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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karakterizacija albumina i biohemijski aspekti kvaliteta pšenice (Triticum aestivum) / Characterization of albumin and biochemicalaspects of wheat quality (Triticum aestivum)

Tomić Jelena 12 February 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije ispitivan je uticaj sorte i mikroklimatskih uslova tokom dve proizvodne godine p&scaron;enice na sadržaj i strukturu albumina; izvr&scaron;ena je karakterizacija albumina pomoću Lab&ndash;on&ndash; a&ndash;Chip elektroforeze; određena je aktivnost proteolitičkih i amilolitičkih enzima, sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih i slobodnih amino grupa; ispitana su reolo&scaron;ka svojstva testa primenom uobičajenih metoda za procenu tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta bra&scaron;na i izvedena je karakterizacija gotovog proizvoda-hleba. Jedan deo istraživanja se odnosio na period posležetvenog dozrevanja p&scaron;enice i stabilizacije bra&scaron;na.<br />Obe ispitivane godine odlikovao je toplotni stres s tim &scaron;to su u 2012. godini maksimalne<br />temperature prelazile 35 &deg;C i broj tropskih dana je bio izrazito veći u odnosu na 2011., &scaron;to je uslovilo promene u sastavu i kvalitetu proteina i skroba u zrnu p&scaron;enice. Sadržaj ukupnih albumina uzoraka p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na iz 2012. bio je značajno manji u odnosu na 2011. proizvodnu godinu. Rezultati određivanja proteolitičke i amilolitičke aktivnosti uzoraka p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na iz dve proizvodne godine su pokazali da su za 2012. proizvodnu godinu karakteristične znatno niže vrednosti ovih pokazatelja u odnosu na 2011. proizvodnu godinu i da je enzimska aktivnost pre svega sortna karakteristika.<br />Sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa uzoraka p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na iz 2012. proizvodne godine bio je značajno veći dok je sadržaj disulfidnih veza bio manji u odnosu na 2011. Sadržaj slobodnih amino grupa se razlikovao između uzoraka iz dve proizvodne godine, kako između različitih sorti, tako i u pogledu sva tri primenjena tretmana inkubacije glutena. Značajne razlike između vrednosti slobodnih amino grupa izmerenih nakon inkubacije gluten na 37 &deg;C, ukazuju na različitu proteolitičku aktivnost ispitivanih uzoraka p&scaron;eničnih sorti. U poređenju sa uzorcima iz 2011. proizvodne godine, uzorci iz 2012. su imali znatno niže vrednosti specifične zapremine hleba.<br />Dodatkom dvostruke količine sopstvenih albumina odabranom setu uzoraka dobijeni<br />su rezultati, koji ukazuju da su uzorci bra&scaron;na iz 2011. imali manjak amilolitičkih enzima, a uzorci iz 2012. manjak proteolitičkih enzima za postizanje optimalnog tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta.</p> / <p>In this dissertation, the influence of variety and microclimatic conditions that prevailed during the two production years on the content and structure of wheat albumins were investigated; characterization of albumins was performed by Lab-on-a-Chip capillary electrophoresis; the proteolytic and &alpha;- amylolytic activity, as well as the content of free sulfhydryl and free amino groups were also determined; the rheological properties of dough were estimated using conventional methods for the assessment of flour technological quality and characterization of the final product- bread was performed. One part of the research covered the period of postharvest wheat and flour maturation. Heat stress was characteristic of both production years; however, in 2012, maximum temperatures exceeded 35 &deg;C and the number of days with maximum temperatures above 30 &deg;C was markedly higher than in the 2011 production year. These conditions have caused the changes in the composition and quality of protein and starch in wheat kernels. The albumin content of wheat flour samples from 2012 was significantly lower compared to 2011 production year.&nbsp;Results of proteolytic and amilolytic activities of wheat flour samples from two production years, showed that the values of these indicators were significantly lower for 2012 in relation to the 2011 production year, and that the enzyme activity is primarily varietal characteristic. The content of free sulfhydryl groups of wheat flour samples from the 2012 production year was significantly higher while the content of disulfide bonds was lower than in 2011. The content of free amino groups differed between samples from two production years. Differences in the amount of free amino content were evident between the varieties and between different treatments of gluten incubation. Significant differences between the values of the free amino groups measured after gluten incubation at 37 &deg;C, indicate a different proteolytic activity of tested wheat flour samples. In comparison with the samples from the 2011 production year, samples from 2012 had significantly lower values of specific bread volume. The addition of double amount of its own albumins to the selected samples indicated&nbsp;that the flour samples from 2011 had a deficit of amylolytic enzymes and samples from 2012 had a deficit of proteolytic enzymes for achieving optimal technological quality.</p>

