Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solo"" "subject:"sol""
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Ukulele Mekulele : Balancing Sole Authorship and Devised Approaches to Performance MakingMegarrity, David January 2005 (has links)
The creation of the performance work UKULELE MEKULELE is used as a site to uncover the interactions between the work of the sole author and group-devised processes. The increasing acceptance of the 'openness' in contemporary theatre practice has strong implications for the role of the sole author, who traditionally has been the provider of the 'closed' - known quantities that are subsequently 'realised' by a production. How can the sole author best write for the seemingly contradictory environment of the group-devised production? Critical incidents from the performance are selected for study. These 'moments that work' and their provenance are utilized as examples of the interaction of the various forces at play in the performance making process. The researcher's intimate contact with the artwork entails a unique vantage point from which to observe these forces at work. Their evocation and analysis will have relevance for the creators of live art in collaborative contexts.
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Živnostenské oprávnění a podmínky živnostenského podnikání / Trade licence and requirements for undertaking business as sole traderVenclíčková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Resumé - AJ This thesis concerns to the topic Trade license and the requirements for undertaking business as sole trader. I have chosen the trade law topic because it represents an essential part of private business. The purpose of my thesis is to analyze current legal regulations, describe and clarify main juridical institute with regard to the historical development and judgments. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspect of the trade law. It also contains an introduction, which explains the reasons for importance of the trade law and specifies the main thesis's tasks and structure. Chapter One, subdivided into four parts, summarizes the historical development of the trade law from the second half of the nineteenth century to present day. It examines relevant Czech legislation and the essential amendment of the law. Chapter Two, Part One, defines the term of trade license. Part Two investigates the subject of trade license, part Three describes the requirements for undertaking business as sole trader. In addition this chapter deals with the problem of responsible representative and describes the basic method of trade classifications. Chapter Three focuses on trade license, especially on its dynamic. It describes the process of trade license applications, the...
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Živnostenské oprávnění a podmínky živnostenského podnikání / Trade licence and requirements for undertaking business as a sole tradeTichý, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Trade license and the requirements for undertaking business as sole trader". Its aim is to analyze the current legal regulations with regard to the historical development and judgments, to evaluate it, to highlight its deficiencies and to deal with possible solutions. I have chosen this particular topic because it's a very relevant topic, one which is constantly developing and as such offers enough food for thought. It also plays an important role in the life of society and in the life of an individual. The thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter One, subdivided into five parts, summarizes the historical development of the trade law with focus on the main law in this area which was issued in 1859 and became the fundamental document in the subsequent period and influenced current legal regulations too. Chapter Two is divided into four parts. Part One defines the trade license, while Part Two briefly describes its classification. Part Three concentrates on subjects of trade license, including conditions for foreign persons. Finally Part Four deals with the responsible representative. In Chapter Three I focus on the requirements for undertaking business as sole trader. It's consisted of three parts, one about general requirements, one about specific requirements and...
