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Draumkvedet and the Medieval English Dream Vision: A Study of GenreCarlsen, Christian 19 December 2008 (has links)
The Medieval English dream vision evidence influences from a variety of earlier vision literature, notably the apocalyptic vision and narrative dream. Philosophical visions by Plato, Cicero and Boethius, and Christian revelations of John and Paul contain traits that found their way into the dream poems by Langland, the Pearl poet and Chaucer. The Norwegian ballad Draumkvedet exhibits features that mirror these English visions. Notable characteristics pertaining to the character of the dreamer, the interplay between dreamer and dream, imagery of the vision, and structure, point to a common set of generic influences. Comparing Draumkvedet with its English counterparts demonstrates that they stem from the same tradition. Draumkvedet bares special resemblance to the Dream of the Rood, Piers Plowman and Pearl in its exploration of Christian doctrine and its appeal to the audience.
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"the lonely and the road (novel) Whats your road, man?: my experiences with the life and work of Jack Kerouac in relation to the development of the lonely and the road (exegesis)johnstubley@yahoo.com, John Stubley January 2008 (has links)
Thirty thousand feet above the Pacific Oceansomewhere between Sydney and Los Angelesthe narrator of the lonely and the road doesnt really know where he is going, or why. His is a quest written spontaneouslyon-the-go. It is a journey of uncertain motivation, of uncertain means, towards uncertain ends. From Los Angeles, to Vegas, to the Rocky Mountain states and beyond, the narrator travels with and learns from his friends, his family and even his ex-girlfriend as he searches for that which continues to elude him. But what is that exactly? Does it even exist?
While the novel details a journey, the exegesis is a phenomenological account of the intersecting of my road with that taken by Jack Kerouac. It explores my experiences with the life and work of Kerouacthe creator of spontaneous prosein relation to the development of my writing, up to and including this novel. In doing so, the exegesis is itself a quest that seeks to understand more fully the essence of Kerouacs and my own representation of the quest motif in content and in form. Both the exegesis and the novel, then, constitute part of the search for my own artistic road, and aim to assist others in search of theirs.
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Quête spirituelle et réconciliation identitaire : une ethnographie de la Communauté des druides du QuébecJourdain, Véronique 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours du vingtième siècle, le Québec a connu un bouleversement identitaire et religieux lorsqu’une majorité de Québécois a délaissé les prescriptions doctrinales catholiques, la religion identitaire du Québec, qui encadrait leur vie et s’imposait en tant que détentrice du « code exclusif du sens » (Hervieu-Léger 1993 : 155). Pour combler la perte de repères (Lemieux 2008) engendrée par les bouleversements décrits précédemment, plusieurs individus se tournèrent vers d’autres formes de spiritualité, soit en se convertissant à un nouveau système religieux ou en s’engageant dans une quête spirituelle.
Certains Québécois, au cours de leur quête, ont alors découvert le druidisme, une spiritualité fondée sur le désir de retour à l’ancienne religion païenne des Celtes, et l’ont intégré en tant que composante principale ou secondaire de leur spiritualité. Le but de ce mémoire sera d’apporter quelques éléments d’explication à la présence du druidisme au Québec. Nous soulignerons l’importance du contexte moderne dans la quête de sens amorcée par l’adepte de paganisme celte, car ce contexte semble avoir servi de catalyseur dans le processus de découverte du druidisme pour ces Québécois. Puis, nous mettrons l’accent sur les raisons identitaires mises de l’avant par la CDQ pour justifier leur choix d’intégrer le druidisme à leur cheminement spirituel. Nous verrons que pour le druidisant, cette religion vient à la fois répondre à des besoins spirituels et combler un vide identitaire. / During the last century, Quebec society underwent a major transformation in identity and religion as a majority of Québécois abandoned the Catholic doctrinal prescriptions. Until then, Catholicism was fundamental to the identity the Québécois and guided their lives, imposing itself as the holder of « code exclusif du sens » (Hervieu-Léger 1993: 155). To make up for the loss of cultural markers (Lemieux, 2008) engendered by the upheaval of the Quiet Revolution, many individuals turned to other forms of spirituality, either in a process of conversion to a new religious system or as part of a spiritual quest.
