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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medias framställning av gängkriminalitet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svensk nyhetsmedias framställning av gängkriminalitet / The media's portrayal of gang crime : A qualitative content analysis of Swedish news media of gang crime

Lodin, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Since the 1990s, Sweden's societies has changed in terms of the prevalence and spread of criminal environments. Gun violence in criminal environments has become more frequent and has grown during the last couple of years. The police explains the increased gun violence through organized crime. Previous research has showed that newspapers portrayal of gang crime lacks in a distinct definition of the criminality and are more likely to use condescending descriptions rather than positive ones. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate how the Swedish news media portray and describe gang crime in terms of attribute and definition. To enable the survey, a qualitative content analysis with a limited selection of newspaper articles were used. The study has been conducted with two theories, framing theory and the agenda-setting theory to create an understanding of the news media's presentation of gang crime. To achieve the aim of the study, 18 articles in three newspapers were used in a process of coding to highlight the descriptions of gang crime. The results of the study demonstrated in two main categories and six subcategories. The results of the collected empirical evidence showed that gang crime was presented mainly in a negative way to describe vulnerable areas, young men, shootings and rappers. The results also showed that the definition in Swedish news media is vague and lacks a clear description of what the issue is about.

”ETT SVERIGE DÄR TONÅRSPOJKARD RÖMMER OM STUDENTMÖSSOR,INTE OM RÅNARLUVOR” : En diskursanaly som Ulf Kristerssons förklaringar till gängkriminalitet

Ålander, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study examines how the discourse on gang crime can be observed regarding the rhetoric of the Swedish prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, Research in the subject indicates that gang crime is most often explained by family situations and that gang violence can be partly explained by social learning theories. The research also indicates that the criminal policy in Sweden has clearly changed recently, and that crime is described as a result of immigration. By using the discourse analysis method, the purpose of the study has been to understand Kristersson’s explanation of gang crime based on parts of various speeches and interviews in which he has participated. Furthermore, I’ve studied how Kristersson’s discourse places itself on an analytical level made by criminological theories. The results of the study show thatKristersson’s discourse, for the most part, places itself at the meso- and macro-level as an explanatory factor for gang crime and that the dominant theories in his discourse consist of social ecological theory, the theory of subculture and strain theory.

”Det här är ett gift i vårt samhälle som vi måste ta bort” : En diskursanalys om Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas porträttering av gängkriminalitet som socialt problem

Ekman, Samira, Bergström, Veronica January 2021 (has links)
Gang-related crime and the increased deadly violence it has given rise to, is one of the most highlighted societal problems in our time. It is a recurring theme in public debates and it challenges the Swedish self-image as a successful welfare state. Considering that gang-related crime is a key voter issue of the upcoming 2022 elections, this study aims to explore Sweden's two largest parties', the Moderates and the Social Democrats, rhetoric ongang-related crime. This study focuses on central discourses by the parties and what effects these may have in vulnerable areas. Empirical data linked to gang-related crime has been collected from the parties' websites and social media, and Jönson's problem perspective has been applied to analyze and summarize the material. The results indicate that the parties' positions are based on preventive and punitive measures against gang members. The theoretical frame consists of critical discourse analysis and the concepts of labeling and territorial stigmatization, which in the study's analysis contribute with knowledge of how individuals, groups and neighborhoods are blamed for the causes of gang-related crime. The study's conclusion is that the political discourses reproduce and reinforce societal problems linked to gang-related crime. / Gängkriminalitet och det ökade dödliga våld det bidragit till är ett av de mest uppmärksammade samhällsproblem i vår tid. Det är ett återkommande tema i samhällsdebatter och utmanar den svenska självbilden som lyckad välfärdsstat. Då gängkriminalitet är en av de viktigaste väljarfrågorna inför det kommande valet 2022, syftar denna studie att undersöka Sveriges två största partier, Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas, retorik kring gängkriminalitet. Denna studie fokuserar på partiernas centrala diskurser och vilka effekter dessa kan få för utsatta områden. Empiriskt material kopplat till gängkriminalitet har insamlats från partiernas hemsidor och sociala medier, och Jönsons problemperspektiv har använts för att analysera och summera materialet. Resultatet visar att partiernas ståndpunkter baseras på förebyggande och straffande åtgärder gentemot gängkriminella. Den teoretiska referensramen består av kritisk diskursanalys samt begreppen stämpling och territoriell stigmatisering som i studiens analys bidrar med kunskap om hur individer, grupper och bostadsområden blir skuldbelagda för gängkriminalitetens orsaker. Studiens slutsats är att de politiska diskurserna reproducerar samt förstärker sociala problem kopplat till gängkriminalitet.

