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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biudžeto modelio sudarymas ir taikymas mažose įmonėse / Budget model for a small companies preparation and adaptation

Valūnas, Nerijus 27 June 2014 (has links)
Pirmoje magistro baigiamojo darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjami teoriniai biudžeto sudarymo modelio aspektai. Biudžeto sudarymui neabejotinai svarbi biudžeto, kaip ekonominio reiškinio prigimtis, atsiradimo priežastys, vertinimo priemonės, todėl magistro baigiamojo darbo 1.1 skyriuje išnagrinėta biudžetų esmė ir svarba. Tam, kad sukurti optimalų biudžeto modelį mažai įmonei, 1.2 skyrius pradedamas biudžetų modelių evoliucijos analize, toliau tiriama biudžeto – kaip planavimo priemonės svarba. 1.3 skyriuje identifikuoti biudžeto vertinimo metodai bei 1.4 skyriuje pateikiamas biudžeto modelis bei jo pritaikymo mažai įmonei galimybės. Antroji magistro darbo dalis skirta išanalizuoti problemoms, su kuriomis susiduriama praktikoje taikant biudžeto sudarymą įmonės veikloje, kaip būtų galima jas išspręsti bei sudaryti biudžeto modelį mažai įmonei. Atliktas teorinis biudžeto sudarymo tyrimas atskleidė, kad mokslo darbuose nepateikimas išsamus biudžeto sudarymo modelis tinkantis mažai įmonei, todėl siekiant nustatyti biudžeto sudarymo ir taikymo praktikoje aktualumą, 2.1 skyriuje atliktas Lietuvos mažų įmonių tyrimas, taip pat atlikta anketinė Lietuvos mažų įmonių darbuotojų apklausa, kurios rezultatai apibendrinti magistro baigiamojo darbo 2.2 skyriuje. Toliau remiantis atliktais teoriniais ir praktiniais biudžeto sudarymo modelio tyrimais bei darbo autoriaus požiūriu į tiriamą objektą, 2.3 skyriuje pateikiamas biudžeto modelis mažai įmonei ir jo struktūros aprašymas bei aptariamos modelio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As the world in which organizations compete is changing, there must be a system to support strategic objectives and competitive priorities. Despites many criticisms, the budgeting theory has been very useful in pinpointing specific problems and providing adequate solutions related to budgeting system. Sometimes the findings of budgeting studies have been contradictory and vague, but in general, the most recommendations have been tested and verified in real situations. I can freely say that traditional budgeting is not dead yet, since it is still being used in the majority of companies around the world. However, many of them are starting to realize that the same budgeting model which has been used in 1920 can’t be used in the 21st century. Business environmental conditions are no longer the same and the budgeting system needs to become more responsive to the needs of customers requirements set by competition. How exactly this change in budgeting system will involve, is something what each individual company needs to discover by itself. The main problem of this thesis is that Lithuanian companies are small and they can’t adopt the budgeting techniques of budgeting theory. The research object of this thesis is a budget model for a small company’s preparation and adaptation. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to explain the budget value for the organization. In order to achieve the aforementioned goal, this thesis is based on the analysis of existing theoretical and practical... [to full text]

Kompiuterinio raštingumo testavimo priemonių sudarymas, taikymas ir efektyvumo tyrimas / Formation of Computerized Testing Systems and Research of Their Effective Application in Education Process

Kupčiūnienė, Ingrida 24 September 2004 (has links)
This Master’s thesis analyze application of information technology in education process, examination using testing method and possibility of computerized testing systems in Lithuanian schools. Rapid development of information and communication technologies inevitably affect and change all spheres of the society including education. Moreover, new technologies change and enrich ordinary methods of examination. One of the most important tasks of the education system is to ascertain the level of knowledge acquired or in other words to examine pupils knowledge. So, one of most easily computerized examination forms is testing method. This method has its own shortcomings, but is rather widespread due to its convenience and easy formalization. A new general standard of computer literacy was prepared on 31st January 2002. Its aim is to ascertain the minimum skills of computer usage by pupils. This year the first school leavers well pass the test on computer literacy. The purpose of the test is to examine their knowledge of information technologies and the mastering level of minimum skills of computer usage. Questionnaire of the teachers and pupils shows that testing method is acceptable and the computer in classes is awaited. The aim of the master’s research is to analyze the efficiency of special computer programmers in developing and examining skills of computer literacy in secondary schools. The tasks of research are to analyze the ways of testing, to prepare some tests... [to full text]

