Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialnetworking"" "subject:"socialnetwork""
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Formas responsivas no Facebook: curtir, compartilhar e comentar a divulgação científica em rede social / Responsive forms on Facebook: like, share and comment popular science on social networking sitesArtur Daniel Ramos Modolo 28 September 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é abordar a expansão da divulgação científica na Internet por um prisma dialógico. O perímetro do corpus da pesquisa engloba os enunciados postados no Facebook pelas revistas Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP e Superinteressante durante quatro meses do primeiro semestre de 2016 (01 de março de 2016 a 30 de junho de 2016). Empregam-se, como base teórico-metodológica, os conceitos elaborados pelo Círculo de Bakhtin, em especial: responsividade, gêneros do discurso, esferas de atividade humana, autor e ideologia. Dessa forma, almeja-se averiguar em que medida a hipertextualidade, os recursos verbo-visuais e a interação com os demais usuários da rede podem influenciar o conteúdo do enunciado publicado nas páginas de divulgação científica no Facebook. Em um segundo momento de análise, o objetivo é verificar a especificidade de determinadas características da divulgação científica nas redes sociais em comparação a outros meios tradicionais de difusão da ciência: televisão, revista, jornal etc. Para responder tais questões, elabora-se de forma sintética a pergunta de pesquisa: De que maneira as revistas de divulgação científica publicam na rede social Facebook e quais são as consequências discursivas, responsivas e dialógicas desse fenômeno? Por fim, observam-se questões relativas aos gêneros, entre as quais, a autoria e o interlocutor presumido. Além de tais fatores, o emprego ou ausência de referências científicas, assim como o uso de hipertextos com acesso a outros sites e blogs são elementos constitutivos da divulgação científica no Facebook. / The aim of this research is to address the growth of popular science on the Internet through a dialogical perspective. The scope of research encompasses the statements posted on Facebook by Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP and Superinteressante during four months in the first half of 2016 (March 01, 2016 to June 30, 2016). The concepts elaborated by the Bakhtin Circle are used as a theoretical-methodological basis, in particular: responsiveness, speech genres, spheres of human activity, author and ideology. In this way, we aim to investigate the extent to which hypertextuality, verbal and visual resources and interaction with other users of the web can influence the content of the posts published in the pages of popular science on Facebook. In a second step of analysis, the aim is to verify the specificity of certain characteristics of popular science in social networks sites compared to other traditional mediums of science communication: television, magazine, newspaper, etc. In order to answer such questions, the research question is elaborated in a synthetic way: Which way do popular science magazines publish on Facebook and which are the discursive, responsive and dialogic consequences of this phenomenon? Finally, there are issues related to genres, including the authorship and the presumed interlocutor. In addition to these factors, the use or absence of scientific references, as well as the use of hypertexts with links to other websites and blogs are key elements of popular science on Facebook.
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Luxury fashion brands on social media : a study of youngLI, YANZI, MOUSSEAUX, SARAH January 2013 (has links)
The implementation of this research increases the awareness of the value for luxury fashion brands in utilizing social media as a communication channel to reach young consumers globally. It provides a general understanding of young consumers’ perception of luxury fashion brands on social media in regards to geographic cultural background, attitude towards new luxury, and preferred way of contacts. / Program: Master Programme in Fashion Management
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Sociální sítě ve vzdělávání / Social Networking Sites in EducationSuková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with social networking sites and their use in education. Thesis is divided into two general parts. The first part deals with theory of learning; Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives and new educational theory based on learning in networks -- Connectivism. After that thesis focuses on the definition of social networking sites, introduction of some of the best known social networking sites and examples of their use in foreign and domestic educational practice. The second part of the thesis is concerned with a practical use of chosen social networking site Wall.fm in classes of Web 2.0 and Social Networking Services course at the University of Economics, Prague. One of the parts is devoted to the survey among students of the course regarding the feedback on the use of social networking site in classes. The author then offers recommendations and suggestions for the use of the social networking site in Web 2.0 and Social Networking Services course in the upcoming semesters.