Some Québécois engaged in such a quest discovered Druidism, which presents itself as going back the ancient pagan religion of the Celts, and integrated it as the main or a secondary component of their spirituality. The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the explanation of the presence of Druidism in Quebec. I emphasise the importance of modern context for shaping the search of a sense of self that is undertaken by those involved in Celtic Paganism because that context seems to be a catalyst in the process of discovery of Druidism for these Québécois. I will also examine the justifications on the basis of ethnic identity that are put forward by the members of the group I studied to justify their choice to integrate Druidism to their spiritual path. We will see that for the neo-Druid, this religion answers identity as well as spiritual needs.
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Quête spirituelle et réconciliation identitaire : une ethnographie de la Communauté des druides du QuébecJourdain, Véronique 08 1900 (has links)
Au cours du vingtième siècle, le Québec a connu un bouleversement identitaire et religieux lorsqu’une majorité de Québécois a délaissé les prescriptions doctrinales catholiques, la religion identitaire du Québec, qui encadrait leur vie et s’imposait en tant que détentrice du « code exclusif du sens » (Hervieu-Léger 1993 : 155). Pour combler la perte de repères (Lemieux 2008) engendrée par les bouleversements décrits précédemment, plusieurs individus se tournèrent vers d’autres formes de spiritualité, soit en se convertissant à un nouveau système religieux ou en s’engageant dans une quête spirituelle.
Certains Québécois, au cours de leur quête, ont alors découvert le druidisme, une spiritualité fondée sur le désir de retour à l’ancienne religion païenne des Celtes, et l’ont intégré en tant que composante principale ou secondaire de leur spiritualité. Le but de ce mémoire sera d’apporter quelques éléments d’explication à la présence du druidisme au Québec. Nous soulignerons l’importance du contexte moderne dans la quête de sens amorcée par l’adepte de paganisme celte, car ce contexte semble avoir servi de catalyseur dans le processus de découverte du druidisme pour ces Québécois. Puis, nous mettrons l’accent sur les raisons identitaires mises de l’avant par la CDQ pour justifier leur choix d’intégrer le druidisme à leur cheminement spirituel. Nous verrons que pour le druidisant, cette religion vient à la fois répondre à des besoins spirituels et combler un vide identitaire. / During the last century, Quebec society underwent a major transformation in identity and religion as a majority of Québécois abandoned the Catholic doctrinal prescriptions. Until then, Catholicism was fundamental to the identity the Québécois and guided their lives, imposing itself as the holder of « code exclusif du sens » (Hervieu-Léger 1993: 155). To make up for the loss of cultural markers (Lemieux, 2008) engendered by the upheaval of the Quiet Revolution, many individuals turned to other forms of spirituality, either in a process of conversion to a new religious system or as part of a spiritual quest.
Some Québécois engaged in such a quest discovered Druidism, which presents itself as going back the ancient pagan religion of the Celts, and integrated it as the main or a secondary component of their spirituality. The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the explanation of the presence of Druidism in Quebec. I emphasise the importance of modern context for shaping the search of a sense of self that is undertaken by those involved in Celtic Paganism because that context seems to be a catalyst in the process of discovery of Druidism for these Québécois. I will also examine the justifications on the basis of ethnic identity that are put forward by the members of the group I studied to justify their choice to integrate Druidism to their spiritual path. We will see that for the neo-Druid, this religion answers identity as well as spiritual needs.
