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Examining the effectiveness of the new Basel III banking standards : experience from the South African Customs Union (SACU) banksMusafare, Kidwell 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explored the efficacy of the new Basel III banking standards in SACU, grounded on the conjecture that they are not reflective of economies of SACU, but are merely an intensification of Basel II, rather than a substantial break with it. Firstly, loans and assets were tested for causality, since Basel III believes growth in these variables led to securitization. The leverage ratio has been introduced in Basel III as an anti-cyclical buffer. The OLS technique was employed to test for its significance in determining growth in bank assets. SACU feels the impact of debt, with credit is marginally treated in Basel III and is not introspective of the realities of its economies. ANOVA tests using debt, credit and GDP were done to determine a better method of addressing cyclicality. The leverage ratio was insignificant in Namibia, with debt and credit having momentous impacts on GDP in SACU. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)
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The activities of the Southern African Development Community in relation to its purpose statementMagakwe, Jack 24 October 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on and explores the Southern African Development Community’s activities to determine whether the intended objectives have been accomplished as stated in its purpose statement. The study argues that the achievement of the Southern Africa Development Community’s purpose statement is important with regard to the implementation of developmental initiatives. This is because the SADC objectives are measured in the operationalisation and implementation of policies and the operationalisation of key activities. The Southern African region is rich in natural resources but lacks the political will and capacity for the institutionalisation of key processes to, among others, alleviate poverty and HIV/AIDS and address human security matters.
This study revealed that SADC did not achieve all its intended objectives. Several challenges, such as the full convertibility of regional currencies among member states still need to be addressed. One of the major challenges impacting negatively on the implementation and completion of SADC’s projects are the capacity, skills and expertise to drive key business processes. This study has found that in spite of complexities and challenges to implement SADC’s policies and programmes as stated in its purpose statement, there is a need to align the member states’ priorities with SADC’s objectives to maximise impact and overall successful execution thereof. Coupled with this challenge is another crucial challenge relating to the SADC structure, mechanisms and methodologies that are used for achieving SADC’s objectives. The study revealed that the structures, mechanisms and methodologies are inadequate to successfully implement and evaluate SADC’s projects.
Consequently, this study proposes some reforms in SADC’s Regional Indicative Strategic Plan that should be considered and integrated into the national plans, budgets and priorities of all SADC member states. Critically, it is important to ensure the alignment and buy-in of member states with regard to the development and implementation of SADC’s projects and programmes in the Southern African region. Firstly, the study proposes that partnerships with research institutions should be explored to strengthen the limited capacity of SADC’s Secretariat. Benchmarking and best practices with other international government organisations such as the African Union and the United Nations will provide a platform to improve the current activities of SADC to be more focused towards the desired outcomes. Secondly,
SADC’s activities that are linked to its objectives should be intensified through the mobilisation of resources and expertise that are geared to all key result areas to improve regional integration and ultimately the achievement of SADC’s objectives as stated in its purpose statement. / Public Administration & Management / M.P.A.
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The SADC free trade protocol as a vehicle for the Angolan post-war economic recoveryLopes Cristovao, Antonio Francisco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Free trade is said to maximize welfare in a world organized by nation-states. To participate in the
global economy more effectively most nation-states have implemented economic policies with
the objective of freeing international trade. This movement has been facilitated by the process of
globalization which has had unparalleled effects on the economic policies of countries
worldwide. However, countries-have found it increasingly difficult to manage their economies at
the multilateral level since the benefits of global free trade are not equally shared. This has led to
an increase in Regional Integration Agreements (RIAs), which are seen as a tool for strategic
growth and development while promoting free trade on a more restricted basis.
In the last decades of the 20th century, the world has seen an increase in the number of RIAs
particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, However, empirical evidence has shown, contrary to what
happened in Europe, that in Africa most attempts at economic integration have failed to promote
meaningful economic growth and development. Notwithstanding that, the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) has embraced economic integration as a strategy for growth in
the region. Focusing on SADC and the Angolan economy as the main units of analysis, this study
looks at the theory of economic integration to evaluate its validity for the African context and to
find out how useful integration is in promoting economic growth and development in less
developed countries.
The study concludes that economic integration theory, which was developed within the context of
European economies, is not relevant for African economies, which are different in character.
Evidence indicates for instance, that in Africa the most important gains from economic
integration are dynamic and not static, as the theory seems to suggest. Additionally, contrary to
what happened in former attempts at forming RlAs in Africa, SADC has implemented a
development integration approach aiming at industrialization. This is important, because
according to the "Krugman-Venables model of regional relocation" the least developed countries can benefit from trade and investment from the most developed ones. The SADe Free Trade
Protocol may be harmful for the Angolan economy in the short to medium term because of
structural problems. However, it was found that if properly implemented it could playa major
role in promoting growth and development in the longer term. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vrye handel, so word beweer, vermeerder welvaart in 'n wêreld wat deur nasie-state georganiseer
word. Die ekonomiese beleid van nasie-state is daarop gemik om internasionale handel te
dereguleer, ten einde hulle in staat te stelom meer effektief binne die globale ekonomie deel te
neem. Hierdie proses is gefasiliteer deur die verskynsel van globalisering wat ongeëwenaarde
gevolge vir alle state in die wêreld meegebring het. Nietemin, vind state dit in toenemende mate
moeilik om hierdie proses op multilaterale vlak te bestuur, aangesien die voordele van
internasionale handel nie in gelyke mate gedeel word nie. Dit het gely tot 'n toename in
Streeksintegrasie-Ooreenkornste (SIO's ). Hierdie ooreenkomste word beskou as 'n ekonomiese
groei en ontwikkeling-strategie, terwyl internasionale handelop 'n meer beperkte grondslag
bevorder word.
