needle. Each patient had four passes using NP and CP in an alternate fashion. Computer randomization generated two groups. Group A (NP, CP, NP, CP) and group B (CP, NP, CP, NP). RESULTS: Diagnostic yield of NP versus CP had no statistical difference (p=0.344). Both techniques (NP+CP) was superior to CP alone (p=0.016), but not to NP alone (p=0.25). Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of NP vs CP were 95.2% vs 92.3%; 100% vs 100%; 95.7% vs 93%, respectively. Results for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of both NP+CP were 95.6%, 100% and 96%. Positive predictive value was high for all techniques (100%) and Negative predictive value for NP, CP and both techniques were 66.7%, 57.1% and 66.7%, respectively. NP and CP smears and cell blocks had no statistical differences in qualitative and semi-quantitative citological evaluation for cellularity and bloodiness (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: NP versus CP in EUS-FNA of solid pancreatic mass yielded similar overall outcomes in terms of diagnostic performance, however the combination of both techniques is superior, particularly compared to CP alone. Cellularity and bloodiness are equivalent no matter which technique (NP or CP) or type of cytological preparation (smear or cell block) is used

Avaliação da limpeza das paredes em canais radiculares instrumentados pelas técnicas rotatória e self-adjusting file (SAF) associadas ao uso de diferentes quelantes / Evaluation of the cleanness of root canals walls instrumented with rotary and the self-adjusting file (SAF) techniques associated with different chelators

José Antonio Brufato Ferraz 27 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), a limpeza das paredes dos canais radiculares instrumentados pelas técnicas rotatória e Self-adjusting file (SAF®) com uso do NaOCl a 1% como solução irrigadora e o uso do EDTA a 15% e da Quitosana 0,20% como soluções quelantes, e quantificou os íons cálcio removidos pelas diferentes soluções irrigadoras por meio de espectrometria de absorção atômica. Trinta dentes caninos inferiores humanos foram divididos em dois grupos (n=15), de acordo com a técnica de instrumentação utilizada: A - instrumentos FlexMaster® usados na técnica Free Tip Preparation, assegurado alargamento mínimo de 200, até o instrumento # 60.02, irrigados com 1 mL de NaOCl 1% em cada troca de instrumento e B - sistema SAF®, com prévio alargamento manual até o instrumento K #20, aplicação da SAF® por 4 minutos, com fluxo de irrigação pelo sistema VATEA de 5mL/min. Os dentes foram divididos em três subgrupos conforme a irrigação final: G1-NaOCl 1%, G2- EDTA 15% e G3 Quitosana 0,20%. Utilizou-se 5mL de cada solução à 1mL/min. A solução extravasada pelo forame foi coletada e submetida à análise espectrométrica. O EDTA 15% apresentou maior capacidade de remoção de íons cálcio do que a Quitosana a 0,20% (p<0,05) e o NaOCl 1% não removeu íons. Os espécimes foram analisados em MEV. As fotomicrografias obtidas foram avaliadas qualitativamente em relação à remoção da camada de smear observada. Não houve diferença entre as instrumentações rotatória e SAF® nos terços dos canais avaliados. Analisadas as interações entre as técnicas utilizadas e aos terços do canal, o EDTA 15% apresentou melhores resultados que a Quitosana 0,20% (p<0,05), sendo ambas as soluções melhores que o NaOCl 1%. Conclui-se que as soluções quelantes testadas foram capazes de remover íons cálcio das paredes dos canais radiculares - com superioridade do EDTA 15% sobre a Quitosana 0,20%, e o NaOCl a 1% não apresentou essa capacidade - e removeram a camada de smear das paredes dos canais radiculares com superioridade do EDTA 15%, sem interferência das técnicas de instrumentação avaliadas rotatória e SAF®. / The present study evaluated, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the cleanness of the root canal walls instrumented by rotary and the self-adjusting file (SAF®) techniques using 1% NaOCl as an irrigating solution and 15% EDTA, 0.20% Chitosan as chelator solutions, and quantified the calcium ions removed by the different irrigants with atomic absorption spectrometry. Thirty human mandibular canine teeth were divided into 2 groups (n=15) according to the instrumentation technique used: A- FlexMaster® instruments used with the Free tip Preparation, assuring a minimal enlargement of 200m, up to a #60 .02 instrument, irrigated with 1mL of 1% NaOCl between each instrument; and B- SAF® system, with previous enlargement to a type K #20 manual instrument, application of SAF during 4 minutes, with VATEA irrigation system at a flow of 5mL/min. The teeth were divided into three subgroups according to the final irrigation protocol: G1- 1% NaOCl, G2- 15% EDTA and G3- 0.20 % Chitosan. Five mL of solution were used at 1mL/min. The solution extruded thru the foramen was collected and submitted to spectrometric analysis. 15% EDTA showed higher calcium ion removal capacity then 0.20% Chitosan (p<0.05) and the 1% NaOCl did not remove ions. The specimens were evaluated by means of SEM. The photomicrographs obtained were qualitatively evaluated in terms of smear layer removal. There was no significant difference between the rotary and SAF® instrumentation systems in the evaluated canal thirds. The interaction techniques used and canals thirds showed that the 15% EDTA revealed better results than the 0.02% Chitosan (p<0.05), and both were better than 1% NaOCl. It can be concluded that the tested chelating solutions removed calcium ions from the root canals walls with better results for 15% EDTA than 0.20% Chitosan; 1% NaOCl did not present this capacity - and removed the smear layer form the root canal walls with better results for 15% EDTA, with no difference between the evaluated techniques rotary and SAF®.