Evaluacija kvaliteta pšeničnih sorti sa teritorije Vojvodine procenom reoloških karakteristika testa / Quality evaluation of wheat varieties from Vojvodina by assessing dough rheological properties

Rakita Slađana 11 January 2018 (has links)
<p>Uprkos brojnim tradicionalnim reolo&scaron;kim metodama koje se već dugi niz godina koriste u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na, postoji potreba za razvijanjem novih metoda, pomoću kojih bi se za kratko vreme i uz ograničenu količinu uzorka mogao uspe&scaron;no predvideti kvalitet bra&scaron;na i gotovog proizvoda. Na taj način selekcionerima bi bila omogućena procena tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta linija p&scaron;enice čija je količina ograničena, dok bi se mlinarima obezbedio brz metod procene kvaliteta. Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene novog reolo&scaron;kog uređaja glutopika u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na i finalnog proizvoda &ndash; hleba, kao i mogućnost zamene tradicionalnih dugotrajnih metoda novom reolo&scaron;kom metodom.<br />Kako bi se ispitale i iskoristile mogućnosti reolo&scaron;kog uređaja glutopik za procenu kvaliteta p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na definisani su optimalni uslovi merenja koji su podrazumevali upotrebu NaCl kao rastvarača i zadate parametre temperature (36 &deg;C), obrtne brzine me&scaron;ača (2700 rpm) i odnos bra&scaron;na i rastvarača (8,5/9,5). Zabeležen je veliki broj korelacija između parametara glutopika i empirijskih reolo&scaron;kih pokazatelja kvaliteta bra&scaron;na i testa. Takođe je utvrđena značajna korelacija između parametara glutopika i indikatora kvaliteta hleba u pogledu specifične zapremine i teksturnih karakteristika sredine hleba. Na osnovu parametara dobijenih merenjem na glutopiku definisane su granične vrednosti. Ustanovljeno je da se primenom glutopik metode može izvr&scaron;iti klasifikacija sorti p&scaron;enice prema kvalitetu. Pored toga, utvrđeno je da glutopik ima veliki potencijal da zameni alveograf u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na u mlinarskoj i pekarskoj industriji. Reolo&scaron;ki parametri koji zavise od sadržaja proteina kao &scaron;to su moć upijanja vode i žilavost testa uspe&scaron;no se mogu predvideti pomoću parametara glutopika. Primenom glutopik metode postignuta je umerena predikcija specifične zapremine hleba, dok je postignuta veoma dobra predikcija teksturnih karakteristika sredine hleba.<br />U okviru ove disertacije je ispitan uticaj sorte i lokaliteta na tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet bra&scaron;na p&scaron;enice kako bi se utvrdilo koja od ispitivanih sorti ispoljava ujednačen kvalitet u različitim mikroklimatskim uslovima tokom dve proizvodne godine. U obe proizvodne godine pokazatelji kvaliteta bra&scaron;na su dominantno sortno određeni, pri čemu je zabeležen određeni uticaj mikroklimatskih faktora na lokalitetima gajenja. Odličan i najstabilniji kvalitet bra&scaron;na u 2011. godini je imala sorta Gordana koja je pokazala najveću adaptabilnost na mikroklimatske uslove. Apač je uniformno imao najlo&scaron;iji kvalitet duž svih ispitivanih lokaliteta. Domaće sorte su u 2012. godini imale promenljiv kvalitet u zavisnosti od lokaliteta gajenja. Hlebove proizvedene od domaćih p&scaron;eničnih sorti je karakterisala velika zapremina, rastresita struktura sredine sa izraženim velikim porama i mala čvrstoća sredine, dok je hleb proizveden od sorte Apač imao malu zapreminu, zbijenu strukturu sredine hleba sa velikim brojem malih pora kao posledicu velike čvrstoće. Dobra predikcija kvaliteta hleba od bra&scaron;na iz 2011. godine je postignuta primenom jednog reolo&scaron;kog pokazatelja kvaliteta, dok je za uspe&scaron;nu predikciju kvaliteta hleba od bra&scaron;na iz 2012. godine neophodno izvesti nekoliko različitih reolo&scaron;kih merenja.<br />Analizom tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta bra&scaron;na p&scaron;enice različitih sorti gajenih na različitim lokalitetima iz tri proizvodne godine zabeležene su velike varijacije u kvalitetu bra&scaron;na i hleba na ispitivanim lokalitetima i u proizvodnim godinama, &scaron;to jasno ukazuje na značajan uticaj interakcija između sortimenta i uslova gajenja (lokaliteta i godina), kao i značaj ispitivanja ovih interakcija i razvoja strategija koje imaju za cilj smanjenje uticaja spolja&scaron;njih faktora na kvalitet p&scaron;enice.