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Caracterização do secretoma de células multipotentes mesenquimais estromais de diferentes fontes / Characterization of the secretome of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from various tissuesAmanda Faria Assoni 11 September 2015 (has links)
Células multipotentes mesenquimais estromais (CTM) são células adultas multipotentes que podem ser isoladas a partir de diferentes tecidos e são capazes de atingir sítios danificados, exercer papéis na regeneração tecidual e modular a resposta imune. Estas células demonstraram resultados discrepantes em estudos in vivo dependentes de sua fonte de obtenção. Há na literatura hipóteses de que o mecanismo predominante pelo qual as CTMs atuam no reparo tecidual estaria relacionado à sua atividade parácrina, criando um microambiente com sinais tróficos. Nesse sentido, a avaliação do conteúdo do secretoma destas células é de grande interesse. Portanto, este projeto teve como objetivo analisar o meio condicionado de CTMs obtidas de diferentes fontes (tecido adiposo, músculo esquelético e tubas uterinas) de mesmos indivíduos. A abordagem experimental consistiu em proteômica shotgun (nanocromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas em tandem) com o intuito de identificar alvos diferentemente expressos entre as culturas que possam sugerir funções específicas de cada linhagem celular. Os dados espectrais foram obtidos pelo modo de aquisição dependente de dados (Top15). Os dados adquiridos foram processados pelas plataformas MaxQuant e TPP (Trans-Proteomic Pipeline). Foi realizada análise qualitativa de vias enriquecidas por meio do programa Ingenuity utilizando as proteínas em comum nos secretoma de todas as CTMs analisadas. Essa análise permitiu observar vias enriquecidas de proliferação celular, migração celular e desenvolvimento do sistema cardiovascular, demonstrando que as proteínas secretadas por quaisquer das CTMs analisadas podem ser relacionadas a resultados encontrados na literatura utilizando estas células para terapias para patologias. As análises estatísticas para determinar se haveria dependência da composição do secretoma em função do indivíduo doador ou tecido fonte das CTMs revelaram proteínas diferencialmente expressas entre todos os grupos. Estas proteínas diferencialmente expressas são relacionadas à proliferação, sinalização e interação celular, além de modulação do sistema imune e da angiogênese. Neste contexto, podemos concluir que o secretoma das CTMs é muito semelhante, que as CTMs isoladas de quaisquer tecidos ou indivíduos são capazes de secretar moléculas que possivelmente exercem benefícios em determinado tratamento. Entretanto, estes benefícios podem ser exacerbados ou suprimidos pelas moléculas diferencialmente expressas, as quais são dependentes tanto dos tecidos quanto dos indivíduos dos quais as CTMs foram obtidas / Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult cells that can be isolated from different tissues and are able to reach damaged sites, play a role in tissue regeneration and modulate immune response. These cells showed conflicting results in studies in vivo depending on their tissue origin. It is hypothesised that the predominant mechanism by which MSCs function could be related to its paracrine activity, creating a microenvironment with trophic signals. Accordingly, the evaluation of the content of the secretome of these cells is of great interest. Towards this end, this project analyzed the proteins of conditioned medium of MSCs obtained from different sources from the same donors (adipose tissue, uterine tubes and skeletal muscle). The MSCs were characterized by flow cytometry for the presence of membrane markers and by differentiation in vitro into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts. The conditioned media were obtained and the protein profile was analysed by liquid nanochromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Spectral data were obtained by full-acquisition mode MS / dd-MS2 (Top15). The acquired data were processed by MaxQuant software and TPP (Trans-Proteomic Pipeline). Qualitative analysis of enriched pathways through the Ingenuity program using the shared proteins between the cell lineages was performed.It showed enriched pathways related to cell proliferation, cell migration and development of the cardiovascular system. This allows considering that the secreted proteins from the analyzed MSCs might be related to findings in the literature using these cells for therapies. After this, the proteins were analyzed for differential expression by comparing the MSCs into groups of different sources or different donors. In which were observed differentially expressed proteins related to proliferation, cell signaling and interaction, modulation of the immune system and angiogenesis. In this context, we can conclude that MSC\'s secretome is very similar in the analyzed lineages, and that any MSCs are able to secrete molecules which potentially exert for certain treatment benefits. However, these benefits can be exacerbated or annulled by differentially expressed molecules, which are dependent both as the individual and tissues from which MSCs were obtained
