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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standalone vehicle emergency detection / Fristående upptäckning av olyckor i fordon

Christoffersson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
When testing cars on proving grounds, a solution to monitor and track the vehicle is often needed. Rajd Systech’s solution, Nelson, uses a mobile device mounted in the car to monitor the vehicle and generate events based on information from it. One of the most important events generated are the accident events which notifies the facility manager that something has happened. This thesis will describe how a standalone collision detection library is created to improve upon the existing applications events, giving it the feature to detect when an emergency happens on the track with the help of the mobile phones internal sensors / När man testar bilar på testanläggningar behövs det en lösning för att övervaka och spåra bilarna. Rajd Systrech’s lösning, Nelson, använder en mobilenhet som är monterad i bilen för att övervaka fordonet och genererar event utifrån information som den samlar. Ett av det viktigaste av dom generade eventen är olyckshändelse eventet som notifierar personen som övervakar testanläggningen att någonting har hänt. Det här examensarbetet beskriver hur ett fristående kollisionsdetekteringsbibliotek skapats för att förbättra de befintliga applikations eventet, vilket ger applikationen funktionen att upptäcka när en nödsituation hänt på banan med hjälp av mobilens interna sensorer.

From Huizinga to Frasca : The Emergence and Establishment of Games as a Field of Study

von Sydow, Tom January 2017 (has links)
Video games, having become a mass market and part of popular culture, has in the last few decades gained increasingly more attention from the academic community. Within the arts, it was not until Johan Huizinga’s Homo Ludens, released in 1938, that games were first considered as anything more than childish pastime and even then, it would take decades before game studies, from a non-mathematical perspective, emerged as a subject. This study examines the major scholars and theories that exist within the game studies community with focus on arts, to gain a deeper understanding of games in general and game studies in particular. According to the findings of this study, most of scholars within this field have contributed with one or more theories that have helped the field’s understanding of games, that there are substantial similarities in the scholars’ definitions, that the major differences are in the vocabulary, as well as that game studies have grown increasingly more independent from other academic fields including game theory.

Unequal and Violent: Post-conflict Contexts for Women : A study on the consequences of fragmentation of the women's movement during peace processes

Alvarado Cobar, Jose Francisco January 2017 (has links)
Previous research has not fully addressed the causal processes embedded in participation of women’s groups in peace processes, and the potential outcomes achieved by their participation. This thesis seeks to contribute to this topic by analyzing the research question under what conditions do peace processes contribute to unequal and dangerous societies for women? And the theorized relationship is that ‘the presence of fragmentation of the women’s movement during peace negotiations tends to result in higher prevalence of inequality and violence against women in post-conflict societies’, because fragmentation will contribute to upholding patriarchal norms that facilitate violence towards women through portraying men as top-dogs and women as under-dogs. Structured Focused Comparison is the method used, and questionnaires are developed for fragmentation and post-conflict inequality and violence against women. Two cases are studied and compared: Guatemala and Chiapas in Mexico. The findings show very little support for the hypothesis, although the results are inconclusive.


Belloni, Alessio January 2017 (has links)
ThispaperaimstocomparetheforecastingperformanceofthewidelyusedVARandBayesian VAR model to the unrestricted MIDAS regression. The models are tested on a real-time macroeconomic data set ranging from 2000 to 2015. The variables are mixed frequency data, specifically, predictions are made for GDP, using economic tendency indicator, unemployment and inflation as predicting variables. The baseline model of this analysis is a simple VAR, while it has great flexibility, this model risks to overfit the data and as a consequence makes unreliablepredictions. TheVillaniBayesianVARismeanttosolvethisproblembyintroducing long run beliefs about the data structure and the steady state unconditional means of each series. Whenfacingmixedfrequencydata,boththeseapproachedaggregateatthelowerlevelby discarding useful information. In this scenario, the unrestricted MIDAS model addresses this problem without losing high frequency information. The results show how both BVAR and U-MIDAS outperform VAR at every horizon, while there is no absolute winner among BVAR and U-MIDAS. Evidence suggests that U-MIDAS is superior for short horizons, specifically up to the 5th step ahead, which corresponds to one year and a quarter.

