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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Killiches, Susanne Judith 21 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Transitions de phase quantiques dans les systèmes désordonnés de basse dimension / Quantum phase transitions in low dimensional disordered systems

Couëdo, François 10 April 2014 (has links)
La supraconductivité s’établit par une organisation collective des électrons, décrite dans le cadre de la théorie BCS par une même fonction d’onde macroscopique. En présence de fort désordre, la situation est plus complexe : le désordre induit un renforcement des interactions coulombiennes et une localisation des électrons, s’opposant à l’établissement de la supraconductivité. Pour un désordre critique, la supraconductivité est détruite et le système devient métallique ou isolant. A 2D, en l’absence de fortes interactions coulombiennes, la théorie de la localisation d’Anderson interdit l’existence d’un état métallique : le désordre induit une Transition Supraconducteur-Isolant (TSI). Durant cette thèse, nous avons étudié les propriétés de transport à très basse température de films minces amorphes de NbxSi1-x. Nous avons effectué des mesures de résistance à basse fréquence à travers la TSI et initié des mesures d’impédance complexe à hautes fréquences (quelques GHz), afin de sonder la dynamique du système à travers la TSI. L’étude du transport statique s’est focalisée sur l’évolution du NbxSi1-x avec le recuit. Ce paramètre induit une variation progressive du désordre microscopique de notre système, ce qui nous a permis d’étudier finement la TSI. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence deux états dissipatifs, séparant les états supraconducteurs et isolants, et non-prédits par les théories actuelles. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis au point un dispositif de mesure de réflectométrie micro-onde large bande. Nous avons en particulier développé une méthode de calibration, utilisant non pas la mesure de références externes comme il est usuel, mais un ensemble d’hypothèses sur la réponse électrodynamique des échantillons. Cette méthode permet de s’affranchir de l’environnement micro-onde de ceux-ci. Les résultats obtenus permettent une première validation de cette démarche et constituent donc un premier pas vers la détermination de la réponse dynamique absolue du système à travers la TSI. / Superconductivity is established by the collective organization of electrons, then described within the BCS theory through a single macroscopic wave function. In the presence of strong disorder, the situation becomes more complex: disorder enhances Coulomb interactions and induces the localization of electrons. These two phenomena act against superconductivity. For a critical disorder, the superconducting state is destroyed and the system becomes either metallic or insulating. In 2D, in the absence of strong Coulomb interactions, the theory of Anderson localization prevents the existence of a metallic state. Disorder thus induces a Superconductor-Insulator Transition (SIT). We have studied the transport properties of amorphous NbxSi1-x thin films at very low temperature. We have performed resistance measurements at low frequencies through the SIT and initiated measurements of the complex impedance at higher frequencies (a few GHz) in order to probe the dynamics of the system through this quantum phase transition. The study of the static properties of NbxSi1-x films have focused on the effect of annealing. This parameter induces a gradual variation of the microscopic disorder of this system, which allowed us a very fine tuning of the SIT. We have thus evidenced two dissipative states, non-predicted by the current theories of the SIT, which separate the superconducting and insulating ground states. In parallel, we have set up a broadband microwave reflectometry experiment. In particular, we have developed a calibration procedure based on hypotheses on the electrodynamic response of the samples and not on the measure of external references as it is usual. This method allows us to measure the sample’s response independently from the experimental setup. The results we have obtained provide a first validation of this approach and therefore constitute a first step towards the determination of the absolute dynamical response of the system through the SIT.