Tydens die laatse dekades van die twintigste eeu, het die aantal SIO's (veral in Sub-Sahara
Afrika) toegeneem. In teenstelling met die ervaring van die Europese Unie, dui die feite aan dat
pogings tot ekonomiese integrasie in Afrika nie daarin geslaag het om betekenisvolle
ontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei te bevorder nie. Nietemin, het die Suider-Afrikaanse
Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) handels-integrasie aanvaar as 'n strategie vir ekonomiese
groei in die streek (met as instrument die SAOG Vryehandel-protokol). Met fokus op die SAOG
en Angola as eenhede van analise, evalueer die studie die liberale teorie van ekonomiese
integrasie, ten einde uitspraak te lewer oor die geldigheid daarvan binne die konteks van Afrika,
Tweedens, word daar ook aandag geskenk aan die vraag of ekonomiese integrasie 'n optimale
strategie is vir die bevordering van ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling in minder-ontwikkelde
Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word is dat ekonomiese integrasie (soos ontwikkel binne die
Wes-Europese konteks) nie relevant is vir die eiesoortige omstandighede van Afrikastate nie. Daar is, onder andere, bevind dat die belangrikste voordele van integrasie in Afrika dinamies is,
en nie staties nie (soos die teorie van ekonomiese integrasie dit in die vooruitsig stel). Daarby, en
teenstrydig met vorige pogings tot die vorming van SIO's in Afrika, het die SAOG 'n
ontwikkelings integrasie benadering aanvaar. Hierdie benadering is gemik op eweredige
industrialisering in die streek. Dit is 'n belangrike punt, want volgens die "Krugman-Venables
model van streekshervestiging" kan die minder ontwikkelde state voordeel trek van handel met,
en beleggings uit die meer ontwikkelde state in die streek. Laatstens, is daar bevind dat die
SAOG Vryehandel-protokol in die kort tot medium termyn nadelige gevolge vir Angola sal
meebring. Dit is as gevolg van strukturele probleme in die Angolese ekonomie. Nietemin, indien
behoorlik geïmplementeer, kan dit 'n betekenisvolle rol speel in die bevordering van ekonomiese
groei en ontwikkeling oor die lang termyn.
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Can regional organisations socialise states? Comparing human rights diffusion in ASEAN and SADCYejoo, Kim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The deteriorating human rights situations in Myanmar and Zimbabwe have drawn concerns from the international community. Mainly Western states and NGOs have criticised both governments and urged strong action from the regional organisations, namely ASEAN and SADC. However, because of the deeply rooted non-intervention norm in these regions, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, the human rights situation in both states long remained serious. Recently however, ASEAN has taken up a strong stance towards Myanmar. On the contrary, SADC has showed reluctance to respond to the human rights violations in Zimbabwe. The question arises why these two regional organisations have showed different responses? In other words, the ASEAN member states have become relaxed and accepted the new human rights norm, discarding the traditional non-intervention norm, while the SADC member states still stick to the norm of non-intervention.
In order to find answers, the focus in this thesis is on the process of socialisation which means that the actors adopt new norms which are also accepted by society as a whole. Three mechanisms which lead to socialisation, namely strategic calculation, role-playing and normative suasion, are discussed. The conclusion reached is that regional organisation can play a role in inducing the member states to accept the new norm, in the process the regional organisation is also socialised through interaction with other international organisations and actors.
Here, historical background, and particularly the process of gaining independence in SADC heavily influenced the socialisation process in this region. SADC member states‘ liberation struggle against colonialism and apartheid led to the formation of strong bonds among member states that has made it difficult for respective state leaders to criticise each other. Such strong bonds do not exist in Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia, member states interact actively with external actors such as the EU and NGOs. Thus they become receptive to human rights norms; in turn, the regional organisation itself has been socialised and has become relaxed enough to discard the non-intervention norm. Also an increasingly large middle class has become interested in the human rights situation in its neighbouring countries. These are the factors which have led to the differing responses from ASEAN and SADC to human rights abuses in their regions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadat hulle onafhanklikheid gekry het, het die menseregte situasie in Myanmar en Zimbabwe agteruitgegaan. Die internasionale gemeenskap, meestal Westerse state en nie-regerings organisasies het albei regerings gekritiseer en die streeksorganisasies, naamlik ASEAN en SADC, dringend versoek om streng op te tree. Weens die diep-gewortelde nie-intervensie norm in beide Suidoos-Asië en Suider-Afrika het die menseregte situasie egter lank ernstig gebly. ASEAN het egter meer onlangs sterk standpunt ingeneem teenoor Myanmar. Maar SADC is nog steeds onwillig om te reageer op die menseregte vergrype in Zimbabwe. Die vraag is nou waarom hierdie twee streeksorganisasies so verskillend opgetree het. Die lidstate van ASEAN het ontspanne geraak en die nuwe menseregte norme aanvaar en die tradisionele nie-intervensie norm laat vaar, terwyl SADC lidstate nog hou by die nie-intervensie norm .
In die soek na antwoorde, is die fokus van hierdie tesis op die proses van sosialisering wat beteken dat die akteurs nuwe norme wat deur die internasionale gemeenskap as geheel aanvaar word, aanneem. Die drie meganismes wat lei tot sosialisering, naamlik strategiese berekening, rol-speling en normatiewe oorreding, word bespreek. Die slotsom waartoe gekom word is dat streeksorganisasies ‘n rol kan speel in die oorreding van lidstate om die nuwe norm te aanvaar en dat die streeksorganisasies in die proses deur interaksie met ander internasionale organisasies en akteurs, self gesosialiseer word.
Historiese agtergrond en veral die proses waardeur onafhanklikheid in die lande van Suider-Afrika verkry is, het die sosialisasie proses in die area beïnvloed. SADC lidstate se vryheidstryd teen kolonialisme en apartheid het sterk bande tussen lidstate gesmee en dit moeilik gemaak vir die leiers van die state om mekaar te kritiseer. Daar bestaan nie sulke sterk bande in Suidoos-Asië nie. Verder is daar in Suidoos-Asië aktiewe interaksie met ander organisasies soos die Europese Unie en met nie-regerings organisasies. Dus is hulle meer ontvanklik vir menseregte norms. Op hulle beurt is die streeksorganisasies ook gesosialiseer en het hulle ontspanne genoeg geraak om af te sien van die nie-intervensie norm. Die groeiende middelklas het ook geïnteresseerd geraak in die menseregte situasie in hulle eie en in die buurlande. Dit is die faktore wat gelei het tot die verskillende reaksies van ASEAN en SADC tot die menseregte vergrype in hulle onderskeie streke.
