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Dysfonction musculaire périphérique et réhabilitation respiratoire dans la BPCO : intérêt d’une supplémentation en antioxydants / Peripheral muscle dysfunction and pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD : benefits of an antioxidant supplementationMaury, Jonathan 11 December 2015 (has links)
La réhabilitation respiratoire tient une place importante dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) stables en induisant des bénéfices au niveau de la tolérance à l’effort, la fonction et la masse musculaire périphérique. La présence d’un stress oxydant élevé à l’état basal, considéré comme un des principaux facteurs impliqués dans l’atteinte musculaire périphérique, est bien admise malgré les discordances rapportées dans la littérature notamment au niveau du système antioxydant. L’absence d’amélioration des marqueurs du stress oxydant au cours d’un programme de réhabilitation respiratoire constitue une limite probable aux adaptations musculaires escomptées. Cependant, même si une supplémentation en antioxydants semble être une intervention adaptée permettant de réduire le stress oxydant et d’améliorer l’atteinte musculaire périphérique, son efficacité reste toujours à prouver chez les patients BPCO.Ainsi, nos objectifs étaient de déterminer et caractériser l’hétérogénéité des marqueurs du stress oxydant en vue d’étudier les effets d’une supplémentation en antioxydants adaptée sur des marqueurs spécifiques de l’atteinte musculaire périphérique des patients BPCO stables. A travers une analyse globale intégrant toute la complexité du stress oxydant, ce travail de thèse a montré que les principaux déficits en antioxydants chez les patients BPCO stables se situent au niveau de l’équilibre vitamine C/E, du zinc et du sélénium. De plus, nos résultats ont permis de déterminer des profils de patients caractérisés notamment par des sous-groupes de femmes ayant une majoration des taux de peroxydes lipidiques. Basé sur les principaux déficits identifiés et malgré l’importante hétérogénité des réponses, nous avons montré qu’une supplémentation en antioxydants permettait d’optimiser les bénéfices d’un programme de réhabilitation respiratoire en améliorant la FMIV, la Vo2sl et la surface de section transversale (SSt) des fibres musculaires de patients BPCO stables. Ainsi, dans l’optique d’une approche par phénotypes, l’utilisation de valeurs de références de la SSt, comme établies dans notre seconde étude, semble constituer un biomarqueur adapté mais celles-ci doivent être optimisées afin d’être applicable chez les patients BPCO. Pour conclure, outre l’intérêt pour l’utilisation d’une supplémentation en antioxydants au cours d’un programme de réhabilitation respiratoire, nos résultats contribuent à améliorer les connaissances sur le rôle du stress oxydant dans la physiopathologie de l’atteinte musculaire périphérique des patients BPCO. De plus, une meilleure compréhension et caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité, à la fois du stress oxydant et de l’atteinte musculaire périphérique, ouvrent des perspectives de recherche prometteuses dans l’optique d’une adaptation de la prise en charge des patients BPCO. / Pulmonary rehabilitation is considered as a major component in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients by inducing benefits on exercise capacity, peripheral function and muscle mass. Elevated oxidative stress at baseline, considered as one of the main factors involved in peripheral muscle impairment, is well accepted despite the discrepancies reported in the literature especially on antioxidant system. The absence of oxidative stress marker improvement following a pulmonary rehabilitation program is a likely limit to the expected muscle adaptations. However, although antioxidant supplementation seems to be an appropriate intervention for reducing oxidative stress and improving peripheral muscle impairment, its effectiveness remains to be proven in COPD patients.Thus, our objectives were to determine and characterize the oxidative stress marker heterogeneity in order to study the effets of a suitable antioxidant supplementation on specific peripheral muscle markers in stable COPD patients.Through a comprehensive analysis integrating the oxidative stress complexity, this work showed that the main antioxidant deficits in stable COPD patients are on the vitamin C/E balance, zinc and selenium. Moreover, our results allowed to determine patient profiles characterized in particular by a women subgroup with an increased rate of lipid peroxides. Based on the main identified deficits and despite the large response heterogeneity, we have shown that antioxidant supplementation may optimize the benefits of a pulmonary rehabilitation program by improving especially muscle fiber strength, cross-sectional area (CSA) and maximal oxygen consumption of stable COPD patients. Thus, from the perspective of a phenotype approach, the use of CSA reference values, as established in our second study, appears to be a suitable biomarker but these should be optimized in order to be relevant in COPD patients.Finally, besides the benefits of using an antioxidant supplementation during pulmonary rehabilitation program, our results contribute to improve our knowledge about the role of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of peripheral muscle impairment in COPD patients. Furthermore, a better understanding and characterization of heterogeneity of both oxidative stress and peripheral muscle impairment opens up promising research prospects with a view of adjusting the management of COPD patients.
