Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solo"" "subject:"sol""
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Uma metodologia de projeto e análise de solados hiperelásticos utilizando simulação numérica e otimização de formaMundstock, Daniel Contreras January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho desenvolve uma metodologia de otimização de solado de calçados utilizando simulações estáticas de elementos finitos. Diversas medições foram realizadas em laboratório para obter dados que caracterizem a pisada humana. As medições realizadas foram das seguintes grandezas: força de reação, pressão na interface pé-solado e medição de ângulo relativo entre pé e perna. Os resultados dessa medição foram utilizados para definir e verificar um modelo 3D de elementos finitos. A geometria utilizada para gerar a malha de elementos foi construída a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada que passaram pelo processo de reconstrução 3D e suavização do contorno. As propriedades dos materiais utilizadas na simulação foram obtidas na literatura para a parte óssea e tecidos moles do pé. As propriedades do solado do calçado foram obtidas através de ensaios e ajuste de curvas de modelos hiperelásticos. A simulação apresentou resultados coerentes com a medição, validando o modelo para ser utilizado na otimização do solado. O solado foi otimizado para um parâmetro de geometria e um do material, objetivando a redução de picos de pressão plantar nas regiões do calcanhar e abaixo dos metatarsos em dois instantes de tempo mais representativos da pisada. A metodologia proposta é uma solução atraente para eliminação de fatores subjetivos na avaliação de um calçado e redução de custo de fabricação de protótipos, bem como para melhorar aspectos relacionados à conforto e desempenho. / This paperwork develops a optimization methodology for shoe sole using finite element static simulation. Several experimental measurements were done to characterize human gait. The measured variables were: reaction force, plantar pressure and foot-leg angle. The results of experimental measurement were used to define and verify a 3D finite element model. Computerized tomography images were used to create the geometry that served as base for finite element mesher. The images were first used in 3D reconstruction and therefore boundary suavization. Bone and soft tissues properties were defined from literature. Sole material properties were defined with rubber experiment and hyperelastic model fit. Finite element model proved to be valid due to results similar to experimental tests. Sole design were optimized for one geometry parameter and one material parameter. The main goal were peek pressure reduction in heel and metatarsal head region using two representative time step. Te proposed methodology is attractive due to elimination of subjective factors in comfort evaluation and reduction of prototypes manufacturing.
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Uma metodologia de projeto e análise de solados hiperelásticos utilizando simulação numérica e otimização de formaMundstock, Daniel Contreras January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho desenvolve uma metodologia de otimização de solado de calçados utilizando simulações estáticas de elementos finitos. Diversas medições foram realizadas em laboratório para obter dados que caracterizem a pisada humana. As medições realizadas foram das seguintes grandezas: força de reação, pressão na interface pé-solado e medição de ângulo relativo entre pé e perna. Os resultados dessa medição foram utilizados para definir e verificar um modelo 3D de elementos finitos. A geometria utilizada para gerar a malha de elementos foi construída a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada que passaram pelo processo de reconstrução 3D e suavização do contorno. As propriedades dos materiais utilizadas na simulação foram obtidas na literatura para a parte óssea e tecidos moles do pé. As propriedades do solado do calçado foram obtidas através de ensaios e ajuste de curvas de modelos hiperelásticos. A simulação apresentou resultados coerentes com a medição, validando o modelo para ser utilizado na otimização do solado. O solado foi otimizado para um parâmetro de geometria e um do material, objetivando a redução de picos de pressão plantar nas regiões do calcanhar e abaixo dos metatarsos em dois instantes de tempo mais representativos da pisada. A metodologia proposta é uma solução atraente para eliminação de fatores subjetivos na avaliação de um calçado e redução de custo de fabricação de protótipos, bem como para melhorar aspectos relacionados à conforto e desempenho. / This paperwork develops a optimization methodology for shoe sole using finite element static simulation. Several experimental measurements were done to characterize human gait. The measured variables were: reaction force, plantar pressure and foot-leg angle. The results of experimental measurement were used to define and verify a 3D finite element model. Computerized tomography images were used to create the geometry that served as base for finite element mesher. The images were first used in 3D reconstruction and therefore boundary suavization. Bone and soft tissues properties were defined from literature. Sole material properties were defined with rubber experiment and hyperelastic model fit. Finite element model proved to be valid due to results similar to experimental tests. Sole design were optimized for one geometry parameter and one material parameter. The main goal were peek pressure reduction in heel and metatarsal head region using two representative time step. Te proposed methodology is attractive due to elimination of subjective factors in comfort evaluation and reduction of prototypes manufacturing.
