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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El microtargeting como herramienta para elevar la efectividad del mensaje de las campañas sociales publicitarias del Estado en Facebook / Microtargeting as a tool to increase the effectiveness of the message of the State’s social advertising campaigns on Facebook.

Fernández Toscano, Alexandra Isabelle 26 August 2020 (has links)
La situación actual de las campañas sociales impulsadas por el Estado peruano indica que existe una baja efectividad. Solo en el 2017, el 18% del total de campañas impulsadas por Estado fueron consideradas como efectivas, hecho que preocupa al Estado, al tratarse de problemas altamente importantes para el cuidado y desarrollo del país. Por otro lado, hoy en día, los países y sus Estados vienen implementando varias herramientas pertinentes del marketing digital con la finalidad de optimizar su gestión y mejorar los problemas de la sociedad. Una de estas herramientas es el microtargeting, una herramienta del campo del marketing político digital utilizada principalmente en Facebook, que ha logrado optimizar campañas políticas. Ante ello, se realizó un estudio sobre esta herramienta y sus posibilidades de ser aplicada en otro campo diferente al político: el social. El objetivo central de este estudio es identificar de qué manera el microtargeting podría elevar la efectividad del mensaje de las campañas sociales publicitadas en Facebook. Para realizar el análisis, se ha considerado como metodología una investigación de tipo exploratoria de método cualitativo. El enfoque considerado es estudio de caso, utilizando la técnica de entrevistas. Se ha considerado realizar doce entrevistas a especialistas dentro de las siguientes especialidades: marketing social y publicidad social, marketing digital y comunicación para el desarrollo. Los resultados indican que el microtargeting sí mejoraría parte de la efectividad del mensaje, debido a su gran aporte en identificación del target y el aseguramiento de la llegada del mensaje exacto al público exacto. / The current situation of the social campaigns promoted by the Peruvian State indicates that there is low effectiveness. Only in 2017, 18% of the total campaigns promoted by the State were considered effective, a fact that worries the State, since they are highly important problems for the care and development of the country. On the other hand, today, countries and their states have been implementing various relevant digital marketing tools in order to optimize their management and improve society's problems. One of these tools is microtargeting, a tool in the field of digital political marketing used mainly on Facebook, which has managed to optimize political campaigns. Given this, a study was carried out on this tool and its possibilities of being applied in another field different from the political one: the social one. The main objective of this study is to identify how microtargeting could increase the effectiveness of the message of social campaigns advertised on Facebook. To carry out the analysis, an exploratory research with a qualitative method has been considered as the methodology. The approach considered is a case study, using the interview technique. It has been considered to carry out twelve interviews with specialists within the following specialties: social marketing and social advertising, digital marketing and communication for development. The results indicate that microtargeting would improve part of the effectiveness of the message, due to its great contribution in identifying the target and ensuring the arrival of the exact message to the exact audience. / Trabajo de investigación

Social media y su relación en la intención de compra en aplicaciones delivery en el rubro de comida / Social media and its relationship to purchase intention in delivery applications in the food sector

Alegria Carmelino, Diego Alberto 06 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, se puede ver que cada vez hay una mayor cantidad de empresas que utilizan las redes sociales como un canal importante y las empresas de delivery no son ajenas a esto. Por lo tanto, objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación entre el social media y la intención de compra en aplicaciones delivery dentro del rubro de comida. De esta forma, se podrá identificar que variable del social media tiene una mayor relación con la intención de compra. Así mismo, ya que la investigación busca hallar y relacionar la intención de compra con las variables seleccionadas en la investigación, se utilizaron 3 métodos de investigación. Los 2 primeros fueron de carácter cualitativo, enfocados en realizar focus groups al público objetivo y entrevistas a expertos en el sector investigado. Con los resultados obtenidos de las investigaciones ya mencionadas, se realizó una investigación de carácter concluyente. Esta fue a través de un análisis de regresión lineal donde la variable dependiente era la intención de compra y la independiente era el social media. Donde se tuvo una muestra de 210 personas. Finalmente, mediante los resultados obtenidos, se pudo comprobar que las personas son más susceptibles a ciertos factores del social media. Dichas variables son el boca a boca, preferencia de marca y conocimiento de marca, mediante estas se puede determinar la manera correcta para poder generar una mayor intención de compra en las personas al momento de realizar una estrategia en redes sociales. / Currently, there is an increasing number of companies that use social networks as an important channel and delivery companies are no strangers to this. Therefore, the objective of the research is to determine the relationship between social media and purchase intention in delivery applications within the food industry. In this way, it will be possible to identify which social media variable has a greater relationship with the purchase intention. Likewise, since the research seeks to find and relate the purchase intention with the variables selected in the research, 3 research methods were used. The first 2 were qualitative, focused on conducting focus groups to the target audience and interviewing experts in the investigated sector. With the results obtained from the investigations mentioned above, a conclusive investigation was carried out. This was through a linear regression analysis where the dependent variable was the purchase intention and the independent was the social media. The sample was of 210 people. Finally, through the results obtained, it was found that people are more susceptible to certain social media factors. These variables are word of mouth, brand preference and brand awareness, through these it can be determined the correct way to generate a greater purchase intention in people when making a strategy on social networks. / Trabajo de investigación

