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”Det är ett hantverk att utreda mord” : En kvalitativ studie om utredningsmässiga svårigheter (och möjligheter) kopplade till dödligt våld i kriminella miljöer / “Investigating murder is a craftsmanship” : A qualitative study of investigative difficulties (and opportunities) linked to lethal violence in criminal environmentsAnhage, Linnéa, Ringström, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Att Polismyndigheten har svårt att klara upp fall av dödligt våld i kriminella miljöer är ett problem som är vida känt i dagens Sverige. I kriminalstatistiken påvisas ett ökat skjutvapenvåld, och studier samt personliga utsagor vittnar om en utbredd tystnadskultur inom kriminella kretsar och utsatta områden. Denna studie uppmärksammar den problematik som finns kopplad till utredningar av dödligt våld i kriminella miljöer. Intervjuer har gjorts med fem utredare som är, eller nyligen har arbetat, med dessa ärenden inom Polismyndigheten. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, och resultatet har kopplats till teorierna rational choice, broken windows, samt organisatoriskt lärande. I resultatet har identifierats svårigheter kopplade den resursbrist som tydligt framkommit under studiens gång, där det efterfrågas ett större antal utredare samt bredare kompetens, kunskap och erfarenhet. Vidare har framkommit att det förekommer svårigheter i att få människor att vittna vid dessa typer av brott. Slutligen efterfrågas av intervjupersonerna större legala möjligheter i form av övervakning. / The purpose of this study was to examine what investigative difficulties are associated with investigations of lethal violence in criminal environments. We wanted to investigate which factors tend to complicate the work for Polismyndigheten. Furthermore, we discussed the consequences that the low rate of resolved cases has on society and how it's connected to crime prevention. The material was gathered from five semi-structured interviews and the result from these was analyzed with previous studies on the subject as well as rational choice theory, broken windows theory and organizational learning theory. The result showed that difficulties related to lack of resources was a clear theme in all the interviews. This is primarily connected to a need for more investigators in the relevant sections as well as a broader set of skills, knowledge and experience distributed over the entire workforce. Furthermore, the study showed that there is a problem regarding getting witnesses to give their statements to the police during investigations of lethal violence in criminal environments. Finally, greater legal possibilities regarding surveillance were identified as a part of the result.
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Socialt hållbarhetsarbete hos fastighetsbolag och dess ekonomiska effekter / Social Sustainability Implementation at Real Estate Companies and their Financial EffectsDrotz, Ida, Pehrson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Hållbarhet blir allt viktigare i dagens samhälle och inte minst social hållbarhet. Denna aspekt är något som fastighetsbolag måste beakta. Inte minst påverkas fastighetsbolagets lönsamhet av social hållbarhet. I socialt utsatta områden uppstår en stor problematik, inte bara för de boende utan även förhyresvärden då det är vanligare att mer underhåll behöver göras. Detta kan exempelvis innebära reparationer vid flytt, klottersanering, renhållning av utemiljö, sabotage, städning, hantering av störningar, obetalda hyror och vakanser. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till kostnader för fastighetsbolaget, därför blir det allt mer väsentligt att vidta trygghetsskapande åtgärder. Dessutom ur hyresgästernas perspektiv är det viktigt att de känner sig trygga och vill bo kvar. Då social hållbarhet kan anses vara ett relativt nytt ämne finns det inte nog med studier som visar effekterna av dessa åtgärder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utöka kunskapen om sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder och dess ekonomiska effekter. Denna uppsats undersöker vilka åtgärder fastighetsbolag gör samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att skapa trygghet och bidra till social hållbarhet för sina hyresgäster. Utöver detta undersöks om det och i så fall vilka ekonomiska effekter dessa åtgärder leder till. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod, primär datainsamling verkställs genom intervjuer med åtta personer från olika fastighetsbolag. Samtliga respondenter besitter kunskaper om respektive bolags sociala hållbarhetsarbete. En kompletterande litteraturstudie har utförts med resultat från tidigare studier. Resultaten av studien indikerar att de vanligaste sociala hållbarhetsåtgärderna är att ha det helt, rent och snyggt i fastigheterna och runt omkring. Även belyses vikten vid att ha bra, fungerande belysning samt undvika mörka och trånga utrymmen. Att som hyresvärd ha en bra och nära kontakt med sinaboende hyresgäster och hela tiden visa sin närvaro och engagemang ses som ett vinnande koncept i socialt utsatta områden. Dessutom anses det betydelsefullt som fastighetsbolag att vara delaktig i eller skapa sociala projekt för hyresgästerna samt samarbeta med myndigheter och andra fastighetsägare. Resultaten av denna uppsats indikerar att sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder utförda av fastighetsbolag ökar bolagets lönsamhet såväl som välfärden i samhället och bidrar till en ökad samhällsnytta genom exempelvis lägre arbetslöshet och minskad kriminalitet. Utförda sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder bidrar till en ökad upplevd trygghet