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Η μεταβολομική ως εργαλείο κλινικής πρόγνωσης : Συγκριτική ανάλυση μεταβολικού προτύπου αγοριών και κοριτσιών από τεχνητή γονιμοποίηση για τη διερεύνηση προδιάθεσης σε μεταβολικές διαταραχέςΤελώνης, Αριστείδης 30 July 2014 (has links)
Η ενδοκυττάρια έγχυση σπέρματος (ICSI) εισήχθη ως μέθοδος υποβοηθούμενης αναπαραγωγής (ΑRT) κυρίως για την αντιμετώπιση της ανδρικής στειρότητας. Όμως, λόγω των υψηλών ποσοστών επιτυχίας, και παρά τις αυξανόμενες ανησυχίες για τους κινδύνους από τη σημαντική ανθρώπινη παρεμβολή στο γονιδίωμα, το επιγονιδίωμα και την ανάπτυξη των παιδιών, προτιμάται ακόμα και σε περιπτώσεις όπου δεν απαιτείται ιατρικά. Από τις λίγες σήμερα συστηματικές μελέτες παιδιών από ART, καταγράφεται αυξημένο ποσοστό προδιάθεσης τους σε ασθένειες που σχετίζονται με κακό καρδιομεταβολικό πρότυπο στην ενήλικη ζωή. Στόχος της εργασίας ήταν η διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας χρήσης της μεταβολομικής ανάλυσης για τον πρώϊμο και έγκυρο προσδιορισμό σχετικών διαταραχών σε δείγματα πλάσματος προεφηβικών κοριτσιών και αγοριών από ΙCSI, που επιλέχτηκαν από ένα συστηματικά χαρακτηρισμένο σύνολο παιδιών μελέτης της Α’ Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής, Νοσοκομείου «Αγία Σοφία», Ιατρικής Σχολής, ΕΚΠΑ.
ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ: Τα μεταβολικά πρότυπα πλάσματος (α) 10 κοριτσιών από ΙCSI και 10 από φυσιολογική γονιμοποίηση (NC) και (β) 16 αγοριών από ΙCSI και 16 από NC ποσοτικοποιήθηκαν με χρωματογραφία αερίων – φασματομετρία μάζας (GC-MS). Μετά από την ταυτοποίηση κορυφών και την κατάλληλη κανονικοποίηση των προτύπων, 86 πρότυπα 70 μεταβολιτών στα κορίτσια και 92 πρότυπα 80 μεταβολιτών στα αγόρια αναλύθηκαν ξεχωριστά, και συγκριτικά με αλγορίθμους πολυπαραμετρικής στατιστικής ανάλυσης των λογισμικών TM4-MeV (v.4.9.0), και ΧLSTAT (v.2013.4.03). Οι διαφορές στο πρότυπο σύστασης του πλάσματος σε μικρού μεγέθους μεταβολίτες μεταξύ των ΙCSI και ΝC ομάδων σε κορίτσια και αγόρια και μεταξύ των δύο φύλων οπτικοποιήθηκαν σε κατάλληλα ανακατασκευασμένο από τη βιβλιογραφία και σχετικές βάσεις δεδομένων μεταβολικό δίκτυο πολλών ιστών.
ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ: Στα κορίτσια, ο αλγόριθμος μερικών ελαχίστων τετραγώνων-διακριτής ανάλυσης (PLS-DA) κατέδειξε σαφή διαχωρισμό των μεταβολικών πρoτύπων μεταξύ των ομάδων ΙCSI και NC. Ο διαχωρισμός αυξάνεται με το συνυπολογισμό των βιοχημικών μετρήσεων. Στα αγόρια, η PLS-DA των μεταβολικών ή και βιοχημικών προτύπων κατέδειξε επίσης διαχωρισμό, αν και μικρότερο, σε σχέση με κορίτσια. Η ανάλυση σημαντικότητας για μικροσυστοιχίες (SAM), που ενδείκνυται για την ανάλυση ομικών δεδομένων, ανέδειξε 37 από τους 70 μεταβολίτες που αναλύθηκαν στα κορίτσια με σημαντικά διαφορετική συγκέντρωση μεταξύ των ΙCSI και ΝC ομάδων, με 34 από αυτούς να αυξάνονται στην ICSI ομάδα. Οι 34 μεταβολίτες αφορούν κύρια σε σάκχαρα, αλκοόλες και οξέα σακχάρων, οργανικά οξέα και λιπίδια, που έχουν συνδεθεί με αντίσταση στην ινσουλίνη, μεταβολικό σύνδρομο, ή/και την παχυσαρκία. Η ίδια ανάλυση στα αγόρια ανέδειξε 25 από τους 80 μεταβολίτες που αναλύθηκαν με χαρακτηριστική διαφορά μεταξύ των ομάδων ICSI και NC, εκ των οποίων 9 με σημαντικά μικρότερη συγκέντρωση στην ομάδα ΙCSI. Χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρεται ότι στους 9 μεταβολίτες ανήκουν οι 4 με την πλέον διαφορετική συγκέντρωση μεταξύ των ICSI και NC ομάδων, που είναι η σορβιτόλη, και τα αρωματικά αμινοξέα τρυπτοφάνη, φαινυλαλανίνη και τυροσίνη. Συγκριτική ανάλυση του μεταβολικού προτύπου των δύο φύλων στην NC ομάδα κατέδειξε μια σαφή διαφοροποίηση, η οποία φαίνεται να αποτελεί κύρια αιτία της παρατηρούμενης φυλο-ειδικής μεταβολικής διαφοροποίησης μεταξύ των ομάδων ICSI και ΝC.
ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ: Η πολυπαραμετρική ανάλυση της σύστασης του πλάσματος σε μικρού μοριακού βάρους μεταβολίτες επέτρεψε τον προσδιορισμό μεταβολικών διαφορών μεταξύ των ομάδων ICSI και NC, που υποστηρίζουν την προδιάθεση των παιδιών από ICSI σε αντίσταση στην ινσουλίνη, με διακριτούς όμως μεταβολικούς και βιοχημικούς δείκτες μεταξύ των δύο φύλων. Τα ευρήματα αυτά πρέπει να επιβεβαιωθούν σε ένα ευρύτερο σύνολο παιδιών και των δύο φύλων. Καταδεικνύουν όμως την αξία της μεταβολομικής να παρέχει μία υψηλής ευκρίνειας προοπτική της μεταβολικής κατάστασης, οδηγώντας στον προσδιορισμό χαρακτηριστικών μεταβολικών προτύπων ακόμα και σε πολύπλοκες καταστάσεις φυσιολογίας. / The intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) method was introduced in artificial reproduction technology (ART) mainly to treat male infertility. However, due to its high success rates and despite the growing concerns concerning the risk that the significant human intervention associated with this method may have to the genome, epigenome and development of the offspring, the use of ICSI has gradually increased in the recent years, even when it is not medically required. Based on the few currently available systematic studies of ART conceived children, the latter are considered of higher risk for cardio-metabolic diseases as adults. The goal of the present study is to investigate whether metabolomic analysis of the blood plasma could contribute to the early and accurate determination of relevant predisposition in ICSI conceived prepubertal girls and boys, specifically selected from a systematically characterized group of children, participated in a study of the First Department of Pediatrics of the “Agia Sophia” Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The blood plasma metabolic profiles of (a) 10 ICSI- and 10 naturally conceived (NC) girls and (b) 16 ICSI and 16 NC boys were acquired using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. After peak identification and appropriate normalization, 86 profiles of 70 metabolites in girls and 92 profiles of 80 metabolites in boys were analyzed separately and comparatively using multivariate statistical analysis algorithms of TM4-MeV (v.4.9.0) and XLSTAT (v.2013.4.03) software. The differences in the plasma metabolite concentration profiles between the ICSI and NC groups in girls and boys were visualized in an inter-tissue metabolic network that was reconstructed based on relevant literature and metabolic databases.