GÄNGKRIMINALITETENS REPRESENTATION OCH DESS TYSTNADER : En diskursanalys utifrån regeringens 34-punktsprogram

Lund, Josefin, Öhman, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to investigate how the government through its measures of the problem with gang crime represent the problem. In other words, what is the problem of gang crime represented to be according to their action program by name “34-punktsprogrammet”. The study also examines whether these measures go hand in hand with what research believes can counteract criminal behavior in individuals. Among the questions at issue are 1. In what way is the problem of gang crime described and represented in the government's action program? 2. Is there a perspective that is left unproblematic in the category "crime prevention" in the government's action program? The study is based on theories about criminal policy, citizens' growing interest in these questions, and the research's answers that can counteract that individuals break the norms and commit crimes. The results of the study indicate that the government represents the problem of gang crime as an efficiency problem, a problem that is due to too lenient punishments, that citizens do not trust the state as their protector and a welfare problem. The study also shows what is left unproblematic in the program are early aspects of the youth's upbringing, for example diagnoses that affect the individual's schooling.

Gängkriminalitet – hur framställs det i tidningsmedia? : En Foucault inspirerad diskursanalys

Haraldson, Sara January 2023 (has links)
A frequent news feature today deals with gang crime. The problem of gang crime has emerged as one of the biggest societal challenges to deal with in modern times. News reporting can many times be received by the recipient casually without questioning the content of what is presented. The purpose of this study is to study how gang crime and the areas associated with it are presented in the newspaper media, as well as what effects this may have for residents in the areas that are often associated with gang crime. In this study, the newspaper media will be represented by Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The research questions answered in the study are "How is gang crime presented in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet?" and "How are identities for areas and residents reproduced through this representation?". In order to answer the questions, discourse analysis has been used as a method for the study's approach. Discourse analysis has also been used as a theoretical approach together with the concepts of stigma and stereotypes. The study is based on Michael Foucault's (1993) view of discourse analysis.A majority of the newspaper articles that write about the phenomenon of gang crime showed a strong connection between drug trafficking, violence and shootings, as well as the relationship between gang crime and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. Power is expressed in several different ways, in this study the portrayal of gang crime in the media has contributed to a stereotypical image of gang criminals and gang crime that spreads like rings on the water to others around who look or talk a certain way, or live in a certain area. The results of the study show that stigmatization of criminals and crime contributes to people of a certain ethnicity, gender and age who come from socio-economically vulnerable areas often being associated with gang criminals and gang crime. This is done through the mass media's creation and recreation of stereotypical images that come with news reporting which the majority of people accept without question.

“Det är en äcklig verklighet som inspirerar min musik” : En netnografisk studie om gangsterrappens koppling till gängkriminalitet / “It’s a disgusting world that inspires my music” : A netnographic study of gangster rap’s connection to gang crime

