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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la caractérisation des think tanks américains à travers l'étude de leur discours et de leur culture professionnelle / A contribution to the analysis of the milieu of think tanks in the United States through their discourse and professional culture

Gaillard, Mathilde 15 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation du milieu des think tanks aux États-Unis à travers l’étude de leur discours et de leur culture professionnelle dans le cadre d’une recherche en anglais de spécialité. L’objectif est de démontrer que ce milieu hétérogène peut être envisagé comme un milieu spécialisé, caractérisé par un discours et une culture spécifiques qui répondent aux impératifs de son objectif d’influence. Dans une première partie, nous exposons les fondements épistémologiques de la thèse : nous présentons les défis soulevés par l’étude de cet objet du point de vue de la recherche en anglais de spécialité, et proposons une approche de sa spécialisation fondée sur sa raison d’être. Une définition opératoire est élaborée, et le cadre méthodologique de la thèse à la croisée de l’histoire institutionnelle et politique des États-Unis, de l’ethnographie, de l’analyse du discours et de la pragmatique est exposé. La deuxième partie porte sur les modalités notamment culturelles de la spécialisation ; nous montrons comment le milieu s’est structuré en réponse à un besoin d’expertise dans la société américaine, et s’organise autour de missions, pratiques, valeurs et genres communs. Une topographie de ces genres est proposée pour éclairer les modalités communicationnelles de la stratégie programmatique des think tanks. La troisième partie explore les modalités discursives de cette stratégie dans deux genres, les blogs et les policy briefs, pris individuellement, puis en vis-à-vis ; l’analyse des modules péritextuels, structurels et interpersonnels révèle un ensemble de choix argumentatifs qui reflètent les enjeux de captation et de crédibilité de l’intervention des experts. / This dissertation aims to characterize the milieu of think tanks in the United States through their discourse and professional culture from the French point of view of research on English for Specific Purposes. We contend that this heterogeneous milieu may nonetheless be considered a specialized milieu, as its discourse and its culture are shaped by its programmatic aim. Part 1 presents the epistemological foundations of our research: it sheds light on the theoretical challenges raised by the study of think tanks in the framework of English for Specific Purposes and offers an approach to specialization based on its raison d’être. We suggest a working definition for the milieu and explain the methodology for this study situated at the crossroads between US institutional and political history, ethnography, the French approach to discourse analysis, and pragmatics. Part 2 focuses on the cultural manifestations of think tanks’ programmatic aim; it shows how the milieu has crystallized in response to a need for expertise in US society and is characterized by similar aims, practices, values and genres. A topography of these genres is offered to cast light on the milieu’s discursive strategy. Part 3 explores the discursive manifestations of this strategy and concentrates on two genres, blog posts and policy briefs, which are studied first individually and then jointly. The analysis of peritextual, structural and interpersonal modules reveals the argumentative choices experts make to remain credible and attractive in the marketplace of ideas.

Překlad ve výuce odborné angličtiny pro nefilology / Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

Bahenská, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes at the Tertiary Level The purpose of this thesis is to explore translation as an aid to language teaching from various perspectives relevant to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes at the tertiary level of education. Our intention is to offer the option of incorporating translation activities within ESP courses at universities. The research presented in the thesis is relevant to the context of English as a foreign language, taught in a linguistically homogeneous environment to adult learners of ESP at a tertiary level, with a particular focus on English for legal purposes. The research questions dealt with in this thesis are as follows: 1. Can translation contribute to effective learning of English for Specific Purposes? 2. If the answer to the first question is 'yes,' what forms of translation activities are best suited to make such a contribution? 3. Is translation currently used in courses of English for Specific Purposes, and, more specifically, in courses of English for law taught in the Czech Republic? If so, how is it used? 4. What are learners' perceptions of translation activities? The first two questions are answered through a review of the relevant literature. The third question is answered through semi-structured interviews...

