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Singular Milnor Fibrations / Fibrações de Milnor singularesRibeiro, Maico Felipe Silva 28 February 2018 (has links)
In this work we present the most recent developments in the direction of local fibrations structures of analytic singularities. Using techniques and tools from stratification theory we prove structural theorems in the stratified sense, which will be called singular Milnor tube fibration and Milnor-Hamm sphere fibration. In addition, we present algorithms with the purpose of creating a large number of examples in this new setting and compare our results obtained with the current ones found in the literature. Our results generalize all previous result in both cases: in the classical and in the stratified ones. / Neste trabalho apresentamos os mais recentes desenvolvimentos na direção de estruturas de fibrações locais de singularidades analíticas. Usando técnicas e ferramentas da teoria de estratificação, provamos alguns teoremas estruturais no sentido estratificado, os quais serão chamados fibração singular de Milnor sobre o tubo e fibração de Milnor-Hamm sobre a esfera. Além disso, apresentamos algoritmos com o intuito de criar uma ampla variedade de exemplos e comparamos nossos resultados com os atuais encontrados na literatura. Nossos resultados generalizam todos os previamente existentes tanto no caso clássico, quanto no sentido estratificado.
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Stabilité bidimensionnelle de modèles de sillage d’aéronefs / Two-dimensional stability of aircraft wake vorticesJugier, Rémi 28 September 2016 (has links)
Le contrôle des tourbillons de sillages d'aéronefs permet de réduire leur dangerosité et d'augmenter par conséquent le débit de décollages et d'atterrissages dans les aéroports. Ce contrôle permettrait également d'agir sur la formation des rainées de condensation et des cirrus artificiels en haute atmosphère dans le but de réduire le forçage radiatif terrestre causé par l'aviation. Brion (2014) ont montré par analyse de stabilité modale que le dipôle de Lamb-Chaplygin, souvent utilisé comme un modèle représentatif des tourbillons de sillage en champ lointain, est bidimensionnellement instable à des nombres de Reynolds faibles. Nous étendons premièrement cette analyse de stabilité modale bidimensionnelle à des modèles de dipôles plus réalistes, pour une large gamme de rapport d'aspect, et obtenons, à faibles nombre de Reynolds, des instabilités de même nature (modes de déplacement) que pour le dipôle de Lamb-Chaplygin. Nous montrons cependant que la croissance des instabilités observées dépend fortement du rapport d'aspect du dipôle, et que cette croissance est fortement diminuée lorsque la diffusion du dipôle est prise en compte. Nous étudions ensuite la stabilité bidimensionnelle transitoire en champ lointain (dipôles) et en champ proche (nappes de vorticité), en atmosphères homogène et stratifiée. Dans tous les cas, les perturbations optimales sont des spirales de vorticité orientées à contre-cisaillement et situées en périphérie des tourbillons, qui conduisent in fine aux instabilités écrites par l'analyse modale grâce à un mécanisme de contamination du cœur des tourbillons, initialement identifié par Antkowiak & Brancher 2004 sur un tourbillon isolé. / Aircraft wake vortex control allows for reducing of their dangerousness and consequently improve airport take-off / landing requencies. Contrails and artificial cirrus clouds formation could also be influenced through this control of wake vortices and allow for reducing of terrestrial radiative forcing generated by aviation. Brion (2014) have shown by a modal stability analysis that the Lamb-Chaplygin dipole, often used as a far-field model for aircraft wake vortices, is unstable to two-dimensional perturbations at Iow Reynolds numbers. We first extend this twodimensional modal stability analysis to more realistic dipole models, for a Wide range of aspect ratios, and obtain, for Iow Reynolds numbers, instabilities of the same nature (displacement modes) as for the Lamb-Chaplygin dipole. However, we show that the growth of those modes depends greatly on the dipole aspect ratio, and that this growth is greatly diminished hen the dipole diffusion is taken into account. We then study two-dimensional transient growth for far-field models (dipoles) and near-field models (vorticity sheets), in homogeneous and stratified atmospheres. ln all cases, optimal perturbations are vorticity spirals oriented against shear and located at the periphery of the vortices, which eventually lead to development of the instabilities described in the modal analysis through a contamination mechanism of the vortex cores, initially identified by Antkowiak & Brancher (2004) for an isolated vortex.