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The power of power : regime dynamics and the Southern African power poolRothkegel, Lisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electricity is the key to economic growth and numerous aspects of human development. Africa’s installed generation capacity is dire, alongside it being the biggest funding backlog the power sector. There is however hope with the projection that to date, only 7% of this power potential has been harnessed. The increased acknowledgement of the importance of electricity for states to improve along with the knowledge that the capacity is there, has driven states within Southern Africa, to engage in increased and committed cooperation with one another. Within the greater vision of regional integration of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Africa, energy was one of the first formal cooperative arrangements of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which is the region this study will be focusing on. The form of electricity cooperation adopted was that of the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), which is geared at increasing cross-border electricity trade and ensuring secure and reliable supply to its members. The study investigates the formation of an electricity regime within Southern Africa, by using the Southern African Power Pool as a case study. In order to properly assess the development of the SAPP, regime theory will be used. An analytical framework, derived from different studies around regime theory has been constructed. This framework assists in the analysis of the formation and evolution of the SAPP, which facilitates the assessment of the type of regime which has emerged, and guides a sound analysis around the degree of the electricity regimes effectiveness. Given the process of formation and characteristics underlying the SAPP, it has been found that it falls within the category of a negotiated regime. The analytical framework provided clear guidelines in assessing the degree of effectiveness regarding the case study at hand. After an analysis of the historical and organisational functioning of the regime - it can be argued that the SAPP is a stable and effective regime, at least on paper. It however faces various challenges, which have constrained its efficient functioning. It is concluded that members of the regime are committed to the SAPP’s continued development despite the problems identified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elektrisiteit is die sleutel tot ekonomiese groei en baie ander aspekte van menslike ontwikkeling. Afrika se geïnstalleerde opwekkingskapasiteit is net so nypend soos die feit dat dit die grootste befondsing agterstand in die kragvoorsiening sektor is. Daar is egter hoop met die projeksie dat, tot op datum, slegs 7% van hierdie kragpotensiaal benut word. Die toenemende erkenning van die belang van elektrisiteit vir state om vooruit te gaan, gepaard met die wete dat die kapasiteit beskikbaar is, het state binne suider Afrika gedryf om hulle tot toenemende en volgehoue samewerking met mekaar te verbind. Binne die groter visie vir streeksintegrasie van die Streek se Ekonomiese Gemeenskappe (SEG) [Regional Economic Communities (REC)] in Afrika, was energie een van die eerste formele korporatiewe akkoorde van die Suider Afrikaanse Ontwikkelings Gemeenskap (SAOG) [Southern African Development Community (SADC)], wat die streek is waarop hierdie studie sal fokus. Die vorm wat elektrisiteit samewerking aangeneem het, was die Suider Afrika Krag Poel (SAKP) [Southern African Power Pool (SAPP)], wat aangepas is om elektrisiteithandel oor grense heen te bevorder en veilige, asook betroubare lewering aan die lede te verseker. Hierdie studie ondersoek die totstandkoming van ’n elektrisiteit ‘regime’ binne suider Afrika deur die SAKP as ’n gevalle studie te gebruik. Om die ontwikkeling van die SAKP behoorlikte asesseer, sal die regime teorie gebruik word. ’n Analitiese raamwerk, wat afgelei is van verskeie studies met betrekking tot regime teorie, is dus saamgestel. Hierdie raamwerk help met die analise van die totstandkoming en evolusie van die SAKP wat die asessering van die tipe regime, wat ontstaan het, vergemaklik en dit rig ook ‘n streng analise met betrekking tot die graad van effektiwiteit van die elektrisiteit regimes. Gegewe die proses van totstankoming en die eienskappe onderliggend aan die SAKP, is daar bevind dat dit binne die kategorie van ’n onderhandelde regime val (negotiated regime). Die analitiese raamwerk het duidelike riglyne voorsien om die effektiwiteitsgraad, met betrekking tot die gevallestudie, te assesseer. Na ’n analise van die historiese en organisatoriese funksionering van die regime – kan mens aanvoer dat die SAKP, ten minste op skrif, ’n stabiele en effektiewe regime is. Dit staar egter verskeie struikelblokke in die gesig, wat die effektiewe funksionering beperk. Daar kan egter afgelei word dat die lede van die regime toegewyd is tot die volgehoue ontwikkeling van die SAKP, ten spyte van die probleme wat geïdentifiseer is.
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A NEPAD leadership development strategy : the SADC caseNtsike, Austeria Letholetseng 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The overall aim of this study is to shape the future of the SADC through the New
Partnerships for Africa’s Development leadership development strategy (NEPAD LDS),
including a social responsiveness strategy. It proceeds from the premise that leadership
development should be based on the values and interests of an institution, because these
represent the institution’s position regarding the context within which it exists.
This study pursued the following objectives:
• To identify leadership needs in the SADC
• To suggest a NEPAD-based leadership development strategy that includes
a social responsiveness strategy as a response to identified SADC
leadership needs
The research therefore viewed the future of the SADC through leadership
development. The entry point in this process was to establish the character and qualities
of the SADC, considering that the continued existence of this region depends on its
ability to transform all its systems in a unified pursuit of common goals. The history and
natural resources of the region were thus seen to be the most visible measures of its
overall health and strategic direction.
The process of stakeholder identification and mapping was then pursued, with the
view to help the SADC leadership to assess systematically the nature and impact of
groups with which the organisation deals. Following the stakeholder analysis,
information on the macro-environment of the SADC was gathered because of the impact
the external environment has on the SADC. This large body of information was screened
systematically. The scanning taxonomy that was developed included five areas: social,
technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP). This specialised
taxonomy helped the researcher to focus on issues of greatest concern to the study. The
issues that were scanned are discussed relative to their impact on SADC leadership
Based on the leadership challenges in the SADC thus identified, planning
assumptions were developed, which are best guesses or predictions about key dimensions of the future given the leadership challenges identified. These assumptions are estimates
based on the combination of estimating factors/validation points, which are portrayed in
the analysis of the macro-environment of the SADC. The probability, the impact, the
proximity and the maturity of these assumptions are interpreted by calculating their
weighted positive or negative values.
