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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociologo profesijos įvaizdis (LEU akademinės bendruomenės atvejis) / Sociologist profession image (the case of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences academic community)

Kučinskaitė, Rūta 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo tema: Sociologo profesijos įvaizdis (LEU akademinės bendruomenės atvejis). Temos problema, aktualumas ir naujumas. Nors sociologijos mokslas Lietuvoje dar palyginti jaunas, tačiau jo pastangos diagnozuoti socialinę realybę susilaukia vis didesnio visuomenės dėmesio. Sociologų darbo rezultatų pateikimas visuomenei tapo kasdienybe. Beveik nebeužduodamas klausimas, ką eilinis gyventojas žino apie pačią sociologiją? Kaip patys sociologai vertina savo vietą visuomenėje? Tačiau sociologai šiuos ir kitus klausimus turėtų užduoti ir analizuoti nuolat dėl refleksyvumo, kurį pabrėžia garsiausi pasaulio sociologai. Sociologas tyrinėja visuomenę, kurios dalis pats yra. Todėl, kaip ir daugeliui kitų socialinių mokslų atstovų, sociologui kyla būtinybė išlikti objektyviam, apmąstyti savo veiklą ir veiklos rezultatus. Nors sociologai yra paskelbę mokslinių publikacijų apie sociologijos istorijos tyrimus Lietuvoje, sociologijos studijų Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose temomis, atlikta šalies sociologų darbų suvestinė. Tai yra svarbus indėlis sociologijos refleksijos srityje, tačiau vis dėlto mūsų visuomenėje stokojama dėmesio pačiai sociologijos sričiai bei šioje srityje dirbantiems profesionalams. Šiame magistro darbe bus atskleisti mažai tyrinėti temos aspektai: koks yra suformuotas sociologo profesijos įvaizdis LEU akademinėje bendruomenėje – tarp sociologų ir ne sociologų. Bus bandoma išaiškinti, kokie sociologo profesiojos įvaizdžiai vyrauja tarp studentų ir dėstytojų. Tad darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work topic: sociologist profession image (the case of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences academic community). Problem, importance and newness. Despite the fact that sociology in Lithuania is still quite a young science, more and more attention is being paid to its trials to identify social reality. Providing the society with the results of sociologists has become standart. However, the question what an ordinary citizen knows about the sociology itself has not been raised. How is the sociology place in the society evaluated by sociologists themselves? This question, however, should be posed because of continuous reflection emphasised by the most famous world sociologists. Sociologists investigate the society whose part they are. This is the reason why a sociologist should remain objective, reflect on their activities and their results as representatives of any social sciences has to. The sociologists have declared academic works on the findings of the history of sociology in Lithuania, social studies in Lithuania high schools; also, the summary of Lithuanian sociologists works has been completed. Inspite of the fact that all those achievements is a great contribution to sociology reflection field, there is still too little attentiveness to the sociology field itself and to professionals working in this field. This master paper has covered the aspects of the topic which have not been well analyzed: a sociologist proofession image in LUES academic community –... [to full text]

Ergebnisse der Absolventenstudie 2013, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Leipzig

Wittgrebe, Franziska, Baumeister, Bastian 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Diesem Bericht liegt eine Befragung, die sich an alle SoziologieabsolventInnen der Jahrgänge 1990 bis 2013 der Universität Leipzig richtete, zugrunde (N = 1219). Sie wurde im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums mit Bachelorstudierenden verwirklicht. Die Befragung dauerte von Juli bis Oktober 2013 und war sowohl über einen Papier- als auch über einen Onlinefragebogen durchführbar. Ein besonderes Augenmerk dieser Studie ist die Erklärung des Verbleibs der SoziologInnen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: die Dauer der Stellensuche, der Art des Arbeitsbereichs und dem Einstiegsgehalt. Außerdem enthielt der Fragebogen Module zum Studienverlauf und -abschluss, anderen Ausbildungen und Qualifikationen (z.B. Auslandsaufenthalten und Berufstätigkeit während des Studiums) sowie Fragen zur Soziodemografie. Um die berufliche Biografie der AbsolventInnen zu erfassen, wurde ein Zeitstrahl verwendet, der eine detaillierte Auswertung der Zeit nach dem Studium zulässt.

