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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika vzdělávání osob se sociálním znevýhodněním / Specificity of education social disadvantaged child

Macháčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Specificity of education social disadvantaged child SUMMARY: This thesis deals with familiarity and experience of teachers and the principal of special education stream with the integration of socially disadvantaged pupils. The work deals with the reputation of so-called "Common Education" in the professional community of teachers, special education teachers and other educational staff. It also deals with experienced teachers with the integration of these pupils. It also dedicates level of awareness about who is a disciple of underprivileged knowledge and methods that can help this integration. Finally, the work deals with the familiarity of an amendment to the Education Act no. 82/2015 and knowledge of individual impacts on working with the student. Furthermore, the work deals with the degree of acceptance of compulsory attendance in the final year of nursery school and the abolition of preparatory classes. Also, the work deals with the possibilities that offers teachers plan educational support. KEYWORDS: Common education, amendment 82/2015, inclusion, special education, social disadvantage, socially disadvantaged pupils, plan educational assistance, canceling preparatory classes.

Art in the public realm and the politics of rural leisure : access and environment

Murdin, Alex January 2015 (has links)
Exploring both political aesthetics and the politics of aesthetics to outline an environmental ruralism for art in public spaces, this practice lead research project postulates a “complemental practice”, outlining its methodology and contexts for operation, the rural, spaces of leisure and the public realm. It is a response to threats to spatial and environmental commons from heritage, place-making and nostalgia, psychological inhibition such as a sense of global contingency and widespread economic exploitation. Responses by artists to this situation can be characterised as a binary of dialogism (Kester, 2004) and relational antagonism (Bishop, 2004), i.e. consensual/collaborative or antagonistic/autonomous practices. Informing both is the work of Jacques Rancière who theorises an ethical and social turn in the arts. Through both commissioned and self-initiated projects this thesis offers an interpretation of Jacques Rancière’s conception of dissensus (Rancière, 2010) modulated through an application of the work of philosopher Slajov Žižek on environmental politics and complementarity - the inscription of the universal within the particular (Žižek, 2011). The thesis’ originality lies in this theoretical synthesis which sets out a complemental practice based on dissensus and the undecidability of subject and context, but which dismisses any inflexible schema of either aesthetic autonomy or ethico-political egalitarianism. In addition it suggests an approach to practice in this field and a situation for this - a dissensual infrastructure for the common public realm which is socially relational and evolutionary over time.

Finanční gramotnost na SŠ VIZE / Financial literacy at secondary school VIZE

Skořepová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Financial literacy at secondary school VIZE" is focused on the level of financial literacy at this school. This school is a part of the prison Jiřice. The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The first one deals with financial literacy. It analyses its components, the definition and development. It also includes forms and methods of teaching financial literacy. The second one, practical part, is focused on the research. This research deals with the level of financial literacy of people in prison, who are educated at SŠ VIZE.

Art and democracy: The impact and the role of the right to freedom of artistic expression in various political regimes / Umění a demokracie: Dopad a role práva na svobodu uměleckého projevu v různých politických režimech

Pajgrt, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The access to technology, the effects of instant information and the emergence of an increasingly empowered global citizen have contributed to the fundamental shift of the global political and economic landscape over the last twenty years. In consequence, the soft-power resources are becoming more and more important components of nation's foreign policy. Foreign policy instruments of public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy can effectively utilize such soft-power resources in order to assert foreign policy goals by purposefully supporting wide range of cultural and artistic activities. It is the aim of the thesis to examine both the direct and indirect impacts of artistic production on societies with various degrees of democratic culture and in connection to elaborate on the relevance of the right to freedom of artistic expression and creativity. The essential aim of this thesis is to look at the role that art production plays in the development of a democratic society.

A re-communication conceptual framework: perceived influence of reality-altering events on organisational interaction behaviour