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Toward the still point : T. S. Eliot's <em>Four quartets</em> and Thoreau's <em>Walden</em>Leiter, Deborah 18 September 2007
This thesis explores ways in which T. S. Eliot, when he wrote his most autobiographical poetic work<em> Four Quartets</em>, might have been influenced by Thoreaus famously autobiographical prose work <em>Walden</em>, written nearly a century earlier<em>.</em> Much evidence suggests that Eliot knew of the earlier writer and his work. Not only did Eliot assign <em>Walden</em> as suggested reading in a course he taught, but as time went on Eliot also admitted that he was influenced by the New England literary tradition. Reading <em>Four Quartets</em> in light of <em>Walden</em> and its context not only helps a reader understand the connections between the two works, it also gives a reader a better understanding of <em>Four Quartets</em>' fundamental meanings. Although Eliot in <em>Four Quartets</em> adds another layer of his spiritual goals beyond those expressed in <em>Walden</em>, he expresses his religio-philosophical quest for Incarnational "still point[s] of the turning world" (<em>Burnt Norton</em> 62) using autobiographical aspects and poetic tropes that are in many ways strikingly similar to the expressions also present in <em>Walden</em>. </p>
<p>The chapters of this thesis unfold these concepts. My Introduction highlights some of the key connections. Chapter One sets the stage for the discussion of the Incarnation by explaining how <em>Four Quartets</em>' spiritual round-trip journey from England to America is grounded in real world places and experiences. This chapter also explains how this guardedly autobiographical re-collection of an almost-real journey includes a response to Eliots personal history and to his literary ancestors, including Thoreau<em>.</em> In Chapter Two, I unpack the similarities and differences between many of the religio-philosophical questions asked in the two works, focusing in on Eliots and Thoreau's complex handlings of such themes as simplicity versus complexity, Incarnation, stillness versus activity, and the difficulty of achieving spiritual goals. Finally, these religio-philosophical questions are incarnated in very similar poetic devices and tropes within both works; in Chapter Three, I describe the most important of these. The "still point of the turning world" (Eliot, <em>Burnt Norton</em> 62) and the "mathematical point" (Thoreau, <em>Walden</em> 1.100) are rich metaphors that form the heart of this chapter.</p>
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Toward the still point : T. S. Eliot's <em>Four quartets</em> and Thoreau's <em>Walden</em>Leiter, Deborah 18 September 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores ways in which T. S. Eliot, when he wrote his most autobiographical poetic work<em> Four Quartets</em>, might have been influenced by Thoreaus famously autobiographical prose work <em>Walden</em>, written nearly a century earlier<em>.</em> Much evidence suggests that Eliot knew of the earlier writer and his work. Not only did Eliot assign <em>Walden</em> as suggested reading in a course he taught, but as time went on Eliot also admitted that he was influenced by the New England literary tradition. Reading <em>Four Quartets</em> in light of <em>Walden</em> and its context not only helps a reader understand the connections between the two works, it also gives a reader a better understanding of <em>Four Quartets</em>' fundamental meanings. Although Eliot in <em>Four Quartets</em> adds another layer of his spiritual goals beyond those expressed in <em>Walden</em>, he expresses his religio-philosophical quest for Incarnational "still point[s] of the turning world" (<em>Burnt Norton</em> 62) using autobiographical aspects and poetic tropes that are in many ways strikingly similar to the expressions also present in <em>Walden</em>. </p>
<p>The chapters of this thesis unfold these concepts. My Introduction highlights some of the key connections. Chapter One sets the stage for the discussion of the Incarnation by explaining how <em>Four Quartets</em>' spiritual round-trip journey from England to America is grounded in real world places and experiences. This chapter also explains how this guardedly autobiographical re-collection of an almost-real journey includes a response to Eliots personal history and to his literary ancestors, including Thoreau<em>.</em> In Chapter Two, I unpack the similarities and differences between many of the religio-philosophical questions asked in the two works, focusing in on Eliots and Thoreau's complex handlings of such themes as simplicity versus complexity, Incarnation, stillness versus activity, and the difficulty of achieving spiritual goals. Finally, these religio-philosophical questions are incarnated in very similar poetic devices and tropes within both works; in Chapter Three, I describe the most important of these. The "still point of the turning world" (Eliot, <em>Burnt Norton</em> 62) and the "mathematical point" (Thoreau, <em>Walden</em> 1.100) are rich metaphors that form the heart of this chapter.</p>
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Le chemin de l'écrit : la quête spirituelle de l'écriture chez Jack KerouacTétrault, Gabriel 08 1900 (has links)
L’écriture littéraire de Kerouac est la manifestation de sa quête spirituelle sous la forme du chemin de l’écrit. Ce n’est pas exactement la route de l’écriture de On the Road, qui s’élance vers l’horizon comme l’autoroute américaine, lorsque l’on déroule le manuscrit sur le sol ou l’on lit les lignes de gauche à droite. Il s’agit plutôt de la manière par laquelle l’écrit forme un chemin pour que cette quête spirituelle s’oriente à travers l’œuvre, à travers la création de l’œuvre. À mi-chemin entre le français et l’anglais, écrivain beat visionnaire, Jack Kerouac explore toutes les formes d’écriture, de la prose à la forme la plus brève d’écrit littéraire, le haïku, afin de répéter et répéter des exercices littéraires de l’esprit qui lui permettront d’orienter sa quête spirituelle et de la traduire en mots. Plusieurs textes font office d’exercices d’écriture sur le parcours du corpus des écrits kerouaciens, mais c’est dans Some of the Dharma qu’on retrouve l’exemple le plus percutant des sentiers littéraires à travers lesquels s’est engouffrée sa quête spirituelle.