Nano-scale electronic inhomogeneities in ultra-thin superconducting NbN / Etude des inhomogénéités électroniques à l'échelle nanoscopique dans des films supraconducteurs ultra-minces de NbN

Aberkane, Clementine 24 October 2014 (has links)
Afin de mieux comprendre les différents processus qui apparaissent à la transition supraconducteur-isolant (SIT), nous avons sondé simultanément les propriétés électroniques globales et locales de films minces de NbN, élaborés ex-situ sur un substrat de saphir. La transition a été approchée en réduisant l'épaisseur des échantillons, augmentant la résistance par carré de l'état normal à plusieurs kiloOhms. Les Tc correspondant aux films étudiés varient de Tc≈15K qui est proche de TC-bulk à Tc≈3.8K (Tc/TC-bulk≈0.23). Dans la gamme 0.4TC-bulk<Tc<TC-bulk, les mesures de résistances sont en accord avec la loi de Finkelstein pour la réduction de Tc induite par le désordre et les interactions électron-électron. Les mesures de spectroscopie tunnel locale (STS) montrent l'émergence d'une granularité dans les propriétés supraconductrices en réduisant la Tc, ainsi que le développement d'un fort fond Altshuler-Aronov dans les spectres tunnel dI/dV(V), ce qui est en accord avec le scenario de Finkelstein. Pour l'échantillon le plus désordonné (Tc≈3.8K), des mesures de résistance in-situ et de STS en simultané nous ont permis de suivre sur la même zone de l'échantillon, l'évolution des propriétés supraconductrices en fonction de la température et du champ magnétique, qui ont démontré un comportement percolatif de la transition dans l'état normal de mauvais métal. Cette étude locale a été confirmée par le changement de dimensionnalité des fluctuations Aslamasov-Larkin au-dessus de Tc de 2D à 0D. En outre, une telle étude est particulièrement intéressante pour comprendre les différents phénomènes qui limitent le fonctionnement des détecteurs de photon unique basé sur les films de NbN. / In order to better understand the various processes taking place at the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT), we have probed simultaneously the global and local electronic properties of NbN ultrathin films, elaborated ex-situ on sapphire substrate. The transition was approached by reducing the films thickness, increasing the normal state square resistance to several kiloOhms. The corresponding Tc's of the studied films ranged from about Tc≈15K, which is close to TC-bulk, to Tc≈3.8K (Tc/TC-bulk≈0.23). In the range 0.4TC-bulk<Tc<TC-bulk resistivity measurements are consistent with Finkelstein's reduction of Tc induced by disorder and electron-electron repulsion. Local scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements show the emergence of granularity in the superconducting properties upon Tc reduction, as well as the progressive development of a strong Altshuler-Aronov background in the dI/dV(V) tunneling spectra, in agreement with Finkelstein scenario. For the most disordered film (Tc≈3.8K), simultaneous in-situ resistivity and STS measurements allowed us to follow at the same sample area the evolution of these emergent granular superconducting properties as a function of temperature and magnetic field, which demonstrate a percolative behavior of the transition to the bad-metal normal state. This local picture finds an interesting signature in the change of the dimensionality of the Aslamasov-Larkin fluctuations above Tc from 2D to 0D. Besides, such a study is particularly interesting to better understand the various phenomena occurring in and limiting the behavior of single-photon detectors patterned out of NbN films.

Theoretical studies of topology and strong correlations in superconductors

Hazra, Tamaghna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Customizing a low temperature system for microwave transmission measurements. Quantum transport in thin TiN films and nanostructures