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工商及服務業普查資料品質之研究 / Data quality research of industry and commerce census邱詠翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用的方法為事後分層抽樣,主要研究目的是要利用產業創新調查樣本來推估95年工商及服務業普查母體資料的準確性。產業創新調查樣本在推估母體從業員工人數與母體營業收入方面皆出現高估的狀況,推測出現高估的原因是產業創新調查母體為前中華徵信所出版的五千大企業名冊為母體底冊,而工商及服務業普查企業資料為一般企業母體底冊。因此,我們利用和產業創新調查樣本所相對應的工商普查樣本做驗證,發現95年工商及服務業普查樣本與產業創新調查樣本的資料一致性極高。 / Data quality is good or bad will affect the decision quality and achievements in the implementation of various actions, so the data quality more and more attention in recent years. This study consists of two databases, one is the industrial innovation survey database, another is the industry and commerce census database in ninety five years. Data quality is good or bad of a database is also a very important issue, the database often contain erroneous information, incorrect information will result in bias of the analysis results. So before carrying out data analysis, data cleaning and consolidation is necessary.
We can know from the parent and the sample data distribution. Before data cleaning and consolidation, the average number of innovation employees is 92.08, and the average number of industrial-commerce employees is 135.54. After data cleaning and consolidation, we compare the correlation, similarity, and distance of the number of employees in two databases. The results show the data consistency of the two databases is very high, the average number of innovation employees is 39.01, and the average number of industrial-commerce employees is 42.12, it is closer to the average number of parent employees 7.05. This also shows the importance of data cleaning.
Method used in the study is post-stratified sampling, the main research objective is to use industrial innovation survey sample to estimate the data accuracy of the industry and commerce census in ninety five years. Use industrial innovation survey sample to estimate the number of employees and operating revenue in the industry and commerce census in ninety five years are both overestimated, we guess the reason is that the parent of the industrial innovation survey is five thousand large enterprises published by China Credit Information, and the parent of the industry and commerce census is general enterprises. Therefore, we use the corresponding industry and commerce census sample for validation. The results show that the data consistency of the industrial innovation survey sample and the industry and commerce census sample in ninety five years is very high.
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Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: study trough large-eddy simulations, mesoscale modelling and observationsJiménez Cortés, Maria Antònia 12 December 2005 (has links)
La capa límit atmosfèrica és l'àrea directament influenciada per la presència de la superfície de la terra i la seva alçada és d'uns centenars de metres a uns pocs quilòmetres. Durant el vespre, el refredament radiatiu estratifica establement l'aire prop del sòl i es forma el que es coneix com a Capa Límit Estable (CLE). D'avui en dia, la CLE és un règim que encara no està prou ben caracteritzat. La turbulència, que no és homogènia ni isòtropa, i la gran importància dels efectes locals com l'orografia, entre d'altres factors, dificulten l'estudi d'aquest règim. Per aquest motiu, la CLE és objecte d'especial atenció, sobretot a l'hora de millorar la seva representació en models tant de temps com de clima.Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de la CLE mitjançant 3 eines diferents: 1) simulacions explícites de grans remolins (més conegudes com a simulacions LES), per determinar el comportament dels moviments turbulents, on les resolucions són de l'ordre de metres; 2) simulacions mesoscalars, per caracteritzar els efectes locals, on les resolucions són de l'ordre de kilòmetres; 3) anàlisi de les observacions sota aquestes condicions per tal de caracteritzar i entendre millor els fenòmens observats.En primer lloc s'estudia el rang d'estabilitats a on el model LES, que considera la teoria de Kolmogorov per la dissipació de l'energia, funciona correctament. Els resultats del model són realistes tal com mostra la seva comparació amb les mesures de dues campanyes experimentals (SABLES-98 i CASES-99). Per explorar més a fons els resultats LES i per comparar-los amb les mesures s'han utilitzat les Funcions de Distribució de Probabilitat (PDF). Aquests resultats LES són també comparables als obtinguts amb altres models LES, tal com mostra la intercomparació de models LES, més coneguda com a GABLS.Un cop desenvolupades totes les eines necessàries es fa un LES d'un cas més realista, basat en les observacions d'un màxim de vent de capes baixes (més conegut com a Low-Level Jet, LLJ). L'anàlisi combinat dels resultats LES i les mesures permet entendre millor els processos de barreja que tenen lloc a través de la inversió. Finalment, la contribució dels efectes locals s'estudia mitjançant les simulacions mesoscalars, en aquest cas centrades a l'illa de Mallorca. Durant el vespre es veu com les circulacions locals es desenvolupen a les conques (de longitud al voltant de 25km), formant-se, per exemple, vents catabàtics o LLJ com l'estudiat anteriorment. En aquest cas les simulacions es verifiquen amb imatges de satèl·lit NOAA i observacions de les estacions automàtiques de mesures, donant resultats semblants. / The atmospheric boundary layer is the area directly influenced by the presence of the Earth's surface and its height is from hundreds of meters to few kilometres. During the night, the radiative cooling stratifies the layer close to the surface and it forms the Stably-stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer (SBL). Nowadays, the SBL is a regime not well enough characterized, yet. Turbulence, which is not homogeneous either isotropic, and the great importance of the local effects, like the orography, among other factors, make the SBL be a difficult regime to study. Even so, the SBL is an object of special attention, especially when improving its representation in numerical prediction models or climate models.This work focuses on the study of the SBL through 3 different tools: 1) Large-Eddy Simulations (LES), to determine the turbulent motions, where the resolutions are about 1m; 2) Mesoscale simulations, to characterize the local effects, where resolutions are about 1km; 3) Analysis of the observations under these conditions in order to better characterize and understand the observed phenomena.In first place, it is studied the range of stabilities where the LES model, that considers the Kolmogorov theory for the dissipation of the energy, works correctly. The results are realistic as the comparison with measures from two experimental campaigns (SABLES-98 and CASES-99) shows. To explore the results more thoroughly, and to compare the LES results to the measurements, the Probability Density Functions (PDF) have been used. The LES results are also comparable to the ones obtained with other LES models, as the intercomparison of different LES models show, better known as GABLS.Then, a more realistic case is performed using the LES model, based on observations of a Low-Level Jet (LLJ). The combined inspection of the LES results and the observations allow to better understand the mixing processes that take place through the inversion layer. Finally, the contribution of the local effects is studied through a mesoscale simulation. Here the attention is focused on the Mallorca Island. During the night, the model is able to reproduce the local circulations is a basin of a characteristic size of 25km. The main features obtained previously from the LES of the LLJ are also reproduced by the mesoscale model. These runs are verified with NOAA satellite images and observations from the automatic surface weather stations, giving that the model is able to reproduce realistic results.