全民健保下之預防醫療照護需求研究:婦女子宮抹片檢查之利用 / The Demand for Preventive Care Services under National Health Insurance System: Pap-smear Testing Utilization

林晏如, Yen-Ju,Lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區自民國八十四年三月開始實行全民健保,並於同年七月起提供三十歲以上婦女每年一次免費抹片檢查,但我國婦女抹片檢查利用率和先進國家相比仍舊偏低。爰此,本論文主要目的,在探討台灣地區婦女在健保制度下抹片篩檢利用度的影響因素,藉由實證分析結果,期能提供政府當局有效提高篩檢率的具體方針和建議,以有效降低婦女子宮頸癌的發生率和死亡率。 第二章為理論架構,分別應用Becker(1965)的家庭生產函數和Grossman(1972)的健康需求模型,以建構影響抹片檢查需求的理論模型,並為本論文實證分析的理論基礎。本論文實證分析共分三章,首先利用衛生署國民健康局家庭計畫研究所,分別於民國81年及87年進行的「台灣地區家庭與生育力調查」資料,採用Logit迴歸模型做分析。實證結果發現,抹片檢查接受與否的影響因素在健保實施前後有很大差異,而「南部*全民健保」及「鄉鎮*全民健保」的變數對30歲以上婦女亦為顯著正相關;意味健保制度的推行,沖消掉大多數變數的影響效果,使得原本具有影響力的因素變為不顯著,亦即健保政策在婦女抹片防癌使用度的增加有很大貢獻。此外,政府除了對30歲以上女性提供免費檢查給付政策外,亦積極加強衛教宣導工作、建立子宮頸抹片篩檢服務網等工作,使得「全民健保」變數不僅對30歲以上婦女,亦對30歲以下婦女有顯著的正影響力,故建議政府可考慮將篩檢給付擴及至所有已婚女性。 接者,在第四章則利用國家衛生研究院於民國90年所進行的「國民健康訪問調查」資料,應用Bivariate Probit 迴歸模型,並將台灣地區所有316個鄉鎮市分成八個都市化層級,探討都市化程度高低對婦女預防保健利用度之影響。結果發現都市化程度不同,的確造成婦女抹片檢查利用率存在顯著差異,居住在第二至第六個都市化層級的婦女,其接受抹片篩檢的比率明顯較都市化程度最高者低;而第七和第八層級(都市化程度最低)並無顯著較第一層級不願做篩檢。究其原因,乃因政府為均衡不同地區抹片篩檢的可近性,積極鼓勵相關醫療院所加入健保特約醫院,以配合健保給付政策並提供篩檢服務,至民國86年,有超過90%約1500家的醫療院所加入;此外,衛生當局亦在偏遠地區提供巡迴車設站採檢服務,以解決偏遠地區醫療資源不足問題。意味全民健保制度在婦女抹片檢查服務上,已達到提昇偏遠地區醫療服務可近性的貢獻。 最後,在第五章我們利用國民健康局於民國91年所進行的「國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查」資料,應用兩階段最小平方法(2SLS)估計模型,分析健康資訊對抹片檢查的影響程度。應用Kenkel(1990)衡量資訊的方法,將受訪者對子宮頸癌及抹片檢查相關知識的得分加總,以代表婦女健康資訊程度。實證結果發現,健康資訊的確是影響婦女是否接受抹片檢查的重要因素,擁有愈多相關健康資訊的婦女,因愈了解抹片檢查對預防子宮頸癌的重要,故明顯較願意去接受篩檢。因此,政府除了積極全面衛教宣導工作、建立子宮頸抹片篩檢服務網等工作外,也應針對擁有較低健康資訊的婦女多加宣導抹片防癌的重要性,以有效提高我國婦女的篩檢利用率。 / The National Health Insurance program provided free annual cervical cancer screening for women aged above 30 years old since July, 1995, just four months after the inauguration of the NHI. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the demand for Pap-smear utilization among women under NHI program. To explore the factors influencing cervical cancer screening and the empirical results can be of great importance to health policy decisions aimed at reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. In Chapter 2, we attempt to analyze the theoretical foundations applying the household production function developed by Becker (1965) and Grossman’s (1972) health decision-making model and summarize the literatures through a review of the demand for preventive care services. Three empirical essays will proceed in following three chapters. First of all, chapter 3 presents data obtained from the 1992 and 1998 surveys on ‘Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice’ administered by Taiwan’s Provincial Institute of Family, performing a logit model. The results show that factors affecting Pap smear test utilization varied significantly before and after NHI, besides, the coefficient of the South*NHI and village/town*NHI interaction variable for women above 30 become significant and positive. This indicates that NHI system plays an important contributor on reducing the disparities in utilization of Pap smear tests between different areas. In addition to NHI coverage, other strategies such as strengthening educational activities and establishing a service network for Pap-smear screening are other vital contributors to increase the utilization rate of Pap smear screening for those aged below 30 years under NHI. To further increase