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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Família, sujeito composto: conjugalidade dos pais e sua relação com o bem-estar subjetivo e a satisfação nos relacionamentos amorosos dos filhos / Family, compound subject: marital relationships of the parents and its relation with a subjective well-being and satisfaction of romantic relationships of their children

Fabio Scorsolini Comin 27 April 2012 (has links)
Este estudo descritivo, transversal e correlacional teve por objetivo geral investigar as relações existentes entre a medida da conjugalidade dos pais, tal como percebida e vivenciada pelos filhos, os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo e de satisfação em relacionamentos amorosos apresentados por estes filhos, bem como a variação desta relação em função do status conjugal dos filhos (casados, solteiros que namoram e solteiros que não namoram). Foi constituída uma amostra de conveniência composta por três grupos independentes, um de pessoas casadas havia no mínimo dois anos (Grupo A, N = 118, média de idade 41,55, DP = 10,01), um de solteiros que namoravam havia no mínimo um ano (Grupo B, N = 140, média de idade 21,99, DP = 3,16) e outro de pessoas solteiras que não namoravam também havia um ano (Grupo C, N = 116, média de idade 21,52, DP = 4,25). A amostra total foi do tipo não probabilística, totalizando 374 participantes. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Identificação do Participante, incluindo uma pergunta geral de satisfação no relacionamento atual (SR); Critério Abipeme; Escala de Bem-estar Subjetivo (EBES) para avaliar os afetos positivos (AP), afetos negativos (AN), satisfação com a vida (SV) e bem-estar subjetivo (BES); Escala Fatorial de Satisfação com o Relacionamento de Casal (EFS-RC), que permite apreciar a satisfação em relação à atração física e sexualidade (SAFS) e a satisfação com afinidade de interesses e comportamentos (SAIC); e o Questionário de Conjugalidade dos Pais (QCP). As análises foram realizadas com o auxílio do software SPSS for Windows versão 17.0. Após a aplicação do teste de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnov, foi empregada estatística não-paramétrica para análise de correlações (Spearman). Os dados foram normalizados para a comparação entre os grupos (ANOVA e ANCOVA) e para as análises de regressão múltipla (método stepwise), considerando as variáveis de satisfação no relacionamento (SR, SAFS, SAIC), e de bem estar subjetivo (AP, AN, SV e BES) como variáveis dependentes. O nível de significância adotado foi p < 0,05. Na amostra total, a percepção sobre a conjugalidade dos pais (PCP) correlacionou-se significativamente com a SAFS (rho = 0,20; p < 0,001) e, entre os casados, com a SAIC (rho = 0,22; p = 0,017), 20 Fabio Scorsolini-Comin embora sejam associações consideradas fracas. Nos solteiros que namoram, não houve correlações significativas com a PCP. A PCP foi uma das preditoras da SAFS, SAIC, AP, AN, SV e do BES, não rejeitando as hipóteses 1 e 3 do estudo, segundo as quais a PCP estaria correlacionada à satisfação dos filhos em seus relacionamentos amorosos (H1) e com o seu bem-estar (H3). As variáveis de satisfação no relacionamento estão associadas aos fatores do BES, não rejeitando a hipótese 2. Os níveis médios da PCP foram significativamente diferentes entre solteiros e casados, não rejeitando a hipótese 4. Considerando as diferenças de idade entre os grupos e para controlar os possíveis efeitos desta variável, efetuou-se uma análise de covariância (ANCOVA), considerando a idade como covariada. Esta análise permitiu compreender melhor o papel da variável idade na PCP e os resultados apoiam a interpretação de que a idade seria uma variável desenvolvimental poderosa, que resgataria experiências acumuladas ao longo da vida. Sugere-se que estudos adicionais sejam realizados para dar suporte a essa primeira conclusão. Os casados avaliaram de modo mais negativo o casamento dos pais em comparação com os solteiros, possivelmente por realizarem um julgamento menos idealizado e mais amadurecido do relacionamento parental. Conclui-se que a percepção da conjugalidade dos pais, por ser uma das variáveis que explicariam o bem-estar subjetivo e a satisfação