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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wertelite und Macht

Schneider, Gabriele 03 July 2002 (has links)
Die Dissertation ist dem politischen Denken Max Schelers gewidmet. Die Darstellung und Analyse von Schelers politischem Denken zwischen Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik ist um die zentralen Begriffe Wert und Elite strukturiert. Schelers Bemühen um eine Stabilisierung der politisch-gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse mit metapolitischen Mitteln ist das Resultat seiner Zeitdiagnostik. Er warnt angesichts der Entwicklung zu einer individualistischen Gesellschaft vor den damit einhergehenden Dissoziierungstendenzen. Seine Überlegungen zur Elite ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch sein Werk und prägen sein Politikverständnis. Durch die synchrone und diachrone Darstellungsweise wird der Umkreis jener elitetheoretischer Erörterungen einbezogen, die bis heute der Ausgangspunkt mancher Diskurse bilden. Entgegen der Tendenz den komplexen Elitebegriff der stratifizierten Gesellschaft, in der Macht-, Funktions- und Wertelite koinzidierten, auf seine funktionale Komponente zu reduzieren, in der Funktion und Leistung von Werten und Orientierung entkoppelt werden, hält Scheler an dem komplexen Elitebegriff fest und erklärt insbesondere die Bedeutung von Wertvermittlung und Sinnstiftung zum Nukleus seines Elitebegriffs. / This dissertation is dedicated to Max Scheler's political thinking. The representation and analysis of Scheler's political thinking between German Empire and Weimar Republic is structured around the central concepts of value and elite. Scheler's endeavour to stabilize the political and social conditions by meta-political means comes as the result of his time-diagnosis warning of dissociation tendencies that come along with the development towards an individualistic society. Reflections on elite is the central theme of his work and mark his concept of politics. The synchronic and diachronic reprensentation involves the vicinity of those theoretical elite discussions that even today form the basis of some discourses. Contrary to the tendency to reduce the complex elite concept of stratified society, in which elite of power, function and value coincided, to its functional component, in which function and performance are being uncoupled from value and orientation, Scheler sticks to the complex concept of elite and particularly emphasizes the meaning of imparting value and sense as the nucleus of his elite term.

Critical analysis of visual and multimodal texts

Jancsary, Dennis, Höllerer, Markus, Meyer, Renate January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Le domaine des recherches. L'émergence et le développement des bioénergies comme cadre de production de connaissances / The Quest for the Oily Grail : The emergence of a research area on bioenergy and its role in the production of knowledge

Tari, Thomas 14 December 2015 (has links)
Un rattachement ou une formation disciplinaire, pas plus que la relation à des espaces de travail et des instruments spécialisés, ne suffisent seuls à définir une culture scientifique. Ce sur quoi des chercheurs issus d’horizons divers travaillent, construit un mode singulier de conception de leurs activités, pratiques et rapport au monde. Leur réussite est irrémédiablement liée à un sujet, à la fortune que rencontre celui-ci comme innovation dans un contexte social qui le borne et qu’il crée simultanément. Comment s’organise cette (re)conversion vers une nouvelle thématique, alors que l’évolution des modes de financement privilégie aujourd’hui précisément ce cadrage ? Cette thèse propose une enquête sur la notion de « domaine de recherche », que nous définissons a priori comme le cadre des interactions entre l’activité professionnelle de chercheurs et la société autour d’un thème partagé ; elle défend sa dimension épistémique.Ce manuscrit décrit en parallèle le développement des bioénergies, une des principales formes d’énergie dites renouvelables ou encore durables, issue de la biomasse, ses acteurs et leurs jeux d’actions, dans un contexte de forte incitation à conduire une transition énergétique globale, mais aussi de controverses sociales vives. Les deux objectifs de cette thèse convergent :décrire le style de pensée inhérent à un domaine de recherche particulier est nécessaire à l’appréhension, au-delà des seuls discours et promesses, des modes effectifs de développement d’une innovation (ici la mobilisation à grande échelle de végétaux, microorganismes ou déchets pour produire des biocarburants) et donc in fine, à l’évaluation par tout un chacun, de sa pertinence. / Neither academic training within scientific disciplines, nor the daily work in the lab involving specialised equipments, define alone a scientific culture. What diverse researchers from various backgrounds work on, builds a specific way of designing their own activities, practices and relationships with the world. Their individual success is irrevocably bound to a subject, to its fortune as an innovation within the boundaries of a social context it simultaneously changes. How do they perform this (re)conversion to a new domain, as funding agencies nowaday favor this thematic framing? This thesis proposes an investigation into the notion of “research area”, which we a priori define as the frame of interactions between the professional activity of researchers and society around a shared theme; it stands up for its epistemic dimension.This manuscript parallelly describes the “bioenergy” development, a major form of renewable or sustainable energy derived from biomass, its social actors and their interrelations, as strong incentives towards a global energy transition meet sharp social controversies. The two objectives of this thesis meet: describing the inherent style of thinking within a particular research area is required to grasp, beyond the hopes and promises, the actual patterns of development of an innovation (in this case, the large-scale mobilisation of plants, microorganisms or waste to produce biofuels) and thus, ultimately, to collectively evaluate its relevance.