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Estroma reativo e próstata = senescência e inibição da angiogênese x lesões glandulares no modelo TRAMP = Reactive stroma and prostate: senescence and angiogenesis inhibition x glandular lesions in the TRAMP model / Reactive stroma and prostate : senescence and angiogenesis inhibition x glandular lesions in the TRAMP modelMontico, Fabio, 1987- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Valéria Helena Alves Cagnon Quitete / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T14:16:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Montico_Fabio_D.pdf: 8683742 bytes, checksum: b24bef7642e19dd250ce77f07cca65c4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A senescência está associada a modificações hormonais na próstata, resultando em microambiente favorável ao desenvolvimento de lesões neoplásicas. A angiogênese é fundamental para o crescimento tumoral e, na próstata, está sujeita à regulação por andrógenos, sendo sua estimulação um importante evento no estroma reativo associado ao câncer. Assim, a inibição da angiogênese representa terapia promissora no tratamento de neoplasias da próstata. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar aspectos do estroma prostático na senescência e frente a terapias antiangiogênicas e de ablação hormonal, comparando-os com a reação estromal associada a lesões glandulares no modelo TRAMP. Camundongos FVB machos senis (52 semanas) foram submetidos a tratamentos antiangiogênicos com SU5416 (6 mg/kg; i.p.) e/ou TNP-470 (15 mg/kg; s.c.). O bloqueio hormonal foi obtido com finasterida (20 mg/kg; s.c.), isoladamente ou associada a ambos os inibidores. Após 21 dias de tratamento, amostras da próstata dorsolateral foram coletadas para análises morfológicas, imunohistoquímicas e de Western Blotting. A senescência levou à ocorrência de inflamação e de lesões proliferativas na próstata, bem como à maior frequência de células positivas para CD34/VIM e CD34/?SMA e ao aumento de MMP-9, IGFR-1, VEGF, HIF-1?, FGF-2, CD31, VIM e ?SMA, caracterizando semelhança com o microambiente prostático de camundongos TRAMP. Por outro lado, a endostatina e o TGF-? apresentaram-se elevados somente na senescência, mas não ao longo da progressão tumoral no modelo TRAMP. O tratamento com inibidores angiogênicos levou à recuperação e/ou interrupção das alterações glandulares associadas à senescência, mas efeitos diferenciais foram registrados para as drogas. Enquanto o SU5416 atuou principalmente sobre a remodelação tecidual prostática, reduzindo os níveis de MMP-9, VIM e ?SMA bem como a frequência de células positivas para CD34/VIM e CD34/?SMA, o TNP-470 influenciou sobretudo o IGFR-1, o VEGF e o HIF-1?, promovendo inibição de maior amplitude sobre esses fatores. A associação destes inibidores levou à combinação de tais efeitos diferenciais. A finasterida, isoladamente ou associada aos agentes antiangiogênicos, resultou em diminuição dos níveis de MMP-9, IGFR-1, VEGF, HIF-1? e FGF-2 em relação aos controles, embora tenha demonstrado tendência em regular positivamente a expressão de fatores pró-angiogênicos. Todavia, ao contrário da inibição da angiogênese, a ablação hormonal não resultou em diminuição do TGF-?. Assim, concluiu-se que a senescência gerou um microambiente de estroma reativo similar ao do modelo TRAMP, com estímulo aos à proliferação celular, remodelação tecidual, angiogênese e transição endotélio-mesenquimal, certamente propiciando condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento de lesões prostáticas pré-malignas e malignas. Entretanto, a ausência de adenocarcinoma pouco diferenciado e a menor distribuição das lesões neoplásicas em relação a camundongos TRAMP sugeriram um possível papel protetor da endostatina sobre a próstata na senescência. A terapia antiangiogênica foi eficaz em promover efeitos antitumorais e a inibição da neovascularização, sobretudo frente à combinação dos inibidores, sugerindo que a ação diferencial desses agentes nos processos tumorigênicos resulta em espectro de ação mais amplo para o tratamento. Por fim, ressalta-se que os efeitos benéficos do tratamento com finasterida merecem especial atenção, considerando o potencial desta droga em promover o estroma reativo facilitador do desenvolvimento de desordens glandulares / Abstract:
Senescence is associated with hormonal changes in the prostate, leading to a permissive microenvironment for the development of neoplastic lesions. Prostatic angiogenesis is an androgen-regulated process which is fundamental for tumor growth and represents an important event in cancer-associated reactive stroma. Thus, angiogenesis inhibition emerges as a promising therapy in the treatment of prostate neoplasms. The aim herewith was to characterize prostatic stroma during senescence and following antiangiogenic and hormonal ablation therapies, comparing the findings with the reactive stroma phenotype associated to TRAMP model glandular lesions. Elderly male FVB mice (52 week-old) were submitted to antiangiogenic treatments with SU5416 (6 mg/kg; i.p.) and/or TNP-470 (15 mg/kg; s.c.). Hormonal blockage was achieved with finasteride administration (20mg/kg; s.c.), either alone or combined to both inhibitors. After 21 days of treatment, dorsolateral prostate samples were collected for morphological, immunohistochemical and Western Blotting analysis. Senescence led to the occurrence of inflammatory foci and proliferative lesions in the prostate, apart from increased frequency of CD34/VIM and CD34/?SMA positive cells and raised levels of MMP-9, IGFR-1, VEGF, HIF-1?, FGF-2, CD31, VIM and ?SMA, resembling TRAMP mice prostatic microenvironment. On the other hand, endostatin and TGF-? showed higher expression in senescence but not during tumor progression in the TRAMP model. Antiangiogenic treatment resulted in recovery and/or interruption of the senescence-associated glandular changes, showing differential effects for each drug. SU5416 acted mainly on prostatic tissue remodeling, reducing MMP-9, VIM and ?SMA levels as well as the frequency of CD34/VIM and CD34/?SMA positive cells, whereas TNP-470 influenced specially IGFR-1, VEGF and HIF-1?, promoting greater inhibition over these factors. The association between the inhibitors led to synergistic differential effects. Despite presenting a trend to regulate positively pro-angiogenic factor expression, finasteride resulted in decreased MMP-9, IGFR-1, VEGF, HIF-1? and FGF-2 levels relatively to controls, either in isolation or combined to antiangiogenic agents. However, unlike angiogenesis inhibition, hormonal ablation did not lead to decreased TGF-? expression. Thus, it was concluded that senescence created a reactive stroma microenvironment which resembles that verified in the TRAMP model and is characterized by