Fiktivní firma jako prostředek osvojování cizího jazyka / Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign Languages

Pecková, Simona January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Practice Enterprise as a Way of Acquiring Foreign Languages AUTHOR: Simona Pecková DEPARTMENT: Department of the French Language and Literature SUPERVISOR: Dr.PhDr. Renáta Listíková, MCF ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the potential that the subject called practice enterprise represents for acquisition of foreign languages. The aim of the work is to carry out a survey of the present situation, to find about the pupils' level of business language and also to discover what their attitude to the practice enterprise and their motivation to study foreign languages are. By focussing the language instruction on working life, we want to enhance their competitiveness on the labour market. Quantitative research methods are combined here with qualitative ones. Concerning the tools of research, we used didactic test, questionnaire, interview and focus group. We have found out that the practice enterprise has a positive influence on students' level of foreign languages. However, no connection between practice enterprise and pupils' attitude to foreign languages and their motivation to study them has been proved. In order to take a bigger advantage of the potential of practice enterprise as a means to acquire foreign languages, we recommend a bigger and a more systematic integration of language instruction into...

Target language captioned video for second language listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition

Cano, Clarissa Ysel 17 February 2015 (has links)
This report surveys existing literature in order to determine how best to implement target language captioned video in a classroom of a particular context: a Korean church in the U.S. whose members desire to improve their English language ability for the purpose of sharing the gospel of resurrection in English. In order to gain insight into the benefits and limitations of target language captioned video on second language listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition and thus how to use the learning tool optimally, literature is reviewed regarding word knowledge, processing strategies, and reported gains or effects of the use of captioned video. Then, incorporating the information gleaned from the literature, two sample lesson plans are presented utilizing the C-Channel English testimony videos as the primary tool for instruction. / text

Analiza potreba kao kljuĉni aspekt u procesu izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnološke i inženjerske struke / Needs analysis as a key design factor fortechnology and engineering oriented ESLcourses