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Uso de meio condicionado por células estromais mesenquimais uterinas durante o cultivo in vitro de embriões bovinosCintra, Lais do Nascimento January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Fernanda da Cruz Landim-Alvarenga / Resumo: As tecnologias de reprodução assistida, tais como a fertilização in vitro (FIV), transferência de embriões, transgenia e clonagem, ainda não tem o impacto comercial desejado devido a baixa produção embrionária. Apenas 30 a 40% dos blastocistos desenvolvidos são obtidos de oócitos após a MIV, fertilização e cultivo dos embriões, embora 80% dos oócitos maturados in vitro sejam fertilizados com sucesso. O soro fetal bovino (SFB) é o suplemento mais utilizado no cultivo de embriões in vitro, uma vez que melhora o desenvolvimento dos blastocistos. Apesar disso, sua presença está relacionada a alterações do metabolismo embrionário, perda de qualidade e indução de modificações na expressão de vários genes embrionários. Na tentativa de minimizar os efeitos deletérios do SFB, várias citocinas e fatores de crescimento têm sido acrescentados aos meios de cultivo embrionários in vitro, com a intenção de mimetizar as condições de cultivo in vivo. O presente experimento tem como objetivo avaliar e comparar os efeitos da adição do SFB e de meio condicionado por células mesenquimais estromais (MSCs) durante o cultivo embrionário. Os parâmetros analisados foram a viabilidade embrionária, apoptose e o perfil transcricional de genes relacionados à qualidade dos embriões. Não foi observado uma diferença (P≥0,05) na clivagem dos blastocistos, porém observou-se que a taxa de produção de embriões utilizando SFB no CIV foi maior (P≤0,05) quando comparada com MC, mas não diferiu (P≥0,05) do grupo pro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Endometrial mesenchymal stromal cell (eMSCs) secretes bioactive molecules such as cytokines and growth factors which are released as soluble factors or through extracellular vesicles (EVs). Conditioned medium (CM) of the MSCs maintains the immunomodulation and regenerative potential properties of the cells that produced it. This study investigated the use of CM by eMSC plus BSA as alternative to FBS in embryo culture medium. The developmental ability and quality of bovine embryos were determined by assessing their cell number and gene expression. The percentage of embryos that underwent cleavage was similar (P>0.05) among the groups but blastocyst formation was higher (P<0.05) in FBS group. The total cell number was higher in CM group, but not statistically different from the others (P>0.05). The relative mRNA expression of ELOVL6 was higher in the CM group, CASP3 in the BSA group, ACSL3 and VEGF in the FBS group. Taken together, these data suggest that CM can be used as an alternative supplement to FBS. We observed a different gene expression profile, suggesting the CM inhibited an increase in the relative mRNA levels for CASP3. Moreover, the CM favored the total number cells, inhibited the percentage of cells in apoptosis and produces better quality embryo. / Mestre
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Krevní hodnoty ovcí při definovaném příjmu selenu a jodu / Blood values of sheep at a defined intake of selenium and iodineKOCÁBOVÁ, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical part is concerned with the functional application of selenium and iodine supplementation methods, risks disproportionate to their income, including changes in biochemical and hematological parameters and evaluation methods of adequate saturation. The practical part analyzes the results of experiments on sheep with a defined content of selenium and iodine in the ration evaluation of selected indicators of the metabolic profile of ewes and their lambs. The results are processed statistically. It reflected the dynamics and interactions of monitored parameters.
