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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A escrita e o afeto: o impulso de João Guimarães Rosa em seu Corpo de Baile / The writing and the affect: the inventive impulse of João Guimarães Rosa in his Corpo de Baile.

Wagner Dias dos Santos 14 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho faz referências às relações entre o afeto e a escrita, tomando como modelo o impulso criativo de João Guimarães Rosa, um dos grandes autores da literatura brasileira. Parto do pressuposto que o escritor de Corpo de baile (1956) se expõe deliberadamente aos afetos como fonte de conhecimento, forma de criação e de sustentação de sua arte. Assim, destaco de sua produção textual algumas anotações de viagem (manuscritos), cartas e intenções que antecedem a obra literária. Das publicações, são analisadas duas novelas de Corpo de baile: O recado do morro e Uma estória de amor. Sirvo-me dos conceitos de pulsão, sublimação, cadeia significante e transliteração, ligados à psicanálise freudo-lacaniana, para evidenciar que Guimarães Rosa constrói um particular diálogo com os estímulos do mundo. Pretendo argumentar a favor de uma hipótese segundo a qual a escrita deste autor vem de seu corpo, conforme as marcas ou os cortes que incidiram em sua vida, mas, sobretudo, pela sua peculiar disposição em se deixar inscrever pela linguagem a partir dos afetos. Neste trabalho fica a intenção de responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: como João Guimarães Rosa organiza o percurso de criação de duas de suas novelas de Corpo de baile, visando a ser afetado pelas experiências vividas ao longo do período de preparação dos originais de forma a, no momento da escrita, transmudá-las para a ficção? Deste modo, ressalto nesta dissertação os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) a descrição de alguns recursos utilizados por João Guimarães Rosa, quando ele organiza seu percurso de escrita; b) o uso de uma teoria que considere a pulsão e o afeto como molas propulsoras para a invenção de um processo de criação. Trata-se, portanto, de apontar para o modo singular de um autor se deixar inscrever pela linguagem, situandose num posicionamento metódico e paciente na apreensão da palavra, da poética. / This work makes references to the relationship between affect and writing, taking as model the creative impulse of João Guimarães Rosa, one of the great authors of the Brazilian literature. I assume that the writer of Corpo de baile (1956) deliberately exposes himself to the affects as a source of knowledge, form of creation and support for his art. Thus, I highlight from his textual production some (handwritten) trip notes, letters and intentions prior to the literary work. From publications, have been considered two novels from Corpo de baile: \"O recado do morro\" and \"Uma história de amor\". I make use of instinctual drive, sublimation, significant chain and transliteration concepts, linked to Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis, to show that Guimarães Rosa builds a dialogue with private worlds stimuli. I intend to argue for a hypothesis that this authors writing comes from his body, according to imprints or cuts that happened to his life, but especially by its peculiar readiness to inscribe himself to language as from the affects. In this work it is intended to respond to the following research questionings: How João Guimarães Rosa organizes the creating route of his two novels from Corpo de baile, aiming to be affected by experiences lived through the period of documents preparation in order to, at the time of writing, to transmute them into fiction? Thus, I emphasize in this thesis the following specific objectives: a) a description of some resources used by Joao Guimarães Rosa, when he organizes his writing route, b) the use of a theory that considers the instinctual drive and affect as driving forces for inventing a process of creation. It is, therefore, to point out the unique way an author let to be inscribed by language, standing in a methodical and patient positioning in the seizure of the word and poetry.