Strategiska uppdrag : Från förarbete och anbudsarbete till uppdragsstart

Tovar, Carolina January 2017 (has links)
Att vinna strategiskt viktiga uppdrag är en väsentlig del i ett teknikkonsultföretags arbete  och  deras  strävan  efter  att  uppfylla  bolagets  mission.  I  samband  med  stora multidisciplinära  uppdrag  utvärderas  olika  faktorer  som  påverkar  bid/no  bid-  och mark-up-beslut. En fallstudie har genomförts med syfte att kartlägga, analysera och ge  förbättringsförslag  på  beslutsprocessen  hos  ett  teknikkonsultföretag  i  Sverige. Resultatet av genomförd fallstudie visar att beslutsfattande gällande bid/no bid sker under  förarbetet  och  anbudsarbetet.  Beslutsfattande  gällande  mark-up  sker  endast under anbudsarbetet. Uppsatsen ger en kort introduktion till grundläggande teorier om bland annat rationalitet, beslutsfattande, budgivning och  multikriterieanalys.  Dessa teorier  ligger  till  grund  för  den  analys  som  görs  av beslutsprocessen  hos  företaget. Företag  som  saknar  systematiska  utvärderings-  och  uppföljningsrutiner  riskerar  att efterrationalisera  sina  beslut.  I  uppsatsen  föreslås  därför  beslutsanalytiska  verktyg som  ett  sätt att  göra  beslutsprocessen  mer  rationell  och  effektivare.  En  översiktlig analys av intern beslutskommunikation ingår också. Bristande beslutskommunikation kan komma att påverka hur väl målsättningar satta före eller under anbudsarbetet  kan uppfyllas.

The Airbnb hosting experience : Lessons from Stockholm

Tarek, Honein January 2017 (has links)

Combining Immunogenic Cell Death, Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I and Copper: Is This The Way Forward?

Ramsey, Deryn January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

TILLGÄNGLIG OCH INKLUDERANDE SPRÅKUNDERVISNING : En intervjustudie om högstadielärares arbetssätt

Storrank, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
I detta examensarbete presenteras en studie där syftet är att bidra med kunskap om inkluderande språkundervisning. Genom intervjuer undersöks hur högstadielärare i moderna språk, spanska, franska och tyska, arbetar för att inkludera alla elever. Vidare undersöks vilka arbetssätt som beskrivs främja tillgänglighet och delaktighet i språkklassrummet. Resultaten visar att lärarna metodiskt och medvetet arbetar för inkludering. Samtidigt visar resultaten att det finns utmaningar, exempelvis resurs bristeroch känslor av att inte räcka till. Lösningar som lyfts är olika former av två-lärarsystem, differentiering, tydliggöra strukturer, visuellt stöd och ökad tillgång till specialpedagogisk kompetens. Studien visar också tydligt att lärare bedömer det relationella arbetet som avgörande för hur elever lyckas i sina studier. En slutsats av studien är att möjligheten att uppnå en skola för alla till stor del är beroende av den enskilda skolans ramfaktorer.