stimulated cell proliferation, tissue remodeling, angiogenesis and endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. This scenario certainly provided favorable conditions for the development of pre-malignant and malignant prostatic lesions. However, the absence of poor-differentiated adenocarcinoma and the lesser distribution of neoplastic lesions in relation to TRAMP mice suggested a possible protective role of endostatin on the prostate during aging. Antiangiogenic therapy was efficient in promoting antitumor effects and neovascularization inhibition, especially following the combination of inhibitors, suggesting that the differential action of these agents on tumorigenic processes results in a broader spectrum of effects for the treatment. Finally, it is noteworthy that beneficial effects from finasteride treatment must be looked carefully, considering the capacity of this drug to promote a reactive stroma microenvironment favorable to the development of glandular disorders / Doutorado / Anatomia / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Utilização do selante de fibrina combinado com células tronco mesenquimais no reparo de nervos periféricos através da técnica de tubulização = Use of fibrin sealant combined with mesenchymal stem cells in the repair of peripheral nerves through tubulization technique / Use of fibrin sealant combined with mesenchymal stem cells in the repair of peripheral nerves through tubulization techniqueCartarozzi, Luciana Politti, 1987- 08 December 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T08:37:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cartarozzi_LucianaPolitti_M.pdf: 5081962 bytes, checksum: 794c493e497a269465a5b035175dfbcb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A regeneração nervosa periférica é um processo complexo dependente do rearranjo e ativação das células de Schwann. O estímulo das células de Schwann pode ser alcançado através do enxerto de células tronco exógenas. Com o intuito de entender a importância do enxerto de células tronco mesenquimais (MSC) no processo regenerativo periférico, utilizamos o modelo de tubulização do nervo isquiático. As próteses tubulares foram preparadas a partir de membranas de poli-caprolactona (PCL) e preenchidas com selante de fibrina (FG), utilizado, neste caso, como substrato para as MSC. A técnica de tubulização foi feita em ratas fêmeas Lewis adultas, divididas em 4 grupos (n = 5 por grupo): normal, PCL (tubo vazio); FG (tubo preenchido com selante de fibrina) e FG+MSC (tubo preenchido com selante de fibrina e enxertado com MSC). Sessenta dias após lesão, os nervos regenerados foram processados para imunoistoquímica e microscopia de luz. A presença de MSC GFP-positivas foi detectada nos nervos dos animais que receberam enxerto de MSC, indicando que a sobrevivência, a longo prazo, das células tronco no tecido. A regeneração axonal, analisada por imunoistoquímica, revelou expressão de elementos básicos do nervo periférico, ou seja, componentes dos axônios e da lâmina basal tiveram a expressão equivalente em todos os grupos experimentais. A organização axonal foi observada através da marcação anti-neurofilamento. A presença das células de Schwann foi analisada através da marcação anti-S100 e o anticorpo anti-colágeno IV foi utilizado para detecção da lâmina basal. A imunomarcação anti-p75NTR, o receptor de baixa afinidade para neurotrofinas, foi utilizada para investigar a reatividade das células de Schwann. A marcação basal deste, em nervos não lesionados, foi aumentada pelo processo regenerativo, sendo estatisticamente maior no grupo FG+MSC (77% em relação ao nervo contralateral; p<0.001). Além disso, houve colocalização de MSC GFP-positivas e imunomarcação anti-BDNF, evidenciando uma possível via de atuação das células sobre o comportamento das células de Schwann. A partir da análise das secções semi-finas dos nervos pudemos avaliar que a área dos nervos regenerados no interior das próteses tubulares foi estatisticamente igual nos diferentes grupos experimentais. Quando quantificamos o número de axônios mielinizados por uma área fixa, o grupo FG+MSC apresentou maior densidade de axônios em relação ao grupo controle (25%, p<0,05). Da mesma maneira, quando analisamos os parâmetros morfométricos nos diferentes grupos experimentais, o grupo FG+MSC apresentou uma tendência a apresentar axônios de maior calibre e bainha de mielina mais espessa, em relação aos demais grupos, sendo que, a EBM, no intervalo de 1,46 a 2,25?m, foi significantemente maior em relação aos grupos PCL e FG (p<0,05). Como consequência, os animais do grupo FG+MSC mostraram recuperação motora significativamente maior na sétima e oitava semana de análise do índice funcional do nervo fibular. Os achados deste estudo mostram que as MSC enxertadas conjuntamente com selante de fibrina influenciam positivamente o processo regenerativo, modulando a reatividade das células de Schwann / Abstract: Peripheral nerve regeneration is a complex process that is dependent on the rearrangement and activation of Schwann Cells (SC). Such stimulation of SCs may be achieved by the use of exogenous stem cells. In order to better understand the importance of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) grafting in the peripheral regeneration process we have used the model of sciatic nerve tubulization. Tubular prostheses were prepared from polycaprolactone (PCL) membranes and filled with fibrin sealant (FS), which was used as a substrate for the MSC. The technique of tubulization was applied in adult Lewis female rats that were divided into four groups (n = 5 per group): normal, PCL (empty tube), FS (tube filled with fibrin sealant) and FS + MSC (tube filled with fibrin sealant and grafted with MSC). Sixty days after injury, the regenerated nerves were processed for imunohistochemistry and observed under fluorescence microscopy. The presence of GFP positive stem cells was detected in the nerves of the animals that received MSC grafts, indicating the long