Les sociologies de la connaissance de Norbert Elias & Günter Dux comme outils (re) constructifs du concept de psychogenèse : pour une critique socio-historique de la notion de « nature créatrice » / The sociologies of knowledge of Norbert Elias & Günter Dux as (re) constructive tools of the concept of psychogenesis : for a socio-historical critique of the notion of "creative nature"

Sierra, David 02 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail propose un ensemble d’analyses sociogénétiques et psychogénétiques, fondées sur les sociologies de la connaissance de Norbert Elias et Günter Dux, portant sur les conséquences qui découlent de l’utilisation de causes premières dans l’explication des phénomènes du monde. L’enjeu de l’analyse, en termes généraux, a consisté en rendre visible le fait que la structure de la logique, en tant que produit des processus psychogénétiques, et lorsqu’elle n’a pas été réorganisée en termes systémiques par les transformations sociogénétiques de la modernité, a conduit dans le passé de nos sociétés à revêtir les causes premières de caractéristiques subjectives. Le concept de « nature » dans l’Allemagne du XVIIIe siècle, forgé et utilisé par la philosophie et le naturalisme, en est un exemple clair. Nous illustrons à travers nos analyses le fait que, grâce à la structure de la logique, la « nature » était « créatrice » dans la vision du monde des membres de la société allemande de l’époque, c’est-à-dire, une entité dotée d’intentionnalité et de capacité d’action.À la croisée de la sociologie de la connaissance et de l’épistémologie historico-génétique, l’enquête porte, dans un premier temps, sur la place occupée par le concept de « nature » dans les systèmes philosophiques d’Emmanuel Kant et de Johann Herder, afin de retrouver son fondement subjectiviste et les limitations qu’il imposait, à l’époque, à la construction de l’explication séculaire de l’esprit. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, nous illustrons quelques transformations importantes de la structure de la logique, tant dans la théorie biologique et psychologique du XIXe siècle que dans la psychologie et la sociologie du XXe siècle, ayant conduit à l’exploration systémique de la cognition à travers le concept de « psychogenèse ». Ces éclaircissements instaurent la possibilité, selon nous, d’envisager la construction de modèles scientifiques ayant comme but, entre autres, de surmonter l’opposition « nature/culture » qui affecte de nos jours la théorie de la connaissance. / This work proposes a set of socio and psychogenetic analyzes, based on the sociologies of knowledge of Norbert Elias and Günter Dux, on the consequences that arise from the use of primary causes in the explanation of the phenomena of the world. Our challenge, in general terms, has been to make visible that the structure of logic, as a product of psychogenetic processes, has led in the past of our societies to invest primary causes of subjective characteristics, when it has not been reorganized into systemic terms by modernity’s sociogenetic transformations. The concept of "nature", forged and used by philosophy and naturalism in eighteenth-century Germany, is a clear example. We illustrate through our analyzes that, due to the structure of logic, "nature" was "creative" in the world view of the members of the German society of the time, that is to say, an entity with intentionality and ability to act.At the crossroads of historico-genetical epistemology and the sociology of knowledge, the inquiry begins with the place of the concept of "nature" in the philosophical systems of Emmanuel Kant and Johann Herder, in order to find its subjectivist foundation and the limitations it imposed, at the time, to the construction of a secular explanation of the mind. Then, in a second step, we illustrate some important transformations in the structure of logic, as much in the nineteenth-century biological and psychological theory as in the psychology and sociology of the twentieth century, leading to the systemic exploration of cognition through the concept of "psychogenesis". These clarifications establish the possibility, in our opinion, of considering the construction of scientific models whose aim, among other things, is to overcome the opposition "nature / culture" which affects today the theory of knowledge.