Contenido efímero visual en Instagram como herramienta de marketing digital en el posicionamiento de marcas peruanas de ropa trendy juvenil para mujeres en Lima Metropolitana / Ephemeral visual content on Instagram as a digital marketing tool in the positioning of Peruvian brands of trendy youth clothing for women in Metropolitan Lima

Zavaleta Arévalo, Samantha Michelle 08 July 2020 (has links)
Las innovaciones en las redes sociales han cambiado el comportamiento del consumidor y han permitido que éste se involucre con sus marcas preferidas a través de las mismas. Esto se manifiesta evidentemente en los millenials que participan activamente en las páginas sociales ya sea a través de Instagram Facebook u otra. Estos cambios se generan en base a que los consumidores están buscando nuevas sensaciones y emociones. De esta manera, muchas de las marcas millenials están desarrollando contenido efímero en Instagram para generar vínculos con el cliente y que estos no solo sean clientes sino parte de la marca. Como consecuencia se busca posicionar la marca buscando la diferenciación de la misma y la fidelización y satisfacción del cliente. En consecuencia, el presente trabajo investiga la relación entre el contenido efímero de Instagram como herramienta para el posicionamiento de las marcas trendy de moda juvenil en Lima de las consumidoras de 18 a 30 años de NSE B que residen en Lima Metropolitana desarrollan, en base a la aplicación de tres dimensiones del posicionamiento; la diferenciación del producto, la fidelización y la satisfacción del cliente. Las variables que interactúan a partir del tema son: contenido efímero de Instagram y posicionamiento de la marca las que son analizadas mediante metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa a fin de conocer la relación entre ambas variables. / Social networks innovation have changed consumer behavior and have allowed consumers to engage with their preferred brands through them. This is evidently manifested in millennials who actively participate in social pages either through Instagram, Facebook or other. These changes are generated on the basis that consumers are looking for new sensations and emotions. In this way, many of the millennial brands are developing ephemeral content on Instagram to generate links with the customer and that these are not only customers but part of the brand. As a consequence, it seeks to position the brand seeking its differentiation and customer loyalty and satisfaction. Consequently, the following work investigates the relationship between the ephemeral content of Instagram as a tool for the positioning of trendy youth fashion brands by the consumers of 18 to 30 years of NSE B who reside in Lima develop, based on the application of three dimensions of positioning; product differentiation, loyalty and customer satisfaction. The variables that interact from the topic are: ephemeral content of Instagram and brand positioning which are analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methodology in order to know the relationship between both variables. / Trabajo de investigación

Sexshop “Join&Enjoy”