Koonin, Marla 12 1900 (has links)
ABSTRACT The researcher set out to gain an in-depth understanding of the possible influence of a reality-altering event on interaction behaviour (communication). The alteration in interaction behaviour referred to within the context of this study, is the communication phenomenon identified, explained and labelled as part of the study, which the researcher termed “re-communication”. This study partly aims at developing a re-communication conceptual framework that explains the re-communication phenomenon. In order to explain this unexplored communication phenomenon and develop a re-communication conceptual framework for it, the study focuses on how either strategic or spontaneous communication could be utilised in any reality-altering event to disclose information that would alter the co-constructed social reality between people. This information could be communicated either by the individual, who experienced a reality-altering event, or by persons or forms of communication external to the individual. Within the context of this study, the disclosure becomes the reality-altering event. Therefore, the proposed re-communication conceptual framework firstly addresses the elements that influence disclosure or non-disclosure. Secondly, it focusses on self-preservation communication strategies used to avoid disclosing or concealing the reality-altering event. Thirdly, the framework focuses on the actual reality-altering event, which, in this case, occurs when a gay individual’s sexual identity is disclosed to colleagues. Lastly, the framework looks at re-communication, which involves a perceived alteration in communication post-disclosure due to the altered reality. It is argued that the co-constructed social reality between a gay individual and a colleague is altered from a position of being unaware of the individual being gay to becoming aware. It is further argued that, because heterosexuality is regarded as the norm and the language and meaning ascribed to dominant symbols in society support heteronormativity, people often assume that a colleague is heterosexual and construct their reality based on this notion. Going into an interaction, both the gay individuals and their colleagues have their own social reality, which they have constructed through their experiences, as well as the co-constructed social reality they share with each colleague with whom they interact. This study was conducted within an interpretivist research paradigm and from the position of the theoretical foundation of symbolic interactionism, social constructionism and constructivism. A qualitative, exploratory research design was selected to collect the data by means of in-depth semi-structured interviews and narratives. Based on the insights provided by the participants, re-communication as a communication phenomenon was identified, explained and labelled and the resultant re-communication framework was developed. The re-communication conceptual framework was synergised by means of a thematic textual analysis and was guided by a number of assumptions and postulations arising from a strong theoretical foundation and a comprehensive literature review, which were supported by the findings. In this study, it was found that a reality-altering event is complex and multiple elements influence the way in which gay individuals’ sexual identity are disclosed or not disclosed within the organisational context. However, it has been discovered that communication is the vehicle for self-preservation and for disclosing information that will lead to a reality-altering event. Regardless of how small the influence or how limited the time, post the reality-altering event, the disclosure influences interaction behaviour (communication) and alters the co-constructed social reality between gay individuals and their colleagues. The colleagues go from a position of not knowing an individual was gay to knowing. It is noted that disclosure of a sexual identity and/or any other reality-altering event is not a once off reality-altering event, but rather a continuous process for gay individuals, because each time a new colleague enters the organisational contexts of gay individuals, they need to consider if – and if so, how – they want to disclose. In some cases, disclosure take places by others and the gay individual needs to decide how to deal with colleagues now knowing s/he is gay. The most significant contribution of the study is the identification, explanation and labelling of a previously unexplored communication phenomenon – that of re-communication – and the development of a re-communication conceptual framework that could contribute to the organisational reality in a two-fold manner. Firstly, such a framework will provide insights into and possible sense making of the disclosure experiences of gay individuals in the organisational context. Secondly, the outcome illustrates the importance of inclusive and positive organisational climates and/or cultures and the concomitant impact of positive engagements on organisational practices such as inclusive climates and cultures for sharing, employee loyalty, better team cooperation, trust among employees, increased employee wellbeing and more effective communication processes within organisations. / Communication Science / D. Phil. (Communication)

A re-consideration of participation and ethics in applied theatre projects with internally displaced and internationally displaced persons in Africa and beyond

Afolabi, Taiwo 27 April 2020 (has links)
This research started as a quest to understand better the ethics of doing Theatre for Development/Applied Theatre with under-served, marginalized and vulnerable populations especially in post-conflict zones in the Global South. As a theatre practitioner-researcher from Africa who has lived and worked in post-conflict zones, I was interested in fostering appropriate ethical protocols for arts-based practices for social engagement, advocacy and social justice. Thus, in this dissertation, I focus on two concepts in applied theatre practice: participation and ethics. I examine how participation can be re-conceptualized in applied theatre practice and focus on the ethics around conducting research among vulnerable populations especially on refugees and internally displaced persons. On participation, I use existing case studies from various fields to argue that participation in community engagement and socially-engaged art practices can become a tool to reposition voices on the margin to the centre in order to unsettle centres of power. However, for this to happen, participation needs to engage a communicative action that is both epistemic and ontic in its approach. An epistemic discourse provides a way of seeing the world while an ontic discourse provides people with a way of being in the world. The former is a ‘theoretical’ discursive practice that is fundamentally epistemological, and the latter is an ‘embodied’ praxis that is fundamentally ontological. I examine the famous Ngugi wa Thiongo’s Kamiriithu Community Theatre project in Kenya and Michael Balfour et al’s refugee project in Australia to foreground this new thinking on verb-oriented and noun-oriented notions of participation. On ethics, I raise a series of critical questions around interventionist or humanitarian performances. It is hoped that these questions will deepen discourses in applied theatre practice and further challenge practitioners to rethink why we do what we do. Using narrative inquiry, I glean lessons from my field research facilitating drama workshop among secondary school students who have been internally displaced due to an ongoing socio-political crisis in Nigeria. I also reflect on my other applied theatre experiences in Canada and Sudan. I propose an ethical practice that is built on relational interaction. In the context of working in post-conflict zones or in places of war, I argue that precarity becomes a determining factor in framing the ethics of practice. The questions around ethics are raised to also draw attention to decolonizing ethical practices. Finally, I articulate the connection between participation and ethics in that participation becomes a tactic to ensure that applied theatre researchers/practitioners conduct their work in ethical ways. This is because through participation, concerned communities can challenge unethical practices and transform the research to create outcomes that are beneficial. Thus, as an example of reflective practitioner research, the projects in this dissertation offer opportunities to examine critically how participation has been conceptualized and the need for a decolonizing understanding towards ethics in applied theatre practice especially in post-conflict zones. / Graduate

