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L'influence de la pratique sportive au sein des clubs sportifs fédératifs sur la sensibilité des enfants (7-12 ans) aux actions responsables / The influence of sports participation in federal sports clubs on the awareness of children (7-12 years old) to responsible actionsKhaled ahmad ibrahim, Ghada 03 December 2018 (has links)
La montée en puissance des préoccupations sociales et environnementales depuis quatre décennies, a développé l’engouement des individus à s’engager dans des comportements de consommation « socialement responsables ». Bien que les pratiques de consommation socialement responsables aient évolué, de nombreux consommateurs restent sceptiques en termes d'engagement dans des achats socialement responsables. Il existe, ainsi, un fossé entre les attitudes et les comportements réels en termes de la consommation responsable. Afin de réduire cet écart, une des solutions possibles est de sensibiliser dès le plus jeune âge à des actions responsables. Une sensibilisation qui se base sur les valeurs de respect et de responsabilité que les enfants acquièrent au cours de la socialisation. Notre recherche propose de mettre en perspective l'influence de la pratique sportive au sein des clubs fédératifs sur la sensibilité des enfants, âgés de 7 à 12 ans, aux actions responsables. Cette sensibilité se définie comme étant la propension des individus à adopter des pratiques et des comportements reflétant de valeurs de respect et de responsabilité. De plus, il s'agit de l'étude du rôle éducatif de l'entraîneur sportif auprès des enfants. Au cours de cette recherche, la revue de la littérature et le travail empirique réalisés, une étude qualitative et trois collectes des données quantitatives auprès de 1384 enfants, nous ont permis d'atteindre deux principaux objectifs. Dans un premier temps, nous avons construit deux échelles de mesure : la Mission Éducative de l'Entraîneur Sportif (MEES) et la Sensibilité des enfants aux Actions Responsables (SAR). Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes attachés à répondre à la problématique et aux principales questions de la recherche. Les résultats de la comparaison, entre des enfants pratiquant un sport et des enfants qui n'en pratiquent pas, confirment l'influence de la pratique sportive au sein des clubs sur la sensibilisation des enfants aux actions responsables. Les conclusions permettent, en effet, de mettre en exergue sur le rôle éducatif des entraîneurs sportifs à travers leur contribution à la sensibilisation des enfants aux actions responsables. / The rise of social and environmental concerns over the past four decades has developed people's enthusiasm to engage in socially responsible consumption behavior. Although socially responsible consumption practices have evolved, many consumers remain skeptical about a real commitment to socially responsible purchasing. Thus, there is a gap between individuals' attitudes and actual behavior in terms of responsible consumption. In order to bridge this gap, one possible solution is to make children's aware of responsible actions. An awareness that is based on the values of respect and responsibility that children develop during socialization. Our research proposes to highlight the influence of sports participation within federal clubs on the awareness of children (7-12 years old) to responsible actions. The awareness that we define as the propensity of individuals to adopt practices and behaviors reflecting the values of respect and responsibility. In addition, we aim to highlight the educational role of the sports coach. In order to attempt our research's main objectives, a qualitative study and three data collections were carried out within 1,384 subjects. Firstly, we developed two scales in order to measure respectively the Educative Mission of Sports Coaches (EMSC) and the Awareness to Responsible Actions (ARA). In the second step, the third data collection allowed us to answer the main research problem and its principal questions. The results of the comparison between sport practicing and non-sport practicing subjects, confirm the influence of the sports participation within federal sports clubs on the awareness of children to responsible actions. Indeed, the conclusions highlight the educative role of sports coaches through their contribution to raising children’s awareness to responsible actions.
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Potential Biases in Service Research - Opportunity and PitfallBellm, Tilo 11 July 2014 (has links)
People are not always rational, rely on heuristics and are influenced by situational factors being conducive to biased decisions. Hence, the decision outcome cannot be explained by consumers’ preferences exclusively. This offers opportunities to service managers to steer the decision outcome into a desirable direction by a beneficial design of situational factors. In contrast to the discussed opportunities, situational factors can also become a pitfall for researchers and managers. I show that situational factors may compromise the validity of research results based on self reports in a service context, because the reported scores of research participants may be biased. Three perspectives related to service management are distinguished in this thesis: First, the customer independently of the service provider; second, the interaction of customer and service provider; third, the service provider independently of the customer. From the perspective of the customer, I investigate the impact of different defaults in a customization process on the decision outcome of different types of customers. From the perspective of the customer and service provider interaction, I point out a new solution to overcome a dilemma related to service productivity. Finally, from the perspective of the service provider, the possible contamination of service related constructs by socially desirable responding is examined.