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Videomarketing v internetové prezentaci turistických destinací / Usage of videomarketing in presentation of tourism destinations on the internetPetkov, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis primarily focuses on usability of video in tourism destination online marketing. Main aims are analysis of video usability modes and testing of online video ad effectiveness. Thesis also evaluates overall advisability of using videomarketing tools in destination marketing. The first chapter describes international tourism and some important tourism terms related to the overall topic such as destination, image and destination marketing. The second chapter contains facts about key internet trends and their use in tourism industry. There is also part dealing with mutual influence of internet trends and tourism consumers' behavioural shift. The third chapter presents the analysis of roles and usability modes regarding online video. In the fourth chapter there is a test of banner advertisements effectiveness consisting of video and non-video banners data comparison. Results show possible usage modes of videomarketing for destination. User generated content with video, social networking and review systems were identified as key tools for combining with online video and thus enhancing online destination marketing. These topics are also considered as the most suitable for further research. Data testing results point out higher effectiveness of ads with video content when compared to non-video content ads.
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Language Learners’ Translanguaging Practices and Development of Performative Competence in Digital Affinity SpacesJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: In a growlingly digital world, scholars must understand the changes in textuality and communication associated with Web 2.0 technologies to incorporate potential pedagogical benefits to language curricula. For example, with the affordance of these technologies, language learners (LL) are increasingly exposed to language contact zones found both on and offline. A practice that could potentially support the communicative practices of LL within these multilingual spaces is translanguaging, or the use of strategies employed by LL when engaging with diverse codes by utilizing the resources of their semiotic repertoire as well as their language(s). Previous research has focused principally on contexts of bilingual education and identity formation vis-à-vis translanguaging. Therefore, the present study is the first to examine the actual translanguaging practices of second language (n=5) and heritage language learners (n=5) of Spanish in a digital language contact zone: Facebook affinity spaces, or common interest spaces. The dynamic data gathered from screen capture recordings of the participants’ interactions and think-aloud protocols in the affinity spaces, stimulated recall interviews, and written reflections were analyzed using content analysis and critical discourse analysis.
This analysis revealed key findings in the data that focused on translanguaging practices, negotiation strategies, and performative competence - or the procedural knowledge which focuses on how learners communicate rather than what they communicate. First, the participants displayed a preference toward the separation of languages in written output, adhering to the ideals of linguistic purism, while simultaneously engaging in translanguaging practices via non-linguistic semiotic resources, such as the use of emojis, in their communication. Second, the participants’ self-reported proficiency levels for their writing abilities in Spanish correlated with their use of outside digital resources as a mediation tool. The findings show that, theoretically, the conceptualization of communicative competence must be expanded in order to incorporate the languaging practices of interlocutors in digital contexts. Pedagogically, educators need to support the development of LLs’ digital literacies, or communicative practices that are facilitated by technology, and address the bias toward linguistic purism to help students reap the cognitive benefits offered by translanguaging practices. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2018
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Social Networking, Workplace, and Entertainment Literacies: the Out-of-school Literate Lives of Newcomer Latina/o AdolescentsStewart, Mary Amanda 08 1900 (has links)
Studies indicate that Latina/o immigrant youth engage in a wide range of sophisticated literacy practices outside of school that are often transnational, crossing various linguistic, cultural, and social spaces. Technology has further afforded immigrant youth the opportunity to develop transnational capabilities which are rare in the mainstream population, yet needed in the 21st century of global connectedness. However, Latino immigrant youth drop out of school at disproportional rates, suggesting that their literacy practices are not recognized or valued by the educational system. Using a New Literacy Studies perspective that recognizes multiple literacies that are meaningful within their sociocultural traditions, this collective case study investigated the range, form, and purpose of the out-of-school literacies of four Latina/o adolescent English Learners who are new arrivals. The qualitative methodology employed constructivist interviews, digital and actual artifacts, and observations. Findings demonstrated that the most prevalent out-of-school literacies the participants practice take place on the social networking site of Facebook, in their workplaces, and through the entertainment media sources of music and television. A cross-case analysis suggests that the literacy practices in these spaces have unique and purposeful roles for the individuals that allow them to connect to their home countries and maintain their Latina/o identities. Additionally, the participants use their out-of-school literacy practices to acquire English, support themselves, and establish a place to succeed. The five aforementioned spaces that their Facebook, workplace, and entertainment literacy practices fill are virtually absent from their in-school literacies. This study suggests literacy pedagogy and research must not continue to impose a narrow monolingual, monocultural, monoliterate, and monomodal view of Latina/o immigrant students which essentially divests them of their greatest resources. Their literacy practices demonstrate that they are transnational, transcultural, emergent bilinguals who competently engage in multimodal means of communication across multiple linguistic, cultural, social, and geographic borders. Educators must reconceptualize school-based literacy to account for the ways immigrant youth make meaning outside of school to provide them a more equitable education that will nurture their transnational skills needed in modern society.
