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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gandhi and Nai Talim / rural craft education for a new village-minded social order

Holzwarth, Simone 14 November 2016 (has links)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Ikone der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, war überzeugt davon, dass eine neue soziale Ordnung für ein Indien frei von kolonialer Unterdrückung und basierend auf seinen Ideen von sarvodaya (Wohlstand für alle), swaraj (Selbstbestimmung) und wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit nur mit einem radikalen Wandel im Bildungsbereich Realität werden konnte. Er kritisierte, dass Bildung vornehmlich auf die Bedürfnisse der städtischen Eliten, der Kolonialverwaltung und -wirtschaft ausgerichtet war und hatte die Vision einer ‚neuen‘ Bildung, später auch bekannt als Basic Education oder Nai Talim, basierend auf ruralem Handwerk und Landwirtschaft und damit fokussiert auf die ländliche Bevölkerung. Die vorliegende Dissertation rekonstruiert die Herausbildung von Gandhis Bildungsideen und verschiedene Versuche zu deren Institutionalisierung. Dabei kontextualisiert sie seine Sichtweisen vor dem Hintergrund der Debatten um diverse Vorstellungen einer neuen sozialen Ordnung in der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, zeigt auf, wie seine Bildungsideen eng verknüpft waren mit seiner Kritik an der Kolonialherrschaft und nimmt seine Ideen vom Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung und sozialer Transformation in den Blick. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei Gandhis Vorstellungen von manueller Arbeit und welche Rolle er ihr im Bildungsprozess zudachte. Bei der Analyse seiner Ideen und Metaphern und seiner Vision von Nai Talim nimmt die Arbeit auch die diversen damit verbundenen Inspirationsquellen in den Blick und fokussiert auf die von ihm konstruierten symbolischen Bedeutungswelten und visuellen Elemente, die ein wichtiger Teil seiner Selbstrepräsentation und Massenmobilisierung waren und später auch ihren Niederschlag in Bildungsrealitäten fanden. Nicht zuletzt analysiert die Arbeit Institutionalisierungsprozesse, ihre Widersprüche, die Kritik an Gandhi’s Ideen und den Wandel von Gandhis ‚Pädagogik der manuellen Arbeit‘ hin zu einer ‚Pädagogisierung der manuellen Arbeit‘. / Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the icon of the Indian independence movement, was convinced that a new social order for an India free from colonial subjugation and based on his ideas on sarvodaya (the welfare of all), swaraj (self-rule) and economic self-sufficiency could only become reality with a radical shift in education. He criticized the fact that, hitherto, education had been primarily targeted at the urban elites and the needs of the colonial government and economy and envisioned a ‘new’ education, later also known as Basic Education or Nai Talim, centred on rural crafts and agriculture and targeted especially at village populations. This dissertation traces the historical development of Gandhi’s educational ideas. It reconstructs his vision of Nai Talim primarily based on his own writings and reflections, contextualises it in ongoing debates in the independence movement on the future of India’s social order and analyses how his vision was embedded in his critique of British colonial rule and in the connection he made between education and social reconstruction. A focus thereby is also his understanding of manual labour in society and its relationship with the education process. Analysing key ideas and metaphors in his educational thought, the dissertation refers to his sources of inspiration, his use of symbolism and the visual in his self-presentation and mass mobilization and how elements of these symbolic worlds of meaning also became part of education programmes. Finally, it also deals with the diverse institutional developments based on Gandhi’s education ideas, their inherent contradictions, the criticism they generated and the shift from his ‘pedagogy of manual work’ to a ‘pedagogization of manual work’.

Improvement of global access to life-saving medicines : facing the future

Versteynen, Leo January 2010 (has links)
This research, with the main focus on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, was based on data from the literature, and on questionnaire and interview surveys with the main stakeholders: authorities, drug-developers and NGOs/foundations. It revealed the following determinants, which contributed to the occurrence of drug pricing conflicts in Brazil, Thailand and South Africa: governmental constitutional commitments to supply medicines to poor people, the existence of a local pharmaceutical industry capable of producing generic versions of patented medicines and long histories of disease treatment programmes. The research documented the preferred approaches to increase global access to life-saving medicines for the next decade, which were found to be: public-private-partnerships, prevention measures, dedication of >0.5% of GNP to poor countries, and improvement of national healthcare/insurance systems. Those approaches were integrated into a conceptual framework, which could enable country-level organizations to move beyond the conflict mentality via a 'Public-Private-Partnership for gradual Self-Sufficiency and Sustainability Model,' (P3S3). Within this framework, rich countries should invest >0.5% of their GNP to help to alleviate poverty in poor countries. With these funds, national governments should implement programmes to expand implementation of disease prevention measures and improve national - 4 - healthcare/insurance systems and the quality of the medicines involved. Public-private-partnerships should act as 'steering-and-controlling' organizations to guide the process and to minimise corruption. As a positive message to all who currently lack access to these medicines, the thesis author's conclusion is that the use of this model could help to turn the current unsustainable development policies into sustainable ones, and as a consequence, it would contribute to improvements in the quality of life of millions of people in poor countries.

