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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação de palavras expressivas na norma urbana culta de São Paulo: projeto NURC/SP / Formation of expressive words in the urban erudite norm of São Paulo: Nurc Project/SP

Bacheschi, Celso Antonio 02 July 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como corpus as gravações realizadas pelo Projeto NURC/SP contidas nos três volumes da série A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo e como objetivo relacionar os processos de formação de palavras e seus valores expressivos nos três tipos de inquéritos do Projeto: elocuções formais, diálogos entre dois informantes e diálogos entre informante e documentador. Como procedimento metodológico, é feito um levantamento dos vocábulos expressivos presentes nos inquéritos do projeto, os quais são divididos de acordo com o processo de formação e, posteriormente, pelo valor expressivo. Nos casos de composição, consideram-se os compostos não só no sentido tradicional do termo, mas também segundo o conceito de lexia composta proposto por Pottier, que permite identificar a presença de compostos já lexicalizados que ainda não se encontram nas gramáticas nem nos dicionários. Pretende-se identificar, também, composições ad hoc, formadas com objetivos específicos dentro do discurso e por meio das quais o falante pode atingir efeitos expressivos que se restringem à situação em que são empregadas. Na análise dos exemplos, observa-se que os compostos têm sua origem em grupos sintáticos ordinários que se cristalizam, como deus nos acuda e pão pão queijo queijo. Parte dos compostos encontrados no corpus é formada por repetição, como corre-corre. Quando ocorre a repetição de substantivos, o elemento repetido passa por processo de conversão, tornandose determinante do primeiro. No caso de verbos, a repetição do significante é utilizada para estabelecer a ideia de reiteração. Um número significativo de compostos são palavras-ônibus, como não sei que, não sei das quantas e, frequentemente, são utilizadas como elementos de estratégia discursiva na reprodução de diálogos. As ocorrências estudadas permitem observar, ainda, que o efeito expressivo atingido pode ser determinado pelo contexto. Entre os casos de derivação, inclui-se a prefixação, cujo principal valor afetivo é de intensificação. A derivação sufixal fornece mais possibilidades para a obtenção de efeitos expressivos, como atenuação, exatidão, ausência de dúvida, depreciação, semelhança, eufemismo, intensificação, exiguidade e ironia, os quais podem variar de acordo com o contexto. Embora sejam menos comuns, também são de interesse deste trabalho os processos de derivação regressiva, derivação parassintética e as onomatopeias. Finalmente, dividem-se as ocorrências por tipo de inquérito e faz-se uma comparação estatística, que tem o objetivo de relacionar os elementos analisados ao diferente grau de formalidade de cada gênero, bem como estabelecer uma ligação entre os diferentes gêneros orais e os valores expressivos que neles predominam / This work has as corpus recordings performed by the Project NURC / SP contained in the three volumes of the series A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo and aims to correlate the processes of formation of words and their expressive values in the three types of inquiries of the Project: formal utterances, dialogues between two speakers and dialogues between informant and documenter. As a methodological procedure, there is a research of expressive vocabulary present in the inquiries, which are divided according to the process of formation and later the expressive value. The compound words are considered not only in the traditional sense, but also according to the concept of compound lexia proposed by Pottier, which allows to identify the presence of compounds already lexicalized that are not yet in the dictionaries or grammars. It is intended also to identify ad hoc compositions formed with specific goals within discourse and through which the speaker can achieve expressive effects that are restricted to the situation in which they are employed. In the analysis of examples it is observed that the compounds have their origin in crystallized ordinary syntactic groups, as deus nos acuda and pão pão queijo queijo. Part of the compounds found in the corpus is formed by repetition, as corre-corre. When the repetition of nouns occurs, the repeated element goes though a conversion process, becoming determinant of the first. In the case of verbs, the repetition of the signifier is used to establish the idea of reiteration. A significant number of compounds are broad sense words as não sei que, não sei das quantas and are often used as elements of discursive strategy when reproduced dialogues. Occurrences studied allow also observe that expressive effect achieved can be determined by the context. The cases of derivation include the prefixation, whose main affective value is intensifying. The suffixation provides more possibilities to obtain expressive effects such as attenuation, accuracy, lack of doubt, depreciation, likeness, euphemism, intensification, smallness and irony, which may vary according to the context. Although less common, are also of interest in this work the processes of regressive derivation, prefix and suffix derivation and onomatopoeia. Finally, the occurrences are divided by type of inquiry in order to make a statistical comparison, which aims to relate the elements analyzed at different degree of formality of each genre, as well as establishing a link between the different oral genres and values expressive that predominate in them