Cross-impact analysis of the validation points is used to guide the SADC
decision-makers to adopt policies designed to achieve more desirable leadership futures.
Here, the connections between validation points impacting on the probability of one
another are illustrated. These specified relationships trace out a distinct, plausible and
internally consistent future for the SADC leadership. This analysis gives rise to the
identification of key validation points/drivers in the SADC from which emerge the key
leadership needs of this region. Further needs that emerged were to make the NEPAD the
base upon which the leadership development programme is built, and to incorporate
social responsiveness strategy.
Based on these key leadership needs in the SADC, it is suggested that a NEPADbased
leadership development strategy, including a social responsiveness strategy, be
developed and implemented. Furthermore, the NEPAD leadership development strategy
(NEPAD LDS) should be based on the premise that linking leadership development with
a social responsiveness strategy is critical not only for the SADC, but for the entire
world, because this region is part of the global village. It is suggested that the
implementation strategy should enable participants to translate the NEPAD LDS into
action and to see leadership development and a social responsiveness strategy as key
mechanisms for doing so.
This study attempts to avoid the worn-out remedies of the past and uses a holistic
approach called Common Sense Management, which entails market research, directionsetting,
strategy development, implementing strategies and outcome assessment.
The findings and the conclusions for this study are organised around the research
questions that were the basis of motivation for this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorhoofse doelwit van hierdie studie is om die toekoms van die Suider-
Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) te help bepaal deur middel van die Nuwe
Vennootskap vir Afrika se Ontwikkeling (algemeen bekend as NEPAD) se
leiderskapsontwikkelingstrategie (LDS), insluitende 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie.
Dit gaan uit vanaf die veronderstelling dat leierskapsontwikkeling op die waardes en
belange van 'n instelling behoort te berus, omdat hulle die instelling se posisie
verteenwoordig rakende die konteks waarbinne dit bestaan.
Hierdie studie het die volgende doelwitte nagevolg:
• Om leierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG te identifiseer
• Om 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapontwikkelingstrategie voor te stel wat
'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie insluit as 'n reaksie op die
geïdentifiseerde SAOG leierskapsbehoeftes.
Daarom betrag die navorsingstuk die toekoms van SAOG deur die bril van
leierskapsontwikkeling. Die vertrekpunt in hierdie proses was om die karakter en
hoedanighede van SAOG vas te stel met in agneming dat die volgehoue bestaan van
hierdie streek van sy vermoë afhang om al sy stelsels in 'n verenigde nastreef van
gemeenskaplike doelwitte te transformeer. Die geskiedenis en natuurlike hulpbronne van
die streek is dus gesien as die mees sigbare maatreëls in sy oorhoofse gesondheid- en
strategiese rigting.
Die proses om belanghebbers te identifiseer en te beskryf, is vervolgens aangepak
met die oog op bystand aan die SAOG se leierskap om die aard en impak van groepe
waarmee die organisasie te doene het, sistematies te beoordeel. Na afloop van die
belanghebbersanalise, is inligting oor SAOG se makro-omgewing versamel vanweë die
impak van die eksterne omgewing op SAOG. Hierdie groot hoeveelheid inligting is
sistematies verwerk. Die verwerkingsistematiek wat ontwikkel is, sluit vyf gebiede in:
sosiaal, tegnologies, omgewing, ekonomies en polities (STOEP). Hierdie gespesialiseerde
sistematiek het die navorser in staat gestel om op sake wat van die grootste belang vir die studie is, te konsentreer. Die aangeleenthede wat verwerk is, word bespreek in
verhouding met hul impak op SAOG se leierskapspraktyke.
Op grond van die leierskapsuitdagings in SAOG wat aldus geïdentifiseer is, is
beplanningsaannames opgestel wat beste skattings of voorspellings verteenwoordig
aangaande sleutelelemente van die toekoms, gegewe die leierskapsuitdagings wat bepaal
is. Hierdie aannames word vasgestel op grond van die samestelling van
faktore/geldigheidspunte wat in die analise van die makro-omgewing van SAOG
voorgestel word. Die waarskynlikheid, die impak, die nabyheid en die rypheid van
hierdie aannames word by wyse van die berekening van hul geweegde positiewe of
negatiewe waardes geïnterpreteer.
'n Kruisimpakanalise van die geldigheidspunte word gebruik om rigting aan die
SAOG besluitnemers te verskaf om hul beleidsrigtings aan te pas om 'n meer gewenste
leierskapstoekoms te bewerkstellig. Hier word dan die verbinding tussen die
geldigheidspunte uitgebeeld wat 'n invloed op mekaar se onderlinge waarskynlikheid
uitoefen. Hierdie aangeduide verhoudings dui 'n duidelike, geloofbare en intern
konsekwente toekoms vir die SAOG leierskap aan. Hierdie analise gee aanleiding tot die
identifisering van sleutelgeldigheidspunte/aandrywers vir SAOG waaruit die
deurslaggewende leierskapsbehoeftes van die streek na vore tree. Verdere behoeftes wat
duidelik geword het, was dat NEPAD die basis behoort te verskaf waarop die
leierskapsprogram gebou behoort te word, asook om 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie
daarby in te begryp.
Op grond van hierdie sleutelleierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG, word aan die hand
gedoen dat 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapsontwikkelingstrategie, insluitende 'n sosiale
deelnemendheidstrategie, ontwikkel en toegepas word. Verder behoort die NEPAD
leierskapontwikkelingstrategie (NEPAD LDS) op die aanname te berus dat 'n
aaneenskakeling van leierskapsontwikkeling met 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie
krities nie slegs vir SAOG is nie, maar vir die hele wêreld, aangesien hierdie streek deel
is van die wêrelddorp. Dit word aanbeveel dat die implementeringstrategie deelnemers
behoort in staat te stel om die NEPAD LDS in aksie in om te skakel en om leierskapsontwikkeling en 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie te beskou as
sleutelmeganismes in die proses.
Hierdie studie poog om die uitgediende redmiddels van die verlede te vermy en
om eerder 'n holistiese benadering te gebruik, wat Gesonde Verstandbestuur genoem kan
word, wat marknavorsing, rigtingbepaling, strategie-ontwikkeling, die implementering
van strategieë en uitkomsgebaseerde assessering insluit.