Da Liebe à Minne : entre Alcibíades e Da Vinci, Sidonie

Moura, Alexandre Rambo de January 2011 (has links)
A questão que move este trabalho concerne à relação do sujeito com o amor: por que, para alguns, de forma recorrente, ou para todos, em determinado(s) momento(s), amar não implica demandar amor, demandar a presença do outro, construir e suportar um enlace junto ao objeto de amor, mas parece, justamente, ao contrário, evitar que esse laço se estabeleça? O que está em jogo nesse amor que se sustenta mediante a segurança de um impedimento, de uma distância que prive (e preserve), ao menos em parte, o sujeito, do contato com seu amado. Que elementos sustentam e requerem que o sujeito se coloque a amar, necessariamente, de fora do laço? Aqui não estamos diante da lógica do rodeio como forma de se aproximar e chegar ao amado: nossa interrogação recai sobre o rodeio como fim em si mesmo. A questão desta pesquisa partiu inicialmente da biografia “Desejos Secretos, a história de Sidonie C., a paciente homossexual de Freud”, mas ganhou desdobramento ao dialogar com produções artísticas no campo da poesia, com o arranjo colocado em cena pelo amor cortês e pelo movimento “As Preciosas”. A partir disso, orientados pelo referencial da psicanálise de Jacques Lacan, resgatamos as noções referentes ao amor, à transferência e ao amor cortês. Na seqüência do trabalho, tratamos de dois efeitos relativos ao limite do que pode o sujeito suportar em seu enlace ao Outro: a angústia e a passagem ao ato. Ao fim, passando pelo desejo do Outro, chegamos aos avatares da demanda e da sublimação, indicando aí distinções a partir das figuras topológicas do grafo do desejo, do oito interior e do toro. Nesse percurso, colocamos a psicanálise a trabalhar, com o objetivo de elaborar o paradoxo levantado. / The question that drives this essay concerns the relationship of the subject with love: why, for some, on a regular basis, or for everyone, at a particular time(s), love means neither to require love, nor to require the other's presence, nor to build and support a bond with the object of love, but it seems precisely the opposite, to keep that bond from happening? What is at stake in this love that is established by the security of a constraint, by a distance that deprives (and preserves), at least in parts, the subject from contacting his beloved one? Which elements that sustain and claim that the subject puts himself to love, necessarily, out of the bond? Here we are not facing the logic of the deviousness as a way to get closer and get to the beloved one: our question lays down on the deviousness as an end in itself. The question of this research first came from the biography "Desejos Secretos, a história de Sidonie C., a paciente homossexual de Freud”, but it unfolded from the dialogue with artistic productions in the field of poetry, with the arrangement brought to light by the Courtly Love and The Precious movement. Having these fields taken into consideration and, guided by the reference of the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan, we recover the notions relating to love, to the transfer and to the Courtly Love. Going further with the work, we deal with two effects of the boundary of what the subject can stand on his bond to the Other: the anguish and the passing to act. In the end, going through the desire of the Other, we came to the avatars of demand and sublimation, indicating then distinctions to the topological figures from the graph of desire, the eight inside and the torus. Along the way, we put psychoanalysis to work, with the goal of developing the paradox raised.

Purificacao de hexafluoreto de uranio

ARAUJO, ENEAS F. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:32:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 11263.pdf: 2565252 bytes, checksum: be73b45476518958e17dee1996ee67e8 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Discurso e sujeito : a representação do ensino público nos textos dos alunos de ensino médio