RESULTS: For the girls, the algorithm of partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) indicated a clear differentiation of the metabolic profiles between the ICSI and NC groups. The discrimination is more pronounced, when biochemical data are also considered. For the boys also, PLS-DA indicated separation between the metabolomic profiles of the two groups analyzed individually or in combination with the biochemical data, but not as explicit as in girls. Significance analysis for microarrays (SAM) determined 37 out of the 70 analyzed metabolites in the plasma profiles of the girls with significantly different concentration between the ICSI and the NC groups; 34 of these were of higher concentration in the ICSI group. The 34 metabolites include mainly sugars, sugar alcohols and acids, organic acids and lipids that have been associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and/or obesity. The same analysis in the plasma profiles of the boys determined 25 out of the 80 analyzed metabolites with significant difference between the ICSI and NC groups; nine of these were of significantly lower concentration in the ICSI group. It is underlined that the four most discriminatory metabolites between the ICSI and NC groups, i.e. sorbitol and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine, are among the nine negatively significant. Comparative analysis of the metabolic profiles between the two sexes within the NC group indicated an unequivocal differentiation, which is considered to be the main cause of the observed sex-specific metabolic differences between the ICSI and NC groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The multivariate statistical analysis of blood plasma metabolite profiles enabled the determination of sex-specific metabolic differences between the ICSI and NC groups; these differences support increased predisposition to insulin resistance for the ICSI offspring, with clearly different, however, metabolic and biochemical markers in the two sexes. These findings need to be confirmed in a wider group of children. They demonstrate, however, the value of metabolomics to provide a high-resolution perspective of the metabolic state, leading to the determination of characteristic metabolic profiles even in complex physiological conditions.
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Comparaison de deux nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation de la fertilité masculine avec le spermogramme chez des patients ayant recours à la fécondation in vitroCourchesne, Annick 12 1900 (has links)
Des facteurs masculins sont identifiés dans près de la moitié des cas d’infertilité. À ce jour, les tests évaluant la fertilité masculine demeurent peu prédictifs de la survenue d’une grossesse. Dans le but de pallier cette lacune, nous avons mis au point deux nouveaux tests mesurant l’intégrité de l’ADN et le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes.
Nous avons effectué une étude prospective portant sur 42 couples infertiles suivis en fécondation in vitro (FIV). Le spermogramme a été effectué selon les critères de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes exposés à un détergent cationique a été mesuré en observant la mobilité sous microscope. L’intégrité de l’ADN des spermatozoïdes a été vérifiée par la nouvelle méthode de marquage radioenzymatique et par analyse de la structure de la chromatine (SCSA). Tous les tests ont été réalisés sur la partie des échantillons de sperme non utilisée par la clinique de fertilité. Le projet a été approuvé par le comité d’éthique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal (CHUM) et les patients ont préalablement signé un formulaire de consentement éclairé.
L’analyse des paramètres du spermogramme et de l’intégrité de l’ADN n’a montré aucune différence statistiquement significative entre les données chez les couples avec ou sans grossesse. Cependant, le taux de grossesse biochimique était statistiquement plus élevé chez les couples dont le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes était long (>250 s) comparativement à ceux dont ce temps était court (≤250 s): 66% vs 27% respectivement (p<0,05). Les taux de grossesse clinique et d’implantation étaient aussi plus élevés, mais les différences n’atteignaient pas le seuil de signification statistique.
Nos résultats confirment que le spermogramme et la mesure de la fragmentation de l’ADN des spermatozoïdes ne sont pas de bons facteurs prédictifs des résultats de la FIV. Par contre, le test de survie des spermatozoïdes serait un meilleur indicateur de la possibilité d’une grossesse en FIV. L’amélioration de sa spécificité et un plus grand nombre de sujets sont nécessaires avant de proposer son application en clinique de fertilité. / Male factors are known to be involved in almost half of the couples consulting for infertility. To date, the tests for evaluating male fertility are poor predictors of pregnancy. We developed two new tests to evaluate sperm function: a sperm survival test and a new method to measure sperm DNA integrity.
This prospective study was conducted on 42 infertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Assessment of sperm parameters was done according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, and sperm survival upon exposure to a cationic detergent was measured by observing motility under the microscope. Sperm DNA integrity was verified by our new radioenzymatic method as well as by the sperm chromatin structure analysis (SCSA) method. All testing was performed on a remainder aliquot of the semen samples. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal (CHUM), and informed consent was obtained before inclusion.
