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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Haplotypisierung des Y-Chromosoms

Roewer, Lutz 26 June 2001 (has links)
Haploid vererbte Polymorphismen des Y-Chromosoms sind wichtige diagnostische Werkzeuge der forensischen Genetik und verwandter Disziplinen, insbesondere der Anthropologie. Geschlechtsspezifität und uniparentaler Erbgang der Merkmale ermöglichen eine Reihe von Untersuchungen, die mit autosomalen Markern erfolglos bleiben müssen. Kurze tandem-repetitive STR-Sequenzen, die polymorphen Marker der Wahl im forensischen Labor, sind auch auf dem Y-Chromosom nachzuweisen. Aufgrund der rekombinationsfreien, paternalen Vererbung des größten Teils des Y-Chromosoms werden locus-spezifische Allele hier en bloc, als hochinformativer Haplotyp, vererbt. Die forensische Untersuchung profitiert insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Untersuchung biologischer Spuren von der Y-chromosomalen Diagnostik: vor allem in Vergewaltigungsfällen kann die männliche DNA-Fraktion der Abstrichpräparate unabhängig von der weiblichen des Opfers untersucht und individualisiert werden. Bei der Abstammungsuntersuchung wird in solchen Fällen die Y-chromosomale Analyse empfohlen, in denen der Vater (eines männlichen Kindes) nicht zur Verfügung steht und paternale Verwandte an seiner statt untersucht werden müssen. Von den 14 evaluierten Y-chromosomalen STR-Systemen sind 9 für die forensische Praxis ausgewählt und empfohlen worden. Sie bilden den sogenannten "minimal haplotype", der heute international für die o. g. Analysen verwendet und von der zuständigen Fachgesellschaft (International Society of Forensic Genetics) in ihren Richtlinien empfohlen wird. Wegen der immensen Haplotyp-Variabilität und des uniparentalen Erbgangs ist die Frequenzbestimmung, und damit die Entscheidungsfindung für rechtsmedizinische Gutachter, nur über den Zugang zu großen Datenbanken möglich. Zu diesem Zweck wurde an der Charité die "European Y-STR Haplotype Reference Database" eingerichtet, die Frequenzabfragen auf Grundlage des aktuellen Datenmaterials online ermöglicht (http://ystr.charite.de). Aufgrund des uniparentalen Erbmodus und der im Vergleich zu Autosomen verringerten effektiven Zahl von Y-Chromosomen in der Population muß mit einem meßbaren Einfluß genetischer Drift auf die Y-STR-Haplotyp-Verteilung in der Population gerechnet werden. Mit Hilfe der AMOVA (Analysis of Molecular Variance) - Methode konnten genetische Distanzen für eine repräsentative Auswahl von über 50 weltweit verteilter Populationen berechnet werden. Der AMOVA-Test ist unentbehrlich für die Überprüfung der Eignung von Referenzdatenbanken als Grundlage der Frequenzbestimmung von Y-STR-Haplotypen. / There are a number of merits that qualify the Y chromosome as a special forensic genetic tool: the male specificity for most of its length, the absence of recombination which provides unambiguous male lineage's and the small effective population size that tends to create population specific allele distributions of the Y chromosomes. Particularly in cases of rape and other sexual assault as well as in kinship testing, Y-STR haplotyping can help to close informativity gaps. Since the main goal of forensic genetics is individualization of persons or lineages of descent an analytical strategy for the male chromosome must enable the expert to differentiate between the majority of unrelated haplotypes. For this to achieve the choice of the sequence type and its variability (i.e. its mutation rate) as well as the number of individual sequences to be used for profiling is crucial. We have introduced a STR profile for the Y-chromosome consisting of 11 microsatellite sequences which is both informative for individualization purposes as well as for a genetic distance analysis of populations. The technical simplicity of the approach led to a rapid introduction of the technique in many of the forensic labs world-wide. Intense international collaboration facilitates the generation of large haplotype reference databases, most of them are online available and searchable (Europe: http://ystr.charite.de and USA: http://www.ystr.org/usa/). By use of haplotype specific parameters such as the molecular distance (which equals the minimum number of mutational steps separating two haplotypes) and the largest available haplotype databases a Bayesian approach to evaluate Y-STR haplotype matches has been proposed. Directly inspired by our work are the recommendations of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG). These guidelines state some basic principles on forensic analysis using Y-STR polymorphisms: the use of sequenced allelic ladders, the application of a repeat-based nomenclature and the use of suitable haplotype reference databases for statistical evaluation of matches. Still a matter of research , but of the utmost interest is the potential of the Y-chromosome analysis to unravel the ethnological background of a given male profile. A dual approach - that using Y-STRs as well as Y-SNPs - probably renders the maximum amount of information about the descent of a male lineage typed in a forensic specimen.

