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Att sätta och implementera hållbarhetsmål. : En jämförelsestudie av hållbarhetsarbetet i stadsbyggnadsprojekten Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Stora Sköndal / Adopting and implementing sustainable development policies : A comparative study of the sustainability policies in the city development projects of Stockholm Royal Seaport and Stora SköndalBIrkehammar, Mattias January 2024 (has links)
Hållbar stadsbyggnad är ett ideal som syftar på att ta hänsyn till ekologiska och sociala såväl som ekonomiska aspekter så att utveckling av dagens samhälle inte skall inkräkta framtida generationers rätt till ett gott liv. Rent praktiskt måste stadsplanerare formulera om idealet till konkreta mål och åtgärder anpassade till lokala förutsättningar och tillgängliga medel. I Stockholm pågår två stadsbyggnadsprojekt med höga hållbarhetsambitioner; Norra Djurgårdsstaden (NDS) och Stora Sköndal (SSK), båda har som en del av hållbarhetsarbetet antagit s.k. hållbarhetsmål och krav kopplade till olika styrdokument och processer för att uppnå dessa ambitioner. Målet för arbetet var att genom att kvantitativt och kvalitativt jämföra projektens egna mål, krav och även andra relaterade aspekter av hållbarhetsarbetet samt tillgängliga resultat avgöra vad som är jämförbart, vilket projekt som har högst ambitioner ochprestera bäst samt finna punkter där projekten eventuellt kan förbättras. Noterbara slutsatser är att projektens ekologiska mål överlag liknar varandra och är kvantitativt jämförbara, medans de sociala målen inte är det dels som en följd av skiljda koncept för social hållbarhet och dels på grund av olika organisationer och processer. Förslagen på förbättringar gäller dels specifika höjningar av enskilda mål/krav och mer generella råd att öka antalet standardiserade och mätbara mål och krav. Trots att NDS har något högre ambitioner tyder jämförelsen av de tillgängliga sammanställda resultaten på att Stora Sköndal verkar prestera bättre än Norra Djurgårdsstaden för vissa särskilda målområden som energianvändning och grönytor / Sustainable city planning is an ideal aiming at consideration to ecological and social as well as economic aspects so that development of today’s society won’t interfere with future generations’right to a decent life. In practical terms city planners have to reformulate the ideal to concrete targets and actions adapted to local conditions and available means. In Stockholm there are two ongoing city development projects with high sustainability ambitions; Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden, NDS) and Stora Sköndal (SSK), both have as part of the sustainability work adopted so called sustainability goals and requirements tied to governing documents and processes to achieve these ambitions. The goal for this examination paper was to quantitatively and qualitatively compare the projects own goals, requirements and some other aspects of the sustainability efforts alongside with available results to ascertain what comparable elements there are, what project seems to have the higher ambitions and perform the best, and find aspects where the projects may improve. Notable conclusions are that the projects’ ecological goals overall are similar and comparable, while the social one’s aren’t as a consequence of both differing concepts of social sustainability and different organizations and processes. The improvement proposals address raising specific goals/targets as well as more general advice to expand the number standardized and measureable goals and requirements. Despite NDS having somewhat higher ambitions the first comparison of available results suggest that SSK manage to accomplish better results than NDS in key areas such as energy use and green spaces.