Lilian Mobrizi Silva Werlang 25 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo nasceu do interesse em averiguar os motivos da falta de interesse dos alunos do nível de ensino médio pela Escola, portanto, pela educação formal. A hipótese para o desinteresse dos alunos pela Escola é que o método avaliativo das escolas públicas do Estado de São Paulo (Progressão continuada) não avalia a aprendizagem, o que não os motiva a estudarem e, por conseguinte, a se interessarem pela Escola. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar, na materialidade lingüística do discurso de alunos de nível de ensino médio, indícios de que acreditam que a falta de avaliação nas escolas públicas, em relação ao Estado de São Paulo, é um fator que desmotiva o interesse pelo estudo e, portanto, pela Escola. Considerando que os discentes não são seres cartesianos, analíticos e que são constituídos sóciohistoricamente e, portanto, pela ideologia e, ainda, que o discurso materializa tal constituição, e crendo na inextrincabilidade entre discurso e sujeito, convocando como pilares teóricos a Análise do Discurso de linha francesa e Psicanálise lacaniana, no que diz respeito ao conceito freudiano de sublimação. O corpus de pesquisa foi coletado em uma escola pública, no bairro Jardim Araretama, em Pindamonhangaba-SP, por meio de excertos de textos dissertativos, produzidos pelos alunos do Ensino Médio. As perguntas de pesquisa norteadoras foram: 1- Quais são as representações ou imagens que os alunos de nível de ensino médio de escolas da rede pública de ensino fazem da Escola? 2- Quais são as representações ou imagem que fazem de aluno de escolas da rede pública, isto é, sobre si mesmo? 3- Quais são as representações ou imagem que fazem de avaliação? Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que: 1) As representações que fazem da escola pública é daquela que idealizam, mas a qual não têm acesso; 2) As representações que fazem sobre si são de que constituem a parcela da sociedade que não tem acesso ao saber de qualidade e, determinados pela memória discursiva de divisão social do saber e de interdiscursos judaico-cristãos e estóicos, buscam culpados pelo insucesso escolar; 3) As representações que fazem sobre o método avaliativo do Estado de São Paulo (Progressão continuada) instauram-se a partir da percepção de que, tal método, tirou a validade da educação, promovendo o desinteresse pelo estudo e, por conseguinte, pela Escola, por parte dos discentes, uma vez que só estuda quem é avaliado. Os resultados demonstraram, ainda, que, para além da busca de culpados pelo insucesso escolar, os discentes sublimam a educação de qualidade, procurando atenuar a dor de não terem a qualidade de ensino que almejam, bem como projetam suas supostas realizações nas gerações vindouras. / This study was of interest to ascertain the reasons for the lack of interest of students in the level of high school by school, so the formal education. The hypothesis for the lack of students by the school is that the evaluative method of the public schools of the State of Sao Paulo (Progress continued) does not evaluate the learning, which is not the motivation to study and, therefore, is interested by the School. The purpose of this study was to verify, in the materiality of language speech of students, level of education, evidence that believe that the lack of evaluation in public schools in the state of Sao Paulo, is a factor that discourages interest in the study and therefore by the School. Whereas the students are not being cartesianos, analytical and which consist socio-historically, and therefore by ideology, and that the speech materialized this constitution, and believing in inextrincabilidade between speech and subject, calling pillars as a theoretical analysis of Speech-line French and Lacanian psychoanalysis, with regard to the concept of Freudian sublimation. The body of research was collected in a public school in the neighborhood Garden Araretama in Pindamonhangaba-SP, through excerpts of texts dissertativos, produced by the students of high school. The questions guiding the search were: 1 - What are the representations or images that the students of high school level of the public network of schools of education are the School? 2 - What are the representations or images that make student of the public schools, that is, about themselves? 3 - What are the representations or images that make assessment? The survey results showed that: 1) the representations that are of public schools is that which idealizam, but which do not have access, 2) the representations that are about you are that form the part of society that has no access to knowledge quality and, determined by the memory of discursive social division of knowledge and interdiscursos Judeo-Christian and estóicos, looking guilty by school failure, 3) the representations that are on the evaluative method of the State of Sao Paulo (Progress continued) introduce themselves from the perception that such method, took the validity of education, promoting the disinterest by the study, and therefore the school, on the part of students, since only those studies is evaluated. The results showed also that, in addition to the search for the culprits school failure, the students sublimate the education of quality, seeking alleviate the pain of not having the quality of education that aim, as well as project their "supposed" achievements in the generations come.

Sublimação e seus impasses: um encontro de Freud com personagens de Woody Allen / Sublimation and its impasses: Freud meets four Woody Allens characters

