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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atendimento pedagógico-educacional em hospitais: da exclusão à inclusão social/escolar / Pedagogical educational service in hospitals: from exclusion to social/school inclusion

Walkiria de Assis 24 March 2009 (has links)
A ideia que orientou este estudo foi o desejo de pesquisar a relevância do atendimento pedagógico-educacional em classes hospitalares, enquanto serviço especializado, oferecido pela educação especial. A população convidada a participar deste trabalho foram os professores da rede estadual de ensino que atuam em hospitais tanto da capital como do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os objetivos analisaram esse atendimento como serviço educacional especializado que ocorre fora do contexto escolar e investigaram sua importância enquanto favorecedor do desenvolvimento do aluno/paciente e da sua inclusão social/escolar. Dada a natureza da investigação, foi utilizada uma pesquisa de campo exploratória com abordagem qualitativa que realça o que está ocorrendo na realidade. A coleta de dados foi obtida através do exame de textos legais, históricos e documentos oficiais; levantamento, leitura e reflexão de obras referentes ao assunto; participação em eventos e registro das observações efetuadas. Houve também a colaboração dos professores da rede estadual de ensino para responder questionários, para relatar sua prática educativa e mostrar atividades de seus alunos, durante as visitas efetuadas por esta pesquisadora. Este estudo apresenta informações quantitativas e qualitativas com o intuito de fornecer aos profissionais - tanto da educação como da saúde - um panorama dessa forma de atendimento educacional, principalmente, para melhor compreensão: das especificidades e necessidades deste atendimento; da importância do encontro da educação e saúde para o apoio e desenvolvimento das crianças e adolescentes enfermos; e da relevância para promover a inclusão social/escolar dos alunos/pacientes. Os resultados obtidos recolocam a questão da validade das classes hospitalares para todos os hospitais de São Paulo. Elas devem ser regidas por professores devidamente preparados e, consideradas como um serviço de apoio pedagógico especializado que visa ao desenvolvimento educacional e à inclusão de educandos com necessidades educacionais especiais, decorrentes de problemas de saúde, temporários ou permanentes. / The idea that oriented this study was the desire to research the significance of the pedagogical-educational service in hospital classes, as a specialized one, offered by Special Education. The population invited to take part in this study were teachers from regular state schools who teach at hospitals both in the capital city as well as in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The objectives analyzed this as a specialized educational service that takes place outside school and investigated its importance in favoring the development of the student/patient and his social/school inclusion. Because of the nature of such investigation, an exploratory field research was applied with a qualitative approach that enhances what is happening in the reality. Data gathering was obtained through perusal of legal, historical and official documents; survey, reading and reflection upon literature about the topic; participation in events and record of the observations. There was also the collaboration of the teachers of the regular state schools to answer the questionnaires, to report their pedagogical practice and show their students activities, during the visits of this researcher. This study presents quantitative and qualitative information with the aim to provide professionals from both Education and Health fields an overview of this kind of educational service, mainly to better understand: the specifications and needs of this service; the importance of a meeting point between Education and Health fields for the support and development of sick children and adolescents; and the relevance to promote social/school inclusion to students/patients. The results obtained once again raise the issue of the effectiveness of hospital classes at all hospitals of São Paulo. They should be carried by teachers appropriately prepared and considered a specialized pedagogical support service that aims the educational development and the inclusion of students with educational special needs, caused by health problems, temporary or permanent.

Serviço de informação especializado em imagens de arte: um estudo dos requisitos presentes na criação e manutenção de acervos de gravuras / Art images specialized information service: an study on the requirements in the creation and maintenance of print collections