CLIL na 1. stupni ZŠ u žáků se SVP / CLIL with special needs pupils at primary school

Karlíková, Irena January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with CLIL teaching at primary school with a focus on pupils with special educational needs, specifically pupils with learning disabilities and pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. The work aims to compare the work of ordinary pupils in CLIL classes with the work of pupils with special educational needs and to find out whether it is suitable for pupils with special educational needs. The theoretical part deals with CLIL teaching in general with a focus on teaching primary school pupils and briefly characterises some special educational needs. The practical part contains preparations for lessons and their reflections, an analysis of student work and evaluation of the pupils' satisfaction with content and language integrated learning questionnaire. At the end of the thesis, proposals for the modification of educational materials for pupils with special educational needs are attached. The research showed that CLIL teaching has no negative impact on the sample of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, but at the same time did not confirm, but also refute, the possibility of applying CLIL teaching to students with specific learning disabilities.

Vilka motivationsmål är viktiga vid socialt hållbara produktköp? : En studie om socialt hållbart konsumentbeteende. / Which motivational goals are important when purchasing socially sustainable products? : A study on socially sustainable consumer behavior.

Mannila, Ylva, Blomqvist, Ebba, Bragsjö, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka konsumentbeteende för att skapa större förståelse för konsumenters motivation till socialt hållbara produktköp. Vilka motivationsmål är viktiga för konsumenter vid köp av en socialt hållbar produkt? Det ökade intresset inom området social hållbarhet hos allmänheten (Eweje 2020) samt de motsägelser som finns i tidigare forskning (Antonetti & Maklan 2014; Shao & Ünal 2019; Veleva 2020) gör det här till ett intressant och aktuellt ämne. Genom ett bekvämlighetsurval väljs respondenter med tidigare erfarenhet av socialt hållbara produktköp ut för strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuschemat utformas delvis efter Consumer Motivation Scale (CMS) modellen. Med utgångspunkt i CMS-modellen (Barbopoulos & Johansson 2017) och goal-framing theory (GFT) (Lindenberg & Steg 2007) undersöks vilka motivationsmål (huvudmål och delmål) som är viktiga för konsumenten. Resultaten kan endast svara för vilka motivationsmål som är viktigast vid socialt hållbara produktköp för respondenterna i den här studien. Resultaten av den här studien visar att det tillförskaffande huvudmålet och delmålet etik är viktigast. Sambandsanalyserna visade vidare att beroende på hur ofta och för hur mycket respondenterna handlade socialt hållbara produkter så påverkades vilka påståenden som var viktiga för dem. Då den här studien inte har möjlighet att presentera ett generaliserbart resultat, utan snarare kan visa en indikation på vilka mål som kan vara viktiga för konsumenter vid socialt hållbara produktköp, kan framtida studier fortsätta att utveckla kunskapen inom området. Området skulle gynnas av både mer omfattande kvantitativa studier som kan producera ett generaliserbart resultat gällande konsumenter i Sverige, samt kvalitativa studier som kan erbjuda en djupare förståelse för området. Rekommendationer till framtida studier diskuteras i studiens slutsatser. Studien är skriven på svenska. / This study aims to investigate consumer behaviour to create a greater understanding of consumers' motivation towards purchasing socially sustainable products. What motivational goals are important for consumers when buying a socially sustainable product? The increased interest in the field of social sustainability among the general public (Eweje 2020), as well as the contradictions that exist in previous research (Antonetti & Maklan 2014; Shao & Ünal 2019; Veleva 2020) makes this an interesting and current topic to research further. Through a convenience sample, respondents with previous experience of socially sustainable product purchases are selected for structured interviews. The interview schedule is partially designed after the Consumer Motivation Scale model (CMS). Based on the CMS-model (Barbopoulos & Johansson 2017) and goal-framing theory (GFT) (Lindenberg & Steg 2007), the study investigates which motivational goals (main goals and subgoals) that are important for the consumer. The results can only answer which motivational goals that were most important in socially sustainable product purchases for the respondents in this study. The results show that the main goal gain and the subgoal ethics are the most important. The correlation analyzes further showed that depending on how often and for how much the respondents purchased socially sustainable products, the importance of the statements varied. As this study can not present a generalizable result, but rather an indication of which goals that may be important for consumers when purchasing socially sustainable products, future studies could continue to research within this subject. The research area would benefit from both more comprehensive quantitative studies that can produce a generalizable result for consumers in Sweden, and qualitative studies that can offer a deeper understanding of the subject. Recommendations for future studies are further discussed in the conclusions of this study. The study is written in Swedish.