Cette thèse examine la notion de chemin et les articulations de la quête spirituelle à travers quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers chapitres traitent respectivement des textes en français publiés en 2016 sous le titre La vie est d’hommage et du problème de la spontanéité sous l’angle du spirituel. Ils préparent ainsi la réflexion du troisième chapitre où il s’agit de comprendre comment Some of the Dharma peut être conçu comme le grand carnet laïque des chemins spirituels de Kerouac. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre expose la signification de l’imbrication de la prose et de la brièveté littéraire (notamment les haïkus et les koans), appuyée sur la conception d’un présent à la fois impermanent et éternel. Cet ensemble de réflexions mène à s’interroger sur le sens spirituel de la voie littéraire dans un monde sécularisé. Les défaites spirituelles de Kerouac sont aussi nombreuses et lui ont permis de s’orienter, n’ayant pas d’autres guides spirituels que sa propre écriture et ses lectures. L’écriture littéraire est avant tout chemin et la traversée de ce chemin mène là où nous sommes toujours. Kerouac en donne un exemple saisissant que cette thèse explicite par ses propres chemins de l’écrit. / Kerouac's literary writing is the manifestation of his spiritual quest formed by the path taken by the written word. This is not exactly the road of writing in On the Road, which rushes towards the horizon like the American highway, when you unroll the manuscript on the ground or you read the lines from left to right. Rather, it is the way in which the writing forms a path for this spiritual quest to find its way through the work, through the creation of the work. Halfway between French and English, the visionary beat writer Jack Kerouac explores all forms of writing, from prose to the briefest form of literary writing, the haiku, in order to repeat and rehearse literary exercises of the mind that will allow him to orient his spiritual quest and translate it into words. Several texts serve as writing exercises on the journey through the corpus of Kerouacian writings, but it is in Some of the Dharma that we find the most striking example of the literary paths through which his spiritual quest was launched.
This thesis examines the notion of the way and the articulations of the spiritual quest through four chapters. The first two chapters discuss respectively the French texts published in 2016 under the title La vie est d'hommage and the problem of spontaneity from a spiritual perspective. They prepare the reflection developed in the third chapter, where the aim is to understand how Some of the Dharma can be conceived as the great lay notebook of Kerouac’s spiritual paths. Finally, the fourth chapter explains the meaning of the interweaving of prose and literary brevity (notably haikus and koans), based on the conception of a present that is both impermanent and eternal. These reflections lead us to question the spiritual meaning of the literary path in a secularized world. Kerouac’s spiritual defeats are numerous and have allowed him to find his way, having no other spiritual guides than his own writing and reading. Literary writing is above all a way and crossing this path leads to where we are, always. Kerouac gives a striking example of this, which this thesis makes explicit through its own writing paths.
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From early Hinduism to Neo-Vedanta : paradigm shifts in sacred psychology and mysticism : their implications for South African HindusSaradananda, Swami 06 1900 (has links)
This research was stimulated by pastoral concerns pertaining to the South African Hindu Community. It was found that the community had a noticeable number of individuals stagnant or stranded at the level of gross spirituality. On the other hand it is known that the primary texts of Hinduism and its long mystical traditions, from the Vedic Period to the Neo-Vedanta Movement, had adequate motivational and goal-orientated material to address this challenge.
This work surveys the Vedic and Upanishadic texts in order to show the literary, social and philosophical conditions under which they were produced. Hindu mysticism emerges from all these strands of development. Gross mysticism in the form of elaborate rituals occupies the attention of the early Vedic seers. This graduates into subtle subjective mysticism in the Upanishads. At each phase there is a paradigm shift which this study interprets in the light of Shankara (medieval period) and Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan of the Neo-Vedanta Movement.