Caracterização e desenvolvimento de sistemas de referências alélicas de loci de STR para controle de qualidade em identificação humana / Caracterization and development of STRs allelic reference system to quality control in human identification

Evelyn kuroki Anzai 10 August 2007 (has links)
Reprodutibilidade, sensibilidade e controle de qualidade são essenciais em identificação humana pelos ácidos nucléicos exigindo uma referência que seja estável a temperatura ambiente e que monitore todo procedimento de manipulação da amostra. O estudo se propõe a construção de referências alélicas com plasmídeos recombinantes de 13 loci de STRs recomendados pelo CODIS-CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, vWA, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51 e D21S11. Os ácidos nucléicos foram extraídos de amostras de sangue ou saliva, com caracterização das STRs pela PCR e análise de fragmento. Os fragmentos dos diferentes alelos foram clonados em plasmídeos pGEM-T. Estes clones foram avaliados, utilizando-se dois sistemas comerciais. Obteve-se amplificações dos alelos das STRs D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D5S818, D13S317 e VWA pelo PowerPlex®16 e D18S51, D21S11, D3S1358, D5S8181, D8S1179, TH01 e TPOX pelo AmpFLSTR®IdentifilerTM. A referência alélica com plasmídeos recombinantes foi construída e devidamente caracterizada demonstrando o seu potencial de aplicação como controle positivo. / Reproducibility, sensibility and quality control are essentials in DNA human identification, requiring a stabile ambient temperature reference that monitors all procedures of samples manipulation. This study propose allelic reference construction, that will be useful as externai positive control for 13 CODIS STRs - CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, vWA, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, e D21S11. The nucleic acid was extracted from saliva or blood samples and enabling PCR-based typing and fragment analysis. Differents alleles founded were cloned into pGEM-T easy vector plasmids. The clones were analyzed using two commercial systems. The STRs D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D5S818, D13S317 and VWA were amplified by PowerPlex®16, and D18S51, D21S11, D3S1358, D5S8181, D8S1179, TH01 and TPOX by AmpFLSTR®IdentifilerTM. The allelic reference with recombinants plasmids was constructed and. duly characterized, and the positive control potential application was demonstrated.

Evaluation of New Technologies for Forensic DNA Analysis

Divne, Anna-Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>DNA samples from crime scenes or mass disasters are often limited and degraded which limits the possibility of successful traditional STR analysis. Moreover, there is a need to decrease the turnaround time in criminal investigations. These circumstances require a wider set of assays and technologies to be investigated for potential use in forensic DNA analysis, which has been explored in this thesis work. DNA analysis can also provide a useful tool in forensic pathology investigations. </p><p>In a search for mutations involved in The Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS), the entire mitochondrial genome was sequenced in six SIDS infants and shorter mtDNA regions were analysed in paraffin-embedded tissues from an additional 14 SIDS cases. In this sample material no mutations associated with SIDS were found that could explain the death of these infants. </p><p>To reduce time, cost and effort related to sequencing of the mtDNA HVI/HVII regions in caseworks, a HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array assay was used as a pre-screening for exclusions of suspects or evidence samples. Using this assay, 56% of the samples involved in casework analysis could be excluded before sequencing was undertaken.</p><p>The possibility to use the new array technology was explored in a SNP assay targeting both mtDNA and nuclear SNPs. The system relies on minisequencing in solution prior to hybridisation to tag arrays. Using this system, we demonstrate a rapid, highly multiplexable and flexible array-format for SNP analysis.</p><p>The properties of the Pyrosequencing technology being a fast and user-friendly assay was utilised in a study to investigate the possibility to use this method for limited and degraded samples. Ten STR loci, overlapping with standardised kits, were genotyped in 114 Swedish individuals. We found additional variation and higher resolution of repeats at some of these loci that are not detected using standard fragment analysis.</p>

