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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“O linguajar caótico”: a representação dominante das práticas linguageiras dos trabalhadores africanos escravizados

Barili, Camila January 2018 (has links)
O escravismo colonial brasileiro durou mais de três séculos e foi determinante não só por moldar a sociedade na época, como por causar um grande impacto sobre as línguas, sobretudo as faladas pelos trabalhadores africanos escravizados. Por esse e outros motivos, pode se dizer que praticamente não existem registros escritos sobre as línguas e práticas linguageiras dos cativos. Esta dissertação de mestrado, que tem como base teórica a Sociolinguística e a Sociolinguística Histórica, analisa como as classes dominantes perceberam e registraram as práticas linguageiras dos africanos escravizados e libertos em escritos produzidos entre o século XIX e meados do século XX. Para isso, busca-se compreender o processo histórico-social da escravidão de africanos no Brasil, que vai desde a chegada dos primeiros africanos até a Abolição, além da situação sociolinguística dos períodos colonial e imperial brasileiros. A partir das principais características das relações sociais escravistas e da realidade sociolinguística resultante do impacto do escravismo, elaboram-se considerações no que se refere às esferas sociais em que os trabalhadores escravizados circulavam, as suas reais possibilidades de comunicação, ao modo como geriam as situações que envolviam as línguas, às chances de praticar e transmitir suas línguas, etc Por fim, analisa-se a percepção das classes dominantes sobre as línguas africanas e os hábitos de linguagem dos africanos escravizados em escritos de intelectuais, como gramáticas, ensaios e dicionários. Podem-se destacar duas das conclusões. A primeira, é que a escravidão colonial brasileira e os escravizados, que sustentaram todas as atividades nos meios rural e urbano, foram e continuam a ser minimizados de diversas formas. A segunda, é que o princípio da pureza da língua foi criado e seguido pelas classes dominantes para fazer uma separação de classes através da língua, sem considerar que os escravizados tiveram um aprendizado difícil da língua portuguesa, o que resultou no português que se fala hoje no Brasil. / The Brazilian colonial slavery lasted more than three centuries and it determined the society of the time and caused a considerable impact on languages, especially on those spoken by the enslaved African workers. For this and other reasons, it is possible to say that there are not written records about the languages and the practice of languages of the captives. This Masters dissertation, which has Sociolinguistics and Historical Sociolinguistics as theoretical basis, analyses how the ruling classes perceived and recorded the practices of languages of the enslaved and freed African in written productions between the nineteenth and the mid twentieth centuries. To do so, it is essencial to understand the historical and social process of African slavery in Brazil, since the arrival of the first African until the Abolition, also the sociolinguistic situation of the colonial and imperial periods. Through the main characteristics of the slave social relations and the impact of slavery and its resulting sociolinguistic reality, it is elaborated considerations about the social sphere in which the enslaved workers were, their real possibilities of communication, the way they managed the situations involving languages, the chances to practice and to transmit their languages, etc. Lastly, it is analysed the perception of the ruling classes about African languages and language habit in written records, as grammars, essays and dictionaries. It is possible to highlight two of the conclusions. First, the Brazilian colonial slavery and the enslaved, that sustained all the activities in rural and urban environment, were and continue to be minimized in various ways. Second, the principle of purity of the language was criated and followed by the ruling class to separate classes through language, without considering that the slaved had a tough learning of Portuguese language, fact that resulted in the Portuguese spoken nowadays in Brazil.

Thai English as a Variety

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: This study is about Thai English (ThaiE), a variety of World Englishes that is presently spoken in Thailand, as the result of the spread of English and the recent Thai government policies towards English communication in Thailand. In the study, I examined the linguistic data of spoken ThaiE, collected from multiple sources both in the U.S.A. and Thailand. The study made use of a qualitative approach in examining the data, which were from (i) English interviews and questionnaires with 12 highly educated Thai speakers of English during my fieldwork in the Southwestern U.S.A., Central Thailand, and Northeastern Thailand, (ii) English speech samples from the media in Thailand, i.e. television programs, a news report, and a talk radio program, and (iii) the research articles on English used by Thai speakers of English. This study describes the typology of ThaiE in terms of its morpho-syntax, phonology, and sociolinguistics, with the main focus being placed on the structural characteristics of ThaiE. Based on the data, the results show that some of the ThaiE features are similar to the World Englishes features, but some are unique to ThaiE. Therefore, I argue that ThaiE is structurally considered a new variety of World Englishes at the present time. The findings also showed an interesting result, regarding the notion of ThaiE by the fieldwork interview participants. The majority of these participants (n=6) denied the existence of ThaiE, while the minority of the participants (n=5) believed ThaiE existed, and one participant was reluctant to give the answer. The study suggested that the participants' academic backgrounds, the unfamiliar notion of ThaiE, and the level of the participants' social interaction with everyday persons may have influenced their answers to the main research question. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. English 2013