Carolina Filardo Lauretti 27 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os requisitos necessários para criação e manutenção de acervos especializados em imagens, no caso, a gravura artística, levando-se em conta as etapas do Ciclo Informacional. De abordagem qualitativa, caracterizada por pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo, de natureza exploratória, a pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas: (1) pesquisa bibliográfica para preparação do quadro teórico de referência; (2) pesquisa de campo para conhecimento de instituições mantenedoras de acervos de gravuras; e (3) sistematização e análise dos dados, o que resultou numa lista de requisitos presentes na criação e manutenção de acervos especializados em gravura. Verificou-se que, como documento, a gravura brasileira é fruto de um processo que inclui diversas etapas e, por vezes, diferentes atores, e que esta tem integrado acervos de Bibliotecas, Arquivos e Museus. O trabalho identificou os seguintes grupos de usuários: (a) os especializados em Arte, como estudantes, pesquisadores, historiadores da Arte e artistas; e (b) o público em geral, ou seja, usuários sem um interesse específico. A partir de conversas (entrevistas) com pessoas de especialidades diversas, evidenciou-se variações quanto à definição de gravura, o que muito contribuiu para este trabalho. A pesquisa de campo, com base nas instituições visitadas e sites analisados, identificou a falta de acervos especializados em gravuras, assim como a necessidade de clareza a respeito das políticas de seleção e aquisição. Constatou-se que os acervos são criados, em sua maioria, a partir de coleções particulares e são ampliados a partir de doações várias, sem priorizar diretrizes ou políticas de desenvolvimento de coleções. Frente a isto, apresentou-se a proposta de um modelo com diretrizes para uso na criação e manutenção de acervos especializados em gravuras, considerando-se o Ciclo Informacional, o Desenvolvimento de Coleções e a Curadoria Digital. / The objective of this research was to investigate the necessary requirements for the creation and maintenance of image collections, in this case, art prints, taking into account the stages of the Informational Cycle. From a qualitative approach, characterized by bibliographical and field research, of an exploratory nature, the research was divided into three stages: (1) bibliographical research to prepare the reference theoretical framework; (2) field research for knowledge of institutions that maintains collections of engravings; and (3) data systematization and analysis, which resulted in a list of requirements for the creation and maintenance of specialized art prints collections. It was verified that, as a document, the Brazilian art print is the result of a process that includes several stages and sometimes different actors, and that it has integrated collections of Libraries, Archives and Museums. The work identified the following groups of users: (a) those specializing in Art, such as students, researchers, art historians and artists; and (b) the general public, i.e. users without a specific interest. From conversations (interviews) with people of diverse specialties, variations on the definition of engraving were evidenced, which contributed much to this work. Field research, based on the visited institutions and sites analyzed, identified a lack of specialized collections in art prints, as well as the need for clarity regarding selection and acquisition policies. It was found that the collections are mostly created from private collections and are expanded from donations, without prioritizing guidelines or collection development policies. Against this, a proposal was presented for a model with guidelines for use in the creation and maintenance of collections specialized in art prints, considering the Information Cycle, Collection Development and Digital Curation.

O acolhimento na assistência especializada no estado do Acre: micropolítica e produção do cuidado em saúde / User embracement in specialized care in the state of Acre: micropolitics and production of health care.

