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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de la nocivité d'un défaut de fonderie sur la durée de vie en fatigue à haute température d'une aube monocristalline, cas du joint de grains / Study of casting defect nocivity on the fatigue life at high temperature of a single crystal turbine blade, grain boundary case

Leroy, Mélanie 10 December 2013 (has links)
Les aubes de turbines haute pression des turboréacteurs sont soumises à des chargements thermomécaniques sévères en service. Elles sont actuellement fabriquées par solidification dirigée sous forme de monocristaux orientés suivant la direction <001> le long de la direction principale de l'aube. La solidification peut entrainer dans certains cas l'apparition de défauts, notamment la formation de deux grains : l'aube est alors constituée de deux grains d'orientations différentes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de la présence d'un joint de grains sur la durée de vie de l'aube en superalliage AM1. Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé une étude expérimentale sur aubes réelles afin de déterminer l'influence du joint de grains sur la rupture par fatigue en flexion à différentes températures. Pour cela, des entailles ont été usinées dans les aubes pour solliciter de façon préférentielle le joint de grains au sein de l'aube dans des essais de type flexion. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle du joint de grains sur la durée de vie de l'aube selon la température d'essai, l'orientation cristallographique relative des grains, la position du joint de grains et le type de sollicitation. Parallèlement, une étude exprimentale sur éprouvettes bi-cristallines de type fatigue oligocyclique a été conduite en traction compression, avec une contrainte principale de traction suivant la normale au plan moyen du joint. Ces essais ont permis de quantifier la réduction de durée de vie induite par la présence du joint de grains par rapport à une éprouvette monocristalline. Un critère de rupture a été ainsi introduit dans la loi d'endommagement développée par l'Onera pour le superalliage monocristallin d'AM1. Ce critère de durée de vie a été appliqué dans les simulations numériques des aubes remaillées et permet de faire une première estimation de la nocivité du joint de grains dans les aubes. / The high pressure turbine blade of aeroengine are submitted to severe thermomechanical loading in service. The turbine blade are curently manufactured by directionnal solidification with oriented single crystal on the direction <001>, along the principal direction of the blade.The solidification process can induce different defects in the structure.This study is focused on a particular defect: the formation of two crystals in a blade. Defective turbine blades are composed of two grains with different orientation.The aim of this present thesis is to study the influence of the grain boundary on AM1 superalloy blade fatigue life. First, experimental investigations have been performed to understand at different temperatures, the influence of grain boundaries on fatigue fracture due to bending loadings. Notches have been introduced on turbine blades in order to accentuate solicitations on grain boundary. These experiments have evidenced the major role of grain boundary and grains orientations on turbine blade fatigue life.Then another experimental investigation has been carried out under low cycle fatigue on bicrystal specimens with tension/compression loading; the tensile principal stress is along the normal direction of the grain boundary mean plane. These tests allowed quantification of the fatigue life decrease due to the presence of grain boundary compared to the fatigue life of single crystal specimens.A failure criterion have been introduced in the damage constitutive behavior of single crystal AM1 developped by the Onera. This lifetime prediction model have been implemented in FE simulations. It allows the evaluation of the sensivity of grain boundary on turbine blade.

Étude des modifications microstructurales de superalliages à base nickel induites par nitruration assistée plasma / Study of microstructural modifications of nickel-based superalloys induced by plasma assisted nitriding