nos relacionamentos amorosos dos filhos, é um fenômeno que deve ser associado à qualidade conjugal e ao estabelecimento de relacionamentos interpessoais considerados positivos, o que pode ser balizador para futuras investigações e práticas de intervenção com casais. / This descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study aimed to investigate the relationship between the measure of parental conjugality as perceived and experienced by children, the levels of subjective well-being and the satisfaction in romantic relationships displayed by these children, as well the variation of this relationship as a function of marital status of children (married, single and dating and singles who do not date). It was selected a convenient sample comprised by three independent groups: (1) two-year-old married people (Group A, N = 118, mean age 41.55, SD = 10.01); (2) single people who have dated over at least one year (Group B, N = 140, mean age 21.99, SD = 3.16); and (3) single people who had not been in a relationship since one year earlier (Group C, N = 116, mean age 21.52 , SD = 4.25). The total sample was non-probabilistic, summing 374 subjects. The following instruments were applied: Questionnaire for the Identification of Participant including a general question of satisfaction in current relationship (SR); Abipeme Criterion; Scale of Subjective Well-being (EBES) to assess positive affect (AP), negative affect (AN), satisfaction with life (SV) and well-being (BES); Satisfaction with Couple Relationships Factorial Scale (EFS-RC), which evaluates satisfaction in relation to physical attraction and sexuality (SAFS) and satisfaction with common interests and behaviors (SAIC) and the Parental Questionnaire Conjugality (QCP). The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software version 17.0 for Windows. After applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, it was run a statistical non-parametric correlation analysis (Spearman). The data were normalized for comparison between groups (ANOVA and ANCOVA) and multiple regression analyzes (stepwise method), considering the variables of satisfaction in the relationship (SR, SAFS, SAIC), along with subjective well-being (AP, AN, SV and BES) as dependent variables. The significance level was p < 0.05. In the total sample, the perception of parents\' marital (PCP) was significantly correlated with the SAFS (rho = .20; p < .001) and among married, with SAIC (rho = .22; p = .017), although associations are considered weak. For the group singles who date, no significant correlations with the PCP were found. The PCP was one of the predictors 22 Fabio Scorsolini-Comin of SAFS, SAIC, AP, AN, SV and BES, not rejecting hypotheses 1 and 3 of the study, according to which the PCP was correlated to the satisfaction of the children in their love relationships (H1) and their well-being (H3). The variables of satisfaction in the relationship are factors associated with the BES, not rejecting the hypothesis 2. The average levels of PCP were significantly different between single and married, not rejecting the hypothesis 4. Considering the age differences between groups and to control the possible effects of this variable, it was performed an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), considering age as a covariate. This analysis allowed to better understanding the role of the age variable in the PCP and the results support the interpretation that age would be a powerful developmental variable, which redeem accumulated experiences throughout life. It is suggested that additional studies should be conducted to support this initial conclusion. Married participants have considered parents\' marriage more negatively compared to single participants, possibly by evaluating in a less idealized way besides a more mature judgment of the parental relationship. It was concluded that perception of parental conjugality, as one of the variables that explain the subjective well-being as well as satisfaction in romantic relationships of their children, is a phenomenon that should be associated with marital quality and the establishment of positive interpersonal relationship, which could be a landmark for future research and intervention practices with couples.

