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Water and social activism in CanadaBusch, Kelly 11 August 2005 (has links)
This thesis on water and social activism in Canada is a journey into the realm of shared social understanding. Water is too precious to all forms of life to simply permit commodification for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. The Sun Belt case adjudicated under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) when compared with what prevailed under previous Canadian national law reveals severe limits to state sovereignty. A high measure of support has already been manifest around concerns and considerations which pertain to water and the potential for the growth of social activism with reference to water may well be unprecedented in Canada. There are fundamental inequalities found within the Sun Belt case. Current international trade policy coupled with private banking practices does not value the principles of sustainability, equality and justice because it is committed to the commodification of the “commons”. This thesis uses a variety of sources to oppose the present discourses followed by governments according to the doctrines found in the study of classical economics within a capitalist context.
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The Confessional Voice of The Female Poet and The Rise of Insta-PoetryGawrieh, Yara January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates the prospect of confessionalism’s potential resurgence in contemporary poetics through female poets on Instagram and discusses its relevance and likeness to mid 20th century confessional poetry. Two case studies of highly popular Insta- poets Rupi Kaur and Alicia Cook are presented and a close reading of a few of their poems is introduced in order to investigate their adaptation of what I call an over-confessional style that addresses issues such as mental health, family, sexuality, and the perception of the female body. Kaur and Cook employ visual strategies and forms in their poetry in order to achieve an over-confessional style which is not simply individualistic but carries such larger social and public concerns. Studies of Insta-poetry are scarce due to its newness and partly due to the widespread dismissal of the genre by academics and researchers. However, because of the growing popularization of digital media and Insta-poetry as a literary mainstream more studies of the genre are needed and there has been a rising critical interest in the genre. The public nature of Instagram and the autobiographical lyric style of confession have made Insta- poetry very accessible and relatable to readers, resulting in a new relationship between the poet and the reader. I demonstrate that Kaur’s and Cook’s writing displays autobiographical, aesthetic and thematic tendencies commonly associated with confessional poetry, but also pushes the confessional mode to its limits. Apart from broader structural comparison, I attempt a literary analysis of Insta-poetry in order to provide an understanding of the social aspect and the visual strategies of Insta-poets.
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Brand activism, does it work? : A quantitative study on how advertising that contains elements of social activism affects consumer-based brand equity and how it in turn affects consumer purchasing engagementAronsson, Henrik, Kato, Paul January 2021 (has links)
Date: 3 June Level: Master Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Paul Kato (95/03/11) and Henrik Aronsson (95/10/29) Title: Brand Activism, does it work? Tutor: Edward Gillmore Keywords: Brand activism, brand equity, social activism, attitudes, woke washing Research questions: a. How is the consumer-based brand equity affected by a company’s use of social activism in its marketing? b. How does this in turn affect consumer purchasing engagement? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how consumers respond tosocial activism advertisements and how it influences their purchaseengagement. Method: The method used in this thesis is a quantitative research with anabductive research approach. The data has been collected through anonline survey and received 504 responses. Conclusion: Advertising that contains social activism has an overly positive impact onconsumer attitudes, purchasing engagement, and corporate consumerbasedbrand equity.
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No description available.
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The Prophetic Burden for Philadelphia’s Catholic Puerto Ricans, 1950-1980Stevens Díaz, Adán Esteban January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on lay Catholic ministry to Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia when Frank Rizzo was mayor. Gramsci’s concept of “organic intellectuals” is employed to explain the praxis of the Philadelphia Young Lords, an organization formed in a Puerto Rican neighborhood during the confrontational politics of the 1970s. The dissertation advances previous scholarship on the Young Lords by offering reasons to consider these youthful leaders as lay Catholic advocates of social justice in Philadelphia and describes the role of faith convictions as they pursued social justice in the style of the biblical prophetic burden. Through interviews and textual analysis, the dissertation traces the evolution of lay volunteerism before the Second Vatican Council as foundational to the Young Lords’ application of liberation theology. The Young Lords in Philadelphia also followed the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party’s definition of the people’s multiracial identity and the Nationalists’ defense of Catholic principles. Their experiences are inserted into the general history of Philadelphia, a city which Quakers had founded as a cluster of urban villages, producing a distinctive pattern of ethnic enclaves of Philadelphia’s row house neighborhoods. The city’s Catholicism had structured parish life upon the civic culture, and initially extended this model to its Puerto Rican ministry. However, racial polarization at a time of municipal crisis under Rizzo invited new pastoral strategies towards civil right and the Vietnam War. Despite the Young Lords’ reliance on Marxist principles and the confrontational politics of the Black Panthers, local Catholic clergy supported many of their efforts. The dissertation explores the symbolic capital gained by the Young Lords which made them into a vanguard organization in the city’s fields of political and pastoral interaction. / Religion
