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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spectrum and quantum symmetries of the AdS5 × S5 superstring

Heinze, Martin 24 June 2015 (has links)
Die AdS/CFT-Dualität zwischen N=4 SYM und dem AdS_5 × S^5 Superstring zeigt Quanten-Integrabilität im planaren Limes und erlaubte die Konstruktion mächtiger Methoden, welche das Spektrale Problem zu lösen scheinen. Unser Verständnis der direkten Quantisierung des AdS_5 × S^5 Superstrings ist jedoch weiterhin unbefriedigend und besonders das Spektrum kurzer Stringzustände war bisher nur in führender Ordnung in starker ''t Hooft-Kopplung bekannt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir verschiedene Methoden der perturbativen Quantisierung kurzer Strings über die führende Ordnung hinaus, wodurch wir uns auch einen besseres Verständnis der vorhandenen Quanten-Symmetrien erhoffen. Wir fokusieren auf die niedrigst angeregten Stringzustände, dual zum Konishi-Supermultiplet, und begutachten kritisch eine angeblichen Berechnung der Konishi anomalen Skalendimension im Pure-Spinor-Superstring-Formalismus. Als nächstes betrachten wir den bosonischen AdS_5 × S^5 String in statischer Eichung und konstruieren eine sog. Einzelmoden-Stringlösung, eine Veralgemeinerung des pulsierenden Strings durch unbeschränkte Nullmoden. Diese ist klassisch integrabel und quanteninvariant unter den Isometrien SO(2,4) × SO(6). Mögliche Korrekturen der vernachlässigten Supersymmetrie werden heuristisch berücksichtigt, wodurch die ersten Quantenkorrekturen der Konishi anomale Skalendimension reproduzieren werden. Wir implementieren statische Eichung für den AdS_5 × S^5 Superstring und finden elegante Ausdrücke für die Lagrangedichte und Superladungen. Unter Beschränkung auf das Superteilchen finden wir auf zwei unterschiedliche Arten kanonische Koordinaten in quadratischer Ordnung in Fermionen. Schließlich betrachten wir eine weitere Quantisierungsmethode: Da der Einzelmoden-String die SO(2,4) × SO(6)-Bahn des pulsierenden Strings ist, wenden wir Bahn-Methoden-Quantisierung auf das Teilchen und Spinning Strings in bosonischem AdS_3 × S^3 an und erhalten konsistente Ergebnisse für die Spektra. / The initial AdS/CFT duality pair, the duality between N=4 SYM and the AdS_5 × S^5 superstring, appears to enjoy quantum integrability in the planar limit, which allowed to devise powerful methods ostensibly solving the spectral problem. However, quantization of the AdS_5 × S^5 superstring from first principles is still an open question and especially the spectrum of short string states has previously been derived only at leading order in large ''t Hooft coupling. In this thesis we investigate possible routes to quantize short string states perturbatively beyond the leading order, where equally our aim is to gain better appreciation of the quantum symmetries at play. A prominent role is played by the lowest excited string states, dual to the Konishi supermultiplet, and we start by reviewing critically an asserted derivation of the Konishi anomalous dimension in the setup of pure spinor string theory. Next, we constrain ourselves to bosonic AdS_5 × S^5 String in static gauge, where we construct a so-called single-mode string solution, a generalization of the pulsating string allowing for unconstrained zero-modes. This solution shows classical integrability and invariance under the isometries SO(2,4) × SO(6) at the quantum level. Arguing heuristically about the effects of supersymmetry, we indeed recover the first non-trivial quantum correction to the Konishi anomalous dimension. We continue by implementing static gauge for the full AdS_5 × S^5 superstring and find elegant expressions for the Lagrangian density and the supercharges. We then constrain our interest to the superparticle and, using two different methods, find canonical coordinates at quadratic order in fermions. We conclude by exploring another quantization scheme: As the single-mode string is nothing but the SO(2,4) × SO(6) orbit of the pulsating string, we apply orbit method quantization to the particle and spinning string solutions in bosonic AdS_3 × S^3 yielding consistent results for the spectra.