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Transport Phenomena in Complex Two and Three-Phase Flow SystemsAkbar, Muhammad Khalid 22 November 2004 (has links)
Two and three-phase flow processes involving gas, liquid and solid, are common in nature and industry, and include some of the most complex and poorly-understood transport problems. In this research hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer processes in complex two and three-phase flows were investigated. The interfacial surface area concentration in a short vertical column subject to the through flow of fiber-liquid-gas slurry was experimentally measured using the gas absorption technique. The experimental data were statistically analyzed for parametric effects, and were empirically correlated. The absorption of a gaseous species by a slurry droplet with internal circulation and containing reactive micro-particles was simulated, and parametrically studied. The micro-particles were found to enhance the absorption rate. The absorption rate was sensitive to droplet recirculation, and shrinkage of particles with time resulted in declining absorption rates. The transport of soot particles, suspended in laminar hot gas flowing in a tube, was modeled and parametrically studied. Due to coupled thermal radiation and thermophoresis, a radially-nonuniform temperature profile develops, leading to sharp, non-uniform radial soot-concentration profiles. The assumption of monodisperse particles leads to over-prediction of thermophoresis. The transport and removal of particles suspended in bubbles rising in a stagnant liquid pool were modeled based on a Eulerian – Monte Carlo method. The bubble hydrodynamics were treated in Eulerian frame, using the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) technique, while particle equations of motion were numerically solved in Lagrangian frame. The bubbles undergo shape change, and have complex internal circulation, all of which influence the particle removal. Model predictions were also compared with experimental data. Using a resemblance between two-phase flow in microchannels, and in large channels at microgravity, a simple Weber number-based two-phase flow regime map was developed for microchannels. Based on the available air-water experimental data, a criterion for the prediction of conditions that lead to flow regime transition out of the stratified-wavy flow pattern in horizontal annular channels was proposed. The thermocapillary effects on liquid-vapor interface shape during heterogeneous bubble ebullition in microchannels were analytically studied.
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The relationship between the Cognitive Process Profile (CPP) and the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)Van Heerden, Gillian 30 November 2005 (has links)
Personality, psychological type and cognitive ability are frequently implied to be underlying causes of differences in reasoning processes, decision-making processes and general success in a job. However, there is a trend towards utilising cognitive and personality measures interchangeably in the context of selection and development, particularly as it pertains to selection based on cognitive ability and cognitive style.
The general aim of this research was therefore to investigate the relationship between psychological type, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), and cognitive abilities and styles as measured by the Cognitive Process Profile (CPP).
Cognitive ability is discussed under the cognitive psychology paradigm. A clarification of concepts associated with cognitive psychology is provided, and the CPP model is introduced as an integrative model encompassing aspects of cognitive ability and cognitive style.
Psychological type is discussed under the analytical psychology paradigm, with a focus on personality structure, dynamics and development. This is then integrated into an overview of Jung's theory of personality types and the development of the MBTI.
An empirical investigation, utilising Pairwise comparisons and Chi-square statistics was conducted. The results were then integrated to enable a better understanding of the relationship between cognition and personality. Based on this, it was concluded that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that a relationship exists between cognitive styles (as defined by the CPP) and personality (as defined by the MBTI). There were however, sufficient statistically significant findings to suggest that there is some relationship between cognitive processes / competencies and personality. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Développement d’une méthode numérique pour les équations de Navier-Stokes en approximation anélastique : application aux instabilités de Rayleigh-Taylor / Developpement of a numerical method for Navier-Stokes equations in anelastic approximation : application to Rayleigh-Taylor instabilitiesHammouch, Zohra 30 May 2012 (has links)
