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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le marché intérieur des professions libérales et la protection des droits fondamentaux / The internal market for professional services and the protection of fundamental rights

Ambrosini, Elisa 20 June 2016 (has links)
La pratique institutionnelle garantit un traitement spécial aux professions libérales, différent dans les secteurs de la concurrence et du marché. Cette pratique manque cependant de cohérence, dans la mesure où elle se fonde sur une approche au cas par cas et n’ayant jamais été étudiée par une approche transversale. Cette étude identifie alors les éléments qui caractérisent les « professions libérales », de sorte que la Cour de Justice et les institutions européennes puissent donner plus de cohérence à leurs actions. Par ailleurs, vue que la convergence d’intérêts publics et privés - typique de ce marché - cause des tensions entre les règles de concurrence et les droits fondamentaux, les professions libérales peuvent bien être considérées comme un paradigme du principe d'économie sociale de marché. Ce qui pourrait donner une justification théorique au traitement spécial leur étant accordé par le système juridique européen. / The EU institutional practice grants a special treatment to liberal professions in the fields of competition and internal market law. This practice, however, suffers a lack of consistency insofar as it follows a case-by-case approach and has never been studied in a systemic way.This research identifies the elements characterizing these activities and offers a proper definition of “liberal professions”, which can be useful for the European institutions to rationalize their actions. Also, since the convergence of public and private interests - which is typical of this market - produces tensions between competition rules and fundamental rights, the liberal professions may well be regarded as a paradigm of the principle of social market economy. This finding can, therefore, give a theoretical justification for the special treatment accorded to them at European level.

Social Market Economy: An Inquiry Into The Theoretical Bases Of German Model Of Capitalism

Ozbideciler, Umut Devrim 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the concept of &lsquo / Social Market Economy&rsquo / which was the leading idea in the post-Second World War economic order of Germany will be analysed. This analysis will also take into consideration the Economic School of Ordoliberalism which emerged in the inter-war period and greatly influenced the construction of the idea of &lsquo / Social Market Economy&rsquo / with its theoretical principles. Some politicians and theoreticians in the post-war period also contributed to the development of the concept. Within this theoretical framework, the post-war economic policies and developments will be surveyed and the newly established economic order will be compared with the ideals of Social Market Economy theoretical programme. In particular, the impact of the Social Market Economy upon the evolution of German Model of Capitalism will be explored by taking into account the significant changes in the role of the state in the economy and the conduct of relations between the social partners especially since the 1960&rsquo / s.

Social Market Economy: A Discursive Framework For European Social Model?

Atabay, Seda 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis mainly scrutinizes the evolution of European Social Dimension from the early period of the European integration to the Lisbon Summit of 2000 and the formation of the draft EU Constitution in 2003. While the focus is on the changing role of social policy at the European Union level during the period of welfare state transformation, the thesis tries to lay down the normative and discursive linkages constructed between the concepts of European Social Model and the Social Market Economy. Subsequent to the inquiry made into the theoretical foundations of the Social Market Economy and its practice in Germany, the thesis discusses how diverse European actors employ the concept, which is ambiguous in nature, as a comprehensive framework within which a European political identity that may be constructed around European Social Model could be grounded.

Sociálne tržné hospodárstvo v SRN - súčasný stav / Social market economy in Germany - current state of things

Valkovič, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The master thesis in the theoretical part tries to explain the functioning of the social market economy in Germany and also describes the individual reform steps which were aimed to increase the competitiveness of the German economy in the era of increasing global competition. In the practical part the author concentrated on the impact of the economic crisis on the system of social market economy in Germany. The author chose the revival of the private consumption as the key factor in overcoming the economic crisis and using the regression model tried to assess which economic indicators influence the private consumption of German households the most. From the results of this analysis he derived six reform measures which should help Germany overcome the current economic crisis.

Sociálně tržní hospodářství v SRN: současná podoba a další očekávání / Social market economy in Germany: current situation and future development

Tomšejová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
After 2 WW was a situation in Germany very difficult. Consequences of a defeat were legible in all spheres. Despite of this situation the German economy was able to recover and in the next two decades showed an economic growth. A significant share on this recovery had representatives of the concept of social market economy and representatives of ordoliberalism Ludwig Erhard, Walter Aucken or Alexander Rustow. In the first chapter I deal with the characteristics and main principles of social market economy. I define main historical milestones of this concept regarding the economic development. With another internal and external changes which inevitably affected German economy, a weaknesses of this system appeared. There were implemented structural reforms, which changed the original concept of social market economy. The second chapter is focused on these structural changes. The last and third chapter deals with current economic situation, which was influenced by the process of globalization and integration of EU. Then in this chapter I describe the current form of social market economy and pros and cons of this concept. The final part deals with future development and sustainability of social market economy.

Domino Effect or Butterfly Effect? The (distorted) concept of protected consumer in Peruvian law / ¿Efecto dominó o efecto mariposa? El (distorsionado) concepto de consumidor protegido en el derecho peruano

Cavero Safra, Enrique 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author tell us regarding the main function of the consumer protection system, which is to maximize the making good decisions consumption by consumers. Likewise, he tells us about the  information asymmetry and how it should be considered, as well as the inequality between a consumer and a seller. To end, he points out the discussion of whom and why would be considered as consumers as well as the effects of this decision. / En el presente artículo, el autor nos habla sobre la principal función del sistema de protección al consumidor, que es la de maximizar la toma de buenas decisiones de consumo por parte de los consumidores. Asimismo, el autor nos habla acerca de la asimetría de la información y cómo debe ser tomada en cuenta, así como de la desigualdad entre un consumidor y un vendedor. Finalmente, plantea la discusión acerca de quiénes y por qué deben ser considerados como consumidores así como los efectos de esta decisión.