the utilization of cervical cancer screening, the insurance coverage could be extended to all married women regardless of age. In chapter 4, we attempt to explore the impact of urbanization level on the use of female preventive services under NHI, using a bivariate probit model and dataset obtained from the 2001 National Health Interview Survey provided by the National Health Research Institutes. All 316 cities/counties in Taiwan was stratified into 8 levels of urbanization. The results showed that urbanization levels have a significant influence on Pap-smear screening. Those living between the second and sixth levels of urbanized regions were significant negative to the cervical cancer screening compared to the highest urbanization level. In order to balance the accessibility of cervical cancer screening between different areas, the health authorities encourage the obstetric, gynecological hospitals and clinics to contract with the government, more than 90%, about 1,500 medical care institutions were under contract until 1997. Besides, government authorities introduced mobile testing stations to provide specimen collection services in the deeper remote regions. As a result, those living in the areas with the 7th level and the 8th level (the lowest level) of urbanization were not less likely to take Pap-smear test. It means that the implementation of NHI has enhanced the accessibility of taking pap-smear test. Finally, in chapter 5, the nationwide survey dataset was obtained from the 2002 Health Promotion of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (HPKAP) in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion and two-stage estimation model was adopted to investigate the association of cervical cancer screenings with the healthcare information. The results showed that women’s healthcare information has a significant positive effect on the utilization of cervical cancer screening; that is, the more informed women are, in terms of information and knowledge on cervical cancer screening, the more likely they are to undergo Pap-smear testing. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare authorities to place greater effort into strengthening the knowledge and information on cervical cancer screening and Pap-smear testing, for those who are currently less informed, so as to enhance the overall efficiency of the screening program.

Vergleich der Wirkung unterschiedlicher endodontischer Spül- und Reinigungssysteme (Handspülung, Ultraschall, EndoActivator®, CanalBrush®) auf die Sauberkeit präparierter Wurzelkanalwände / Comparison of the effect of different endodontic irrigation and cleaning systems (dynamic syringe irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), EndoActivator®, CanalBrush®) of the cleanliness of prepared root canal walls

Döllmann, Stefan 23 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Validierung eines neuen Instrumentes (PapCone) zur zytologischen Abstrichentnahme an der Cervix Uteri / Validation of a new instrument (PapCone) for the cytological pap smear at the cervix uteri

Sander, Sandra 09 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Diagnostik der Tuberkulose - Bedeutung des γ-Interferon-Tests / Diagnostics of tuberculosis - Relevance of the Interferon-γ release assay