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Межведомственное взаимодействие субъектов профилактики в преодолении распространения социально-значимого заболевания (на примере Свердловской области) : магистерская диссертация / Interdepartmental interaction of prevention subjects in overcoming the spread of a socially significant disease (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation)Долганова, М. В., Dolganova, M. V. January 2024 (has links)
Объектом исследования является система оказания психологической и социальной помощи ВИЧ-инфицированным пациентам. Предмет исследования: роль и участие специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания населения в системе профилактики и оказания медицинской помощи больным ВИЧ-инфекцией. Целью магистерской диссертации является выявление роли специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» по профилактике и преодолению ВИЧ-инфекции, как социально-значимого заболевания в рамках межведомственного взаимодействия (на примере Свердловской области). Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена изучению роли специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» в профилактике и преодолении социально-значимого заболевания в рамках межведомственного взаимодействия (на примере Свердловской области). В работе рассмотрены теоретические основы межведомственного взаимодействия как социальной технологии, в процессе профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции; с использованием авторской анкеты выявлены основные возможности и затруднения специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания населения в оказании помощи здравоохранению по преодолению распространения ВИЧ-инфекции, а так же выявлены основные потребности ЛЖВ (людей, живущих с ВИЧ); проведён контент-анализ существующей и разработано авторское дополнение к основной образовательной программе ГАУЗ СО ОЦ СПИД по подготовке специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» к мотивационному консультированию, которая при апробации показала положительные результаты в части удовлетворения потребностей и пациентов ВИЧ+, и учреждений здравоохранения. Работа будет интересна студентам и специалистам в области социальной работы с ЛЖВ. / The final qualifying work is devoted to the study of the role of specialists of the "non-medical service" in the prevention and overcoming of socially significant diseases within the framework of interdepartmental interaction (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region). The paper considers the theoretical foundations of interdepartmental interaction as a social technology in the process of HIV infection prevention; using the author's questionnaire, the main opportunities and difficulties of specialists from social service institutions in providing health care to overcome the spread of HIV infection are identified, as well as the basic needs of PLHIV (people living with HIV) are identified; an author's supplement is developed to the main educational program of the State Medical Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the preparation of specialists of the "non-medical service" for motivational training, which, when tested, showed positive results in meeting the needs of both HIV+ patients and healthcare institutions. The work will be of interest to students and specialists in the field of social work with PLHIV.
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Implications of environmental educators' perceptions regarding the use of genetically modified crops towards sustainable developmentLe Roux, Stephanus Jacobus 30 November 2004 (has links)
Genetically modified (GM) crops gained attention in southern Africa as countries are struggling with food insecurity and poverty to achieve sustainable development. The controversy around GM crops have provoked heated debates. GM crops are often perceived as a global risk to human health and the environment. The research question is what are the perceptions of environmental educators regarding the use of GM crops toward sustainable development. In the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development environmental educators will need to be key role players in addressing crucial issues such as GM crops. Their perceptions hold many implications for educational programmes. Environmental educators interviewed perceive GM crops as a serious issue. As mediators in a multidisciplinary setting between science and society, environmental educators can play a functional role. Open processes that require greater participation, criticality and reflexivity need to be facilitated in a complex biophysical and social context in southern Africa. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Environmental Education)
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The approaches that foundation phase grade 3 teachers use to promote effective literacy teaching : a case studyLawrence, Jeanette Wilhelmina 02 1900 (has links)
The changing role of literacy in primary education, with its emphasis on the acknowledgement of the
learner’s values, beliefs, culture, background and language is the focus of this study.
The research was concerned with understanding the literacy practices of Foundation Phase Grade 3
teachers who are able to intentionally promote and mediate literacy acquisition among their learners.
A qualitative design was used to describe the approaches of effective literacy teachers.
The research study discovered that while the teachers made use of a number of teaching methods
that underpinned a de-contextualised and constructivist approach, a socio-cultural approach to
literacy was lacking. The results call for a broadening of the definition of literacy; one that
acknowledges the socio-cultural background of the learners in developing a literacy disposition that
prepares learners for a changing world. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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Sociálně pedagogická práce s rodinou dospívajícího problémového uživatele drog / Socio-pedagogical work with family teen drug problemKovanda, Oto January 2013 (has links)
The thesis provide an analysis of environment that might influence processes of socialization of youth people. Next to this description of socially and/or pedagogically working organizations and institutions that focus on youth and their parents in the area of risk behaviour with an aim to prevent dependence on mind-altering substances is provided. Theoretical part of the thesis discusses socio-cultural factors. Therefore roles especially of family as primary institution responsible for socialization as well as of socio-pedagogically working organizations in drug prevention targeting youth and their parents is described. Empirical part of the thesis addresses ways that parents of young users of drugs used to prevent risky behaviour of their children, what sources and types of informations about drugs they used, and to what extend they have been prepared to solve potential problems that might result in drug dependence. Also with the use of a narrative analysis it is discussed where parents sought professional help and what was their opinion about quality of socio- pedagogical intervention delivered by individual organizations.