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Processos educativos e formação de jornalistas: redirecionamento das práticas profissionais a partir das possibilidades interativas das redes digitais / -Bredarioli, Claudia Maria Moraes 27 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo central desta pesquisa baseou-se em estabelecer conexão entre o conteúdo midiático produzido por jovens em fase de ingressar no mercado de trabalho, que seja publicado em blogs ou páginas pessoais na internet, e o processo de educação e de consumo cultural/midiático desses formandos e recém-formados, para podermos conhecer os modos de apreensão e uso das novas mídias por esse público. A partir de tal proposta, o objeto de estudo escolhido foi a interação com jovens produtores de conteúdo na internet por meio de blogs egressos de cursos de Comunicação Social, com habilitação em Jornalismo, que tenham até três anos de formados ou estejam cursando o último ano da graduação. Partimos do acompanhamento dos rastros de navegação e produção que esses jornalistas deixam no mundo virtual para questionar quais motivações e aprendizados os movem neste sentido, especialmente porque o próprio Jornalismo tem sido reconfigurado na contemporaneidade, em razão de tais movimentos, exigindo profissionais multitarefas cada vez menos restritos a especializações. Partimos da hipótese de que a formação, as experiências culturais, o percurso escolar e a família são centrais na configuração do perfil de interação midiática que esses estudantes/profissionais desenvolvem no mundo contemporâneo. Consideramos que a capacidade de apreensão e uso das tecnologias também contribuiria de forma decisiva nesse processo de desenvolvimento, ampliando ainda mais o distanciamento em relação aos que não tiverem chance de aprimorar tais capacidades. Neste aspecto, consideramos a mediação socioeconômica como um fator de peso na constituição do fosso que amplia as desigualdades diante das possibilidades de apropriação tecnológica. Analisamos os dados captados por meio de pesquisa empírica à luz dos estudos de Comunicação, considerando especialmente as questões relacionadas à cultura da convergência (bem como seus reflexos para a constituição do jornalismo contemporâneo) e à mobilidade das telas que constituem o cotidiano. Diferentemente do que havíamos previsto em nossa hipótese, chegamos à conclusão de que - em razão do embaralhamento dos fatores que compõem a sociedade contemporânea - tem se mostrado também cada vez mais nebulosa a compreensão de questões relacionadas ao uso de mídias e tecnologias, especialmente no que se refere à educação. Nesse sentido, nossa pesquisa constatou uma redução no papel da mediação socioeconômica na configuração de alguns processos de formação, que permitiu o aumento da participação de outros valores - em especial o ensino formal e as mediações -, para que sejam ampliadas as possibilidades de desenvolvimento de carreira dos jornalistas que começam a ter contato com o mercado de trabalho. / The central objective of this research was based on establishing the connection between media content produced by young people in the process of entering in the labor market, which is posted on blogs or personal websites, and educational and cultural/media consumption process of these trainees and recent graduates, so we know the ways of apprehension and use of new media by this audience. From this proposal, the study\'s objective chosen was the interaction with young producers of content on the internet through blogs from graduates of courses in Mass Communication, major in Journalism , which have been gratuated since up to three years or are completing their final year. We start from monitoring traces of navigation and production that these journalists leave in the virtual world to question what are the motivations and learning that move them, especially since Journalism itself has been reconfigured in contemporary times, due to such movements, requiring less and less multitasking professionals, instead of restricted to specializations. We hypothesized that training, cultural experiences, educational and family backgrounds are central in the configuration of the students/professionals mediatic interaction profile development in the to the contemporary world. We consider that the ability to use and appreheend from the technologies also would contribute decisively in the development process, expanding the gap in those who did not have the chance to enhance such skills. In