Araujo Guillén, Marcelo, Loza Mendoza, Leyla Gladys, Rivero Barzola, Gianella Yeseli, Torres Alama, Ernesto André 31 August 2020 (has links)
Al encontrarnos en entorno cuyos gustos y preferencias de las personas tienen a ser diversos, existe una amplia oferta de productos en el mercado que satisfacen necesidades específicas de los consumidores. Ante ello, los accesorios sexuales conforman productos con crecimiento en su demanda, ya que cada vez más personas se encuentran dispuestas a interactuar con artículos sexuales, los cuales permitan evitar la monotonía y que, a su vez, otorguen un mayor nivel de satisfacción. El objetivo de la presente investigación es atender la demanda de artículos sexuales en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana, a partir de una plataforma virtual que permita que los consumidores puedan acceder a diferentes productos de su agrado, de una forma interactiva y confiable, en la cual se puedan sentir libres de elegir y experimentar diversos productos existentes en el mercado. La propuesta de negocio de la presente investigación no solo se basa en la oferta de artículos sexuales para un segmento determinado, sino que busca como principal objetivo el poder crear una plataforma que, además de ofrecer productos de interés, logre también interactuar con el cliente, de modo que este pueda encontrar en nuestro negocio un espacio en el cual mantenerse informado acerca del uso de los productos, tips de ayuda y todo tipo de información que permita romper tabúes acerca del uso de ciertos artículos. A continuación, se presentan los detalles acerca de nuestro modelo de negocio aplicable en Lima Metropolitana. / Being in a society whose tastes and preferences of people have to be diverse, there is a wide range of products on the market that meet the specific needs of consumers. Given this, sexual accessories are products with growth in demand, as more and more people are willing to interact with sexual items, which avoid monotony and, in turn, provide a higher level of satisfaction. The aim of this research is to meet the demand for sexual items in the Metropolitan Lima market, based on a virtual platform that allows consumers to access different products of their liking, in an interactive and reliable way, in which They can feel free to choose and experience various products existing in the market. The business proposal of this research is not only based on the offer of sexual items for a specific segment, but seeks as the main objective to create a platform that, in addition to offering products of interest, also interact with the customer, so that he can find in our business a space in which to keep informed about the use of products, help tips and all kinds of information that allows breaking taboos about the use of certain items. Below, we present the details about our applicable business model in Metropolitan Lima. / Trabajo de investigación


Chiquis Yaranga, Judith Nataly, León Huayanay, Margarita Tamara, Marin Panchana, Renzo, Sanchez Perez, Iram Carolina 27 August 2020 (has links)
Youwin es un proyecto que busca ayudar a los microempresarios en aspectos de marketing digital. Para ello, se le ofrece un servicio integrado que abarca la creación de un logo o portada, en caso no lo tuviera, así como la planificación y ejecución de un sorteo en redes sociales. Adicional a ello, durante el proceso se dan recomendaciones que puedan ayudar a sostener esta estrategia de promoción, así como algunos detalles tributarios a tomar en cuenta que permitan crecer el negocio del microempresario. Difundirse en redes sociales en esta época de confinamiento social es clave para los pequeños negocios, pues ya no podrán ofrecer sus servicios presencialmente como lo solían hacer ni con la frecuencia de antes cuando la cuarentena termine. Con recientes estudios estadísticos y entrevistas propias realizadas se determinó que alrededor del 50% de microempresas no tienen redes o son incipientes en estas. En este contexto nace Youwin, que busca a largo plazo posicionarse como un aliado del microempresario y ser reconocidos como una ventana para ofrecer sus servicios o productos. / Youwin is a project that seeks to help microentrepreneurs in aspects of digital marketing. For this, an integrated service is offered that covers the creation of a logo or cover, in case it does not have it, as well as the planning and execution of a draw on social networks. In addition to this, during the process recommendations are given that may help sustain this promotion strategy, as well as some tax details to take into account that allow the microentrepreneur´s business to grow. Spreading on social networks in this time of social confinement is key for small businesses, since they will no longer be able to offer their services in person as they used to do or as often as before when the quarantine ends. With recent statistical studies and own interviews, it was determined that around 50% of microenterprises do not have networks or are incipient in these. In this context, Youwin was born, which seeks in the long term to position itself as an ally of the microentrepreneur and to be recognized as a window to offer its services or BLABproducts. / Trabajo de investigación

eWOM en redes sociales en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de jeans urbano femenino en el nivel socioeconómico A y B de los distritos de la zona 8 de Lima Metropolitana (Surquillo, Barranco, Chorrillos y San Juan de Miraflores)