Neoliberalism and discourse: case studies of knowledge policies in the Asia-Pacific

Grewal, Baljit January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines policy documents relating to the knowledge society of six Asia-Pacific countries (India, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji and New Zealand). I employ Norman Fairclough’s version of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to explore the discursive construction of knowledge-related policies within a comparative case study methodology. Leximancer – a computer software for text analysis is used to assist in operationalising parts of the CDA. The general conclusions drawn from the study indicate that the evolving knowledge policy discourse in the Asia-Pacific is not based on any robust theoretical framework but on international and country-specific paradigms of the knowledge society. In the policy discourses, the knowledge society is posited as a desired outcome in light of external (global) imperatives - economic globalisation, technological knowledge and innovation flows, and ICT revolution – which are married to context-specific developmental imperatives arising from geography, culture, history and polity. This hybridisation process gives shape to unique knowledge society paradigms of each country. My CDA analysis shows that the ideology of neoliberalism is a key discursive influence on the knowledge society paradigms and is mutated by differences in contexts across different countries. In the discourses, neoliberalism operates via an emphasis on policy restructuring (privatisation, deregulation and liberalisation), and streamlining of governance mechanisms relating to key knowledge and information policy sectors. The resulting knowledge society constructions are context and time-dependent frameworks and exhibit two core arguments of convergence in all the case studies: (1) ICT and Science & Technology as vehicles for knowledge-based development need to grow in an enabling policy environment and; (2) the twin imperatives of globalisation and technological revolution mean that knowledge policy should have a competitive and innovation orientation, and should be continuously readjusted in tune with global economic changes. In addition to convergence, there are two major issues of divergence, namely: (1) emphasis on affirmative action in knowledge-related policies of India, Malaysia, and Fiji; (2) the promotion of cultural production and creative industries in Singapore, New Zealand, and more recently in Korea. The original contribution of this thesis is that it provides a reassessment of the role of neoliberalism in knowledge society. The study is novel both in the selection of the problem and the methodology. Comparative case studies using CDA have not been attempted at the regional scale and not with this level of documentary data. The use of Leximancer improves the management of textual data and increases the validity of the interpretations. A study of this magnitude has not been attempted for the Asia-Pacific region previously. Finally, the conclusions drawn from applying the CDA are both persuasive and creative in terms of analysing policy discourses of the knowledge society.

Constructing Quality in Academic Science: How Basic Scientists Respond to Canadian Market-Oriented Science Policy – A Bourdieusian Approach

McGuire, Wendy Lynn 10 January 2012 (has links)
Canadian science policy has increasingly linked the value of academic knowledge to its contribution to economic competitiveness. A market vision of scientific quality is embedded in new funding criteria which encourage academic scientists to collaborate with industry, generate intellectual property, and found companies. While the “Mode 2” thesis advanced by Gibbons and Nowotny asserts that quality criteria in science are changing to incorporate economic relevance, there is little empirical evidence to either refute or substantiate this claim. Using Bourdieu’s theory of practice, this study explores the responses of basic health scientists to market-oriented funding criteria. The goal of the study was to understand how scientists, occupying different positions of power in the scientific field, defined “good science” and pursued scientific prestige. Twenty semi-structured interviews were carried out with 11 scientists trained before and 9 trained after the rise of market-oriented science policy. Data derived from Curriculum Vitae and Background Information Forms were used to estimate the type and volume of capital each participant held. Scientific capital, as reflected in peer-reviewed publications and grants, was perceived as the dominant form of recognition of scientific quality. However, “entrepreneurial capital”, as reflected in patents, licenses, industry funding and company spin-offs, functioned as a new form of power in accessing resources. Study participants adopted different positions in a symbolic struggle over competing visions of “good science” and used different strategies to acquire scientific prestige. Some pursued a traditional strategy of accumulation of scientific capital, while others sought to accumulate and convert entrepreneurial capital into scientific capital. Findings suggest that there is no longer a single symbolic order in the scientific field, but that the field is stratified according to a scientific and market logic. Hence, support is provided for both continuity with “Mode 1” and change towards “Mode 2” evaluation of academic quality.

Constructing Quality in Academic Science: How Basic Scientists Respond to Canadian Market-Oriented Science Policy – A Bourdieusian Approach

McGuire, Wendy Lynn 10 January 2012 (has links)
Canadian science policy has increasingly linked the value of academic knowledge to its contribution to economic competitiveness. A market vision of scientific quality is embedded in new funding criteria which encourage academic scientists to collaborate with industry, generate intellectual property, and found companies. While the “Mode 2” thesis advanced by Gibbons and Nowotny asserts that quality criteria in science are changing to incorporate economic relevance, there is little empirical evidence to either refute or substantiate this claim. Using Bourdieu’s theory of practice, this study explores the responses of basic health scientists to market-oriented funding criteria. The goal of the study was to understand how scientists, occupying different positions of power in the scientific field, defined “good science” and pursued scientific prestige. Twenty semi-structured interviews were carried out with 11 scientists trained before and 9 trained after the rise of market-oriented science policy. Data derived from Curriculum Vitae and Background Information Forms were used to estimate the type and volume of capital each participant held. Scientific capital, as reflected in peer-reviewed publications and grants, was perceived as the dominant form of recognition of scientific quality. However, “entrepreneurial capital”, as reflected in patents, licenses, industry funding and company spin-offs, functioned as a new form of power in accessing resources. Study participants adopted different positions in a symbolic struggle over competing visions of “good science” and used different strategies to acquire scientific prestige. Some pursued a traditional strategy of accumulation of scientific capital, while others sought to accumulate and convert entrepreneurial capital into scientific capital. Findings suggest that there is no longer a single symbolic order in the scientific field, but that the field is stratified according to a scientific and market logic. Hence, support is provided for both continuity with “Mode 1” and change towards “Mode 2” evaluation of academic quality.