this respect, we consider the socioeconomic mediation as a major factor in the formation of the gap that widens inequalities on the possibilities of technological appropriation. We analyze the data captured by the light of empirical studies of communication research, especially considering the issues related to convergence culture (as well as its reflection in the constitution of contemporary journalism) and mobility of the screens. Contrary to what we predicted in our hypothesis, we conclude that - due to the entanglement of the factors that are part of contemporary society- it has also shown increasingly hazy the understanding of issues related to the use of media and technologies, especially in what refers to education. In this sense, our study found a decreasing in the role of socioeconimic mediation in setting some training processes, enabling the increase of other values - in particular formal education and mediations - to broaden the opportunities for career development for journalists that begin to have contact with the labor market.
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Perceptions of Acceptable Behavior with Social Networking among Teachers, Parents, and Students in a Northeast Tennessee Middle School: An Exploratory StudyRaper, Lisa L 01 December 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of acceptable use of social media among teachers, students, and parents. In doing so the researcher touched on generational factors, communication, instructional practice with social networking and the perceptions of what was acceptable among these 3 groups within a middle school setting.
This qualitative study examined how students, parents, and teachers perceived the use of social networking. 30 subjects were randomly chosen and interviewed: 10 students, 10 parents and 10 teachers. There were 4 emerging themes: (a) types of social networking preferred and the reason, (b) relationships and acceptable usage, (c) uncertainty of safety of social networking, and (d) the positives in being able to communicate. Research suggests that the generations that were interviewed lean toward different types of communication. The Baby Boomers prefer to communicate via email, telephones, and face-to-face. Generation Xers use email but also include Instant Messaging and mobile phones. Generation Y prefers to text prefers to text or use cell phones as does Generation Z which has yet to be identified and uses these forms as well as all forms of social networking (Entrepreneur Magazine, 2009)
Through interviewing and coding the researcher found that each subgroup identified that communication was essential to survival. What differed was the type of communication and the safety involved in that type. It was also found that the research on this subject is limited but is growing with advances. The research has changed to include more positives on this subject. With this, the implication for further study in this area is definite. Recommendations for further study include but are not limited to: looking at a study like this in a larger area, opening the subject group to different demographics, looking into how this will affect school systems in the future.
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"You Have Pipe Bombed our Community": Clashing Metaphors and the Closing of Social Network SiteHerrmann, Andrew F. 29 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití sociálních sítí ve výuce němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Using social networks for teaching German as a foreigne languageČermáková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Using social networks for teaching German as a foreign language" deals with the development of society in the theoretical part and how this development was influenced by technologies. There are also described the individual roles of the Internet and social networks in society and in education. The practical part deals with the use of modern technologies and social networks in education. There are individual examples and advices on how to integrate modern technologies and social networks into education throughout the year and also during one lesson. In conclusion, the work is supplemented with the results of a questionnaire survey, which was conducted in order to obtain information and on opinion of students about what they think of the involvement of social networks and modern technologies in teaching.
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