Subjective Well-Being and Biomarkers of Health : The Relationship between Subjective Well-Being, The immune system and Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal Axis Activation

Catibusic, Sanda-Wictoria January 2017 (has links)
An association between inflammation and mood deterioration has been proposed as a potential explanatory mechanism underlying many pathologies. Previous research attributes this consistently reoccurring connection between inflammation and psychopathology that is often reported within the literature, to a relationship between the HPA axis, the body’s stress response system and the immune system. There is evidence of a bidirectional feedback loop between end-products of the immune system and the HPA-axis such as cytokines and cortisol. This is supported by research reporting that components of subjective well-being such as positive affect, optimism and life satisfaction can produce beneficial health outcomes by potentially targeting this feedback loop. The present longitudinal study tested if higher positive affect independently corresponds to lower levels of inflammatory markers Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) and HPA axis marker cortisol. The study further tested if higher subjective well-being decreases levels of IL-6 and CRP as well as cortisol. The study employed a subsample of participants from the Midlife in Japan (MIDJA) Biomarker project (n=174) that underwent testing at two separate time points across a period of 4 years. The data included subjective well-being, positive affect, IL-6, CRP, cortisol, perceived stress, neuroticism and demographic variables. Positive affect was not associated with any inflammatory marker or cortisol. Subjective well-being had no effect on CRP but reduced IL-6 and cortisol even when controlling for all control and demographic variables. It is concluded that subjective well-being may be linked to lower inflammation and HPA axis activity. / Ett samband mellan inflammation och sjukdomsbeteende har föreslagits som en förklaringsmekanism bakom förekomsten av många patologier. Den konsekventa anknytningen mellan inflammation och psykopatologi som många tidigare studier demonstrerat innebär ett samband mellan immunsystemet och HPA-axeln som är den struktur som utgör kroppens svar på stressorer. Det finns tecken på en återkopplingsslinga mellan slutprodukter av det immunologiska systemet och HPA-axeln såsom cytokiner och kortisol. Detta har stöd i tidigare forskning som rapporterat att komponenter av subjektivt välbefinnande så som positiv affekt, optimism och livstillfredställelse kan medföra positiva hälsoutfall genom att potentiellt influera denna återkopplingsslinga. Förevarande longitudinella studie testar om högre positiv affekt leder till lägre nivåer av de inflammatoriska markörerna interleukin-6 (IL-6) och C-reaktivt protein (CRP) samt HPA-axel markören kortisol. Studien testar vidare även om högre subjektivt välbefinnande leder till lägre nivåer av IL-6, CRP och kortisol. Deltagarna är ett subsampel från Biomarkerprojektet (n = 174) inom Midlife in Japan (MIDJA) som genomgick testning vid två separata tidpunkter över en period av 4 år. Data består av subjektivt välbefinnande, positiv affekt, IL-6, CRP, kortisol, upplevd stress, neuroticism samt demografiska variabler. Positiv affekt hade ingen signifikant effekt på någon av de inflammatoriska markörerna eller kortisol. Subjektivt välbefinnande hade inte någon signifikant effekt på CRP men reducerade signifikant IL-6 och kortisol och dessa effekter förblev signifikanta efter kontroll för samtliga kontroll och demografiska variabler. Följaktligen dras slutsatsen att subjektivt välbefinnande kan leda till lägre inflammation och HPA-axel aktivitet.

Har din uppväxt förutbestämt vem du är och hur du mår idag? : förhållandet mellan personlighet, anknytningsstil, självkänsla och välmående / Can your childhood predict who you are and how you feel today? : the relationship between personality, attachment style, self-esteem and well-being