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An examination of differences in financial performance among age cohortsWeeden, Gabriel T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Michael R. Langemeier / The overall objective of this study was to examine the relative efficiency of farmers in various age groups. Nine Hundred sixty-four sole proprietors, who were members of the Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) with continuous data from 2002-2006, were split up into four groups based on age. Comparing the fourth age group (over 65 years of age) to the first age group (under or equal to 45 years of age) was of primary importance in this study. Comparisons were made utilizing variables pertaining to farm size and tenure, specialization, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency.
In this study, there are four age groups; under or equal to 45 years, 46 to 55 years, 56 to 65 years, and greater than 65 years old. T-tests were used to compare variables among age groups. Nineteen variables were statistically different between age groups one and four. The fourth age group performed poorly in terms of cost efficiency. Based on the results, the fourth age group had a difficult time covering unpaid labor and capital expenses. Discriminant analysis was used to determine which variables discriminate the most between age groups. The top three variables in this discriminant analysis were the asset turnover ratio, the economic total expense ratio, and percent acres owned. The top three variables in the discriminant analysis involving groups one and four were the debt to asset ratio, asset turnover ratio, and net farm income.
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Sustainable value creation from leather solid wastes: Preparation of shoe soling material using nano fillersGupta, Sanjeev, Ponsubbiah, S., Gupta, S. K., Mandal, Sujata 25 June 2019 (has links)
Leather manufacturing involves discharge of large quantities of solid and liquid wastes. While efficient recycling methods and in-plant controls have considerably reduced the discharge of obnoxious liquid
streams, satisfactory methods to the solid waste management still elude the leather manufacturers. Landfilling is an easy option for the disposal of solid wastes like chrome shavings and trimmings, but is
subjected to stringent environmental regulations because of the presence of chromium in these materials. Considerable efforts have been made to recycle the chrome containing wastes by methods such as
incineration, pyrolysis and alkaline or enzyme hydrolysis. These recycling processes, however, are seldom complete without further environmental problems. Unfortunately, in such recycling processes the inherent fibrous structure of these materials gets completely destroyed. Applications based on the fibrous nature of the shavings and trimmings are presently limited but various possibilities are being explored continuously. An efficient way of utilization of these fibrous waste materials may be to combine them in a suitable form with synthetic polymers to give composite materials. Short fiber reinforcement of polymers is an important area in polymer composites where both synthetic and natural fibers are effectively used.
Footwear has become a basic necessity like food, shelter and clothes. Soles are bottom components of footwear and some important polymeric materials used in footwear fabrication are last, soles and Insoles. This research aims at reducing the solid waste (Chrome shavings) generated by leather industry and reusing them as low cost shoe components such as soles and insole material. In this research, the footwear components were prepared using chrome shaving (tannery solid waste), EPDM (ethylene propylene monomer rubber) and isoprene rubber with different inorganic oxide/hydroxide nano particle
based fillers. In this study, soles are prepared by using strap cutting machine, two roll mill and compression moulding machine. The soling materials made characterised using FT-IR and SEM and tested for mechanical properties.
Due to good mutual compatibility between Isoprene, EPDM and leather fibre with inorganic nano clay based fillers, the composites are well in terms of all the physic-mechanical behaviours like hardness,
density, abrasion resistance and grain crack suitable for shoe sole application.
1. Ethylene propylene monomer rubber and leather fibre with inorganic nano clay based fillers, the composites are well in terms of all the physic-mechanical behaviours like hardness, density, abrasion
resistance and grain crack suitable for shoe sole application.
