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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Dagarna är inte bara en transportsträcka till nästa stora händelse, det är idag vi lever också" : En intervjustudie med personer som strävar mot downshifting

Danielsson, Frida January 2020 (has links)
The study is a qualitative study with interviews as a data collection method. A request from different facebook groups contributed to a targeted selection, which resulted in all interviewees having relevance in the subject. As sociology can be defined as scientific studies of society and human life, it is therefore relevant to investigate the phenomenon of downshifting more closely (Giddens & Sutton, 2013). The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze downshifting as a sociological phenomenon from the interviewees' stories.  The questions used to answer the purpose are:  What do the interviewees express that they have chosen to live a simpler life?  What do the interviewees think that a simpler life prepares for?  How can the pursuit of downshifting that the interview participants describe can be understood with the help of Fromm's concept of ownership and being?  How can the interview participants' opportunities to downshift be analyzed from a class perspective?   The results show that the interview participants chose to prioritize things like consumption, work, housing situation and digital downshifting in order to avoid the impression they do not say they need. Instead, they prepare space for social relationships, personal well-being and interests. These things come together by spending less time on one thing, freeing up time on other things. How the interviewees choose to prioritize their time varies where the interests and what the person wants to achieve with their life determines. With Fromm's (2003) theoretical concepts of life form and ownership, it emerges that the interviewees are critical of society and in terms of the importance of class Bourdieu's (1993) theory of cultural, economic, social and symbolic capital is used. / Studien är en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. En förfrågan på olika facebook-grupper bidrog till ett målinriktat urval vilket resulterade i att samtliga intervjupersoner har relevans i ämnet. Eftersom sociologi kan definieras som vetenskapliga studier av samhället samt mänskligt liv är det därför relevant att undersöka fenomenet downshifting närmare (Giddens & Sutton, 2013). Syftet med studien är att utifrån intervjudeltagarnas berättelser beskriva och analysera downshiftning som ett sociologiskt fenomen. De frågeställningar som använts för att besvara syftet är: 1.Vad uttrycker intervjudeltagarna att de valt bort i önskan att leva ett enklare liv? 2.Vad menar intervjudeltagarna att ett enklare liv bereder plats för? 3.Hur kan strävan mot downshiftning som intervjudeltagarna beskriver förstås med hjälp av Fromms begrepp ägandets och varandets livsformer? 4.Hur kan intervjudeltagarnas möjligheter att downshifta analyseras utifrån ett klassperspektiv? I resultatet framgår att intervjudeltagarna valt att prioritera ned saker som konsumtion, arbete, boendesituation samt digital downshifting för att komma undan intryck som de inte säger sig behöva. Istället bereder de plats för sociala relationer, eget välmående och intressen. Dessa saker hör ihop genom att lägga mindre tid på en sak, frigör tid att lägga på andra saker. Hur intervjudeltagarna väljer att prioritera sin tid varierar där intressen och vad personen vill åstadkomma med sitt liv avgör. Med Fromms (2003) teoretiska begrepp ägandets och varandets livsform framkommer att intervjupersonerna ställer sig kritiskt till samhället och vad gäller betydelse av klass används Bourdieus (1993) teori om kulturellt, ekonomiskt, socialt och symboliskt kapital.

Life Cycles of Three Species of Eimeria from the Uinta Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus Armatus