Audiences' willingness to participate in Welsh-language media

Law, Philippa January 2013 (has links)
Contemporary media audiences expect to be able to interact with content, but in a minority language context, audience participation presents challenges related to audiences’ linguistic confidence. This thesis focuses on Wales, where media producers have suggested that audiences are often reluctant to interact with broadcast and online content in Welsh. To begin to understand this unwillingness, and how it might be overcome, the concept of willingness to participate (WTP) is coined as an extension of willingness to communicate (McCroskey & Baer 1985). First, interviews with producers are analysed qualitatively to identify potential influences on audiences’ WTP. The analysis aims to assess the relative importance of various factors: audiences’ feelings of apprehension, self‐perceived competence, language background and Welsh language ability, as well as the modality of participation (oral/written) and the level of demand placed on the audience. Second, a questionnaire is designed and administered to 358 Welsh speakers, to examine audiences’ perceptions of different opportunities to participate in media content. A path model of WTP is proposed and tested using quantitative data from the survey. The results support the hypothesis that audiences’ apprehension and self‐perceived competence predict WTP and that audience response varies according to the media context. While audiences’ Welsh language skills are important in explaining their WTP, other aspects of language background, such as Welsh language acquisition context, are found to be less important. Third, the survey sample is grouped according to common patterns of WTP, to test whether the above effects are consistent across the population or whether different ‘types’ of audience exist. Using a combination of cluster analysis and thematic analysis of audience comments, four types of audience are proposed and described in detail. Finally, implications for sociolinguistic theory, language maintenance and media production practice are considered and recommendations made.

The linguistic construction of epistemological difference

Weston, John January 2014 (has links)
How are beliefs about the nature of knowledge reflected and reproduced in language use? It is clear that some linguistic resources, e.g. the modal verbs may and must, indicate one’s epistemic stance with respect to a proposition, i.e. one’s judgement of how likely it is to be true. What is less clear is how the use of such resources relates to speakers’ beliefs about the nature of knowledge per se, i.e. their epistemic policies (Teller 2004). To investigate the putative relationship between epistemological variation and linguistic variation, I examine samples of written and spoken English from a community that is particularly epistemologically diverse: academia. I synthesize research on social epistemology, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and Academic English (AE) to propose an explanatory model of variability in the expression of epistemic stance. Then, using AE as a case study, I evaluate the predictions of this model both quantitatively via corpus analysis of research articles and regression modelling of interview data, as well as qualitatively via analysis of discursive practices in terms of experience-organizing frames (Goffman 1974) and the semiotic notion of indexicality (e.g. Irvine 2001), whereby ideological differences produce, and are reproduced by, linguistic differences. This research makes contributions to a number of fields. It questions the analytic validity of disciplinarity, providing support for a unifying theory of variation in AE based instead on an epistemologically principled analysis of institutional language use. The indexical basis of sociolinguistic research on language and belief/identity is problematized by attending to epistemological context; the ramifications of this will be explored in future research. I develop a linguistic metric of epistemic belief, offering a means of developing a quantitative social epistemology to complement that field’s highly articulated theoretical work. Applications beyond academia are possible in areas concerned with knowledge management and transfer, such as public health.