The Nicolai Map and its Application in Supersymmetric Field Theories

Malcha, Hannes 12 May 2023 (has links)
Supersymmetrische Feldtheorien können durch eine nicht-lineare und nicht-lokale Transformation der bosonischen Felder charakterisiert werden, der Nicolai-Abbildung. Sie bildet das wechselwirkende Funktionalmaß so auf das Maß der zugehörigen freien Theorie ab, dass die Jacobi-Determinante gleich dem Produkt der fermionischen Determinanten ist. Wir untersuchen die Nicolai-Abbildungen des 2-dimenionalen Wess-Zumino Modells und der N=1 sowie N=4 super Yang-Mills Theorien. Wir geben einen konstruktiven Beweis für die Existenz der Nicolai-Abbildung in diesen Theorien. Der Beweis beinhaltet die Herleitung des infinitesimalen Generators der inversen Abbildung, dem R-Operator. Wir benutzen diesen Operator, um die Nicolai-Abbildung im 2-dimensionalen Wess-Zumino Modell bis zur fünften Ordnung in der Kopplung zu berechnen. In der N=1 super Yang-Mills Theorie führen wir die Begriffe der on- bzw. off-shell Nicolai-Abbildungen ein. Die on-shell Abbildung existiert in d=3,4,6 und 10 Dimensionen aber nur für die Landau Eichung. Wir bestimmen sie bis zur vierten Ordnung. Die off-shell Abbildung existiert nur in d=4 Dimensionen aber für allgemeine Eichungen. Wir berechnen sie in der axialen Eichung bis zur zweiten Ordnung. Für die N=4 super Yang-Mills Theorie geben wir den R-Operator an und zeigen, dass man die N=4 Nicolai-Abbildung durch dimensionale Reduktion aus der N=1 Abbildung erhält. Inverse Nicolai-Abbildungen bilden Quantenkorrelationsfunktionen bosonischer Observablen auf freie Korrelationsfunktionen ab. Daher gestatten sie eine Quantisierung supersymmetrischer Theorien ohne die Verwendung von Fermionen oder Geistern. Wir benutzten diese Eigenschaft, um den Vakuum-Erwartungswert der Maldacena-Wilson Geraden bis zur sechsten Ordnung zu berechnen. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit bestimmen wir die explizite Form aller Felder im 1/2-BPS Energie-Impuls-Tensor Multiplet in N=4 super Yang-Mills. Dieses Multiplet enthält den R-Symmetrie Fluss und den Energie-Impuls-Tensor. / Supersymmetric field theories can be characterized by the existence of a non-linear and non-local transformation of the bosonic fields, the Nicolai map. It maps the interacting functional measure to that of a free theory such that the Jacobian determinant of the transformation equals the product of the fermionic determinants. In this thesis, we study the Nicolai maps of the 2-dimensional Wess-Zumino model, N=1 super Yang-Mills and N=4 super Yang-Mills. We give a constructive proof for the existence of the Nicolai map in these theories. The proof includes the derivation of the infinitesimal generator of the inverse Nicolai map, called the R-operator. We use this operator to compute the Nicolai map of the 2-dimensional Wess-Zumino model up to the fifth order in the coupling. In N=1 super Yang-Mills, we introduce the notion of on- and off-shell Nicolai maps. The on-shell Nicolai map of N=1 super Yang-Mills exists in d=3,4,6 and 10 dimensions but is constrained to the Landau gauge. We compute this map up to the fourth order. The off-shell Nicolai map exists only in d=4 dimensions but for general gauges. We compute it in the axial gauge up to the second order. In N=4 super Yang-Mills, we give the R-operator and show that the Nicolai map can be obtained from the Nicolai map of 10-dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills by dimensional reduction. Inverse Nicolai maps map quantum correlation functions of bosonic observables to free correlation functions. Hence, Nicolai maps allow for a fermion (and ghost) free quantization of supersymmetric (gauge) theories. We apply this property to compute the vacuum expectation value of the infinite straight line Maldacena-Wilson loop in N=4 super Yang-Mills to the sixth order. Thus extending the previous perturbative result by one order. In the second part of this thesis, we derive the explicit field content of the 1/2-BPS stress tensor multiplet in N=4 super Yang-Mills, which contains the R-symmetry current and the energy-momentum tensor.

Mesures d'étalonnage aux neutrons et caractérisation par étude Monte Carlo de la réponse des détecteurs à gouttelettes surchauffées conçus pour la recherche et la détection directe du neutralino (la matière sombre) menant aux résultats finaux de l'expérience PICASSO

Lafrenière, Matthieu 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Field Theoretic Lagrangian From Off-shell Supermultiplet Gauge Quotients

Katona, Gregory 01 January 2013 (has links)
Recent efforts to classify off-shell representations of supersymmetry without a central charge have focused upon directed, supermultiplet graphs of hypercubic topology known as Adinkras. These encodings of Super Poincare algebras, depict every generator of a chosen supersymmetry as a node-pair transformtion between fermionic bosonic component fields. This research thesis is a culmination of investigating novel diagrammatic sums of gauge-quotients by supersymmetric images of other Adinkras, and the correlated building of field theoretic worldline Lagrangians to accommodate both classical and quantum venues. We find Ref [40], that such gauge quotients do not yield other stand alone or "proper" Adinkras as afore sighted, nor can they be decomposed into supermultiplet sums, but are rather a connected "Adinkraic network". Their iteration, analogous to Weyl's construction for producing all finite-dimensional unitary representations in Lie algebras, sets off chains of algebraic paradigms in discrete-graph and continuous-field variables, the links of which feature distinct, supersymmetric Lagrangian templates. Collectively, these Adiankraic series air new symbolic genera for equation to phase moments in Feynman path integrals. Guided in this light, we proceed by constructing Lagrangians actions for the N = 3 supermultiplet YI /(iDI X) for I = 1, 2, 3, where YI and X are standard, Salam-Strathdee superfields: YI fermionic and X bosonic. The system, bilinear in the component fields exhibits a total of thirteen free parameters, seven of which specify Zeeman-like coupling to external background (magnetic) fluxes. All but special subsets of this parameter space describe aperiodic oscillatory responses, some of which are found to be surprisingly controlled by the golden ratio, [phi] = 1.61803, Ref [52]. It is further determined that these Lagrangians allow an N = 3 - > 4 supersymmetric extension to the Chiral-Chiral and Chiral-twistedChiral multiplet, while a subset admits two inequivalent such extensions. In a natural proiii gression, a continuum of observably and usefully inequivalent, finite-dimensional off-shell representations of worldline N = 4 extended supersymmetry are explored, that are variate from one another but in the value of a tuning parameter, Ref [53]. Their dynamics turns out to be nontrivial already when restricting to just bilinear Lagrangians. In particular, we find a 34-parameter family of bilinear Lagrangians that couple two differently tuned supermultiplets to each other and to external magnetic fluxes, where the explicit parameter dependence is unremovable by any field redefinition and is therefore observable. This offers the evaluation of X-phase sensitive, off-shell path integrals with promising correlations to group product decompositions and to deriving source emergences of higher-order background flux-forms on 2-dimensional manifolds, the stacks of which comprise space-time volumes. Application to nonlinear sigma models would naturally follow, having potential use in M- and F- string theories.

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