Ego-zentrierte soziale Netzwerke beim Berufseinstieg

Beer, Manuela, Liebe, Ulf, Haug, Sonja 25 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen eines Lehrforschungspraktikums am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Leipzig hat im Sommer- und Wintersemester 2001/2002 eine postalische Befragung zum Berufseinstieg und beruflichen Werdegang von Leipziger Hochschulabsolventen der \"Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie\" stattgefunden. Thematische Schwerpunkte dieser Absolventenbefragung sind neben relevanten Faktoren für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg, einer Evaluation des Studiums und den Gründen für einen Studienabbruch bzw. –ortswechsel auch die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke für den Berufseinstieg gewesen. Die Beschreibung wichtiger Eigenschaften solcher ego-zentrierter sozialen Netzwerke hinsichtlich der Merkmale Geschlechtshomophilie, Bildungshomogenität und Netzwerkdichte bildet den Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit.

Soziale Netzwerke und der Berufseinstieg von Akademikern

Haug, Sonja, Kropp, Per 25 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Über den Nutzen sozialer Beziehungen bei der Beschäftigungssuche wurden verschiedene Untersuchungen mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, diesen Effekt zu replizieren. Die positiven Auswirkungen sozialer Beziehungen auf die Chancen eines beruflichen Aufstiegs, auf das Einkommen und die berufliche Position konnten dabei im Großen und Ganzen bestätigt werden. Insofern ist die Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke bei der Besetzung von Stellen ein relativ gesichertes Ergebnis der Arbeitsmarktforschung. Zumeist stand dabei der berufliche Aufstieg und weniger der Berufsteinstieg im Vordergrund. In der vorliegenden Studie sollen die Ergebnisse der Befragung ehemaliger Studierender der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie der Universität Leipzig vorgestellt werden. Insofern findet eine Verknüpfung zweier Forschungstraditionen - der Erforschung der Suchstrategien auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und der Absolventen- und Verbleibsstudien - statt, wie es sie bisher in dieser Form nicht gegeben hat. Dabei geht es einerseits um die Auswirkungen sozialer Beziehungen am Ende des Studiums beim Berufseinstieg, insbesondere auf die Dauer der Suche nach der ersten Arbeitsstelle und auf das Einkommen und die Zufriedenheit in dieser Beschäftigungsposition, andererseits um den Einfluss sozialer Beziehungen auf den weiteren Berufserfolg zwei Jahre nach dem Ende des Studiums.


Hämmerling, Aline 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Absolventenstudie 2006 des Instituts für Soziologie der Universität Leipzig gibt einen Überblick über die Qualifizierung der AbsolventInnen der Soziologie in Leipzig während des Studiums und zeigt Strategien für die Stellensuche auf. Sie beschreibt Einsatzmöglichkeiten von SoziologInnen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und die damit verbundenen Erträge.

Svårigheter och misslyckanden med att vara den"neutrala forskaren". En kritisk granskning av en normativ uppsats. / Difficulties and Failures with being the “Neutral Scientist”. A Critical Review of a Normative Paper.

Axelsson, Kate January 2001 (has links)
<p>This paper discusses difficulties and Failures with being a Neutral and objective scientist when writing about a subject which he or she is dedicated too.The purpose with this paper is to study the knowledge process, in other words, is some knowledge harder to see due to the scientist dedication to the subject or is some knowledge constructed due to the scientist dedication to the subject studied, and the process of intermediating, in other words, how to validate the results. Subject which is discussions are scientist objectivity, sociologist dilemmas, and different roles of scientists. The paper also deals with the importance of different perspectives and how ours choice of perspective influences ours research. Ethical state of conditions in interview situations and how we can reflect and criticise our own part and attitudes as an interviewer are also discussed in this paper.</p>