L’approximation dite « anélastique » permet de filtrer les ondes acoustiques grâce à un développement asymptotique deséquations de Navier-Stokes, réduisant ainsi le pas en temps moyen, lors de la simulation numérique du développement d’instabilités hydrodynamiques. Ainsi, les équations anélastiques sont établies pour un mélange de deux fluides pour l’instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor. La stabilité linéaire de l’écoulement est étudiée pour la première fois pour des fluides parfaits, par la méthode des modes normaux, dans le cadre de l’approximation anélastique. Le problème de Stokes issu des équations de Navier-Stokes sans les termes non linéaires (une partie de la poussée d’Archiméde est prise en compte) est défini ; l’éllipticité est démontrée, l’étude des modes propres et l’invariance liée à la pression sont détaillés. La méthode d’Uzawa est étendue à l’anélastique en mettant en évidence le découplage des vitesses en 3D, le cas particulier k = 0 et les modes parasites de pression. Le passage au multidomaine a permis d’établir les conditions de raccord (raccord Co de la pression sans condition aux limites physiques). Les algorithmes et l’implantation dans le code AMENOPHIS sont validés par les comparaisons de l’opérateur d’Uzawa développé en Fortran et à l’aide de Mathematica. De plus des résultats numériques ont été comparés à une expérience avec des fluides incompressibles. Finalement, une étude des solutions numériques obtenues avec les options anélastique et compressible a été menée. L’étude de l’influence de la stratification initiale des deux fluides sur le développement de l’instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor est amorcée. / The « anelastic » approximation allows us to filter the acoustic waves thanks to an asymptotic development of the Navier-Stokes equations, so increasing the averaged time step, during the numerical simulation of hydrodynamic instabilitiesdevelopment. So, the anelastic equations for a two fluid mixture in case of Rayleigh-Taylor instability are established.The linear stability of Rayleigh-Taylor flow is studied, for the first time, for perfect fluids in the anelastic approximation.We define the Stokes problem resulting from Navier-Stokes equations without the non linear terms (a part of the buoyancyis considered) ; the ellipticity is demonstrated, the eigenmodes and the invariance related to the pressure are detailed.The Uzawa’s method is extended to the anelastic approximation and shows the decoupling speeds in 3D, the particular casek = 0 and the spurius modes of pressure. Passing to multidomain allowed to establish the transmission conditions.The algorithms and the implementation in the existing program are validated by comparing the Uzawa’s operator inFortran and Mathematica langages, to an experiment with incompressible fluids and results from anelastic and compressiblenumerical simulations. The study of the influence of the initial stratification of both fluids on the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is initiated.
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Uma Metodologia de Estudo de Simulação Tridimensional de Escoamento Turbulento Estratificado no Reservatório de Plantas Hidrelétricas. / A methodology of study of three dimensional stratified turbulent fluid flow for hydroelectric power plant reservoir simulation.Hyun Ho Shin 30 June 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Uma simulação numérica que leva em conta os efeitos de estratificação e mistura escalar
(como a temperatura, salinidade ou substância solúvel em água) é necessária para estudar
e prever os impactos ambientais que um reservatório de usina hidrelétrica pode produzir. Este
trabalho sugere uma metodologia para o estudo de escoamentos ambientais, principalmente
aqueles em que o conhecimento da interação entre a estratificação e mistura pode dar noções
importantes dos fenômenos que ocorrem. Por esta razão, ferramentas de simulação numérica
3D de escoamento ambiental são desenvolvidas. Um gerador de malha de tetraedros do reservatório
e o modelo de turbulência algébrico baseado no número de Richardson são as principais
ferramentas desenvolvidas. A principal dificuldade na geração de uma malha de tetraedros de
um reservatório é a distribuição não uniforme dos pontos relacionada com a relação desproporcional
entre as escalas horizontais e verticais do reservatório. Neste tipo de distribuição de
pontos, o algoritmo convencional de geração de malha de tetraedros pode tornar-se instável. Por
esta razão, um gerador de malha não estruturada de tetraedros é desenvolvido e a metodologia
utilizada para obter elementos conformes é descrita. A geração de malha superficial de triângulos
utilizando a triangulação Delaunay e a construção do tetraedros a partir da malha triangular
são os principais passos para o gerador de malha. A simulação hidrodinâmica com o modelo de
turbulência fornece uma ferramenta útil e computacionalmente viável para fins de engenharia.