</p> / <p>Regardless the fact that numerous traditional rheological methods have been used for many years in the flour quality assessment, there is a need for developing new methods, which could, in a short time, and with a limited amount of sample, successfully predict the quality of flour and finished products. In this way, wheat breeders would be able to evaluate the technological quality of the wheat lines with a restricted sample quantity, while the millers would be provided with a quick method of the quality evaluation. The main goal of the research of this dissertation was to examine the possibility of using a new rheological device GlutoPeak in the quality evaluation of flour and final product &ndash; bread, as well as the possibility of replacing traditional time-consuming methods with a new rheological test.<br />In order to examine the possibility of using a GlutoPeak rheological device for the flour quality evaluation, the optimal measurement conditions were defined and included the use of NaCl as a solvent, the rotational speed of the mixer (2700 rpm), temperature (36 &deg;C), the ratio of flour and solvent (8.5/9.5). Numerous correlations between GlutoPeak indices and empirical rheological parameters of dough behaviour were reported in this study. Significant correations were also observed between GlutoPeak parameters and bread specific volume and breadcrumb textural properties. The limit values were defined according to the GlutoPeak parameters values. Moreover, it was found that the GlutoPeak test could be used for wheat variety diferentiation according to the quality and has a great potential to replace Alveograph in the flour quality assessment in the milling and bakery industries. Parameters which depends on the protein content, such as, flour water absorption and dough tenacity, was successfully predicted by using parameters derived from GlutoPeak tester. A moderate prediction of loaf specific volume was achieved, while a very good prediction of breadcrumb textural characteristics was accomplished with the GlutoPeak parameters.<br />In addition, the influence of genotype and growing location on flour quality was examined in order to determine which of the tested varieties exhibited uniform quality accross different microclimatic conditions in two production years. It was revealed that in both production years flour quality indicators were predominantly influenced by genotype, with a certain influence of microclimate factors on the growing locations. Gordana variety showed excellent and uniform quality with the highest adaptability to microclimate conditions in year 2011. Apache variety showed uniformly poor quality across all tested locations. In year 2012 domestic varieties exhibited variable quality depending on the growing locations. Bread produced from domestic wheat varieties was characterized by a large volume, loose breadcrumb structure with pronounced large pores and low hardness, while the bread produced from Apache variety had a small volume, dense breadcrumb structure with a large number of small pores as a result of high breadcrumb hardness. The quality of bread produced from wheat flour from year 2011 was well predicted based on one rheological quality parameter. On the other hand, several different rheological measurements was performed to successfully predict the quality of bread produced from wheat flour from 2012 year.<br />By analyzing the technological quality of wheat flour of different varieties cultivated at different locations from three production years, large variations in the quality of flour and bread was recorded. The variations in flour and bread quality indicated the significant influence of interactions between the variety and growing conditions (locations and years), as well as the importance of examining these interactions and developing strategies aimed at reducing the impact of external factors on wheat quality.</p>