The Use and Perception of English In Brazilian Magazine Advertisements

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This study investigates the uses of English in advertising in Brazil and the attitudes of Brazilians towards the use of different difficulty levels of English in advertising. Using a two part, mixed-methods approach, drawing from quantitative and qualitative methods, I utilized a corpus study to examine English uses in Brazilian magazines and a survey to investigate the difficulty of English slogans as a determinant for people's attitudes towards English in advertising. For the first part, three major Brazilian news magazines, Veja, Época, and ISTOÉ were used. From three issues of each magazine, results showed that 57% of the advertisements in all nine magazines contained English in different parts of the advertisements, with most occurrences in the product name, followed by the body copy, headline, subheadline, and slogan. English was used to advertise a number of different product types, but was especially used for advertising cars, electronics, events, and banks. It was also found that the majority of English was used for its symbolic representations of modernity, prestige, globalization, and reliability. Using a survey for the second part of the study, I investigated how Brazilian participants judged four advertisements that featured English slogans that were comparable to slogans judged to be easy or difficult to understand in a similar study conducted by Hornikx, van Meurs, and de Boer (2010). Participants were offered attitudinal choices to mark off on a 4-point Likert scale, where they indicated their attitudes towards the English slogans provided. They were also asked to determine if they understood the slogans and to translate them to indicate their actual understanding of the slogans. Participants showed more positive attitudes towards the uses of English than negative attitudes. The survey provided evidence that with the very low numbers of correctly translated slogans, many participants believed they understood the slogans, which could prove to be more of an indicator of positive attitudes than their actual understanding of the slogans. This project provides an example from one Expanding Circle context touched by the far-reaching influences of World Englishes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Applied Linguistics 2014

Les emplois appellatifs de Mademoiselle et son paradigme énonciatif en français contemporain / The contemporary uses of mademoiselle and its enunciative substitutes in contemporary French

Wegiel, Chuan 24 November 2015 (has links)
En tant que forme de civilité réservée aux femmes célibataires , l’emploi de mademoiselle est considéré comme relevant d’un usage éminemment sexiste selon certains, flatteur selon d’autres. Devant la question « madame ou mademoiselle ? », il arrive de plus en plus que les locuteurs français contemporains adoptent un comportement d'évitement et privilégient « l'appellatif zéro » Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2005), ou choisissent d’utiliser d'autres formes telles que fille, jeune fille, nana, meuf, voire le mot emprunté miss, pour remplacer mademoiselle. Dans la présente recherche, à l’appui des données relevant de diverses situations de communication à Lyon en 2014 suscitées et présentées dans un questionnaire inédit, nous étudions les emplois contemporains de mademoiselle et de ses substituts énonciatifs, afin de comprendre dans quels genres de situation l'emploi de mademoiselle peut susciter des polémiques. S'agit-il d'emplois inappropriés dans des contextes donnés, ou de malentendus sur la sémantique du terme entre les actants de communication ? En ce qui concerne ses substituts énonciatifs, comment se distinguent-ils de mademoiselle aux niveaux sémantique, morphosyntaxique ainsi que pragmatique ? Les analyses nous conduisent à confirmer la représentativité sociale des termes d’adresse en tant qu’ils sont révélateurs des liens sociaux, le choix des termes restant contraint par la situation dans laquelle l'interaction se déroule. / As a title of civility reserved for the single women, the use of miss is considered as being a matter of an eminently sexist use according to some, flattering according to others. In front of the question “madam or miss?”, it happens more and more that the contemporary French speakers adopt an avoidance behavior and favor “zero term of address” Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2005), or choose to use other forms such as fille, jeune fille, nana, meuf, even miss, the word borrowed from English, in order to replace mademoiselle. In the present research, in support of the data collecting from diverse communication situations in Lyon in 2014 which were aroused and presented in an unpublished questionnaire, we study the contemporary uses of miss and its enunciative substitutes, in order to understand in which kind of situation the use of miss can arouse debates. Is it about inappropriate uses in given contexts, or about misunderstandings on semantics of the term between the participants of communication. As regards its enunciative substitutes, how do they distinguish themselves from miss at the semantic, morphosyntactic levels as well as pragmatic? Analyses lead us to confirm the social representativeness of the terms of address as they are revealing social links, the choice of the terms keeping forced by the situation in which the interaction takes place.