Jerković Jelena 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet ove disertacije je analiza potreba kao neophodni &ndash; prvi korak, pre izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnolo&scaron;ke i inţenjerske struke. Kako je sa razvojem nastave jezika struke do&scaron;lo do objedinjavanja vi&scaron;e faktora u samom procesu analize potreba &ndash; analize jezika struke, analize ciljne situacije, analize trenutnog nivoa znanja polaznika kao i analize nastavnog konteksta, analiza potreba je u ovoj disertaciji sagledana sa svih pomenutih aspekata, a istraţivanje je obavljeno u dve faze. U prvoj fazi je ispitana analiza trenutnog stanja u vezi sa upotrebom i nastavom engleskog jezika sa aspekta studenata i predavaĉa engleskog jezika na tehnolo&scaron;kim fakultetima u Srbiji. S druge strane, sprovedena je i analiza potreba u vezi sa upotrebom engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera tehnologije. Rezultati, koji su obraĊeni kvantitativnom metodom su pokazali nedovoljnu zastupljenost engleskog jezika struke i sa aspekta studenata i sa aspekta predavaĉa. Kada je u pitanju upotreba engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera, rezultati su ukazali na potrebu za ĉestim kori&scaron;ćenjem engleskog jezika za potrebe svog posla, kao i na vaţnost znanja engleskog jezika radi veće uspe&scaron;nosti u poslu, posebno istiĉući jeziĉke ve&scaron;tine ĉitanja i usmene i pismene komunikacije.<br />Uzimajući u obzir dobijene rezultate analize potreba, pristupilo se izradi kursa engleskog jezika za potrebe studenata tehnologije, koji je trebalo da bude usklaĊeniji sa ispitanim potrebama budućih tehnologa i koji je bio ponuĊen eksperimentalnoj grupi studenata. Provera efikasnosti i svrsishodnosti<br />novog kursa izvr&scaron;ena je u drugom delu istraţivanja, sa jedne strane kvantitativnom metodom, poreĊenjem rezultata testa postignuća izmeĊu studenata iz eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, a sa druge strane kvalitativnom metodom iz intervjua sa studentima. Rezultati testa postignuća su pokazali znaĉajno veću uspe&scaron;nost kumulativnog broja poena studenata iz eksperimentalne grupe (ukupna ocena 8,8) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu studenata (6,77), &scaron;to je potvrĊeno i poreĊenjem pojedinaĉnih kriterijuma gde je u svim sluĉajevima ustanovljena statistiĉki znaĉajna razlika (p&lt;0,0001). Rezultati, dobijeni kvalitativnom metodom, su potvrdili vaţnost jezika struke u nastavi na fakultetu, posebno ukazujući na faktor motivacije, koji je u direktnoj vezi sa zastupljenosti jezika struke. &Scaron;to se tiĉe efikasnosti novog kursa, studenti su ukazali na vaţnost nastavnog materijala koji je neophodno da bude usmeren ka njihovoj budućoj struci, veću uĉestalost provere napretka studenata kao i na vaţnost afektivnih faktora (nastavnik, rad u grupama, atmosfera na ĉasu). Studenti su istakli ulogu nastavnika kao nekoga ko ih vodi kroz gradivo, a da pri tome nema dominantnu ulogu; rad u malim grupama im je omogućio veću slobodu da iznesu svoje mi&scaron;ljenje i uĉestvuju na ĉasu, a poţeljnu atmosferu na ĉasu su opisali kao opu&scaron;tenu a pri tome ipak radnu. Rezultati istraţivanja su pokazali da kursevi koji su bazirani na sprovedenoj analizi potreba daju bolje rezultate na testu i pokazuju veću motivaciju i veće jeziĉke kompetencije kod studenata, &scaron;to je jo&scaron; jedna potvrda teze o neophodnosti analize potreba kao koraka koji prethodi izradi EJS kursa.</p> / <p>This dissertation deals with needs analysis as a<br />necessary, first step before EST course design. Since<br />ESP teaching development covers numerous factors<br />in needs analysis &ndash; target situation analysis, discourse<br />analysis, present situation analysis and teaching<br />context analysis, needs analysis in this dissertation is<br />viewed from all of the mentioned aspects while the<br />research is conducted in two phases.<br />In the first phase, present situation analysis is<br />performed regarding use and teaching process from<br />the point of view of technology students and English<br />teachers. In parallel, needs analysis concerning the<br />English language use is also performed from the<br />employed technology engineers. The results obtained<br />and processed by quantitative methods showed poor<br />frequency of English for specific purposes in the<br />teaching process from the aspect of students and<br />English language teachers. Concerning English<br />language use by the employed technology engineers,<br />the results showed frequent English language use for<br />professional purposes as well as the importance of<br />English language competence for better performance<br />at work, especially emphasizing reading,<br />communicative and writing skills.<br />By taking into account the obtained needs<br />analysis results, a new course is designed for<br />technology students&rsquo; purposes more adapted to the<br />needs of future technologists, which was<br />subsequently offered to experimental group of<br />students. The assessment of the efficiency and<br />purposefulness of a new course is performed in the<br />second phase of the research, first by the quantitative<br />method, comparing the achievement test results of<br />experimental and control group of students, and then<br />by qualitative method from student interviews.<br />The results of the achievement tests showed<br />significant success in cumulative points of students<br />in experimental group (total grade 8,8) in relation to<br />control group (6,77), which was also confirmed by<br />the comparison of individual criteria in which<br />statistical significant difference is obtained<br />(p&lt;0,0001).<br />The results obtained by the qualitative method<br />confirmed the importance of English for specific<br />purposes in the teaching process at the faculty,<br />pointing out a motivation factor in direct relation to<br />frequency of English for specific purposes.<br />Regarding the efficacy of the new course, the<br />students emphasized the importance of teaching<br />material that should necessarily be focused on their<br />future profession, more frequent student achievement<br />tests as well as the importance of affective factors<br />(teacher, group work, class atmosphere). The<br />students also emphasized the teacher&rsquo;s non-dominant<br />role as a facilitator; as well as group work that<br />provides them more freedom to express their opinion,<br />and the preferred class atmosphere relaxed yet also<br />hard-working.<br />The research results showed that the courses<br />based on performed needs analysis give better results<br />at the achievement test, better motivation and higher<br />language competences of students that confirm the<br />thesis of necessary needs analysis as a pre-course<br />procedure.</p>