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Jämställt, inte alltid för barnens bästa? : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur föreställningar kring mammaroller och papparoller påverkar utfallet i vårdnadstvister. / Equality, not always in the children's best interest? : A critical discourse analysis on how beliefs about mother roles and father roles affect the outcome of child custody disputes.Hanseblad, Milla, Rehbinder, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Statistiken och mäns upplevelser av vårdnadstvister antyder att mammor har flera fördelar i de vårdnadstvister som leder fram till ensam vårdnad. I vår studie genomför vi en kritisk diskursanalys av de domar som har lett fram till ensam vårdnad i Stockholms tingsrätt under år 2018. Vi undersöker om normer och föreställningar kring mammaroller och papparoller påverkar utfallet i domarna. Till vårt statistiska resultat har vi utgått från 121 domar och vårt kvalitativa resultat baseras på 18 domar. Vi använder Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys som teori och metod och som komplementerande teori använder vi Lewis och Welsch modell som delar in ett fungerande föräldraskap i fyra kategorier samt Ylva Elvin-Nowaks forskning om könspositioner. Resultatet uppmärksammar att många fall innehåller historier av mammor som har blivit utsatta för våld och barn som har bevittnat våld. Det förekommer även fall med pågående missbruk och psykisk ohälsa. Alla dessa påverkar tydligt utfallet på domarna till nackdel för problemföräldern. Dominerande teman och diskurser i resultatet är Riskanalys, Barnets nuvarande boendesituation, Könad omsorgsförmåga, Strategier samt En mammas känsla av rätt till sitt barn är större än pappas känsla av rätt till sitt barn. Studiens resultat visar att den omständighet som beaktas som viktigast är barnets nuvarande boendesituation, boendeföräldern har ett tydligt försprång framför umgängesföräldern. Resultatet visar också att det förekommer omsorgsförmågor som beskrivs olika beroende på om de relateras till en mamma eller pappa. Mammor gynnas dessutom av att kunna exkludera pappor från familjen. Studien ger en mer nyanserad bild av hur pappor idag inte bara bedöms i avsaknad av “feminina” kvaliteter. / Statistics and fathers´experiences from custody battles imply that mothers have more benefits when the court is ruling for sole custody. In our study we examine if norms and conceptions regarding parenting roles and gender roles might affect the outcome in these custody battles. Our empirical material is based on court documents from Stockholm District Court in 2018. We have created statistics from 121 custody battle court orders, and performed a qualitative study based on 18 custody battle court orders. We use Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis as our theory and method, and as a complement we use Parenting practices divided in four dimensions by Jane Lewis and Elaine Welsh a theory, as well as research about gender roles av Ylva Elvin-Nowak. Our research show a high number of cases with violence towards the mother, where the child has been witness to the violence. Some court cases concern parents with existing drug abuse or mental illness. All of these cases effect the outcome of the custody battle, with disadvantage to the violent parent or the parent with drug abuse/mental illness. Dominating themes and discourses in the results are Risk analysis, The child´s current living arrangement, Gendered Care Ability, Strategies and A Mother´s sense of right to her child is more apparent than a Father´s sense of right to his child. The results show that the outcome of a sole custody battle is primarily based on the child´s current living arrangement. We can show that some care abilities have different implications for mothers and fathers, and that mothers can exclude the father from the family as a strategy and benefit from it. Our study depicts a more nuanced image of how fathers are judged not only in the absence of “feminine” qualities.
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Uma metodologia de projeto e análise de solados hiperelásticos utilizando simulação numérica e otimização de formaMundstock, Daniel Contreras January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho desenvolve uma metodologia de otimização de solado de calçados utilizando simulações estáticas de elementos finitos. Diversas medições foram realizadas em laboratório para obter dados que caracterizem a pisada humana. As medições realizadas foram das seguintes grandezas: força de reação, pressão na interface pé-solado e medição de ângulo relativo entre pé e perna. Os resultados dessa medição foram utilizados para definir e verificar um modelo 3D de elementos finitos. A geometria utilizada para gerar a malha de elementos foi construída a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada que passaram pelo processo de reconstrução 3D e suavização do contorno. As propriedades dos materiais utilizadas na simulação foram obtidas na literatura para a parte óssea e tecidos moles do pé. As propriedades do solado do calçado foram obtidas através de ensaios e ajuste de curvas de modelos hiperelásticos. A simulação apresentou resultados coerentes com a medição, validando o modelo para ser utilizado na otimização do solado. O solado foi otimizado para um parâmetro de geometria e um do material, objetivando a redução de picos de pressão plantar nas regiões do calcanhar e abaixo dos metatarsos em dois instantes de tempo mais representativos da pisada. A metodologia proposta é uma solução atraente para eliminação de fatores subjetivos na avaliação de um calçado e redução de custo de fabricação de protótipos, bem como para melhorar aspectos relacionados à conforto e desempenho. / This paperwork develops a optimization methodology for shoe sole using finite element static simulation. Several experimental measurements were done to characterize human gait. The measured variables were: reaction force, plantar pressure and foot-leg angle. The results of experimental measurement were used to define and verify a 3D finite element model. Computerized tomography images were used to create the geometry that served as base for finite element mesher. The images were first used in 3D reconstruction and therefore boundary suavization. Bone and soft tissues properties were defined from literature. Sole material properties were defined with rubber experiment and hyperelastic model fit. Finite element model proved to be valid due to results similar to experimental tests. Sole design were optimized for one geometry parameter and one material parameter. The main goal were peek pressure reduction in heel and metatarsal head region using two representative time step. Te proposed methodology is attractive due to elimination of subjective factors in comfort evaluation and reduction of prototypes manufacturing.