Pratiques langagières intergénérationnelles : le cas de familles transnationales plurilingues (Antioche, Île-de-France, Berlin) / Intergenerational language practices : the case of multilingual and transnational families (Antioch, Paris & Berlin)

Istanbullu, Suat 07 December 2017 (has links)
À côté des études, en France, sur le plurilinguisme des familles de migrants et des travaux internationaux sur les politiques linguistiques familiales, cette thèse s’intéresse aux pratiques langagières intergénérationnelles de familles transnationales. Résidant en Ile de France, à Berlin ou à Antioche au Sud de la Turquie, où les membres les plus âgés sont nés, leur répertoire linguistique comprend l’arabe, le turc et le français ou l’allemand. À partir d’une ethnographie multi-sites auprès de 13 familles dont 100 membres ont été rencontrés, et d’analyses quantitative puis interactionnelle de quatre corpus recueillis dans deux familles à Paris et Berlin, les notions de language shift, de transmission ou d’agentivité sont notamment discutées. Dans un contexte où les participants présentent tous des profils différents et des ressources asymétriques dans les différentes langues, on observe l’utilisation de toutes les langues et en particulier de l’arabe dont la pratique est favorisée, pour les plus jeunes, par des phénomènes d’alignement aux choix linguistiques qu’ils initient dans l’interaction. Le turc se trouve pour sa part utilisé dans des prises de parole multilingues. Les reformulations, aides et traductions font ressortir le rôle prépondérant de la bienveillance entre les adultes et les plus jeunes pour favoriser la communication intergénérationnelle et, par là, l’utilisation des langues familiales.Cette thèse constitue une contribution à la description de pratiques langagières familiales, à l’approche de politiques linguistiques de familles transnationales, à la documentation de la variété d’arabe antiochien en interaction et à l’étude de corpus hétérogènes trilingues. / Along with many French studies on migrant families’ multilingualism and international studies on family language policy, this thesis deals with intergenerational language practices within transnational families. The linguistic repertoire of these families living in Paris, Berlin or Antioch in South Turkey, where the oldest members were born, includes Arabic, Turkish, French or German. Drawing on a multisited ethnography with 13 families and 100 members interviewed, along with quantitative and interactional analysis of four corpora collected in two families in Paris and in Berlin, notions of language shift, transmission and agentivity are discussed. In this context where all the participants present different profiles and show varying resources in the languages used, we observe the use of all languages. Arabic is being used in particular by the youngest thanks to the phenomena of alignment by the oldest to the linguistic choices they initiate in the interaction. Turkish, in contrast, is more used in multilingual turns. The help of family members together with rewording and translating, fosters the role of goodwill between adults and the youngest family members, which enables the intergenerational communication and the use of heritage languages. This thesis is a contribution to the description of family language practices, approaches transnational families’ language policy, allows the documentation of Antiochian Arabic and contributes to the analysis of the trilingual heterogeneous corpora.

