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Spelar det någon roll? : En kvalitativ studie av hur mellanchefer upplever en rollförändring / Does it matter? : A qualitative study on how middle managers experience a change of roleJohansson, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to show how mid-level managers experience a role change while in a bigger organizational change. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with ten mid-level managers in a wholesale company with approximately 650 employees. The study is about roles and role change and how a middle manager experience a change in roles. It aims to give a new contribution to management- and organization studies and to contribute with action-advices to practitioner in work life. The theoretical starting points are Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaughs (1988) theory about role exit. The result from the interviews was analyzed with this theory and the main conclusions are: A forced change of roles for a mid-level manager can show the same steps in role exiting as the examples in Ebaughs (1988) study. Throughout the change, the manager’s experiences doubt, seeking alternatives, the turning point and creating an Ex-role. The time it took, the managers to go through all these steps varied. The company’s actions created a bigger doubt than necessary. The fact that the company waited for up to two months to declare the new roles for the middle managers created most doubt. A clearer purpose, more information about the coming roles and more information about why the change was necessary could have shortened the time it took for the managers to get through all the role-exiting steps and some role-uncertainty could have been avoided.
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Fotbollskultur inom ungdomsfotbollen : Fotboll som kulturell företeelse och dess inverkan på den sociala identitetenDegirmenci, Serkan, Malaki, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
Vi har valt utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv studera skillnader mellan elitsatsande och ickeelitsatsande föreningar. Syftet med vår studie är att få större förståelse om hur fotbollskulturer (elitsatsande och icke-elitsatsande) påverkar ungdomars sociala identitet. För att i styrning kunna koppla samman fokus på resultat och skillnader mellan föreningar. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har använt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in vårt material. Vi har använt oss av teorier kring kollektiv identitet, sociala band, interaktionsritualer, habitus, fält och tillhörighet för att få en förståelse och skapa ett sammanhang för vår data. Vi har även använt oss av tidigare forskning kring tränarens roll, kulturen och utslagning för att få en ökad förståelse och för att läsarna ska få en mer utsträckt bild kring vår frågeställning. För att kunna nå och sträva efter resultat samt att ha en grupp som mår bra krävs en tydlig kommunikation från ungdomar, ledare och organisation. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader i kulturen mellan de olika föreningarna som kan påverka den sociala identiteten. I den elitsatsande föreningen satsar man på individnivå för att de ska bli en professionell fotbollsspelare. I den icke-elitsatsande föreningen fokuserar man på kollektivet och gemenskapen. Dessa ritualer kan påverka kan påverka ungdomens vardag. / We have chosen from a sociological perspective to study differences between elite- and nonelite associations. The purpose of our study is to gain a deeper understanding of how football culture (elite- and non-elite associations) affects young people's social identity. In order to be able to link together focus on results and differences between associations. We have conducted a qualitative study where we have used semi structured interviews to collect our material. We have used theories about collective identity, social bond, interaction rituals, habitus, fields and affiliation to get an understanding and create a context for our data. We have also used previous research on the coach's role, culture and exclusion to get a better understanding and readers to get a more comprehensive picture of our issue. In order to reach and strive for results and to have a group that is well-needed, clear communication from young people, leaders and organization is needed. The result shows that there are differences in the culture between the different societies that can affect social identity. In the elite association, they focus on individual level to become a professional football player. In the non-elite association, the focus is on the collective and the community. These rituals can affect the everyday life of the youth.
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The Perception of Fairness in the Division of Labor across the Transition to ParenthoodHornung, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Labor division is highly gendered in Germany, especially after the transition to parenthood. When having a child, more women than men are taking parental leave, and mainly women do the additional household chores. While many studies have looked at the distribution of labor across the transition to parenthood, few studies have investigated how this distribution is perceived. This study explores the perceived fairness of the division of labor in a partnership before and after the transition to parenthood using ordinary least squares (OLS) and fixed-effects regressions. As the focus is set on Germany, the data for the analysis derive from pairfam, a German panel study launched in 2008. The results show that men’s perceived fairness of the division of labor is hardly affected by the transition to fatherhood. For women, in contrast, motherhood leads to a higher perception of fairness. Employment thereby mediates this relationship by decreasing the effect the transition to motherhood has on the fairness. The findings hint to a dissatisfaction of employed women with the distribution of paid and unpaid work after transitioning to parenthood.
