Spelling suggestions: "subject:"square""
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Understanding the relationship of lumber yield and cutting bill requirements: a statistical approachBuehlmann, Urs 13 October 1998 (has links)
Secondary hardwood products manufacturers have been placing heavy emphasis on lumber yield improvements in recent years. More attention has been on lumber grade and cutting technology rather than cutting bill design. However, understanding the underlying physical phenomena of cutting bill requirements and yield is essential to improve lumber yield in rough mills. This understanding could also be helpful in constructing a novel lumber yield estimation model.
The purpose of this study was to advance the understanding of the phenomena relating cutting bill requirements and yield. The scientific knowledge gained was used to describe and quantify the effect of part length, width, and quantity on yield. Based on this knowledge, a statistics based approach to the lumber yield estimation problem was undertaken. Rip-first rough mill simulation techniques and statistical methods were used to attain the study's goals.
To facilitate the statistical analysis of the relationship of cutting bill requirements and lumber yield, a theoretical concept, called cutting bill part groups, was developed. Part groups are a standardized way to describe cutting bill requirements. All parts required by a cutting bill are clustered within 20 individual groups according to their size. Each group's midpoint is the representative part size for all parts falling within an individual group. These groups are made such that the error from clustering is minimized. This concept allowed a decrease in the number of possible factors to account for in the analysis of the cutting bill requirements - lumber yield relationship. Validation of the concept revealed that the average error due to clustering parts is 1.82 percent absolute yield.
An orthogonal, 220-11 fractional factorial design of resolution V was then used to determine the contribution of different part sizes to lumber yield. All 20 part sizes and 113 of a total of 190 unique secondary interactions were found to be significant (a = 0.05) in explaining the variability in yield observed. Parameter estimates of the part sizes and the secondary interactions were then used to specify the average yield contribution of each variable. Parts with size 17.50 inches in length and 2.50 inches in width were found to contribute the most to higher yield. The positive effect on yield due to parts smaller than 17.50 by 2.50 inches is less pronounced because their quantity is relatively small in an average cutting bill. Parts with size 72.50 by 4.25 inches, on the other hand, had the most negative influence on high yield. However, as further analysis showed, not only the individual parts required by a cutting bill, but also their interaction determines yield. By adding a sufficiently large number of smaller parts to a cutting bill that requires large parts to be cut, high levels of yield can be achieved.
A novel yield estimation model using linear least squares techniques was derived based on the data from the fractional factorial design. This model estimates expected yield based on part quantities required by a standardized cutting bill. The final model contained all 20 part groups and their 190 unique secondary interactions. The adjusted R2 for this model was found to be 0.94. The model estimated 450 of the 512 standardized cutting bills used for its derivation to within one percent absolute yield. Standardized cutting bills, whose yield level differs by more than two percent can thus be classified correctly in 88 percent of the cases. Standardized cutting bills whose part quantities were tested beyond the established framework, i.e. the settings used for the data derivation, were estimated with an average error of 2.19 percent absolute yield. Despite the error observed, the model ranked the cutting bills as to their yield level quite accurately. However, cutting bills from actual rough mill operations, which were well beyond the framework of the model, were found to have an average estimation error of 7.62 percent. Nonetheless, the model classified four out of five cutting bills correctly as to their ranking of the yield level achieved. The least squares estimation model thus is a helpful tool in ranking cutting bills for their expected yield level. Overall, the model performs well for standardized cutting bills, but more work is needed to make the model generally applicable for cutting bills whose requirements are beyond the framework established in this study. / Ph. D.
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On Gaps Between Sums of Powers and Other Topics in Number Theory and CombinatoricsGhidelli, Luca 03 January 2020 (has links)
One main goal of this thesis is to show that for every K it is possible to find K consecutive natural numbers that cannot be written as sums of three nonnegative cubes. Since it is believed that approximately 10% of all natural numbers can be written in this way, this result indicates that the sums of three cubes distribute unevenly on the real line. These sums have been studied for almost a century, in relation with Waring's problem, but the existence of ``arbitrarily long gaps'' between them was not known. We will provide two proofs for this theorem. The first is relatively elementary and is based on the observation that the sums of three cubes have a positive bias towards being cubic residues modulo primes of the form p=1+3k.