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Virtuelles Netzwerken im Spannungsfeld sozialer und ökonomischer RationalitätFinck, Matthias, Janneck, Monique, Rolf, Arno, Weber, Dietmar January 2005 (has links)
Die politische Öffnung der Welt, die Deregulierung der Märkte sowie die informationstechnischen Möglichkeiten zur Restrukturierung von Unternehmungen werden begleitet von einer zunehmenden Verbreitung entstandardisierter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und dem Rückgang klassischer Erwerbsbiographien (vgl. Weber 2005). Sie bilden den Nährboden für die Entstehung flexibler Modelle nicht-klassischer Organisations- und Arbeitsformen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die zunehmende Freisetzung hoch qualifizierter freiberuflicher Wissensarbeiter, die in Branchen wie IT- und Management-Beratung oder Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung tätig sind und sich in selbstorganisierten Netzwerken zusammenschließen. Eine bessere Außendarstellung und günstigere Bedingungen zur Auftragsakquise einerseits, sowie die Möglichkeit zur Bearbeitung komplexer kurzfristig personalintensiver Projekte, zu Fortbildungen, zu beruflichem und persönlichem Austausch andererseits, sind häufig genannte Vorteile, die ein Zusammenschluss im Netzwerk bieten kann.
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Kompetence a předpoklady obecní územní samosprávy k efektivní politice sociálního začleňování / Competencies and requierements of municiapalities fot the social inclusion policyŠvec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Nežádoucí bydlení? Tzv. bezdoplatkové zóny jako veřejně politický problém / Undesirable Housing: So called 'non supplement zones' as a public policy problemMatuštíková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a case study with a goal to comprehensively map and depict the evolution of the so- called non-supplement zones. This name is an abbreviated term that is used in media for the general provision authorizing establishing of areas of higher incidence of socially undesirable phenomena, where housing supplements are not to be payed to any new applicants. Bohemian and Moravian municipalities can make use of this measure since 2017. Thus they aim to fight the poverty industry and the problems connected with it. Additionally, a Constitutional Court decision on the appeal on this measure made by a group of senators is awaited since 2017. In this thesis, the problematique is viewed both on policy and politics level, both on national and local level, using the theory of the policy process, agenda setting, and the multiple streams theory. Under examination are also the levels of discourses and framing of the problem. To demonstrate a local context, there was chosen the case of the Kladno municipality, which holds a specific position in the context since it is the first city in the Czech Republic that decided to declare this general provision on its entire territory. However, later the decision was annulled by the regional administration. The research was based mainly on documents survey, media...
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Přípustné riziko / Tolerable riskNováková, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
Tolerable risk Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of tolerable risk. Tolerable risk is a type of criminal defense that has first appeared in the Penal Code, Act No. 40/2009 Coll. Today, after almost ten years since the it came into effect, is the time to summarize the practical use of this institute. Chapter One outlines the types of criminal defenses and looks at the position that tolerable risk takes among them. Chapter Two offers a historical viewon the development of tolerable risk as an institute; first showing how it had been inferred from doctrine and then how the final version of tolerable risk, implemented in the Penal Code, was found. Chapter Three analyses the constructional features of tolerable risk; that means the conditions to be met in order to apply this criminal defense. Chapter Four compares tolerable risk with other criminal defenses, both legally defined (self-defense, necessity, consent, legitimate use of the weapon) and also not legally defined (fulfillment of obligation, exercise of entitlement, performance of a profession). Chapters five, six and sevendeal with the most common areas in which tolerable risk is employed. These areas are healthcare (Chapter Five), economy (Chapter Six) and sport (Chapter Seven).These three chapters focus on those components of tolerable risk that...
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What does it cost to be green? : An empirical investigation of the European green bond marketSöderström, Gustaf, Pettersson, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The green bond market offers investors the opportunity to take an explicit focus on sustainable investment projects. However, it is yet to be determined whether this novel asset class offers attractive yields compared to non-green bonds. To address this question, we study European green bonds and how they diverge from conventional bonds in terms of yields. Using a dataset of 88 matched pairs of European green bonds between 2015 and 2019, we document a significant negative green bond premium of -12 bps on average in the secondary market. The green bond premium is defined as the yield differential between a green and a conventional bond while controlling for liquidity. The results suggest that European investors accept a lower financial return in exchange for receiving non-pecuniary benefits and thus challenging the assumptions of classical asset pricing models. Furthermore, we use a matching method and two-step regression to control for liquidity and identify the determinants of the green bond premium. The results show that the negative green bond premium is less pronounced for lower-rated bonds. Moreover, we find support for variations in the green bond premium across different business sectors. Government-related green bonds experience a greater negative green bond premium than green bonds related to financials and industrial corporates.