term survival of such cells. The axonal regeneration process was studied by immunohistochemistry and revealed the presence of the basic elements of the peripheral nerve, namely axons and basal lamina components that were equivalent in all experimental groups. The axonal organization was observed with anti-neurofilament immunostaining. The presence of SCs was analyzed with anti-S100 immunostaining and anti-type IV collagen was used to detect the basal lamina. Anti-p75NTR, the low affinity receptor for neurotrophins, was used to investigate the reactivity of the SCs. A basal positive labeling in uninjured nerves was detected, which was upregulated by the regenerative process, being statistically higher in FS + MSC group (77% relative to uninjured nerve; p<0.001). Moreover there was colocalization between GFP-positive MSC and anti-BNDF immunolabeling, showing a possible pathway that these cells induce the reactivity of SCs. From sciatic nerve semi-thin sections we were able to evaluate that the areas of regenerated nerves were statistically the same in the different experimental groups. When we quantified the number of myelinated axons in 50.000?m2, the FG+MSC group showed higher density of axons when compared with PCL group (25%, p<0,05). In the same way, the analysis of morphometric parameters showed that the FG+MSC group have a tendency to present higher caliber axons and ticker myelin sheath when compared with other groups, being that the myelin sheath thickness, in the interval between 1,46 to 2,25?m, was significantly higher in FG+MSC group when compared to PCL and FG (p<0,05). As the functional result of the findings above, the FG+MSC animals showed higher motor function recovery, analyzed by FFI, at seventh and eighth weeks after lesion. The findings herein show that MSC associated with the FS scaffold improve the regeneration process by positively modulating the reactivity of SCs / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestra em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Stromal cells of mesenchymal origin in breast cancerPasanen, I. (Ilkka) 16 May 2017 (has links)
Breast cancer, the most common cancer in women in Finland; its prognosis varies from very good to poor. During the last two decades, mesenchymal stromal cells, carcinoma-associated fibroblasts and normal fibroblasts of the breast have been investigated in the context of breast carcinomas because of their presence in the tumor microenvironment. It has been shown that the properties of the non-malignant tumor compartment possess prognostic value. The effects that these three stromal cell types have on cancer progression have been studied, but their exact mechanisms remain still largely unknown.
This experimental work was conducted in order to investigate whether the three cell types of mesenchymal origin influence breast cancer cell proliferation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Functional and structural differences between the stromal cell types were investigated using multiple methods. A total of 19 primary human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cell lines, and six paired primary fibroblast and carcinoma-associated fibroblast lines of the breast were used in the study. Co-cultures of labeled stromal cells and breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231, M-4A4 and NM-2C5 were performed and the proliferation properties of each cell line were assessed. An orthotopic murine breast cancer model was established by injecting NM-2C5 cancer cells in the mammary fat pads of athymic mice either alone or with the three stromal cell types, and tumor growth and histology were analysed.
Mesenchymal stromal cells increased the proliferation of breast cancer cell lines NM-2C5 and MDA-MB-231, and carcinoma-associated fibroblasts increased the proliferation of NM-2C5 cells in vitro. The effect was due to both soluble factors and direct cell-cell contact. In the in vivo experiments, the mesenchymal stromal cells inhibited and the fibroblasts enhanced the growth of breast cancer tumors. Histological analysis of the tumors revealed differences in the invasiveness, necrosis and amount of connective tissue. Differences in the expression of CD105 and CD54 were observed between tumors with mesenchymal stromal cells or fibroblasts. Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts differed from mesenchymal stromal cells in their expressions of CD105 and CD54. The fibroblast subtypes differed at the gene expression level in immunological, developmental and extracellular matrix related pathways. / Tiivistelmä
Rintasyöpä on Suomessa naisten yleisin syöpä, ja sen ennuste vaihtelee erittäin hyvästä huonoon. Viime vuosikymmenten aikana mesenkymaalisia stroomasoluja, rinnan kasvainsidekudossoluja ja tavallisia sidekudossoluja on tutkittu rintasyövän yhteydessä johtuen kyseisten solujen läsnäolosta syövän mikroympäristössä. Syöpäkudoksen hyvänlaatuisen solukon ominaisuuksilla on osoitettu olevan ennusteellista arvoa, ja kolmen edellä mainitun strooman solutyypin vaikutuksia rintasyövän etenemiseen on tutkittu, mutta tarkat vaikutusmekanismit ovat vielä laajalti tuntemattomat.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia edellä mainittujen solutyyppien vaikutusta rintasyöpäsolujen lisääntymiseen soluviljelmässä ja syöpäkasvaimen kasvuun koe-eläinmallissa. Lisäksi strooman solujen rakenteellisia ja toiminnallisia eroavaisuuksia tutkittiin molekyylibiologisilla menetelmillä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 19:ää luuytimen mesenkymaalista stroomasolulinjaa sekä kuutta rinnan kasvainsidekudossolu–sidekudossolu paria. Leimattuja strooman soluja viljeltiin yhteisviljelmissä rintasyöpäsolulinjojen MDA-MB-231, M-4A4 ja NM-2C5 kanssa, ja kunkin solutyypin lisääntymistä mitattiin. Ortotooppisessa rintasyövän hiirimallissa immuunipuutteisen hiiren rinnan ihonalaisrasvaan injisoitiin NM-2C5-rintasyöpäsoluja yksinään ja yhdessä strooman solujen kanssa, ja kasvainten kasvua ja histologiaa analysoitiin.