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A escola da infância narrada na juventude por ex-alunos do Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) / The school of infancy narrated in their youth by former students of Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti - CAC.Rosa, Maria da Conceição de Carvalho 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou o significado da experiência de escolaridade na infância e as marcas deixadas pela escola do Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) a partir das narrativas de ex-alunos na juventude, visando também a examinar se a leitura e a escrita permaneceram como atos presentes e constantes na vida destes alunos após a sua saída da escola, assim como os indícios das práticas pedagógicas ali desenvolvidas que se tornaram significativas para estes jovens. O CAC é uma instituição de utilidade pública e filantrópica, , fundado em 1987, a partir de anseios dos movimentos populares na região da Baixada Fluminense, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo se baseou numa metodologia qualitativa que teve como principais instrumentos a entrevista e a análise de documentos. Foram entrevistados oito jovens entre 16 e 25 anos, que frequentaram a escola do CAC de dois a oito anos letivos, de 1989 a 1999. Baseando-se na perspectiva histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento psicológico humano proposto por Vygotsky, a pesquisa se fundamentou na contribuição teórica de diversos outros autores como Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire, Jerome Bruner e Paulo Freire. No processo de análise do objeto de estudo, foi possível identificar a forte dinâmica de interação nas relações sociais, marcada pela afetividade, em que se destacou o relacionamento com o professor, o fazer no coletivo e a intensa presença das leituras compartilhadas, tanto na sala de aula como na biblioteca, extrapolando o ambiente escolar. Os indícios da prática pedagógica se tornaram visíveis no detalhamento destas relações como grandes marcas da escolaridade, tais como: as parcerias estabelecidas para aprender, a importância da ampliação do universo cultural, o desenvolvimento de valores ético-morais delineados nas situações vivenciadas, o tipo de relacionamento estabelecido com as famílias dos alunos, a presença das brincadeiras, a constituição e a valorização do coletivo, a intensa relação com a leitura e as situações de aprendizagem organizadas sem descaracterizar os conhecimentos em seu uso social real. Os ex-alunos demonstraram possuir um modelo de escola. Os depoimentos sobre o significado da escolarização no CAC forneceram um conjunto de pistas que apontaram o tipo de cultura escolar que se constituía na instituição. Como uma comunidade de aprendizes, nas narrativas das experiências vivenciadas, os jovens pareciam se colocar como participantes da construção coletiva de uma obra, com a qual todos se sentiam comprometidos, que conferia orgulho, identidade e uma sensação de pertencimento, em que estavam imersos e, ao mesmo tempo, produzindo uma determinada cultura escolar. Foram encontradas evidências de que todos, em maior ou menor intensidade, mantiveram o hábito e o prazer de ler, enquanto que a prática da escrita, para alguns, pareceu não ter permanecido. / This research investigated the significance of the school experience in the infancy and the impression left by the school of the Centro de Atividades Communitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) by the narrative of the former students in their youth, also focusing to examine if the reading and writing remained as a present and constant act in the lives of these students after they had left the school, as well as the evidences of the pedagogical practice development that became significant for these students. The CAC is an institution of public utlity and philantropic, founded in 1987 from the wishes and activism of the population from the Baixada Fluminense region, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. This study was based on a qualitative methodology which has as its main tools the interview and documental analysis. There were eight youths ages 16 to 25 interviewed that attended the CAC school from 2 to 8 school years from 1989 to 1999. Being based on the historical cultural perspective of the human phsychological development proposed by Vygotsky, the research is grounded on the theoretical contribution of various other authors as Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire, Jerome Bruner and Paulo Freire. In the process of analysis of the object of study it was possible to identify the strong dinamic interaction of the social relations, marked by the affection in which was distinguished in the relationship with the teacher. The collective act and the intense presence of the shared reading in the school room and also in the library extrapolating the school environment. The evidence of the pedagogy practice became visible in the details of these relations with great marks of scholarity as: established partnership to learn, the importance of the amplification of the cultural universe, the development of the moral ethical values outlined in the situation experienced, the type fo relationship established with the families of the students, the presence of the games, the constitution and valuation of the collective, the intense relation with reading and the situations of learning organized without mischaracterizing the knowledge in its real social usage. The former students demonstrated possessing the model of the school. The testimonies about the significance of the schooling in CAC provided a series of clues that pointed to the type of school culture that constituted in the institution. Established a community of apprentice, in the narratives of the experienced lived, the youths seemed to place thmeselves as participants of the collective construction of a work in which everybody felt engaged, that gave pride, identity and a sensation of belonging, in which they were imersed and at the same time producing a determined school culture. Evidences were found that everybody in greater or lesser degree maintained the habit and pleasure of reading, while the practice of writing for some seemed not to be so.