Jag skriver, alltså förstår jag : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur skriftspråk kan bidra till kulturellt kapital / I write, therefore I understand : A qualitative interview study on how written language can contribute to cultural capital

Camitz, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur tillägnandet av skriftspråk kan bidra till kulturellt kapital med fokus på vad den processen innebär för individen. Urvalet har varit målstyrt och vänt sig till personer som har förändrat sin egen situation och uppnått akademiska eller yrkesrelaterade framsteg. Studien visar att när tillägnandet av skriftspråk bidrar till kulturellt kapital och social rörlighet resulterar det i att individen upplever en förändring i sitt habitus. En process som kan utmana individens möjlighet till att utifrån ett socialt- och psykologiskt perspektiv uppleva tillhörighet i de nya medelklassammanhangen. Det påverkar även individens tidigare familj- och vänskapsrelationer. Studien visar därtill att tillägnandet av skriftspråk kan ha en terapeutisk funktion för ett barn som har ett socialt problem och befinner sig i en utsatt situation. Studien visar att ett kulturellt kapital utvecklas av individens exponering för litteratur, behov av att uttrycka sig och tillfredsställelse i att skriva. Att tillägna sig skriftspråket bidrar till en upplevelse av att vidhålla egenmakt och förmågan att medverka i och påverka samhället. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how the acquisition of written language can contribute to cultural capital with a focus on what that process means for the individual. The selection has been goal-oriented and aimed at people who have created change for themselves and achieved academic and/or professional progress. The study shows that when the acquisition of written language contributes to cultural capital and social mobility, it results in the individual experiencing a change in their habitus. A process that can challenge the individual's ability to experience belonging in the new middle-class contexts from a social and psychological perspective. It also affects the individual's previous relationships to family and friends. The study also shows that the acquisition of written language can have a therapeutic function for a child who has a social problem and is socially vulnerable. The study shows that cultural capital is developed by the individual's exposure to literature, need for expression and satisfaction in writing. Acquiring the written language contributes to an experience of maintaining autonomy and the ability to participate in and influence society.

Re-Authroing narratives of trauma survivors in kwazulu-natal spiritual perspective

Manda, Charles Bester January 2013 (has links)
In his thesis, Re-authoring life narratives of trauma survivors in KwaZulu-Natal: Spiritual perspective, the researcher investigates a holistic understanding of the effects of trauma on surviving individuals and communities historically affected by political violence in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Traditionally, the exploration of the impact of trauma on survivors in South Africa has been focused mainly on the bio-psycho-social aspects. The Bio-psycho-social approach recognises that trauma affects people on several dimensions- biological, social and psychological. However, Nevid (et al 2006:19) and Kaminer (et al 2012) acknowledge that these bio-psychosocial factors are incomplete for us to understand the effects of trauma on the individual and call for consideration of all possible pathways and account for multiple factors, influences, and interactions. Using qualitative and narrative approach, personal life narratives were listened to with the aim of looking in depth at the effects of traumatic experiences on the research participants, and specifically investigate whether, and how trauma affected their spirituality. The findings show that the research participants sustained psychological, moral and spiritual injuries during and after traumatic experiences. The results concur with Buckenham’s (1999:7-8) argument that trauma wreaks its toll in the life of a person emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, in our relationships with ourselves, others and with God. The study also established that regardless of religious affiliation, research participants turned to spiritual resources for answers, healing and recovery in traumatic situations. Therefore, the study recommends the integration of the spiritual perspective to reach a holistic model of understanding and treating traumatized individuals and communities. Although the study is localised in the South African context, the results have a much wider relevance in understanding the role of ‘posttraumatic spirituality’ in the re-authoring of life narratives shattered by trauma. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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