Jokimaa, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att föräldrars anknytningsstil och personlighet samverkar och påverkar varandra. Men hur ser förhållandena ut mellan anknytningsstil, självkänsla, välmående och personlighet? I den här uppsatsen prövades fem hypoteser huruvida det fanns samband mellan dessa. Detta gjordes via en enkät som mätte de fem grundläggande dimensioner (vänlighet, extraversion, neuroticism, öppenhet och samvetsgrannhet), subjektivt psykiskt välmående, självkänslan samt anknytningen utifrån fem aspekter; två otrygga av karaktären avståndstagande (distans och sakorientering) och två av ängslig/närhetssökande karaktär (relationsfixering och bifallsbehov) samt tillit, den trygga anknytningsstilen som utmärks av ett tryggt och tillitsfullt förhållande till sig själv och till andra. De verktyg som användes var Big Five Inventory (BFI), Välmåendeformuläret, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) samt Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ). Enkätens reliabilitet var genomgående god. Totalt svarade 853 deltagare på enkäten i åldrarna mellan 20-74 år (M = 43.3, SD = 10.15) där 67.3% var kvinnor. Korrelationsanalyser och multipla regressionsanalysen genomfördes. Hypoteserna fick stöd i studien, anknytningsstilen kan prediceras av personlighetsdrag, välmående och självkänsla. Resultaten visade att anknytningsstilen tillit prediceras med positiva samband av vänlighet, extraversion, självkänsla och välmående samt ett negativt samband av neuroticism, vilket övriga anknytningsstilar inte har. / Previous research has shown that parents' attachment style and personality interact and influence each other. But what do the relationships between attachment style, self-esteem, well-being and personality look like? In this essay, five hypotheses were tested to see how these correlates with each other. This was done by a survey that measured the five basic dimensions (agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness), subjective well-being, self-esteem and attachment style based on five aspects; two insecure of distancing nature and two of an anxious / closeness-seeking nature, the secure attachment style is characterized by a secure relationship with oneself and others. The survey was based on Big Five Inventory (BFI), Questionnaire on well-being, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ). The reliability of the survey was good. A total of 853 participants responded to the survey between the ages of 20-74 (M = 43.3, SD = 10.15), where 67.3% were women. Correlation analyzes and multiple regression analyzes were performed. The hypotheses were confirmed, attachment style can be predicted by personality traits, well-being and self-esteem. The results showed that the secure attachment is predicted by and has a positive correlation with agreeableness, extraversion, self-esteem and well-being as well as a negative correlation to neuroticism, which the other attachment styles did not have.

Une étude des relations entre l'articulation travail-famille et le bien-être des travailleurs en mobilité à l'international / A study of the relationship between work-family articulation and well-being of workers in international mobility

Ballesteros Leiva, Felix 22 October 2014 (has links)
Suite à la globalisation des affaires et aux multiples changements démographiques, de plus en plus de professionnels vont travailler à l’étranger de leur propre initiative ou encore, pour réaliser un mandat au sein d’une filiale de leur entreprise localisée à l’étranger. L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à étudier le bien-être des travailleurs à l’international en s’appuyant sur deux courants théoriques, celui du bien-être psychologique et du bien-être subjectif. Le bien-être subjectif se réfère à l’évaluation que font les personnes des conditions et des caractéristiques de l’environnement. Le bien-être psychologique fait référence à l’ampleur avec laquelle la personne se sent bien avec elle-même et à la cohérence de son projet de vie avec ses valeurs et ses objectifs de vie. Tenant compte du fait qu’un travail à l’étranger affecte tout autant les vies professionnelle, personnelle et souvent de couple et familiale, cette étude analyse les incidences du conflit et de l’enrichissement travail-famille sur le bien-être des travailleurs en mobilité à l’international. Notre recherche permet aussi d’explorer comment l’articulation travail-famille (tant par les perceptions de conflit que d’enrichissement) des TMI peut être expliquée par trois grands déterminants: le soutien social, l’autoévaluation de soi et l’intelligence culturelle des TMI. L’étude a été menée auprès de 284 travailleurs en mobilité à l’international vivant et travaillant dans différents pays. Au terme de multiples analyses, nos résultats confirment l’importance pour les TMI de ne pas ressentir de conflit travail-famille, mais de percevoir de l’enrichissement travail-famille pour ressentir plus de bien-être. Nos résultats démontrent que le conflit travail-famille est lié négativement aux deux types de bien-être évalués, alors que l’enrichissement travail-famille est seulement lié au bien-être subjectif. Nos résultats confirment aussi les liens négatifs entre d’une part, le soutien offert par l’organisation et la famille et le sentiment d’autoévaluation de soi et d’autre part, sur le conflit travail-famille que ressentent les TMI. Il apparaît aussi que le soutien offert par les collègues a un effet positif sur le sentiment d’enrichissement travail-famille exprimé par les TMI. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ses résultats pour la recherche et la pratique. Pour finir, les limites et les perspectives de la recherche future sont exposées / As a result of the globalization of business and the many demographic changes, more and more professionals are working abroad on their own initiative or, to achieve a mandate within a branch of their company located abroad. The objective of this research is to study the concept of the foreign workers well-being. We associated this concept with two theoretical currents refereeing to the subjective well-being and the psychological well-being. The subjective well-being refers to the assessment made by the workers about the conditions and characteristics of the environment. The psychological well-being refers to the extent to which the individual feels good with himself and the consistency of his life project with its values and life goals. Taking into account that working in a foreign context can affect both the professional and personal lives of the individual, often affecting the couple and family, in this study we aim to examine the impacts of work-family conflict and enrichment experienced by workers (that are) in international mobility. Our research also allows us to explore how the work-family articulation (both by perceptions of conflict and enrichment) of workers in international mobility can be explained by three major determinants: social support, self-esteem and cultural intelligence. The study was conducted among 284 workers in international mobility that was living and working in different countries. After multiple analyzes, our results confirm the importance for these workers in international mobility to feel no work-family conflict, but to perceive work-family enrichment in order to experience more well-being. Moreover, our results show that work-family conflict is negatively related to both types of well-being assessed, while the work-family enrichment is only related to subjective well-being. Our results also highlight the negative links between on the one hand, the support offered by the organization and the family with the feeling of self-esteem and on the other, with work-family conflict experienced by workers in international mobility. It also appears that support from co-workers has a positive effect on work-family enrichment experienced and expressed by workers in international mobility. This thesis concludes on the implications of its results for research and practice. Finally, limitations and vision statement for the future research are explained