Além disso, o modelo de turbulência baseado no número de Richardson leva em conta os efeitos
da interação entre turbulência e estratificação. O modelo algébrico é o mais simples entre os diversos
modelos de turbulência. Mas, fornece resultados realistas com o ajuste de uma pequena
quantidade de parâmetros. São incorporados os modelos de viscosidade/difusividade turbulenta
para escoamento estratificado. Na aproximação das equações médias de Reynolds e transporte
de escalar é utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os termos convectivos são aproximados
utilizando o método semi-Lagrangeano, e a aproximação espacial é baseada no método
de Galerkin. Os resultados computacionais são comparados com os resultados disponíveis na
literatura. E, finalmente, a simulação de escoamento em um braço de reservatório é apresentada. / To study and forecast the environmental impacts that a hydroelectric power plant reservoir
may produce, a numerical simulation that takes into account the effects of stratification
and scalar mixing (such as temperature, salinity or water-soluble substance) is required. This
work proposes a methodology for the study of the environmental fluid flow phenomena, mainly
for flows in which the knowledge of the interaction between stratification and mixing can give
important notions of the phenomena that occur. For this, a numerical simulation tool for 3D
environmental flow is developed. A tetrahedral mesh generator of the reservoir based on the
terrain topology and an algebraic turbulence model based on the Richardson number are the
main tools developed. The main difficulty in tetrahedral mesh generation of a reservoir is nonuniform
distribution of the points related to the huge ratio between the horizontal and vertical
scales of the reservoir. In this type of point distributions, conventional tetrahedron mesh generation
algorithm may become unstable. For this reason, a unstructured tetrahedral mesh generator
is developed and the methodology used to obtain conforming elements is described. Triangular
surface mesh generation using the Delaunay triangulation and the construction of the tetrahedra
from the triangular surface mesh are the main steps to the mesh generator. The hydrodynamic
simulation of reservoirs with a turbulence model provides a useful tool that is computationally
viable for engineering purposes. Furthermore, the turbulence model based on the Richardson
number takes into account the effects of interaction between turbulence and stratification. The
algebraic model is the simplest among the various models of turbulence, but provides realistic
results with the fitting of a small amount of parameters. Eddy-Viscosity/Diffusivity models for
stratified turbulent flows models are incorporated. Using the Finite Element Method (FEM)
approximation the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and mean scalar transport equations
are approximated. The convective terms are discretized employing the Semi-Lagrangian
method, and the spatial discretization is based on the Galerkin method. The computational results
are compared with the results available in the literature. Finally, the simulation of the flow
in a branch of a reservoir is presented.
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Singular Milnor Fibrations / Fibrações de Milnor singularesMaico Felipe Silva Ribeiro 28 February 2018 (has links)
In this work we present the most recent developments in the direction of local fibrations structures of analytic singularities. Using techniques and tools from stratification theory we prove structural theorems in the stratified sense, which will be called singular Milnor tube fibration and Milnor-Hamm sphere fibration. In addition, we present algorithms with the purpose of creating a large number of examples in this new setting and compare our results obtained with the current ones found in the literature. Our results generalize all previous result in both cases: in the classical and in the stratified ones. / Neste trabalho apresentamos os mais recentes desenvolvimentos na direção de estruturas de fibrações locais de singularidades analíticas. Usando técnicas e ferramentas da teoria de estratificação, provamos alguns teoremas estruturais no sentido estratificado, os quais serão chamados fibração singular de Milnor sobre o tubo e fibração de Milnor-Hamm sobre a esfera. Além disso, apresentamos algoritmos com o intuito de criar uma ampla variedade de exemplos e comparamos nossos resultados com os atuais encontrados na literatura. Nossos resultados generalizam todos os previamente existentes tanto no caso clássico, quanto no sentido estratificado.