vilket ökar områdets attraktivitet, minskar antalet vakanser och leder till högre hyror och fastighetsvärden. Åtgärderna kan även minska fastighetsbolags kostnader för reparationer och underhåll, vilket bidrar till ett högre driftnetto. / Today’s society has rendered sustainability more important than ever before, including social sustainability. This aspect of sustainability is something real estate companies must acknowledge. Among other things, social sustainability affects real estate companies profitability. In socially disadvantaged areas, problems arise, not only for the tenants but also for the landlord as it is more common that more maintenance and operations need to be done. This can, for example, involve repairs during relocation, graffiti removal, upholding the outdoor environment, sabotage, cleaning, handling of disturbances, unpaid rents and vacancies. All these factors contribute to costs for the real estate company, hence making it increasingly important to take security-creating measures. In addition, it is essential that tenants feel safe and want to stay. As social sustainability is considered a relatively new topic, there are few studies which show the effects of these measures. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about social sustainability and its economic effects. This essay examines what measures real estate companies take, as well as which measures exist to create security and therefore contribute to social sustainability for tenants. In addition, it is investigated whether and, if so, what economic effects these measures lead to. The study was conducted using a qualitative method, where primary data collection was done through interviews with eight people from different real estate companies. All respondents possess knowledge of theircompany’s social sustainability work. A supplementary literature study has been performed with results from previous studies. The results of this study indicate that the most frequent social sustainability measure taken is to ensure that the property is functional and esthetic. The importance of having good lighting and avoiding cramped dark spaces is also highlighted. As a landlord, having close contact with your tenants and constantly showing one’s presence and commitment is seen as a winning concept in socially disadvantaged areas. In addition, it is considered important to create social projects for the tenants and to collaborate with authorities and other property owners. The results of this thesis indicate that social sustainability measures carried out by real estate companies increase the company's profitability as well as welfare in society and contribute to an increased societal benefit through, for example, lower unemployment and reduced crime. Executed social sustainability measures contribute to an increased experience of security, which increases the area's attractiveness, reduces the number of vacancies and leads to higher rents and property values. The measures can also reduce real estate companies' costs for repairs and maintenance, which contributes to a higher operating net.
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Kritický pohled na vybraná díla Kateřiny Šedé / Critical view on selected artworks of Kateřina ŠedáJalůvková, Kristýna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis A Critical View of Selected Works by Kateřina Šedá focuses on the work of the contemporary Czech artist Kateřina Šedá, an icon of socially engaged art in the Czech Republic. The first part briefly outlines the development and transformation of the approach to the audience in theatrical and fine arts during 20th century with regard to the growing effort to activation. The following chapter deals with the theoretical beginnings of socially engaged art. The main part of the work presents the work of Kateřina Šedá, which includes beside the description of selected projects also a theoretical analysis in relation to contemporary phenomena and movements occurring in contemporary art. Great emphasis is placed on the contextual framework, because without the knowledge of it, the study of contemporary artistic trends cannot be done.
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Zavedení povinného předškolního vzdělávání v České republice. / Introduction of Compulsory Pre-school Education in the Czech Republic.Čonková, Eva January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the implementation of a specific measure within the educational policy in the Czech Republic. The aim of the work is to describe the introduction of regulation in the form of compulsory pre-school education in terms of setting the agenda and its subsequent enforcement. Furthermore, the aim of the work is to explain the introduction of regulation with respect to the arguments of individual actors. There is a wide range of actors who comment on the issue, these actors form a coalition that shares their beliefs. It is important to mention that the topic of integrating socially disadvantaged children into society is a much- discussed and sensitive topic also at the international level. Another goal of the work is to capture and describe the discussions concerning the functioning of regulation after its introduction, in connection with stakeholders or published research. This description will also include an analysis of public opinion towards the main idea of regulation (public attitude to the policy pursued). The topic concerning the introduction of the regulation of compulsory pre- school education is described both in terms of material and with the aim of revealing individual processes in public policy, the result is subsequently reflected in the theory of phases of...
