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Soldater i McDonalds tjänst : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av reklamfilmen "Fler borde göra donken" / Soldier in the service of McDonald's : A qualitative content analysis of the advertisement "Fler borde göra donken"Lundgren, Ellinor, Magnusson, Susanna January 2017 (has links)
Reklamfilmen “Fler borde göra donken” publicerades 2017 som en del i McDonalds reklamkampanj “Gör donken”. Den uppstår i svallvågorna av att allmän värnplikt återinförs i Sverige och flyktingkrisen 2015. Myten om hjältesoldaten identifieras som en central aspekt i reklamfilmen och syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur myten kring hjältesoldaten framställs samt diskutera hur reklamfilmen relaterar till övergripande kontext och rådande ideologier. Analysen utförs med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som möjliggör för djupgående reflektioner. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk inkluderar semiotik med fem valda teoribegrepp samt stort fokus på myter. Vidare används David Machins teori som behandlar sociala aktörers framställning. Slutligen inkluderas retoriken med sex valda teoribegrepp. Resultatet från analysen visar på att myten kring hjältesoldaten existerar och verkar inom reklamfilmen genom visuella, auditiva och språkliga tecken samt de sociala aktörerna. Myten byggs upp genom kopplingar till ett flertal karakteristiska teman som hämtas från hjältesoldatens framställning. Vidare tyder analysen på att myten är förankrad i den övergripande framtoningen som McDonalds framställer. Det finns även en förankring till den omkringliggande samhälleliga kontexten där återinförandet av värnplikten i Sverige och flyktingkrisen 2015 är de centrala kopplingarna. Dock återfinns även en brytning med myten samt med rådande ideologi i samhället. Avslutningsvis brukar reklamfilmen de positiva konnotationerna tillhörande myten kring hjältesoldaten, medan de negativa konnotationerna förblir dolda. Detta kräver att konsumenter anammar ett kritiskt synsätt för att tydliggöra dem och således kunna ta ställningen till reklamfilmens fulla innebörd. / The advertisement “Fler borde göra donken” was published in 2017 as part of the McDonald’s campaign “Gör donken”. The campaign surfaces in the aftermath of the reintroduction of military draft in Sweden and the refugee crisis in 2015. The myth concerning the hero soldier is identified as a central aspect in the advertisement and the purpose of this study is to analyze how the myth concerning the hero soldier is portrayed as well as what possible implications can arise from it. The analysis is conducted with a qualitative content analysis which enables deeper reflection. The study’s theoretical framework includes semiotics with five chosen theoretical concepts and focus on myths. David Machin’s theory concerning social actors and their portrayal is also used in the theoretical framework. Finally, rhetoric is included in the framework with six chosen theoretical concepts. The result from the analysis reveals that the myth concerning the hero soldier exists within the advertisement through both visual, auditive and linguistic signs as well as the social actors. The myth is created through connections to several characteristic themes which are found in the general portrayal of the hero soldier. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the myth is anchored in the general image portrayed by McDonalds. There is also rootedness to the surrounding societal context where the reintroduction of military drafting and the refugee crisis of 2015 are the central connections. On the other hand, there is also a disconnect with the myth as well with an ideology in the society. Finally, the advertisement utilizes the positive connotations belonging to the myth concerning the hero soldier while the negative connotations remain hidden. This requires that consumers adopt a critical way of thinking to elucidate the hidden connotations to be aware of all aspects of the advertisement.