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Impact d’une supplémentation protéino-énergétique sur les performances physiques en réadaptation chez la personne âgée traumatisée crânienne : un projet piloteBouchard, Joanie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Efetividade do Programa do Leite na recuperação de crianças desnutridas moradoras de favelas de Maceió / Effectiveness of the Milk Program in the recovery of malnourished children living in slums of MaceióPires, Danielle Menezes da Silva 15 October 2010 (has links)
In the current context of health in developing countries, malnutrition persists as a problem of great magnitude, especially in children under five due to the persistence of the chronic form and relation with high rates of infant morbidity. This nutritional grievance mainly affects people exposed to food and nutritional insecurity and to unfavorable environmental conditions, being characterized as a social disease responsible for high mortality rates. Because of the drama of the poor, developing countries like Brazil since the postwar period have been trying to control hunger and malnutrition through social policies that include welfare character measures, highlighting the distribution of food to reduce child malnutrition. Moreover, few attempts to evaluate programs which combat hunger and malnutrition in Brazil were done among the beneficiary population. For these reasons, this study investigated the effectiveness of nutritional education associated with the supplementary consumption of milk to promote chronically malnourished children growth. The study involved 208 children with nutritional risk and malnutrition, randomly distributed among three groups (G1, G2 and G3). Children belonging to G1 and G2 were fed with milk, but only those of the G1 were subjected to nutritional education. The G3 children were neither users of the program, nor subjected to education. The end of the study, it was observed a significant increase in height (p<0.05) in G1 and G2. Children at nutritional risk differed significantly from G1 to G2 and G3, which in turn, were statistically identical. From the analysis of the evolutionary chart, there was again a positive trend in nutritional recovery of G1, when comparing with the others. For the G3 there was no satisfactory outcome, their average heights remained almost unchanged. It was concluded that despite the precarious socio-economic conditions of the families, nutritional education associated with the distribution of milk, contributed to the increase of about 0.2 z scores for EI during the study. The intervention examined in the final time showed that it was especially effective to G1, highlighting the importance of the continuous nutritional education to preventing malnutrition. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / No contexto atual de saúde dos países em desenvolvimento, a desnutrição ainda persiste como um problema de grande magnitude, principalmente nas crianças menores de cinco anos, em virtude da persistência da forma crônica e da relação com altas taxas de morbidade infantil. Este agravo nutricional atinge principalmente populações expostas à insegurança alimentar e nutricional e às condições ambientais desfavoráveis, sendo caracterizada como uma doença social responsável por elevado percentual de mortalidade. Em razão do drama da população carente, os países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil desde o período pós-guerra tem tentado controlar a fome e a desnutrição através de políticas sociais que incluem medidas de caráter assistencialista, destacando-se a distribuição de gêneros alimentícios para reduzir a desnutrição infantil. Ademais, poucas tentativas de avaliação de programas de combate a fome e a desnutrição no Brasil foram feitas junto à população beneficiária. Por estes motivos, o presente trabalho investigou a eficácia da educação nutricional associada ao consumo suplementar de leite na promoção do crescimento de crianças cronicamente desnutridas. O estudo envolveu 208 crianças portadoras de risco nutricional e desnutrição, aleatoriamente alocadas em três grupos (G1, G2 e G3). As crianças do G1 e do G2 receberam leite, mas apenas as do G1 foram submetidas à educação nutricional. As crianças do G3 não eram usuárias do Programa, nem foram submetidas à educação. No final da pesquisa, verificou-se aumento significativo de estatura (p<0,05) do G1 e do G2. As crianças em risco nutricional do G1 diferiram significativamente das do G2 e G3, que por sua vez, foram estatisticamente iguais. A partir da análise do gráfico evolutivo, verificou-se novamente uma tendência positiva de recuperação nutricional do G1, quando comparando com os demais. Para o G3, não houve evolução satisfatória, permanecendo suas médias estaturais praticamente inalteradas. Concluindo-se, portanto, que apesar das precárias condições sócio-econômicas das famílias, a educação nutricional, associada a distribuição do leite, contribuiu para o incremento de cerca de 0,2 escores z para EI ao longo do estudo. A intervenção analisada, no tempo final, mostrou-se especialmente eficaz para o G1, destacando a importância da educação nutricional continuada para a prevenção da desnutrição infantil.