Thus, our first method to find consecutive non-sums of three cubes consists in searching them among the natural numbers that are non-cubic residues modulo ``many'' primes congruent to 1 modulo 3. Our second proof is more technical: it involves the computation of the Sato-Tate distribution of the underlying cubic Fermat variety {x^3+y^3+z^3=0}, via Jacobi sums of cubic characters and equidistribution theorems for Hecke L-functions of the Eisenstein quadratic number field Q(\sqrt{-3}). The advantage of the second approach is that it provides a nearly optimal quantitative estimate for the size of gaps: if N is large, there are >>\sqrt{log N}/(log log N)^4 consecutive non-sums of three cubes that are less than N. According to probabilistic models, an optimal estimate would be of the order of log N / log log N.
In this thesis we also study other gap problems, e.g. between sums of four fourth powers, and we give an application to the arithmetic of cubic and biquadratic theta series. We also provide the following additional contributions to Number Theory and Combinatorics: a derivation of cubic identities from a parameterization of the pseudo-automorphisms of binary quadratic forms; a multiplicity estimate for multiprojective Chow forms, with applications to Transcendental Number Theory; a complete solution of a problem on planar graphs with everywhere positive combinatorial curvature.
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Mercado ferial “San José” - Juliaca / San José” Fair Market- JuliacaCaracela Chambi , Emily Marilia 29 September 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto titulado Mercado Ferial San José en la ciudad de Juliaca, nace frente a la necesidad de mejorar la infraestructura del corazón comercial de la provincia de San Román, considerado como el punto comercial más importante de la región de Puno.
La infraestructura del mercado San José de Juliaca se presenta de manera insuficiente e inapropiada, lo que causa caos y desorden, e inclusive riesgo de accidentes.
Por ello, propongo hacer una renovación al mercado San José que plantea una nueva perspectiva del espacio comercial, que irá más allá del intercambio comercial, sino se enfoca en ofrecer espacios como un punto de encuentro en la ciudad. Además, se propone amplios espacios de interacción comercial, patio de comidas, restaurantes y otros servicios, de esta manera repotenciar el comercio y mejorar la experiencia gastronómica. Por consiguiente, se tiene planteado un diseño arquitectónico organizado por un eje comercial conformado por plazas, estas mismas son para generar diferentes actividades dentro del mercado, asimismo permitirá originar nuevos recorridos comerciales e incentivar actividades comerciales a todo nivel, respondiendo a las necesidades comerciales de la ciudad de Juliaca.
Se concluye que es necesario renovar mercados complementándolos con las necesidades comerciales que necesita y reflejando la estrecha relación entre establecimiento comercial y el espacio público para así repotenciar el comercio existente teniendo en cuenta que es el principal rubro en la ciudad.
El contenido del presente documento está constituido por una secuencia de capítulos, los
cuales describen los diversos aspectos del proyecto. / The following project entitled “San José” Fair Market- Juliaca, was created in response to the necessity to improve the commercial heart of the province of San Roman’s infrastructure, which is considered the most important commercial area in Puno region.
“San José” Fair Market- Juliaca’s infrastructure is shown in an insufficient and inappropriate way, which causes chaos, disorder, and even risk of accidents.
Therefore, I propose to make a renovation of San Jose market that brings a new perspective of commercial infrastructure, which, not only will meet the needs of commercial exchange, but also will focus on offering spaces as a meeting point in the city. In addition, the project will include wide spaces for commercial interaction, food court, restaurants and other services. In this way, it will boost the commerce and will improve the gastronomic experience. To that end, the project proposes an architectural design which will be organized by a commercial axis composed of squares. These squares will encourage different activities within the market, and will enable new commercial routes and encourage commercial activities at all levels, adressing Juliaca city’s commercial needs.