La comunicación de la RSE y el bienestar subjetivo: la publicidad en tiempos de crisis / The communication of CSR and subjective well-being: advertising in times of crisis

Navas Bustamante, Karina Florencia 10 August 2021 (has links)
La crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 forzó a las empresas a adaptarse y conectar con las nuevas necesidades y preocupaciones de sus consumidores, como evento disruptor en su cotidianidad, al exponerlas a preocupaciones y angustias nunca antes experimentadas, afectando su sensación de bienestar. El presente estudio explora la relevancia que cobró el uso de la RSE en la comunicación publicitaria en ese contexto de crisis y su incidencia en el bienestar subjetivo de los consumidores de una marca. Para tales efectos se ha utilizado la campaña #ExpertasyExpertosEnCasa de la marca plazaVea, una de las pocas marcas que desarrolló una propuesta efectiva de comunicación publicitaria sustentada en sus vigentes principios de RSE durante los primeros inciertos meses de la crisis sanitaria en el contexto peruano. Mediante la metodología cualitativa se evidencia que las buenas prácticas de plazaVea influenció en el bienestar subjetivo generando interés, tranquilidad, empatía, confianza y hasta respeto. Quedó demostrado que una estrategia de comunicación publicitaria en momentos de crisis, anclada en la RSE de la marca –enfocada en el entorno del consumidor y sostenida en el tiempo–, es capaz de impulsar la relevancia, sostener la coherencia y mantener una conexión entre el consumidor y la marca. / The COVID-19 health crisis forced companies to adapt and connect with their consumers’ new needs and concerns, as a disruptive event in their daily lives. The crisis has been exposing them to worries that never experienced before, affecting their wellness. This research analyzes the relevance of the Corporate Social Responsibility in advertising communication during the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on consumers’ well-being of a brand. For this purpose, PlazaVea’s campaign #ExpertasyExpertosEnCasa has been analyzed. plazaVea is one of the few brands that developed an effective advertising communication based on its current Corporate Social Responsibility principles, during the beginning of the health crisis in Peru. Through a qualitative methodology, it is evident that plazaVea’s good practices influenced subjective well-being, generating interest, calm, empathy, trust, and respect. It was demonstrated that an advertising communication strategy during crisis, anchored in the brand's Corporate Social Responsibility –focused on the consumer environment and enduring over time–, can boost relevance, sustaining coherence and maintaining a connection between the consumer and the brand. / Tesis