Saul, Dominik 10 March 2014 (has links)
Trotz der weltweit 14 Millionen Erkrankten ist die Diagnostik der Tuberkulose schwierig und langwierig - eine Therapie beeinträchtigt die Patienten unter Umständen über einen langen Zeitraum. Interferon-γ-Release-Assays (IGRAs) sollten bei ihrer Einführung im Jahr 2005 diagnostische Unsicherheiten ausräumen helfen, jedoch blieb der genaue diagnostische Wert des Tests, vor allem in Kliniken mit einer hohen Prä-Test-Wahrscheinlichkeit, unklar. Die Wertigkeit dieses Testverfahrens in der Lungenfachklinik Immenhausen zu untersuchen war daher Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit. Dazu wurden von 2009 bis 2012 in dieser Klinik 112 Krankheitsfälle mit Tuberkulose retrospektiv untersucht und ausgewertet. Dabei ergab sich für den QuantiFERON®-TB Gold-Test ein positiv prädiktiver Wert von 84,8% und eine Sensitivität von 88,9%, wenn man als Referenz alle zugelassenen Nachweisverfahren heranzog. Die Sensitivität des QuantiFERON®-TB Gold war signifikant höher als die des Tuberkulin-Hauttests (p=0,0008) und der Sputum-Anreicherung (p<0,0001), während sich Kultur und QuantiFERON®-TB Gold -Test nicht signifikant unterschieden (p=0,1435). Das Ergebnis des Tuberkulin-Hauttests (in mm) und die prozentuale Auswertung des QuantiFERON®-TB Gold-Tests ließen sich in eine Korrelation bringen (p=0,0828), allerdings wären für eine Einordnung dieses Zusammenhangs mehr Falldaten vonnöten. Die Analyse der falsch-negativen Quantiferon-Tests lieferte individuelle Erklärungsmöglichkeiten, jedoch keine regelhafte Ursache. Diese Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass es sich beim QuantiFERON®-TB Gold-Test um eine gute, der Anreicherung und dem Tuberkulin-Hauttest überlegene, jedoch nicht den Goldstandard „Kultur“ verdrängende Methode zum Nachweis einer Tuberkulose handelt.

Gimdos kaklelio ikinavikinės patologijos įvertinimo efektyvumas naudojant Shandon PapSpin sistemą / Effectiveness evaluation of cervical precancerous lesion using Shandon PapSpin system

Rimienė, Jolita 26 April 2010 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas naujas citologinio gimdos kaklelio tyrimo panaudojus Shandon PapSpin skystąsias terpes efektyvumo įvertinimas. Žinoma, kad citologinis gimdos kaklelio tepinėlio tyrimas-efektyvus gimdos kaklelio vėžio kontrolės būdas, tačiau jis pasižymi nepakankamu jautrumu sąlygotu nepakankamos tyrimo kokybės. Skystųjų terpių citologinis tyrimas buvo įvertintas dviem etapais: tiriant dalytą gimdos kaklelio medžiagą ( angl.split-sample) fazėje ir nedalytą gimdos kaklelio medžiagą (angl. direct to vial). 2950 moterims buvo atlikti citologiniai tyrimai. Gauti citologinių tyrimų rezultatai buvo palyginti su atitinkamai konizuotosios gimdos kaklelio dalies histologinio tyrimo rezultatais apskaičiuojant citologinių metodų diagnostines vertes, sutarimą tarp citologinio tepinėlio tyrimų ir skystųjų terpių tyrimų. Disertacijoje keliamas klausimas ar citologiniai gimdos kaklelio tyrimai panaudojus skystąsiais terpes yra patikimas ikinavikinės gimdos kaklelio patologijos diagnostikos metodas. Disertacijoje konstatuojama, kad citologiniai gimdos kaklelio tyrimai panaudojus skystąsias terpes yra efektyvus diagnostikos metodas diagnozuojant ikinavikinius gimdos kaklelio pakitimus. Pagrindiniai metodo privalumai –statistiškai reikšmingas netinkamų ir ASC ( atipinių plokščiojo epitelio ląstelių) tyrimų kiekio sumažėjimas. Disertacijoje taip pat daug dėmesio skiriama Žmogaus papilomos viruso nustatymui iš skystosios likusios po citologinio tyrimo terpės ir konizuotosios gimdos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study comparing the effectiveness of a novel liquid-based Pap test (the PapSpin) with the conventional Pap smear. The impetus behind the study is meritorious: although the conventional Pap smear has been highly effective in diminishing mortality from cervical cancer, it is not perfect. It suffers from inconsistency in cell thickness and occasional obscuring blood, which hinder accurate evaluation. An alternative preparation method, one that would reduce the amount of blood and provide for a more consistent, thin layer of cells would make screening easiser and more accurate. The several performance characteristics examined in the study: Rate of unsatisfactory smears, rate of "atypical" smears (smears with an interpretation of "atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance"), sensitivity, specificity, positive predicitve value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV), based on histologic correlation and suitability for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. The study consists of two principal parts. In the first part, the cervical sample collected was split into two preparations ("split sample"): a conventional smear was prepared first, then the residue left on the collection device was used to prepare a PapSpin slides. In the second part ("direct to vial"), the entire cervical sample was used to prepare a PapSpin slide. In the "split sample" study a significant reduction in the proportion of unsatisfactory and "atypical" cases was found when slides were prepared... [to full text]