Language ideologies and discourses of national identity in Canadian newspapers : a cross-linguistic corpus-assisted discourse study

Vessey, Rachelle January 2013 (has links)
The idea that Canada consists of “two solitudes” (MacLennan, 1945), according to which the two dominant (English and French) linguistic groups live in separate worlds with little interaction or communication, has also received attention in sociolinguistic circles (e.g. Heller, 1999). This thesis examines this claim further, by comparing the content of English and French Canadian newspapers. More specifically, the thesis compares how English and French serve different purposes in three coexisting conceptualisations of national identity in Canada: Quebec national identity, English Canadian national identity, and pan-Canadian national identity. In each corresponding national identity discourse, the nation and its language(s) are imagined differently. With a corpus of 7.5 million words in English and 3.5 million words in French, the thesis employs corpus linguistics and discourse analysis tools to test the salience of these ideologies and discourses, as well as to compare and contrast findings across languages. Adopting the theoretical framework of language ideologies (e.g. Woolard, 1998; Milani and Johnson, 2008), it seeks to contextualise languages with regard to discourses of national identity. In other words, the thesis compares and contrasts language ideology findings within the three discourses examined. More specifically, three research questions are addressed: (1) How do the French and English Canadian media discursively represent languages and language issues in the news? (2) How do these representations differ? (3) How do the different representations relate to understandings of national identity in Canada? The findings indicate that French and English serve predominantly different purposes, thus helping to reinforce the image of a Canada comprising “two solitudes”.

Terrestrial Things: War, Language, and Value in Afghanistan

Mojaddedi, Fatima January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is an ethnographic engagement with the social and political space of Afghanistan and how it has been shaped by the intensities of warfare in the last decade, with a focus on the realms of language, representation and economy. Taking Kabul as the panoramic ground of profound social and epistemological transformations, the dissertation traces a crucial shift beginning in 2011-2012, from a highly speculative war economy (a “green zone economy” that privileged the commodification of language and culture and the privatization of war, with crisis as an alibi for governmentality) to one based on equally speculative practices of prospecting for natural resources in the Afghan underground: where an estimated three trillion dollars’ worth of copper, gold, iron-ore, marble and oil & gas is presumed to lie in wait. I illustrate the nuanced epistemological concerns and political contestations that stem from an Afghan effort to distinguish between sources of violence and sources of economic value (especially in the aftermath of Kabul’s demilitarization) in a milieu where foreign militaries presuppose that civilians and insurgents cannot be distinguished, except through the medium of war-time translation and collaboration. The twin concern with generalized forms of death dealing and tragedy, on one hand, and the moral and political exigency for Afghans to distinguish between a world of appearances and one of essences (the Islamic and Quranic interpretation of zahir (exterior/surface) and batin (interior/ground), on the other, opens onto a set of epistemological concerns undergirded by several oppositions, which I argue, are central to American war making. I illustrate that the movement between these artificial binaries (Persian/Pashto and English, literacy and illiteracy, rationality and irrationality, repetition and transformation) inspires aspirational fantasy on an economic frontier and invests some Afghans (especially those who speak English and are literate) with the power of calculative reason (aql) and understanding (fahm and dânish), while condemning those who are illiterate (and sometimes those who only speak Persian and/or Pashto) to forms physical supplementarity and crisis--from literally being expendable prosthetic bodies (human body armor) to the breakdown of meaning in incestuous relations and the intensification of moral crisis. In this context, conventional writing and the felt lack of its absence illustrate for us the logic of war in more consequential ways. The belief that writing is the domain of what can be known (rationally understood) and universally applied invigorates the ideology of literate persons and war-time collaborators with shocking breadth and tenacity. It organizes antagonisms between persons and structures forms of death-dealing. I trace how the production of a binary around literacy and illiteracy produces, even in moments of technological acquisition, the retrospective fantasy that orality is not only the prior but also the locus of unfettered subversion and ignorance of the law. This misrecognition of linguistic diversity as lack comes to inform, in contexts of unprecedented transnational war-time activity, the charge that Afghans are beholden to an excessive localism that fuels the predicaments of the Afghan State and errors of judgement (such as incestuous transgressions, and suicide bombing) which would destroy society altogether. The issue of vulnerability to ideological suasion and excess emerges alongside these presuppositions. It informs the belief that the incapacity to exercise reason (due to illiteracy) renders Afghans vulnerable to diverse forms of propaganda and the inability to distinguish between the world of appearances (both technological media images and the Islamic notion of the zahir (surface manifestation)) and reality. I trace these complexities through a series of intense contact points where these oppositions come into play and determine forms of access and violence 1) in translational contexts during combat missions where linguistic transformation results in deadly misunderstanding 2) in familial contexts and contestations over property, where the failure of interpersonal and extrajudicial mediation results in mass murder 3) in courtrooms where failed suicide bombers (who did not detonate out of technological error or because they were attacked by members of the Afghan National Police) are subject to the limitations of oral testimony and to the belief that photographic evidence proves that they will repeat their crimes if released from prison 4) instances of incest that arise out of illiteracy and, when exposed, generate moral crisis 5) the production of zones of exteriority and interiority (especially in Kabul’s Green Zone) that rely on phamakological inclusion and reproduce the literal supplementarity of Afghan bodies 6) the attempt to find the “real” sources of economic value as part of a multi-national gold and mineral extraction endeavor—the continuation of an obsession with the Afghan ground that has a long imperial history from the 1800’s onwards (when it was assessed through botanical, railway and coal prospecting missions). Together, these sites and the consideration of the earthen terrain alongside the terrain of rationality and linguistic difference situate us in the midst of wartime catastrophe. They foreground the fantasy that rationalism is the sine qua non of modernism, and the belief that literacy is the basis for reflective and intellectual thought, and for being human. But what they also disclose for us is that in its absence you can (and sometimes must) die.