Skolkuratorers upplevelser och kunskaper gällande ångest hos unga kvinnor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / School counsellors’ experiences and knowledge regarding anxiety in young women : A qualitative interview study

Janzon Ljung, Rebecca, Svensson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the knowledge that school counsellors in Swedish schools have about young women with anxiety disorders. The study also examines how the counsellors act when there is a suspicion or a case of anxiety in a female student. With a qualitative approach eight school counsellors were interviewed. The theoretical approach that was used is the sociology of knowledge. Some of the study’s conclusions are that anxiety disorders are frequent among young girls. School counsellors have different types of education and work experiences which can affect their understanding of anxiety disorders. There are similar opinions among the school counsellors regarding the definition of anxiety and that it is a serious condition where the affected needs some sort of support or help to handle it. The results and conclusions confirm and extend the previous research made on the subject.

Assembling the Cure: Materia Medica and the Culture of Healing in Late Imperial China

Bian, He 06 June 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the intersection between the culture of knowledge and socio-economic conditions of late Ming and Qing China (1550-1800) through the lens of materia medica. I argue that medicine in China during this time developed new characteristics that emphasized the centrality of drugs as objects of pharmacological knowledge, commodities valued by authenticity and efficacy, and embodiment of medical skills and expertise. My inquiry contributes to a deeper understanding of the materiality of healing as a basic condition in early modern societies: on the one hand, textual knowledge about drugs and the substances themselves became increasingly available via the commoditization of texts and goods; on the other hand, anxiety arose out of the unruly nature of potent substances, whose promise to cure remained difficult to grasp in social practice of medicine. / History of Science

Neoliberalism and discourse: case studies of knowledge policies in the Asia-Pacific

Grewal, Baljit January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines policy documents relating to the knowledge society of six Asia-Pacific countries (India, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji and New Zealand). I employ Norman Fairclough’s version of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to explore the discursive construction of knowledge-related policies within a comparative case study methodology. Leximancer – a computer software for text analysis is used to assist in operationalising parts of the CDA. The general conclusions drawn from the study indicate that the evolving knowledge policy discourse in the Asia-Pacific is not based on any robust theoretical framework but on international and country-specific paradigms of the knowledge society. In the policy discourses, the knowledge society is posited as a desired outcome in light of external (global) imperatives - economic globalisation, technological knowledge and innovation flows, and ICT revolution – which are married to context-specific developmental imperatives arising from geography, culture, history and polity. This hybridisation process gives shape to unique knowledge society paradigms of each country. My CDA analysis shows that the ideology of neoliberalism is a key discursive influence on the knowledge society paradigms and is mutated by differences in contexts across different countries. In the discourses, neoliberalism operates via an emphasis on policy restructuring (privatisation, deregulation and liberalisation), and streamlining of governance mechanisms relating to key knowledge and information policy sectors. The resulting knowledge society constructions are context and time-dependent frameworks and exhibit two core arguments of convergence in all the case studies: (1) ICT and Science & Technology as vehicles for knowledge-based development need to grow in an enabling policy environment and; (2) the twin imperatives of globalisation and technological revolution mean that knowledge policy should have a competitive and innovation orientation, and should be continuously readjusted in tune with global economic changes. In addition to convergence, there are two major issues of divergence, namely: (1) emphasis on affirmative action in knowledge-related policies of India, Malaysia, and Fiji; (2) the promotion of cultural production and creative industries in Singapore, New Zealand, and more recently in Korea. The original contribution of this thesis is that it provides a reassessment of the role of neoliberalism in knowledge society. The study is novel both in the selection of the problem and the methodology. Comparative case studies using CDA have not been attempted at the regional scale and not with this level of documentary data. The use of Leximancer improves the management of textual data and increases the validity of the interpretations. A study of this magnitude has not been attempted for the Asia-Pacific region previously. Finally, the conclusions drawn from applying the CDA are both persuasive and creative in terms of analysing policy discourses of the knowledge society.

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