Jene Greyce Oliveira da Cruz 29 March 2017 (has links)
Introdução:A implantação e implementação da diretriz do acolhimento nos serviços de assistência especializada representam desafios à Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH) do SUS pela complexidade de gerenciamento e de estrutura, diversidade de atores sociais e pelas relações que se estabelecem entre os trabalhadores-gestores-usuários, e destes, com o sistema de saúde pública. Objetivos:Identificar aspectos relacionados ao trabalho e à produção do cuidado em saúde que interferem no acolhimento e na humanização da assistência especializada; Interpretar a relação entre as diferentes práticas profissionais envolvidas no trabalho e na produção do cuidado especializado com as possibilidades elimites da implementação da PNH; Compreender a percepção dos trabalhadores usuários sobre a humanização em saúde e o acolhimento como diretriz da PNH. Percurso Metodológico: Estudo de natureza qualitativa, realizado no ambulatório de especialidades médicas do Hospital das Clínicas do Acre (HCAC), entre setembro de 2015 e janeiro de 2016. Foram realizados quatro grupos focais (usuário, trabalhadores de apoio, médicos e outros profissionais de saúde) e três entrevistas semiestruturadas (gerência do serviço e ouvidora). Com base na diretriz do acolhimento, na PNH e a na micropolítica, a análise temática do conteúdo das mensagens permitiu formar quatro categorias temáticas. Resultados:A Atenção Primária em Saúde(APS), o complexo regulador e o atendimento médico na APS,representam pontos sensíveis na Rede de Atenção em Saúde (RAS)que dificultam a resolubilidade, e contribuem para a grande demanda da assistência especializada interferindo no acolhimento e na humanização dos serviços. Na assistência especializada, o modeloburocrático de gestãoe os fatores relacionados à ambiência dificultam a implementação do acolhimento. A micropolítica pode interferir tanto positivamente quanto negativamente para a produção do cuidado humanizado no serviço especializado. A humanização e acolhimento para os usuáriosrefletem o respeito, a educação e o bom atendimento realizado pelo trabalhador; para os trabalhadores a humanização e acolhimento representam a escuta de suas necessidades, informação adequada ao usuário, vínculo e resolubilidade. O apoio institucional e a ouvidoria no HCAC representaram avanços na implementação da PNH e da diretriz do acolhimento. Considerações finais: A diretriz do acolhimento mostrou-secomo estratégia de humanização possível de ser implementadano serviço especializado apesar de todos os problemas e desafios relacionados ao ambulatório no HCACe à RAS. Neste sentido, a gestão deve considerar a introdução de dispositivos tecnológicos de acolhimento e espaços coletivos de escuta do trabalhador. / Introduction: The introduction and implementation of the user embracement directive in specialized assistance services represent challenges to the National Humanization Policy (PNH) of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) due to the complexity of management and structure, the diversity of social actors and the relationships established between workers-managers-users and the public health system.Objectives: To identify aspects related to work and to production of health care that interfere with the user embracement and humanization of specialized care; To interpret the relationship among the different professional practices involved in work and production of specialized care and the possibilities and challenges related to the implementation of PNH; To comprehend the perception of the workers and users about humanization in health and the user embracement as guideline of PNH.Methods: A qualitative study was held in the ambulatory medical care of the Hospital das Clínicas do Acre (HCAC), between September 2015 and January 2016. We conducted four focus groups (users; support workers; physicians and other health professionals) and three semi-structured interviews (manager and ombudsman). Based on the user embracement directive, the PNH and the micropolitics field, the thematic analysis of the content allowed distributing the messages in four thematic categories.Results: The Primary Health Care (APS), the regulatory service and the medical care in APS represent sensitive points of the health care system that hamper resolubility and contribute to the high demand of specialized care interfering in the user embracement and humanization of services. In specialized health care, the bureaucratic model of management and the factors related to the ambience make the user embracement difficult to implement. Micropolitics can interfere both positively and negatively to the production of humanized care in the specialized service. For the users, the humanization and the user embracement reflect the respect, the education and the good service promoted by the worker; for the workers, humanization and user embracement represent the attention of their needs, adequate information to the user, bond and resolubility. The institutional support and the ombudsman service in HCAC represented advances in the implementation of the PNH and the user embracement directive.Final considerations: In this study, the user embracement directive proved to be a viable strategy of humanization in the specialized health caredespite all the problems and challenges identified and related to the medical ambulatory of HCAC and the health care system. In this sense, management should consider the introduction of technological devices of user embracement and collective spaces for listening to the workers.

Assessing Effectiveness of Multicultural Readings in Increasing Ethnocultural Empathy for Undergraduate Students

Bhaskar, Tripti 01 August 2011 (has links)
This study examined how multicultural readings included in the introduction to psychology curriculum were linked to an increase in students’ multicultural interest and sensitivity. Specifically, this study investigated the impact of reading and discussing multicultural articles on students’ ethnocultural empathy, universality-diverse orientation, and openness to diversity. Second purpose of the study was to examine possible individual differences associated with response to the intervention. Participants in the current study were undergraduate students enrolled in five sections of the introduction to psychology class, which were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. The multicultural readings are four original research articles that examine topics in psychology from a cross-cultural and multi-cultural perspective. Measures of dependent variables used in the study were: Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (Wang et al., 2003), Personality Style Inventory for Adolescents (Lounsbury et al., 2003), Experiences in Close Relationships Short Form (Wei, Russell, Mallinckrodt, & Vogel, 2007), Miville–Guzman Universality– Diversity Scale-Short form (Fuertes, Miville, Mohr, Sedlacek,& Gretchen, 2000), Openness to Diversity Scale (Pascarella, Edison, Nora, Hagedon, & Terenzini, 1996), and Balanced Inventory of Desired Responding (Paulhus, 1984). A one-way Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to test the hypothesis that the experimental group, after being exposed to the multicultural readings would show a greater increase in multicultural variables. The study’s main hypothesis was not supported, because the group X time treatment interaction was not significant. Exploratory analyses of personality traits as covariates suggested that only one variable, Attachment Avoidance, was associated with one multicultural outcome, namely, extent of change in SEE-Acceptance of Cultural Differences.