Neither conventional semen analysis, nor sperm DNA fragmentation showed statistically significant difference between conception and non-conception cycles. However, the biochemical pregnancy rate was statistically higher in couples where the sperm survival time was long (>250 s) compared to short (≤250 s): 66% vs. 27% respectively, (p < 0.05). The clinical pregnancy rate and implantation rate were also higher but the differences did not reach statistical significance.
Our study confirms that conventional semen analysis and the assay for sperm DNA integrity are not reliable indicators of IVF outcome. In contrast, our new sperm survival test seems to be a better predictor of the pregnancy rate after IVF. Improvement of its specificity and a larger cohort of patients are necessary before proposing its regular application in IVF clinics.
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Intervenções para melhora do sucesso reprodutivo em mulheres com falhas recorrentes de implantação submetidas à reprodução assistida: revisão sistematizada e metanálise / Interventions for improving reproductive outcomes in women with recurrent implantation failure undergoing assisted reproductive techniques: Systematic review and metanalysisMiyague, Danielle Medeiros Teixeira 18 January 2019 (has links)
Justificativa: Falhas recorrentes de implantação (FRI) são uma fonte de grande frustração para pacientes e especialistas que, frequentemente buscam intervenções com o objetivo de atingir resultados favoráveis. A prevalência exata dessa condição é de difícil estimativa, uma vez que existem diversas definições para caracterizá-la. Diversas intervenções que visam a melhora dos resultados reprodutivos dessas pacientes já foram propostas. Entretanto, nenhuma revisão sistematizada abordou, simultaneamente, todas as potenciais estratégias para esse grupo de mulheres. Dessa forma, a eficácia e a segurança dessas intervenções não são bem definidas. Devido ao alto número de intervenções descritas para esse fim, julgamos que uma metanálise que as contemple de forma abrangente é importante para casais, especialistas e pesquisadores do assunto. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança das intervenções que visam a melhora do resultado reprodutivo das pacientes com FRI submetidas a um novo tratamento de reprodução assistida. Métodos de busca: As buscas por estudos randomizados e controlados, publicados e em andamento, foram realizadas nas principais bases de dados eletrônicas. Adicionalmente, as listas de referências de estudos incluídos e revisões semelhantes foram avaliadas pelos autores. A última busca eletrônica foi realizada em fevereiro de 2018. Critérios de Elegibilidade: Foram considerados elegíveis apenas os estudos verdadeiramente randomizados que comparassem quaisquer intervenções destinadas a esse grupo depacientes. No presente estudo, consideramos como FRI a história de duas ou mais falhas prévias. Extração e análise de dados: Dois autores realizaram, individualmente, a seleção de estudos, extração de dados e análise do risco de viés. Discordâncias foram resolvidas em consulta a um terceiro autor. Os pesquisadores de estudos potencialmente elegíveis foram contatados sempre que necessário para obtenção de informações adicionais. Resultados: Foram identificados 2794 registros; desses, 62 estudos foram incluídos, representando uma população de 9308 pacientes, submetidas a 26 intervenções diferentes. Informações sobre 24 intervenções e 8461 pacientes foram submetidas à análise quantitativa. Não há evidências de alta ou moderada qualidade de que alguma dessas intervenções seja realmente eficaz para a melhora dos resultados reprodutivos de pacientes com FRI. As seguintes intervenções se mostraram benéficas: assisted hatching, injúria endometrial, histeroscopia, uso de FSH urinário + recombinante para estimulação endometrial e administração intrauterina de hCG. Porém as evidências são de baixa qualidade, o que nos traz incerteza em relação aos seus reais efeitos. Todas as outras intervenções identificadas não permitiram nenhuma outra conclusão adicional, uma vez que as evidências foram avaliadas como de muito baixa qualidade ou não foram encontrados estudos randomizados que as tivessem avaliado. Conclusões: Evidências de ensaios clínicos randomizados não sustentam o uso de nenhuma intervenção para a melhora dos resultados reprodutivos de pacientes com FRI. Todos os achados foram julgados como de baixa ou muito baixa qualidade, o que nos traz incerteza quanto aos seus reais efeitos na prática clínica. Deve-se estar ciente de que o emprego de tais intervenções impõe despesas e riscos adicionais para as pacientes. Além disso, a falta de