Chollet, Sébastien 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les turbines aéronautiques et terrestres utilisent comme matériaux de structure les superalliages à base nickel. Ils sont confrontés en utilisation à des environnements agressifs à très hautes températures, conduisant à l'usure et la corrosion, et à des sollicitations mécaniques qui entraînent fatigue et fluage. Pour permettre l'utilisation de ces matériaux dans des conditions toujours plus sévères de fonctionnement et augmenter la durée de vie des pièces, divers traitements de nitruration ont été proposés pour durcir la surface tout en conservant ou en améliorant la tenue mécanique et la résistance chimique. Les modifications induites par la nitruration, leur stabilité et l'influence de la microstructure initiale sont encore mal comprises dans ces matériaux complexes. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons étudié les effets d'une nitruration assistée plasma en fonction de la microstructure et de la composition chimique des alliages. Différents types de superalliages à base nickel ont été choisis, de microstructures variées, comprenant éventuellement des précipités de type Ni3(Al,Ti,Nb) et/ou Ni3 (Nb). Nous avons alors caractérisé les modifications induites par l'introduction de l'azote dans les matériaux suite à un traitement de nitruration à basse température (400°C) : expansion de la maille, génération de contraintes résiduelles, comportement des précipités, formation de nitrures, plasticité, anisotropies... Les résultats obtenus suggèrent des effets différents selon la composition des précipités. Ces modifications structurales et leurs évolutions ont ensuite été étudiées lors d'un recuit à plus haute température (650°C) afin d'étudier la stabilité des couches formées. / Nickel-based superalloys are commonly used in pressurized water heat exchangers or in the hottest sections of aeroengines or industrial gas turbines, where they are subjected to high temperature and severe mechanical solicitations (fatigue, creep). To allow use of those materials in more and more difficult operating conditions and to improve their duration, different nitriding treatments have been proposed to harden the surface while maintaining or improving their mechanical strength and chemical resistance. However, modifications induced by nitriding, resulting stability in time and influences of the initial microstructure are still poorly understood in these complex materials. In this work, we investigated the behavior of plasma nitriding on superalloys according to their initial microstructure and chemical composition. Thus, different types of Nickel-based superalloys were selected with various microstructures, possibly including precipitates like Ni3(Al, Ti, Nb) and/or Ni3(Nb). Then, we have characterized the modifications induced by nitrogen introduction in the materials after nitriding treatment at low temperature (400°C): lattice expansion, generation of residual stress, precipitates behavior, nitrides formation, plasticity, anisotropy... The results suggest different behaviors depending on the composition of precipitates. Finally, these structural modifications and their evolutions have been studied during an annealing at higher temperature (650°C) in order to study the stability of the nitrided layers.

Experimentální elektroerozivní obrábění speciálních materiálů pro letecký průmysl / Experimental electroerosion machining of special materials for aerospace industry

Líkař, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the issues of electroerosive machining material used in aerospace industry. The master´s thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part is described electroerosive machining with a focus on electrical discharge sinking. One section of the theoretical part is an analysis of materials used in the aerospace industry. The practical part of the master´s thesis is focused on electrical discharge sinking of aerospace material INCO 713LC, here is investigated the influence of machining parameters on the surface of the workpiece and tool.

Vývoj SLM procesních parametrů pro tenkostěnné díly z niklové superslitiny / Development of SLM process parameters for thin-walled nickel superalloy components

Kafka, Richard January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the development of process parameters of SLM technology for the material IN718. The main goal is an experimental development of a set of parameters for the production of thin-walled parts with regard to material density, surface roughness and tightness. The essence of the development of parameters is an experimental explanation of the influence of laser power and scanning speed on the morphology of single tracks, which are used for the production of a thin wall. Together with walls of larger widths and volume samples, it is possible to create an intersection of parameters by which is possible to create components formed by a combination of thin-walled and volume geometry. The performed research created a material set, where the parameters of thin walls are used for the area of contours of bulk samples. We managed to produce a wall with an average width of 0.15 mm and roughness of 6 m, which meets the requirement for the tightness. The meander scanning pattern achieved a relative material density of 99.92%, which is more than with the supplier's parameters. Based on the acquired knowledge, it was possible to apply a set of parameters to components combining both geometries.

Optimalizace lití a tuhnutí axiálních turbínových kol pro dosažení jemnozrnné struktury v odlitku / Optimalisation of casting and solidification behaviour axial turbo wheels to achieve fine-grained structure in the castings

Matoušek, Roman January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of the structure of castings from the nickel superalloy Inconel 713 LC using rotation and cycling by casting table. The aim is to achieve a fine-grained structure and the best mechanical properties through varying the oscillation parameters during casting crystallization. Six castings of axial turbine wheel were initially casted for the purpose of this thesis. After evaluating their macrostructure, microstructure and mechanical properties, four additional axial turbine wheels were casted in order to validate the results.