Carbonell Cortés, Carla 22 June 2012 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis consists of two distinct parts. The first years of my work focused on the development and improvement of a new equipment built to study magnetic and electrical properties, particularly applying microwaves in reflection and transmission conditions. The sample space in conventional cryostats with superconducting magnets is usually smaller than 10-mm-diameter. Our equipment consists of a hollow cylindrical cryostat having a 33-mm-diameter hole all along its vertical axis. These characteristics enable the measurement of large samples and the use of big resonant cavities to get to a wider microwave (MW) range, particularly in transmission measurements. The cryostat has a superconducting magnet made of a solenoid that applies a magnetic field from -5 T to 5 T, and a temperature controller that works in the range 1.8 - 300 K. The system is cooled down with nitrogen and helium and the temperature can be controlled with the precision required by each experiment using a heater and a needle valve. Different probes for a wide range of experiments in our cryostat have been developed in order to be as versatile as possible. Following this idea each one has been divided in two halves that can be combined as it is preferred in each experiment. Each probe is made of a 8-to-10-mm-diameter stainless steel tube that is used to protect and give some stiffness to the measuring device. A coaxial cable and different waveguides are added to these stainless steel jackets, so we end up having nine halves, four upper parts that can be combined with five lower parts. There are three waveguides working in the frequency ranges 33-50 GHz (WR22), 50-75 GHz (WR15) and 75-110 GHz (WR10), and a coaxial cable that maintains the fundamental mode at a frequency of 60 GHz. In the extra lower part a 16-pin Fischer connector is added at the bottom in order to be able to perform more resistance experiments. Once the probes have been built, they have been tested to make sure the system is able to reach high vacuum and to be cooled down. Problems found along the way have been solved and at the end all the probes work properly. Different sample holders have been designed and built according to the needs in each experiment. The system has been tested by reproducing experimental results with Mn12-acetate, as quantum tunneling and magnetic avalanches, and by obtaining new results on microwave transmission in thin TiN films. The second part of the thesis focuses on the measurements of thin TiN films in a dilution refrigerator working with a mixture of 3He and 4He that enables experiments at a few tens of millikelvins. The cryostat also contains a superconductor magnet which can apply a magnetic field up to 5 T. Low-temperature transport properties of nanoperforated superconducting TiN films have been experimentally studied. Resistance measurements have been performed in the critical region of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT), applying the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the structure or the dc current through the sample. SIT is a transition from a superconductor to an insulator state by localizing the Cooper pairs. The evolution of the SIT with temperature, magnetic field and dc current has been investigated in detail. Characteristic parameters have been determined for as-cast thin films using the theory of quantum corrections to conductivity. Disorder-driven and field-induced SITs have been measured. Commensurability effects have been observed down to the lowest experimental temperature, and are emphasized in the more disordered samples. The SIT has been observed for a dc current applied across the sample as changes in the curvature at zero bias current. Experiments prove that electronic transport in the nanoperforated samples is mediated by Andreev conversion. Finally, the existence of the superinsulator state has been experimentally proved. / El treball que es presenta en aquesta tesi consta de dues parts ben diferenciades. La primera pretén el desenvolupament d’un equip experimental concebut per a l’estudi de propietats magnètiques i elèctriques en materials diversos i, en especial, el treball amb radiació de microones en condicions de reflexió i transmissió. La segona s’ha centrat en les mesures de transport d’una capa fina superconductora de nitrur de titani (TiN) de 5 nm de gruix en un criòstat de dilució.

Supraleitung in Gallium-implantiertem Silizium / Superconductivity in gallium-implanted silicon

Skrotzki, Richard 21 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der elektrischen Charakterisierung 10 nm dünner Schichten bestehend aus amorphen Ga-Nanoclustern eingebettet in Ga-dotiertes polykristallines Si. Die Herstellung der Schichten geschieht via Ionen-Implantation in Si-Wafer samt anschließender thermischer Ausheilung. Elektrische Transportmessungen in Magnetfeldern von bis zu 50 T zeigen, dass die Schichten durch Variation der Ausheilparameter zwei strukturelle Supraleiter-Isolator-Übergänge durchlaufen. TEM-gestützte Strukturanalysen decken auf, dass den Übergängen eine Gefügetransformation zugrunde liegt, die das Wechselspiel zwischen supraleitender Cluster-Kopplung und kapazitiver Ladungsenergie sowie dem Ausmaß von thermischen und Quantenfluktuationen beeinflusst. Im supraleitenden Regime (Tc = 7 K) wird ein doppelt reentrantes Phänomen beobachtet, bei dem Magnetfelder von mehreren Tesla in anisotroper Form die Supraleitung begünstigen. Eine qualitative Erklärung gelingt via selbstentwickeltem theoretischen Modell basierend auf Phaseslip-Ereignissen für Josephson-Kontakt-Netzwerke. Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensor-Technologie und Quanten-Logik werden die Schichten erfolgreich via Fotolithographie und FIB (focused ion beam) mikro- und nanostrukturiert. Dadurch gelingt die erstmalige Beobachtung des Little-Parks-Effektes in einer Nanostruktur aus amorphem Ga. / The following thesis is devoted to the electrical characterization of 10 nm thin layers consisting of amorphous Ga nanoclusters embedded in Ga-doped polycrystalline Si. The preparation of the layers is realized via ion implantation in Si wafers plus subsequent thermal annealing. Electrical-transport measurements in magnetic fields of up to 50 T show that the layers undergo two structural superconductor-insulator transitions upon variation of the annealing parameters. Structural analyzes based on TEM investigations reveal an underlying transformation of the size and distance of the clusters. This influences the interplay of the superconducting cluster coupling and capacitive charging energy as well as the extent of thermal and quantum fluctuations. In the superconducting regime (Tc = 7 K) a double-reentrant phenomenon is observed. Here, magnetic fields of several Tesla facilitate superconductivity in an anisotropic way. A qualitative explanation is given via a self-developed theoretical model based on phase-slip events for Josephson-junction arrays. With respect to applications regarding sensor technology and quantum logic circuits the layers are successfully micro- and nanostructured via photolithography and FIB. This allows for the first observation of the Little-Parks effect in a nanostructure of amorphous Ga.