critérios universalmente aceitos para odiagnóstico de falha recorrente de implantação é uma importante limitação para o avanço do conhecimento sobre essa condição / Background: Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is a source of deep frustration to couples and clinicians, who often look for interventions to improve the reproductive outcomes. Its exact prevalence is difficult to determine because there are several definitions used to describe the condition. Several interventions aiming to improve reproductive outcomes for such patients have been studied. However, there are no systematic reviews that focus on all potential interventions for improving reproductive outcomes in women with RIF undergoing assisted reproduction techniques. The efficacy and safety of these interventions are not clear. Because of the large number of potential interventions for this condition, it would be very difficult to be aware of the current evidence for all of them. We believe this systematic review is important for subfertile couples, clinicians and researchers. Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of interventions designed to improve reproductive outcomes in women with RIF undergoing ART. Search methods: We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCT) in electronic databases (Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group (CGF), The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE Ovid, EMBASE Ovid, PsycINFO, PsycINFO Ovid, CINAHL, LILACS), trials registers (ClinicalTrials.gov, ISRCTN registry, The WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform) and grey literature (OpenGrey); in addition, we handsearched the reference lists of included studies and similar reviews. We performed the last electronic search on 22 Feb 2018.Selection criteria: We considered eligible only truly randomised controlled trials comparing any intervention designed to improve outcomes in women with repeat implantation failure (RIF) compared to other intervention, placebo or no treatment. For study selection, we defined RIF as two or more previous failures Data collection and analysis: Two authors independently performed study selection, data extraction, and assessment of the risk of bias. Any disagreements were solved by consulting a third review author. Study\'s authors were contacted whenever needed to solve any queries. Results: the search retrieved 2794 records; from those, sixty-two studies were included, comprising 9308 participants, submitted to 26 different interventions. Data from 24 interventions and 8461 participants were pooled for quantitative analysis. We found no high or even moderate quality evidence that any of the tested interventions are really effective to improve reproductive outcomes of women with RIF undergoing a new IVF treatment. We observed low-quality evidence of benefit for women with RIF with the following interventions: assisted hatching, endometrial Injury, hysteroscopy, the use of human + recombinant FSH for ovarian stimulation and intrauterine hCG administration. All the other listed interventions did not allow any further conclusion: either very low-quality evidence or no evidence from RCTs. Conclusions: Evidence from RCTs does not support the use of any specific intervention for improving reproductive outcomes in women with RIF. All evidences were deemed of low to very low quality, which makes us uncertain of their real effectiveness on clinical practice. One should be aware that the employment of such interventions imposes additional expenses and risks. Additionally, the lack of universally accepted criteria for recurrent implantation failure is an important limitation for the advance of knowledge regarding this condition.More studies are needed to evaluate their real effect. Maybe even more importantly is to create universally accepted criteria for defining implantation failure; only them one will be able to test interventions for this specific group
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Maturação in vitro de oócitos de mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos: comparação entre dois meios de cultivo / Oocytes In VitroMaturation of Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Comparison Between Two Culture MediumAraujo, Carlos Henrique Medeiros de 13 July 2007 (has links)