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George Desvallières, décorateur monumental (1895-1950) / George Desvallières, monumental decorator (1895-1950)Racine, Camille 03 July 2012 (has links)
La production monumentale du peintre français George Desvallières (1861-1950) a été longtemps méconnue, comme en témoigne l’absence jusqu’à présent d’une recension exhaustive. Il s’imposait de réaliser un véritable catalogue et surtout de mettre les thèmes de ses œuvres monumentales et décoratives en regard avec la vie de l’artiste et le contexte historique, artistique et religieux de l’époque. Dès les années 1890, Desvallières se confronte au monumental à travers des panneaux décoratifs dont l’iconographie se limite jusqu’en 1914 à des thèmes profanes. Sa production prend une tout autre ampleur après la Grande Guerre. La mort au combat de son fils, en 1915, et le vœu qu’il a fait dans les tranchées, en 1916, de se consacrer entièrement à la peinture religieuse sont les marqueurs historiques et iconographiques de la seconde partie de sa carrière. Les années 1918-1950 seront celles de ses plus grandes réalisations dans le domaine monumental : fresque, peinture marouflée, cartons de vitraux et de tapisserie, ex-voto monumentaux sont autant de supports qu’il exploite pour peindre une mystique de la Grande Guerre où le Poilu et l’infirmière côtoient les grandes figures religieuses. La création avec Maurice Denis des Ateliers d’Art sacré en 1919 témoigne du rôle important assigné par ces deux artistes aux arts décoratifs, dont Desvallières favorise le développement au Salon d’Automne qu’il préside dès 1935, mais aussi dans des jurys et des expositions en France comme à l’étranger. L’étude des grands ensembles décoratifs de l’artiste complète utilement les recherches menées sur l’art décoratif de la première moitié du XXe siècle et contribuent au war studies en vue du centenaire de la Grande Guerre. / The monumental production by the French painter George Desvallières (1861-1950) has long been misunderstood, as shown by the absence so far of a comprehensive review. Therefore, not only the compilation of a real catalogue became inevitable and necessary, but above all putting the artist’s monumental and decorative works into the context of his and the historical, artistic and religious events of his time. By the 1890s, Desvallières turned to monumental decorative panels with an iconography that was until 1914 limited to secular themes. His production takes a very different scale after the Great War. His son’s death in battle, in 1915, and the vow the artist took in the trenches in 1916 to devote himself exclusively to religious paintings are historical and iconographic markers of the second part of his career. The years 1918-1950 will be those of his greatest achievements in monumental works: fresco paintings, marouflages, stained glass and tapestries, as well as monumental votive offerings are all media he is exploiting to paint a mysticism of the Great War where the Poilu , the French soldier, and the nurse are jointly depicted with great religious figures. The creation with Maurice Denis of the Ateliers d’Art sacré , the Sacred Art Workshops in 1919, demonstrates the important role the two artists assigned to the decorative arts. Desvallières promotes its development at the Salon d'Automne , which he presides from 1935 onwards, as well in juries and exhibitions in France and abroad. The study of large decorative ensembles of the artist is a valuable addition to the research on decorative arts of the first half of the Twentieth Century and contributes to the First World War Studies as we are approaching the upcoming centennial anniversary.
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Člověk a kůň ve vřavě bitevní. Místo koní ve válečném prožitku vojáků první světové války / Man and Horse in the Turmoil of Battle. Place of Horses in the War Experiences of First World War SoldiersHunčovská, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis builds on the author's bachelor thesis and advances one of its fields - the relationship of First World War soldiers towards the war horses and the perception of these animals. The broad scale of soldiers' and horses' relations is studied primarily through the analysis of biographical documents produced by soldiers of Czech, British and French origin. Written primary sources are complemented by visual sources such as photographs, illustrations and postcards. In analysing the soldiers' relations towards their war horses, the following questions are asked: How exactly did they relate to the horses, which factors shaped and altered their relationships? How significant the presence and proximity of an animal was for the soldiers on the battlefield and what forms did their everyday coexistence take? How did the soldiers view the engagement of horses in warfare and how did they bear the horses' suffering? What was the contemporary portrayal and discourse of war horses? The thesis attempts at a wider overlap by incorporating the sociocultural and anthropological aspects of the human- horse relationship and inserting them into the historical framework.