Mesenkymaaliset stroomasolut kiihdyttivät NM-2C5- ja MDA-MB-231-rintasyöpälinjojen ja kasvainsidekudossolut NM-2C5-solujen lisääntymistä soluviljelmässä. Vaikutuksen aiheuttivat sekä liukoiset tekijät että suora solujen välinen vuorovaikutus. Eläinmallissa mesenkymaaliset stroomasolut hillitsivät mutta sidekudossolut lisäsivät rintasyöpäkasvaimen kasvua. Histologisissa analyyseissä paljastui eroavaisuuksia tuumorien paikallisessa invaasiossa, kudoskuolion määrässä ja sidekudoksen määrässä. Mesenkymaalisia stroomasoluja ja kasvainsidekudossoluja sisältävien kasvainten välillä esiintyi eroja CD105- ja CD54-pinta-antigeenien määrässä. Kasvainsidekudossolut erosivat pintarakenteiltaan mesenkymaalisista stroomasoluista CD105:n ja CD54:n ilmentämisessä. Sidekudossolut ja kasvainsidekudossolut erosivat toisistaan geenien ilmentämisen tasolla immunologisten, kehityksellisten ja soluväliaineeseen liittyvien geenipolkujen osalta.
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Methods for isolating, expanding, and characterizing umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells and their in vitro metabolismSmith, Joseph Robert January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences / Department of Anatomy and Physiology / Mark L. Weiss / Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from the umbilical cord (UC-MSCs) have therapeutic applications and are studied to understand their potential uses and immunomodulatory properties. Research must identify good manufacturing process (GMP) compliant methods to isolate and expand UC-MSCs. In addition, MSCs metabolism characteristics in culture are unknown, warranting further investigation. Viability of MSCs decreases after cryopreservation, which is detrimental to clinical translation. Previously published methods used to isolate MSCs from the umbilical cord included open dissection steps and xenogeneic components. Here, I developed improved methods by eliminating dissection which reduces contamination risks. Instead, I used the whole umbilical cord and Miltenyi dissociator tubes to mechanically and enzymatically dissociate cells in a closed system. Xenogeneic components were decreased by using medium containing pooled human platelet lysate instead of fetal bovine serum. The cell numbers isolated from umbilical cord averaged 2.68 x 10⁵ per cm, which represents greater than 20 fold improvement over the previous method. Moreover, expansion cell numbers were increased using 10% pooled human platelet lysate supplemented media. The UC-MSCs generated here met the International Society of Cell Therapy (ISCT) definition of MSCs. Metabolism characteristics of MSCs indicated that glucose was the critical metabolite, maintaining cells longer in culture than glutamine. Cell death followed depletion of glucose, too. Finally, the average viability after thawing cryopreserved MSCs was more than 95%, higher than previous methods. The improvements I introduced to our methodology could speed clinical translation of MSCs as an allogeneic cellular therapy
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The interactions of stromal cells and follicular helper T cells resulting in a B-cell supporting, IL4-producing phenotype in the context of follicular lymphoma / L’interaction des lymphocytes T folliculaires helpers avec les cellules stromales augmente leur capacité de synthèse d’IL-4 leur permettant de soutenir la croissance tumorale au cours du lymphome folliculaireMisiak, Jan 04 November 2016 (has links)
Un microenvironnement riche en IL-4 a été mis en évidence dans le lymphome folliculaire (FL). Cette IL-4 impliquée dans la croissance tumorale a été démontrée comme principalement secrétée par les lymphocytes T follicular helper (Tfh). Dans cette étude, nous étudions l’interaction bidirectionnelle entre les cellules fibroblastiques réticulaires (FRC) dont le réseau est augmenté dans le FL et les lymphocytes Tfh par analyse des profils d’expression génique, et co-culture in vitro des lymphocytes Tfh primaires avec des cellules fibroblastiques humaines de type FRC-like. Nous démontrons que les cellules FRC-like augmentent in vitro la croissance des sous-populations de Tfh. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence une augmentation spécifique de la sécrétion d’IL-4 par les précurseurs Tfh (pre-Tfh) co-cultivés avec les cellules FRC-like, augmentation d’IL-4 impliquant les voies Notch et ICAM1/LFA1. Cette observation est particulièrement intéressante dans le contexte du FL car les lymphocytes pre-Tfh de FL comparés à des lymphocytes pre-Tfh d’amygdales non tumorales sont caractérisés par un profil d’expression génique enrichi en gènes des voies Notch et des intégrines en plus d’une surexpression d’IL-4. En conclusion, notre description de l’interaction entre les cellules stromales et les sous-populations Tfh démontrent une modification du profil cytokinique des Tfh au stade précurseur qui pourrait expliquer le profil cytokinique retrouvé dans le microenvironnement du FL, et apporter de nouveaux éléments pour la mise en évidence de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. / The enrichment of the microenvironment with tumor-promoting interleukin 4 (IL4) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of follicular lymphoma (FL) and was found to be conferred mainly by T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. In this study, we investigated the bidirectional crosstalk