Thais Fontana Gemignani 28 March 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho de pesquisa em Mestrado teve por objetivo o estudo da problemática psicanalítica da sublimação, bem como de seus impasses, a partir de quatro personagens trazidos por Woody Allen em seu filme Interiores (1978) Eve, Renata, Joey e Flyn. Buscou-se tomar referidos personagens como casos clínicos e fazê-los encontrar a sublimação de Freud, de sorte a realizar uma fecundação recíproca entre psicanálise e a obra cinematográfica de Woody Allen, entre sublimação e a problemática dos impasses vividos pelos personagens em seus processos sublimatórios - ora estagnados, ora natimortos, ora confundidos com a idealização -, trazida de forma recorrente pelo cineasta através de inúmeros personagens em seus filmes. A pergunta que deu origem a esta Dissertação foi O que será que Woody Allen tem a nos ensinar com esses personagens sobre o trabalho sublimatório, e como a sublimação de Freud nos ajudaria a entender essas figuras trazidas por este profícuo cineasta?. Com o objetivo de responder esta questão, foram trabalhadas, inicialmente, algumas aproximações possíveis, historicamente, entre psicanálise e arte, assim como entre psicanálise e cinema, delineando a justificativa bem como as estratégias de pesquisa utilizadas. Em seguida, procurou-se aproximar brevemente Woody Allen e psicanálise, discorrendo sobre a vida e a produção cinematográfica deste cineasta e contextualizando Interiores em sua filmografia. Em um segundo momento, avança-se para o estudo da sublimação no contexto da obra freudiana, procurando recuperar as passagens acerca deste conceito distribuídas no discurso de Freud e algumas mudanças sofridas ao longo do tempo por alguns conceitos fundamentais para o corpo teórico psicanalítico que produziram efeitos sobre a concepção de sublimação ao longo da teoria freudiana. Partiu-se inicialmente de Freud, cotejando suas ideias com o trabalho de alguns pensadores que se debruçaram sobre seus fragmentos concernentes à sublimação e procuraram fazer um aporte à sua conceituação. Explorou-se de forma mais acentuada o trabalho de Joel Birman, que pensa a sublimação como sublime ação, um processo psíquico complexo que supõe estruturação subjetiva, ruptura com fixações objetais narcísicas, criação de novos objetos de satisfação pulsional e de novas formas de subjetivação e que demanda um processo de luto do eu ideal que passa pela vivência do desamparo e o alcance da posição feminina. Em um momento posterior, partindo do trabalho de Freud e cotejando-o com o pensamento de Joel Birman, e uma vez apresentados os casos clínicos, passou-se ao encontro de Eve, Renata, Joey e Flyn com a sublimação de Freud, procurando articular os casos clínicos e seus impasses no processo sublimatório à problemática psicanalítica da sublimação, em uma fecundação recíproca. Ponderouse, ao longo desta pesquisa, que Eve, Renata, Joey e Flyn metaforizam impasses da criação sublimatória que podem ser vividos pelo sujeito, como a idealização; a angústia diante da constatação da nossa mortalidade, e consequente paralisia criativa; o belo como fuga à constatação da castração e que pode ser confundida em sua aparência com o sublime; e a identificação narcísica que congela o sujeito em uma posição melancólica e o impede de criar / The main objective in the present work was to research the concept of sublimation, as well as its impasses, through Eve, Renata, Joey and Flyn, four characters brought by Woody Allen in his movie Interiors (1978). These characters were taken as clinical cases and met the sublimation of Freud, so as to achieve a mutual fecundation between psychoanalysis and the film work of Woody Allen, between sublimation and the problem of the impasses experienced by these characters in their processes of sublimation - sometimes stagnant, sometimes stillborn, or confused with the idealization -, brought on a recurring basis by the filmmaker through countless characters in his films. The question that led to this dissertation was \"What Woody Allen has to teach us about these characters on the labor of sublimation and how Freud would help us to understand these figures brought about by this prolific filmmaker?\". Aiming to answer this question, initially some possible historical approaches were established between psychoanalysis and art, as well as between psychoanalysis and cinema, outlining the justification and the research strategies used. Then some approaches between Woody Allen and psychoanalysis were established, discussing his life and his work, as well as contextualizing the film Interiors in his filmography. Secondly, the study of the sublimation was initiated in the context of the Freudian work, trying to recover its passages about this concept, and also some changes experienced over time by some fundamental psychoanalytical concepts that took effect on sublimation design along the Freudian theory. The ideas of Freud about sublimation were collated with the work of some thinkers who have studied the sublimation and have tried to make a contribution to its conceptualization. The work of Joel Birman - psychoanalyst who discusses the sublimation as a sublime action, as a complex psychic process that involves subjective structuring, rupturing with narcissistic fixations object, creating new objects of drive satisfaction and new forms of subjectivity, and demands a grieving process of the ideal self that goes through the experience of helplessness and achieving of the feminine position - was explored more sharply. Afterwards, building on the work of Freud and comparing it with the thought of Joel Birman, and once presented the \'clinical cases\', Eve, Renata, Joey and Flyn met the sublimation of Freud, in an attempt to articulate the clinical cases and its impasses in sublimating to the psychoanalytic problematic of sublimation, in a reciprocal fertilization. It was considered throughout this research that Eve, Renata, Joey and Flyn metaphorize the impasses of creation through sublimation that one can experience, as idealization; anguish before the realization of our mortality, and consequent creative paralysis; the beauty as an escape to the realization of castration and that can be confused - in appearance - with the sublime; and the narcissistic identification that freezes the subject in one melancholic position and prevents creating

Preservation of Midlatitude Ice Sheets on Mars

Bramson, A. M., Byrne, S., Bapst, J. 11 1900 (has links)
Excess ice with a minimum age of tens of millions of years is widespread in Arcadia Planitia on Mars, and a similar deposit has been found in Utopia Planitia. The conditions that led to the formation and preservation of these midlatitude ice sheets hold clues to past climate and subsurface structure on Mars. We simulate the thermal stability and retreat of buried excess ice sheets over 21Myr of Martian orbital solutions and find that the ice sheets can be orders of magnitude older than the obliquity cycles that are typically thought to drive midlatitude ice deposition and sublimation. Retreat of this ice in the last 4Myr could have contributed similar to 6% of the volume of the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) and more than 10% if the NPLD are older than 4Myr. Matching the measured dielectric constants of the Arcadia and Utopia Planitia deposits requires ice porosities of similar to 25-35%. We model geothermally driven vapor migration through porous ice under Martian temperatures and find that Martian firn may be able to maintain porosity for timescales longer than we predict for retreat of the ice.