Evaluation of New Technologies for Forensic DNA Analysis

Divne, Anna-Maria January 2005 (has links)
DNA samples from crime scenes or mass disasters are often limited and degraded which limits the possibility of successful traditional STR analysis. Moreover, there is a need to decrease the turnaround time in criminal investigations. These circumstances require a wider set of assays and technologies to be investigated for potential use in forensic DNA analysis, which has been explored in this thesis work. DNA analysis can also provide a useful tool in forensic pathology investigations. In a search for mutations involved in The Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS), the entire mitochondrial genome was sequenced in six SIDS infants and shorter mtDNA regions were analysed in paraffin-embedded tissues from an additional 14 SIDS cases. In this sample material no mutations associated with SIDS were found that could explain the death of these infants. To reduce time, cost and effort related to sequencing of the mtDNA HVI/HVII regions in caseworks, a HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array assay was used as a pre-screening for exclusions of suspects or evidence samples. Using this assay, 56% of the samples involved in casework analysis could be excluded before sequencing was undertaken. The possibility to use the new array technology was explored in a SNP assay targeting both mtDNA and nuclear SNPs. The system relies on minisequencing in solution prior to hybridisation to tag arrays. Using this system, we demonstrate a rapid, highly multiplexable and flexible array-format for SNP analysis. The properties of the Pyrosequencing technology being a fast and user-friendly assay was utilised in a study to investigate the possibility to use this method for limited and degraded samples. Ten STR loci, overlapping with standardised kits, were genotyped in 114 Swedish individuals. We found additional variation and higher resolution of repeats at some of these loci that are not detected using standard fragment analysis.

Humanitarinė intervencija ir jėgos nenaudojimo principas / Humanitarian intervention and the non use of force principle

Ablačinskaitė, Ingrida 24 November 2010 (has links)
Santrauka Humanitarinė intervencija ir jėgos nenaudojimo principas - daug diskusijų sukelianti tema. Atkreipti dėmesį į jėgos nenaudojimo principo ir humanitarinės intervencijos santykį skatina ne tik vyraujantis nuomonių skirtumas, bet ir palaipsniui vykstanti minėtų doktrinų modifikacija, kurią įtakoja valstybių praktika bei tarptautinėje arenoje vykstantys įvykiai. Darbe pateikiama trumpa humanitarinės intervencijos sampratų, kurias siūlo lietuvos ir užsienio autoriai, lyginamoji analizė. Taip pat aptariamas ir jėgos nenaudojimo principas. Antroje darbo dalyje glaustai pristatoma minėtų doktrinų istorinė raida. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje dėmėsys koncentruojamas į Jungtinių Tautų vaidmens, įgyvendinant jėgos nenaudojimo principą bei humanitarinės intervencijos doktriną, atskleidimui. Joje aptariama humanitarinės intervencijos ir jėgos nenudojimo principą įtvirtinančios Jungtinių Tautų Chartijos normos suderinamumo galimybė. Apžvelgiama Saugumo Tarybos ir Generalinės Asamblėjos kompetencija sankcionuojant jėgos naudojimą pagal Chartijos VII skyrių bei galimybė pasinaudoti šiuo mechanizmu įgyvendinant humanitarinę intervenciją. Šioje dalyje taip pat glaustai pristatoma ST praktika įgyvendinant humanitarinės intervencijos doktriną bei vieni iš svarbiausių atvejų, kuomet jėga humanitariniais tikslais buvo panaudota be ST sankcijos. Neapseita ir be Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo praktikos, kurioje sprendžiami jėgos nenaudojimo ir humanitarinės intervencijos klausimai, iškilę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Humanitarian Intervention and the Non Use of Force Principle The doctrine of humanitarian intervention and the non use of force principle is the theme that causes a lot of discussions. But this is not the only reason that makes it interesting, there are also changes in both of them caused by states practice and events in international arena. In this work it is given short analysis of what are conceptions suggested by foreign and Lithuanian authors, what is humanitarian intervention. Also it is talked what is the principle of the non use of force. The second part of work is imposed for historical analysis of both doctrines. In the third part of work attention is concentrated in the role of the United Nations in implementation of the non use of force principle and humanitarian intervention. In this part it is talked about the possibility to match the norm of the United Nations Charter that firms the prohibition of the use of force in international relations and the doctrine of humanitarian intervention. Also, the competence of the United Nations Security Council and General assembly to authorize the use of force under the Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter and the possibility to use this mechanism for humanitarian purposes is viewed. This part of work also represents shortly the practice of Security Council when it authorized the use of force for humanitarian reasons. Also in this part there are some examples when the use of force for humanitarian purposes was not... [to full text]