Dynamilk : un simulateur pour étudier les compromis entre performances animales, utilisation des ressources herbagères et recherche d’autonomie alimentaire dans les systèmes bovins laitiers de montagne / Dynamilk : a farming system model to explore the trade-offs between animal performances, forage utilization and feed self-sufficiency in dairy cattle mountainous systems

Jacquot, Anne-Lise Marie 09 July 2012 (has links)
Les systèmes d’élevages laitiers herbagers montagnards sont d’autant plus sensibles aux changements de contraintes de production (types de fourrages et niveaux d’aliments concentrés autorisés dans les cahiers des charges AOP par exemple) et aux aléas climatiques que le milieu est contraignant et que le système fourrager repose sur l’utilisation exclusive de prairies permanentes. Une meilleure adéquation entre les dynamiques de besoins des animaux et d’offre herbagère permettrait à ces systèmes d’atteindre un meilleur degré d’autonomie fourragère et alimentaire, et d’être ainsi plus robustes face aux changements. Pour explorer des stratégies contrastées de conduite et comprendre les compromis qu’il est possible d’atteindre entre niveau de production, autonomie fourragère et utilisation durable des prairies, un modèle de simulation déterministe à l’échelle de l’exploitation a été construit, nommé Dynamilk. Ce modèle simule les interrelations entre le troupeau laitier, les ressources alimentaires et herbagères et la conduite du système. Dynamilk est composé de deux sous-modèles biotechniques avec, d’une part, le parcellaire comportant un module de croissance de l’herbe prenant en compte la diversité botanique des prairies, et d’autre part, le troupeau laitier. Un modèle de structure démographique du troupeau simule les différentes catégories d’animaux selon leur âge et leur stade physiologique, et, un modèle dynamique simule l’ingestion et la production pour chaque catégorie d’animaux. La production laitière résulte des besoins énergétiques, de l’énergie offerte par la ration et de la capacité des animaux à mobiliser ou reconstituer leurs réserves corporelles. Le modèle de conduite est composé des éléments stratégiques définissant les objectifs de production et les règles de pilotage des principales pratiques (constitution et gestion des fourrages, alimentation et pâturage du troupeau). Le modèle animal et le modèle global ont été validés sur des données expérimentales ou de référentiels de fonctionnement d’exploitations. Ces deux modèles présentent des résultats et un fonctionnement cohérent. Dynamilk a permis de tester deux systèmes contrastés selon leur dynamique annuelle de production (période des vêlages « groupés de septembre à février » (GA) vs « groupés de mars à mai » (GP)) à chargement (0,94 UGB/ha) et apports de concentrés (1 200 kg/VL/an) identiques. Dans un plan d’expérience virtuel, chaque système a été simulé sur deux séries climatiques, une sans aléa climatique (1993-1999) et l’autre avec (2005-2011), avec une augmentation du chargement et une diminution des apports de concentrés. Les résultats de simulation montrent qu’à faible chargement les deux systèmes sont autonomes pour les fourrages et sous-utilisent les ressources herbagères au pâturage. L’augmentation du chargement améliore l’utilisation de l’herbe pâturée sans pénaliser les performances laitières, mais réduit l’autonomie en fourrages récoltés. Diminuer les apports de concentrés améliore également l’utilisation de l’herbe, mais réduit la production laitière. La production laitière du système GA est plus sensible que celle du système GP à la qualité des fourrages récoltés qui varie selon les années climatiques. Ainsi le système GP, grâce à plus d’utilisation de l’herbe pâturée, serait moins sensible aux aléas. Dynamilk permet d’analyser la réponse de systèmes laitiers herbagers sur des séries climatiques longues et de tester pas à pas des modifications de structure et de pilotage du système dans une démarche de conception de systèmes ex ante. / Dairy systems based on grasslands are sensitive towards environmental variations (climatic events) and production constraints changes. A better match between dynamic of dairy cattle needs and herbage supply could enable the farming system to lean towards a better forage self-sufficiency at farm-scale and to be more resilient to changes. Modeling approach is used to study, over many years, several scenarios with contrasted strategies of biotechnical subsystems management in order to test different calving distributions, cattle and grasslands characteristics, or practices on pastures and meadows. Such a dynamic model, called Dynamilk, has been created and implemented. Dynamilk is focused on relationships among dairy cattle, management and resources. This model is based on a bio-technical approach focused on grassland use by animals. Grassland sub model which consists in biodiversity characteristics and grass growth components has been developed by Jouven (2006). Dairy cattle sub model consists in 2 units: demographic structure unit and intake, milk production and body reserve use unit. This model considers calving period and distribution, dairy cattle characteristics (ability of animals to produce milk and use its body reserve) in order to test the match between animal needs and feed supply. Milk production according to herbage and feed supply is the main output of Dynamilk. Decisional sub-system describe the main practices to rule the production system which are forage system management with mowing practices, forage stores, winter diet, concentrate distribution and grazing management. Validation of dairy cattle sub model and whole model has been carried out by comparison against experimental data and case-study data of real farms. Two systems has been simulated with Dynamilk, the first one based on calving distribution from august to february, called GA, and the second one from march to june, called GP (stocking rate 0.94 LU.ha-1 and concentrate amount 1200 kg.cow-1.year-1). Simulation results have pointed out that both system achieved forage self-sufficiency and grass offer is underused. Several simulations has been accomplished to evaluate impacts of stocking rate increase and concentrate decrease on animal production, herbage utilisation and forage self-suficiency rate. The simulation have indicated that matching animal needs with feed and herbage supply to better cope with climatic events and constraints changes.

