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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj české politiky sociálního začleňování / Development of Czech social inclusion policies

Šálková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Development of Czech social inclusion policies" looks at what factors influenced the development of social inclusion policy, focusing primarily on socially excluded Roma since 1989. In the period after 1989 Czech public and social policy was under influence of many factor including both external ones, resulting from the efforts of the Czech Republic to join the European Union, or later from the membership itself, as well as internal ones, arising from the need to ensure the functioning of the system in a rapidly changing socio-economic conditions. When mapping the development of the policy attention is paid particular to the impacts of the process of European integration and institutional changes that are reflected in the implementation of social inclusion policies. Furthermore, the text seeks to uncover the causes and effects of changes in development of examined policy. Those identifying factors that may be considered essential for the development of Czech social inclusion policies, went from thematic analysis of interviews with experts. Data obtained from respondents are then often supplemented by more detailed information from literature and public policy documents. Changes in the Czech social inclusion policies since 1989 are explained also using theories of Europeanization and the...

Sociálně vyloučená lokalita Mojžíř? / Socially excluded locality Mojžíř?

Prokopcová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the analysis of socially excluded localities beginning Mojžíř. It focuses on the exploration of problems of local people, the reasons for their occurrence and their possible remedies. Another important part of the work is to analyze existing programs and projects in support of the site and its inhabitants and to assess their adequacy. The paper used methods: secondary data analysis, interviews with experts, surveys within the case studies, in-depth interviews with selected residents, tree location problems. The research results show a large number of problems which are faced by local residents and minimal opportunities to face those challenges and most preventable. The key consider high unemployment, debt and morbidity of local people. The site works by People in Need, which significantly contributes to help local, it runs but very reluctant to arrogance in cooperation with local authorities in Neštěmice under which settlement Mojžíř falls.

Sociálně vyloučená lokalita a její vnímání komunálními politiky / Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipality politicans

Severová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on the issues of social exclusion and people threatened by social exclusion phenomenon. In the thesis I address the process of social inclusion, which is related to socially excluded localities based on particular characteristics and local problems. A separate chapter is devoted to the method of community work that is focused on the effective response to the needs of socially excluded people. Furthermore I emphasize the work of the Agency for Social Inclusion, a major instrument of the Government of the Czech Republic, providing support to municipalities in the process of social integration. The relationship of the majority towards the socially excluded is also discussed within the thesis. Many studies consider the municipality and its government to represent the key role in the process of social inclusion of people endangered by social exclusion. However in the reality there are big differences among the municipalities with regard to the operation and support of socially excluded people. Social departments of some municipalities are acting proactively, others are not. The main difference lies in the self-government approach. Therefore I decided to focus my Diploma thesis research on this particular issue. The aim of the thesis is to describe the attitudes of the members...

Sociálně vyloučená lokalita a její vnímání komunálními politiky / Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipality politicans

Severová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on the topic of Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipal politicians. The topic is researched in three specific municipalities within a region and on the approach of local municipal politicians towards the issue of social exclusion, while the close proximity of the municipalities also allows to monitor the diversity of particular municipality's approaches on the issue of social exclusion. In the thesis the concept of social exclusion is defined and also described historically both in global and European context. The concept of social exclusion is closely related to the topic of socially excluded locality and the adoption of socially vulnerable people by the majority, therefore the second chapter of the thesis is devoted to this topic. Another theme prepared on the basis of the professional literature focuses on description of the specific situation in the Czech Republic, possibilities and scope of national and municipal politicians' activity. In the last chapter the possibilities of support and work with socially excluded citizens are introduced. Many studies consider the municipality and its government to represent the key role in the process of social inclusion of people endangered by social exclusion. However there are big differences among the...