Palombo, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har vi kunnat se en global ökning av ungdomar med antisocialt beteende. Dessa unga visar ofta tecken på låg psykisk hälsa och låg Subjektivt välbefinnande (SWB), vilket kan öka utvecklingen av negativa psykosociala beteenden i framtiden. Positiv psykologi (PP) är det forskningsfält som fokuserar på att öka individuellt välbefinnande och mänsklig tillväxt. Tillämpad positiv psykologi (TPP) har en positiv påverkan på SWB, särskilt hos ungdomar med låg SWB. Syftet med denna systematiska översikt är att undersöka effekten av TPP på SWB såväl som beteendet hos ungdomar med antisocialt beteende. Fyra studier ligger till grund för denna systematiska litteraturöversikt, som genomfördes enligt riktlinjerna för Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA). Resultaten pekar på att TPP har en positiv behandlingseffekt på välbefinnandet samt beteendet hos ungdomar med antisocialt beteende. Dock kunde inga samband mellan TPP och daglig lycka samt daglig beteende fastställas. TPP skulle kunna användas som en effektiv behandling för att öka ungdomars välmående och livskvalitet, samt minska eventuellt antisocialt beteende på relativt kort tid. Detta är viktigt för en god utveckling, både för individen och samhället. TPP kan fungera som en optimal behandling att användas globalt. På grund av ett få antal studier i detta forskningsområde, så finns det begränsad data tillgänglig. Mer forskning kring detta område behövs för att säkerställa resultaten. / In recent decades we have seen a global increase in young people with antisocial behavior. These youth often show signs of low mental health and Subjective Well-Being (SWB), which may increase the development of negative psychosocial behaviors. Positive Psychology (PP) is the field of research that focuses on increasing individual well-being and human growth. Applied Positive Psychology (TPP) positively affects SWB, especially in youth with low SWB. This systematic review aims to examine the effect of TPP on SWB and behavior in adolescents with antisocial behavior. Four studies form the basis of this systematic literature review, which was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The results indicate that TPP positively affects SWB in adolescents with antisocial behavior and has a positive treatment effect on the sample's behavior. Furthermore, no correlations between TPP and daily happiness and behavior could be seen. TTP could be used as an effective treatment to increase young people's well-being and quality of life and reduce possible antisocial behavior in a relatively short time. This is important for good development, both for the individual and society. TPP may serve as an optimal treatment to be used globally. However, more data is needed due to the small number of studies in this research area. More research in this area is required to confirm the results.

An Integrative Approach to the Treatment of Adolescent Substance Abuse

Martin, Kimberly 31 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.