2. An efficient way of utilization of these fibrous waste materials may be to combine them in a suitable form with synthetic polymers to give composite materials. Short fiber reinforcement of polymers is an
important area in polymer composites where both synthetic and natural fibers are effectively used.
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La sociedad unipersonal. La importancia de su regulación en el derecho societario [Capítulo 1]Figueroa Reinoso, Emilio January 1900 (has links)
El libro busca ampliar y analizar el concepto de jurídico de sociedad unipersonal, así como describir la importancia de permitir su existencia y regulación en el Perú, en forma total y no para un grupo privilegiado. A lo largo de cuatro capítulos, el autor desarrolla la importancia de la unipersonalidad societaria desde la casuística, la doctrina, el derecho positivo y el derecho, en comparación con experiencias de otros países. / The book aims to expand and analyze the legal concept of sole proprietorship and to describe the importance of allowing its existence and regulation in Perú for all citizen and not noly for a privileged group. Throughout the 4 chapters of the publication, the author develops the importance of the sole proprietorship from the casuistry, doctrine, the positive law and the law compared to other countries’s experiences.
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Kylning av yttersula med hjälp av additiv tillverkning / Cooling system for a shoe sole using additive manufacturingAnderberg, Axel, Esping, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
Innovation genom additiv tillverkning sker snabbt i dagens industri där snabb prototyptillverkning är något som additiv tillverkning lämpar sig bäst för. Däremot utforskas möjligheter för tillverkning av detaljer med funktionellt syfte då additiv tillverkning möjliggör mer komplicerad design än traditionella tillverkningsmetoder. Med de miljöproblem som förekommer i dagens samhälle ger det upphov till extrema väderförhållanden, exempelvis skogsbränder. Givet det så har detta projekt utforskat möjligheten av att genom additiv tillverkning konstruera en sula med ett inbyggt kylsystem i syfte att kyla foten under förlängd arbetstid i omgivning med hög temperatur. Kravet som ställdes på sulan var att i en omgivning med hög temperatur skall sulan kunna kyla mer än en traditionell sula över en period på 8 timmar. Med hjälp av CAD- och FEM-program analyserades tre primära modeller med avseende på temperaturutväxling samt belastning, varav dessa tre modeller ställdes i relation till en traditionell sula utan kylsystem. Resultaten hänvisar till att med de krav som ställdes på sulan ges en högre kylningseffekt vid två av tre av dessa modeller relativt en traditionell sula. Dessutom finns potential för fortsatt utveckling av liknande sulor med avseende på specialtillverkning. / Innovation through additive manufacturing occurs quickly in today’s industry where rapid prototyping is something that additive manufacturing excels at. However, research is being made to explore the ability for manufacturing components with functional use, where additive manufacturing makes more complex design possible in relation to traditional manufacturing methods. With the environmental problem that occurs in today’s world comes more extreme weather conditions, for example forest fires. With that as a basis, this project has explored the possibility of creating the sole of a shoe with a built-in cooling system, using additive manufacturing, for the purpose of extended work in an environment with a high temperature. The requirements put on the sole was that in an environment of high temperature the sole should be able to help reduce temperature inside the shoe itself over the course of an eight-hour workday. Three primary models were analysed in terms of transient temperature as well as load and deformation with the help of CAD and FEM programs, where these three soles were compared to a sole without any form of cooling system. The results show that with the parameters of the project, a greater cooling effect is achieved in two of the three models, compared to a regular sole. Furthermore, there is the potential for continued development of similar models of soles with respect to specific demands in fields such as hiking.