Valores e funções dos advérbios locativos no português popular brasileiro / The behavior of the locative case in the Portuguese popular spoken in Brazil

Raquel Marcondes Nogueira 12 September 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, buscamos analisar, de um ponto vista sincrônico e quantitativo, as funções que os locativos aqui, aí, ali e lá exercem na oração e no texto. Para isso, trabalhamos com a variedade do português popular falado no Brasil, mais especificamente o dialeto utilizado pelos informantes do projeto Filologia Bandeirante (MEGALE, 1998) e pelos falantes que forneceram material para organização do Banco de Dados do Português Popular Falado na Cidade de São Paulo (RODRIGUES, 1987). A principal questão analisada foi a da função sintática dos advérbios locativos, ou seja, se seriam sempre adjuntos, como algumas Gramáticas Tradicionais (GT) acreditam ou se poderiam exercer a função de argumentos de predicado, como alguns estudos já apontam. Adotando os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Gramática Funcional de DIK (1989) e da Sociolingüística Variacionista, nosso objetivo é descrever, analisar e explicar o comportamento dos locativos, buscando identificar os possíveis contextos que favoreçam o aparecimento destes termos ora como argumento, ora como satélites de EsCo. / In this research we analyze, of a point sight synchronic and quantitative, the functions that the locative case aqui, aí, ali and lá are used in the sentence and in the text. For that, we work with the range of the Portuguese popular spoken in Brazil, more specifically the dialect utilized by the informers of the Filologia Bandeirante project (MEGALE, 1998) and by the talkative that supplied stuff for organization of the Banco de Dados do Português Popular Falado na Cidade de São Paulo (RODRIGUES, 1987). The main question analyzed was the syntactic function of the adverbs locative case, for instance if would be always adjunct, as some Traditional Grammar (GT) believe or it would be able to exercise the predicate arguments function, like some studies already aim. Adopting the theoretical-methodological budgets of the Functional Grammar of DIK (1989) and of the Sociolinguistics Variationist, our objective is going to describe, analyze and explain the behavior of the locative case, seeking identify the possible contexts that favor the appearance of these we will have as argument, or on the other hand like satellites of EsCo.

Estudo das características fonético-fonológicas da variedade falada em São José do Rio Preto / studies of phonetic-phonological features of the variety spoken in Sao Jose do Rio Preto

Alessandra Aronne 18 February 2011 (has links)
Com o objetivo de contribuir para a caracterização da variedade falada no noroeste paulista, bem como de auxiliar na compreensão da diversidade linguística encontrada no Brasil, descrevemos as características fonético-fonológicas da variedade falada em São José do Rio Preto, utilizando o referecial teórico-metodológico da Sociolingüística Laboviana e da Dialetologia. Analisaremos doze amostras de fala do banco de dados do Projeto Iboruna, selecionadas segundo os fatores sociais: sexo, faixa etária e grau de escolaridade. Descreveremos as vogais orais e nasais, as realizações dos fonemas /s/, /l/, /´/, /r/ e /d/ e /t/ antes de [i] e outros fenômenos linguísticos. Fizemos também referência a obras que tratam da descrição de outras variedades do português com o objetivo de observar se as realizações encontradas em São José do Rio Preto são conservadoras ou inovadoras, se são peculiaridades de lá, ou se também são encontradas em outras variedades. Concluímos que a variedade estudada apresenta características fonético-fonológicas que são comuns em outras comunidades lusófonas e que, se partirmos do português europeu para se estabelecer comparações com a variedade estudada, esta apresenta algumas características conservadoras. / Aiming to contribute to the characterization of the variety spoken in the northwestern region of São Paulo, as well as help understanding the linguistic diversity found in Brazil, the phonetic-phonological features of the variety spoken in São José do Rio Preto were described, using the theoretical and methodological references of the Labovian Sociolinguistics and the Dialectology. Twelve samples of speech from Project Iboruna database, selected according to the following social factors: gender, age and education level will be analyzed. The oral and nasal vowels, the pronunciation of the phonemes /s/, /l/, /´/, /r/ and /d/ and /t/ before [i], and other linguistic phenomena were analyzed. The literature on the description of other varieties of Portuguese language was referred in order to observe if the variants found in São José do Rio Preto are conservative or innovative, if they are peculiarities from there, or whether they are found in other varieties. The conclusion was that the analyzed variety presents phonetic-phonological features that are common in other lusophone communities, and if compared to the European Portuguese, it has some conservative features.