Objetivo:Comparar a eficácia dos meios de cultivo HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) e TCM 199 (Tissue Culture Medium) na maturação in vitro. Métodos:Estudo experimental controlado e randomizado no qual foram avaliadas as taxas de maturação oocitária, fertilização, clivagem e produção de embriões de boa qualidade em 23 ciclos não estimulados de maturação oocitária, com 119 oócitos coletados, de 13 mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos. Os oócitos de cada paciente foram transferidos randomicamente para cada um dos meios de cultivo sendo que, 61 (51%) foram colocados no meio TCM 199 e 58 (49%) no meio HTF. Os dois meios de cultivo receberam suplementação hormonal. Resultados:Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os meios de cultivo TCM 199 e HTF em relação à taxa de maturação oocitária (82% vs. 56.9%, p = 0.005), taxa de fertilização (70% vs. 39.4%, p = 0.007) e taxade produção de embriões de boa qualidade (81.3% vs. 41.7%, p= 0.023). Conclusão:O meio de cultivo HTF embora seja utilizado para manutenção de embriões em técnicas de fertilização assistida e em procedimentos de maturação in vitrocom ciclos estimulados, não é o meio mais apropriado paramaturação de oócitos obtidos de mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários policísticosem ciclos não estimulados. / Objective:Compare oocytes human culture in human tubal fluid (HTF) and Tissue Culture Medium (TCM 199) invitromaturation cycles. Methods:Randomized controlled trial which oocyte maturation, fertilization, cleavage rates and embryo quality in 23 in vitromaturation cycles no stimulation were evaluated, resulting in 119 oocytes retrieved from 13 patients withpolycystic ovarian syndrome. The oocytes from each patient were assigned randomly to the two culture media, 61 (51%) to the TCM 199 and 58 (49%) to the HTF using the same hormonal supplementation. Results:Significant differences were observed between TCM 199 and HTF regarding maturation rate (82% vs. 56.9%, p = 0.005), fertilization rate (70% vs. 39.4%, p = 0.007) rates and embryo quality (81.3% vs. 41.7%, p= 0.023). Conclusion:The HTF medium, although widely employed for oocyte fertilization and embryo maintenance in IVF techniques, is not an appropriated medium to maturation oocytes obtained from PCOS patients innon - stimulated cycles.
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Maturação in vitro de oócitos de mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos: comparação entre dois meios de cultivo / Oocytes In VitroMaturation of Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Comparison Between Two Culture MediumCarlos Henrique Medeiros de Araujo 13 July 2007 (has links)
Objetivo:Comparar a eficácia dos meios de cultivo HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) e TCM 199 (Tissue Culture Medium) na maturação in vitro. Métodos:Estudo experimental controlado e randomizado no qual foram avaliadas as taxas de maturação oocitária, fertilização, clivagem e produção de embriões de boa qualidade em 23 ciclos não estimulados de maturação oocitária, com 119 oócitos coletados, de 13 mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos. Os oócitos de cada paciente foram transferidos randomicamente para cada um dos meios de cultivo sendo que, 61 (51%) foram colocados no meio TCM 199 e 58 (49%) no meio HTF. Os dois meios de cultivo receberam suplementação hormonal. Resultados:Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os meios de cultivo TCM 199 e HTF em relação à taxa de maturação oocitária (82% vs. 56.9%, p = 0.005), taxa de fertilização (70% vs. 39.4%, p = 0.007) e taxade produção de embriões de boa qualidade (81.3% vs. 41.7%, p= 0.023). Conclusão:O meio de cultivo HTF embora seja utilizado para manutenção de embriões em técnicas de fertilização assistida e em procedimentos de maturação in vitrocom ciclos estimulados, não é o meio mais apropriado paramaturação de oócitos obtidos de mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários policísticosem ciclos não estimulados. / Objective:Compare oocytes human culture in human tubal fluid (HTF) and Tissue Culture Medium (TCM 199) invitromaturation cycles. Methods:Randomized controlled trial which oocyte maturation, fertilization, cleavage rates and embryo quality in 23 in vitromaturation cycles no stimulation were evaluated, resulting in 119 oocytes retrieved from 13 patients withpolycystic ovarian syndrome. The oocytes from each patient were assigned randomly to the two culture media, 61 (51%) to the TCM 199 and 58 (49%) to the HTF using the same hormonal supplementation. Results:Significant differences were observed between TCM 199 and HTF regarding maturation rate (82% vs. 56.9%, p = 0.005), fertilization rate (70% vs. 39.4%, p = 0.007) rates and embryo quality (81.3% vs. 41.7%, p= 0.023). Conclusion:The HTF medium, although widely employed for oocyte fertilization and embryo maintenance in IVF techniques, is not an appropriated medium to maturation oocytes obtained from PCOS patients innon - stimulated cycles.