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Metodika začleňování žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem do běžných tříd ZŠ / Methodics inclusion of pupils with different maternal languageKlabanová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on integration of pupils with different maternal language to Czech primary schools. It concludes legislation of integration of foreign pupils in the Czech Republic. It suggests methodology and activities that can help foreign pupils to integrate to Czech school environment. It describes unsuccessful proces of integration as well. Practical part of this thesis is a case study that describes conception of integration in concrete primary school. KEY WORDS Integration of pupils with different maternal language, adaptation to different socio- cultural environment, individual approach, methodology of integration, inslusion, foreign pupil, Czech as the second language
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Essays on corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment / Essais sur la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise et sur l'investissement socialement responsableLapointe, Vincent 09 December 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse traite des thématiques de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE), de sa relation avec la performance économique et financière de l’entreprise, et de l’investissement socialement responsable (ISR). Ces thématiques ont récemment gagné en popularité, favorisées par un contexte de crise économique et environnementale. Notre thèse se compose de quatre principaux chapitres. Notre premier chapitre est une revue de la littérature académique sur la RSE et l’ISR. Nous proposons une revue interdisciplinaire de la littérature académique partagée entre l’économie et les sciences de gestion (éthique appliquée aux entreprises, stratégie et finance). Notre second chapitre est une analyse empirique de la relation entre RSE et performance financière de l’entreprise sous l’angle du coût du capital. Nous nous intéressons à l’impact de la publication d’une notation de la politique de RSE d’une entreprise sur la liquidité de ses titres et la taille de sa base d’actionnaires. Nos troisième et quatrième chapitres sont des analyses des propriétés de portefeuilles d’ISR construits à l’aide de nouvelles méthodes d’allocations. Ainsi nous analysons comment des stratégies d’allocations basées sur le risque modifient la performance des portefeuilles d’actifs financiers émis par des émetteurs ayant une politique de RSE, et réciproquement comment un univers d’investissement composé uniquement d’émetteurs ayant une politique de RSE modifie les propriétés de ces allocations alternatives. / Our thesis examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how it is linked to a firm’s economic and financial performance, as well as socially responsible investment (SRI). With the current environmental and economic uncertainty, these issues are attracting increasing interest. Our thesis is organized in four chapters. Chapter 1 is a literature review on CSR and SRI. We propose an interdisciplinary review of the academic literature in both economics and management sciences (ethics applied to business, strategy and finance). Chapter 2 is an empirical analysis of the relationship between CSR and a firm’s financial performance in terms of cost of capital. We look at the impact of publishing an evaluation of the firm’s involvement in CSR on the liquidity of its stocks and the size of its investor base. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are analyses of the characteristics of SRI portfolios built according to new allocation methodologies. We analyze how risk-based allocations impact the performance of the portfolios of financial products of issuers involved in CSR, and reciprocally, how a universe of investment composed of the financial products of issuers involved in CSR impacts the properties of these alternative allocations.
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Tvorba Josteina Gaardera a její využití v pedagogice volného času / Creation of Jostein Gaarder and it's use in PFTSTEIGEROVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with literary work for children and youth of Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder and its use in leisure time education as a means of intentional ethical, personality and social education. The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the introduction of the life and creation of contemporary Norwegian author and the analysis of key themes of selected works for children and youth. The practical part includes work with selected examples, on which suitable methods and activities are applied with respect to the studied subject. The diplomat uses activation methods for the development of critical thinking leading not only to the development of reading literacy, but also to the development of so-called functional literacy. The set of materials is verified in practice; work also includes reflection and (auto) evaluation.