AMANDA LONDERO DOS SANTOS 25 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso é um dos principais temas estudados na área de relações interpessoais, e é algo muito desejado pelas pessoas que estão em relacionamento. Os objetivos gerais desta tese foram identificar preditores da satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso e verificar a relação entre satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso e o bem-estar subjetivo. Para atingir tais objetivos, foram desenvolvidos quatro estudos. O primeiro estudo investigou conceitos associados à valência positiva referentes ao relacionamento e ao parceiro amoroso. No segundo estudo, adaptou-se para o Brasil uma escala mundialmente utilizada para avaliar a satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso e também se propôs uma versão revisada dessa escala. No terceiro estudo, testou-se o poder mediador da percepção do investimento do parceiro na relação entre apego e satisfação com o relacionamento. Enfim, o quarto estudo investigou o poder preditivo de aspectos do relacionamento amoroso sobre o bem-estar subjetivo, além do que é explicado pelas variáveis sociodemográficas e de personalidade. Os resultados revelaram conceitos frequentemente associados aos esquemas de relacionamento e parceiro amoroso, o que permitiu encontrar possíveis preditores da satisfação com o relacionamento amoroso. A percepção de investimento passivo simbólico do parceiro foi um importante preditor positivo da satisfação com o relacionamento, mediando completamente a relação entre apego e satisfação com o relacionamento. A satisfação com o relacionamento foi um dos principais preditores positivos do bem-estar subjetivo. A partir dos resultados dos estudos desta tese sugerem-se possíveis intervenções para melhorar os relacionamentos amorosos que, por sua vez, venham contribuir para uma vida mais feliz. / [en] Relationship satisfaction is one of the main subjects studied in the area of interpersonal relationships, and it is something very desired by people who are in romantic relationship. The general aims of this thesis were to identify predictors of relationship satisfaction and to verify the relationship between relationship satisfaction and subjective well-being. To achieve these objectives, four studies were developed. The first study investigated concepts associated with positive valence regarding the relationship and the romantic partner. In the second study, a scale used for evaluating relationship satisfaction was adapted for Brazil and a revised version of this scale was also proposed. In the third study, the mediating effect of the perception of partner s investment in the relationship between attachment and relationship satisfaction was tested. Finally, the fourth study investigated the predictive power of aspects of the romantic relationship over subjective well-being, in addition to what is explained by the sociodemographic and personality variables. The results revealed concepts frequently associated with the relationship and romantic partner schemes, which allowed finding possible predictors of relationship satisfaction. The perception of partner s unbankable symbolic investment was an important positive predictor of relationship satisfaction, fully mediating the relationship between attachment and relationship satisfaction. Relationship satisfaction was one of the main positive predictors of subjective well-being. Based on the results of the studies in this thesis, possible interventions are suggested to improve romantic relationships that, in turn, will contribute to a happier life.

#fitspiration on Instagram : User’s perception of fitspiration and its impact on subjective well-being

Fisk, Rebecca, Waern, Molly January 2022 (has links)
This paper will dive into the topic of fitspiration on SNS and the effects it has on people’s subjective well-being. Fitspiration is a common type of content that is widely spread across multiple platforms, especially on Instagram. This content is often posted by fit people that share content regarding exercising or diets. Previous research has demonstrated that people have an inner desire to compare themselves to others on SNS which might have effects on people’s well-being. Therefore, this paper aims to find out how users perceive fitspiration on SNS as well as the perceived influence it has on their subjective well-being when comparing themselves to others. By using a qualitative approach where focus groups were conducted, empirical data was collected which could provide a deep understanding of the topic. The findings could conclude that fitspiration was perceived as unrealistic and exposing users to body ideals and unachievable perfection. Regarding effects on the user's subjective well-being, fitspiration has both positive and negative outcomes. The positive outcomes were especially associated with inspiration, while the negative effects were predominantly related to body image and self-esteem. The reason why they would be affected negatively or positively, would depend on to whom they would compare, how they were feeling at that specific time or if they would compare their appearance or their performance. Future research could look at different types and features of fitspiration content, how people engage with it and why, to see if it would affect user’s perceived well-being in different ways. Moreover, this paper confirms that fitspiration might promote negative experiences for users, why future studies could investigate how these experiences could be prevented or decreased.