Vikta, hoprullade eller klippta i bitar? : Guldfoliefigurer samt deras fyndkontext

Soloeta Garmendia, Aritz January 2014 (has links)
In this essay I have chosen to take a closer look at gold figure foils (Swedish “guldgubbar”), find their context and analyze it. I have analyzed some earlier studies about gold figure foils that were found in Scandinavia. The focus of my study is based on the locations of the findings. Another important aspect is to discuss if the encountered gold figure foils that were folded and cut looked like that due to intentional motives or not. My conclusion is that when it comes to the locations of the findings they are mostly found in houses irrespective of if it´s in a posthole, wall or house foundation. The other conclusion is that the gold figure foils could have intentionally been manipulated before they ended up in the ground.

Between memory and desire : the renaissance vision of Cristoforo Sorte

Giunta, Stephen. January 1996 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with cartographic practices and the representation of the world during the Renaissance. In contrast with the modern instrumentalized world view, it will present surveying techniques and representational means that were defined by and reflected a divine transcendental order. The work of Cristoforo Sorte, as exemplified in his chorographia, will be investigated in order to display the mysterious qualities and geometric depth shared with Renaissance art and architecture. An examination of Sorte's methods of creating his work, relying on memory and the active recollection of the viewer, will reveal the primacy of shared human experience in the making of meaningful art and artifacts during the Renaissance. Perhaps an understanding of this world view will help mediate the dominating gaze which enframes the modern world and recover embodied perception as the site of architecture.

Les écrits canadiens sur les inégalités de santé : essai de typologie des recommandations d'intervention

Guimond, Anne-Marie January 2002 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


LUAN RAFAEL MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA 04 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, defendo a tese de que o livre arbítrio, entendido como o controle necessário para a responsabilidade moral baseada no mérito, não existe, pois é impossível. A tese é um desenvolvimento da visão de Galen Strawson que baseia a impossibilidade da responsabilidade última na impossibilidade da autodeterminação. Aqui, defendo uma abordagem ao problema que conecta os seguintes temas: livre arbítrio, sorte moral e autocriação, mantendo que o fato necessário da sorte constitutiva é o que torna impossível de satisfazer a condição de fonte última do controle necessário para a responsabilidade moral. Minha estratégia argumentativa é mostrar como as tentativas de satisfazer e de rejeitar essa condição falham. / [en] In this work, I defend the thesis that free will, understood as the control necessary for merit-based moral responsibility, does not exist, for it is impossible. The thesis is a development of Galen Strawson’s view, which bases the impossibility of ultimate responsibility on the impossibility of self-determination. Here, I defend an approach to the problem that connects the following themes: free will, moral luck and self-creation, holding that the necessary fact of constitutive luck is what makes the ultimate sourcehood condition for the control required for moral responsibility impossible to satisfy. My argumentative strategy is to show how attempts both to satisfy and reject this condition fail.

Between memory and desire : the renaissance vision of Cristoforo Sorte

Giunta, Stephen. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

As bonequinhas da sorte de Gravatá-PE, no contexto do processo folkcomunicacional e do desenvolvimento local

SILVA, Decilene Maria Santos Mendes da 31 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2016-12-14T11:47:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Decilene Maria Santos Mendes da Silva.pdf: 9888533 bytes, checksum: 47642907e048d8c4b3c65b038af30ee1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-14T11:47:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Decilene Maria Santos Mendes da Silva.pdf: 9888533 bytes, checksum: 47642907e048d8c4b3c65b038af30ee1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / In the city of Gravatá, state of Pernambuco, a cloth hand-sewed doll is the local symbol and widens the borders for being commercialized in other countries. This research, through the perspective of Folk communication (a theory conceived by the journalist Luiz Beltrão in the 1960's to study popular-level communication procedures), aims at understanding the mediatic scenarios, contexts and processes that involve production, sale and comprehension of the meanings acquired by "Gravatá’s Lucky Doll", as well as the sort of contribution it enables to local development. As for data collection one has used: field, bibliographic and documentary researches, besides publications on the internet, interviews, photo records and interviews with social actors in charge of manufacturing and commercializing the object. Through these elements, one has revealed the aspects that justify the popularity of such lucky doll and its plural significations. This study comprises cultural and social content, symbolic and discursive content, re-signification, re-functionalization and reconversion, as well as folkmarketing, marketing and institutional communication strategies which influence the object, thus leading to visualize to what extent the lucky doll may represent and foster local development. / Na cidade de Gravatá, em Pernambuco, uma bonequinha de pano costurada à mão é símbolo local e extrapola fronteiras, sendo comercializada em outros países. Esta pesquisa busca através de um olhar sob as lentes da folkcomunicação (teoria que estuda procedimentos comunicacionais em nível popular e foi criada pelo jornalista Luiz Beltrão na década de 60), perceber os cenários, contextos e processos midiáticos que movem a produção, venda e interpretação dos significados adquiridos pela “Bonequinha da sorte de Gravatá”, bem como que tipo de contribuição ela possibilita para o desenvolvimento local. Como coleta de dados foram utilizadas: pesquisa de campo, bibliográfica e documental, publicações na internet, entrevistas, registros fotográficos e entrevistas com atores sociais que produzem e comercializam o objeto. Através desses elementos revelam-se os aspectos que justificam a popularidade da bonequinha da sorte e suas significações plurais. O estudo envolve o conteúdo cultural e social, simbólico e discursivo, re-significação, re-funcionalização e reconversão, bem como as estratégias de folkmarketing e comunicação mercadológica e institucional pelas quais passa o objeto, levando a visualizar até que ponto a bonequinha da sorte pode configurar e promover o desenvolvimento local.