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Exploring Social Issues and Value Systems in Contemporary Art EducationTurner, Charlotte 04 May 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to field test a unit of lessons in which students explore how a variety of social issues and value systems impact the meaning expressed in their artwork. By exposing students to different systems of belief, their historical contexts, and providing opportunities for students to discuss, research and symbolically express meaning I hope to develop critical thinking skills; promote increase in the social conscience of teenagers; help students develop critical thinking skills; promote student active involvement in their community at large; encourage social activism; and help students become part of the larger global community. The study utilized pre and post written tests, student artwork, student written responses and an auto-ethnographic approach to document student outcomes. Although evidence of progress was observed there is a need for additional research about ways art education might be used to assist students in the development of a social conscience and awareness of the global community.
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La réprésentation du Néguev dans le discours public en Israël : de la conquête du désert au développement durable / The representation of the Negev in the public discourse in Israel : from the conquest of the desert to sustainable developmentDerimian, Ilanit 05 July 2014 (has links)
Le désert du Néguev est communément considéré comme une zone « périphérique » de nature sauvage en Israël. Il occupe cependant une position stratégique, essentielle à l’existence du « Centre ». Cette région est dotée d’une forte valeur symbolique, positive et négative à la fois. Perçu comme un espace spirituel dans lequel s’est constitué le peuple, il est aussi assimilé à l’exil en tant que lieu de désolation menaçant sa survie. Depuis les années 1920, la tendance était à sa conquête et à sa fertilisation. En revanche, depuis les années 1980, on insiste davantage sur son développement dans le respect des valeurs écologiques et dans le souci de préserver sa nature sauvage.La recherche est située dans le domaine de l’observation écocritique, qui examine les relations entre l’homme et son environnement à l’ère postcoloniale. C’est dans ce cadre qu’a été étudié l’impact d’une série d’oppositions hiérarchisées telles que culture vs nature, développement vs préservation, centre vs périphérie.Les représentations du désert dans le discours public ont été examinées à la lumière de ces oppositions, depuis les années 1940 à ce jour, par l’analyse de divers supports : les médias (presse, télévision et internet), les programmes de développement fixés par l’Etat et la littérature hébraïque. La recherche ainsi menée vise à montrer comment la dévalorisation du collectivisme dans la société israélienne, sur fond de mondialisation, a renforcé le potentiel d’influence des groupes sociaux sur la construction de l’identité spatiale du Néguev. / The Negev desert occupies most of the territory of the State of Israel, having a strategic importance for the existence of the "center" and at the same time it is considered as a natural wild “periphery”. This region has a symbolic value with different charges, positive and negative. It is considered as a spiritual space where the Hebrew people were constituted, but it is also associated with the exile which threatens the continuation of the nation existence. Since the 1920s, there was a tendency to "conquer" the desert and "flourish" it. Nevertheless, since the 1980s, the tendency is to develop it according to ecological values, while preserving its natural character. The research is situated in the field of ecocriticism, which examines the relationship between man and his environment in the postcolonial era. It is in this framework that the impact of hierarchical oppositions, including culture versus nature, development versus conservation and center versus periphery, are being studied. The representations of the desert in the public discourse are examined in the light of these oppositions, since the 1940s to the present, through texts analysis of: the media (press, television and internet); development programs established by the State; and Hebrew literature. The study shows how as a result of the decline in the status of collectivism in Israeli society, as part of globalization processes, increases the ability of social groups to influence the construction of spatial identity of the Negev desert.