Darbuotojų teisių apsauga verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo atveju / Safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of business or parts of businesses

Vasiliauskas, Mantas 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo sąvoka bei darbuotojų teisių apsaugos tam tikri aspektai ES teisėje, teismų praktikoje, taip pat lyginama su šių nuostatų įgyvendinimu Lietuvos teisėje bei praktikoje. Siekiant nustatyti, ar šios direktyvos pilna apimti įgyvendintos Lietuvos teisėje, atlikta ETT praktikos analizė, kurioje atskleista, jog verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas yra platesnė sąvoka, nei nustatyta direktyvose (77/187, 98/50 ir 2001/23) ir apima pačius įvairiausius perdavimo būdus, įskaitant ir tuos, kai perdavėjo bei perėmėjo nesieja jokia sutartis, administraciniu ar teismo sprendimu ir pan. Nustatyta, jog Lietuvoje verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas tam tikrais atvejais gali būti laikomas savarankišku įmonės ar jos dalies įgyjimo būdu, šalia įmonės ar jos esminės dalies pirkimo-pardavimo, o taip pat ir reorganizavimo. Nepaisant to, Lietuvos teisėje nėra pateikta verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimo sąvoka, kaip ji yra apibrėžiama ES teisėje todėl praktikoje dažniausiai įvardinama kaip įmonės reorganizavimas arba struktūrinis pertvarkymas. Nagrinėti darbuotojų teisių apsaugos aspektai ES teisėje nustato aiškią apsaugą bei jos apimtį. Kita vertus, ETT praktika atskleidė darbo santykių apsaugos išimtis ir susiaurino jos taikymo sritį. Įgyvendinant direktyvas Lietuvos teisėje, nebuvo įtvirtinta jokia papildoma apsauga perimamiems darbuotojams, išskyrus tai, jog verslo ar verslo dalies perdavimas negali būti teisėta priežastimi nutraukti darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This article analyses the definition of transfer of business or part of business, the protection of particular employees’ rights in the European law, case law, and compares realisation of current provisions in the Lithuanian law and application in the national case law. The European Court of Justice case law is analysed with the aim to determine if the European directives regarding the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses were introduced into the Lithuanian law on the whole extent. According to the judgements of the European Court of Justice, the concept of the transfer of business or part of business should cover a wider number of transfers than it is stated in directives, including those transfers, where there is no contract between transferor and transferee, transfers as a result of a legislative or administrative decision. Purchasing or reorganisation of enterprise does not always coincide with transfer of business or part of business and can be considered as a separate type of acquirement of business or part of business. However, the Lithuanian Labour Code does not provide for a definition of transfer of business, as it is done by The European Court of Justice and in Lithuanian case law it is often recognised as reorganisation or structural changes. The most basic protected employees’ rights were analysed and it showed that the European law provides clear protected rights and its... [to full text]

Piktnaudžiavimo tarnyba sudėties analizė / Analysis of the corpus delicti of the abuse of office