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Ovarian Reserve and Assisted ReproductionBrodin, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
Treatment success in IVF-ICSI is mainly limited by female age, but differences in ovarian reserve (OR; the remaining pool of oocytes and their quality) between individuals modify treatment prerequisites among women of similar age. OR may be assessed by OR tests (ORTs). The main aims of this work were to study menstrual cycle length (MCL), basal levels of circulating gonadotrophins, antral follicle count (AFC) and serum Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels and their associations with and prognostic capacities regarding IVF-ICSI outcome in large cohorts of unselected women. Age-adjusted MCL was positively and linearly associated with pregnancy rates (PRs), live-birth rates (LBRs) and ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. An MCL of >34 days almost doubled the LBR compared with an MCL of <26 days. The grouped variable ‘combined FSH and LH levels’ was superior to both individual gonadotrophin levels and the LH:FSH ratio. The highest mean PR was seen in connection with a combination of FSH <6.7 U/l with LH >4.9 U/l; PRs were lowest when FSH-LH levels were opposite to this (high-low) and intermediate when FSH-LH levels were low-low or high-high. Associations with LBR and ovarian response were similar as those for PR. AFCs and serum AMH levels were positively and log-linearly associated with PR, LBR and ovarian response. Success rates levelled out above AFC 30 or AMH 5 ng/ml. Treatment outcome was superior among women with polycystic ovaries. Among the studied ORTs, logAFC and logAMH concentration correlated most strongly. After multivariate testing, entering all studied ORTs, AMH and female age remained independently associated with LBR. AMH + AFC + age predicted both poor and excessive ovarian responses with high accuracy. Adjusting for age and oocyte yield, all ORTs remained significant for LBR, implying that ORTs also capture information on oocyte quality. In conclusion, measures of OR are strongly associated with PR, LBR and ovarian response in a log-linear fashion, and partly reflect oocyte quality. The OR spectrum is continuous, from small ‘oligofollicular’ ovaries (the low extreme) to polycystic ovaries (the high extreme). Among the studied ORTs, AMH together with age provide the most powerful basal estimate for IVF/ICSI outcome.
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Comparaison de deux nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation de la fertilité masculine avec le spermogramme chez des patients ayant recours à la fécondation in vitroCourchesne, Annick 12 1900 (has links)
Des facteurs masculins sont identifiés dans près de la moitié des cas d’infertilité. À ce jour, les tests évaluant la fertilité masculine demeurent peu prédictifs de la survenue d’une grossesse. Dans le but de pallier cette lacune, nous avons mis au point deux nouveaux tests mesurant l’intégrité de l’ADN et le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes.
Nous avons effectué une étude prospective portant sur 42 couples infertiles suivis en fécondation in vitro (FIV). Le spermogramme a été effectué selon les critères de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes exposés à un détergent cationique a été mesuré en observant la mobilité sous microscope. L’intégrité de l’ADN des spermatozoïdes a été vérifiée par la nouvelle méthode de marquage radioenzymatique et par analyse de la structure de la chromatine (SCSA). Tous les tests ont été réalisés sur la partie des échantillons de sperme non utilisée par la clinique de fertilité. Le projet a été approuvé par le comité d’éthique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal (CHUM) et les patients ont préalablement signé un formulaire de consentement éclairé.
L’analyse des paramètres du spermogramme et de l’intégrité de l’ADN n’a montré aucune différence statistiquement significative entre les données chez les couples avec ou sans grossesse. Cependant, le taux de grossesse biochimique était statistiquement plus élevé chez les couples dont le temps de survie des spermatozoïdes était long (>250 s) comparativement à ceux dont ce temps était court (≤250 s): 66% vs 27% respectivement (p<0,05). Les taux de grossesse clinique et d’implantation étaient aussi plus élevés, mais les différences n’atteignaient pas le seuil de signification statistique.
Nos résultats confirment que le spermogramme et la mesure de la fragmentation de l’ADN des spermatozoïdes ne sont pas de bons facteurs prédictifs des résultats de la FIV. Par contre, le test de survie des spermatozoïdes serait un meilleur indicateur de la possibilité d’une grossesse en FIV. L’amélioration de sa spécificité et un plus grand nombre de sujets sont nécessaires avant de proposer son application en clinique de fertilité. / Male factors are known to be involved in almost half of the couples consulting for infertility. To date, the tests for evaluating male fertility are poor predictors of pregnancy. We developed two new tests to evaluate sperm function: a sperm survival test and a new method to measure sperm DNA integrity.
