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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studenter och stress : En enkätstudie om självupplevd stress bland studenter på Mälardalens högskola

Åhlström, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Stress och stressrelaterade sjukdomar är ett problem i dagens samhälle och de som främst är drabbade är unga människor. Stressen är dessutom ojämnställt fördelad då kvinnor drabbas värre än män. För studenter kan stress vara en faktor som påverkar deras studieprestation negativt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka självupplevd stress bland högskolestudenter på Mälardalens högskola samt analysera om det finns skillnader avseende kön och utbildningsprogram. Studien hade en kvantitativ ansats där en tvärsnittsdesign användes. Data samlades in genom enkäter och totalt besvarades 72 enkäter av studenter ifrån fyra olika program på Mälardalens högskola. Data analyserades genom chi-2-tester i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultatet visar att studenterna upplever ett visst mått av stress men inte kan sägas vara mycket stressade eller fria från stress. Resultatet visade både köns- och programskillnader som inte var statistiskt signifikanta. Programskillnaderna kunde dock härledas till könsskillnaderna då tre av fyra program var antingen starkt mans- eller kvinnodominerade. Slutsatserna av studien är att studenterna upplever en viss stress samt att det fanns skillnader avseende kön och program som ej var statistiskt signifikanta. / Stress and stress related diseases is a problem in today’s society and those most affected by it are young people. The stress is also unequal as women are more affected than men. For students stress can be a factor that affects their performance in school negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate for perceived stress among students at Mälardalen University and analyze gender and study program differences. The study had a quantitative approach and was conducted thru a cross-sectional study. The study was answered by 72 questionnaires that were completed by students from four study programs at Mälardalen University. The data of the study was analyzed by chi-2-tests in the data program SPSS. The result of the study gave an account of the perceived stress among the students who reported to perceive some stress, but it was neither high nor low. The results showed gender- and study program-differences that were not statistically significant. However the differences among study programs could be traced to the gender differences as three out of four programs were male or female dominated. The conclusions of the study are that the students have some perceived stress and that there are some differences in perceived stress for gender and study programs that are not statistically significant.

Agronomijos fakulteto absolventų integravimosi į darbo rinką tyrimas / Research on the integration of students from the study programmes of Agronomy Faculty into the labour market

Šmulkštytė-Jablonskienė, Jolita 14 January 2009 (has links)
Atlikus empirinį tyrimą nustatyta, kad dešimtadalis absolventų pasirengę profesinei veiklai labai gerai. Agronomijos absolventai savo pasirengimą profesinei veiklai įvertino geriausiai, o studentų tarpe gerai pasirengę žemės ūkio technologijų ir jų vadybos studijų programos studentai. Nustatyta, kad dauguma studentų ir absolventų savo specialybę vertina kaip paklausią darbo rinkoje, tačiau įsidarbinimo galimybes - mažos. Sodininkystės ir apželdinimo bei žemės ūkio technologijų ir jų vadybos absolventams rasti darbą nėra sunku, o biosocialinio ūkio ir mitybos ir agronomijos absolventams sudėtinga. Pagrindinėmis neįsidarbinimo priežastimis, tiek studentai, tiek absolventai įvardina darbo patirties neturėjimą, nepakankamą praktinį pasirengimą, darbo neradimą pagal įgytą kvalifikaciją.Daugumos darbdavių nuomone, absolventai profesinei veiklai yra pasiruošę patenkinamai. Teorines žinias vertina kaip daugiau pakankamas nei nepakankamas. Studijų metu įgytus praktinius įgūdžius daugelis vertina kaip nepakankamus. Absolventų neįsidarbinimo priežastimis darbdaviai įvardina darbo patirties neturėjimą, nepakankamą teorinį pasirengimą, praktinių įgūdžių neturėjimą, taip pat nenorą dirbti pagal įgytą profesiją.Tyrimo hipotezė, kad AF absolventai sunkiai integruojasi į darbo rinką, pasitvirtino iš dalies. / The data of empirical research showed that one tenth of the graduates are ready for the professional activity very well. The graduates of agronomy evaluated their readiness for professional activity the best; the graduates of agricultural technologies and their management were prepared well as well. It was determined, that most of the students and graduates see their profession as requested in labor market, but the possibilities of employment were evaluated as low. It is not difficult to find a job to the graduates of gardening and planting or agricultural technologies and their management specialties, but it is very complicated for the graduates of biosocial farm and nutrition or agronomy specialties. Students and graduates named the lack of experience, not sufficient practical training, and incapacity to find the work by their qualification as the main reasons of unemployment. Most of the employers think that the graduates are suitably ready for the professional activity. The theoretical knowledge was evaluated more sufficient than insufficient, but the practical skills from the studying were evaluated as insufficient. The employers see the following reasons why graduates are unemployed: lack of experience, insufficient theoretical preparation, lack of practical skills and indisposition to the profession.