Représentation musicale et représentation psychique : applications cliniques / From mental representation to musical representation : clinical applications

Ntakovanou, Xanthoula 19 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la représentation musicale en tant que forme concrète de représentation psychique, tout comme peut l’être le langage verbal ou la représentation par l'image ; nous y interrogeons les particularités de cette forme de représentation dans la pensée humaine. Pourquoi l'homme a-t-il besoin de la représentation musicale ? Quelle est l'origine de la musique et quelles sont les fonctions de la musique dans les sociétés humaines ? Quelles sont les différences entre le code musical et le code verbal ? La première partie constitue une approche inter- et pluri-disciplinaire de ces questions. Dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions les structures élémentaires du discours musical : le rythme, la mélodie et l'harmonie. Nous localisons les racines du rythme musical dans les rythmes corporels et les origines de la mélodie musicale dans la voix préverbale — particulièrement dans la voix maternelle. L'harmonie musicale serait, elle, une application artistique des lois universelles du phénomène acoustique. Dans la troisième partie, nous traitons du code musical en tant que forme de représentation psychique qui encode sens et émotion : nous lui attribuons concrètement la capacité d'encoder, mieux que le langage verbal, non pas l'information purement concrète mais l'affect, les sensations corporelles et la dimension relationnelle de la vie humaine. Nous nommons sonogrammes les proto-représentations musicales, qui seraient analogues aux pictogrammes de Piera Aulagnier, et qui seraient l'encodage sonore précis d'un état affectif ressenti in utero par circulation hormonale, associé à une forme sonore concrète entendue par le fœtus. Nous examinons ensuite comment les sonogrammes donneraient lieu à des formes de représentation psychique musicale plus élaborées, comme les structures musicales de fond (fragments de rythme, mélodie ou harmonie) et, finalement, au code musical achevé. Nous considérons ce dernier comme un reflet du processus de subjectivation de l'individu, encodant d'une façon extrêmement précise le vécu relationnel de l'homme, depuis la phase de symbiose avec la mère à l'aube de sa vie, jusqu'à la phase d'autonomie complète de l'enfant. Nous nous interrogeons sur la relation de la musique avec le rêve, le processus primaire et l'inconscient. Enfin la musique est considérée comme une forme de représentation psychique qui reflète, également, les éventuels aspects pathologiques du psychisme. En quatrième partie est exposé l'investissement libidinal du sujet par la musique : nous recherchons le lien de cette dernière au narcissisme mais aussi à l'amour d'objet. Nous analysons comment s'effectue la sublimation dans le champ artistique et quelles sont les particularités de la sublimation musicale. La sublimation d'Eros mais aussi celle de Thanatos sont analysées au travers d'exemples concrets, dans la réalité de la création musicale. Enfin, dans la partie V, nous recherchons comment la musique comme représentation psychique pourrait s'intégrer dans la pratique clinique psychanalytique. Nous y décrivons notre protocole de Musicodrame Analytique, une méthode d'application concrète de la musique dans la pratique clinique psychanalytique individuelle ou groupale. Dans ce protocole, nous utilisons le code musical en alternance avec le code verbal et celui des images afin d'avoir accès à la pensée de notre patient, à son affect, à sa réalité psychique, puis nous travaillons sur cette réalité à travers la représentation musicale. Nous nous intéressons aussi à la néo-symbolisation qui peut avoir lieu chez le sujet à travers la sensorialité du sonore et qui peut s'encoder ensuite en musique lors du travail thérapeutique à médiation musicale. Les différentes applications du Musicodrame Analytique et ses résultats sont illustrés dans l’exposition de plusieurs cas cliniques. / This thesis considers musical representation as a concrete form of mental representation, just as verbal language or image representation. We are questioning which are the particularities of musical representation in human thought. Why does man need musical representation, what are the origins of music and what functions does music serve in human societies ? Which are the differences of the musical code from the code of verbal language ? The first part of our thesis approaches these questions through an interdisciplinary study. Furthermore, we are interested in the elementary structures of musical discourse : rythm, melody and harmony. In the second part of this thesis, we locate the origins of musical rythm in physical body rythms, and the origins of musical melody in the preverbal voice - concretely in the mother's voice. Musical harmony is considered as an artistic application of the universal laws of the acoustic phenomene. In the third part of this thesis the musical code is analysed, as a form of mental representation which encodes meaning and emotion : we attribute to the musical code the capacity to encode, better than language does, not concrete information but inner affective states and body sensations, as well as the experience of human relation. We name sonograms, in analogy to Piera Aulagnier's pictograms, the musical proto-representations which would encode precicely an affective state felt in utero by hormonal circulation associated to a concrete sonor pattern listened by the fetus at the same time. We examine, furthermore, how sonograms would evolve to more elaborated forms of musical representation, that we name fond musical structures (rythm, melody and harmony) and, finaly, to the sophisticated musical code. We consider this latter musical code as a reflection of the subjectivation of the individual, which encodes precicely the human experience of relation, from the initial phase of symbiosis with the mother to the phase of complete autonomy of the child from her. Music is considered as a form of mental representation which may also reflect the eventual pathological aspects of the psychic apparatus, and it is compared to dreaming, to the primary process and the unconscious. In the fourth part of this thesis, we expose the libidinal investment of the subject which takes place through music : the relation of music to narcissism, but also to object investment is questioned. How does sublimation occur in the artistic field, and what is the particularity of musical sublimation ? The sublimation of Eros, but also of Thanatos is analysed in the reality of musical creation, through concrete musical examples. Finally, in the fifth part of our thesis we are investigating the way in which music, as a form of mental representation, could be integrated into psychoanalytical clinical practice. We are describing our protocol of Analytical Musicodrama, a concrete method of musical implication into psychoanalytical clinical practice, both in individual and group analysis. In this protocol, we are using the musical code, which we alternate with verbal language but also with the image representation code, aiming to access thoughs, affective states and the psychological reality of our patients. We are afterwards working on this reality through musical representation. We are also interested in neo-symbolisation which can take place for the subject by means of sonor sensoriality, and could afterwards be encoded into music. Different applications of Analytical Musicodrama and its therapeutic results are illustrated, trough the exposition of various clinical examples.