of fibroblastic reticular cells that are expanded in FL and Tfh cells with the analysis of gene expression profiles of the respective, and an in-vitro co-culture model of human induced FRC-like cells. We demonstrated that FRC-like cells enhance the growth of Tfh cell subsets in vitro. Crucially, we uncovered a specific upregulation of IL-4 secretion by precursor Tfh (pre-Tfh) cells co-cultured with FRC-like cells. Additionally, we demonstrated that Notch and ICAM1/LFA1 are two pathways involved in IL-4 secretion following FRClike cell / Tfh cell crosstalk. This observation was particularly interesting in FL context, because FL pre-Tfh cells display an enriched Notch and integrin gene expression profile as well as an overexpression of IL-4, compared to their tonsil counterpart. Altogether, we described new interactions between stromal cells and Tfh subsets and uncovered a specific cytokine profile modification at pre-Tfh stage after contact with FRC-like cells that could explain the high levels of IL-4 in FL and provide a novel target for therapy.
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Identification of Interleukin 4 - CXCL12 supportive loop in follicular lymphoma / Identification de la boucle de soutien Interleukine 4 – CXCL12 dans le lymphome folliculairePandey, Shubham 02 September 2016 (has links)
Le lymphome folliculaire (FL) est le lymphome B indolent le plus fréquent. Outre des altérations géniques récurrentes, le micro-environnement tumoral, et notamment les cellules stromales lymphoides,joue un rôle majeur dans le développement de ce cancer. Cependant, la caractérisation in-situ des cellules stromales lymphoïdes chez l'homme tout comme les facteurs menant à la polarisation du stroma en un stroma protumoral ont été peu étudiés. Dans cette thèse, nous avons montré, que les cellules stromales présentes dans les ganglions et la moelle osseuse envahis des patients atteints de FL surexpriment fortement la chimiokine CXCL12. Nous avons ensuite tenté de comprendre les mécanismes responsables de cette induction. Alors que les cellules B tumorales induisent une surexpression de la chimiokine CCL2 dans les cellules stromales de façon dépendante de leur synthèse de TNF, elles ne contribuent pas à l'induction de CXCL12. A l'inverse, le principal compartiment TCD4 impliqué dans la croissance tumorale du FL, les cellules T follicular helper (TFH), augmentent l'expression de CXCL12 dans les cellules stromales. Le taux d'IL-4, la principale cytokine produite par les TFH de FL, est d'ailleurs corrélé à celui de CXCL12 au sein de ma niche tumorale du FL. De plus, à l’aide d'un modèle de différenciation en stroma lymphoide, nous avons démontré que l’IL4 induit l’expression de CXCL12 par les cellules stromale in vitro. Cette production est augmentée quand les cellules stromales sont déjà engagées vers la voie de différentiation lymphoide par un traitement TNF/LT qui favorise l'activation de STAT6 par l'IL-4. Nous avons validé ces résultats dans un modèle de formation d'organe lymphoide ectopique chez la souris. Enfin, CXCL12 induit la migration et l'adhésion au stroma des B de FL via l'activation de cascades de signalisations qui peuvent être abrogées par l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur de Btk utilisé en clinique, l'Ibrutinib. Ces résultats sont en faveur de l'intérêt de considérer la boucle IL-4/CXCL12 pour développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques dans cette pathologie constamment fatale. / Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the most frequent indolent B-cell lymphoma. Beside recurrent genetic alterations, tumor microenvironment, including lymphoid stromal cells, has been shown to play a key role in FL development. However, in situ characterization of lymphoid stromal cells is still lacking in humans and there are very few studies focusing on the factors that could lead to stroma polarization in normal and pathological context. In this thesis, we showed first that in FL, lymph node (LN) and bone marrow (BM) infiltrating stromal cells highly express the chemokine CXCL12. We next focused on the mechanisms underlying this upregulation. Interestingly, whereas malignant FL B cells induced overexpression of CCL2 in stromal cells in a TNF-dependent manner, they did not contribute to CXCL12 induction. Conversely, FL-infiltrating follicular helper T cells (FL-TFH), the key FL-supportive T-cell subset could trigger CXCL12 expression in stromal cells. IL-4 is the main FL-TFH-derived cytokine and showed a positive correlation with CXCL12 expression inside FL cell niches. Moreover, based on our in vitro lymphoid stroma differentiation model, we demonstrated that IL-4 promoted CXCL12 expression in stromal cells, together with a phenotype close to that identified in situ within FL cell niche. Such IL4 dependent CXCL12 regulation is more pronounced in stromal cells already committed towards lymphoid stromal cells by a prestimulation by TNF/LT in association with an increased STAT6 activation. These data were validated in a model of ectopic lymphoid organ formation in mice. Finally, CXCL12 induced FL B-cell migration, and adhesion to stromal cells through the activation of a signaling pathway that could be abrogated by the Btk inhibitor Ibrutinib. These data argue for considering IL-4/CXCL12 axis as a potential therapeutic target to disrupt FL protective cell niche in this still fatal malignancy.