Reflexões sobre o ensino e a formação de professores de sociologia

Pavei, Katiuci January 2008 (has links)
A dissertação parte de vivências da autora ressignificadas teoricamente, que a estão constituindo enquanto socióloga-professora–pesquisadora, para buscar analisar aspectos sobre a formação de professores de Sociologia para a Educação Básica brasileira. O estudo, com enfoque crítico-dialético e de abordagem qualitativa, tem como cerne o posicionamento de professoras recém-graduadas frente aos seus processos de graduação, às suas condições profissionais e ao contexto nacional, marcado pela reintrodução de Sociologia como componente curricular obrigatório nas escolas da nação. Para tanto, situa-se brevemente a atual discussão sobre a temática formação de professores no bojo do contexto sócionormativo nacional-internacional, apresentando um alfabeto de desafios e características que (re)configuram o trabalho e a condição docente. Paralelamente, o histórico da disciplina nos currículos brasileiros é exposto assim como o contexto normativo atual que rege o assunto, bem como algumas peculiaridades de seu ensino em escolas públicas de nível médio de Porto Alegre. A partir das narrativas das entrevistadas sobre seu curso de Ciências Sociais, apresenta-se categorias temáticas elaboradas durante o processo analítico que se referem ao currículo formativo dessas docentes e questões que extrapolam as particularidades por serem características já históricas das licenciaturas de uma forma geral e, em especial, do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Sociais no país. Por fim, trechos de documentos e resumos são registrados, bem como iniciativas que a autora julga estarem sinalizando mudanças na formação de professores em geral e especificamente de Sociologia. Acredita-se que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir às reflexões e discussões nos cursos de licenciatura, do mesmo modo que possibilitem o estímulo ao fomento de inovações universitárias. / This work has its initial point at the author’s life, theoretically re-meant, which are helping the author to build herself as sociologist-teacher-researcher, to analyze aspects about Sociologist teacher’s formation of Brazilian Basic Education. This study has critical-dialectic and qualitative view, its main focus is based on teachers new graduated about their graduation process, their professional conditions and national context, because Sociology was reintroduced as obligatory curriculum in Brazilian schools. So, it has been shown briefly the current discussion about teachers’formation in the main point of social-normative nationalinternational context, presenting a challenge alphabet and characteristics that re-configure the work and teacher’s condition. Parallel, the discipline historic in Brazilian curriculums is exposed as well as the current normative context which leads the subject, as well as some peculiarities of its teaching in public high schools in Porto Alegre. From the teachers’ interview about their Social Science Course, it has been shown theme categories made during the analytic process about curriculum formation and questions that overcome its particularities because they are historical characteristics of formation courses in a general way and, in special, of Social Science Course in the country. Finally, pieces and summaries of documents are registered, as well as initiatives which the author thinks to be signalizing changes in teachers’ formation in general and especially in Sociology. The results presented, it is believed to contribute to reflections and discussions in formation courses, at the same time that can stimulate the universities innovations.

Reflexões sobre o ensino e a formação de professores de sociologia

Pavei, Katiuci January 2008 (has links)
A dissertação parte de vivências da autora ressignificadas teoricamente, que a estão constituindo enquanto socióloga-professora–pesquisadora, para buscar analisar aspectos sobre a formação de professores de Sociologia para a Educação Básica brasileira. O estudo, com enfoque crítico-dialético e de abordagem qualitativa, tem como cerne o posicionamento de professoras recém-graduadas frente aos seus processos de graduação, às suas condições profissionais e ao contexto nacional, marcado pela reintrodução de Sociologia como componente curricular obrigatório nas escolas da nação. Para tanto, situa-se brevemente a atual discussão sobre a temática formação de professores no bojo do contexto sócionormativo nacional-internacional, apresentando um alfabeto de desafios e características que (re)configuram o trabalho e a condição docente. Paralelamente, o histórico da disciplina nos currículos brasileiros é exposto assim como o contexto normativo atual que rege o assunto, bem como algumas peculiaridades de seu ensino em escolas públicas de nível médio de Porto Alegre. A partir das narrativas das entrevistadas sobre seu curso de Ciências Sociais, apresenta-se categorias temáticas elaboradas durante o processo analítico que se referem ao currículo formativo dessas docentes e questões que extrapolam as particularidades por serem características já históricas das licenciaturas de uma forma geral e, em especial, do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Sociais no país. Por fim, trechos de documentos e resumos são registrados, bem como iniciativas que a autora julga estarem sinalizando mudanças na formação de professores em geral e especificamente de Sociologia. Acredita-se que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir às reflexões e discussões nos cursos de licenciatura, do mesmo modo que possibilitem o estímulo ao fomento de inovações universitárias. / This work has its initial point at the author’s life, theoretically re-meant, which are helping the author to build herself as sociologist-teacher-researcher, to analyze aspects about Sociologist teacher’s formation of Brazilian Basic Education. This study has critical-dialectic and qualitative view, its main focus is based on teachers new graduated about their graduation process, their professional conditions and national context, because Sociology was reintroduced as obligatory curriculum in Brazilian schools. So, it has been shown briefly the current discussion about teachers’formation in the main point of social-normative nationalinternational context, presenting a challenge alphabet and characteristics that re-configure the work and teacher’s condition. Parallel, the discipline historic in Brazilian curriculums is exposed as well as the current normative context which leads the subject, as well as some peculiarities of its teaching in public high schools in Porto Alegre. From the teachers’ interview about their Social Science Course, it has been shown theme categories made during the analytic process about curriculum formation and questions that overcome its particularities because they are historical characteristics of formation courses in a general way and, in special, of Social Science Course in the country. Finally, pieces and summaries of documents are registered, as well as initiatives which the author thinks to be signalizing changes in teachers’ formation in general and especially in Sociology. The results presented, it is believed to contribute to reflections and discussions in formation courses, at the same time that can stimulate the universities innovations.