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų ir Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetų studentų požiūrio į buities ekologiją sąsajos su studijų programa bei praktine veikla / Lithuania health sciences and Alexander Stulginskis university students approach to household relationships with ecological studies programs and practical activities

Varžgalytė, Ligita 20 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti LSMU ir ASU studentų požiūrio į buities ekologiją sąsajas su studijų programa bei praktine veikla. Uždaviniai. Išanalizuoti aukštųjų mokyklų studijų programas, susijusias su ekologijos mokslais; įvertinti studentų, studijuojančių ekologijos mokslus, žinias apie namų ūkio ekologiją bei jos poveikį sveikatai; nustatyti žinių apie buities ekologiją sąsajas su studijų programa bei praktine veikla. Tyrimo metodika. Empirinio tyrimo analizės objektas - studentų elgesys buityje ir studijų programų bei praktinės veiklos atspindys. Darbe naudoti tyrimo metodai: studentų anketinė apklausa; lyginamoji, vertinamoji ir statistinė analizė. Rezultatai. Apklausti 374 studentai, studijuojantys 17 – oje skirtingų Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų ir Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetų studijų programų, susijusių su ekologijos mokslais. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad daugumos studijų programų studentai turi palyginti geras deklaratyviąsias žinias, tačiau nustatytas reikšmingas procedūrinių ir veiksmingumo žinių trūkumas. Išvados ir praktinės rekomendacijos. LSMU ir ASU studentai, studijuojantys ekologijos mokslus, turi pakankamas žinias apie namų ūkio ekologiją bei jos poveikį sveikatai. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp skirtingų studijų programų studentų turimų žinių buities ekologijos srityje bei nepakankamos teorinių žinių apie buities ekologiją sąsajos su praktine veikla. Atsižvelgiant į tyrimo rezultatus, studijų dalykuose, susijusiuose su ekologijos mokslais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Identify Lithuanian university of health sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis university students approach to the ecological household links to study program and practical activities. Objectives. To analyze the high-school study programs related to ecological sciences; assess students, studying ecological sciences, knowledge of household ecology and its impact on health; to identify knowledge about the ecological household links to the study program and the practical activities. Methods. Research object - student behavior at home and its connection to study programs and practice reflection. Methods: structured group of individuals (students) questionnaire; comparative, evaluative and statistical analysis. Results. Interviewed 374 students studying in 17th different Lithuanian university of health sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis university undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs, related to the ecological sciences. The study found that the majority of students have relatively good declarable ecological knowledge, but it is a significant lack of procedural (performance) and effectiveness knowledge. Conclusions and practical recommendations. No statistically significant differences has been identified between the different study programs students existing household ecology knowledge. However, the study established a weak knowledge of the ecology interface with domestic practices. It is recommended, in study subjects related to ecology, to seek... [to full text]

Vznik nového oboru na vysoké škole / Establishment of a new study program at university

KŘÍŽOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the establishment of a new study program at the university. In the theoretical part are described all project works, project budget, education and accreditation process. In the application part are provided a detailed overview of the planned activities using the PERT network analysis, which reveals how many days it takes to establish of a new study program. The accreditation section contains attachments required for accreditation by the National Accreditation Authority, and the budget deals with revenue and cost components. All values in the budget are drawn from the data of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The conclusion of the diploma thesis evaluates the whole project in terms of accreditation, time and budget.