Jodko, Justyna 23 December 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra analizuojamas viena iš Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekse įtvirtintų nusikalstamų veikų valstybės tarnybai ir viešiesiems interesams - piktnaudžiavimas. Visų pirma, siekiama pateikti išsamią piktnaudžiavimo sampratą, akcentuojant, jog tai yra viena tų nusikalstamų veikų, kurių subjektas turi specialiųjų požymių - yra valstybės tarnautojas arba jam prilygintas asmuo. Šiuo nusikaltimu yra kėsinamasi į tarnybos interesus ir (arba) viešuosius interesus, taip pat į kitus teisinius gėrius. Aprašoma piktnaudžiavimo reglamentavimo baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose istorinė raida, pabrėžiant, kad atsakomybė už šį nusikaltimą buvo numatyta jau Lietuvos statutuose, Rusijos imperijos 1903 m. Baudžiamajame statute, 1940 m. RTFSR baudžiamajame kodekse, 1961 m. Baudžiamajame kodekse. Išsamiai analizuojami piktnaudžiavimo objektyvieji požymiai: atskiriamas piktnaudžiavimas tarnybine padėtimi ir įgaliojimų viršijimas, aptariamas didelės žalos, savanaudiškumo ir kiti būtinieji požymiai. Taip pat nemažą darbo dalį užima nusikaltimo subjekto aprašymas ir subjektyviųjų požymių analizė. Remiamasi Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktika. Atskiroje darbo dalyje piktnaudžiavimas lyginamas su kai kuriomis kitomis Baudžiamojo kodekse įtvirtintomis nusikalstamomis veikomis, siekiant pateikti pagrindinius kriterijus, leidžiančius baudžiamojo įstatymo taikytojui tinkamai pasirinkti, pagal kurį Baudžiamojo kodekso straipsnį padaryta veika turi būti kvalifikuojama. Palyginimui... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master‘s paper provides analysis of one of the criminal actions in respect of the public service and public interest, which is defined in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, namely the abuse. First of all, the author strives to present a detailed notion of the abuse and stress that this is one of the criminal activities, which has the subject with special characteristics – he is a public servant or a person with equal powers and obligations. By such activity one intends to infringe the interests of the public service and/or public interests, as well as other legitimate benefits. The paper describes a historical course of development of regulation of the abuse by criminal laws and stresses that liability for such actions was established as early as in Lithuanian Statutes, Criminal Statute of the Russian Empire of 1903, Criminal Code of the Russian Social Federal Republic of 1940, and Criminal Code of 1961. The detailed analysis of the objective features of the abuse is submitted. Abuse of the office is separated from the exceeding of powers; grave harm, self interests and other compulsory features are described. Moreover, a great part of the paper is attributed to a definition of the subject of the crime and analysis of subjective characteristics. The arguments are based on the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. In a separate part of the paper the abuse is compared to certain other criminal activities that are described in the Criminal Code. Hereby the... [to full text]

Πειραματική αξιολόγηση μηχανισμού ανάκτησης ρυθμού συμβόλων για δορυφορικούς δέκτες

Παπαδήμα, Ελισσάβετ 03 October 2011 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αφορά στην πειραματική αξιολόγηση του μηχανισμού ανάκτησης ρυθμού συμβόλου για ψηφιακούς δέκτες τεχνολογίας SDR που λαμβάνουν δεδομένα μέσω δορυφόρου. Η ορολογία SDR/SR (Software Defined Radio/Software Radio) χρησιμοποιείται για να χαρακτηρίσει τους πομποδέκτες που μπορούν να καθορίζουν σημαντικές παραμέτρους τους και βασικές αρχές της λειτουργίας τους μέσω αναβάθμισης ή ενημέρωσης του λογισμικού τους. Ο μηχανισμός ανάκτησης του ρυθμού συμβόλου (Symbol Timing Recovery, STR) αναπτύχθηκε στα πλαίσια της διδακτορικής διατριβής του διδάκτορος Παναγιώτη Σαββόπουλου. Η παρούσα εργασία μελετά τη σύγκλιση του βρόχου υπό συνθήκες παραμένοντος σφάλματος συχνότητας καθώς επίσης και τον προσδιορισμό του λόγου σήματος προς θόρυβο στην έξοδο του βρόχου κάνοντας χρήση ενός νέου μεγέθους, metric, το οποίο έχει εισαχθεί στα πλαίσια της προαναφερθείσας διδακτορικής διατριβής, υπό συνθήκες λευκού Gaussian θορύβου. Το μέγεθος αυτό είναι σε θέση να δώσει αξιόπιστα αποτελέσματα στις ενδιάμεσες υπομονάδες του δέκτη υπό συνθήκες παραμένοντος σφάλματος συχνότητας. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετώνται οι QPSK, 8PSK, 16-APSK και 32-APSK διαμορφώσεις διότι αυτές οι διαμορφώσεις χρησιμοποιούνται από το πρότυπο DVB-S2. / The purpose of this project is the experimental evaluation of a mechanism for the symbol timing recovery which is used in digital Software Defined Radio receivers. SDR/SR (Software Defined Radio/Software Radio) technology is used to characterise the transmitters and the receivers which are able to determine important parameters and basic primciples for their function through upgrade or briefing of their software. The symbol timing recovery mechanism (STR) was developped in terms of the doctora of dr Panagiotis Savopoylos. The precent project examines the loop’s convergence when there is frequency error as well as the signal to noise ratio in the output of STR with the use of a new size, metric, which was also developped in terms of the doctora which was mentioned before, when there is white Gaussian noise. The metric is able to give reliable results in the intermediate stages of the receiver when there is frequency error. In the precent project are examined the QPSK, 8PSK,16-APSK, 32-APSK modulations because these modulations are used in DVB-S2 standard.