Todd, Kenneth S., Jr. 01 May 1967 (has links)
A study of the conccidia of the Uinta ground squirrel, Spermophilus (Citellus) armatus, was undertaken to determine the incidence of coccidia in a population of these ground squirrels, the life cycle and pathogenicity of the coccidia, and the host specificity of certain of the species of coccidia found in this and five other species of ground squirrels (S. richardsoni, S. variegatus, S. lateralis, S. columbianus, and S. beecheyi). Uinta ground squirrels were live trapped and their feces examined to determine the incidence of coccidian infection. Specimens of S. armatus were maintained in the laboratory and given a pure inoculum of Eimeria callospermophili, E. larimerensis, or E. bilamellata. The animals were then killed at 12 to 24 hour intervals, and tissues were prepared by routine histological methods for microscopical examination. Oocysts of these three species of coccidia from other species of ground squirrels caused patent infections in S. armatus. Spermophilus richardsoni could not be infected with E. larimerensis or E. bilamellata. The incidence of infection in each of the three species of coccidia was similar in adult and juvenile animals. Eimeria bilamellata had the lowest incidence of the three species, and was the only one that caused immunity or was pathogenic in experimental infections. Eimeria callospermophili was recovered from five of the six species of ground squirrels examined and from the prairie dog, Cynomys leucurus. This is evidently the first time that a specis of Eimeria has been found in two rodent genera. Eimeria larimerensis, a species previously reported from prairie dogs, was found in S. armatus. Endogenous stages of E. callospermophili were located above the host cell nuclei of epithelial cells on the villi of the small intestine. Two asexual stages preceded the sexual stages, and oocysts were first discharged five days after inoculation. The life cycle of E. larimerensis was similar to that of E. callospermophili, except that greater numbers of merozoites were produced during schizogony and the endogenous stages were located below the host cell nuclei. Developing macrogametes of these two species differed in that those of E. callospermophili contained basophilic plastic granules that later assumed eosinophilic properties. The plastic granules of E larimerensis were eosinophilic throughout the development of the macrogamets. Microgametocytes of E. callospermophili had a simple type of development, in which the microgametes were formed around the periphery of the gametocyte; the microgametes of E. larimerensis developed around internal formative areas of the gametocyte as well as peripherally. The asexual development of E. bilamellata was determined only in part. Mature schizonts were present on the seventh day after inoculation, and gametogenesis began at this time; oocysts were first discharged on the tenth day after inoculation. Eimeria bilamellata differed from the other two species in that gametocytes developed in epithelial cells, which became displaced, finally being located deep in the lamina propria of the mucosa. Macrogametes contained both basophilic and eosinophilic plastic granules. Microgametogony was more complex than in the other two species, and the microgametocytes were much larger, producing thousands of gametes. Excysted sporozoites of the three species of coccidia differed in morphology and staining properties. The sporozoites of E. callospermophili and E. E. larimerensis had unusually large posterior refractile bodies. Eimeria callospermophili was also unusal in that no PAS positive material was found in the sporozoites.

Clark's Nutcracker Seed Harvest Patterns in Glacier National Park and a Novel Method for Monitoring Whitebark Pine Cones

Maier, Monika E. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) is the primary seed disperser of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), which is in decline throughout its range. There is concern that a decline in whitebark pine will lead to a subsequent decline in local populations of Clark's Nutcracker. Because natural regeneration depends on the presence of Clark's Nutcracker, the process of harvesting whitebark pine seeds needs to be fully understood. In addition, resource managers need a cost-effective method for monitoring nutcracker occurrence in whitebark pine stands during the seed harvest season. I visited eleven study sites in Glacier National Park, Montana, where I searched for Clark's Nutcracker and surveyed whitebark pine cones for seed harvesting scars, the presence of which indicated that nutcrackers harvested seeds. I documented cone use patterns of Clark's Nutcracker and the major cone predator, red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), at five sites. To identify factors that influence cone use, I ran a correlation analysis with nutcracker and red squirrel seed harvesting variables with physical, compositional, and whitebark pine-related factors. I found that nutcrackers harvested seed at every site that had cones available. Nutcrackers harvested seed from a greater proportion of whitebark pine cones in stands where they started intensively harvesting seeds earlier. Nutcrackers began intensively harvesting seeds earlier in stands with higher relative dominance of whitebark pine. Red squirrels depleted the cone source more rapidly in stands with greater whitebark pine mortality, and at one site depleted the cone source completely before nutcrackers began intensively harvesting seeds from that site. The results of this study suggest that Clark's Nutcracker will continue to harvest seeds even as whitebark pine declines, but the decline in whitebark pine may lead to decreased seed dispersal due to greater pre-dispersal cone predation by red squirrels. Finally, I evaluated direct and indirect monitoring methods to identify a cost-effective method to accurately monitor Clark's Nutcracker occurrence in whitebark pine stands during the seed harvest season. I found that surveying scars made by seed-harvesting nutcrackers on whitebark pine cones was the most accurate and economical method of monitoring Clark's Nutcracker occurrence in an area with a low population of Clark's Nutcracker.