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En studie av enskild näringsverksamhet, handelsbolag och aktiebolag : Vilka fördelar och nackdelar finns inom respektive företagsform?Köhler, Camilla, Alperud Wennemyr, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Titel: En studie av enskild firma, handelsbolag och aktiebolag - Vilka fördelar och nackdelar finns inom respektive företagsform? Nivå: C-uppsats i företagsekonomi Författare: Camilla Köhler och Petra Alperud Wennemyr Handledare: Markku Penttinen Datum: 2013-februari Syfte: Syftet är att utreda skillnaderna mellan enskild näringsverksamhet, handelsbolag och aktiebolag och dess fördelar och nackdelar. Genom den empiriska forskningen presenteras för- och nackdelar med respektive företagsform, sett ur företagarens perspektiv utifrån beskattning, finansiering, risker, bransch och storlek. Metod: I denna uppsats har en deduktiv ansats använts. En kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har utnyttjats. Teori har insamlats via litteratur, elektroniska dokument och vetenskapliga artiklar. Intervjuerna har genomförts via besöksintervju och telefonintervju, där två organisationer intervjuades. Enkäter har skickats via mail efter telefonkontakt eller personlig kontakt med de olika företagen. Tio företag av varje företagsform fick besvara enkäterna. Empirin har sedan jämförts med teorin i en analys. Resultat & slutsats: Det är svårt att fastställa för- och nackdelar inom respektive företagsform då en fördel för en person kan vara en nackdel för någon annan. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen visar på att de som idag har aktiebolag är nöjdast med företagsformen, främst på grund av den begränsade ägarrisken. Den främsta fördelen i enskild firma är enkelheten i företagsformen och att det inte krävs något startkapital. Fördelen med handelsbolag anses vara att det inte krävs startkapital samt att det är enklare och kräver mindre administration jämfört med ett aktiebolag. Nackdelarna som framkommer inom enskild firma och handelsbolag är bland annat att förmåner inte kan utnyttjas, vinsten inte kan sparas i bolaget och utdelning inte kan ske. De största nackdelarna med aktiebolag är att det är krångligt att starta och lägga ned. Inom mindre verksamheter ses enskild firma som en fördel medan det i större företag med anställda och stor omsättning är mer fördelaktigt med ett aktiebolag. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En intressant fråga är varför så många företag går i konkurs inom fem år och hur de ska göra för att överleva. Ett andra förslag är varför så få företag söker bidrag och vad detta beror på. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen presenterar vilka fördelar och nackdelar som finns inom de tre vanligaste företagsformerna. Uppsatsen skrevs för att vara behjälplig för en person som vill starta företag. Studien ger kunskap om vad som krävs vid uppstart av de olika företagsformerna och hur företagaren ska tänka när företagsform ska väljas. Nyckelord: Enskild firma, handelsbolag, aktiebolag, beskattning, finansiering, risker. / Title: A study of sole proprietorships, partnerships and limited companies -What advantages and disadvantages are there in each type of enterprise ? Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Camilla Köhler and Petra Alperud Wennemyr Supervisor: Markku Penttinen Date: 2013 – February Aim: The aim is to investigate the differences between sole proprietorship, partnership and limited companies and its advantages and disadvantages. The empirical research presents the advantage and disadvantage with the respective enterprise form, from a perspective of an entrepreneur basis of taxation, finance, risk, industry and size. Method: This study is built on a deductive approach. A combination of qualitative and quantitative method has been used. Theory has been collected through literature, electronic documents and scientific articles. The interviews were conducted through visit and telephone interview, where two organizations were interviewed. Questionnaires have been sent after telephone contact or personal contact with the different enterprises. Ten of each group of enterprises were asked to answer questionnaires. The empirical data where then compared with the theory in an analysis. Result & Conclusions: It is hard to determine advantage and disadvantage of each enterprise form when an advantage for one person can be a disadvantage for someone