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Modélisation mécaniste de la bioaccumulation de contaminants organiques (PCB et PFAS) chez les poissons dans le contexte du changement global : application aux juvéniles de sole commune de l’estuaire de la Gironde. / Modelling mechanistic bioaccumulation of organic contaminants (PCBs and PFASs) in fish in the context of global change : application to the Gironde estuary juvenile common soleMounier, Florence 28 March 2019 (has links)
Les estuaires sont des écosystèmes aquatiques particulièrement soumis au changement global et notamment à la pollution par de nombreux xénobiotiques pouvant présenter un risque écotoxicologique et sanitaire. En toxicologie environnementale et en évaluation des risques la bioaccumulation est un processus fondamental car elle contrôle les doses internes de toxiques potentiels. Or les flux de contamination et de décontamination des organismes dépendent de processus internes (e.g. nutrition, croissance) eux-mêmes dépendant des conditions environnementales (e.g. température, nourriture) qui peuvent être affectées par le changement global.Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se propose de décrire, dans un cadre de modélisation mécaniste, les processus de bioaccumulation de deux familles de polluants organiques persistants (POP) halogénés potentiellement toxiques et bioaccumulables, aux propriétés physico-chimiques contrastées : les polychlorobiphényles (PCB, composés historiques fortement lipophiles) et les substances perfluorées (PFAS, composés émergents amphiphiles). Ce travail se focalise sur l’estuaire de la Gironde dont la fonction de nourricerie est fondamentale pour de nombreuses espèces de poissons marins dont la sole commune (Solea solea), souvent utilisée comme indicatrice de la qualité des nourriceries côtières et estuariennes.Pour permettre de tenir compte des fluctuations des conditions environnementales sur la bioaccumulation, dans la première partie de ce travail, j’ai développé un modèle de toxicocinétique(TK) couplé avec un modèle mécaniste bioénergétique basé sur la théorie DEB (Dynamic Energy Budget). Ce modèle DEB a été paramétré pour la sole commune et calibré pour chaque sexe (package DEB tool). Il permet de prédire les principales évolutions des fonctions physiologiques d’intérêt en bioaccumulation (ingestion, croissance, reproduction...), tout au long du cycle de vie d’un individu, en fonction de conditions environnementales dynamiques. Le modèle TK développé a été complexifié par l’ajout d’un flux d’élimination de contaminants, non considéré dans les précédents modèles DEB-TK.La calibration des paramètres toxicocinétiques (TK) du modèle, pour 4 congénères de PCB, est basée sur une méthode innovante de prise en compte de la variabilité individuelle d’ingestion, appliquée à une expérimentation de contamination de juvéniles de sole via leur nourriture. Ce travail a montré que même en tenant compte de l’ingestion de chaque poisson, l’assimilation efficace de contaminant était très variable et corrélée aux taux de lipides des individus. Dans une seconde partie, ce modèle a été appliqué aux conditions in situ de l’estuaire de la Gironde. Il a permis de mettre en évidence la forte influence de la composition du régime alimentaire sur la variabilité de l’âge à la maturité sexuelle et de la contamination des soles pour les deux familles de contaminant étudiées. La confrontation des prédictions du modèle aux mesures de contaminants dans les juvéniles de sole de l’estuaire a permis de calibrer les paramètres TK du composé majeur de chaque famille dans l’environnement (CB153 et PFOS). Cette calibration a conduit à deux constats dans le cadre de l’évaluation du risque : (1) un manque de connaissances pour extrapoler les calibrations de paramètres TK en conditions contrôlées vers les conditions naturelles ; (2) la différence d’erreur d’évaluation du risque liée à l’utilisation des mêmes paramètres TK «les plus pessimistes » quels que soient les composés. Enfin, des scenarios prospectifs simples ont été développés pour illustrer ces résultats et les possibles applications du modèle développé.In fine, ces prédictions de la contamination, de la croissance et du développement des soles pourront être reliées, lors de travaux ultérieurs, à des effets potentiels sur les fonctions physiologiques de la sole (modèles DEBtox), et aux conséquences sur la dynamique des populations de soles (e.g.modèles matriciels de population). / Estuarine ecosystems are particularly impacted by global change and, specifically, bychemical pollution from numerous xenobiotics that may be associated to ecotoxicological and health risks. In environmental toxicology and risk assessment, bioaccumulation is a fundamental process as it controls the internal doses of potential toxicants in organisms. However, the contamination and decontamination flows depend on internal processes thatare themselves dependent on environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, food) and thus on the other variables of global change.In this context, this