Die bevindings en die gevolgtrekkings in hierdie studie word om die
navorsingsvrae gegroepeer wat as motivering vir hierdie studie gedien het.
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Restoring and holding on to beauty : the role of aesthetic relational values in sustainable developmentSwartz, Moshe E. Ncilashe 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
Unless Africans and their leaders make a concerted effort to rid themselves of the harmful legacy of colonial spirituality by adopting new motives for living, entering into new relationships with themselves on the plane of beneficial values, Africa will not be able to escape the social, environmental, political and economic afflictions that currently beset her. The colonial forces that burst into Africa with violence from minds bent on foreign conquest were primarily driven by an ethos of covetousness that has come to characterize the existing international order. Stealing, not only of natural resources has continued side by side with the denuding of the very souls of people – as has happened so successfully in Africa – of their humanity.
There is evidence that human existence has been beleaguered and governed by an unviable microphysical framework (mindset and spirituality). In the midst of what appears to be a bewilderingly dynamic, turbulent and complex world, this spirituality looms large, gaining a stronghold resulting in disconnectedness among self-worshipping humans and their environment. We now live in a world governed by a distructive innate iniquity that produces overwhelming inequity among humans and unprecedented damage in the natural environment that sustains us. This study draws from and connects the evidence provided by ancient history with current macro-physical endeavours to demonstrate that this micro-physicality still holds sway, albeit under various manifestations.
Having been in a state of war with itself and its living environment, humanity has reached what observers have acknowledged as a crossroads. In the violence that has engulfed all humans since time immemorial, as evidenced in the co-existence of poverty and affluence, pandemics driven by a wide variety of illnesses, huge disparities in wealth within and between national economies, energy and environmental depletion and degradation that have earned us the unprecedented crisis of global warming, this crossroads has made itself very present.
A particular kind of mentality and spirituality has taken us to this point. It is a spirituality that is obviously devoid and incapable of producing beauty of harmony and communion among us irrespective of our diversity, whether in race, culture, knowledge discipline or geographic space. The macro-physical condition we are experiencing cannot be viewed in isolation from the spirituality that produced it. We are now in an unsustainable world that must have been the fruit of an unsustainable spirituality. The answers to our global dilemma must fundamentally be sought not in any new technologies that emanate from the same mindset, but in a renewed mind and in a different pattern of spirituality.
This study probes the dominant world mindest that directed the globally pervasive Western civilization and reviews some major historical and cultural trends that, it argues, have brought humanity to the zenith of its “world-hunt”-culture. This is a “world- hunt” of self-mutilation that manifested itself in Europe, the near-east, Asia and Africa over more than four millennia ago. The deforestation, land degradation, oppression of the poor, hunger, hatred that drives terrorist attacks, climate changes that drive natural disasters and the loss of species, are all the unmistakable bitter fruit of such a culture. It is a culture characterized and propelled by the absence of what this study coins as “aesthetic relational values”.
This dominant mindset has strewn all over our globe various rule-based governance institutions characterized by an ethos of central control, manipulating people’s lives for self-centred gain. Though many of these institutions come in various garbs of apparent benevolence, faith-based, trade-based, knowledge/science-based and political governance bodies, all are adherents of the same worldview that is firmly grounded in a merciless and destructive pantheistic, and nature-worship belief system traceable to ancient Egypt. Many of these institutions, today, publicly claim to be proponents of sustainable development, the eradication of poverty and peace among the nations of the world, yet they are still clinging, esoterically, to a cosmological perspective of nature-worship that glorifies self-worship and disregards the well-being of others.
The study contrasts this dominant spirituality with the Afrocentric one based on a knowledge system that propounds a belief in a compassionate and merciful Creator-God who is the source of all nature, including the human family, as illustrated in the daily lives of amaMbo peoples whose geographic origins are traced to ancient Ethiopia. As the former continues to make a nonentity of the Creator-God, Africans, realizing the spiritual bankruptcy of a self-glorification ethic that has polarised the people and ravaged their continent through rule-based institutions, are returning, in large numbers, to this knowledge system of their ancient fathers on which their social institutions of shared and consensus-based decision-making and governance, from the basic social unit as the family, to national political relations, were founded.
In several encounters these patterns of spiritualities have produced unsavoury outcomes. In the Cape’s more-than-a-century long, bitter and protracted encounter between a branch of amaMbo called amaXhosa, that began with the seventeenth century arrival of the Western “world-hunt” culture through the Calvinist Dutch East India Company traders, Africa and the entire world have been provided, simultaneously, with indisputable evidence of the destructiveness of self-indulgent living on the one hand and the efficacy, on the other, of a relational aesthetic as a viable alternative out of the humanitarian and environmental crises that confront our globe.
Views and principles regarding the harmonious living of life on earth have been advocated by many a great leader since antiquity. They have been vindicated in the lives of ancient Israelite patriarchs such as Abraham and Moses, who led his kinsmen out of the Egyptian bondage that lasted over four centuries; in the life of Tolstoy, who chose to be excommunicated from a society that regarded these principles with disdain; to that of Gandhi, on whom Tolstoy was a tremendous influence, and effectively applied them to unshackle a whole nation from British subjugation; and Dostoevsky, Tolstoy’s compatriot, who first referred to these as “aesthetic views”.
These relational principles were embedded in the lifestyle of ancient Israel, lived and advocated later by the Jewish Rabbi called Jesus, whose very own people chose to shamefully murder Him rather that accept His teachings. These principles were taught, practised and handed down to His followers to influence humanity as never before. In their ancient setting these principles clashed with those of the pagan lifestyle of Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, which culturally shaped the Western civilization that pervades our globe. The results were centuries of enslavements, dispossessions and persecutions. In the course of history pagan beliefs crept in and mingled with orthodox Jewish rites and worship, producing an adulterated Christianity and a plethora of what are known today as nature-based religions, which still uphold and advocate the individual gods to whom honour and worship is due rather than the Creator in the Hebrew and Afrocentric cosmologies.
This study traces the effect of the absence of these relational values on the quality of the life of nations and their leaders. A remarkable trend and pattern characterized by self-mutilative living emerged among all such nations and people. Their efficacy and mutual beneficence, on the other hand, was unmistakable in societies such as that of amaXhosa, in their pre-colonial state in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa.