A instrução para os desfavorecidos da sorte : obrigação ao trabalho no sertão da ignorancia, MG-1889-1909

Vilela, Claudia Oliveira Cury 29 January 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis is the result of an investigation that analyzed the instruction process directed to those that, previously neglected socio-economically, became useful for the urgent promotion of state economy. This study, thus, involves the period in which the Republic of Brazil comes to existence, in 1889 when the state of Minas Gerais faced an economic hardship, worsened by the lack of labor for the crops, mainstay of state finances. The study extends to 1909, when the State organized the Instituto João Pinheiro, with the mission of solving the demand for labor, prioritizing the marginalized, the neglected, the delinquent youngster and the son of proletarian, transforming them into workers. In this perspective, the ideas of instruction at and for work were understood in the light of the state legislation context at the time, characterized as the dawn of Brazilian Republic and of the State of Minas Gerais parliament tribune where we could apprehend that the voices echoed in favor of mandating the disgraced to become occupied and productive, meeting the expectations of the liberal capitalist State-Nation. Therefore, in the direction of political-economical intentions of Minas Gerais, which, in a certain way, mandated that the individual be instructed for and at work, is that the primary sources the Annaes of the State Congress - were listed. Besides this document scope, other sources relevant were relevant: newspapers, maps, reports, and other historic documents searched at the Public Archives of the State of Minas Gerais and other digital archives, besides the state and federal laws. The legal modes proposed by the State as a coercion mode from individual idleness, as well as the distinct instruction loci for the unfortunate ones are, in this study, apprehended as moving proposals that converge to trends and possibilities of forcing individuals, in some way, to maintain their status quo, since it preconized an inequality of opportunities. Beyond these concerns, it was observed that, with the decline of the Imperial Period, the State of Minas Gerais remained faithful and confident of its catholic convictions, closing rows of Catholicism and, defending this belief in a moment in which the State-Nation, officially, proclaimed itself a lay state favored the catholic socio-educational enterprises, bargaining with the Church state properties in exchange for Salesian Christian actions that left their mark on the instruction scenario for the miserable in the state. Understanding about the partnership with the Salesian on the formation of workers that were disciplined, clean and subservient, to put an end to the problem of the unfortunate ones and minimize the state demand for labor, was not an objective, a priori, but was revealed itself as important as the investigation advanced, also conferring uniqueness to this study, indicating that the Salesian mode of instructing the unfortunate for labor the organization of Instituto João Pinheiro. / A presente tese é resultado da investigação que analisou o processo de instrução destinado àqueles que, desvalidos socioeconomicamente, tornaram-se úteis à urgente promoção da economia estadual. Esta pesquisa incide, portanto, sobre o período em que desperta a República no Brasil, em 1889, quando Minas Gerais encontrava-se diante de uma difícil situação econômica que se agrava mediante a falta de mão de obra para as lavouras, sustentáculo das finanças estaduais. A pesquisa estende-se até 1909, quando o Estado organiza o Instituto João Pinheiro, cuja ambição era solucionar a situação da demanda de trabalhadores, norteando o marginalizado, o enjeitado, o jovem delinquente e o filho do proletário, transformando-os em trabalhadores. Nesse sentido, as ideias de instrução no e para o trabalho foram interpretadas à luz do contexto legislativo mineiro da época, caracterizado como o alvorecer da República brasileira e da tribuna do parlamento mineiro donde pudemos apreender que as vozes ecoavam a favor de se obrigar o desgraçado a se ocupar e produzir, atendendo às expectativas do Estado-Nação liberal capitalista. Assim, na direção das intenções político-econômicas de Minas Gerais, as quais, de certo modo, obrigaram o sujeito a se instruir para e no trabalho, é que as fontes primárias os Annaes do Congresso Mineiro foram arroladas. Além desse escopo documental, outras fontes foram relevantes: jornais, mapas, relatórios e outros documentos históricos esquadrinhados no Arquivo Público Mineiro e em outros acervos digitais, além da legislação em âmbito estadual e federal. Os modos legais propostos pelo Estado como forma de coerção da desocupação dos indivíduos, bem como os distintos loci de instrução para os desprotegidos da sorte são, nesta pesquisa, apreendidos como propostas em movimento que convergem para tendências e possibilidades de obrigar os indivíduos, de alguma forma, a manter seu status quo, uma vez que preconizavam a desigualdade de oportunidades. Para além dessas apreensões, averiguou-se que, com o declínio do Período Imperial, o Estado de Minas Gerais permaneceu fiel e confiante em suas convicções católicas, alinhando-se às fileiras do catolicismo e, na defesa dessa crença nesse momento em que o Estado-Nação, oficialmente, se proclamava laico , favoreceu as obras socioeducativas católicas, barganhando com a Igreja propriedades estaduais em troca das ações cristãs salesianas que deixaram sua marca no cenário mineiro de instrução para o miserável. O entendimento sobre a parceria com os Salesianos na produção de trabalhadores disciplinados, higiênicos e hierarquicamente submissos, para dar cobro à situação dos desamparados da sorte e minimizar a demanda estadual de operários, não foi objetivado, a priori, mas se revelou importante no avançar da investigação, conferindo, também, singularidade a esta pesquisa ao indicar que a maneira salesiana de instruir o miserável para o trabalho inspirou a organização do Instituto João Pinheiro. / Doutor em Educação