Vers une ingénierie de formation pour le français du tourisme en contexte marocain / A training engineering for French of tourism in the Moroccan context

Benmoussa, Saâdia 02 February 2017 (has links)
Si la langue française fut imposée, à l'époque coloniale à des fins d'empire et d'emprise, actuellement, elle s'impose par l'effet de la mondialisation comme une langue à visée professionnelle. Notre recherche accorde une attention particulière à l'enseignement du français à visée professionnelle dans le domaine du tourisme au Maroc. Elle se situe donc au carrefour de la didactique des langues et de la formation professionnelle initiale, suite aux programmes d'urgence décidés récemment par le Ministère du tourisme marocain concernant la mise à niveau des étudiants en français. Le besoin de réagir de manière efficace est devenu particulièrement sensible et motive la présente recherche. Notre projet est d'une part, de faire l'état des lieux de l'enseignement du français dans le domaine du tourisme au Maroc depuis l'indépendance à aujourd'hui, en examinant les outils méthodologiques utilisés, et, d'autre part, d'identifier les besoins actuels des apprenants et des enseignants et plus largement, les attentes des établissements touristiques, afin de concevoir un matériel didactique du français spécialement destiné à notre public actuel. L'objectif est de faire acquérir aux apprenants des compétences culturelles et langagières spécifiques, tant orales qu'écrites répondant aux injonctions du marché de l'emploi-En cela, le domaine de l'ingénierie de formation sera sollicité. / Back In the colonial era, French language was imposed for empire and influence purposes, yet nowadays, it stands as a language for professional purpose due to the impact of globalization. My research pays particular attention to the teaching of French for professional purpose in the field of tourism in Morocco. This research comes as an intersection between language didactics and initial vocational training, following the emergency programs recently decided by the Moroccan Ministry of tourism about upgrading French language level among students. Thus, the need to respond effectively has become particularly sensitive and is a strong motive for this research. This project is based on an appraisal of French teaching regarding tourism in Morocco altogether with reviewing used instruments for this purpose in one hand, and figuring out students and teachers current needs and even touristic institutions expectations in the other hand, in order to perceive didactical French appliances mainly intended to our present public. In fact, the intention is to pump some specific cultural and lingual proficiency whether it's written or oral, that meets the work market needs. For this purpose, training engineering is highly recommended.

O ensino de português para fins específicos no Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil / The teaching of Portuguese for Specific Purposes in the Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil

Lobo, Moana de Lima e Silva 06 October 2017 (has links)
Sabendo-se que a gramática e o dicionário são instrumentos linguísticos que contribuem para o processo de gramatização das línguas (AUROUX, 1992) e que no Brasil esse processo se desenvolveu em cinco momentos, quatro deles propostos por Orlandi & Guimarães (2001) e o quinto proposto por Zoppi-Fontana (2004, 2007), esta tese analisa o livro didático Diga trinta e três... em português! (aplicado no curso de Português como Língua Estrangeira do Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil, nos Módulos de Acolhimento e Avaliação que ocorreram no Brasil e em Cuba), que pode ser considerado um instrumento linguístico norteador no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do PLE, corroborando para o quinto momento do processo de gramatização do português brasileiro. Tomando por base as características do pós-método ao propor uma atitude reflexiva na atitude do professor sobre a sua prática pedagógica, com o objetivo de um ensino que corresponda às reais necessidades do aluno, adotou-se o Ensino de Línguas para Fins Específicos, que assume a língua como instrumento/meio para um desempenho eficaz na situação-alvo, possibilitando a aprendizagem de língua para o cumprimento de tarefas em contextos específicos (RAMOS, 2005), como aporte teórico na análise do livro didático em questão. Assim, com o auxílio da pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico e interpretativista, geraram-se os dados possíveis para o desenvolvimento dessa análise, que contou com o olhar da professora-pesquisadora sobre o livro didático, as contribuições de outros professores que atuaram nesse mesmo contexto, por meio de questionários, e as anotações do diário de pesquisa. Como conclusão desta pesquisa, é possível afirmar que o livro didático Diga trinta e três... em Português! configura-se como um instrumento linguístico desenvolvido para uma finalidade específica no que tange o ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira aos médicos intercambistas, mas também que se situa na condição do pensamento desenvolvido na era do pós-método, ao permitir que o professor, em sua prática pedagógica, assuma um perfil reflexivo, priorizando o papel do aluno como agente na construção do seu conhecimento. / It is known that grammar and the dictionary are linguistic instruments that contribute to the process of grammatization of languages (AUROUX, 1992) and that in Brazil this process has developed in five moments, four of them proposed by Orlandi & Guimarães (2001) and fifth proposed by Zoppi-Fontana (2004, 2007), this dissertation analyzes the textbook Diga trinta e três... em português! (applied in the course of Portuguese as a Foreign Language of the Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil, in the Modules of Reception and Evaluation that took place in Brazil and Cuba), which can be considered a guiding linguistic instrument in the teaching-learning process of PFL, corroborating for the fifth moment of the process of grammatization of Brazilian Portuguese. Based on the characteristics of the post-method in proposing a reflexive attitude in the attitude of the teacher about his/her pedagogical practice, with the objective of a teaching that corresponds to the real needs of the student, it was adopted the Teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes, which assumes the language as an instrument/mean for an effective performance in the target situation, enabling language learning to fulfill tasks in specific contexts (RAMOS, 2005), as a theoretical contribution in the analysis of the textbook in question. Thus, with the aid of qualitative research of an ethnographic and interpretative nature, the available data for the development of the analysis were generated, which counted on the teacher-researchers view on the didactic book, contributions of other teachers who acted in the same context, through questionnaires, and field diary. As a conclusion to this research, it is possible to state that the textbook Diga trinta e três... em Português! is configured as a linguistic instrument developed for a specific purpose in what concerns the teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language to the exchange doctors, but also that it is situated in the condition of the thought developed in the postmethod era, by allowing the teacher, in his pedagogical practice, assume a reflexive profile, prioritizing the students role as an agent in the construction of his knowledge.

O aluno adulto e suas representações acerca do saber e aprender: uma investigação em um contexto de ensino de inglês para fins específicos / The adult student and his representations about knowing and learning: an investigation in an ESP, English for Specific Purposes, context

Chiaro, Tânia Regina Peccinini de 17 April 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho nasceu da investigação sobre um projeto de ensino de estratégias desenvolvido por uma escola de idiomas, que oferece cursos de Inglês para fins específicos, em empresas, para alunos cujos cargos envolvem áreas operacionais nos setores do turismo. Entendia-se que o projeto auxiliaria os alunos no desenvolvimento do exercício de aprender a aprender (a metacognição) e da auto-regulação. A análise dos dados partiu dos questionários respondidos por 60 alunos antes e depois da execução do projeto. Buscavam-se, entre os dados analisados, indicadores da repercussão do projeto com os alunos, bem como informações mais abrangentes que auxiliassem na compreensão desse aluno adulto e de suas características como aprendiz. Diante das respostas obtidas nos questionários, puderam ser observados dados quantitativos como o crescimento de índices na freqüência de utilização das estratégias, e a evolução dos alunos indicada em sua auto-avaliação, apontando a eficácia dos resultados alcançados pelo projeto. No entanto, foi na análise das perguntas abertas que se encontraram as informações mais relevantes sobre esse adulto aprendiz, informações essas que demonstravam as diferentes representações que esses sujeitos fazem do que é saber e aprender Inglês. Ao se deparar com essas informações escolheu-se utilizar como modelo teórico-metodológico para a análise a Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento, assumindo a complexidade desse sujeito aprendiz. Os modelos aplicados pelos sujeitos pesquisados demonstram que sua motivação para estudar Inglês incorpora representações acerca do que é saber Inglês e de como esse processo se dá, fazendo surgir em seus depoimentos suas crenças e valores acerca desses temas. Essas representações estão ligadas prioritariamente ao papel da escola nesse processo ou à repercussão do aprendizado na atuação profissional. O desempenho lingüístico permeia esses dois campos, com concepções diferentes em cada um deles. A presente pesquisa, que se constitui como um estudo de caso, tem a expectativa de, por meio da investigação dessas representações, poder contribuir para o entendimento desse adulto aprendiz, suas características e as motivações que o levam a querer aprender Inglês. / This research was originally planned to investigate about a learning strategy training project developed by a language institute that offers in company ESP courses to adults in operational areas of the tourism industry. The project aimed at helping students develop metacognition and self-regulation. The data gathered consisted of questionnaires answered by 60 students before and after the project conduction. Indications about the repercussion of the project among the students and information that could help understand these students and their characteristics as learners were sought in the data analysis. Through quantitative data analysis, the researcher found an increase in the use of strategies, as well as a significant change in students self-evaluations, which indicated that the project had accomplished some positive results. Nevertheless, the open-ended questions brought even more relevant information about these learners, for they showed the different representations students have of what it is to learn and to know English. Due to the complexity of the subject-learner, the research uses the Theory of the Organizing Models of the Thought as a theoretical-methodological approach. The models found in the analysis indicate that learners motivation to study English carry the influence of their representations of what it is to learn English and how the learning process happens. The study analyzed their beliefs and values as well, hoping to contribute for a better understanding of these learners, their characteristics and their motivation to learn English. These representations are mainly linked to the schools role in the learning process or the repercussion of knowing a second language for professional performance. The concept of linguistic ability is present in both groups in different ways. The research hopes to contribute to the understanding of this adult learner, his/her characteristics and the motivational aspects that drive him/her to learn English.