else. The results of the questionnaire survey shows that those who currently have limited companies are most satisfied with the enterprise form, primarily because of the limited ownership risk. The main advantage of the sole proprietorship is the simplicity of the corporate form and that it does not require any initial capital. The advantage of a partnership is considered that there is no initial capital needed and that it is simpler and requires less administration compared with a limited company. The disadvantages that emerge within the sole proprietorship and partnership are that benefits cannot be used, the gain cannot be saved in the company and the dividend cannot be done. The main disadvantages of limited companies is that it is complicated to start up and close down. In smaller businesses private firm is seen as an advantage while in larger companies with employees and high turnover it is more beneficial with a limited company. Suggestions for future research: An interesting question is why so many businesses go bankrupt within five years, and how they should act to survive. A second suggestion is why so few companies are seeking grants and what causes this. Contribution of the thesis: The thesis presents which advantages and disadvantages of the three most common forms of enterprise . The thesis has been written to be an instrument for a person who would like to start up an enterprise. The study gives understanding about the upstart in several type of enterprises and how the entrepreneur should think when the enterprise form should be selected . Key words: Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited companies, taxation, financing, financial risks.
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Ar individuali įmonė gali turėti kelis savininkus? / May a company organized as sole proprietorship have several owners?Neiberka, Povilas 08 August 2008 (has links)
Santuokos sudarymu sukuriami šeimos teisiniai santykiai: vyras ir moteris įgyja specifinį teisinį statusą – tampa sutuoktiniais, o kartu perima asmenines neturtines ir turtines teises ir pareigas. Sutuoktinius, įgyvendinant turto valdymo, naudojimosi ir disponavimo teises, sieja glaudūs tarpusavio priklausomybės, artimi santykiai, kurie iš esmės sudaro jų teisinių santykių turinį. Santuoką sudariusių asmenų turtinių santykių aiškumas tampa ypač aktualiu klausimu užtikrinant bei apsaugant tiek pačių sutuoktinių, tiek trečiųjų asmenų interesus, kadangi, nesudarius vedybų sutarties, bet koks susituokus įgytas turtas tampa bendrąja jungtine nuosavybe. Sutuoktinių nuosavybės teisės į individualią įmonę , kaip turtinį kompleksą, ją įkūrus po santuokos sudarymo, ir yra šio darbo objektas. Viena kylančių problemų susijusi su neapibrėžtumu, tarpusavyje lyginant Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniame kodekse ir LR Individualių įmonių įstatyme įtvirtintas normas: remiantis CK formulavimu, santuokos metu įsteigta įmonė priskirtina bendrajai jungtinei nuosavybei, tuo tarpu IĮ įstatyme reglamentuojama, kad IĮ steigėju ir savininku gali būti tik vienas fizinis asmuo, šiuo atveju – vienas iš sutuoktinių. Šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti, ar IĮ gali turėti kelis savininkus. / Family relations are established by conjugnality of a man and a woman: they come into position of a husbant and a wife and obtains personal property and non-property rights and interests. Wedded persons are bond by close interdependence ties that make the essence of their legal relations. The clarity of property relations of wedded persons is very important to secure and protect not only their, but also the interests of third parties, i. e. creditors, because in the absence of wedding contract, property acquired during the marriage is automatically presumed to be owned jointly by both spouses. The ownership of a company organized as a sole proprietorship that is established by one of the spouses while being in marriage is the object of this work. The problem of interdetermination arises while seeking to determine the ownership rights of spouses to a SP: Lithuania‘s Civil Code sets the rule that company established during the marriage is presumed to be an object of community property, whereas the Statute of Sole Proprietorships‘ allows a company organized as SP to be owned by a single person, in this instance – one of the spouses. The issue of this work is to analyse if a company organized as SP may have a few owners.