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From Fiction to Fact to Potential Action: Generating Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors Using Young Adult LiteratureJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation investigates the impact reading Young Adult Literature (YAL) has on students' empathetic responses as well as their capacity to take action regarding a social justice issue chosen by the student. Drawing on data from a 10th grade honors classroom at a Title 1 school in the Southwest, this ethnographic case study investigates how students use YAL to formulate knowledge construction, empathetic responses, action plans and personal healing. Data for this research includes ethnographic fieldnotes, semi-structured participant interviews, daily journals and a focus group interview. Throughout this study, the teacher and researcher worked together to develop a flexible curriculum that implemented YAL and social activist ideas, such as investigation into action plans and discussion surrounding ways to make change. Results demonstrate that students who had some prior experience with an issue, coupled with identification with a helper character from the novel were more inclined to attempt to take tangible, victim-focused action, whereas students with no prior experience with an issue or those who identified overtly with the victim in the novel were likely to create action plans that spread awareness for others who were unaware of the complexities of the issue. Additionally, the students who had little exposure to the social justice issue they chose demonstrated a level of productive discomfort and a shift in the way they perceived the complexities of the issue. The importance of YAL in the students' social and emotional growth, coupled with an opportunity to create civically minded citizens signals the growing importance of this type of literature in a socially minded world. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2017
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A escola da infância narrada na juventude por ex-alunos do Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) / The school of infancy narrated in their youth by former students of Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti - CAC.Maria da Conceição de Carvalho Rosa 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou o significado da experiência de escolaridade na infância e as marcas deixadas pela escola do Centro de Atividades Comunitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) a partir das narrativas de ex-alunos na juventude, visando também a examinar se a leitura e a escrita permaneceram como atos presentes e constantes na vida destes alunos após a sua saída da escola, assim como os indícios das práticas pedagógicas ali desenvolvidas que se tornaram significativas para estes jovens. O CAC é uma instituição de utilidade pública e filantrópica, , fundado em 1987, a partir de anseios dos movimentos populares na região da Baixada Fluminense, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo se baseou numa metodologia qualitativa que teve como principais instrumentos a entrevista e a análise de documentos. Foram entrevistados oito jovens entre 16 e 25 anos, que frequentaram a escola do CAC de dois a oito anos letivos, de 1989 a 1999. Baseando-se na perspectiva histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento psicológico humano proposto por Vygotsky, a pesquisa se fundamentou na contribuição teórica de diversos outros autores como Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire, Jerome Bruner e Paulo Freire. No processo de análise do objeto de estudo, foi possível identificar a forte dinâmica de interação nas relações sociais, marcada pela afetividade, em que se destacou o relacionamento com o professor, o fazer no coletivo e a intensa presença das leituras compartilhadas, tanto na sala de aula como na biblioteca, extrapolando o ambiente escolar. Os indícios da prática pedagógica se tornaram visíveis no detalhamento destas relações como grandes marcas da escolaridade, tais como: as parcerias estabelecidas para aprender, a importância da ampliação do universo cultural, o desenvolvimento de valores ético-morais delineados nas situações vivenciadas, o tipo de relacionamento estabelecido com as famílias dos alunos, a presença das brincadeiras, a constituição e a valorização do coletivo, a intensa relação com a leitura e as situações de aprendizagem organizadas sem descaracterizar os conhecimentos em seu uso social real. Os ex-alunos demonstraram possuir um modelo de escola. Os depoimentos sobre o significado da escolarização no CAC forneceram um conjunto de pistas que apontaram o tipo de cultura escolar que se constituía na instituição. Como uma comunidade de aprendizes, nas narrativas das experiências vivenciadas, os jovens pareciam se colocar como participantes da construção coletiva de uma obra, com a qual todos se sentiam comprometidos, que conferia orgulho, identidade e uma sensação de pertencimento, em que estavam imersos e, ao mesmo tempo, produzindo uma determinada cultura escolar. Foram encontradas evidências de que todos, em maior ou menor intensidade, mantiveram o hábito e o prazer de ler, enquanto que a prática da escrita, para alguns, pareceu não ter permanecido. / This research investigated the significance of the school experience in the infancy and the impression left by the school of the Centro de Atividades Communitárias de São João de Meriti (CAC) by the narrative of the former students in their youth, also focusing to examine if the reading and writing remained as a present and constant act in the lives of these students after they had left the school, as well as the evidences of the pedagogical practice development that became significant for these students. The CAC is an institution of public utlity and philantropic, founded in 1987 from the wishes and activism of the population from the Baixada Fluminense region, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. This study was based on a qualitative methodology which has as its main tools the interview and documental analysis. There were eight youths ages 16 to 25 interviewed that attended the CAC school from 2 to 8 school years from 1989 to 1999. Being based on the historical cultural perspective of the human phsychological development proposed by Vygotsky, the research is grounded on the theoretical contribution of various other authors as Bernard Charlot, Bernard Lahire, Jerome Bruner and Paulo Freire. In the process of analysis of the object of study it was possible to identify the strong dinamic interaction of the social relations, marked by the affection in which was distinguished in the relationship with the teacher. The collective act and the intense presence of the shared reading in the school room and also in the library extrapolating the school environment. The evidence of the pedagogy practice became visible in the details of these relations with great marks of scholarity as: established partnership to learn, the importance of the amplification of the cultural universe, the development of the moral ethical values outlined in the situation experienced, the type fo relationship established with the families of the students, the presence of the games, the constitution and valuation of the collective, the intense relation with reading and the situations of learning organized without mischaracterizing the knowledge in its real social usage. The former students demonstrated possessing the model of the school. The testimonies about the significance of the schooling in CAC provided a series of clues that pointed to the type of school culture that constituted in the institution. Established a community of apprentice, in the narratives of the experienced lived, the youths seemed to place thmeselves as participants of the collective construction of a work in which everybody felt engaged, that gave pride, identity and a sensation of belonging, in which they were imersed and at the same time producing a determined school culture. Evidences were found that everybody in greater or lesser degree maintained the habit and pleasure of reading, while the practice of writing for some seemed not to be so.
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