As all of nature “groans” under the human self-mutilation caused by the impoverished spirituality in aesthetic relational values, this study argues that salvation lies in ibuyambo, the recalling of these under-appreciated relational values, and in ensuring the re-education of ourselves and our future leaders in them. The focus of the study is what these values are, the effect of their absence, how different they are to what are known as “social capital”, how they have been manifested and preserved in ancient African institutions such as the weekly memorial day of rest – the Sabbath in the creation narrative – in the lives of some individuals and people on our planet, particularly Africans and amaMbo, and the benefits they derived from respecting them.
A vital observation in this study is that social systems that are driven by the motive of individual, corporate or national self-exaltation are invariably rooted in strife and discention. The conclusion is drawn that these under-appreciated relational values, aesthetic relational values, are not only a vital ingredient to the quest for and in all known facets of sustainability in development efforts, they hold the key to unlock the door to the mystery of “harmony” that has proven so elusive to individuals, families, communities, societies, nations and their governance systems. The study concludes, with Dostoevsky, that aesthetic relational values contain “a guarantee of tranquility” for all humanity and the natural environment that sustains them. The restoration, not only by all of Africa, of the lost spirituality of aesthetic relational values cherished by their ancient forebears, is key to the renewal of our world. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
under-appreciated relational values, and in ensuring the re-education of ourselves and our future leaders in them. The focus of the study is what these values are, the effect of their absence, how different they are to what are known as “social capital”, how they have been manifested and preserved in ancient African institutions such as the weekly memorial day of rest – the Sabbath in the creation narrative – in the lives of some individuals and people on our planet, particularly Africans and amaMbo, and the benefits they derived from respecting them.
A vital observation in this study is that social systems that are driven by the motive of individual, corporate or national self-exaltation are invariably rooted in strife and discention. The conclusion is drawn that these under-appreciated relational values, aesthetic relational values, are not only a vital ingredient to the quest for and in all known facets of sustainability in development efforts, they hold the key to unlock the door to the mystery of “harmony” that has proven so elusive to individuals, families, communities, societies, nations and their governance systems. The study concludes, with Dostoevsky, that aesthetic relational values contain “a guarantee of tranquility” for all humanity and the natural environment that sustains them. The restoration, not only by all of Africa, of the lost spirituality of aesthetic relational values cherished by their ancient forebears, is key to the renewal of our world. op ons globale dilemma moet fundamenteel nie in enige nuwe tegnologieë gesoek word wat uit hierdie selfde geestesingesteldheid voortvloei nie, maar in ’n hernude sienswyse en in ’n ander spiritualiteitspatroon.
Hierdie studie ondersoek die dominante wêreldingesteldheid wat die globaal omvattende Westerse beskawing gerig het en hersien ’n aantal belangrike historiese en kulturele neigings wat, volgens die argument, die mensdom tot by die toppunt van sy “wêreld-jag”-kultuur gebring het. Dit is ’n “wêreld-jag” van selfverminking wat sigself meer as vier millennia gelede in Europa, die Nabye Ooste, Asië en Afrika gemanifesteer het. Die ontbossing, grondagteruitgang, onderdrukking van die armes, hongersnood, haat wat terroriste-aanvalle aangedryf het en klimaatsveranderings, wat natuurrampe en die verlies van spesies laat toeneem het, is almal die onmiskenbare bitter vrugte van so ’n kultuur. Dit is ’n kultuur wat gekenmerk en voortgestu is deur die afwesigheid van wat hierdie studie “estetiese relasionele waardes” noem.
Hierdie dominante ingesteldheid het verskeie reëlgebaseerde regeringsinstellings wat gekenmerk word deur ’n etos van sentrale beheer en die manipulering van mense se lewens vir selfgesentreerde gewin oor ons hele wêreld versprei. Hoewel baie van hierdie instellings in verskeie gewade van skynbare welwillendheid - geloofgebaseerde, handelsgebaseerde, kennis/wetenskapgebaseerde en politieke bestuursliggame - voordoen, is almal aanhangers van dieselfde wêreldbeskouing wat stewig in ’n genadelose en destruktiewe panteïstiese en natuuraanbidding-geloofstelsel gevestig is wat na antieke Egipte terugvoerbaar is. Baie van hierdie instellings maak vandag in die openbaar daarop aanspraak om voorstanders van volhoubare ontwikkeling, die uitwissing van armoede en vrede onder die nasies van die wêreld te wees, terwyl hulle nog, esoteries, vasklou aan ’n kosmologiese perspektief van natuuraanbidding wat selfverheerliking aanprys en die welsyn van ander verontagsaam.
Die studie kontrasteer hierdie dominante spiritualiteit met die Afrosentriese siening wat op ’n kennissisteem gebaseer is, wat ’n geloof in ’n barmhartige en genadige Skeppergod voorstel wat die bron van alle natuur, met inbegrip van die menseras, is, soos blyk uit die daaglikse lewens van amaMbo-mense wie se geografiese oorsprong na antieke Ethiopië teruggevoer kan word. Terwyl die eersvdermelde steeds die niebestaan van die Skeppergod voorstaan, keer Afrikane – met die besef van die spirituele bankrotskap van ’n selfverheerlikende etiek wat mense gepolariseer het en hulle kontinent deur reëlgebaseerde instellings verniel het - in groot getalle terug na hierdie kennissisteem van hul voorvaders waarop hul sosiale instellings van gedeelde en konsensusgebaseerde besluitneming en regering, vanaf die basiese sosiale eenheid as die familie tot by nasionale politieke verhoudings¸ gevestig is.
Hierdie patrone van spiritualiteite het in verskeie gevalle tot onaangename uitkomste gelei. In die Kaap se meer as ’n eeu lange, bittere en langdurige botsing tussen ’n tak van amaMbo bekend as amaXhosa, wat met die 17de-eeuse aankoms van die Westerse “wêreld-jag”-kultuur deur die Calvinistiese Nederlandse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie-handelaars begin het, is Afrika en die hele wêreld terselfdertyd voorsien van onbetwisbare bewys van die vernielsug van gemaksugtige lewe aan die een kant en, aan die ander kant, die doeltreffendheid van relasionele estetika as ’n lewensvatbare alternatief uit die humanitêre en omgewingskrisisse wat ons wêreld in die gesig staar.