Elevskyddsombud i skolan : En fråga om arbetsmiljö

Ulander, Christian January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att få ökad kunskap om elevskyddsombud på skolan. Samt att få kunskap om elevernas inställning till att påverka sin arbetsmiljö. Men även att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper om arbetsmiljöarbetet på skolan samt deras kunskaper om elevskyddsombud. Även att hitta förbättringar inom dessa områden. Frågeställningen behandlade elevernas möjlighet att påverka sin egen arbetsmiljö samt förbättringar i det arbetet. Metoden var intervjuer men även observationer under tiden jag arbetat som lärare. Under intervjuerna använde jag mig av en metod som kallas ”fyra hörn”. Metoden går ut på att alla deltagare har en del av ett papper att skriva ner stödord på. Det som deltagarna har gemensamt skrivs i mitten eller om det är något informanterna anser vara extra viktigt. Deltagarna var fyra flickor årskurs 7, fyra pojkar årskurs 7 som intervjuades i varsin grupp. Det var även en blandgrupp med tre flickor årskurs 9 och två pojkar årskurs 9. Resultat visar att eleverna hade dålig kunskap om hur de kan påverka sin arbetsmiljö. Det kom även fram att de hade lite kunskap om vilka rättigheter de har att delta i arbetsmiljöarbetet på skolan. Det fanns ett intresse hos eleverna att kunna påverka sin egen arbetsmiljö i vissa frågor, men inte alla. Ett förslag är att skolor behöver utbilda elever och elevskyddsombud i arbetsmiljöarbete. Organisatoriskt måste skolan se till att möten som elevskyddsombuden har rätt att delta på ligger på tider som gör det möjligt för elevskyddsombuden att delta. Eleverna behöver hjälp och stöd av vuxna på skolan i deras arbetsmiljöarbete. / The purpose of the paper is to increase knowledge of the Pupils safty representatives at school. In addition to that getting knowledge of the pupils’ attitude of affecting their working conditions. But also to make the students’ knowledge of working conditions in school visible as well their awareness of Pupils safty representatives. Also to find aspects of improvement in these areas. The issue concerned the possibilities of the students’ abilities to affect their own working conditions not to mention making improvements of that work. The Method were interviews but also observations made during the time I have been working as a teacher. During the interviews I used a method called ‘four corners’. The method aim to all of the participants have a paper to write supportive words on. The words that are mutual are written in the middle or if it is a word that the informants consider more important. The participants were four girls in grade 7 and four boys in grade 7 they were interviewed in two groups. There were also a mixed group with three girls from grade nine and two boys from grade nine. The Result show that students had poor knowledge of how to affect their working conditions. It is also apparent that they had little knowledge of what rights they have to participate in the work to improve working conditions at school. A suggestion is that schools need to educate pupils and Pupils safty representatives of improvement of working conditions. At a level of organization school need to make sure that meetings that students have a right to take part in are scheduled at a time of day that is possible for them to attend. Students need help and support from staff in their job to improve working conditions.

The difference between hearing and listening : A qualitative comparative case study about the inter-relations between leaders and employees within agile start-ups

Nyström, Niklas, Rahmani, Zakaria January 2021 (has links)
Leadership are often a central part of organizations’ success. Consequently, it never ceases to attract attention and curiosity. What makes a good leader can vary depending on what kind of organization or setting one may be in and therefore different traits and styles are needed. However, one could argue that more aspects matter and what actually defines a great leader are for the ones being led to decide. The people within an organization need to trust and feel secure with the one leading and if that is not the case there is a big risk that the organization won’t survive. Moreover, the leadership styles and traits that come from earlier theories are often applicable on well-established companies but not easily applied on start-ups since such organizations are different and not built on the same parameters. The relations between leaders and employees within start-ups is also unexplored and therefore in need of enlightening.  The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the leadership within agile start-ups reflect the wants of the employees that are working there. To be able to do this, a comparative case study design with an inductive research approach was used while investigating three agile start-ups. When studying the sample organizations, the authors extracted four major resemblances that testimonies that there is a high correlation between what the leader and the followers thinks are good attributes for a leader to have. The four major resemblances are the importance of truly listening, the importance of delegating responsibility, the importance of having a clearly defined direction and finally, the importance of embracing trial and errors. Nevertheless, there were some influencing factors that came up during the research where everyone did not share the same vision and that may be wise remembering.  Lastly, a few suggestions are mentioned that a leader could bear in mind when working within an agile start-up. The suggestions take the leader-follower perspective into account and would hopefully be beneficial for the leader to have in mind when managing the organization.

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