Appo, Elisia, Youssefi, Laura January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att, genom en netnografisk undersökningsmetod, få en större inblick för hur gängrelaterade brott och den kriminella livsstilen porträtteras i musikgenren gangsterrap. Materialet som analyserats består av 25 låtar av fem olika svenska rapartister på den sociala medieplattformen Youtube. Studien inkluderar även en analys av publikens reaktioner och gensvar på musikens innehåll, genom en analys av kommentarsfälten. Genom en tematisk analysmetod för att analysera det insamlade materialet var det möjligt för oss att identifiera betydelsefulla teman. Vidare har analysen genomförts med stöd av tre teoretiska ramverk: intrycksstyrning, kultivationsteorin och symboliskt kapital. Studiens resultat visar att gangsterrappens musikinnehåll består av skildringar av våldsam karaktär, förhärligande av riskabelt beteenden samt diverse referenser som kan relateras till gängkriminalitet i verkligheten. Analysen visar även ett övervägande neutralt förhållningssätt av publiken gentemot våldsamma illustrationer, och kriminella aktiviteter tycks sällan ifrågasättas. / The aim of this study is to obtain a greater insight of how gang-related crime and the criminal lifestyle is portrayed in the music genre gangster rap. Through a netnographic research method, 25 songs by five different Swedish rap artists on the social media plattform Youtube have been analyzed. The study also includes an analysis of how the audience reacts and responds to the content of the music, by examining the comment sections. Using a thematic analysis as a method for analyzing the collected data allowed us to identify important or interesting themes. Furthermore, the analysis was carried out with the support of three theoretical frameworks: impression management, cultivation theory and symbolic capital. The study shows that the music content consists of occurring depictions of violent nature, glorification of risky behavior and various references that can be related to gang crime in real life. The analysis also shows a predominantly neutral approach from the audience towards violent imagery, and criminal activities rarely seem to be questioned.

”Om man ska sälja droger på stan, vad är bästa gymnasieprogrammet att gå?” : Studie- och yrkesvägledares förebyggande arbete med unga i riskzonen för gängkriminalitet i grundskolor / ”If one were to sell drugs downtown, what’s the best highschool program to attend?” : Study and career counsellor’s preventive work with young people at risk of gang crime in compulsory schools

Bennaceur, Dalila, Di Marino, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare beskriver det förebyggandearbetet med barn och unga som riskerar att hamna i en gängkriminell kontext. För att få en djupare förståelse för problematiken och de arbetsmetoder som tillämpas för att stödja elever i riskzonen förgängkriminalitet, utgår studien från en kvalitativ metod där empirin samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta studie- och yrkesvägledare som är verksamma på grundskolor i utsatta områden. Resultaten från studien visar att en central del av det förebyggande arbetet sker i form av samverkan med skolans elevhälsoteam, polis, socialtjänst och övriga aktörer inom det samverkande fältet. En viktig slutsats är att en stor del av arbetet utgår från ett relationsfrämjande förhållningssätt. Vidare är deras upplevelse att vägledningsinsatser spelar en betydande roll för att främja framtidstro hos elever som befinner sig i riskzonen för att hamna i en gängkriminell kontext. Tidiga vägledningsinsatser, upplevsdärför vara av betydelse redan i lägre åldrar. Genom att stärka elevers självförmåga, självkänsla och vidga deras handlingshorisont inför framtida val, kan detta få en förebyggande effekt. Detta arbete försvåras dock på grund av bristande förutsättningar för ett långsiktigt förebyggande arbete som tenderar att dels, i vissa fall, stagnera och dels leda till att arbetet istället får ett fokus på att möta det behov som är mest akut. / The purpose of this study is to examine how study and career counselors describe preventive work with children and adolescents at risk of becoming involved in gang-related activities. To gain a deeper understanding of the issues and the methods applied to support students at risk of gang involvement, the study adopts a qualitative approach, collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with eight study and career counselors working in compulsory schools in vulnerable areas. The results of the study show that a central part of the preventive work is carried out through collaboration with the school’s student welfare team, police, social services, and other actors in the collaborative field. An important conclusion is that a significant part of the work is based on a relationship-building approach. Furthermore, their experience is that career counselor’s interventions play a significant role in promoting hope for the future among students at risk of involvement in gang-related activities. Early career counselor’s interventions are therefore perceived to be important even at younger ages. By strengthening students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem, and broadening their horizon of action, this can have a preventive effect. However, this work is challenged by the lack of conditions for long-term preventive work, which tends to, in some cases, stagnate and, in others, lead to a focus on meeting the most acute needs.

Anti-gang Initiative IV: A qualitative research of Danish crime prevention practitioners' perspective of Anti-gang Initiative IV

Schiolborg, Nanna Mortensen January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to explore the perceptions of Anti-gang Initiative IV of Danish practitioners working within crime prevention in different Danish municipalities. The anti-gang initiative was voted through in November 2023 and is the latest in a series of anti-gang initiatives aimed at reducing gangs and gang crime in Denmark. Through qualitative interviews and thematic analysis, this study captures the insight of practitioners, emphasizing the importance of their role in evaluation work, especially when translating policy intro practice. Despite already existing initiatives, practitioners expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness and implementation and stressed a need for more evidence-based research and practical evaluations. The findings of this study show gang crime as an intractable problem, where there is a need for crime prevention policies, such as Anti-gang Initiative IV, to be grounded in empirical evidence and more locally context- specific.