Chanel M Beebe (10520390) 18 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Engineering engagement programs use service learning and community engagement pedagogies that require a real-world situated problem in which the community partners who experience those problems are integral to those spaces. Despite community partners being integral to engineering engagement programs, research on community partner perspectives is vastly unrepresented in literature Therefore, the goal of this work is to investigate engineering engagement programs from the perspective of the community partners by answering the research question: what meaning do community partners make of their experience in engineering engagement programs? This study describes a qualitative research inquiry in which interviews with three community partners from three different engineering engagement programs were conducted and analyzed for community partner meaning. Using a framework developed by Zittoun and Brinkmann for meaning making, this study presented several themes associated with pragmatic, semantic, and existential meanings made by community partners within this study (2012).</p><p>Findings from this study suggest implications for expansions of existing frameworks of constituents and components of engineering engagement programs, as well as potential opportunities to more deeply engaging community partners the assessment of student contributions and trajectories as a function of participation in EEPs. Additionally, findings from this study suggest an opportunity to investigate communication and thinking between students and community partners to better support the experience of the community partner (and potentially, the learning of the students). Lastly, findings from this study suggest that participation in EEPs presents the opportunity for community partners to learn by doing which can be more deeply investigated to begin addressing the gap in the literature associated with community partners in research on engineering engagement spaces.</p>

Relationship between Institutional Mission and Socially Responsible Leadership Outcomes among Higher Education Students in America

Craig, Stephen M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Att (o)synliggöra ett behov – en analys av kammarrättens bedömningar avseende kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS. / Making needs (in)visible – an analysis of verdicts from the Swedish Court regarding contact person (LSS).

Fagerholm, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie riktar fokus mot att analysera kammarrättsdomar gällande insatsen kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur begreppet socialt isolerad beskrivs i kammarrättsdomar avseende insatsen kontaktperson enligt 9 § 4 LSS samt hur kammarrättens språkbruk kan ses som en form av maktbruk. I studien utgör det teoretiska ramverket av Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys med fokus på den tredimensionella modell som Fairclough konstruerat. Materialet består av 85 kammarrättsdomar som avkunnats mellan åren 2004 och 2021. Materialet analyseras först utifrån en tematisk analys för att besvara frågan om vad kammarrätten tillskriver begreppet socialt isolerad. Resultaten påvisar bland annat att tillgången till anhöriga/familj, fritidsaktiviteter och sysselsättning är centrala i bedömningen om den enskilde kan anses vara social isolerad eller inte. Utifrån den tematiska analysen väljs sedan tre rättsfall ut för en närmare analys utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella analys. Ett resultat av analysen påvisar att det förekommer olika diskurser som kammarrätten i sin bedömning sammanväver till en kombinerad diskurs. Slutligen framkommer även att kammarrätten genom sin diskurs framhäver dess auktoritära roll i samhället. / The present study take aim towards an analyse of verdicts from the Swedish Court of appeal regarding persons who are entitled the support from a contact person through The Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). The study seeks to answer how the Court of appeal define the term socially isolated in their verdicts regarding contact person (LSS) and how their language can be seen as a form of power. The theoretical framework for this study is Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis with a particular focus on the three-dimensional model that Fairclough describes. The empirical data consists of 85 verdicts which have been presented by the Court of appeal during the years 2004 to 2021. The verdicts are initially analysed with a thematical analyse procedure. Findings suggest that family, leisure activities and employment/schooling are a central part in the Court of appeal verdicts to define if a person with impairments is socially isolated or not. From the thematical analysis three verdicts are chosen to be analysed with the help of Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis. The analysis suggest that different types of discourses are present in the verdicts which the Court of appeal then summarise in to one combined discourse. Lastly the analysis also suggests that the Court of appeal through discourses establish an authorial role in society.