Sienswyses en beginsels omtrent ’n harmonieuse lewenswyse op aarde is al sedert die vroegste tyd deur vele groot leiers bepleit. Dit is gehandhaaf in die lewens van antieke Israelitiese patriage soos Abraham en Moses, wat sy stamverwante uit die Egiptiese slawerny van meer as vier eeue gelei het; in die lewe van Tolstoi, wat verkies het om verban te word uit ’n gemeenskap wat hierdie beginsels met minagting bejeën het; in dié van Gandhi, op wie Tolstoi ’n geweldige invloed gehad het, wat hierdie beginsels effektief toegepas het om ’n hele nasie van Britse onderwerping te bevry; en Dostojewski, Tolstoi se landgenoot, wat die eerste keer daarna as “estetiese sienswyses” verwys het.
Hierdie relasionele beginsels is vasgelê in die lewenstyl van antieke Israel, en later uitgeleef en verkondig deur die Joodse Rabbi genaamd Jesus, wie se eie mense verkies het om Hom skandelik te vermoor eerder as om sy leringe te aanvaar. Hierdie beginsels is onderrig, beoefen en aan Sy volgelinge oorgedra om die mensdom te beïnvloed soos nog nooit tevore nie. Hierdie beginsels het in hulle antieke opset gebots met dié van die heidense lewenstyl van Egipte, Babilon, Medo-Persië, Griekeland en Rome, wat die Westerse beskawing wat oor die wêreld versprei is kultureel gevorm het. Die resultate was eeue van slawerny, onteienings en vervolgings. Met verloop van die geskiedenis het heidense gelowe ingesypel en met die Joodse rites en aanbidding vermeng, wat gelei het tot ’n verknoeide Christendom en ’n oorvloed van wat vandag as natuurgebaseerde gelowe bekend staan, wat steeds die individuele gode aanhang en verkondig aan wie eer en aanbidding toekom, eerder as die Skepper in die Hebreeuse en Afrosentriese kosmologieë.
Hierdie studie belig die afwesigheid van hierdie relasionele waardes in die gehalte van die lewe van nasies en hulle leiers. ’n Merkwaardige verloop en patroon wat gekenmerk word deur ’n selfverminkende lewenswyse het by al hierdie nasies en mense te voorskyn getree. Hulle doeltreffendheid en wedersydse liefdadigheid is, aan die ander kant, onmiskenbaar in gemeenskappe soos dié van die amaXhosa, in hul voorkoloniale staat in die Oos-Kaapse streek van Suid-Afrika.
Terwyl die hele natuur “kreun” onder die menslike selfverminking wat deur die verarmde spiritualiteit in estetiese relasionele waardes veroorsaak word, argumenteer hierdie studie dat die redding lê in ibuyambo, die herroeping van hierdie onderwaardeerde relasionele waardes, en deur seker te maak dat ons onsself en ons toekomstige leiers daarin heropvoed. Die studie konsentreer op wat hierdie waardes is, die uitwerking van die afwesigheid daarvan, hoe dit verskil van wat as “sosiale kapitaal” bekend staan, hoe dit in antieke Afrika-instellings soos die weeklikse gedenkdag van rus – die Sabbat in die skeppingsverhaal - gemanifesteer en bewaar is in die lewens van party individue en mense op ons planeet, veral Afrikane en amaMbo, en die voordele wat hulle trek uit die nakoming daarvan.
’n Belangrike waarneming in hierdie studie is dat sosiale stelsels wat deur die motief van individuele, korporatiewe of nasionale selfverheffing aangedryf word, sonder uitsondering aan onenigheid en verdeeldheid gekoppel is. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat hierdie onderwaardeerde relasionele waardes, estetiese relasionele waardes, nie slegs ’n noodsaaklike onderdeel in die soeke na en in alle bekende fasette van volhoubaarheid in ontwikkelingspogings is nie, maar dat hulle die sleutel is tot die ontsluiting van die misterie van “harmonie” wat so ontwykend vir individue, families, gemeenskappe, samelewings, nasies en hul regeringstelsels geblyk het. Die studie kom, saam met Dostojewski, tot die gevolgtrekking dat estetiese relasionele waardes ’n “waarborg van kalmte” bevat vir die hele mensdom en die natuurlike omgewing wat ons onderhou. Die herstel deur meer as net die hele Afrika van die verlore spiritualiteit van estetiese relasionele waardes wat deur hulle antieke voorgeslagte gekoester is, is die sleutel tot die vernuwing van ons wêreld.
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What should be done to attract private sector participation in the SADC regional strategic water infrastructural development programme?Takawira, Andrew 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Treaty aims at achieving regional
integration, poverty alleviation and economic growth. Water is a catalyst to these aims, thus
making it key for the region to manage and develop water resources. Water in the SADC region is
a shared resource among the countries, making joint development of the resource important for
peace and prosperity. SADC has been promoting transboundary water resources management
among its member states. The region has done a lot of work in establishing an enabling
environment for the management of water resources.
The SADC Protocol for Shared Watercourses (the “Watercourses Protocol”), the Regional Water
Policy (the “Water Policy”) and the Regional Water Strategy (the “Water Strategy”) are all
instruments that have been developed to support the management of water resources. However,
the region remains heavily under-developed in terms of water infrastructure and in order for the
region to develop its water resources, the SADC secretariat has developed a Regional Strategic
Water Infrastructure Development Programme (referred to as the “SADC Programme for water
infrastructure development” in this study). The Programme is aimed at responding to the lack of
infrastructural development in the region and identifies regional water projects to be implemented.
Water is a sector that struggles in attracting private sector funding and involvement. This study
aims to look into ways that the private sector can been attracted to participate in the Programme
for water infrastructure development and also proposes ways they can be engaged. Private-sector
involvement varies from project identification to project implementation and funding.