In the early Vedic period the soul is a metaphysical entity. Upon death it is judged in accordance with its good or bad actions. Heavenly rewards or the punishment of hell are meted out to it. Heaven and hell are final eschatological goals for the soul in the Vedic period.
In the Upanishadic period heaven and hell are temporary eschatological goals. The ultimate Upanishadic goal is Liberation which implies the mystical cessation of empirical existence and the realization of Unitary Consciousness. The Taittiriya Upanishad defines the soul analytically as a formulation of five sheaths : body, vital energy, mind, intellect and bliss with an immortal consciousness as its divine focus. These sheaths are fundamental to Hindu sacred psychology.
Functioning under the effects of ignorance each sheath binds the soul to mundane existence. However, each sheath also possesses an intrinsic capacity to liberate the soul from suffering. This research explores the limitations and opportunities of each sheath and indicates the path by which the soul's divine potential may be realized. In the light of the Neo-Vedantic outlook this process is considered with a life-affirming attitude which is of relevance to South African Hindus. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Lit et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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From early Hinduism to Neo-Vedanta : paradigm shifts in sacred psychology and mysticism : their implications for South African HindusSaradananda, Swami 06 1900 (has links)
This research was stimulated by pastoral concerns pertaining to the South African Hindu Community. It was found that the community had a noticeable number of individuals stagnant or stranded at the level of gross spirituality. On the other hand it is known that the primary texts of Hinduism and its long mystical traditions, from the Vedic Period to the Neo-Vedanta Movement, had adequate motivational and goal-orientated material to address this challenge.
This work surveys the Vedic and Upanishadic texts in order to show the literary, social and philosophical conditions under which they were produced. Hindu mysticism emerges from all these strands of development. Gross mysticism in the form of elaborate rituals occupies the attention of the early Vedic seers. This graduates into subtle subjective mysticism in the Upanishads. At each phase there is a paradigm shift which this study interprets in the light of Shankara (medieval period) and Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan of the Neo-Vedanta Movement.
In the early Vedic period the soul is a metaphysical entity. Upon death it is judged in accordance with its good or bad actions. Heavenly rewards or the punishment of hell are meted out to it. Heaven and hell are final eschatological goals for the soul in the Vedic period.
In the Upanishadic period heaven and hell are temporary eschatological goals. The ultimate Upanishadic goal is Liberation which implies the mystical cessation of empirical existence and the realization of Unitary Consciousness. The Taittiriya Upanishad defines the soul analytically as a formulation of five sheaths : body, vital energy, mind, intellect and bliss with an immortal consciousness as its divine focus. These sheaths are fundamental to Hindu sacred psychology.
Functioning under the effects of ignorance each sheath binds the soul to mundane existence. However, each sheath also possesses an intrinsic capacity to liberate the soul from suffering. This research explores the limitations and opportunities of each sheath and indicates the path by which the soul's divine potential may be realized. In the light of the Neo-Vedantic outlook this process is considered with a life-affirming attitude which is of relevance to South African Hindus. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Lit et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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"Tvůj cíl je tam, odkud jsi vyšel": Transformativní význam motivu cesty v románech Jacka Kerouaca / "Your Goal Is Your Starting Place:" The Transformative Forces of the Road in the Novels of Jack Kerouac.Šedivá, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to account for the significance of mobility in American culture and its reflection in literature. In order to reach this goal, the thesis observes the role of mobility in the history of the United States, its transformation in the twentieth century, and the manifestation of this motif in the works of Jack Kerouac. Through the analysis of his novels, including On the Road, The Dharma Bums, Desolation Angels, Lonesome Traveler, and Big Sur, the thesis identifies some of the recurrent themes associated with the motif of journey and further interprets them in the context of postwar America. With the support of an array of secondary literature, this research approaches mobility as a constitutive part of the American identity and Jack Kerouac as one of its most ardent advocates. The introduction probes the contemporary preoccupation with space and the necessity of interrogating its intersection with time. While incorporating both of these dimensions, movement is identified as a manifestation of this intersection and it is distinguished from mobility as lacking the meaning acquired through culture. In order to explain this process of acquiring meaning, the link between mobility and narrative is established and its presence in literature observed. It is subsequently argued...
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