manuscript aims at describing, within a mechanistic modelling framework, the bioaccumulation processes of two families of potentially toxic and bioaccumulable halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) with contrasting physicochemical properties: the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, highly lipophilic historical compounds) and the perfluorinated substances (PFAS, amphiphilic emerging compounds).This work focuses on the Gironde estuary whose nursery function is fundamental for many species of marine fish including the common sole (Solea solea), often used as an indicator of the quality of coastal and estuarine bursary grounds. In order to account for the influence of environmental conditions on bioaccumulation, the first part of this work consisted in developing a toxicokinetic model (TK) coupled with a mechanistic bioenergetic model based on the theory DEB (Dynamic Energy Budget). This DEBmodel has been parameterized for common sole and calibrated for each sex (packageDEBtool). It allows predicting the main evolution of the physiological functions of interest forbioaccumulation (ingestion, growth, reproduction...) throughout the life cycle of an individualaccounting for dynamic environmental conditions. The developed TK model was first calibrated for some PCBs, under controlled conditions, using an innovative method to take into account individual ingestion variability. This work showed that even if the individual ingestion of each fish is accounted for, the effective assimilation of contaminant is very variable and correlated with the lipid levels of the individuals. The application of the model tothe in situ conditions of the Gironde estuary led to identify that, whatever the contaminant family, the composition of the soles diet had a strong influence on the variability of soles contamination and age at sexual maturity. The comparison of model predictions with measurements made in juveniles of the estuary allowed calibrating the TK parameters values for the major compound of each family in the environment (CB153 and PFOS). This calibration led to two observations in the context of a risk assessment: (1) a lack of knowledge to extrapolate calibrations of TK parameters under controlled conditions to natural conditions;(2) the difference in risk assessment error related to the use of the same "worst case" TK parameters regardless of the compounds. Lastly, simple prospective scenarios have beendeveloped to illustrate these results and the possible applications of the model developed.Ultimately, these predictions of soles contamination, growth and development may be related in future work to potential effects on the physiological functions of sole (DEBtox models), and to consequences on soles population dynamics (e.g. matrix population models).
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Ultrassonografia Doppler do fluxo arterial digital associado à alteração do coxim digital dos bovinos / Doppler ultrasonography of digital blood flow associated with changes in bovine digital cushionGargano, Ronaldo Gomes 31 July 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar, por meio da ultrassonografia bidimensional e da ultrassonografia Doppler, as inter-relações entre a alteração de espessura do coxim digital com os índices vasculares da artéria digital dorsal comum dos membros pélvicos dos bovinos. A avaliação ultrassonográfica Doppler é uma técnica não invasiva de avaliação de índices vasculares, assim como, indiretamente, do volume de sangue do leito vascular. Para isso, foram realizados exames ultrassonográficos da espessura do coxim digital e também avaliação ultrassonográfica Doppler da referida artéria de 13 vacas primíparas da raça Holandesa, em intervalos de 14 dias, durante 126 dias após o parto. Ao longo do experimento o coxim digital apresentou diminuição não significativa de espessura (p=0,1715) e apresentou forte correlação positiva com a média do escore de condição corporal (p=0,03, r=0,71). Ao longo do período avaliado, o fluxo de sangue aumentou significativamente (p<0,0001) e apresentou correlação negativa com os índices que denotam impedância ao deslocamento de sangue, isto é, índice de resistividade (p<0,0001, r=-0,34911) e pulsatilidade (p<0,0001, r=-0,5035). Além disso, realizou-se correlação entre a diferença diária do fluxo de sangue e a diferença da espessura do coxim digital para cada animal e constatou-se uma forte tendência à correlação entre as diferenças das variáveis (p=0,0515, r=-0,5729). Por meio dos resultados encontrados foi possível concluir que o escore de condição corporal teve forte correlação com a espessura do coxim digital, ao longo do estudo. Além disso, o fluxo de sangue, os índices referentes à velocidade de deslocamento das hemácias e o diâmetro da artéria aumentaram ao longo do trabalho. E, também, que a discreta diminuição do coxim digital não foi um fator que influenciou no aumento do fluxo de sangue e nos índices vasculares / The aim of this study was to evaluate, by bidimensional and pused Doppler ultrasound, the interrelationship