Utilisation des plantes en médecine traditionnelle par les Pygmées (Ba-Twa) et les Bantous (Ba-Oto) du territoire de Bikoro, Province de l’Equateur en République Démocratique du Congo/Use of plants in traditional medicine by Pygmies ( Ba-Twa) and the Bantus ( Ba-Oto) of the territory of Bikoro, Province of Ecuador in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ilumbe Bayeli, Guy 21 December 2010 (has links)
Résumé En République Démocratique du Congo, la crise économique nationale, la dévaluation du franc Congolais et les guerres de ces dernières années ont entraîné une dépendance croissante des populations des villes et des campagnes vis-à-vis de la médecine traditionnelle. Deux types de médecines traditionnelles sont pratiqués par les bantous et les pygmées de Bikoro. La médecine traditionnelle populaire, c'est-à-dire celle connue de la majorité de la population du village et la médecine traditionnelle spécialisée, c'est-à-dire pratiquée par les spécialistes (Guérisseurs). Une enquête ethnobotanique sur l’utilisation des plantes en médecine traditionnelle par les bantous et les pygmées a été réalisée dans 10 villages du territoire de Bikoro, durant 11 mois. Dans chaque village, l’enquête s’est déroulée en deux étapes : la première sur les maladies soignées, les plantes et les recettes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle populaire et la seconde sur les maladies soignées, les plantes et les recettes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle spécialisée. Les informations relatives à la médecine traditionnelle populaire ont été récoltées au cours d’entretiens collectifs en utilisant un questionnaire semi-structuré, tandis que celles relatives à la médecine traditionnelle spécialisée ont été collectées au cours d’entretiens directs en utilisant le même type de questionnaire. Au total, 133 affections sont soignées en médecine traditionnelle par les pygmées et les bantous de Bikoro. Elles font intervenir 205 espèces botaniques et 976 recettes. En médecine traditionnelle populaire, les pygmées soignent 42 affections, utilisent 73 espèces botaniques et emploient 150 recettes. Les bantous soignent 41 affections, utilisent 62 espèces botaniques et 128 recettes. En médecine traditionnelle spécialisée, les pygmées soignent 54 affections, utilisent 74 espèces botaniques et 151 recettes. Les spécialistes bantous soignent 119 affections, utilisent 185 espèces botaniques et 704 recettes. En médecine traditionnelle populaire de Bikoro, les bantous et les pygmées utilisent souvent les mêmes organes végétaux, les mêmes modes de préparation des drogues et les mêmes modes d’administration de recettes. Ils soignent en général les mêmes maladies. Les différences s’observent au niveau des plantes utilisées et des recettes préparées par chaque communauté. Si les pygmées Twa et leurs voisins Oto utilisent les mêmes organes des plantes et emploient les mêmes modes de préparation et d’administration de recettes en médecine traditionnelle spécialisée, il existe une différence significative entre les maladies soignées, les plantes utilisées et les recettes préparées par ces deux communautés. Cette étude a permis de caractériser le territoire de Bikoro concernant son recours à la médecine traditionnelle et a mis en évidence l’existence des flux d’utilisations des plantes entre la médecine traditionnelle populaire (bantoue et pygmée) et la médecine traditionnelle spécialisée (bantoue et pygmée). Mots clés : Plantes, Médecine traditionnelle populaire, Médecine traditionnelle spécialisée, Bantous, Pygmées, Bikoro. Abstract In the Democratic republic of Congo, the national economic crisis, the devaluation of the Congolese franc and the wars of the last decades involved an increasing dependence of the populations of the cities and rural areas with respect to traditional medicine. Two types of traditional medicines are practiced by the bantus (Oto) and the pygmies (Twa) of Bikoro. Popular traditional medicine, that is to say the one known to the majority of the village population, and specialized traditional medicine, which is only practiced by specialists (Healers). An ethnobotanic investigation on plant use in traditional medicine by the Bantus and the pygmies was carried out in 10 villages of the territory of Bikoro, during 11 months. In each village, the investigation proceeded in two stages: the first concerning the treated diseases, as well as the plants and the recipes used in popular traditional medicine and the second concerning the treated on the looked after diseases, as well as the plants and the recipes used in specialized traditional medicine. The information relative to popular traditional medicine were collected during collective meetings with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire, while those relating to specialized traditional medicine were collected during direct interviews with the same type of questionnaire. On the whole, 133 affections are treated in traditional medicine by the pygmies and the Bantu of Bikoro. They make use of 205 botanical species and 976 recipes. In popular traditional medicine, the pygmies Twa address 42 affections, use 73 botanical species and employ 150 recipes. The Bantu (Oto) address 41 affections use 62 botanical species and 128 recipes. In specialized traditional medicine, the pygmies address 54 affections, use 74 botanical species and 151 recipes. The specialists Bantu address 119 affections use 185 botanical species and 704 recipes. In the Bikoro region, both Bantus (Oto) and pygmies (Twa) do use the same plant parts, the same modes of preparing drogues and the same processes of administering drogues in their respective popular traditional medicine. There are differences in plant species used and drogue types prepared by each community. If the Twa pygmies and their neighbors Oto use the plant parts and the same processes in administering drogues in their specialized medical practices, there is, nevertheless, a significant difference between types of treated diseases, utilized plant species and prepared drogues between the two communities. This study made possible the characterization of the territory of Bikoro concerning its recourse to traditional medicine and highlighted the existence of flows of plant uses between popular traditional medicine (bantu and pygmy) and specialized traditional medicine (bantu and pygmy). Key words: Plants, popular traditional Medicine, specialized traditional Medicine, Bantus, Pygmies, Bikoro.