Inglês para fins específicos: aulas particulares centradas na produção oral para o exame TOEFL iBT

Simões, Renata Mendes 26 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Mendes Simoes.pdf: 1583071 bytes, checksum: b2dfb5b69b92ceadf64ea28788255342 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at investigating how an English for Specific Purpose one-to-one course, mainly focused on the speaking skill, meets the students learning needs and prepares them to take the TOEFL iBT test (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test). The study is grounded on the theoretical principles about English for Specific Purposes as supported by Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998); Ramos (2004, 2009); Belcher (2009); Basturkmen (2010); needs analysis according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans and ST. John (1998); Long (2005); task-based teaching as proposed by Willis (1996); Willis and Willis (2001, 2007); Ellis (2003, 2005); Skehan (2003); Nunan (2004); course design and material development according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley Evans and St. John (1998); Graves (2000); Tomlinson (2001, 2003); and language assessment as defended by McNamara (2000) and Scaramucci (2004, 2009, 2011). Methodologically, this research is considered a case study (STAKE, 1998; JOHNSON, 1992), and it made use of the following instruments for data collection: questionnaires in the beginning of the course to identify the students profiles, and at the end of the course to learn about the students perceptions as to their progress; audio recording of two speaking tasks on the first and last day of class; teacher-researcher s diaries at the end of every class containing the students perceptions of their performance in class. The results revealed the students satisfaction regarding the course methodology and material, as well as the perception of reading and listening skills improvement. It was interesting to note that, although the main focus of the course was on the speaking skill, the perception of improvement of the writing skill was higher than that of the speaking skill. The students narratives also indicated the importance of teacher-student interaction and praised the attention given by the teacher to their emotional aspects. This work aims at bringing contributions not only to ESP course teachers and to those who work with language assessment, but also to the research field as it lacks studies related to the speaking skill and private classes / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como um curso de Inglês para Fins Específicos, com priorização na produção oral, realizado por meio de aulas particulares, atende as necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos e os capacita a prestar o exame TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test). O referencial teórico englobou os conceitos sobre Inglês para Fins Específicos de acordo com Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998); Ramos (2004, 2009); Belcher (2009); Basturkmen (2010); análise de necessidades conforme proposto por Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans e ST. John (1998); Long (2005); ensino baseado em tarefa segundo Willis (1996); Willis e Willis (2001, 2007); Ellis (2003, 2005); Skehan (2003); Nunan (2004); desenho de curso e desenvolvimento de materiais à luz de Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley Evans e St. John (1998); Graves (2000); Tomlinson (2001, 2003); e avaliação de línguas conforme defendido por McNamara (2000) e Scaramucci (2004, 2009, 2011). Este trabalho, caracterizado como estudo de caso (STAKE, 1998; JOHNSON, 1992), utilizou para coleta de dados os seguintes instrumentos: questionários no início do curso para investigar o perfil do aluno, e ao final do curso, para identificar as percepções dos alunos quanto a seu progresso; gravação em áudio no primeiro e no último dia de aula de duas tarefas de produção oral; diários da professora-pesquisadora ao final de cada aula com as percepções do aluno referente ao desempenho em aula. Os resultados revelaram a satisfação dos alunos quanto à metodologia e material didático empregados no curso e a percepção da melhora na compreensão oral e escrita. Foi interessante notar que, embora o curso tivesse mantido o foco principal na produção oral, a percepção de melhora da produção escrita foi superior à melhora da produção oral. Os relatos dos alunos também indicaram a importância da interação professora-aluno e a atenção dada pela professora ao aspecto emocional dos alunos para essa percepção de melhora. Este trabalho pretende trazer contribuições não só para aqueles que lecionam em cursos de Inglês para Fins Específicos e trabalham com avaliações de língua, mas também para o campo de estudos por ser este ainda carente de pesquisas sobre aulas particulares e produção oral