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Role du micro environnement stromal au cours du developpement des lymphocytes b dans la moelle osseuse / Stromal cell microenvironment in early B cell developmentBreton, Caroline 25 March 2011 (has links)
Les progéniteurs hématopoïétiques se différencient dans la moelle osseuse, au contact des cellules stromales, indispensables pour leur survie. Lors de la lymphopoïèse B, les progéniteurs se différencient suivant plusieurs étapes successives en cellules pro-B, pré-BI, pré-BII, puis B immatures, au cours desquelles se mettent en place les réarrangements des gènes codant pour les chaînes lourdes et légères des immunoglobulines. Les cellules pré-BII, qui expriment le récepteur pré-B (pré-BCR) à leur surface, constituent un point de contrôle essentiel lors du développement B. Le laboratoire a précédemment démontré que la galectine-1 (gal1), produite par les cellules stromales, fait un lien entre le pré-BCR et certaines intégrines afin de former une « synapse immunologique » entre les cellules pré-BII et les cellules stromales, conduisant ainsi à la relocalisation puis à l’activation du pré-BCR.Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée au rôle du stroma médullaire à l’étape des cellules pré-BII. Nous avons tout d’abord démontré l’importance de la formation de la synapse et des interactions entre les pré-BCR, les intégrines et la gal1 pour la prolifération et la différenciation des cellules pré-B in vivo. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé les cellules stromales de la moelle osseuse qui expriment la gal1. Ce travail a montré que la majorité des cellules pré-BII, au contraire des autres progéniteurs B, se situe au contact des cellules stromales gal1+, apportant pour la première fois la preuve de l’existence d’une niche stromale spécifique aux cellules pré-BII. / In the bone marrow, hematopoietic progenitors differentiate in close contact with stromal cells, essential for their survival. During B cell development, the progenitors differentiate through several sequential stages including pro-B cells, pre-BI cells, pre-BII cells and immature B cells, which allow setting up the rearrangements of genes encoding the immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. The expression of a functional pre-B cell receptor (pre-BCR) at the surface of the pre-BII cells represents a crucial checkpoint during B cell differentiation. The laboratory has previously demonstrated that the stromal cell-derived galectin-1 (gal1) is a link between the pre-BCR and certain integrins. This binding drives the pre-BCR in the pre-BII/stromal cell synapse, leading to the initiation of pre-BCR signaling.During my PhD, I have been interested in the role of stromal cells at the pre-BII cell stage. We first demonstrated the importance of synapse formation and the importance of the interactions between the pre-BCR, integrins and gal1 for the proliferation and differentiation of pre-BII cells in vivo. Finally, we characterized the bone marrow stromal cells which express gal1. This work showed that the majority of pre-BII cells, unlike other B cell progenitors, was in contact with gal1+ stromal cells, providing the first evidence of the existence of a specific stromal cell niche for the pre-BII cells.
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Polynucléaires neutrophiles, cellules stromales, lymphocytes B : interaction tripartite dans la niche des lymphomes B / Neutrophils, stromal cells, B cells : tripartite interaction in B-cell lymphoma nichesGrégoire, Murielle 15 December 2014 (has links)
Les polynucléaires neutrophiles ont longtemps été considérés comme des cellules n’intervenant que dans la réponse immune innée. Cependant, au cours de ces dernières années, de nombreuses publications suggèrent que ces cellules, retrouvées au sein du microenvironnement de nombreux cancers, pourraient également jouer un rôle dans la tumorigénèse et la progression tumorale. Ces études mettent en évidence leur fréquence comme marqueur pronostique dans différents cancers solides, mais peu de travaux se sont intéressés à la caractérisation fonctionnelle de ces cellules dans la progression tumorale. Dans de nombreux cancers dont les lymphomes B issus du centre germinatif, les cellules tumorales, qui sont incapables de proliférer et de survivre seules, sont dépendantes de leur microenvironnement de soutien. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué la fonctionnalité des polynucléaires neutrophiles dans la croissance des lymphomes B. Ainsi, nous avons démontré pour la première fois que les polynucléaires neutrophiles soutiennent directement la croissance et la survie des cellules tumorales de lymphomes B. De plus, un dialogue bidirectionnel existe entre les polynucléaires neutrophiles et les cellules stromales. D’une part, les cellules stromales soutiennent la survie des polynucléaires neutrophiles, qui en retour induisent les caractéristiques d’un stroma lymphoïde. L’induction de ce phénotype permet aux cellules stromales d’acquérir de meilleures capacités de soutien envers les cellules tumorales. Cette étude confirme donc que les polynucléaires neutrophiles sont une composante importante du microenvironnement tumoral, et pourraient devenir une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour le traitement des lymphomes B issus du centre germinatif. / For long time, neutrophils have only been considered as cells involved in the innate immune response. More recently, in descriptive publications, neutrophils were found in the microenvironment of many solid cancers, hypothesizing that they could also play a role in tumorigenesis and cancer progression. These studies highlighted the prognostic value of their frequency, but few of them focused on the functional characterization of these cells in tumor growth. In many cancers, including germinal centre-derived B-cell lymphomas, tumor cells are dependent on their microenvironment to proliferate and survive. In this study, we focused on the role of neutrophils in the progression of B-cell lymphomas, and for the first time we demonstrated that neutrophils directly support the growth and survival of tumor Bcells. In addition, we highlighted the existence of bidirectional cooperation between neutrophils and stromal cells. In one hand stromal cells support the survival of neutrophils. On the other hand, neutrophils induce a lymphoid stroma phenotype which is well known to enhance their supportive effect on tumor cells. This study demonstrates that neutrophils are a significant component of the tumor microenvironment and may be considered as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of B-cell lymphomas.