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Uma Metodologia de Estudo de Simulação Tridimensional de Escoamento Turbulento Estratificado no Reservatório de Plantas Hidrelétricas. / A methodology of study of three dimensional stratified turbulent fluid flow for hydroelectric power plant reservoir simulation.Hyun Ho Shin 30 June 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Uma simulação numérica que leva em conta os efeitos de estratificação e mistura escalar
(como a temperatura, salinidade ou substância solúvel em água) é necessária para estudar
e prever os impactos ambientais que um reservatório de usina hidrelétrica pode produzir. Este
trabalho sugere uma metodologia para o estudo de escoamentos ambientais, principalmente
aqueles em que o conhecimento da interação entre a estratificação e mistura pode dar noções
importantes dos fenômenos que ocorrem. Por esta razão, ferramentas de simulação numérica
3D de escoamento ambiental são desenvolvidas. Um gerador de malha de tetraedros do reservatório
e o modelo de turbulência algébrico baseado no número de Richardson são as principais
ferramentas desenvolvidas. A principal dificuldade na geração de uma malha de tetraedros de
um reservatório é a distribuição não uniforme dos pontos relacionada com a relação desproporcional
entre as escalas horizontais e verticais do reservatório. Neste tipo de distribuição de
pontos, o algoritmo convencional de geração de malha de tetraedros pode tornar-se instável. Por
esta razão, um gerador de malha não estruturada de tetraedros é desenvolvido e a metodologia
utilizada para obter elementos conformes é descrita. A geração de malha superficial de triângulos
utilizando a triangulação Delaunay e a construção do tetraedros a partir da malha triangular
são os principais passos para o gerador de malha. A simulação hidrodinâmica com o modelo de
turbulência fornece uma ferramenta útil e computacionalmente viável para fins de engenharia.
Além disso, o modelo de turbulência baseado no número de Richardson leva em conta os efeitos
da interação entre turbulência e estratificação. O modelo algébrico é o mais simples entre os diversos
modelos de turbulência. Mas, fornece resultados realistas com o ajuste de uma pequena
quantidade de parâmetros. São incorporados os modelos de viscosidade/difusividade turbulenta
para escoamento estratificado. Na aproximação das equações médias de Reynolds e transporte
de escalar é utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os termos convectivos são aproximados
utilizando o método semi-Lagrangeano, e a aproximação espacial é baseada no método
de Galerkin. Os resultados computacionais são comparados com os resultados disponíveis na
literatura. E, finalmente, a simulação de escoamento em um braço de reservatório é apresentada. / To study and forecast the environmental impacts that a hydroelectric power plant reservoir
may produce, a numerical simulation that takes into account the effects of stratification
and scalar mixing (such as temperature, salinity or water-soluble substance) is required. This
work proposes a methodology for the study of the environmental fluid flow phenomena, mainly
for flows in which the knowledge of the interaction between stratification and mixing can give
important notions of the phenomena that occur. For this, a numerical simulation tool for 3D
environmental flow is developed. A tetrahedral mesh generator of the reservoir based on the
terrain topology and an algebraic turbulence model based on the Richardson number are the
main tools developed. The main difficulty in tetrahedral mesh generation of a reservoir is nonuniform
distribution of the points related to the huge ratio between the horizontal and vertical
scales of the reservoir. In this type of point distributions, conventional tetrahedron mesh generation
algorithm may become unstable. For this reason, a unstructured tetrahedral mesh generator
is developed and the methodology used to obtain conforming elements is described. Triangular
surface mesh generation using the Delaunay triangulation and the construction of the tetrahedra
from the triangular surface mesh are the main steps to the mesh generator. The hydrodynamic
simulation of reservoirs with a turbulence model provides a useful tool that is computationally
viable for engineering purposes. Furthermore, the turbulence model based on the Richardson
number takes into account the effects of interaction between turbulence and stratification. The
algebraic model is the simplest among the various models of turbulence, but provides realistic
results with the fitting of a small amount of parameters. Eddy-Viscosity/Diffusivity models for
stratified turbulent flows models are incorporated. Using the Finite Element Method (FEM)
approximation the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and mean scalar transport equations
are approximated. The convective terms are discretized employing the Semi-Lagrangian
method, and the spatial discretization is based on the Galerkin method. The computational results
are compared with the results available in the literature. Finally, the simulation of the flow
in a branch of a reservoir is presented.
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