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La criminalité soldatesque au Canada sous le Régime françaisSte-Marie, Philippe 12 1900 (has links)
L’histoire militaire du Canada sous le Régime français s’est enrichie de plusieurs travaux sur les soldats depuis l’avènement de l’histoire sociale dans les années 60. Les historiens de la justice ont aussi étudié les soldats comme groupe social. Ces études – qui ne portent pas exclusivement sur les gens de guerre – ont été faites dans une perspective quantitative. Si les historiens ont étudié la vie des soldats sous divers facettes, aucun n’a ciblé la criminalité. C’est précisément ce que ce mémoire cherche à faire, en exploitant principalement les archives judiciaires. Et plus précisément, en analysant les procès criminels intentés contre des soldats. En outre, la jurisprudence d’Ancien Régime s’est avérée fort pertinente pour comprendre le contexte de la criminalité chez les gens de guerre. Les procès ont, quant à eux, permis de découvrir les formes diverses de cette criminalité et certains facteurs qui y contribuaient. Enfin, plusieurs procès, mais aussi la correspondance des autorités coloniales ont permis de découvrir que l’armée, plus qu’un appareil de guerre, jouait un rôle dans la réhabilitation de soldats aux mœurs délictueuses. / Since the arrival of social history in the 1960s, the military history of Canada under the French Regime has been enriched by several studies of soldiers. Historians of justice have also investigated the rank and file as a social group. These studies – which were not exclusively devoted to soldiers – adopted a quantitative approach. Though historians have viewed various aspects of soldiers’ lives, none have singled out criminality. That is precisely what this thesis attempts to do, by exploiting principally the judicial archives. More precisely, it analyzes criminal trials involving soldiers, relying as well on Ancien Regime jurisprudence to help place soldiers’ criminality in perspective. The trials offer a view of the different forms of this criminality and of some of the contributing factors. Lastly, several trials in addition to the colonial correspondence show that the army, not just a war machine, also played role in the rehabilitation of soldiers inclined to criminal behavior.
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Design and evaluation of black soldier fly larvae and frass compost separatorIsmail Eriksson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) composting is a treatment procedure that generates two products: frass compost and BSFL. These products have different uses. BSFL can be used as animal feed and frass compost as soil fertiliser, and they need to be separated after the composting procedure has been finished. A separator of the vibrating sieve type, currently in use by a research group at SLU for separating BSFL from the frass compost generated by the composting process, was tested and evaluated in terms of fraction purity and separation time. It was found that the fraction purity was over 90% for the BSFL fraction, and that the separation time was approximately 1-1.5 minutes for 4 kg of material. Hotspots for improvement were identified and a new vibrating sieve was designed and built with the aim of providing flexibility for improving fraction purity, separation time and operator ergonomy for the end-customer. A CAD model of the new vibrating sieve was designed in SolidWorks with a complete set of technical drawings and purchasing components. These drawings were sent out for manufacturing at a workshop and the new vibrating sieve was built and tested. The new vibrating sieve was functioning properly, but its optimal mechanical settings need further research and testing. This separator design could be emulated by others, and also improved, and this research could be used for improving the process outcome for future BSFL separation processes.