Pratiques de gestion de la biomasse au sein des exploitations familiales d’agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar : conséquences sur la durabilité des systèmes / Biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar : effects on farm sustainability

Alvarez, Stéphanie 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les exploitations mixtes d'agriculture-élevage sont le pilier des systèmes agricoles des pays en développement. Dans les hauts plateaux de Madagascar, les exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage sont basées sur l'association riz et élevage bovin. Les bovins ont un rôle central dans l'économie et la reconnaissance sociale de ces exploitations malgaches. Cependant ces exploitations sont souvent confrontées à des problèmes de faibles productivités liés à la dégradation de la fertilité des sols et à un accès limité aux intrants. Dans ce contexte, les exploitants doivent gérer les ressources végétales pour trouver un compromis entre alimentation humaine, alimentation animale et retours aux sols. Certaines pratiques de gestion des biomasses peuvent aggraver les phénomènes de dégradation de la fertilité des sols et remettre alors en cause la durabilité des exploitations. L'objectif de cette thèse est de montrer que la diversité des pratiques de gestion des biomasses au sein des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage des hauts plateaux de Madagascar conditionne la durabilité des systèmes en termes de fertilité des sols, de recyclage des éléments nutritifs, de revenus et de sécurité alimentaire. Pour cela, il a été nécessaire de : i) caractériser au préalable la diversité des exploitations familiales d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra et de comprendre le fonctionnement de ces exploitations mixtes ; ii) étudier les effets des pratiques de gestion des parcelles sur la variabilité de la fertilité des sols des exploitations ; iii) évaluer la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage et tester l'impact d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation sur la durabilité des exploitation. Quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, sélectionnées à dires d'experts, ont été enquêtées par immersion. Une étude typologique des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra a été effectuée. Des prélèvements de sol ont été effectués pour l'ensemble des parcelles des quatre exploitations d'agriculture-élevage étudiées. Un outil de calcul des flux d'azote au sein des exploitations a été élaboré, puis a été associé aux matrices du Network Analysis afin de générer des indicateurs environnementaux, sociaux et économiques. Cet outil a été utilisé pour simuler les options d'améliorations des pratiques d'alimentation animale, de gestion des effluents et de fertilisation.L'étude typologique a identifié six types d'exploitations d'agriculture-élevage au Vakinankaratra. L'étude du fonctionnement des exploitations sélectionnées a mis en évidence d'une grande diversité des pratiques d'alimentation des animaux, de gestion des effluents d'élevage et de fertilisation. Une hétérogénéité de la fertilité des sols induite par les pratiques de gestion des parcelles a été révélée. Pour les quatre exploitations étudiées, l'amélioration des pratiques d'alimentation du troupeau bovin laitier associée à l'amélioration des pratiques de gestion des effluents d'élevage a permis d'améliorer la durabilité environnementale (efficience azotée globale, recyclage de l'azote, bilan azoté du sol), économique (marge brute agricole) et sociale (autosuffisance alimentaire).Ce travail a permis de caractériser la diversité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage du Vakinankaratra, la diversité des pratiques et leurs effets sur la fertilité du/des sol. Cette étude s'est avérée être une approche intéressante pour évaluer des options d'amélioration de la durabilité des exploitations d'agriculture-élevage dans un contexte peu documenté. / Mixed crop-livestock systems constitute the backbone of agriculture in developing countries. In highlands of Madagascar, crop–livestock systems are based on rice and cattle. Cattle play a major role in the economy and the social recognition of these smallholder farms. Smallholder farms used to face with low crop productivity related to soil fertility degradation and to low access to inputs. In this context, smallholders have to manage plant resources in order to find a trade-off between food, feed and soil returns. Some biomass management may increase soil fertility degradation and then compromise farms sustainability.The objective of this thesis is to show that the diversity of biomass management on smallholder crop–livestock systems of highlands of Madagascar determines the sustainability of farming systems in terms of soil fertility, nutrients recycling, incomes and food security. For this, it was necessary to: i) characterize the diversity of crop-livestock systems in the region of Vakinankaratra and understand how smallholder farms are managed; ii) study the effects of soil management on the soil variability; iii) assess the farms sustainability and explore improvements of feeding, manure management and fertilization.Four crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra (selected with local experts) were surveyed using participant observation methodology. A typology of crop-livestock farms was performed. Topsoil samples were collected in all plots of the four cases studies. A nitrogen flows calculating tool was developed and has been associated with Network Analysis matrices to generate environmental, social and economic indicators. This tool was used to simulate improvements in feeding, manure management and fertilization.The typology identified six farm types of crop-livestock systems in the Vakinankaratra. The farms study revealed a great diversity of animal feeding practices, manure management and fertilization. Heterogeneity of soil fertility induced by farmer management was shown. For the four case studies, improved feeding practices on dairy combined with improved manure management have increased environmental (farm nitrogen efficiency, nitrogen recycling, soil nitrogen balance), economic (agricultural gross margin) and social (food self-sufficiency) sustainability.This study characterized the diversity of crop-livestock farms of the Vakinankaratra, the diversity of practices and their effects on soil fertility. It proved to be an interesting approach to explore options for improving sustainability of crop-livestock farms in context of data scarcity.