Variação linguística na escola : reflexões, desafios e propostas de encaminhamento /

Migliorini, Maria Fernanda. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Rozana Aparecida Lopes Messias / Banca: Livia Maria Turra Bassetto / Banca: Kelly Cristiane H. Pobbe de Carvalho / Resumo: O presente trabalho objetiva discutir a temática da variação linguística no contexto atual da educação, verificando os entraves encontrados pelos professores de língua materna em sua prática de ensino. Por ser um tema amplamente discutido nas áreas linguística e educacional, nossas preocupações se voltaram em investigar a questão da variação linguística no livro didático empregado em uma escola pública estadual. Além disso, tencionamos indicar os desafios encontrados pelo docente de Língua Portuguesa ao abordar a temática em sala de aula. De acordo com as observações realizadas no livro didático utilizado na escola, ao final do trabalho, propusemos três sequências didáticas a fim de propor atividades viáveis à prática docente para abordar a variação linguística nos baseamos, para tal, na proposta de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004). As atividades por nós produzidas enfocaram os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, tendo em vista o déficit observado no tocante à temática da variação. A orientação teórico-metodológica por nós empregada centrou-se na pesquisa qualitativa, conforme explicitado por André e Lüdke (1986), mais especificamente um estudo de caso, por ser uma pesquisa realizada no contexto de uma escola pública. A fim de compreender essa conjuntura, nos amparamos na hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer (2005; 2009), procurando verificar, através da experiência docente, a abordagem da variação linguística no livro didático "Singular & Plural: leitura, produção e estudos da linguagem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aims to understand the theme of linguistic variation in the current context of education, checking the obstacles found by mother tongue teachers in their teaching practice. It is a subject widely discussed in the linguistic and educational area, our worries have turned to investigate the question of linguistic variation in the textbook used in a public school. Moreover, we intend to indicate the challenges found by the Portuguese teacher to approach the theme in the classroom. According to the observations made in the textbook used at school, at the end of work, we proposed three didactic sequences in order to propose viable activities to teaching practice to approach the linguistic variation, we base for this, in the proposal of Schneuwly and Dolz (2004). The activities produced focused on the final years of primary school, in view of the deficit observed in relation to the theme of variation. The theoretical and methodological guidance we used focused on qualitative research, as explained by André and Lüdke (1986), more specifically a case study, as a search carried out in the context of a public school. In order to understand this conjuncture, we admitted in the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer (2005, 2009), seeking to verify, by teaching experience, the approach to linguistic variation in the textbook "Singular & Plural: reading, production and language studies," of Laura de Figueiredo, Marisa Balthasar and Shirley Goulart used in the school where the researcher teaches. We also based in the linguistics and education studies, developed by Bagno (2002, 2007, 2009, 2013), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2005), Faraco (2008, 2015), Cyranka (2015) and Antunes (2003, 2007) to contextualize the language variation teaching in school environment currently; but also to discuss the linguistic education of the student, in order to not disconsider the ways of speaking (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Formação de palavras expressivas na norma urbana culta de São Paulo: projeto NURC/SP / Formation of expressive words in the urban erudite norm of São Paulo: Nurc Project/SP