A lateral pós-vocálica em Lages/SC : análise variacionista

Nedel, Eduardo Luís January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as formas de realização da lateral pós-vocálica na cidade de Lages/ SC sob a luz da Teoria Variacionista, visto que, no português brasileiro, a lateral /l/, quando em posição final de sílaba, é realizada de forma variável, podendo ser realizada como [l] alveolar, [t] velar, semivogal [w], apagamento [Ø] ou rotacismo [r]. De acordo com a literatura, essa variação pode ocorrer tanto em função de condicionantes sociais quanto lingüísticos. Devido aos resultados obtidos na rodada do programa, optamos por uma análise binária para a vocalização da lateral contra essas demais formas de realização do fonema /l/, todavia fazemos comentários que julgamos pertinentes com relação a todas elas. A realização de /l/ pós-vocálico como [t] ou [w] pode ser comprovada através de trabalhos como os de Lopez (1979), Cagliari (1981), Sêcco (1977), Quednau (1993), Tasca (1999) e Espiga (2001). Essas variantes, na Fonologia Tradicional, são consideradas livres ou de aplicação imprevisível, visto que são atribuídas a um indivíduo ou a um grupo social ou regional. Porém, de acordo com a proposta de Labov (1966, 1969, 1972), essa variação livre não é tão imprevisível quanto aparenta ser. Os fatores lingüísticos e sociais podem funcionar como condicionadores, favorecendo ou não o uso dessas formas variantes. Nossa análise dos dados é comparada e contrastada com os resultados obtidos em estudos anteriores e demonstra que os fatores sociais idade, escolaridade e sexo são relevantes à aplicação de uma regra variável assim como os fatores lingüísticos acento, fronteira de morfema e contexto fonológico precedente. Por fim, fazemos um estudo sobre os fatores extralingüísticos favorecedores das diversas formas de realização da lateral, baseado nos dados fornecidos por cada um dos informantes dessa pesquisa. / This paper aims to analyze the output forms of the post-vocalic lateral in the community of Lages/SC under the Variation Theory, since, in Brazilian Portuguese, the lateral /l/, when in the final position of a syllable, is performed in a variable manner, ranging from [l] alveolar, [t] velar, semivowel [w], deletion [Ø] to rhotacism [r]. According to literature, such variation may happen due to either social or linguistic factors. Due to the results obtained after running the software, we chose a binary analysis for the vocalization of the lateral against those other forms of realization of the phoneme /l/, however comments that we deem appropriate regarding all of them are made. The output of post-vocalic /l/ as [:] or [w] becomes evident in the works of Lopez (1979), Cagliari (1981), Sêcco (1977), Quednau (1993), Tasca (1999), and Espiga (2001). Those variants, in the Traditional Phonology, are considered free or of unexpected application, as they are regarded to an individual or to a social or regional group. However, according to Labov (1966, 1969, 1972), such free variation is not as unexpected as it seems to be. The linguistic and social factors may act as conditioners, so that they may or may not favor the use of those variant forms. The analysis of our data will be compared and contrasted with the results achieved in previous studies and will show that social factors such as age, educational background and sex are relevant to the application of a variable rule as well as the linguistic factors stress, morpheme border and precedent phonological context. To end, we analyze the social factors that favor the many output forms of /l/, based on data supplied by each of the interviewees used in this research.