Aluno letrado, professor iletrado digitalmente?: reflexões sobre a docência de inglês em cursos superiores de informática

Fazio, Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues 08 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues Fazio.pdf: 454524 bytes, checksum: bcb818ae0943e7aa6478e23cbe564049 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-08 / This study aims at describing and interpreting the classroom practice of English teachers who perceive themselves as digitally illiterate while evaluating their university Technology students as digitally literate. By addressing such a phenomenon of lived experience, this investigation therefore aims at reflecting upon teaching practice and digital literacy issues that emerge from instructional contexts in which computers must be used as mediators in ESP classes. To achieve its purpose, this study is founded on the concepts of reflection (Dewey, 1933, 1938, 1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983, 1987, 1992, 2000), digital literacy (Buzato, 2001; Soares, 2002) and English for Specific Purposes (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Strevens, 1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005;Celani, 2005). The methodological approach adopted is the hermeneutic-phenomenological one (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006, 2007). The phenomenon description and interpretation emerged from two teachers textual registers (narrative and interview) on their university teaching experiences in Technology courses and on the way they deal with their perceived digital illiteracy in order to fulfill the institutions and learners demands. This research results indicate that searching and reflection are the themes that constitute the phenomenon on focus, thus revealing its nature, its identity. Such outcomes may provide teachers of English with input to reflect upon digital literacy and upon the ESP approach applied to university contexts in which teachers and students have a different level of knowledge and expertise in managing technological resources / Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever e interpretar o fenômeno da prática docente de professores universitários de inglês que se percebem iletrados digitalmente e que ministram aulas para alunos que consideram digitalmente letrados. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo que visa a refletir sobre a prática pedagógica e sobre questões de letramento digital que emergem quando se torna necessário inserir o computador como mediador em aulas de língua inglesa, ministradas de acordo com a Abordagem Instrumental. Esta pesquisa se fundamenta nos conceitos de reflexão (Dewey,1933, 1938,1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983,1987,1992,2000), de letramento digital (Buzato, 2001; Soares,2002), e nos pressupostos da Abordagem Instrumental ao ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa (Hutchinson & Waters,1987; Strevens,1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005; Celani, 2005). A abordagem metodológica utilizada é a hermenêutico-fenomenológica (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006,2007). A descrição e a interpretação do fenômeno em foco partem de registros textuais (narrativa e entrevista) de duas professoras sobre as experiências que viveram no Ensino Superior e sobre como buscam lidar com sua falta de letramento digital para atender as demandas da tecnologia, da instituição e de seus alunos. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que busca e reflexão são os temas que constituem a manifestação do fenômeno investigado, revelando sua natureza, sua identidade. Tais resultados podem contribuir para que docentes de inglês reflitam sobre questões de letramento digital e sobre a Abordagem Instrumental aplicada a contextos universitários em que professores e alunos têm conhecimento e domínio diferenciado do uso de recursos tecnológicos

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