Svårigheter och misslyckanden med att vara den"neutrala forskaren". En kritisk granskning av en normativ uppsats. / Difficulties and Failures with being the “Neutral Scientist”. A Critical Review of a Normative Paper.

Axelsson, Kate January 2001 (has links)
This paper discusses difficulties and Failures with being a Neutral and objective scientist when writing about a subject which he or she is dedicated too.The purpose with this paper is to study the knowledge process, in other words, is some knowledge harder to see due to the scientist dedication to the subject or is some knowledge constructed due to the scientist dedication to the subject studied, and the process of intermediating, in other words, how to validate the results. Subject which is discussions are scientist objectivity, sociologist dilemmas, and different roles of scientists. The paper also deals with the importance of different perspectives and how ours choice of perspective influences ours research. Ethical state of conditions in interview situations and how we can reflect and criticise our own part and attitudes as an interviewer are also discussed in this paper.

Reflexões sobre o ensino e a formação de professores de sociologia

Pavei, Katiuci January 2008 (has links)
A dissertação parte de vivências da autora ressignificadas teoricamente, que a estão constituindo enquanto socióloga-professora–pesquisadora, para buscar analisar aspectos sobre a formação de professores de Sociologia para a Educação Básica brasileira. O estudo, com enfoque crítico-dialético e de abordagem qualitativa, tem como cerne o posicionamento de professoras recém-graduadas frente aos seus processos de graduação, às suas condições profissionais e ao contexto nacional, marcado pela reintrodução de Sociologia como componente curricular obrigatório nas escolas da nação. Para tanto, situa-se brevemente a atual discussão sobre a temática formação de professores no bojo do contexto sócionormativo nacional-internacional, apresentando um alfabeto de desafios e características que (re)configuram o trabalho e a condição docente. Paralelamente, o histórico da disciplina nos currículos brasileiros é exposto assim como o contexto normativo atual que rege o assunto, bem como algumas peculiaridades de seu ensino em escolas públicas de nível médio de Porto Alegre. A partir das narrativas das entrevistadas sobre seu curso de Ciências Sociais, apresenta-se categorias temáticas elaboradas durante o processo analítico que se referem ao currículo formativo dessas docentes e questões que extrapolam as particularidades por serem características já históricas das licenciaturas de uma forma geral e, em especial, do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Sociais no país. Por fim, trechos de documentos e resumos são registrados, bem como iniciativas que a autora julga estarem sinalizando mudanças na formação de professores em geral e especificamente de Sociologia. Acredita-se que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir às reflexões e discussões nos cursos de licenciatura, do mesmo modo que possibilitem o estímulo ao fomento de inovações universitárias. / This work has its initial point at the author’s life, theoretically re-meant, which are helping the author to build herself as sociologist-teacher-researcher, to analyze aspects about Sociologist teacher’s formation of Brazilian Basic Education. This study has critical-dialectic and qualitative view, its main focus is based on teachers new graduated about their graduation process, their professional conditions and national context, because Sociology was reintroduced as obligatory curriculum in Brazilian schools. So, it has been shown briefly the current discussion about teachers’formation in the main point of social-normative nationalinternational context, presenting a challenge alphabet and characteristics that re-configure the work and teacher’s condition. Parallel, the discipline historic in Brazilian curriculums is exposed as well as the current normative context which leads the subject, as well as some peculiarities of its teaching in public high schools in Porto Alegre. From the teachers’ interview about their Social Science Course, it has been shown theme categories made during the analytic process about curriculum formation and questions that overcome its particularities because they are historical characteristics of formation courses in a general way and, in special, of Social Science Course in the country. Finally, pieces and summaries of documents are registered, as well as initiatives which the author thinks to be signalizing changes in teachers’ formation in general and especially in Sociology. The results presented, it is believed to contribute to reflections and discussions in formation courses, at the same time that can stimulate the universities innovations.

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