To attract the private sector to participate in the SADC Programme for water infrastructure
development, SADC and the member states have to build on the enabling environment established
in the region and also on relationships based on existing institutions. The private sector needs to
be assured of good market potential and sound financial returns. This can be achieved if the
region better co-ordinates the prioritization of regional projects through integrated planning.
NEPAD and SADC working closely together, to issue that a consistent development agenda is
communicated to potential investors, could add value and avoid duplication. It is also important to
link to national development priorities in order to ensure that local issues are addressed.
Capacity of the public sector to support regional projects is also important – capacity to develop
bankable projects, develop financing mechanisms and to implement the projects is required at all
levels. The SADC region lacks capacity to participate in complex infrastructure projects and this
has to be addressed through establishing a Private Public Partnership Unit at the SADC
Secretariat. Capacity to also manage and regulate water services is lacking in a number of
countries in the region. These are important issues to ensure fair pricing and to give the private
sector confidence on issues of tariff setting.
To attract private funding into the water sector the region needs to develop innovative financing
mechanisms in order to leverage market-based repayable finance. In the implementation of the
SADC Programme for water infrastructure development there is a need to evaluate various types
of innovative financial instruments and assess their potential use for regional water projects. Local
capital markets in a number of the countries are weak, therefore the implementation of the SADC
Protocol on Finance and Investment (the “Finance Protocol”) is important in strengthening these
markets. Political will and good governance within member states are also important in attracting
investors. SADC as the promoter of infrastructure policies in the region should play a proactive role
in encouraging its member states to observe the rule of law and also to use existing treaties within
SADC to ensure countries do so. Poor governance and unstable economies are a disincentive for
private sector involvement.
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The possible interaction between competition and anti-dumping policy suitable for the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)Denner, Willemien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recently countries have become more aware of the potential anti-competitive effects of anti-dumping measures. This is mostly due to the view that anti-dumping measures, as trade policy instruments, are at odds with the objectives of competition policy. According to many economic writers the only rational economic justification for anti-dumping measures is predatory dumping as an extreme form of price discrimination. Apart from the dramatic change in the economic justification for the use of anti-dumping measures over the last decades, there has also been a significant change in the countries that implement these measures. Since the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations there has been a shift from developed countries to developing countries being the main users of these policy tools. In the last couple of years the member countries of the Southern African Customs Union have been under increased pressure by private firms to enable the use of anti-dumping measures on intra-regional goods trade. However, the appropriateness of utilising these measures on intra-regional trade in the context of a custom union has been a contentious issue in recent economic debate. These measures erect trade barriers among the member states which are against the basic premise of a customs union. This has resulted in most economists calling for the prohibition and replacement of anti-dumping measure with either coordinated domestic or harmonised regional competition policies. In developing the regional and national policies on anti-dumping the SACU member states can follow two main stream approaches. The first is the incorporation of various competition principles into anti-dumping rules to limit the negative welfare and anti-competitive effects of utilising anti-dumping measures, while the second is the abolition of anti-dumping measures in the region which is then replaced by competition policy. The option best suited for SACU depends on the differing viewpoints on implementing anti-dumping measures in a customs union. However, irrespective of which policy combination is chosen, regional and national polices and authorities will have to be created, adapted and/or amended in order to have an effective interaction between anti-dumping and competition policies applicable to intra-regional trade. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lande het ontlangs meer bewus geword van die moontlike negatiewe uitwerking wat maatreëls teen storting van goedere in markte kan hê op plaaslike en internasionale mededinging. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die siening dat teen-stortingsmaatreëls, as instrumente van handelsbeleid, se doelwitte teenstrydig is met die van mededingingsbeleid. Volgens vele ekonomiese skrywers is die enigste rasionele ekonomiese regverdiging vir teen-stortingsmaatreëls predatoriese storting as ‘n uiterse vorm van prysdiskriminasie. Afgesien van die dramatiese verandering in die ekonomiese regverdiging vir die gebruik van teen-storingsmaatreëls oor die laaste dekades, het daar ook ‘n beduidende verandering plaasgevind in die lande wat hierdie maatreëls om goedere handel implementeer. Sedert die Uruguay Rondte van Multi-laterale Handelsooreenkomste het daar ‘n verskuiwing plaasgevind van ontwikkelde lande na ontwikkellende lande as die belangrikste gebruikers van hierdie beleidsinstrumente. In die laaste paar jaar het private firmas die lidlande van die Suider-Afrikaanse Doeane-Unie onder toenemede druk begin plaas vir die gebruik van teen-storingsmaatreëls op invoere vanaf die res van die streek. Alhoewel, huidiglik is die toepaslikehid van die gebruik van hierdie maatreëls op handel, in die konteks van ‘n doeane-unie, steeds ‘n omstrede kwessie binne ekonomiese dabatte. Hierdie maatreëls rig handelsversperrings tussen lidlande op wat teen die basiese veronderstelling van ‘n doeane-unie is. As gevolg hiervan is die meeste ekonome van die opinie dat teen-storingsmaatreëls vervang moet word met óf gekoördineerde binnelandse of geharmoniseerde streeks- mededingingsbeleid. Die SADU-lidlande kan twee benaderings volg in die ontwikkeling van streeks- en nasionale beleid oor teen-storingsmaatreëls. Die eerste is the insluiting van verskillende mededingingsbeginsels in bepalings wat handel oor teen-storingsmaatreëls om sodoende die moontlike negatiewe gevolge van hierdie maatreëls te beperk. Die tweede opsie is om teen-storingsmaatreëls op streeks-invoere met bededingingsbeleid te vervang. Die mees gepasde opsie sal af hang van die verskillende standpunte rondom die toepaslikheid van teen-stortingsmaatreëls in ‘n doeane-unie. Alhoewel, ongeag die beleidskombinasie wat gekies word sal nasionale en streeks-beleid en owerhede geskep, aangepas en/of gewysig moet word ten einde ‘n effektiewe interaksie tussen teen-storingsmaatreëls en mededingingsbeleid binne SADU te verseker.
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International economic and political implications of the re-incorporation of South Africa into the Southern African development community.Kabemba-Kambuya, Claude. January 1996 (has links)
A Dissertation submitted,.to the Faculty of Arts in ftllfilment
of the requirements for the degree of Master in
International Relations / Andrew Chakane 2018
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