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Pagrindinio žemės dirbimo įtaka cukrinių runkelių derliui / The Influence of Main Soil Cultivation Technology on Sugar Beet YieldBartkėnas, Valdas 02 June 2011 (has links)
Tradiciškai naudojamas dirvos arimas yra daugiausia darbo reikalaujantis ir nenašiausias procesas, kuriam tenka apie 40% ir daugiau visų žemės dirbimo išlaidų. Dėl ilgalaikio žemės arimo ir nuolatinio sunkiųjų žemės ūkio mašinų naudojimo gali atsirasti gilių sukietėjusių ir tankių dirvožemio sluoksnių. Giliai purenant dirvožemį siekiama atkurti prarastas dirvožemio savybes ir išpurenti sutankėjusius dirvos sluoksnius, esančius žemiau už ariamą gylį, jų neapverčiant. Darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti tradicinio arimo ir gilaus purenimo įtaką dirvos fizikinėms savybėms, cukrinių runkelių morfometriniams, produktyvumo ir kokybiniams rodikliams. Atlikti tyrimai dirvos kiečio, struktūros ir patvarumo tyrimai. Padarytas dirvos pjūvis, kurio metu analizuota augalų ir dirvos būsena, taip pat nustatyti cukrinių runkelių morfometriniai rodikliai bei jų augimo priklausomybė nuo meteorologinių sąlygų. Giluminis dirvos purenimas sumažins armens sluoksnio ir podirvio kietumą bei struktūrą, taip pat pagerins cukrinių runkelių pasėlio vystymosi sąlygas, produktyvumo ir kokybinius rodiklius. / Traditionally used for plowing the soil is mostly time consuming and least efficient process, which accounts for about 40% or more of the total cultivation costs. The long standing agricultural plowing and heavy machinery use can lead to deep and hardened soil layers thick. Deep loosening of soil to restore the lost soil and loosen compacted soil layers below the depth of the arable, the an invension. The aim was to examine the traditional plowing and hoeing a deep impact on soil physical properties of sugar beet morphometric, productivity and quality indicators. The research on soil hardness and durability of the structure. Incision made in the soil, which analyzed the status of plant and soil, as well as the morphometric characteristics of sugar beet and their growing dependence on weather conditions. Deep soil loosening reduce topsoil and subsoil layer hardness and structure, as well as improve the sugar beet crop conditions for development, productivity and quality indicators.