SIBELE DIAS DE AQUINO 05 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] Considerando-se que traços de personalidade impactam em muitas variáveis e contextos, a presente tese teve como objetivo verificar o poder preditivo do bemestar subjetivo sobre o comportamento de compra por impulso e sobre a escolha de itens de compra, controlando-se o efeito da personalidade. Para tanto, foram realizados quatro estudos, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionários disponibilizados em plataforma na internet. O primeiro estudo teve o objetivo de buscar evidências de validade da escala Hedonic Shopping Motivations. Verificaram-se evidências de validade satisfatórias para o instrumento. A mensuração desse construto testou padrões correlacionais e de predição das motivações hedônicas sobre variáveis de compra, e os resultados revelaram uma rede nomológica que favorece formulações teóricas mais robustas sobre comportamento do consumidor. O segundo estudo consistiu na busca por evidências de validade da escala Short Affect Intensity Scale (SAIS-BR) para o contexto brasileiro. Esse segundo instrumento adaptado mensura a intensidade com a qual uma pessoa experimenta emoções, concentrando-se na consistência das reações afetivas que ela costuma ter diante de estímulos emocionais. O instrumento adaptado mostrou satisfatórias evidências de validade. As diferenças individuais na intensidade afetiva foram associadas a personalidade, frequência de afetos e satisfação de vida, ampliando o conhecimento a respeito de como afetos são experimentados e sobre os impactos da intensidade afetiva no cotidiano. As correlações encontradas entre fatores da SAIS-BR e dimensões do bem-estar subjetivo reforçaram a ideia de que a dimensão emocional do bem-estar subjetivo refere-se tanto à frequência de sentimentos e emoções, quanto à magnitude de suas expressões. O terceiro estudo testou o poder preditivo do bem-estar subjetivo, da intensidade afetiva e da personalidade sobre a tendência de comprar por impulso. Além de corroborar achados anteriores sobre poder preditivo de afetos negativos, os resultados também mostraram o papel dos fatores de personalidade nessa predição, gerando novas evidências empíricas sobre compras por impulso e bemestar subjetivo no Brasil. O quarto estudo verificou o poder preditivo do bem-estar subjetivo e da personalidade sobre a preferência por compras experienciais e materiais. Os resultados mostraram a ausência de poder preditivo da frequência de afetos sobre a variável desfecho, além de indicar que algumas variáveis sociodemográficas e traços de personalidade podem predizer tais preferências dos indivíduos. No geral, os achados tiram das emoções parte da carga de responsabilidade sobre comportamentos de compra, indicando impacto leve do bem-estar sobre impulsividade nas compras e sobre escolhas de tipos de produtos. Uma importância fundamental desta tese é a produção de conhecimentos aplicáveis tanto para o campo do comportamento do consumidor quanto para o campo da psicologia positiva, destacando-se a relevância da interdisciplinaridade e da pesquisa transformativa do consumidor no Brasil. / [en] Considering that personality traits impact many variables and contexts, the present thesis aimed to verify the predictive power of subjective well-being on impulse buying behavior and on the choice of purchase items, controlling for the effect of personality. To this end, four studies were carried out and data were collected through questionnaires made available on an internet platform. The first study aimed to seek evidence of validity of the Hedonic Shopping Motivations scale. There was satisfactory evidence of validity for the instrument. The measurement of this construct tested correlational and predictive patterns of hedonic motivations on purchase variables, and the results revealed a nomological network that favors more robust theoretical formulations on consumer behavior. The second study consisted of searching for evidence of validity of the Short Affect Intensity Scale (SAIS-BR) for the Brazilian context. This second adapted instrument measures the intensity with which a person experiences emotions, focusing on the consistency of the affective reactions that they usually have when faced with emotional stimuli. The adapted instrument showed satisfactory evidence of validity. Individual differences in affective intensity were associated with personality, frequency of affections and life satisfaction, increasing the knowledge about how affections are experienced and about the impacts of affective intensity on daily life. The correlations found between SAIS-BR factors and dimensions of subjective well-being reinforced the idea that the emotional dimension of subjective well-being refers to both the frequency of feelings and emotions and the magnitude of their expressions. The third study tested the predictive power of subjective well-being, affective intensity, and personality on the tendency to buy impulsively. In addition to corroborating previous findings on the predictive power of negative affects, the results also showed the role of personality factors in this prediction, generating new empirical evidence on impulse buying and subjective well-being in Brazil. The fourth study verified the predictive power of subjective well-being and personality on the preference for experiential and material purchases. The results showed an absence of predictive power of the frequency of affections on the outcome variable, in addition to indicating that some sociodemographic variables and personality traits can predict such individual preferences. Overall, the findings remove part of the burden of responsibility on purchasing behaviors from emotions, indicating a mild impact of well-being on impulsive buying and on product choices. A fundamental importance of this thesis is the production of knowledge that is applicable both to the field of consumer behavior and to the field of positive psychology, highlighting the relevance of interdisciplinarity and transformative consumer research in Brazil.

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