Applications of Molecular Genetics to Human Identity.

Turnbough, Meredith A. 12 1900 (has links)
The primary objectives of this project were: 1. to develop improved methods for extraction of DNA from human skeletal remains, 2. to improve STR profiling success of low-copy DNA samples by employing whole genome amplification to amplify the total pool of DNA prior to STR analysis, and 3. to improve STR profiling success of damaged DNA templates by using DNA repair enzymes to reduce the number/severity of lesions that interfere with STR profiling. The data from this study support the following conclusions. Inhibitory compounds must be removed prior to enzymatic amplification; either during bone section pretreatment or by the DNA extraction method. Overall, bleach outperformed UV as a pretreatment and DNA extraction using silica outperformed microconcentration and organic extraction. DNA repair with PreCR™ A outperformed both whole genome amplification and repair with PreCR™ T6. Superior DNA extraction results were achieved using the A6 PMB columns (20 ml capacity column with 6 layers of type A glass fiber filter), and DNA repair with PreCR™ A led to an overall improvement in profile quality in most cases, although whole genome amplification was unsuccessful. Rapid, robust DNA isolation, successful amplification of loci from the sample-derived DNA pool, and an elimination of DNA damage and inhibitors may assist in providing sufficient genetic information from cases that might otherwise lie on the fringe of what is possible to obtain today.

Det där relationella är ju så viktigt : En studie om hur relationskompetens uppfattas av lärare och elever i gymnasieskolan / The relational approach is so vital  : A study in how relational competence is viewed by theachers and students in upper secondary school

Lövgren, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Lövgren, Marlene (2021). Det där relationella är ju så viktigt. Specialpedagogprogrammet, Institutionen för skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärande och samhälle, Malmö universitet, 90 hp. Syfte och frågeställningar  I detta arbete är avsikten att belysa hur lärare uppfattar och uttrycker relationskompetens i yrkesrollen och hur detta uppfattas av elever. Arbete fokuserar på vilka relationella aspekter som hjälper elever och frågeställningarna är. • Hur upplever lärare detta?• Vad anser eleverna? Teori  Arbetet utgår från begreppet relationell pedagogik och de teorier om människan som subjekt som dessa bygger på. Metod  Studien är inspirerad av grundad teori och två olika undersökningsmetoder har använts. Enkäter till både elever och lärare samt efterföljande intervjuer. I arbetet pågick analys och inhämtande av data samtidigt eftersom intervjuerna grundade sig på enkätsvaren. Resultat  Resultatet tyder på att skolan behöver arbeta vidare med fördjupad förståelse av det komplexa begreppet relationskompetens. Lärarna behöver fördjupad kunskap både när det gäller hur yrkesprofessionell relationskompetens utvecklas och hur det praktiska relationella arbetet med elever kan utvecklas. Lärarna behöver även fördjupad kunskap om varför det relationella mötet är viktigt för ett framgångsrikt lärande Specialpedagogiska implikationer  Inom specialpedagogiken har de relationella aspekternas vikt för lärandeprocessen varit välkända länge. Därför är det lämpligt att använda sig av skolans specialpedagog i den kompetensutveckling som lärarna är i behov av.

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