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Romové na českém venkově: determinanty vyloučení a potenciál pro inkluzi / Roma on the Czech countryside: Determinants of exclusion, potentials for inclusionHurrle, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation project Roma on the Czech countryside: Determinants of exclusion, potentials for inclusion deals with the situation of Roma in Czech rural municipalities. The starting motivation for the author's exploration of this topic has been information about the growing number of segregated localities in rural areas. In the local public discourses within the peripheral areas, this phenomenon has often been explained as the consequence of poverty-driven urban-rural migration. However, as the migration of socially excluded populations into disadvantaged areas stirs a lot of fears and negative emotions that provide a fertile ground for the spread of rumours, the author's preparatory research soon revealed that it is necessary to carefully distinguish between myths and reality. The author's desire to understand the complex processes behind the emergence of new Roma localities in rural areas required a combination of working methods: The author analysed the national policy and regulatory framework and realized empirical research in five micro-regions in different parts of the Czech Republic. In addition to this, data were gained through the realization of a country-wide survey with two different sets of questionnaires, which targeted rural municipalities with socially excluded localities and urban social...
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Příčiny umístění dětí do dětského domova / Reasons for admitting children to a foster homePauliová, Eva January 2020 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the analysis of socially pathological issues in the context of placing children into children's homes. It investigates the causes of these issues and possible methods of prevention. At the beginning of the thesis there is a brief characteristics and history of institutional care in the Czech Republic. There is also a part about the formation of socially pathological issues based on internal and external causes in humans life. Furthermore there is a detailed analysis of certain socially pathological issues in the families and their influence on a child's development. These specific issues were chosen based on findings made in Children's Home Dolní Počernice. In the conclusion of the theoretical part of this thesis there are mentioned possible ways of supporting families - as a method of prevention of placing children into institutional care. Especially focused was the method Housing First and its first testing in Brno, where the positive impact on the quality of life of participating families was achieved. The research part of this thesis was realized via a quantitative survey - 61 files of children placed into Children's Home Dolní Počernice were analyzed in June 2018. I focused mainly on the causes of placing the child into the institutional care, family conditions, and...
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”Vem har de pratat med? För mig har de banne mig inte pratat med…” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur invånare i Eskilstuna kommun uppfattar sina möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytandeKermanshahani, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Delaktighet och inflytande är två vetenskapligt belagda faktorer som anses kunna främja hälsa. I SCB:s senaste medborgarundersökning uppger cirka åtta av tio invånare i Eskilstuna kommun att möjlighet till inflytande saknas. WHO beskriver främjandet av delaktighet och inflytande som en viktig drivkraft för att uppnå jämlikhet i hälsa. Om målet om en socialt hållbar utveckling ska kunna uppfyllas behöver denna fråga undersökas grundligare - och inte endast utifrån kvantitativa metoder. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur invånare i Eskilstuna kommun uppfattar sina möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande inom offentlig verksamhet. Datainsamlingsmetoden var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett målstyrt urvalsförfarande, och den insamlade datan analyserades genom en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är samhällsvetenskaplig kunskapsteori och ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv utifrån hälsans bestämningsfaktorer. Resultatet visar att informanterna är nöjda med den information som Eskilstuna kommun tillhandahåller. Däremot finns förbättringsmöjligheter huruvida informationen når fram, och avseende vikten av återkoppling vid kontaktförsök. Framtida önskvärda möjligheter innefattar bland annat att kunna registrera sig för mejlutskick och att delta i fokusgrupper. Slutsatsen är att möjligheten till förbättring respektive implementering av dessa faktorer bör utredas. Förslag för fortsatta studier är att pröva alternativa sätt att generera kvalitativa data i denna fråga. / Participation and influence are two scientifically proven factors that are considered to be able to promote health. In Statistics Sweden´s latest citizen survey, approximately eight out of ten residents in Eskilstuna municipality state that there is no opportunity for influence. World Health Organization describes the promotion of participation and influence as an important driving force for achieving equality in health. If the goal of socially sustainable development is to be met, this issue needs to be examined more thoroughly - and not only on the basis of quantitative methods. The aim of the study is to investigate how residents in Eskilstuna municipality perceive their opportunities for participation and influence in the public sector. The data collection method was qualitative semi-structured interviews with a purposeful sampling technique, and the collected data was analyzed through a qualitative manifest content analysis. Theoretical starting points are social science knowledge theory and a health-promoting perspective based on the determinants of health. The results show that the informants are satisfied with the information that Eskilstuna municipality provides. However, there are opportunities for improvement whether the information is obtained, and with the regard to the importance of feedback in communication attempts. Future desirable opportunities include being able to register for e-mails and participating in focus groups. The conclusion is that the possibility of improvement or implementation of these factors should be investigated. A suggestion for further studies is to try alternative ways to generate qualitative data on this issue.
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