Vartotojo sąsajos modeliavimas duomenų srautų specifikacijos pagrindu / User Interface Design Based on the Data Flow Specification

Eidukynaitė, Vilma 29 May 2006 (has links)
The user interface is the direct mediator between the user and the system. It is one of main factors which influences how fluently and with what time resources system could be integrated into business process and how fast systems deployment could be performed. User interface is one of the most important points in software design, because it determines quality and rate of project implementation. Software design methodologies, based on Unified Modeling Language (UML), Oracle CASE, introduced by C. Finkelstein, D. J. Anderson, V. Balasubramanian, A. Granlund, D. Lafreniere, D. Carr are analyzed in this paper. The user interface modeling method based on data flow specification is presented in this work; the software prototype of modeling user interface based on this method is implemented.

GSM tinklo abonentų vietos duomenų srautų tyrimas / GSM network's subscribers' location dataflow analysis

Jatkonis, Eimantas 29 May 2006 (has links)
Location dataflow analysis of mobile objects in GSM network is performed in this project. Dataflow are analyzed in these network nodes: BTS, BSC, MSC, and HLR. During research it is analyzed how data flows changes during day period, how these changes influence network nodes. The possibilities to gather and store data about subscribers' location are explored. The main target of this project is to set guidelines for implementation of European Union directive ST15449 in real GSM networks. Statistic data about data flow types is supplied by real GSM network operator. Experiments were performed using emulator of GSM network data flows. Additional features necessary for analysis were specified and implemented. After analysis it is determined that lowest impact of location dataflow is for BSC component. It is proposed to implement any location data gathering device in BSC nodes.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Investment Projects (Using the Discounted Cash Flow Methods) / Investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo analizė ir vertinimas (taikant diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodus)

Tomaševič, Vladislav 30 December 2010 (has links)
Subject of research: evaluation of economic efficiency of investment projects. Objective of research: to develop a model for the evaluation of economic efficiency of investment projects based on the discounted cash flow methods and adapted to the Lithuanian business environment. The modern science of economics offers quite a wide range of methods for evaluating the economic efficiency of investments, however, most of them are highly time-consuming and involve complicated calculations. Whereas investors usually require a measure of investment projects‘ efficiency which is readily calculated, objective and easily understandable and which reveals the attractiveness of business ideas. Therefore, in the author‘s view, the current technique of evaluating investment projects based on cash flows can fully meet the investors‘ needs provided that specific features of the technique‘s application are taken into account. Based on the examinations involving the theoretical and application aspects of the analysis and evaluation of investment projects, i. e. the investment project‘s life cycle model, the cash flow calculation and the discount rate setting methods, as well as the main and auxiliary methods for evaluating investment projects‘ efficiency, a model for the evaluation of investment projects which enables the analysis and selection of alternative investment projects has been developed. / Mokslinių tyrimo objektas – investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimas. Tyrimų tikslas – sukurti investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimo modelį, pagrįstą diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodais ir pritaikytą Lietuvos verslo sąlygoms. Šiuolaikinis ekonomikos mokslas siūlo pakankamai platų investicijų efektyvumo rodiklių spektrą, tačiau daugeliu atvejų siūlomi metodai pasižymi daug išteklių reikalaujančiais ir gana sudėtingais skaičiavimais, o investuotojui reikalingas lengvai ir pakankamai greitai skaičiuojamas, objektyvus ir visiems suprantamas investicijų efektyvumo vertinimo matas, parodantis tam tikros verslo idėjos patrauklumą. Įvertinus šias aplinkybes, autoriaus nuomone, esama pinigų srautais grindžiama investicinių projektų vertinimo metodologija gali visiškai patenkinti investuotojų poreikius, su sąlyga, kad bus atsižvelgta į įvairius aspektus, susijusius su jos taikymo ypatumais. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais, kurių metu išnagrinėti teoriniai ir taikomieji investicinio projekto analizės ir vertinimo aspektai – investicinio projekto gyvavimo ciklo modelis, pinigų srautų skaičiavimo ir diskonto normos nustatymo metodai, investicinio projekto vertinimo pagrindiniai ir pagalbiniai metodai, buvo parengtas investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimo modelis, leidžiantis atlikti alternatyvių projektų analizę ir atranką. Raktiniai žodžiai: investicinių projektų vertinimas, pinigų srautai, projekto gyvavimo ciklas, diskontuotų pinigų srautų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo analizė ir vertinimas (taikant diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodus) / Analysis and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Investment Projects (Using the Discounted Cash Flow Methods)