In conclusion, it is necessary to renew markets, complementing them with commercial needs and reflecting the close relationship between commercial establishment and public space in order to boost the existing commerce, considering that it is the main activity in the city.
The content of this document is composed of a sequence of chapters, which describe the various aspects of the project. / Tesis
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Characterization of Airborne Antenna Group Delay as a Function of Arrival Angle and its Impact on Accuracy and Integrity of the Global Positioning SystemRaghuvanshi, Anurag 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Least Squares Estimation in Multiple Change-Point ModelsMauer, René 07 September 2018 (has links)
Change-point analysis is devoted to the detection and estimation of the time of structural changes within a data set of time-ordered observations. In this thesis, we estimate simultaneously multiple change-points by the least squares method and examine asymptotic properties of such estimators. Using argmin theorems, we prove weak and strong consistency under different moment conditions and investigate convergence in distribution. The identification of the limit variable allows us to derive an asymptotic confidence region for the unknown parameters. Based on a simulation study we evaluate these results.
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[pt] No novo modelo do Setor Elétrico é essencial desenvolver novas técnicas
que estimem valores futuros, a curto e longo-prazos, das potências ativa e reativa.
Com base nisso, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma nova técnica de
previsão horária de potência reativa a curto-prazo, por subestação, baseada na
linearidade existente entre as potências ativa e reativa. O modelo proposto,
denominado de Modelo Híbrido de Previsão de Reativo, é dividido em duas
etapas: A primeira etapa é feita uma classificação dos dados através de uma rede
neural não supervisionada Mapas Auto-Organizáveis de Kohonen (SOM); A
segunda etapa, utiliza-se um modelo de defasagem distribuída auto-regressivo
(ADL) com estimação de Mínimos Quadrados Reponderados Iterativamente
(IRLS) acoplado a uma correção para autocorrelação serial dos resíduos - Método
Iterativo de Cochrane-Orcutt. Este Modelo Híbrido tem como variável dependente
a potência reativa, e como variáveis explicativas dados horários de potência ativa
e reativa no instante atual e defasadas no tempo. A previsão de potência reativa a
curto-prazo é dividida em in sample e em out of sample. A previsão out of
sample é aplicada a períodos horários em até um mês à frente. O modelo
proposto é aplicado aos dados de uma concessionária específica de Energia
Elétrica e os resultados são comparados a um modelo de Regressão Dinâmica
convencional e a um modelo de Redes Neurais Artificiais Feedforward de
Múltiplas camadas (MLP) com um algoritmo de retropropagação do erro. / [en] The forecasting of reactive and active power is an
important tool in the
monitoring of an Electrical Energy System. The main
purpose of the present work
is the development of a new short-term reactive power
hourly forecast technique,
which can be used at utility or substations levels. The
proposed model, named A
Hybrid Model for Reactive Forecasting, is divided in two
stages. In the first
stage, the active and reactive power data are classified
by an unsupervised neural
network - the Self-Organized Maps of Kohonen (SOM). In the
second stage, a
Autoregressive Distributed Lags Model (ADL) is used with
its parameters
estimated by an Iteratively Reweighted Least Square
(IRLS). It also includes a
correction lag structure for serial autocorrelation of the
residuals as used in the
Cochrane-Orcutt formulation. The short term reactive power
forecasting is
divided in in sample and out of sample. The out of sample
forecast is
applied to hourly periods until one month ahead. The
proposed model is applied to
real data of one substation and the results are compared
with two other
approaches, a conventional Dynamic Regression and a
Feedforward Multi-layer
Perceptron (MLP) Artificial Neural Network model.