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Historický pohled na péči o válečné veterány v Českosovensku po roce 1989 / Historical view of the care of war veterans in Czechoslovakia after 1989Bulínová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
This thesis maps the area of care for war veterans in Czechoslovakia after the revolutionary year 1989. Individual chapters focus on a specific area of care. There is specified the term war veteran and a description of care for each category of veterans - from the Second World War to the modern. We support veterans who have a company and an institution and work at work under the guidance of one of the chapters. It also involves working with a document of the Ministry of Defense and a questionnaire survey, which evaluates the effectiveness of this document in connection with the request of war veterans. At the end of the thesis there are data of interrogation queries across the society, ie the lay public, soldiers in active service and veterans themselves. Keywords: care, help, soldier, veteran war invalid, war badge,
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Inclusion of blue mussels in the diet of Black Soldier Fly (Hermentia illucens) : the effect on compost process efficiencyJennersjö Hedman, Alma January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The management and handling of organic waste in primarily low-income developing cities, due to high urbanization has become a global problem. The main form of waste handling in these cities are landfilling, due to it being the cheapest and easiest option. Not only are nutrients wasted, but landfills of mixed waste create strong emission of greenhouse gasses and a leachate that affects groundwater quality. This major problem in addition to a higher demand for food due to the increase of the world population leaves us two problems to solve; to handle waste and produce food. The Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) and its larvae can solve both of these problems in one. The organic waste is fed to the fly larvae and the larvae produce biomass (larval weight) and a residue similar to un-mature compost. The larvae can then be fed live to animals or made into pellets to feed animals such as fish, and the residue can be used as fertilizer. However, in order for the larvae to be able to be extruded into pellets or fed live to ex. hens, an optimal protein and fat content of the larvae is needed. A higher protein and lower fat content of the larvae is optimal for both pellet production and to feed to animals. It has previously been found that an inclusion of mussels can lower the fat content and increase the protein content of the larvae. In this article, different amounts of mussels are included in the larvae diet apart from bread and cabbage to see if it has an effect on the compost process efficiency. The experiment is done by larvae being added to different ratios of bread: cabbage: mussels. The larvae are then harvested and process efficiency parameters; BCE (biomass conversion efficiency), survival percentage, material reduction and respiration are calculated. It was found that mussel inclusion was equivalent to a higher feeding load per larva. The BCE of the treatment with a higher feeding load and the treatment with the highest mussel inclusion were the same, meaning that mussel inclusion is equivalent to a diet with high amounts of carbohydrates. Mussel inclusion in the larva diet seems to be beneficial from a BCE standpoint and suits as a substrate as pH and survival was not negatively affected by the mussels.
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Dobrovolnictví a ozbrojené síly / Volunteering and armed forcesKomedová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The MA thesis "Volunteering in Armed Forces" focuses on describing and analysing the phenomenon of volunteering in relation to the voluntary service in the reserves of the armed forces. This topic is highly relevant in the Czech context, as there are long-term efforts made by the Czech Armed Forces to strengthen and enhance this specific component of national defense. In 2012 a new concept of reserves, the Active Reserve Concept (Koncepce aktivní zálohy) was finally approved by the Czech government. The first objective of this thesis is to shed some light on the general motivation of the volunteers to join the reserves and to show whether the incentives are mainly economic, socio-psychological or whether other factors are at play. In order to do this, the volunteering as such must first be defined as a phenomenon influencing the entire society. Then it is also necessary to show how volunteering related to national defense differs from other forms of volunteering. Next, the thesis illustrates how the system of active reserves works in a number of selected countries (Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States), where this model is applied for a long period of time and became widely accepted. The author points out the differences in national characteristics and other differences from the...
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The meat science perspective of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) as alternative protein feeds in broiler and swine productionAltmann, Brianne Andrea 05 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Determining the effectfs of introducing Pseudomonas putida 3P to Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Gainesville dietWaters, Rebecca 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
With a growing global population, food security and waste management strategies are needed (FAO, 2002b); insects have been promoted for these goals. Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are endorsed for their ability in decomposition and use as feed (Bava et al., 2019; Swett Walker, 2018). Studies show the life cycle of BSFL is impacted by bacterial supplementation (Franks et al., 2021; Kooienga et al., 2020). We seek to determine the effects of supplementing BSFL diet with Pseudomonas putida 3P. We conducted two forms of a 10-day bench-top study observing larval mass, frass conversion, C:N content, and ammonia production with supplementation of Pseudomonas putida 3P in single and double-doses. Supplementation with P. putida results in roughly 1.5X larger larval wet and dry mass, variable concentrations of ammonia, and approximately 1.15X smaller C:N ratios in frass. This suggests interruption of larval rearing may affect volatile ammonia concentrations and inhibit P. putida behavior.
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