Celso Antonio Bacheschi 02 July 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como corpus as gravações realizadas pelo Projeto NURC/SP contidas nos três volumes da série A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo e como objetivo relacionar os processos de formação de palavras e seus valores expressivos nos três tipos de inquéritos do Projeto: elocuções formais, diálogos entre dois informantes e diálogos entre informante e documentador. Como procedimento metodológico, é feito um levantamento dos vocábulos expressivos presentes nos inquéritos do projeto, os quais são divididos de acordo com o processo de formação e, posteriormente, pelo valor expressivo. Nos casos de composição, consideram-se os compostos não só no sentido tradicional do termo, mas também segundo o conceito de lexia composta proposto por Pottier, que permite identificar a presença de compostos já lexicalizados que ainda não se encontram nas gramáticas nem nos dicionários. Pretende-se identificar, também, composições ad hoc, formadas com objetivos específicos dentro do discurso e por meio das quais o falante pode atingir efeitos expressivos que se restringem à situação em que são empregadas. Na análise dos exemplos, observa-se que os compostos têm sua origem em grupos sintáticos ordinários que se cristalizam, como deus nos acuda e pão pão queijo queijo. Parte dos compostos encontrados no corpus é formada por repetição, como corre-corre. Quando ocorre a repetição de substantivos, o elemento repetido passa por processo de conversão, tornandose determinante do primeiro. No caso de verbos, a repetição do significante é utilizada para estabelecer a ideia de reiteração. Um número significativo de compostos são palavras-ônibus, como não sei que, não sei das quantas e, frequentemente, são utilizadas como elementos de estratégia discursiva na reprodução de diálogos. As ocorrências estudadas permitem observar, ainda, que o efeito expressivo atingido pode ser determinado pelo contexto. Entre os casos de derivação, inclui-se a prefixação, cujo principal valor afetivo é de intensificação. A derivação sufixal fornece mais possibilidades para a obtenção de efeitos expressivos, como atenuação, exatidão, ausência de dúvida, depreciação, semelhança, eufemismo, intensificação, exiguidade e ironia, os quais podem variar de acordo com o contexto. Embora sejam menos comuns, também são de interesse deste trabalho os processos de derivação regressiva, derivação parassintética e as onomatopeias. Finalmente, dividem-se as ocorrências por tipo de inquérito e faz-se uma comparação estatística, que tem o objetivo de relacionar os elementos analisados ao diferente grau de formalidade de cada gênero, bem como estabelecer uma ligação entre os diferentes gêneros orais e os valores expressivos que neles predominam / This work has as corpus recordings performed by the Project NURC / SP contained in the three volumes of the series A Linguagem Falada Culta na Cidade de São Paulo and aims to correlate the processes of formation of words and their expressive values in the three types of inquiries of the Project: formal utterances, dialogues between two speakers and dialogues between informant and documenter. As a methodological procedure, there is a research of expressive vocabulary present in the inquiries, which are divided according to the process of formation and later the expressive value. The compound words are considered not only in the traditional sense, but also according to the concept of compound lexia proposed by Pottier, which allows to identify the presence of compounds already lexicalized that are not yet in the dictionaries or grammars. It is intended also to identify ad hoc compositions formed with specific goals within discourse and through which the speaker can achieve expressive effects that are restricted to the situation in which they are employed. In the analysis of examples it is observed that the compounds have their origin in crystallized ordinary syntactic groups, as deus nos acuda and pão pão queijo queijo. Part of the compounds found in the corpus is formed by repetition, as corre-corre. When the repetition of nouns occurs, the repeated element goes though a conversion process, becoming determinant of the first. In the case of verbs, the repetition of the signifier is used to establish the idea of reiteration. A significant number of compounds are broad sense words as não sei que, não sei das quantas and are often used as elements of discursive strategy when reproduced dialogues. Occurrences studied allow also observe that expressive effect achieved can be determined by the context. The cases of derivation include the prefixation, whose main affective value is intensifying. The suffixation provides more possibilities to obtain expressive effects such as attenuation, accuracy, lack of doubt, depreciation, likeness, euphemism, intensification, smallness and irony, which may vary according to the context. Although less common, are also of interest in this work the processes of regressive derivation, prefix and suffix derivation and onomatopoeia. Finally, the occurrences are divided by type of inquiry in order to make a statistical comparison, which aims to relate the elements analyzed at different degree of formality of each genre, as well as establishing a link between the different oral genres and values expressive that predominate in them