Tomaševič, Vladislav 30 December 2010 (has links)
Mokslinių tyrimo objektas – investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimas. Tyrimų tikslas – sukurti investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimo modelį, pagrįstą diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodais ir pritaikytą Lietuvos verslo sąlygoms. Šiuolaikinis ekonomikos mokslas siūlo pakankamai platų investicijų efektyvumo rodiklių spektrą, tačiau daugeliu atvejų siūlomi metodai pasižymi daug išteklių reikalaujančiais ir gana sudėtingais skaičiavimais, o investuotojui reikalingas lengvai ir pakankamai greitai skaičiuojamas, objektyvus ir visiems suprantamas investicijų efektyvumo vertinimo matas, parodantis tam tikros verslo idėjos patrauklumą. Įvertinus šias aplinkybes, autoriaus nuomone, esama pinigų srautais grindžiama investicinių projektų vertinimo metodologija gali visiškai patenkinti investuotojų poreikius, su sąlyga, kad bus atsižvelgta į įvairius aspektus, susijusius su jos taikymo ypatumais. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais, kurių metu išnagrinėti teoriniai ir taikomieji investicinio projekto analizės ir vertinimo aspektai – investicinio projekto gyvavimo ciklo modelis, pinigų srautų skaičiavimo ir diskonto normos nustatymo metodai, investicinio projekto vertinimo pagrindiniai ir pagalbiniai metodai, buvo parengtas investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo vertinimo modelis, leidžiantis atlikti alternatyvių projektų analizę ir atranką. / Subject of research: evaluation of economic efficiency of investment projects. Objective of research: to develop a model for the evaluation of economic efficiency of investment projects based on the discounted cash flow methods and adapted to the Lithuanian business environment. The modern science of economics offers quite a wide range of methods for evaluating the economic efficiency of investments, however, most of them are highly time-consuming and involve complicated calculations. Whereas investors usually require a measure of investment projects‘ efficiency which is readily calculated, objective and easily understandable and which reveals the attractiveness of business ideas. Therefore, in the author‘s view, the current technique of evaluating investment projects based on cash flows can fully meet the investors‘ needs provided that specific features of the technique‘s application are taken into account. Based on the examinations involving the theoretical and application aspects of the analysis and evaluation of investment projects, i. e. the investment project‘s life cycle model, the cash flow calculation and the discount rate setting methods, as well as the main and auxiliary methods for evaluating investment projects‘ efficiency, a model for the evaluation of investment projects which enables the analysis and selection of alternative investment projects has been developed.

Savivaldybės administracijos ūkio skyriaus darbo vietos informacinė sistema "Savivaldybės turtas" / Workplace of employee of municipal departament of economy informational system "Savivaldybės turtas"

Beinaras, Ričerdas 09 January 2005 (has links)
Summary Subject of this paper is workplace of employee of municipal department of economy. Main product of this paper is informational system (IS) intended for long term control of property of municipality and is related to preparation of documents concerning use of that property. Analysis and specifications concerning informational needs of municipal department of economy has been carried out. Similar systems (Sistema “BIUDŽETAS”, “Turtas”, “DEBETAS”, “ForFUND/Gov”) and methods of creating IS (creation of IS using cycle of existence of “waterfall”, method of prothotypes, JAD method, creating of IS using means of CASE) were analysed. Product was designed and realized using the following means: 1. MS Visio 2003 – designing 2. ProVision Workbench TM V 3.1 – designing 3. MS Access 2000 – DBMS for keeping data of property and use Product was introduced to employees of municipal department of economy.