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Estudo dos compartimentos linfóide e estromal do microambiente tímico em camundongos com diabetes experimentalmente induzido pelo Aloxana = Study of lymphoid and stromal compartiments of the thymic microenvironment in experimentally induced diabetes / Study of lymphoid and stromal compartiments of the thymic microenvironment in experimentally induced diabetesFrancelin, Carolina, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Liana Maria Cardoso Verinaud, Wilson Savino / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T20:13:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O timo é o órgão linfoide primário responsável pela geração de linfócitos T maduros. Para que isso ocorra, células precursoras de linfócitos T, provenientes da medula óssea, entram no timo e migram constantemente através do microambiente tímico ¿ o qual é composto por componentes linfoides e não linfoides. Esta migração intratímica é fundamental para que os precursores das células T encontrem os sinais necessários para sobrevivência, proliferação, diferenciação e geração de diversidade de repertório. Assim como os outros órgãos linfoides, o timo está sujeito a um rígido controle neuroendócrino, o qual impõe consequências diretas sobre o funcionamento do sistema imunológico através de neurotransmissores, hormônios e citocinas. Entretanto, ainda é pouco o que se sabe sobre as interações entre os componentes do timo e hormônios do eixo HPA. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os compartimentos linfoide e estromal na atrofia tímica observada no modelo experimental da diabetes tipo I. Nesse estudo foi observado que camundongos diabéticos apresentaram redução nos níveis séricos e intratímicos de leptina e elevados níveis séricos e intratímicos de corticosteroide, acompanhando a queda dos níveis séricos de insulina. Diante das alterações hormonais, nós observamos: modificações nos componentes linfoides e estromais do timo, caracterizadas por redução no número de timócitos, aumento na secreção de elementos de matriz extracelular, contração da porção cortical do timo acompanhada por acúmulo de linfócitos no estágio pré - seleção positiva, aumento da apoptose de células epiteliais tímicas e timócitos e aumento na exportação de células T imaturas para os órgãos linfoides secundários. Sucintamente, após o estabelecimento da hiperglicemia e ausência de insulina circulante, o timo de animais diabéticos apresentou alterações morfológicas e em todos os tipos celulares e fatores solúveis que compõe o estroma tímico, culminando em alterações nas células presentes na periferia do sistema imune. Acreditamos que os dados gerados nesse estudo contribuem, s.m.j., para um melhor entendimento da deficiência na resposta imune em indivíduos diabéticos e do desenvolvimento do linfócito T na ausência de insulina / Abstract: Thymus is the primary lymphoid organ responsible for the generation of T lymphocytes. For this to occur, precursor cells of T lymphocytes from bone marrow enter the thymus and migrate continuously through the thymic microenvironment - which consists of lymphoid and non-lymphoid components. This intrathymic migration is essential for T cell precursors get contact with signs that promote survival, proliferation, differentiation and generation of diversity of repertoire. Like other lymphoid organs, the thymus is subject to a rigid neuro-endocrine control, which requires direct consequences on the functioning of the immune system through neurotransmitters, hormones and cytokines. However, it is still little known about the interactions between the components of thymus hormones and the HPA axis. In this study, we evaluated the alterations in lymphoid and stromal thymic compartiments in thymic atrophy during experimental model of diabetes type I. Here in, we found that diabetic mice exhibit a reduction in serum aand intrathymic levels of leptin yet, intrathymic and serum corticosteroid levels were high, followed by a drop in serum insulin levels. Given the hormonal changes, we observed: changes in lymphoid and non-lymphoid component of the thymus, characterized by reduction in the number of thymocytes, increased secretion of extracellular matrix elements, contraction of the cortical portion of the thymus accompanied by accumulation of lymphocytes in the pre stage - positive selection, increased apoptosis of thymic epithelial cells and thymocytes and increase in export of immature T cells to secondary lymphoid organs. Briefly, after the onset of hyperglycemia and lack of circulating insulin, thymus in diabetic animals showed alterations in all cell types that comprise the thymic microenvironment, resulting in abnormal cells present in the periphery of the immune system. We believe that the data generated in this study will contribute to a better understanding of the immune deficiency in diabetic individuals and the development of T lymphocytes in the absence of insulin response / Doutorado / Imunologia / Doutora em Genética e Biologia Molecular
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