This prospective study was conducted on 42 infertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Assessment of sperm parameters was done according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, and sperm survival upon exposure to a cationic detergent was measured by observing motility under the microscope. Sperm DNA integrity was verified by our new radioenzymatic method as well as by the sperm chromatin structure analysis (SCSA) method. All testing was performed on a remainder aliquot of the semen samples. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal (CHUM), and informed consent was obtained before inclusion.
Neither conventional semen analysis, nor sperm DNA fragmentation showed statistically significant difference between conception and non-conception cycles. However, the biochemical pregnancy rate was statistically higher in couples where the sperm survival time was long (>250 s) compared to short (≤250 s): 66% vs. 27% respectively, (p < 0.05). The clinical pregnancy rate and implantation rate were also higher but the differences did not reach statistical significance.
Our study confirms that conventional semen analysis and the assay for sperm DNA integrity are not reliable indicators of IVF outcome. In contrast, our new sperm survival test seems to be a better predictor of the pregnancy rate after IVF. Improvement of its specificity and a larger cohort of patients are necessary before proposing its regular application in IVF clinics.
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Assistance médicale à la procréation et cardiopathies congénitales : études en population / Assisted reproductive techniques and congenital heart defects : population-based evaluationsTararbit, Karim 11 June 2014 (has links)
A partir de données en population, nous avons: 1) évalué le risque de cardiopathies congénitales (CC) chez les fœtus conçus par assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP); et 2) déterminé les effets de l’AMP sur la prise en charge prénatale et le devenir périnatal des fœtus porteurs de CC. Nous avons observé que l'AMP était associée à une augmentation de 40% du risque de CC sans anomalies chromosomiques associées (OR ajusté = 1,4 IC95% 1,1-1,7). Nous avons également retrouvé qu'il existait des associations variables selon la catégorie de CC et la méthode d'AMP considérées. Nous avons observé que l'AMP était associée à une multiplication par 2,4 du risque de tétralogie de Fallot (OR ajusté = 2,4 IC95% 1,5-3,7), alors que nous n’avons pas retrouvé d’association statistiquement significative pour les trois autres CC spécifiques étudiées. Dans notre population, l'exposition à l'AMP ne semblait pas modifier le recours au diagnostic prénatal et à l'interruption médicale de grossesse chez les fœtus porteurs de CC comparés aux fœtus porteurs de CC conçus spontanément. Nous avons par ailleurs observé que le risque de prématurité des fœtus porteurs de CC conçus par AMP était environ 5 fois plus élevé que celui des fœtus porteurs de CC conçus spontanément (OR ajusté = 5,0 IC95% 2,9-8,6). En nous basant sur une méthodologie d'analyses de cheminement, nous avons retrouvé que les grossesses multiples contribuaient pour environ 20% au risque plus élevé de tétralogie de Fallot associé à l'AMP que nous avons observé. Enfin, les grossesses multiples contribuaient pour environ 2/3 du risque de prématurité associé à l'AMP chez les fœtus porteurs de CC. / Using population-Based data, we: 1) assessed the risk of congenital heart defects (CHD) in assisted reproductive techniques (ART) conceived fetuses; and 2) evaluated the effects of ART on prenatal management and perinatal outcomes of fetuses with CHD. We observed that ART were associated with a 40% increased risk of CHD without associated chromosomal anomalies (adjusted OR = 1.4 95%CI 1.1-1.7). We also found varying associations between the different methods of ART and categories of CHD. We observed that ART were associated with 2.4-Higher odds of tetralogy of Fallot (adjusted OR = 2.4 95%CI 1.5-3.7), whereas no statistically significant association was found for the three other specific CHD included. In our population, ART exposure did not seem to modify prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly in fetuses with CHD compared to fetuses with CHD conceived spontaneously. The risk for premature birth in fetuses with CHD conceived following ART was 5-Fold higher as compared to fetuses with CHD conceived spontaneously (adjusted OR = 5.0 95%CI 2.9-8.6). Using a path-Analysis method, we found that multiple pregnancies contributed for about 20% to the higher risk of tetralogy of Fallot associated with ART that we had found. Finally, multiple pregnancies contributed for the 2/3 of the risk of premature birth associated with ART in fetuses with CHD.
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