A study of micro- and surface structures of additive manufactured selective laser melted nickel based superalloys

Strand, Emil, Wärnheim, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
This study examined the micro- and surface structures of objects manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM). The results show that the surface roughness in additively manufactured objects is strongly dependent on the geometry of the built part whereas the microstructure is largely unaffected. As additive manufacturing techniques improve, the application range increases and new parameters become the limiting factor in high performance applications. Among the most demanding applications are turbine components in the aerospace and energy industries. These components are subjected to high mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses and alloys customized to endure these environments are required, these are often called superalloys. Even though the alloys themselves meet the requirements, imperfections can arise during manufacturing that weaken the component. Pores and rough surfaces serve as initiation points to cracks and other defects and are therefore important to consider. This study used scanning electron-, optical- and focus variation microscopes to evaluate the microstructures as well as parameters of surface roughness in SLM manufactured nickel based superalloys, Inconel 939 and Hastelloy X. How the orientation of the built part affected the surface and microstructure was also examined. The results show that pores, melt pools and grains where not dependent on build geometry whereas the surface roughness was greatly affected. Both the Rz andRa values of individual measurements were almost doubled between different sides of the built samples. This means that surface roughness definitely is a factor to be considered when using SLM manufacturing.

The mechanical properties of lattice truss tructures with loadbearing shells made of selectively laser melted Hastelloy X (TM)

Saarimäki, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
This thesis discusses how to test the mechanical properties of openlattice truss structures and hybrids being a tube containing a latticetruss structure. By properties we mean strength, stiffness, thermalconductivity and so forth.Mechanical testing was done on two different structures to betterunderstand how the load-bearing properties change when these structuresare subjected to tensile, compressive and bending forces. The structuresinvestigated were Diamond and Octagon built at 45° and 90°. Acousticemission was also used to evaluate and analyze the different behaviour ofthe structures. The test results were used to produce design criteria forproperties in different cell structures manufactured of Hastelloy X™. Amap with design criteria containing stiffness and weight per cubiccentimetre was produced for parts that would be subjected to compressiveforces.

Shielding Effectiveness of Superalloy, Aluminum, and Mumetal Shielding Tapes

Cheung, Cindy Suit 01 April 2009 (has links)
Using MIL-HDBK-419A, MATLAB and Nomographs, Shielding Effectiveness for the Magnetic Field, Electric Field, and Plane Wave were calculated over a frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 GHz. The three shielding tapes used included superalloy, aluminum, and mumetal. Calculations for Shielding Effectiveness involve the computation of Absorption Loss, Reflection Loss, and Re-Reflection Correction Factor. From the outcome of the calculations, it was suitable to conclude that all three metals fulfill the 40 dB Shielding Effectiveness requirements for SGEMP fields for frequencies greater or equal to 1 MHz. Accordingly, all three shielding tapes provide at least 40 dB of shielding to protect certain frequencies against SGEMP Magnetic Field. However, results vary for frequencies below 1 MHz.

Fatigue Properties of Additively Manufactured Alloy 718

Balachandramurthi, Arun Ramanathan January 2018 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D Printing, is a disruptive modern manufacturing process, in which parts are manufactured in a layer-wise fashion. Among the metal AM processes, Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) technology has opened up a design space that was not formerly accessible with conventional manufacturing processes. It is, now, possible to manufacture complex geometries, such as topology-optimized structures, lattice structures and intricate internal channels, with relative ease. PBF is comprised of Electron Beam Melting (EBM) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) processes. Though AM processes offer several advantages, the suitability of these processes to replace conventional manufacturing processes must be studied in detail; for instance, the capability to produce components of consistent quality. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the AM process together with the post treatment used and the resulting microstructure and its influence on the mechanical properties is crucial, to enable manufacturing of high-performance components. In this regard, for AM built Alloy 718, only a limited amount of work has been performed compared to conventional processes such as casting and forging. The aim of this work, therefore, is to understand how the fatigue properties of EBM and SLM built Alloy 718, subjected to different thermal post-treatments, is affected by the microstructure. In addition, the effect of as-built surface roughness is also studied. Defects can have a detrimental effect on fatigue life. Numerous factors such as the defect type, size, shape, location, distribution and nature determine the effect of defects on properties. Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) improves fatigue life as it leads to closure of most defects. Presence of oxides in the defects, however, hinders complete closure by HIP. Machining the as-built surface improves fatiguelife; however, for EBM manufactured material, the extent of improvement is dependent on the amount of material removed. The as-built surface roughness, which has numerous crack initiation sites, leads to lower scatter in fatigue life. In both SLM and EBM manufactured material, fatigue crack propagation is transgranular. Crack propagation is affected by grain size and texture of the material.

Exploration of Phase Stability and Hot Workability of Polycrystalline Co-Al-W-Base Superalloys

Wertz, Katelun N. 11 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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