Markt oder Plan? Ordnungspolitische Weichenstellungen nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges in europäischen Ländern als realisierte kontrafaktische Szenarien

Schadagies, Naemi, Heinke, Susan 24 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Am Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges war im zerstörten Europa die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Wirtschaftsordnung gegeben. Insbesondere in Deutschland war es wichtig, dass durch diese ein erneuter Krieg verhindert würde. Das 1918 nach dem ersten Weltkrieg entstandene wirtschaftliche System wurde damals als eine der Hauptursachen für den Aufstieg des nationalsozialistischen Regimes gesehen. Die Sieger des ersten Weltkrieges hatten sich gegen einen direkten Eingriff in die Wirtschaftspolitik Deutschlands entschieden und damit die Entwicklung der marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnung der Weimarer Republik ermöglicht. Dieses Vorgehen erschien den Siegermächten nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg fehlerhaft und veranlasste sie zur Besetzung Deutschlands und zur Restriktion der Wirtschaft...

Gerovės valstybės koncepcija ir jos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Conception of the welfare state and implementation of conception in Lithuania

Pėstininkas, Marius 07 February 2008 (has links)
Atkūrus valstybingumą Lietuvai buvo pakankamai lengva nuosekliai pereiti prie kokio nors Europinio ar jam artimo gerovės modelio, tačiau šalis kūrė laisvosios rinkos ekonomiką. Gerovės valstybės kūrimas buvo atidedamas „geresniems laikams“ motyvuojant tuo, kad būtina mažinti vyriausybės išlaidas socialinėms reikmėms siekiant sukurti ekonominės erdvės atvirumą verslui. Dabar, nepaisant daugelio teigiamų pasiekimų, Lietuvoje vis dar nei ryškių gerovės valstybės formavimosi požymių, nei pastangų racionaliau rinktis tam tikrą socialinės politikos modelį beveik nėra, tuo tarpu socialinės problemos Lietuvoje vis aštrėja, valstybės išlaidų dalis yra viena mažiausių visoje Europoje. Tad ar egzistuoja tarp ekonomikos laisvės ir santykinių valstybės išlaidų tiesioginė tarpusavio priklausomybė? Darbo eigoje buvo paržiūrėtos laisvesnių šalių valstybės išlaidos, lyginamos visų Europos ir pasaulio šalių valstybių išlaidos su tų šalių ekonomine laisve, patikrinta tiesioginė priklausomybė tarp valstybės ekonominės laisvės indekso ir santykinio valstybės išlaidų dydžio. Darbe buvo aptariama Lietuvos ekonominė-socialinė politika, valstybės strateginių dokumentų prioritetai bei dabartinis Lietuvos makroekonomikos rodiklių prioritetas. Taip pat buvo atskleidžiamas valstybės vaidmuo bei funkcijos, nagrinėjamos prielaidos, kurios lemia valstybės dalyvavimą ekonomikoje, gilintasi į socialiai orientuotos rinkos esmę, apžvelgti įvairūs veikiantys valstybių modeliai: monetarinis liberalusis ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In study “Conception of the welfare state and implementation of conception in Lithuania” was analysed conception of the welfare state and explored the possibility to implement whole or essential parts of welfare state model in Lithuania. Herein was used linear model of regression analysis to describe the relationship between size of government spending and index of economic freedom – the correlation coefficient indicated relatively weak relationship between the variables. In this study discussed a question of further state economy development and problem of the welfare state model choice in Lithuania.

Competition and utility regulation / Competencia y regulación

Tassano Velaochaga, Hebert Eduardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
With the entry into force of the Constitution of Peru of 1993, the economic model of social market economy, which was accompanied by an institutional reform, creating four (4) regulators of utilities and one (1) competition agency, was established. The economic model of social market economy, guarantees free competition in the market as a general rule, establishing a regulatory framework for public services that before the reform, were managed directly by the State. Thus, in this paper we will learn how to set up the Peruvian institutional framework and what are the main similarities and differences between competition and regulation, for which we will detail the functions of the competition agency and regulatory bodies as well as interaction between the two. / Con la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución Política del Perú de 1993, se estableció el modelo económico de economía social de mercado. Como parte del mismo, se realizaron una serie de reformas institucionales del Estado, creándose cuatro organismos reguladores de los servicios públicos y una agencia de competencia. El modelo económico de economía social de mercado garantiza la libre competencia en el mercado como regla general, estableciendo un marco regulatorio para los servicios públicos que, antes de la reforma, eran gestionados directamente por el Estado. Así, en el presente trabajo podremos conocer cómo se ha establecido el marco institucional peruano y cuáles son las principales similitudes y diferencias de la competencia y la regulación, para lo que detallaremos las funciones de la agencia de competencia y la de los organismos reguladores, así como la interacción que existe entre ambos.

Markt oder Plan? Ordnungspolitische Weichenstellungen nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges in europäischen Ländern als realisierte kontrafaktische Szenarien

Schadagies, Naemi, Heinke, Susan 24 August 2006 (has links)
Am Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges war im zerstörten Europa die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Wirtschaftsordnung gegeben. Insbesondere in Deutschland war es wichtig, dass durch diese ein erneuter Krieg verhindert würde. Das 1918 nach dem ersten Weltkrieg entstandene wirtschaftliche System wurde damals als eine der Hauptursachen für den Aufstieg des nationalsozialistischen Regimes gesehen. Die Sieger des ersten Weltkrieges hatten sich gegen einen direkten Eingriff in die Wirtschaftspolitik Deutschlands entschieden und damit die Entwicklung der marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnung der Weimarer Republik ermöglicht. Dieses Vorgehen erschien den Siegermächten nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg fehlerhaft und veranlasste sie zur Besetzung Deutschlands und zur Restriktion der Wirtschaft...

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