Carbajal Ponce de León, Nicole Carolina, Chocaca Torres, Clara Isabel 10 July 2020 (has links)
En el Perú, el eWOM, está en crecimiento, ya que muchas empresas la están aplicando en sus estrategias de marketing, pues se da la posibilidad que el eWOM negativo pueda influenciar en la intención de compra de moda urbana femenina. Por ello, el estudio tendrá la finalidad de determinar la relación del eWOM en redes sociales y si esta influye en la intención de compra en la categoría de ropa urbana femenina. El eWOM ha ido evolucionando y con el surgimiento de nuevas herramientas y plataformas digitales el nivel de influencia del eWOM es cada vez más relevante. Si bien es cierto, existe eWOM positivo y negativo a nivel internacional el que predomina es el positivo en relación a la intención de compra. Sin embargo, en el Perú es posible que el eWOM negativo tenga la misma relevancia o mayor que el positivo, ya que hemos podido observar opiniones de este tipo. / In Peru, eWOM is growing, since many companies are applying it in their marketing strategies, since it is possible that the negative eWOM may influence the intention to buy women's urban fashion. For this reason, the study will aim to determine the relationship of eWOM on social networks and whether it influences the intention to buy in the category of women's urban clothing. The eWOM has evolved and with the emergence of new tools and digital platforms the level of influence of the eWOM is increasingly relevant. Although it is true, there is a positive and negative eWOM at the international level, the predominant one is the positive one in relation to the purchase intention. However, in Peru it is possible that the negative eWOM has the same relevance or greater than the positive, since we have been able to observe opinions of this type. / Trabajo de investigación

Examining the impact of enterprise social media on chinese employee communication : affordance actualization, technology use, and relational outcomes

Ao, Song 31 July 2020 (has links)
The research adopts the technological affordance approach and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to examine the role of enterprise social media (ESM) in employee communication and its effects on employees in the context of mainland China. The research postulated that organizations can actualize affordances of ESM to influence employees' cognitive perceptions of ESM (i.e., attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) that further affect their ESM use intention and relationships with organizations (i.e., employee-organization relationships; EORs). Using a mixed-methods approach to examine Enterprise WeChat (EWeChat), the research interviewed 36 participants to explore organizational actions of EWeChat affordance actualization and employee perceptions about EWeChat use in mainland China. An online survey with 427 mainland Chinese employees adopting EWeChat was conducted to investigate the role of ESM affordance actualization in forming the employees' intention to continuously use EWeChat, as well as in cultivating their EORs through their attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and habits of EWeChat use. Key results of the research include the following. Thirteen EWeChat affordances and means of actualization (i.e., association, control, diversity, feedback, outeraction, perpetual contact, persistence, personalization, portability, privacy, social presence, synchronicity, and visibility) for specific organizational goals were identified. The influence of EWeChat affordance actualization on employees' intention to continuously use EWeChat was mediated by their perceived benefits and risks of EWeChat use. The utilitarian benefit, hedonic benefit, avoidance of work-life conflicts, social concerns, privacy concerns, and perceived behavioral control were positive indicators of the continuous EWeChat-use intention, while performance risk was a negative indicator. The effects of affordance actualization on EORs were partially mediated by employees' perceived utilitarian benefit and perceived professional image related to EWeChat use. The research extends the TPB to predict ESM use in Chinese workplaces. It explicates ESM affordance actualization as the interaction between ESM and organization (actor 1), and also between ESM and employees (actor 2). It also evidences that ESM can be used as a relationship cultivation tool. The research sheds light on how organizations in mainland China can effectively configure their ESM to maximize the efficacy and relational outcomes of its mobile application in employee communication

Digital activism in the networked age : the case of #MeToo movement in China

Li, Mengyu 28 August 2020 (has links)
Digital activism is an increasingly popular field in academia. However, scarce attention has been paid to the process of cultural and political mediation that have shaped different examples of the contents of digital activism as well as the character of actors who collectively utilize this instrument and also personally respond to the specific context in which digital activism emerges and evolves. This study investigates the #MeToo movement in the context of China as a concrete example of digital activism in a manner that ascribes attention to both digital technologies and activist practices. With regard to the practices of social movement, this study aims to capture the discursive processes that enable different actors to be recognized and make sense of themselves in public in the #MeToo movement in China. From the digital perspective, this study attempts to identify the characteristics of activists who participated in China's #MeToo movement. This study combined content analysis and discourse analysis with social network analysis to analyze the process and discourses on the #Metoo movement in China and examined the characteristics of actors who contributed to the promotion of the #MeToo movement on a networked public space. Following the three-stage model of social drama, five themes were identified in the narrative form of China's version of the #MeToo movement. This study also found that advocates and opponents of the #MeToo movement achieved their narrative agencies through the intersection of gender, sexuality, class, and culture in the Chinese sociocultural context. Finally, this study revealed that the expressive repertoires manifested in the reposting network of China's #MeToo and testified that homophily could exist between pairs of Weibo users along with similar attributes including gender, location, and engagement