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Är skilsmässobarn mindre utbildade? : En kvantitativ studie om skilsmässobarn födda 1978 och deras val av vidareutbildning.Eriksson, Jennie January 2018 (has links)
Alla de länder som ingår i EU har ett gemensamt mål gällande utbildning, vilket är att alla människor ska ha samma rättigheter och möjligheter till en högre utbildning. Sverige har fått mycket beröm för de åtgärder som gjorts för att nå detta mål, men har dessa åtgärder uteslutit de negativa effekter som tidigare forskning har funnit att en skilsmässa har på barnen? Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om föräldrarnas skilsmässa (och separation) har påverkat barnens val till vidareutbildning på universitet och/eller högskola. I uppsatsen undersöktes även om skilsmässan påverkade barnen olika mycket beroende på deras ålder när skilsmässan inträffade. Den data som användes i uppsatsen var registerdata från statistiska centralbyrån där personer födda 1978 har studerats. Det teoretiska ramverket som låg till grund för tolkningen av uppsatsens resultat var Colemans resursteori. Kortfattat menar teorin att barn behöver både en bra relation till sina föräldrar och att de behöver spendera tid tillsammans med dem för att kunna använda föräldrarna som en resurs för att få kunskaper som kan vara nödvändiga för att göra bra ifrån sig i skolan. Resultaten visade att sannolikheten att studera vidare på universitet och/eller högskola var lägre om ens föräldrar var skilda. Däremot så fanns inget samband mellan barnens ålder när skilsmässan inträffade och sannolikheten att studera på universitet och/eller högskola.
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Olydnad som motstånd : Utomparlamentariska rörelsers rättsliga strategier och verktyg för hållbar aktivismOlsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
The study aims to investigate how activists using civil disobedience strategically use the legal system to legitimize and raise awareness of their causes. The study will also examine how individual activists are affected and how they create long-term and sustainable activism. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how activists relate to the legal system, as well as to explore deeper understanding of the individual impact of the activists. The methodology underlying the study is a qualitative interview where four informants have been interviewed about their experiences and impressions of legal systems as individual influences. The theories that form the basis for the study are legal strategies by Thomas Mathiesen, legal pluralism by Håkan Gustafsson and Stellan Vinthagen with additions from Jan Svanberg and Stellan Vinthagens theory about normative regulation. The study's results show that there are several tools that activists can use to create better conditions for long-term and sustainable activism. It appears that the legal system and the extraparliamentary movements have different ways of interpreting the laws and the extra-parliamentary movements rely their pluralistic normative formation upon historical absolutions. Activists form well-planned legal strategies to achieve their long-term goals. Then the purpose of working emancipatory is to morally disconnect the monistic definition of the legal system and the hegemonic social norms. It is important to create solidarity between each other and provide opportunities for dealing with the possible traumatic situations that arise in the context of action.
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Inherited and Acquired Assets in the Chilean Higher Education Admission ProcessLillo Cea, Pablo Antonio January 2018 (has links)
The present study examines from a Bourdieusian perspective the relationship between the university admission process and the social structure in Chile by analysing the extent to which inherited and acquired assets relates to the educational performance and pathways of talented students. Geometric Data Analysis in the form of Specific Multiple Correspondence Analysis is used to map out the social space of the First-application Enrolees in higher education via the University Selection Test between 2005 and 2017. Special attention is given to the sub-space of the students who achieve a perfect score in the test known as ‘Puntajes Nacionales’. Thus, 16 interviews were conducted with such students so as to deepen the interpretation of the sub-space they constitute. Evidence show an extremely high importance of inherited assets in the test performance of the First-application Enrolees, resulting in an overrepresentation of male, upper-middle class students which is not only mirrored but also sharpened within the sub-space of the Puntajes Nacionales. Such findings at once confirm and expand what previous research on the determinant conditions for the performance on the University Selection Test have argued, that is, that the function that the selection process in Chile fulfils is closer to fostering the misrecognition of the tight relationship existing between the institutionalized educational system and the social structure than to the actual measurement of competence on the national curriculum for secondary education achieved by the students. Finally, the emergence of an economy of symbolic exchange surrounding the figure of the Puntajes Nacionales in which agents other than the students benefits the most is discussed.
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National identity and attitudes towards immigrants in Finland, Great Britain and the USACastrén, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This paper investigates the relationship between national identity and attitudes towards immigrants. It examines three countries with different history of nation building and immigration: Finland, Great Britain and the USA. It is assumed that the differences in nation building and immigration across the countries have led to a different understanding of national identity and attitudes towards immigrants. The hypothesis is that the relationship between national identity and attitudes towards immigrants is not consistent but is dependent on how belonging to the nation is defined. This paper uses eight different aspects to measure the understanding of national identity. Attitudes towards immigrants are explored on six dimensions: criminality, economy, labor market, society, culture and the number of immigrants. The paper uses the theory of ethnic and civic types of national identity as a basis for the analysis. The ethnic definition of national identity is assumed to be related to anti-immigrant attitudes while a more civic definition may even lead to more open attitudes towards immigrants. Ordinal logistic regression has been used to estimate these relationships. The data used comes from the International Social Survey Programme’s ‘National Identity’ module from 2013. The results show clear differences between the countries both in the general attitudes towards immigrants and the prominence of anti-immigrant attitudes. In all countries ethnic definition of national identity is connected to more negative attitudes towards immigrants. However, there are differences in how individual aspects of identity correlate with different dimensions of attitudes towards immigrants. The number of people viewing the ethnic aspects of national identity as important is larger in Great Britain and anti-immigrant attitudes generally more widespread than in Finland and the USA. Additionally, the results from ordinal logistic regressions show that while the majority of aspects of national identity correlated with anti-immigrant attitudes, some of the civic aspects were connected to more positive attitudes. The results differed between the countries suggesting that the relationship between national identity and attitudes towards immigrants is not consistent and that it does depend on the definition of national identity.