Lightweight Electromagnetic Induction Motor

Chaudhary, Sumeet January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

A Generalized Inverter Control Method for a Variable Speed Wind Power System Under Unbalanced Operting Conditions

Wu, Shuang 04 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of peptide based vaccines and inhibitors to prevent the onset of HTLV-1 associated diseases

Lynch, Marcus Phillip 30 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The acoustic behavior of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel Citellus tridecemlineatus /

Lishak, Robert Stephen January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Διερεύνηση λειτουργίας/ελέγχου και προσομοίωση αιολικού συστήματος επαγωγικής γεννήτριας με STATCOM

Βεντούρης, Νικόλαος 13 October 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση λειτουργίας και ελέγχου ανεμογεννήτριας σταθερών στροφών, που αποτελείται από επαγωγική γεννήτρια βραχυκυκλωμένου κλωβού (SCIG) συνδεδεμένη στο δίκτυο με στατικό αντισταθμιστή (STATCOM). Η διάταξη περιλαμβάνει εκτός από την ανεμογεννήτρια και τον STATCOM, μια συστοιχία πυκνωτών (με αντιστάσεις συνδεδεμένες παράλληλα) σε συνδεσμολογία αστέρα πάνω στον κοινό κόμβο διασύνδεσης της ανεμογεννήτριας και του STATCOM, φίλτρο τύπου R-L στην έξοδο του STATCOM και ισοδύναμη αναπαράσταση της ωμικο-επαγωγικής γραμμής μεταφοράς του δικτύου και της τάσης του. Η ανάλυση του μοντέλου γίνεται μεταφέροντας τις εξισώσεις στο σύστημα των d-q αξόνων με χρήση του μετασχηματισμού Park. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται υλοποίηση του μοντέλου στο πρόγραμμα Simulink και πραγματοποιούνται προσομοιώσεις. / The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the use of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) to mitigate the voltage fluctuations and improve power quality of a wind turbine with squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG). The simulated system contains a wind turbine with a fixed-speed SCIG connected at the same point with a STATCOM (including an R-L filter), a capacitor bank (with a resistive load) connected in star and the transmission line for grid connection. System’s equations are transformed into the d-q synchronous reference frame using Park’s trans-formation and the complete model is presented in its state-space form. Finally, the system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink and the responses are presented.

Srovnání kondice populací sysla obecného v souvislosti se stanovištními podmínkami a hustotou populace / Fitness comparison of the European ground squirrel's populations living in different habitats and population density

Novotná, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
Fitness in ground squirrels is a frequently discussed topic, reported in many publications, although it was rarely the subject of their study. The aim of this study was to determine which factors and find out how they affect the fitness of individuals, and thus the whole population of the European ground squirrel in Czech Republic. For this purpose we collected body mass data at three studied population, which are the main indicator of the fitness in ground squirrels. We also recorded information about injuries, reproduction status, ectoparasites and endoparasites. Moreover we collected all available data on the body mass of European ground squirrel in the central European region, and we compiled overview of body mass changes during the season. This enables us to compare our data with typical/common body mass value in particular sex, age and season. Recorded differences in body mass at three studied sites were related to sex, age, locality and season. We found positive correlation between the body mass and injuries from fights/reproduction activity in adult males. The relationship between body mass and reproduction activity of females was not found. Four species of ectoparasites, mostly occurring in adults, were recorded in studied populations. We also found five species of endoparasites, which...

Evaluation of peptide based vaccines and inhibitors to prevent the onset of HTLV-1 associated diseases

Lynch, Marcus Phillip. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 130-152).

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