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Can intangibles lead to superior returns? : Global evidence on the relationship between employee satisfaction and abnormal equity returns.Ballout, Rami, Nygård, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Subject background and discussion: In recent decades, issues of human rights, labor and environmental change has been hot topics world wide, which also has influenced the financial market. More and more investors use socially responsible investing (SRI) screens when constructing their portfolios. One form of SRI screen is to choose companies that have satisfied employees. Existing theory says that employee satisfaction is an intangible asset to the firm that will positively affect a firm’s performance in the future. Intangible assets are often unrecognized by the market and thereby not incorporated in the stock price. The efficient market hypothesis has been studied and debated for several decades. Proponents of the EMH argue that all available information is incorporated in the stock price, thus it is not possible to systematically beat the market. However, EMH is controversial, since research has shown different results regarding the possibility to make abnormal return from various investing strategy. Research question: Is it possible to make abnormal returns by investing in a portfolio of worldwide firms with top scores on the SRI screen employee satisfaction? Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine investor’s possibility to make abnormal return with controls for multiple risk factors by investing in worldwide firms with top scores in employee satisfaction. One sub-purpose is to examine how the market values intangibles depending on the degree of market efficiency. Another sub-purpose of the study is to test two different portfolio weighting methodologies, equally- and value weighted, and observe the differences between them. Theory: This study deals with the efficient market hypothesis and the concepts of SRI, employee satisfaction, intangible assets and several risk-adjusted measurements. Method: We have chosen to perform a quantitative study with a deductive approach to answer our research question. We used a sample size of 696 firms based on “Great Place to Works”- lists of companies with high employee satisfaction to construct sex portfolios with different holding periods and strategies. These portfolios have been explored and tested significantly with both equally and value weighted methods. Result/Analysis: The study finds significant evidence of an average annual abnormal return of 3,66% and 2,43% for our main portfolio over the market for equally- and value weighted, respectively, using the three-factor model. When adjusting for momentum, thus employing the four-factor model, all the predictive variables still identify strong persistence in the abnormal return, with statistical significance. Conclusion: The results show that it is possible to make abnormal returns, during the observed time period, regardless of the weighing methodology, although the equally weighted received higher abnormal returns. Thus, the market efficiency appears to be in weak form and does not fully value intangibles.
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Socially Responsible Business Schools: A Proposed ModelMartell Sotomayor, Janette 20 October 2011 (has links)
El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és investigar i descriure els necessaris canvis en la gestió de les escoles de negocis per arribar a ser institucions socialment responsables, i proposa com implementar el procés de canvi. Sustenta que l'educació en gestió responsable no és exclusivament una qüestió curricular, sinó que ha d'involucrar la institució en la seva totalitat perquè els estudiants es formin com a líders responsables i ètics, i proposa un model per a la transformació de les escoles de negocis cap a aquest objectiu. Aquesta tesi està constituïda per vuit articles acadèmics sobre aquest tema; el primer il•lustra la profusió de definicions, teories i enfocaments relacionats amb la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa. El segon article va contribuir a la millor comprensió de la importància de la Responsabilitat Social Universitària a través d'una revisió de la literatura sobre els seus orígens i evolució. En un següent article, titulat Escoles de Negocis Socialment Responsables: Les parts interessades demanen accions urgents, es va investigar si les parts interessades retroalimenten als degans amb suficients arguments per al canvi, i si els requisits d'acreditació de l’AACSB són coherents amb la necessària millora en l'educació de l'ètica empresarial i la responsabilitat social. Les conclusions d'aquest article van portar a la creació d'una cercle virtuós en L'avaluació d'un cercle virtuós per a escoles de negocis socialment responsables, en el qual es proposa a PRME com a centre d'unió amb les principals acreditadores i enquesta / rànquing del Beyond Grey Pinstripes (BGP), per impulsar de forma sinèrgica la transformació de les escoles de negocis. El següent article tracta sobre l'avaluació de requisits per a la classificació en el rànquing BGP, i analitza la metodologia de l'enquesta, ja que és l'única que se centra en els plans d'estudi i continguts de recerca en ètica, responsabilitat social i sostenibilitat de les escoles de negocis. Amb la convicció de la necessària transformació d'aquestes escoles, va seguir un article sobre Un canvi estratègic en les escoles de negocis per a l'educació en ètica empresarial, responsabilitat social i sostenibilitat. L'article següent va ser un co-escrit sobre l'educació empresarial responsable: No una qüestió curricular, sinó una raó de ser de les escoles de negocis, que ha posat èmfasi en la importància de desenvolupar una identitat en les escoles de negocis en relació amb l'ètica i la responsabilitat social. Finalment, tots les aportacions d'aquesta tesi culminen en la proposta d'Un model per a la transformació de les escoles de negocis en institucions socialment responsables, que centra a les persones com la raó última de tota activitat escolar, dirigint totes les polítiques