Exploring Life Skill Development and Transfer: Experiences of Youth in a Community Sport-Based Positive Youth Development Program

Newman, Tarkington J. 24 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

ChatGPT som socialt disruptiv teknologi : En fallstudie om studierektorers inställning till ChatGPT och dess påverkan på utbildning

Back, Hampus, Fischer, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Teknologiutvecklingen av stora språkmodeller har på senaste tiden blivit uppmärksammad genom lanseringen av OpenAI:s ChatGPT. Det har förekommit diskussioner om vad detta innebär för samhället i stort men också hur utbildningen på lärosäten påverkas. Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur stor påverkan dessa verktyg har på utbildningen på Uppsala universitet. Fem studierektorer från olika institutioner har intervjuats. Datan analyserades sedan med hjälp av teorin för socialt disruptiva teknologier för att undersöka hur stor påverkansgraden är. Resultatet visar att det främst är examinationer som har påverkats, där vissa studierektorer har behövt ta bort eller kommer att ta bort hemuppgifter som konsekvens av ChatGPT. Skillnader i förändringsarbetet finns mellan olika institutioner, vilket tycks delvis grunda sig i brist på riktlinjer, men även i utbildningsstruktur och personligt engagemang. Det går dock inte att fastslå några systematiska skillnader mellan universitetets olika delar. Vidare har det diskuterats bredare frågor om studenternas lärande och hur man som studierektor kan förhålla sig till utvecklingen. / The technology development of large language models has recently received attention through the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. There have been discussions of what this means for society overall, but also how the education at universities is affected. The purpose of this study was to study how much impact these tools have on education at Uppsala University. Five directors of studies from different departments have been interviewed. The data was then analyzed using the theory of socially disruptive technologies to investigate the degree of impact. The result shows that it is mainly examinations that have been affected, where some principals have had to remove or will remove homework assignments as a consequence of ChatGPT. Differences in change management exist between different institutions, which seem to be partly due to the lack of guidelines, but also due to educational structure and personal commitment. However, no systematic differences can be determined between the different parts of the university. Furthermore, there have been discussions about broader questions about the students' learning and how one should relate to the development as a director of studies.

Ansvarsfullt investerande eller en ren förlustaffär? : En komparativ studie mellan hållbara och konventionella aktiefonder i Sverige och Irland

Abedi Tameh, Dana, Edstam, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
Utifrån den tidigare forskningen har det varit skiljaktigheter angående hur hållbara investeringar presterar i förhållande till avkastning och risk jämfört med konventionella investeringar. Samtidigt har intresset för hållbara investeringarna ökat vilket medför att det finns ett intresse att analysera hur hållbara investeringar förhåller sig inom avkastning och risk.Denna studie avser att beskriva och analysera hur hållbara aktiefonder förhåller sig i avkastning och risk jämfört med konventionella aktiefonder. Vidare studeras om det råder ett samband mellan hållbarhet och avkastning. I denna kvantitativa studie analyseras den svenska och irländska aktiefondmarknaden under 2016–2022 med totalt 310 slumpmässigt valda aktiefonder, både hållbara och konventionella, med måttet Jensens Alpha. Studiens resultat visade att ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan hållbarhet och avkastning inte kan fastställas. Följaktligen visade det ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad i avkastning för det svenska aktiefonderna medan irländska hållbara aktiefonder hade en statistisk signifikant lägre avkastning jämfört med de konventionella motsvarigheterna. Vidare visade irländska hållbaraaktiefonder en lägre risk medan svenska hållbara aktiefonder innehade en högre risk jämfört med marknadernas konventionella aktiefonder. / There have been conflicting results from previous research regarding sustainable investing and its financial return compared to regular investment alternatives. Simultaneously, the trend towards sustainable investing has grown significantly in recent times, prompting a keen interest in understanding the effect of sustainable investing on investors, specifically in terms of returns and risks. This study aims to provide insights into sustainable investments in equity funds, specifically in terms of returns and risks, when compared to conventional equity funds. Using Jensen's Alpha methodology, a quantitative study was conducted on 310 randomly selectedequity funds, from both sustainable and conventional categories in Sweden and Ireland during the period of 2016-2022. The main findings showed that there is no strong statistical correlation between sustainability and financial returns. Furthermore, the study revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in returns for Swedish equity funds, whereas Irish sustainable equity funds exhibited statistically significantly lower returns in comparison to their conventional counterparts. Regarding risk, the study demonstrates that Irish sustainable equity funds carried lower risk, while Swedish sustainable equity funds performed with a higher risk when compared to their conventional counterparts.

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