Supraleitung in Gallium-implantiertem Silizium

Skrotzki, Richard 12 July 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der elektrischen Charakterisierung 10 nm dünner Schichten bestehend aus amorphen Ga-Nanoclustern eingebettet in Ga-dotiertes polykristallines Si. Die Herstellung der Schichten geschieht via Ionen-Implantation in Si-Wafer samt anschließender thermischer Ausheilung. Elektrische Transportmessungen in Magnetfeldern von bis zu 50 T zeigen, dass die Schichten durch Variation der Ausheilparameter zwei strukturelle Supraleiter-Isolator-Übergänge durchlaufen. TEM-gestützte Strukturanalysen decken auf, dass den Übergängen eine Gefügetransformation zugrunde liegt, die das Wechselspiel zwischen supraleitender Cluster-Kopplung und kapazitiver Ladungsenergie sowie dem Ausmaß von thermischen und Quantenfluktuationen beeinflusst. Im supraleitenden Regime (Tc = 7 K) wird ein doppelt reentrantes Phänomen beobachtet, bei dem Magnetfelder von mehreren Tesla in anisotroper Form die Supraleitung begünstigen. Eine qualitative Erklärung gelingt via selbstentwickeltem theoretischen Modell basierend auf Phaseslip-Ereignissen für Josephson-Kontakt-Netzwerke. Für Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensor-Technologie und Quanten-Logik werden die Schichten erfolgreich via Fotolithographie und FIB (focused ion beam) mikro- und nanostrukturiert. Dadurch gelingt die erstmalige Beobachtung des Little-Parks-Effektes in einer Nanostruktur aus amorphem Ga. / The following thesis is devoted to the electrical characterization of 10 nm thin layers consisting of amorphous Ga nanoclusters embedded in Ga-doped polycrystalline Si. The preparation of the layers is realized via ion implantation in Si wafers plus subsequent thermal annealing. Electrical-transport measurements in magnetic fields of up to 50 T show that the layers undergo two structural superconductor-insulator transitions upon variation of the annealing parameters. Structural analyzes based on TEM investigations reveal an underlying transformation of the size and distance of the clusters. This influences the interplay of the superconducting cluster coupling and capacitive charging energy as well as the extent of thermal and quantum fluctuations. In the superconducting regime (Tc = 7 K) a double-reentrant phenomenon is observed. Here, magnetic fields of several Tesla facilitate superconductivity in an anisotropic way. A qualitative explanation is given via a self-developed theoretical model based on phase-slip events for Josephson-junction arrays. With respect to applications regarding sensor technology and quantum logic circuits the layers are successfully micro- and nanostructured via photolithography and FIB. This allows for the first observation of the Little-Parks effect in a nanostructure of amorphous Ga.

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