Optikos įmonės kompiuterizuotos IS sukūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and Research of the Computerized Information System for an Optical Enterprise

Paičienė, Kristina 20 September 2004 (has links)
Many small enterprises in Lithuania don’t use information systems in their accounting. This is because almost all of already developed accounting software is quite complex, expensive and has many additional features, witch aren’t useful for a small enterprises. This is why it has been decided to develop own specific software for a goods accounting. User interface and data structure should be adapted to the specific functions of the small optical enterprise. The purposes of the developed information system are to increase work and accounting quality, to decrease time needed for accounting, to avoid saving redundant information, to automate and simplify the process of creating analytical reports, to avoid mistakes in accounting and make accounting more efficient. In the process of developing this information system there was analyzed functional and nonfunctional, manage mental and common requirement issues. The models of dataflow, data structure, and applications were used in the requirement specification. Architecture of components and software structure is also provided in this project. The realization of this project was accomplished by means of Microsoft Access 2000. There was created database, graphical user interface, and integrated Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications was used to perform programming tasks. Abilities of this software are fully sufficient for these tasks. Selected design techniques and tools had proved themselves in solving software for small... [to full text]

Įmonės finansinės būklės ir rezultatų prognozavimas ir vertinimas / The Prognostication and Evaluation of the Financial Position and Results of a Company

Martusevičiūtė-Sedleckienė, Rasa 25 May 2005 (has links)
The object of the research: the prognostication and evaluation of the financial position and results of a company. The purpose of the research: to prepare the system of prognostication and evaluation of the company��s financial position and financial results. The tasks of the research: 1)To determine the importance of financial position and financial results in the process of prognostication and evaluation of the company’s activities; 2)To prepare the system of prognostication of financial position and financial results; 3)To prepare the evaluation system of financial position and financial results; 4)To perform the practical application of the improved prognostication and evaluation methods of financial position and financial results. The methods of the research: in the process concerned with the above-mentioned tasks, presupposing the purpose of the research, there will be applied analysis and synthesis (also logical analysis and synthesis) of science literature, questioning, forecasting and modelling, comparative, descriptive and graphic methods. When the analysis of literature, concerned with the prognostication and evaluation of company’s activities will be done and systemized, the system of company’s financial position and financial results will be performed and the practical application of it will be made.

Veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės modeliavimas / Value modeling of start activities corporates

Kuzura, Jevgenija 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės nustatymo ypatumai. Pirmojoje, konceptualiojoje, darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojami įmonės vertinimo ypatumai. Pateikiama įmonės vertės samprata ir reikšmė, išskiriami įmonės vertę įtakojantys veiksniai, aptarti įmonės vertės vertinimo principai. Išnagrinėti, susisteminti ir palyginti įmonės vertės nustatymo metodai, apžvelgiami tokių metodų parinkimo ypatumai. Antrojoje darbo dalyje atskleista veiklą pradedančių įmonių vertės modeliavimo tyrimo metodika. Trečiojoje, empirinėje, darbo dalyje atliktas išsamus UAB „FlixAuto“ veiklos vertinimas remiantis mokumo (likvidumo), pelningumo bei veiklos efektyvumo ir turto apyvartumo rodiklių analize, atliktas įmonės bankroto prognozavimas. Remiantis diskontuotų pinigų srautų (DCF) metodu apskaičiuota UAB „FlixAuto“ vertė. Atliekama kiekybinio tyrimo analizė. Pateikiamos atskirų vertinimų išvados. Tyrimas baigiamas išvadomis ir pasiūlymais. / Master's thesis analyzed the value of start-ups setting features. The first, conceptual, theoretical part of the work outlined in the company's assessment features. Presented the concept of the company's value and importance of secreted factors influencing the value of the company, to discuss the company's value evaluation. To examine the structure and compare the company valuation methods, a review of such methods for selecting features. The second part of start-ups revealed the value of simulation methods. Third, empirical work in a detailed JSC „FlixAuto“ performance evaluation based on solvency (liquidity), profitability and operating efficiency and asset turnover ratio analysis performed bankruptcy prediction. Based on the discounted cash flow (DCF) method calculated JSC „FlixAuto“ value. Performed a quantitative analysis of the research. Given for individual findings. The study ends with conclusions and suggestions.

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