Komunitní tlumočení na úřadech práce - případová studie / Community Interpreting at Labour Offices - Case Study

Nenutil, Libor January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on the use of community interpreting in public services, with particular focus on Labour Offices. It builds upon the project Development of Labour Office counselling for foreigners carried out by the Fund of Further Education between November 2013 and November 2015. Pilot testing of community interpreting at selected branch offices of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic took place in the framework of the project. The theoretical part presents a brief overview of community interpreting and the specifics of its use in communication with public authorities. Then follows a panorama of the situation of community interpreting in selected countries of the European Union. The aim of this panorama is to describe how Labour Offices in these states work with people with limited knowledge of the country's official language. The empirical part analyses outcomes of in-depth interviews with Labour Office employees carried out for the purpose of a project evaluation study. Apart from that, we analyse outcomes of a survey conducted among interpreters who took part in the project. The results of both analyses helped create a comprehensive overview of the project. Finally, based on our findings, we suggested a set of good practice recommendations that could improve efficiency of...

Potravinová soběstačnost Evropské unie / Self-Sufficiency of Food in the European Union

Chum, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the European Union's food self-sufficiency. The aim is to try to assess the impact of EU agricultural policies on food sovereignty of Member States and countries outside the EU. The work will evaluate the production of food self-sufficiency in the European Union and the EU for different types of production. The work will assess the impacts of agricultural policies on the Union's agricultural production and international trade. International trade can be used to ensure self-sufficiency, so it is also included in the work. The work will also focus on the restrictions under the WTO and trade between the EU and the rest of the world. In addition to assessing the impact of the policies the work will also deal with future developments.

Summary Statistic Selection with Reinforcement Learning

Barkino, Iliam January 2019 (has links)
Multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithms could be used to select a subset of the k most informative summary statistics, from a pool of m possible summary statistics, by reformulating the subset selection problem as a MAB problem. This is suggested by experiments that tested five MAB algorithms (Direct, Halving, SAR, OCBA-m, and Racing) on the reformulated problem and comparing the results to two established subset selection algorithms (Minimizing Entropy and Approximate Sufficiency). The MAB algorithms yielded errors at par with the established methods, but in only a fraction of the time. Establishing MAB algorithms as a new standard for summary statistics subset selection could therefore save numerous scientists substantial amounts of time when selecting summary statistics for approximate bayesian computation.