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Aufklärung aktueller tierzüchterischer und verbraucherrelevanter Fragestellungen durch molekulargenetische Strategien / Elucidation of current animal breeding and consumer-relevant issues by molecular biological strategiesFloren, Claudia 18 July 2014 (has links)
Klauenerkrankungen sind die dritthäufigste Abgangsursache bei Milchkühen und 90 % aller Lahmheiten gehen auf verschiedene Erkrankungen der Klauen zurück. Im Rahmen des FUGATO-plus Forschungsprojektes GENE-FL wurden die genetischen Grundlagen der Fundamentstabilität beim Rind, Schwein, Pferd und Schaf untersucht. Für die Untersuchungen beim Rind wurde Probenmaterial von insgesamt 1.962 erstlaktierenden Kühen der Rasse Holstein Friesian gesammelt. Diese stammten von sieben großen Herden aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mit vergleichbarem Haltungssystem und TMR-Fütterung. Der Klauenstatus der Tiere wurde zum Zeitpunkt des Klauenschnitts erfasst. Als Grundlage der molekularbiologischen Untersuchungen wurden anhand von in silico Analysen positionell-funktionelle Kandidatengene mit den assoziierten biochemischen Reaktionswegen für Fundamentmerkmale beim Rind und anderen landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierspezies ausgewählt. Aus den mehr als 1.000 ermittelten Kandidatengenen wurde ein individuell gefertigter SNP-Chip (384 SNP; ein SNP/Gen) erstellt. Mit dem SNP-Chip wurden 1.183 der phänotypisierten Tiere untersucht. Die Schwellenwertmodell-Analyse ergab eine signifikante Assoziation des im IQGAP1 (BTA21) befindlichen intronischen SNP (rs29017173, A/G) mit dem Merkmal Sohlenhämorrhagien. Des Weiteren konnte dieser SNP mit Fundamentmerkmalen der klassischen linearen Exterieurbeurteilung an zusätzlichem Datenmaterial von 2.394 Besamungsbullen der Rasse Holstein Friesian assoziiert werden.
Bei den robusten Fleischrindern White Galloway werden im Bezug auf die Fellfarbe der Tiere vier Phänotypen unterschieden. Neben den drei weißen Fellfarbschlägen, die unterteilt werden in sehr gut markiert (wsg), übermarkiert (wsü) und untermarkiert (wss), gibt es den vollkommen schwarzen Fellfarbtyp (wsch). Als bevorzugte Fellzeichnungen gelten wsg und wsü, während die unerwünschten Zeichnungen wss und wsch sind. Auch bei gezielten Anpaarungen der phänotypisch bevorzugten Tiere kommen die nicht preferierten Farbphänotypen vermehrt vor. Zur Aufklärung des genetischen Hintergrunds der verschiedenen Farbvarianten wurden zunächst vier für die Fellfarbe relevante Gene, mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (KIT, BTA6), KIT ligand (KITLG, BTA5), melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R, BTA18) und Tyrosinase (TYR, BTA29) vergleichend sequenziert und auf kausale kodierende Sequenzvarianten untersucht. In den potentiellen Kandidatengenen konnten keine Polymorphismen detektiert werden, die die unterschiedlichen Fellzeichnungsvarianten erklären und somit wurde eine Beteiligung dieser Gene ausgeschlossen. Eine kürzlich beim Rind beschriebene KIT Gen Duplikation und Insertion auf BTA29 bzw. Re-Insertion auf BTA6 wurde deshalb mittels Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung (FISH), Whole genome sequencing und Polymerasekettenreaktion (PCR)-basierter Genotypisierung der Insertionsbruchpunkte an 178 White Galloway und 64 White Park Tieren untersucht. In allen Fällen konnten die Fellfarb-Phänotypen auf die Duplikation und Insertion des KIT Gens auf BTA29 zurückgeführt werden.
Lebensmittelskandale werden in regelmäßigen Abständen aus mehreren Ländern berichtet. Im Jahr 2013 wurden Fertigprodukte mit undeklarierten Pferdefleischbeimischungen entdeckt. Eine genaue Quantifizierung der zugesetzten undeklarierten Menge war bisher nicht verlässlich möglich. Mit der droplet digitalen PCR (ddPCR) wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Testsysteme zum Nachweis entwickelt. Als Zielgene wurden das mitochondriale CYTB und das chromosomale F2 verwendet. Für die Etablierung des Verfahrens wurden als Gewebe zunächst Muskel, Fett, Sehne und Leber verwendet. Während sich in diesen Geweben die Anzahl der mtDNA-Kopien pro Zelle etwa um den Faktor 5 unterschied, war der Gehalt nukleärer DNA nahezu konstant. Ausgehend von den Spezies Rind, Schwein und Pferd wurden verschiedene DNA- und Fleischmischungen hergestellt, wobei der prozentuale Anteil der beigemischten Spezies zwischen 50 % bis 0,001 % variierte. Mit dem F2-basierten Testsystem wurde eine zuverlässige Quantifizierung (LOQ) bzw. Detektion (LOD) von Beimengungen von nur 0,01 % bzw. 0,001 % erreicht.