i estratègies cap a una gestió socialment responsable en què les dimensions de l'ètica, responsabilitat social i sostenibilitat són incorporades i integrades en tots els aspectes de l'organització. / El propósito de esta tesis es investigar y describir los necesarios cambios en la gestión de las escuelas de negocios para llegar a ser instituciones socialmente responsables, y propone cómo implementar el proceso de cambio. Sustenta que la educación en gestión responsable no es exclusivamente una cuestión curricular, sino que debe involucrarse la institución en su totalidad para que los estudiantes se formen como líderes responsables y éticos, y propone un modelo para la transformación de las escuelas de negocios hacia ese objetivo. La tesis está constituida por ocho artículos; el primero ilustra la abundancia de definiciones, teorías y enfoques relacionados con la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, a través de una revisión de literatura. El segundo artículo contribuye a la comprensión de la importancia de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria mediante una revisión de la literatura sobre sus orígenes y evolución. Un siguiente artículo, titulado Escuelas de Negocios Socialmente Responsables: Las partes interesadas demandan acciones urgentes, se refiere a los argumentos con los que las partes interesadas demandan cambios a los decanos, y enfatiza la insuficiencia de los requisitos de acreditación de AACSB para mejorar la formación con principios éticos y de responsabilidad social. Las conclusiones de este artículo llevan a la creación de un círculo virtuoso en La evaluación de un círculo virtuoso para escuelas de negocios socialmente responsables, en el que se propone a PRME como centro de unión con las principales acreditadoras y la encuesta/ranking de Beyond Grey Pinstripes (BGP), para impulsar de forma sinérgica la transformación de las escuelas de negocios. El siguiente artículo trata sobre la Evaluación de requisitos para la clasificación en el ranking BGP y analiza la metodología de la encuesta, ya que es la única que se centra en los planes de estudio y contenidos de investigación en ética, responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad. Un siguiente artículo propone Un cambio estratégico en las escuelas de negocios para la educación en ética empresarial, responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad. El artículo que sigue, escrito en coautoría sobre la Educación empresarial responsable: No es una cuestión curricular, sino una razón de ser de las escuelas de negocios, hace hincapié en la importancia de desarrollar una identidad en relación con la ética y responsabilidad social. Por último, todos los aportes culminan en la propuesta de Un modelo para la transformación de las escuelas de negocios en instituciones socialmente responsables, que centra a las personas como la razón última de toda actividad escolar, con políticas y estrategias dirigidas hacia una gestión socialmente responsable en que las dimensiones de la ética, responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad son integradas en todos los aspectos de la organización. / The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe what changes are necessary in the management of business schools in order for them to become socially responsible institutions, and how can the needed process of change be implemented. The thesis upholds that education in responsible business does not depend exclusively on curriculum, but should expand its scope to involve the entire institution towards the objective of educating students for becoming responsible and ethical business leaders. Consequently, a model is proposed for the transformation of a business school into a socially responsible institution. The thesis is paper-based, and comprises eight academic contributions; the first one consists in a literature review on Corporate Social Responsibility which reveals the profusion of related definitions, theories, approaches, and their development. The second paper contributes to the significance and better understanding of University Social Responsibility through a literature review of its origins and evolution. A following article, Socially Responsible Business Schools: Collective stakeholders’ voices demand urgent actions, addresses key stakeholders’ arguments that provide deans with plenty of criteria for change, and stresses the insufficiency of AACSB’s accreditation requirements to improve business ethics and social responsibility education. The conclusions of this article prompted a Virtuous circle for socially responsible business schools, which is constructed with PRME, the leading accreditation bodies, and the Beyond Grey Pinstripes (BGP) ranking for synergistically impelling the transformation of business schools. Inasmuch as the BGP survey and its Global 100 ranking form part of the proposed virtuous circle, a following article, Assessing what it takes to earn a Beyond Grey Pinstripes Ranking, addresses its significance and methodology, since it is the only one that focuses on the curricula and research content of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability in MBA programmes. The need for the transformation of business schools is thus confirmed, and with this conviction in mind, a paper on A strategic change at business schools towards business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability education ensued. The next article was co-authored on Responsible business education: Not a question of curriculum but a raison d’être, which stresses the importance of developing an identity in business schools in relation to ethics and social responsibility. Finally, the contributions of this thesis culminate in a proposal of A model for the transformation of business schools into socially responsible institutions, which centres people as the ultimate reason of all school activity, directing all policies and strategies towards a responsible management in which the dimensions of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are embedded and integrated in all aspects of the organisation.
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