Carter, John D. N. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Among various fan sites dedicated to pop stars, GagaDaily is one prominent online collective that centers around Lady Gaga. This study is a piece of ethnographic research focused on two claims – GagaDaily constitutes a Community of Practice (Eckert, 2006) in an online setting, and the regular use of humor by users fulfills social and pragmatic roles in the discourse. Communicative phenomena (both textual and graphic) that characterize the linguistic repertoire of GagaDaily members were catalogued from the first 100 pages of one thread within the forums. These data were grouped into categories corresponding to different dimensions of language use as well as media/literary devices. Alongside a quantitative analysis of various tokens and types of data, a qualitative examination of selected excerpts from the sample confirm the veracity of the two main claims. When analyzed with regard to Wenger’s definition of a Community of Practice (Wenger, 2009), GagaDaily meets all three of his requirements. Likewise, the analysis of humor reveal that GagaDaily users regularly engage in the first dichotomy of the tactics of intersubjectivity, adequation and distinction (Bucholtz & Hall, 2004) and incorporate GIF images in their humor to express their alignment with stance objects (DuBois, 2007) and other members.


Lyon, Lela R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how Taylor Swift has changed the way she expresses her Southern identity, specifically her dialectal features, over the course of her career and through her switch from country music to pop music. There were two processes to assess the change in Swift’s speech: the production of /ai/ tokens in interviewed speech and the perception of dialectal change by fans in the comment sections of the interviews on YouTube. Seven interviews on YouTube and their comment sections were used as the data source for this study. Production of /ai/ was measured through an auditory analysis to determine whether tokens were monophthongal, diphthongal, or somewhere in the middle. Perception was evaluated by scraping the comments from the YouTube videos and running key word searches related to accent. The results of the production portion of the study confirm that there has been a decrease in monophthongal tokens of /ai/ from 2007-2019 in Swift’s speech. The results from the perception part of the study show that fans do notice a change in “sounding Southern” and try to explain that change through either labeling Swift as “fake” or by positing other theories related to Swift’s individual life experiences (such as moving around the country). The implications of this study point to how dialectal features are linked with identity performance, and also how non-linguists justify changing dialectal features.


Mansikka, Richard W 01 September 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to understand how humor works in expert-novice identity construction in podcasts. I employ a Community of Practice (Lave and Wenger, 1989) framework to examine the social hierarchy among the participants of a regular podcast. I am particularly concerned with uncovering how novice members construct themselves and are constructed by expert members through humor, as well as how expert members socialize novice members to participate in the kinds of humor practices that index membership in the Community of Practice (CoP). Rooster Teeth is an internet-based entertainment production company. They produce a weekly podcast which they make available for free on the internet. The podcast participants represent a small CoP with expert/novice differentiation. Combining a corpus linguistic approach with an ethnographic approach, I collected, transcribed, and studied several podcasts that were recorded over a two-year period, beginning with the first few podcasts where founding members established the practices and their roles as experts. Then, I examine the performances of three novices over time. Two of them follow a periphery to core trajectory and become regular members of the podcast while one remained on the periphery. I discovered that teasing and modeling are the primary tools that the experts use to socialize novices and that within Rooster Teeth, novices have the power to negotiate practice from the periphery of the community. This study demonstrates the power that novices may wield within CoPs, and reveals how powerful a socializing tool humor can be.

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