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Hållbara torg : En studie av Stora Torget i Södertälje ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv / Sustainable squares : A study of Stora Torget in Södertälje from a social sustainability perspectiveBarchin, Elias, Lidström, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att förstå vilka arkitektoniska designkvalitéer som ingår i ett socialt hållbart torg och hur dessa kvalitéer kan appliceras på Stora Torget i Södertälje. Huvudmålet med arbetet är att producera ett detaljerat utvecklingsförslag som både är förankrat i litteraturen och folkviljan, men även det tidigare kommunala arbetet som ägt rum på torget. Med detta syfte i åtanke har följande frågeställningar besvarats: - Hur kan miljön för de som vistas på Stora Torget utvecklas på ett socialt hållbart sätt? Fördjupande frågeställning: - Hur ser stadslivet och utomhusmiljön ut på Stora Torget idag? - Hur skulle Stora Torget kunna vidareutvecklas för att främja ett socialt hållbart stadsliv? För att svara på dessa frågeställningar har en trianguleringsmetod applicerats. Denna inkluderar en litteraturstudie, en enkätundersökning besvarad på av personer på torget och en intervju med en tjänsteman på kommunen Litteraturstudien gav insikt gällande de kvalitéer som finns i en god stadsmiljö samt hur dessa kvalitéer bör implementeras i planförslaget. Enkätundersökningen visade åsikter och önskemål från de som i slutendan skulle bli de som kommer att ta del av det nya torget. Genom en intervju med en tjänsteman på kommunen kan arbetet grunda sig i och bygga på det arbete som redan genomförts på platsen Resultatet består av ett detaljerat planförslag som inkluderar sju kategorier av förändringar som ämnar att utveckla torget när det gäller dess sociala hållbarhet. Förändringarna som föreslås består av platser för lek, sport och vilande, vegetation och grönska, belysning, dedikerade gång- och cykelvägar med mera. Det kan inte dras en slutsats som konstaterar att detta planförslag är det enda sättet att utveckla platsens sociala hållbarhet. Rapporten drar dock med säkerhet slutsatsen implementeringen av vissa av planförslagets förändringar kan ge en positiv påverkan för ett socialt hållbart stadsliv. / The purpose of this report is to explore what kind of architectural design qualities are included in socially sustainable squares and how these qualities can be applied to Stora Torget in the municipality of Södertälje. Furthermore, the work also seeks to produce a detailed development proposal for the square through anchoring the work in the literature, the will of the people and the prior municipal work. In doing so the following questions have been answered: - How can the environment for those strolling through and staying at Stora Torget be developed in a socially sustainable way? In-depth questions: - What does city life and the outdoor environment look like on Stora Torget today? - How could Stora Torget be further developed to promote a socially sustainable city life? To answer these questions, a triangulation method has been applied which includes a literature study, a survey with the people on the square and an interview with a representative from the municipality. The literature study provided great insight into the qualities of a good civic environment and how these qualities ought to be applied to the development proposal. The survey brought forth the opinions and wishes of the people who in the end would be the ones that indulge in the square. By interviewing a representative from the municipality, the report manages to ground itself and build on the previous work of the municipality. The study has resulted in a detailed development proposal that includes seven sections of improvements that seek to further develop the square in a socially sustainable fashion. The sections of improvements include places for play, sports and resting, vegetation and greenery, lighting, dedicated walking and cycling paths to name a few. The study does not conclude that the development proposal is the one and only way of improving the square's social sustainability. The study is however confident that the implementation of at least some of these qualities would garner a net positive in the work of a more socially sustainable city life.