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Faktorer som påverkar integrering av kriterierna för miljö-, socialt och styrning inom Private BankingHadgi, Gulistan, Petersson, Keziah January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med klimatförändringarna har EU publicerat nya förordningar som syftar till att begränsa den sektor som har högst koldioxidutsläpp. Private Banking-sektorn omfattas av de nya förordningarna och tidigare forskning lyfter fram olika faktorer som påverkar en Private Bankers integrering av ESG i investeringsprocessen i arbetet mot att uppnå Parisavtalet och de globala målen 2030. Forskningsfråga: Hur arbetar Private Bankers med miljö-, sociala och styrningskriterier? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka faktorer som påverkar en Private Banker att integrera miljö-, sociala och styrnings (ESG-) kriterier i investeringsprocessen. Studien avgränsar till Private Banking-sektorn i Sverige. Metod: Studien har genomfört på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt i kombination med en abduktiv ansats. Intervjuerna har genomförts med fem olika respondenter från tre olika storbanker i Sverige från Halmstad, Göteborg och Stockholm. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar tre olika teorier; aktieägarteori, intressentteori, nyinstitutionell teori. Resultat: Det görs tydligt att trenden inom storbankerna är hållbarhet. De olika faktorerna visar sig ha ett samband i hur en Private Banker integrerar ESG i investeringsprocessen genom att faktorerna påverkar varandra. De formella reglerna har störst påverkan i en Private Bankers investeringsbeslut inom storbankerna, men är även formad efter samhällets normer och värderingar. En utmaning inom sektorn är att få sina kunder mer medvetna om den påverkan deras placeringar har.
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Kulturně společenské centrum u brněnské přehrady - architektonická studie objektů pro kulturně společenské i sportovní akce / The cultural and community centre near the Brno dam - the architectural design of buildings for cultural and social and sports eventsAdámek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
CULTURALLY COMMUNITY CENTER NEAR TO BRNO´S DAM (BRNO´S RESERVOIRE) – ARCHITECTURAL STUDY OF OBJECTS FOR CULTURAL SOCIALLY AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES One of most considerable recreation area in the immediate vicinity Moravian metropolis is lake called Brno's dam. Impounding reservoir with extent 252 ha was constructed on river Svratka in years 1936- 1940. Today is dam favourite recreation area with regular shipping transport. Architectural study offers new possibilities in evolution territory, whose meaning is for town of principle. Architectural solution of designed objects governs at least by two rules. Accepts current data technical possibilities of our time. Second is spirit of place, to what do earlier Latin said „ genius loci" so, to people have had reason return on put space. Endeavour is, to culturally community centre with place communicate plus people here stop on the way. Division plus placing lake and dam to the landscapes accepts view of landscape, her impact hock, her work upon architecture construction plus urbanism. Designed centre of cultural life try respect it primary objective – place and his spirit. Area be placed on left bank Kníničky's lake, near to the area called „ Sokolák". Culturally community centre is composed from two independent objects, that are together functionally connected. Axes both objects respect how current terrain, whereon are construction, so its altitude surrounding vegetation.
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Формирование концепции ответственного кредитования в ООО «Хоум Кредит Банк» : магистерская диссертация / The formation of the concept of responsible lending in OJSC «Home Credit Bank»Гараев, Р. Р., Garaev, R. R. January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis is devoted to the development of a model of socially responsible lending with LLC "Home Credit Bank". Within this goal, the paper examines the essence and principles of responsible lending; analysis of current concepts and problems in Russian and foreign practice. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам разработки модели социально- ответственного кредитования в ООО «Home Credit Bank». В рамках поставленной цели в работе поставлены задачи изучения сущности и принципов ответственного кредитования; анализа современных концепций и проблем в российской и зарубежной практике.
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Navigating Social Sustainability: : Revealing Contemporary Laws and Policies in Public ProcurementChahed, Mirjam January 2024 (has links)
The thesis is about Sweden’s approach on social sustainability in public policy. The Swedish New Reform derives from the EU Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement, including policies and legislations on social aspects, labor-law, and environmental considerations. The aim is to analyse how social sustainability through contemporary public procurement laws and policies is being formulated and potentially realised in Sweden. The ontological theoretical framework and methodological approach will be derived from post-structuralism. More specifically, the theoretical approach Governmentality developed through the Foucauldian approach and Carol Bacchi’s methodological WPR-approach facilitating a policy analysis. The sources are a combination of qualitative decision-making and non-decision-making material. The decision-making material includes the Swedish National Public Procurement Strategy, The Swedish Public Procurement Act, and the EU Directive. The analysis makes visible how social aspects are represented and subjectivized. The research highlights potentials for increased social sustainability and risks of de-prioritization depending on formulations of mandatory or optional characteristics. Theoretically speaking, interests of neoliberal-, capitalist market- and alternative social democratic rationale contributes to multiple social unsustainabilites. Resulting in plural realities of how to best increase social sustainability. The concluding discussion highlights that rationalities influence realisations of social sustainability antagonistically. Increasing the understanding of these core rationalities is essential to increase social sustainability through public procurement.
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Socially Engaged Art: Managing Nontraditional Curatorial PracticeHaidet, Roza 19 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Positive Organizational Leadership and Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Phenomenon of Institutional Fossil Fuel DivestmentAbrash Walton, Abigail, Ph.D. 19 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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