Optimizing Deposition of Matrix and Ionization Salt via Two-Step Sublimation in Sample Preparation for Surface-Layer Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Imaging (SL-MALDI-TOF MSI)

Huang, Huan 30 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Optimization Of Sublimation Conditions for Surface Layer Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Imaging (SL-MALDI- Tof MSI) of Polymer Surfaces

Lu, Kuan 13 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Study of Skin Friction and Surface Regression Interaction via the Naphthalene Sublimation Technique

Hall, Grace Alexandra 22 February 2023 (has links)
This study explores the potential of the naphthalene sublimation technique to be used to analyze the manner in which surfaces regress, specifically focusing on the effect that skin friction has on regression and vice versa. For this experimentation, a flat steel plate installed with three skin friction sensors was coated with naphthalene via a mechanized sprayer and was installed in the wall of the Ahmic Aerospace Turbulent Boundary Layer Research supersonic wind tunnel. The plate and sensor configuration was subjected to three subsequent tunnel runs at Mach 2.31. This process was repeated at plenum pressures of 0.35 MPa and 0.69 MPa, which correspond to Reynolds Numbers of 1.4x10^7/m and 2.8x10^7/m. Between the first and final run, a -4.7% and -3.7% percent change in the coefficient of friction was seen at the 0.35 MPa and 0.69 MPa plenum conditions, respectively. Images of the plate taken before and after each run qualitatively indicate continual naphthalene regression with each subsequent tunnel run. This decrease in the coefficient of friction was attributed in part to the regression of the naphthalene coating, indicating that this method has the potential to be used to study the interaction between skin friction and regressing surfaces. Additionally, this study showed that it is certainly possible to measure skin friction with sensors where both the head of the movable sensor element and the surrounding wall is coated with sprayed naphthalene. / Master of Science / This study explores the potential of using an experimental method to better understand how surfaces recede when subjected to moving air. A chemical called naphthalene was used because naphthalene naturally recedes very easily, unlike many other materials which a researcher would want to study the receding behavior of, making it an ideal choice for this study. Sensors made to detect the amount of force generated by flowing air over a surface were installed into a flat metal plate. The plate was coated with naphthalene and installed into the wall of a wind tunnel, which generates airflow over the plate to simulate flight conditions. Three separate and sequential airflow runs over the plate were conducted. This process was repeated under two different air conditions. In both conditions, a decrease in the amount of force due to the air moving over the plate was detected as subsequent runs were conducted and the naphthalene receded. This indicates the method has the potential to be used to study how other surfaces recede when subjected to moving air.

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