Teachers' perceptions of reading assessment for students with emotional and/or behavioural disorders

Gilchrist, Renee 22 September 2009
The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers levels of training, perceptions of competence, and past and present practices regarding reading assessment for student with emotional and/or behavioural disorders (EBD). For the purpose of the study, EBD was defined as, a disability characterized by behavioural or emotional responses in school programs so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that they adversely affect educational performance, including academic, social, vocational or personal skills (Forness & Knitzer, 1992, p. 13). An adapted version of the survey entitled, A National Survey of the Training and Practice of School Psychologists in Reading Assessment and Intervention (Machek & Nelson, 2007) was distributed to approximately 200 teachers employed by a large urban school division in Western Canada. One hundred and seventy-five educators responded to a 24-question survey designed to explore teachers perceptions of reading instruction, intervention, and assessment for typically achieving students and students with EBD.<p> Descriptive analyses and analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine the mean responses of teachers levels or training, perceptions of competence, and past and present reading assessment practices. Teachers with varied levels of teaching experience and specialized training were found to have received little training (university and professional development) in the area of reading instruction and reading assessment for students with EBD. Furthermore, educators believed they have a low level of expertise and confidence in the area of reading assessment and instruction, and believed they would benefit from additional training.

Teachers' perceptions of reading assessment for students with emotional and/or behavioural disorders

Gilchrist, Renee 22 September 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers levels of training, perceptions of competence, and past and present practices regarding reading assessment for student with emotional and/or behavioural disorders (EBD). For the purpose of the study, EBD was defined as, a disability characterized by behavioural or emotional responses in school programs so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that they adversely affect educational performance, including academic, social, vocational or personal skills (Forness & Knitzer, 1992, p. 13). An adapted version of the survey entitled, A National Survey of the Training and Practice of School Psychologists in Reading Assessment and Intervention (Machek & Nelson, 2007) was distributed to approximately 200 teachers employed by a large urban school division in Western Canada. One hundred and seventy-five educators responded to a 24-question survey designed to explore teachers perceptions of reading instruction, intervention, and assessment for typically achieving students and students with EBD.<p> Descriptive analyses and analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine the mean responses of teachers levels or training, perceptions of competence, and past and present reading assessment practices. Teachers with varied levels of teaching experience and specialized training were found to have received little training (university and professional development) in the area of reading instruction and reading assessment for students with EBD. Furthermore, educators believed they have a low level of expertise and confidence in the area of reading assessment and instruction, and believed they would benefit from additional training.

La traducción de aspectos culturales en el texto turístico : Problemas y técnicas de traducción al adaptar el texto "Los Caminos del Norte a Santiago" del contexto español al sueco

Ebeling, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
Tourist texts provides information to a wide variety of readers. The main functions of these texts is typically to be both informative and persuasive. When translating a tourist text, the translator should not only maintain these two functions in the target text, but is also faced with the challenge of adapting the text to the premises of the target culture.      The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of the cultural aspects related to history and religion, as well as the stylistic features in the tourist text Los Caminos del Norte a Santiago. The techniques used in the translation of these aspects from the original spanish cultural context to the new swedish target culture are also studied, more specificly which ones of these translation techniques are the most frecuently used and why.      A cualitative as well as a cuantitative analysis of our translation has been carried out, which indicates that the translation techniques most commonly used regarding the translation of the cultural aspects related to history and religion was amplification and modulation. These were used, for example, in order to compensate for the lack of previous knowledge of the Spanish culture amongst the target text readers. Regarding the adaptation of the style to the target context, modulation and especially generalization was the most commonly used translation techniques. This is due to the intention of making the text less formal and poetic so as to better adjust to the target culture and its textual conventions.