Effectiveness evaluation of cervical precancerous lesion using Shandon PapSpin system / Gimdos kaklelio ikinavikinės patologijos įvertinimo efektyvumas naudojant Shandon PapSpin sistemą

Rimienė, Jolita 26 April 2010 (has links)
The study comparing the effectiveness of a novel liquid-based Pap test (the PapSpin) with the conventional Pap smear. The impetus behind the study is meritorious: although the conventional Pap smear has been highly effective in diminishing mortality from cervical cancer, it is not perfect. It suffers from inconsistency in cell thickness and occasional obscuring blood, which hinder accurate evaluation. An alternative preparation method, one that would reduce the amount of blood and provide for a more consistent, thin layer of cells would make screening easiser and more accurate. The several performance characteristics examined in the study: Rate of unsatisfactory smears, rate of "atypical" smears (smears with an interpretation of "atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance"), sensitivity, specificity, positive predicitve value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV), based on histologic correlation and suitability for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. The study consists of two principal parts. In the first part, the cervical sample collected was split into two preparations ("split sample"): a conventional smear was prepared first, then the residue left on the collection device was used to prepare a PapSpin slides. In the second part ("direct to vial"), the entire cervical sample was used to prepare a PapSpin slide. In the "split sample" study a significant reduction in the proportion of unsatisfactory and "atypical" cases was found when slides were prepared... [to full text] / Disertacijos objektas naujas citologinio gimdos kaklelio tyrimo panaudojus Shandon PapSpin skystąsias terpes efektyvumo įvertinimas. Žinoma, kad citologinis gimdos kaklelio tepinėlio tyrimas-efektyvus gimdos kaklelio vėžio kontrolės būdas, tačiau jis pasižymi nepakankamu jautrumu sąlygotu nepakankamos tyrimo kokybės. Skystųjų terpių citologinis tyrimas buvo įvertintas dviem etapais: tiriant dalytą gimdos kaklelio medžiagą ( angl.split-sample) fazėje ir nedalytą gimdos kaklelio medžiagą (angl. direct to vial). 2950 moterims buvo atlikti citologiniai tyrimai. Gauti citologinių tyrimų rezultatai buvo palyginti su atitinkamai konizuotosios gimdos kaklelio dalies histologinio tyrimo rezultatais apskaičiuojant citologinių metodų diagnostines vertes, sutarimą tarp citologinio tepinėlio tyrimų ir skystųjų terpių tyrimų. Disertacijoje keliamas klausimas ar citologiniai gimdos kaklelio tyrimai panaudojus skystąsiais terpes yra patikimas ikinavikinės gimdos kaklelio patologijos diagnostikos metodas. Disertacijoje konstatuojama, kad citologiniai gimdos kaklelio tyrimai panaudojus skystąsias terpes yra efektyvus diagnostikos metodas diagnozuojant ikinavikinius gimdos kaklelio pakitimus. Pagrindiniai metodo privalumai –statistiškai reikšmingas netinkamų ir ASC ( atipinių plokščiojo epitelio ląstelių) tyrimų kiekio sumažėjimas. Disertacijoje taip pat daug dėmesio skiriama Žmogaus papilomos viruso nustatymui iš skystosios likusios po citologinio tyrimo terpės ir konizuotosios gimdos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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