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Evolution pétrologique et déformation des semelles métamorphiques des ophiolites : mécanismes d'accrétion et couplage à l'interface des plaques lors de l'initiation de la subduction / Petrological and deformation evolution of metamorphic soles beneath ophiolites : mechanism of accretion and coupling at the plate interface during subduction initiationSoret, Mathieu 13 January 2017 (has links)
Les semelles métamorphiques sont des unités d’origine océanique (≤ 500 m d’épaisseur) situées à la base des grandes ophiolites obductées (≤ 20 km d’épaisseur). Ces unités sont caractérisées par un gradient métamorphique inverse, où les conditions de pression (P) et de température (T) de cristallisation augmentent de la base vers le contact avec l’ophiolite sus-jacente : depuis 500±100˚C et 0.5±0.2 GPa jusqu'à 800±100˚C et 1.0±0.2 GPa. Formées et exhumées au cours des 2 Ma suivant l’initiation des subductions océaniques, les semelles sont des témoins directs de leur dynamique précoce. Les assemblages minéralogiques qu’elles portent et leur déformation fournissent des contraintes majeures, et rares, sur l’évolution de la structure thermique et sur le comportement mécanique de l’interface de subduction naissante. Au terme d'une étude pétrologique, (micro-) structurale et expérimentale sur les amphibolites naturelles de la semelle de Semail (Oman, UAE) et synthétisées en laboratoire, nous proposons un modèle où la semelle métamorphique résulte d’épisodes multiples d’accrétion d’unités homogènes en P–T (donc sans gradient métamorphique) au cours des premières étapes de subduction océanique. L’écaillage subséquent résulte de changements majeurs dans la distribution de la déformation, du fait des variations des propriétés mécaniques des roches à l’interface de subduction lors de son équilibration thermique et de l’augmentation au cours du temps de la proportion de sédiments entrant en subduction. Ce modèle rend compte d’une grande complexité thermique et mécanique à l’interface de subduction, encore insuffisamment examinée dans les études numériques actuelles. / Metamorphic soles are m to ~500 m thick tectonic slices welded beneath most large-scale ophiolites (usually ≤ 20 km thick). They typically show a steep inverted metamorphic structure where the pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions of crystallization increase upward, from the base of the sole (500±100ºC at 0.5±0.2 GPa) to the contact with the overlying peridotite (800±100ºC at 1.0±0.2 GPa). Soles are interpreted as a result of heat transfer from the incipient mantle wedge toward the nascent slab during the first My of intra-oceanic subduction. Metamorphic soles are therefore direct witnesses of petrological processes during early subduction. Their mineralogical assemblage and deformation pattern provide major constraints on the evolution of the thermal structure, on the migration of fluids and on the effective rheology along the nascent slab interface. We present a detailed petrological, (micro-)structural and experimental study, with refined P–T estimates obtained with pseudosection modelling and EBSD measurements, on the garnet-bearing and garnet-free (natural and synthetized) amphibolite. We suggest a new tectonic–petrological model for the formation of metamorphic soles below ophiolites, which involves the stacking of several homogeneous slivers (without any T gradient) of oceanic crust to form the present-day structure of the sole. These successive thrusts are the result of rheological contrasts between the slab material and the peridotites of the upper plate as the plate interface progressively cools. This model outlines the thermal and mechanical complexity of the early subduction dynamics, and highlights the need for more refined numerical modelling studies.
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