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The Square’s Social role in Society : Karlstad: A Study focused on Social Sustainability around Stora torget and Våxnäs torg / Torgets sociala roll i samhället : Karlstad: En studie inriktad på social hållbarhet kring Stora torget och Våxnäs torgKarlsson Wickman, Lisa, Karlsson Wickman, Maja January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to investigate how the urban planning in Karlstad worksand to study how they work with common areas, specifically squares. To investigatethis and how the square contributes to social sustainability, two case studies havebeen done on two selected squares, Stora torget and Våxnäs torg. A literature studyhas also been done to achieve the purpose of the work. The literature study describesdifferent theories that focus on sustainable public spaces, including important aspectsregarding the design of the square. In our case studies two methods were used: On-site observations and an online survey.The survey was also partly answered by the people who were on the square. Duringthe observation the design of the square was analyzed and also how the square wasused by the people. Many people were waiting for the bus at Stora torget, but somepeople were also sitting down on the benches around the fountain having their lunch.At Våxnäs torg some people were sitting on the benches, but in general it was very fewpeople at the square. Our on-site observations at Stora torget and Våxnäs torg showed that many peopleseem to pass the square on their way to other things. However, our survey showed thatmany people want to use the square environment in several different ways, forexample for events and as a marketplace. Further more, based on the survey, it wasconsidered that the most important aspects for creating a functioning square areseating, lighting, greenery and market trade, which is something that both Stora torgetand Våxnäs torg partially fullfill but it is also somehing that can be improved. / Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur stadsplaneringen i Karlstad ser ut ochstudera hur de arbetar med gemensamma ytor, specifikt torg. För att undersöka dettasamt hur torget bidrar till social hållbarhet har två fallstudier gjorts på två utvaldatorg, Stora torget och Våxnäs torg. En litteraturstudie har också gjorts för att uppnåsyftet med arbetet. Där har delvis olika teorier som fokuserar på hållbara offentligarum tagits upp och beskrivits, bland annat beskrivs vilka aspekter som är viktigagällande torgets utformning och design. I våra fallstudier användes två metoder: observationer på plats och enenkätundersökning som lades ut online. Enkäten besvarades också delvis av demänniskorna som befann sig på torgen. Under observationen analyserades det hurtorget var utformat och hur torget användes av människorna. Många personer väntadepå bussen på Stora torget, men det fanns även de som åt lunch på bänkarna runtfontänen. På Våxnäs torg satt en del människor på bänkarna, men det var generelltytterst få människor som befann sig på torget. Våra observationer på plats på Stora torget och Våxnäs torg visade att mångamänniskor verkar passera torget på väg till annat. Dock visade vår enkätundersökningatt många människor vill utnyttja torgmiljön på flera olika sätt exempelvis till eventeller torghandel. Vidare utifrån enkäten ansåg flera att de viktigaste aspekterna för attskapa ett bra fungerande torg är sittplatser, belysning, grönska och torghandel, vilketär något som både Stora torget samt Våxnäs torg delvis har uppfyllt men som kanförbättras.
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Analysis of Transit Travel Demand Change for Bus-Only Mode in U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas between 2000 and 2010 Using Two-Stage Least Squares RegressionZhang, Qiong 27 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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IP Algorithm Applied to Proteomics DataGreen, Christopher Lee 30 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Mass spectrometry has been used extensively in recent years as a valuable tool in the study of proteomics. However, the data thus produced exhibits hyper-dimensionality. Reducing the dimensionality of the data often requires the imposition of many assumptions which can be harmful to subsequent analysis. The IP algorithm is a dimension reduction algorithm, similar in purpose to latent variable analysis. It is based on the principle of maximum entropy and therefore imposes a minimum number of assumptions on the data. Partial Least Squares (PLS) is an algorithm commonly used with proteomics data from mass spectrometry in order to reduce the dimension of the data. The IP algorithm and a PLS algorithm were applied to proteomics data from mass spectrometry to reduce the dimension of the data. The data came from three groups of patients, those with no tumors, malignant or benign tumors. Reduced data sets were produced from the IP algorithm and the PLS algorithm. Logistic regression models were constructed using predictor variables extracted from these data sets. The response was threefold and indicated which tumor classifications each patient belonged. Misclassification rates were determined for the IP algorithm and the PLS algorithm. The rates correct classification associated with the IP algorithm were equal or better than those rates associated with the PLS algorithm.
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