An Evaluation of the Child-Study Program of the Corpus Christi, Texas, Public Schools

Whitehead, William W. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the Child Study Program as it has been carried on in Corpus Christi since 1944, and to determine if the work has been a definite help to the teachers participating in the program.

Vývoj soukromého vysokého školství v České a Slovenské republice / The development of higher education in the Czech and the Slovak Republic

Koberová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the development of private higher education systems in the Czech and the Slovak Republic. By the study of literature, legislation and by processing public and non-public statistical data, this thesis analyses the development of the private higher education system in the Czech and the Slovak Republic including their comparison and summarizes current terms that private universities must meet. Furthermore, this thesis is focused on processing the gathered statistical data of the number of private universities, their students and graduates. An integral part of the thesis is also the analysis of the study programs which are taught at private universities. The method of processing the statistical data is mainly the quantitative analysis of the data provided by the statistical offices in the Czech and Slovak Republic and by the ministries of education in both countries. The trend analysis was used for the outputs which display tendencies of phenomena in a specific period of time and comparative analysis comparing established indicators.

Faktory ovlivňující finanční situaci studentů doktorských studijních programů v České republice / Factors influencing the financial situation of Ph.D. students in the Czech Republic

Zahradníčková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Ph.D. students are an integral part of the tertiary education system. Encouragement for doctoral programs and their students is very important because they are the ones who will participate in research projects in the future and they will contribute to society as a whole. The majority of scholarships for Ph.D. students comes from public sources. An important question to be asked is whether the scholarships are sufficient to finance Ph.D. studies and whether there are differences in the amount depending on gender, field of study or region. This thesis aims to answer these questions by applying statistical methods to the results of the survey DOKTORANDI 2014.

Das turbulente Interim - Zwischen Abwicklung des Fachbereichs Ingenieurökonomie und Gründung der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Hieke, Hans, Trillhose, Andreas 07 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zeit zwischen der Abwicklung des Fachbereichs Ingenieurökonomie, der vormaligen Sektion Sozialistische Betriebswirtschaft der Bergakademie Freiberg und dem Amtsantritt des Gründerdekans der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften war eine Kommission für die Ausarbeitung eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studienprogramms und für die Sicherung der studentischen Ausbildung, insbesondere der Lehre, verantwortlich. Sie erfüllte damit eine wichtige Brückenfunktion. Diese Studienprogrammkommission wurde vom Senat eingesetzt, ihr kommissarischer Direktor vom Staatsminister ernannt.

Analýza akreditovaných studijních programů ?Německý jazyk pro 2. stupeň ZŠ? / Analysis of accredited study programs "German language for the 2nd grade at basic school"

KUJÍNKOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is an analysis of Czech university study programs for teaching German language at the 2nd grade basic schools and comparison of the results. Information about development of Czech educational policy since 1989 is summarized in the theoretical section, where I also presented the most important documents affecting current educational policy as well as the language policy. The practical part is dedicated to the study itself. All universities keep their study programs in line with the Bologna process, conceived as structured. The subject of my analysis is Bachelor's degree and follow-up master's degree study. I have chosen only a specific part of the field, which is devoted to preparing students for German language teaching at basic schools. Emphasis is placed on the comparison of offered subjects, thematic composition of subjects and the way of obtaining didactic knowledge and teaching skills.

Ekonomické zhodnocení efektivnosti podpor z Programu rozvoje venkova v zemědělském podniku / Analysis of economical efficiency of Rural development program subsidies in selected agriculture business

SEVERINOVÁ, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The essence of the thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of investments supported from the Rural Development Programme in the selected farm. A number of investments has been solved now, some practical highest investment firm, to invest in biogas. The evaluation of investment effectiveness were compared assumptions when planning an investment of information resulting from the two-year service biogas. It was also based on selected indicators, assess the implementation of the objectives and programs.

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