between the changes of the thickness of digital cushion with vascular indices of the common dorsal digital artery of the hind limbs of cattle. Pused Doppler sonography is a non-invasive tool to assessment the vascular indices, as well as, the blood flow volume in vascular bed. So, were performed ultrasound exams of soft tissue thickness and also the Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of that artery in thirteen first lactation Holstein cows and followed them up during 126 days in milk. Throughout the experiment the digital cushion showed a slight decrease without significance (p=0,1715), this also was strongly correlated with body condition score (p=0,03, r=0,71). The blood flow volume had significance increase (p<0,0001) and was negatively correlated with both impedance indices, resistance index (P<0,0001 r =-0,34911) and pulsatility index (p <0,0001 r =-0,5035). In addition, a correlation was performed with both daily differences of the blood flow and the thickness of the digital cushion for each animal and it was observed a strong tendency of correlation between the different variables (p=0,0515 r =-0,5729). Therefore, we can conclude that body condition score was strong correlated with the thickness of digital cushion, throughout the study. In addition, the blood flow volume, the velocity indices and the artery diameter increase throughout the days in milk. And, so, the slight decrease in the thickness of digital cushion was not a factor that influenced the increase of blood flow and vascular indices
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O princípio da autonomia patrimonial frente ao exercício da atividade empresarial realizada por uma única pessoaMoscatini, Áurea 28 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-28 / The thesis examines the strengthening of the Principle of Asset Autonomy in the face of the exploitation of business activity by a single person.
It is part of an approach on the general principles of law, involving the search for values, differentiating them from rules and integrating into other principles.
It also analyzes single shareholdership in Brazil, with the enactment of Law No. 12.441/11, which focuses on the Individual Limited Liability Company, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and particularly demonstrating whether it represents a new kind of society or a new entity altogether, a type of Legal Entity.
It presents a historical foreshortening in Brazil, as well as analyzing the experience of Foreign Law on single shareholdership.
Lastly, the study points out challenges and perspectives to be overcome for the implementation, enforcement and modification of the legislation on single shareholdership and its harmony within the Principle of Asset Autonomy, demonstrating that there is a connection between the institutions, no longer justifying shareholdership by more than one party in order to ensure Asset Separation / A tese examina o fortalecimento do Princípio da Autonomia Patrimonial diante da exploração da atividade empresarial por uma única pessoa.
Parte de uma abordagem sobre os Princípios Gerais do Direito, envolvendo a busca por valores, diferenciando-os de regras e integrando-os a outros Princípios.
Analisa, ainda, a unipessoalidade societária no Brasil, com a edição da Lei nº 12.441/11, que versa sobre a Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada, destacando seus aspectos positivos e negativos, especialmente demonstrando se representa uma nova espécie de sociedade ou um novo ente, espécie de Pessoa Jurídica.
Apresenta um escorço histórico no Brasil, assim como analisa a experiência do Direito Estrangeiro sobre a unipessoalidade societária.
Finalmente, o estudo aponta desafios e perspectivas a serem superados para a aplicação, execução e modificação da legislação sobre a unipessoalidade societária e a sua sintonia com o Princípio da Autonomia Patrimonial, demonstrando que existe uma conexão entre os institutos, não se justificando mais a pluripessoalidade no Direito Societário para garantir a separação patrimonial
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A sociedade unipessoal como forma organizativa da micro e pequena empresa / The one-man partnership as an alternative for structuring micro and small companies in BrazilFacchim, Tatiana 11 June 2010 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo abordar a adoção da sociedade unipessoal como forma organizativa da micro e pequena empresa, demonstrando não só a viabilidade jurídica de sua inserção no ordenamento brasileiro como também a conveniência de seu estabelecimento como uma das alternativas de organização do empresário singular. / The essay deals with the subject of the acceptance of the one-man partnership as an alternative for structuring micro and small companies in Brazil, evidencing not only that it is possible to insert this kind of partnership within the Brazilian legal system, but also the convenience of adopting such option for the organization of the sole entrepreneur.
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