The thought of Philip Doddridge in the context of early eighteenth-century dissent

Strivens, Robert P. B. January 2011 (has links)
Philip Doddridge (1702-51) was pastor of the Independent congregation meeting at Castle Hill, Northampton, and tutor of the Northampton academy from 1729 to his death in 1751. He is regarded as a leader of moderate Dissent during that period and the heir, theologically and pastorally, of Richard Baxter. He has been seen as forming a bridge between the more rational Dissenters, on the one hand, and the more conservative and orthodox wing of Dissent on the other. His thought has not, however, been the subject of a detailed analysis in the context of his time. This thesis sets out to conduct such an analysis in order to examine more closely his position within early eighteenth-century Dissent. Doddridge’s philosophical and theological views are considered in chapters two to five. Chapter two assesses the extent of his indebtedness to the philosophy of John Locke, examining also the views of Isaac Watts and showing how Doddridge and Watts modified Locke’s thought in some areas in order to accommodate Christian beliefs. In chapter three, Doddridge’s views on natural theology, natural law and reason are considered and the influence on him of Samuel Clarke, in particular, is examined. Turning to theology, chapter four looks at the use in early eighteenth-century Dissent of terms such as ‘Baxterian’ and ‘moderate Calvinist’ and then considers Doddridge’s doctrinal positions on a range of subjects which are generally considered to represent Baxterian theology. Chapter five examines Doddridge’s views on the key interconnected areas of confessional subscription, scripture and the doctrine of the Trinity. Practical subjects are then considered in chapters six to eight. Doddridge’s views on Christian piety are examined in chapter six. Chapter seven considers ways in which Doddridge sought to communicate, examining the audiences whom he aimed to reach, the ways in which he attempted to reach them and the content of what he wanted to say. The eighth chapter looks at the subject of identity and argues that Doddridge is to be viewed, not so much as a bridge between different wings of Dissent, but as a leader amongst moderate Calvinists. In conclusion, this thesis argues that Philip Doddridge sought to expound a Calvinist theology in the context of the philosophical and theological debates of his day and to promote an ordered Dissent focused on central evangelical truths and united around the language of scripture.

Sociálně terapeutické dílny jako možnost integrace osob s mentálním postižením / Social therapeutic workshops as a Possibility of an Integration of Mentally Disabled People

Feherová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the service of the social therapeutic workshop as one of the possible support for the integration of persons with intellectual disabilities into the normal life. In the first part of my thesis I summarize the theoretical knowledge regarding characteristics of mental disability. The next chapter deals with the integration of people with mental disabilities, their needs and rights, including the possible disadvantages in some spheres of everyday life. Followed by defining services to socialy therapeutic workshops. At the conclusion of the theoretical part is devoted to the support of individual areas. The aim of the empirical section is to characterize the role of social therapeutic workshops in the integration of people with mental disabilities into the normal life. From the results obtained it follows that the socially therapeutic workshops may have for the user a positive contribution in the various areas of their life and this also could theoretically lead to easier integration into the life of ordinary society. However this benefit is highly dependent on the individual abilities of each individual and also depends on the degree and depth of thein disability. Some users therefore can achieve optimal levels of autonomy and improve their social as well as professional application....

A biblical approach to poverty alleviation : a case study of Pinelands Methodist Church, phambili ngeThemba's community building efforts through job creation in Langa township

Black, Timothy Jay 26 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to determine an appropriate intervention to assist in bringing transformation to the poverty-stricken community of Langa, Cape Town, South Africa. Intense poverty is a fact of life for almost 3 billion people in the world, a figure which includes approximately 50 per cent of the South African population. The Bible gives clear instruction mandating care for ‘the poor’. Therefore, those claiming to follow the teaching of Scripture must make poverty alleviation a priority. Phambili ngeThemba began as an intervention in the Langa Township community to discover ways to engage with issues around poverty. Research facilitated by Learn to Earn, a non-profit organization offering skills training and job creation, was done to understand if individual and community development was necessary and, if so, how it could be structured as a method to alleviate poverty in the Langa Community. Both quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken. Through random proportionate sampling in a thorough needs analysis of the businesses in and around Langa, the ideal character qualities desired by local business for the workforce were elicited. These were traits that could be developed in unemployed people. Use of basic questionnaires and oral feedback by three selected focus groups comprised of Langa residents enabled evaluation of local human service resources and identification of the felt needs in the community. The Priority Index (P-Index) research technique distinguished between the actual needs of the community and their perceived needs or wants. The results became the training foundation for the Zanokhanyo Training and Resource Centre, providing holistic development for the unemployed to equip them for placement in the workforce. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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