Samanų tyrimai Biržų girios skirtingų grupių miškuose / Moss forest research journal of different groups in the forests

Latonaitė, Edita 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe aprašomi samanų tyrimai Biržų girios skirtingų gupių miškuose. Darbo objektas - Biržų girios skirtingų grupių miškai. Darbo tikslas - ištirti Plunksninės pliusnės, Tridantės bazanijos, Tikrosios garbuonės, Plokščiosios pliusnės, Paprastosios šilsamanės ir Šilinės plunksnės gausą ir gyvybingumą Bižų girios skirtingų grupių miškuose. Darbo metodai – Tyrimams atlikti buvo pasirinkti skirtingų grupių miškai, po 2kv., apie 1ha. Šie suskirstyti į 6 objektus. Kiekviename objekte buvo tirta samanų įvairovė, gyvybingumas ir gausa pagal trys samanų grupes išskiriant po dvi rūšis iš kiekvienos grupės. Naudojamos samanų grupės: Specializuotosios buveinių rūšys; Indikatorinės rūšys ir Lyginamosios rūšys. Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus, nustatyta, kad botaniniuose draustiniuose bendras specializuotųjų samanų rūšių padengimo proc. 27,5%, indikatorinių - 40%, o lyginamųjų 45%; Ūkiniuose miškuose: Specializuotųjų buveinių rūšių nerasta, indikatorinių apie 10%, lyginamųjų - 27%. Kertinėse miško buveinėse: Specializuotosios samanų rūšys užima 32%, indikatorinės- 31%, lyginamosios 52,5%. Surinkti duomenys rodo, kad vertingiausias objektas samanų rūšių gausumo ir gyvybingumo atžvilgiu KMB 267/260 kv. / Master’s work describes the research journal of forest moss gruops different woods. Work items - juornal of forests of different groups of forests.The aim – to explore Plunksninės pliusnės, Tridantės bazanijos, Tikrosios garbuonės, Plokščiosios pliusnės, Paprastosios šilsamanės and Šilinės plunksnės Biržų bundance and vitality of forests of different groups of forests. Working methods – the tests were carried out to select groups of different woods, after 2kv. about 1ha. These are divided into 6 sites. Each vitality and abundance of moss under the three groups after the exclusion of two species from each group. Used moss group: Specialized habitat types, indicator species, and comparative views. Results of the work. After the tests, found that the total reserves in its botanical specialized moss species percent coverage - 27,5%, indicator - 40%, and 45% of the comparative; Commercial forests: specialized habitant types were found, indicative of 10%, comparable - 27%. KEB: specialized moss species occupies - 32%, indicator - 31%, and 52,5% comparision; The data collected indicate that the most valuable object of moss species abundance and vitality in respect of KEB 267/260 kv.

Hospizstudie: Standorte und demographische Rahmenbedingungen von Hospizangeboten in Sachsen

Karmann, Alexander, Schneider, Markus, Werblow, Andreas, Hofmann, Uwe 18 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Studie ist, einen aktuellen Statusbericht zu Standortdichte, räumlicher Bedarfsabdeckung und demografischen Rahmenbedingungen für die ambulante und stationäre hos-pizliche und palliative Versorgung in Sachsen zu erstellen. Dabei sollen aktuelle Versorgungslücken identifiziert und der künftige Bedarf (2020–2030–2050) an Angeboten auf Ebene der Landkreise und Kreisfreien Städte herausgearbeitet werden. Für die Ableitung der Normwerte zeigt sich, dass angesichts der hohen Sterblichkeitsunterschiede zwischen den Bundesländern eine Bedarfsermittlung auf der Basis bundesdurchschnittlicher Normwerte je Bevölkerung nicht zufriedenstellend ist. Deshalb empfiehlt die Studie, in der regionalen Planung der Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung auf die erwarteten Sterbefälle abzustellen, die sich unter Berücksichtigung der Altersstruktur ergeben. Dieses bedeutet, dass die Normwerte der DGP zur Berechnung der Sollwerte um Bevölkerungsstruktur und Sterblichkeit korrigiert werden. In einer abschließenden Bewertung werden – vor dem Hintergrund einer Stärken- und Schwächenanalyse aus Experteninterviews – weitere Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet, die auch die Dimensionen von Qualität der Leistungserbringung, Ausbildung, Finanzierung und deren Anreizwirkung sowie Integration einbeziehen.

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