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Demokratiska krigsbrott : En studie av tyska krigsfångar i franska och amerikanska händerÖhlund, Robert January 2013 (has links)
I studien kommer jag analysera skillnaden mellan norm och praxis i implementerandet av Genevekonventionen från 1929. Genom en fallstudie av två västerländska, demokratiska stater med samma norm, det vill säga 1929 års Genèvekonvention vill jag studera deras behandling, det vill säga praxis, av tyska krigsfångar från den 11 maj 1942 fram till Västtysklands grundande, den 23 maj 1949. Metoden jag har använt mig av i mitt arbete är en kvalitativ fallstudie, med utgångspunkt i tidigare intervjuer, rapporter och litteratur. I fallstudien kommer behandlingen av de tyska krigsfångarna att undersökas för att se hur Frankrike och USA implementerade Genèvekonventionen i praktiken. Därefter kommer resultatet att analyseras med hjälp av Zygmunt Baumans teorier. Bauman är en professor i sociologi som analyserat sambandet mellan moderniteten och förintelsen. Dessa teorier kommer att användas för att förklara och redogöra de bakomliggande orsakerna till varför det uppstår en skillnad mellan norm och praxis hos upplysta och demokratiska stater, när dessa stater ska implementera folkrätten vid behandlingen av krigsfångar.Bauman menar att västerlandet sen upplysningen har haft en stark strävan efter att uppnå rutiner och ett slags beteendemönster. Genom att normalisera upplevda händelser kan de lättare förstås och förklaras. Genom att applicera samma resonemang på våldsanvändningen vid behandlingen av krigsfångar skulle det kunna innebära ett kontinuerligt och fortlöpande övergrepp. Våldet skulle ha sin grund i att det blivit en vana, en rutin och således någonting man förväntar sig. Förutom rutinen talar Bauman om auktoriseringen och avhumanseringens som viktiga förutsättningar för våld och övergrepp. När Tyskland kapitulerade våren den 7 maj 1945 togs miljontals tyska soldater till fånga av de allierade. Fångarna samlades ihop i olika typer av koncentrations och fångläger. Syftet med mitt arbete blir att inledningsvis undersöka om de franska och amerikanska trupperna gjorde sig skyldiga till krigsbrott i och med hanterandet av tyska krigsfångar, under och efter andra världskriget.
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The Context of Fear of Crime : The Importance of Quality of Government in EuropeAntonsson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Fear of crime is a social problem on its own, partly independent of crime as actual crime does not fully explain as to why some individuals are more afraid for crime than others. Structuralist perspectives have offered some explanations, largely neglecting the potential importance of institutional perspectives. This thesis aims to study fear of crime from an institutional perspective using the theoretical construct quality of government which seeks to offer a way to measure well-functioning institutions. It is assumed that quality of government has an impact in different ways; through trust and victimisation. To study these research questions, data were drawn from two sources, the European Social Survey (ESS) and Quality of Government EU Regional Data. The sample contained 85,794 individuals nested in 152 regions which were situated in 18 European countries. The empirical analysis consisted of random intercept multilevel modelling. It was found that the quality of government was correlated with fear of crime, where higher levels of the former tended to result in lower levels in the latter. Trust were found to mediate this correlation whereas victimisation interacted with quality of government.
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Childhood neighborhood and the transition to parenthood in SwedenSabil, Ezdani Khan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is exploring the association between childhood neighborhood and the time of the transition to parenthood. In addition, it also explores the relationship between neighborhood and individual attitudes related to fertility behavior. For this purpose, two different datasets were combined. The Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (HOLK) was used to attain longitudinal housing data, as well as individual level attitudes and control variables for the year 2005, from birth cohorts 1964 and 1974. Neighborhood variables for the year 1990 were attained from the research project ResSegr – Residential segregation in five European countries. By using the same methods as earlier research concerning scalable neighborhoods, five different neighborhood characteristics were identified for parishes in Sweden in 1990; elite, foreign-born, low income, high employment and social assistance. These characteristics were used as independent variables in order to explore any association that might exist between neighborhood at age 16 and the transition to parenthood, using ordinal logistic, logistic and cox proportional models. The result indicated an association between neighborhood characteristic at age 16 and transition to parenthood. Where growing up in a neighborhood characterized with high income and completed tertiary education causes a delay in the timing of the transition to parenthood. Attitudes were also observed to be affected by neighborhood characteristics from age 16. Indicating neighborhood characteristics having a long-lasting effect of influencing the individuals attitude even 15-25 years later.
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