Silva, Paulo Henrique de Toledo da 28 April 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In the present work, we seek to elucidate the relations between the problem of moral luck and our assignments of responsibility. The problem of moral luck emerges from two dimensions of human life. On the one side, we are autonomous and rational beings, we have control over our actions and are moral agents. On the other side, we are vulnerable to every sort of external contingency that eliminates the complete control we have over our actions and their results. The contingency, also, has a significant weight on the formation of our character and personality. Therefore, the problem of moral luck takes a real importance: how can we assign responsibility to the agents, given that a lot of what configures a moral action are contingent elements? The research was elaborated based on Bernard Williams and Thomas Nagel s articles on Moral luck. Williams, in his article, seeks to show that morality, as we conceive it, is (in fact) distant from our moral evaluations. Williams introduces the role of regret and recognizes the need to understand moral justification as retrospective. Nagel, in turn, finds the center of the moral luck problem in the control principle. In trying to understand how we assign responsibility to an agent for things beyond his control, Nagel defines four methods in which luck influences our moral judgements, and lists the kinds of moral luck: resultant, circumstantial, constitutive and causal luck. Finally, we take a look at critiques pertinent to the moral luck and responsibility problem, both negating and accepting the influence of luck in moral responsibility. From the epistemic argument and Zimmerman s postulates to Walker s pure agency critique and Otsuka s strawsonian considerations about reactive attitudes. / No presente trabalho, buscamos elucidar as relações entre o problema da sorte moral e nossas atribuições de responsabilidade. O problema da sorte moral emerge a partir de duas dimensões da vida humana. Por um lado, somos seres autônomos e racionais, temos o controle sobre nossas ações e somos agentes morais. Por outro, somos vulneráveis a toda espécie de contingência externa que elimina o controle total que temos de nossas ações e de seus resultados. A contingência, também, tem um peso significativo na formação de nosso caráter e personalidade. Por isso, o problema da sorte moral assume importância real: como podemos atribuir responsabilidade aos agentes, visto que muito do que configura uma ação moral são elementos contingentes? Elaboramos esta pesquisa a partir dos artigos Moral luck de Bernard Williams e Thomas Nagel. Williams, em seu artigo, busca mostrar que a moralidade, como a concebemos, mostra-se distante de nossas avaliações morais. Williams introduz o papel do arrependimento e reconhece a necessidade de entendermos a justificação moral como retrospectiva. Nagel, por sua vez, encontra no princípio do controle o centro do problema da sorte moral. Na tentativa de entender como atribuímos responsabilidade a uma agente por coisas além de seu controle, Nagel define quatro meios pelos quais a sorte influencia nossos juízos morais e elenca os tipos de sorte moral: sorte resultante, circunstancial, constitutiva e causal. Por fim, procuramos as críticas pertinentes ao problema da sorte moral e responsabilidade, as quais neguem ou aceitem a influência da sorte na responsabilidade moral, indo do argumento epistêmico e os postulados de Zimmerman à crítica da agência pura de Walker e as considerações strawsonianas de Otsuka sobre as atitudes reativas.

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