O uso de fanfictions nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa

Campos, Adriana Virtuoso 15 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-11-29T19:08:00Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CAMPOS, A.V. O uso de fanfictions.pdf: 2150938 bytes, checksum: 6874868214125a61ca48bc67c3e75c6c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2018-01-15T14:23:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CAMPOS, A.V. O uso de fanfictions.pdf: 2150938 bytes, checksum: 6874868214125a61ca48bc67c3e75c6c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-15T14:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CAMPOS, A.V. O uso de fanfictions.pdf: 2150938 bytes, checksum: 6874868214125a61ca48bc67c3e75c6c (MD5) / Este estudo contextualiza-se na perspectiva de estudos da Sociolinguística Educacional e encontra suporte nos Estudos de Cultura Participativa e de Letramentos. O objetivo proposto foi desenvolver uma pesquisa-ação que compreendesse leitura, produção textual escrita e análise linguística de fanfictions nas aulas de língua portuguesa, associando, assim, o saber científico aos interesses socioculturais dos discentes Para alcançarmos o objetivo proposto, utilizamos o gênero fanfiction como ferramenta para o estudo de língua materna, uma vez que nosso propósito é integrar o ensino de língua portuguesa às práticas de leitura/escrita e análise linguística, considerando o viés sociolinguístico no ensino/aprendizagem. As atividades sugeridas buscaram o aprimoramento da leitura e produção de textos. Para que fossem contemplados os aspectos socioculturais do corpo discente, os próprios estudantes cooperaram na escolha das obras literárias e dos temas, assim como nas análises e avaliações dos textos produzidos nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa. Dessa forma, conforme preconizam os estudos sociolinguísticos, buscamos promover a participação dos alunos como agentes ativos e construtores do conhecimento / This study is contextualized in the perspective of Educational Sociolinguistics and has its support in the Participatory Culture and Literacy studies. The objective was to develop an action- research that includes written text production and linguistic analysis of fanfictions in Portuguese classes, thus associating scientific knowledge with the sociocultural interests of the students. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, we used the genre fanfiction as a tool for teaching in mother language classes, since our purpose is to integrate the practices of reading/ writing and linguistic analysis, considering the sociolinguistic bias in teaching / learning. The suggested activities sought to improve reading and the texts production. In a way to achieve the sociocultural aspects, the student cooperate in choosing the literature books and themes, as well as in analyzing and evaluating of the texts produced in Portuguese classes. Thus, as sociolinguistic studies advocate, we seek to promote student participation as active agents and knowledge builders

Competências linguísticas na prova do ENEM : uma abordagem sociolinguística

Andrade, Sammela Rejane de Jesus 13 February 2015 (has links)
Based on the theoretical reference of Sociolinguistics, and constant approaches in the National Curriculum Parameters - NCP and the National Program of Didactic Books –NPDB, it is proposed to analysis of the definition and implementation of the assessment of language skills present in the language of test, codes and its technologies, in order to observe how the theories of language and language descriptions in the event in question are treated, based on the Labov studies (2008), Soares (1986), Faraco (2008), Bagno (2012), among others . Considering the language from the sociolinguistic conception as heterogeneous, multiple and in permanent construction we raised the questioning of how to treat this heterogeneity and mutation, in a closed and limited space in the case a selection examination (objective test of ENEM), which stipulates skills to be achieved and the means for this to occur. The analysis takes as corpus official documentation available to the candidates who provide the exam ie the Participant's guide, the Edital with standards for the process, and the tests from the years 2000 to 2012, with the aim of correlate the information contained in this material to public policies directed to basic education, more effectively to high school, and mainly discussing the treatment of linguistic variation through the propositions of continuous Bortoni-Ricardo (2004a). The analysis showed that there is a congruence as the requirements of official documents and the guiding rulers of the test, however, the observation of the questions showed how we still need to change for it to happen more effective variational approach in the ENEM and in the Portuguese language teaching. / Partindo do referencial teórico da Sociolinguística, e das abordagens constantes nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN e do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD, propõe-se a análise da definição e da implementação da avaliação das competências linguísticas presentes na prova de Linguagem, Códigos e suas Tecnologias, a fim de observar como são tratadas as teorias da língua e as descrições linguísticas na prova em questão, a partir dos estudos de Labov (2008), Soares (1986), Faraco (2008), Bagno (2012), entre outros. Considerando a língua, a partir da concepção sociolinguística, como heterogênea, múltipla e em permanente construção, levantamos o questionamento de como se tratar essa heterogeneidade e mutação, dentro de um espaço fechado e delimitado, no caso um exame de seleção (a prova objetiva do ENEM), que estipula competências a serem atingidas e os meios para que isso ocorra. A análise toma como corpus a documentação oficial à disposição dos candidatos que prestam o exame, a saber, o Guia do participante, o Edital com as normas para o processo, e as provas dos anos de 2000 a 2012, com o propósito de correlacionar as informações contidas nesse material às políticas públicas voltadas para educação básica, mais efetivamente ao Ensino Médio, e principalmente, discutir o tratamento da variação linguística através das proposições dos contínuos de Bortoni-Ricardo (2004a). A análise realizada demonstrou que existe uma congruência quanto as prescrições dos documentos oficiais e as normas orientadoras do exame, todavia, a observação das questões evidenciaram o quanto ainda é preciso de mudanças para que aconteça uma abordagem variacionista mais efetiva no ENEM e no ensino de Língua Portuguesa.

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