Att lyckas när oddsen talar emot : Hur lämnar man gängkriminaliteten-den enda gemenskapen?

Lindén, Jenny, Roos, Therese January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding for, and shine a light on the exit process for former criminal gang members. Which conditions appear to be important and what may constitute the enabling and inhibiting factors of an exit process? The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with respondents who themselves have experience of a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation, and with professionals in social work. Our theoretical approach is based on Helen Ebaugh’s definition of an exit process, labeling theories, strain theory and control theory. Said theories are usually an explanation for why an individual develops and remains in a criminal behavior. We used these theories in an opposite way, that is, as a model to explain how the way out of crime could look like.   The conclusion is that the process of leaving a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation behind is complex. The criminal lifestyle means a marginalized position and limited resources linked to the conventional society. Throughout the process, the individual must, despite the difficulties, choose the legal options and be sustainable even if emotions like loneliness and disorientation arises. For individuals the way out of crime leads to a role change, to learn again. This indicates in our conclusions of the importance of including assistance in working with their criminal thinking patterns and behavior, orderly housing situation and livelihood as well as the importance of a supportive social network. Individuals who have been part of a criminal gang often have a unique support needs based on the environment they have been in, and not least by the sense of community and identity that the gang has meant to them.   Motivation and their willpower is portrayed as the most central means to cope with the exit process. The absence of one or more conditions increases the risk for the individual to fail while the access to conditions alone is not enough. The right conditions at the right time seems to appear as the key to generate a successful change process.


Lindblom, Susanna, Stackhammar, Jenny, Thomaeus Molin, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the similarities and differences in the Swedish and Danish action plans against gang crime, based on three kinds of penal theoretical reasoning, the principle of proportionality, general deterrence and specific deterrence. A qualitative content analysis combined with a comparative text analysis was implemented to compare the material. Previous research has shown that the Nordic countries have followed each other in criminal developments since the 1960s. Criminal policy has gone from a development with harsh punishments, to a period focused on treatment and readjustment, to then return to tougher punishments. However, some researchers believe that it is no longer possible to talk about the Nordic countries as a united region based on today's criminal policy context. The results showed that Sweden's action plan was based on more general preventive reasoning, while Denmark was based on more individual preventive reasoning. The results also showed that opinions of which penalties are considered proportionate based on the principle of proportionality, has shifted. The shift may explain measures aimed at stricter penalties for gang crime. The study concludes that there are both similarities and differences between the action plans based on the penal theory reasoning, but that the differences are not as striking as the media has shown. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka Sverige och Danmarks handlingsplaner mot gängkriminalitet för att hitta likheter och skillnader utifrån tre straffteoretiska resonemang, proportionalitetsprincipen, allmänprevention och individualprevention. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys och komparativ textanalys genomfördes där handlingsplanerna från respektive land jämfördes med varandra. Tidigare forskning har visat att de nordiska länderna följt varandra i den kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen sedan 1960-talet. Kriminalpolitiken har gått från en utveckling med hårda straff, till en period med behandling och återanpassning i fokus, för att sedan återgå till skärpta straff. En del forskare menar det att utifrån dagens kriminalpolitiska kontext inte längre går att tala om Norden som en enhet. Resultatet visade att Sveriges handlingsplan utgick från fler allmänpreventiva resonemang, medan Danmark utgick från fler individualpreventiva resonemang. Resultatet visade även att Sverige och Danmarks regeringar har förskjutit tolkningen av vilka straff som anses vara proportionella utifrån proportionalitetsprincipen. Förskjutningen kan förklara åtgärder som syftar till strängare straff för gängbrottslighet. Studiens slutsats är att det finns både likheter och skillnader mellan handlingsplanerna utifrån de straffteoretiska resonemangen, men att skillnaderna inte är så påfallande som media har uppvisat.

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