Examining the impact of enterprise social media on chinese employee communication : affordance actualization, technology use, and relational outcomes

Ao, Song 31 July 2020 (has links)
The research adopts the technological affordance approach and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to examine the role of enterprise social media (ESM) in employee communication and its effects on employees in the context of mainland China. The research postulated that organizations can actualize affordances of ESM to influence employees' cognitive perceptions of ESM (i.e., attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) that further affect their ESM use intention and relationships with organizations (i.e., employee-organization relationships; EORs). Using a mixed-methods approach to examine Enterprise WeChat (EWeChat), the research interviewed 36 participants to explore organizational actions of EWeChat affordance actualization and employee perceptions about EWeChat use in mainland China. An online survey with 427 mainland Chinese employees adopting EWeChat was conducted to investigate the role of ESM affordance actualization in forming the employees' intention to continuously use EWeChat, as well as in cultivating their EORs through their attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and habits of EWeChat use. Key results of the research include the following. Thirteen EWeChat affordances and means of actualization (i.e., association, control, diversity, feedback, outeraction, perpetual contact, persistence, personalization, portability, privacy, social presence, synchronicity, and visibility) for specific organizational goals were identified. The influence of EWeChat affordance actualization on employees' intention to continuously use EWeChat was mediated by their perceived benefits and risks of EWeChat use. The utilitarian benefit, hedonic benefit, avoidance of work-life conflicts, social concerns, privacy concerns, and perceived behavioral control were positive indicators of the continuous EWeChat-use intention, while performance risk was a negative indicator. The effects of affordance actualization on EORs were partially mediated by employees' perceived utilitarian benefit and perceived professional image related to EWeChat use. The research extends the TPB to predict ESM use in Chinese workplaces. It explicates ESM affordance actualization as the interaction between ESM and organization (actor 1), and also between ESM and employees (actor 2). It also evidences that ESM can be used as a relationship cultivation tool. The research sheds light on how organizations in mainland China can effectively configure their ESM to maximize the efficacy and relational outcomes of its mobile application in employee communication

Exploring Immigrant Farming Programs and Social Capital: A Mixed Method Approach to Program Evaluation

Hightower, Lisa S. 06 December 2012 (has links)
African immigrants in the United States (U.S.) experience immense challenges in the form of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment. One strategy used by community development organizations to address these challenges is the development of farm entry programs that assist immigrants in beginning and sustaining farm operations in the United States. Organizations such as Cooperative Extension, resettlement agencies, and African mutual aid associations have developed beginning farmer programs that provide a supportive foundation for immigrant farmers to gain access to farmland, technical training, and markets.  Returning to farming provides African immigrants with a series of benefits including supplemental income, food security, and social integration. Drawing upon social capital theory, this study offers a novel approach to measure the community and economic development outcomes of immigrant farming programs. In this mixed-method program evaluation, immigrant farming programs are analyzed as social networks that connect immigrants to technical training, farming resources, and community members who can provide access to markets. Data were collected through a survey of 112 agricultural educators working with immigrant farming programs across the United States. Data were also collected through case studies of a Midwestern program and a Southern program. The case studies include two focus groups and 20 interviews with individuals associated with the programs as participants, agricultural educators, and community partners. Regression tests were conducted to determine the social capital factors associated with well-being outcomes occurring through the programs. The models show that interaction outside of the program, and access to information are positively associated with well-being outcomes. Analysis of variance tests show differences between programs with African immigrant participants and programs with participants from other world regions. Programs with African immigrants tend to have more requirements to use farming resources compared to programs with immigrants from other world regions. Qualitative analysis found that female African immigrant participants have a lower levels of agency compared to male African immigrant participants. The study concludes with a discussion of recommendations for implementing and evaluating immigrant farming programs, as well as applying social capital theory to the field of agricultural education. / Ph. D.

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