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(In) Efetividade do Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Ferro : fatores relacionados aos gestores municipais, aos profissionais de saúde e à população beneficiária / (In) Effectiveness of National Program of Iron Supplementation : factors related to municipal managers, for health professionals and to the beneficiaryRibeiro, Luana Carolina de Medeiros Paiva 19 December 2011 (has links)
Anemia is a common deficiency throughout the world, its main cause, iron deficiency, is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in the world. Were studied twelve municipalities in the region North of the State of Alagoas, having intended to investigate the prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women and children and to investigate the reasons for (in) effectiveness of the national programme of iron supplementation (PNSF).The data collection occurred in three modules: population receiving the PNSF, children 6 to 18 months and pregnant women blood sample collection, and held the determination of hemoglobin to assess the prevalence of anaemia in the Group; Programme Manager, Coordinator of the PNSF in the municipality; and finally, health care professionals who work in basic care. In all modules were applied questionnaires drawn up in the search following the Manual of the PNSF. Were interviewed 1,446 families, totaling a sample of 6,446 individuals residing in the northern municipalities of Alagoas. Of the total of 90 individuals, pregnant women, 157 children were in the range from 0 to 60 months. The prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women was 46.8%, there were no cases of severe anaemia, 41.8% were cases of mild anemia and 5.1% of moderate anaemia. In children 6 to 60 months, the prevalence of anemia was 51.7%, 39.4% of mild anemia, 9.8% from moderate anaemia and 2.5% of children with severe anaemia. In pregnant women there were not significant risk factors. The child's age was a significant factor for occurrence of anemia, children under one year are eight times more likely to be anemic that children over one year. The questionnaires of the PNSF in pregnant women and children demonstrated little knowledge about the programme, the importance of supplementation and information about food sources of iron, as well as foods that interfere with the absorption of iron, positively or negatively. The coordinators of the PNSF are mostly healthcare professionals (90%) that Act on other programs in the municipality, half operate also in vitamin A supplementation program, any other act in basic care or outside a Coordinator acts in school meals. The involvement in all activities of the PNSF occurs with only two of the coordinators. The causes of the inefficiency of the programme for coordinators: the lack of interest of the population; the lack of the supplement; lack of training of health staff and lack of supervision in the implementation of the programme. Helth professionals belive that the PNSF has not been effective: lack of the supplement; lack of interest of the population; lack of interest of local and/or federal managers; lack of training of the teams; lack of health professionals with a commitment to the objectives of the programme. Both coordinators as health workers blamed the lack of success of the programme to beneficiaries and the lack of the add-in, as the two most cited. Despite the importance of nutritional guidance to the PNSF the minority of the population received this type of guidance. It has been suggested from this study that systematically a Food guidance programme staff of the family health Programme aimed at increasing access of the population with adequate information and directed to fight this nutritional deficiency. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A anemia é uma carência comum em todo o mundo, sua principal causa, a deficiência de ferro, é a deficiência nutricional mais prevalente no mundo. Foram estudados doze municípios da região Norte do estado de Alagoas, tendo por objetivo investigar a prevalência de anemia em gestantes e crianças e investigar as razões da (in) efetividade do Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Ferro (PNSF). A coleta dos dados ocorreu em três módulos: população beneficiária do PNSF, crianças de 6 a 18 meses e gestantes coletas amostra de sangue e realizada a dosagem de hemoglobina para avaliar a prevalência de anemia no grupo; gestor do programa, coordenador do PNSF no município; e por fim, profissionais de saúde que atuam na atenção básica. Em todos os módulos foram aplicados questionários elaborados na pesquisa seguindo o Manual do PNSF. Foram entrevistadas 1.446 famílias, totalizando uma amostra de 6.446 indivíduos residentes nos municípios do Norte de Alagoas. Do total de indivíduos, 90 eram gestantes, 157 crianças na faixa de 0 a 60 meses. A prevalência de anemia em gestante foi de 46,8%, não houveram casos de anemia grave, 41,8% foram de casos de anemia leve e 5,1% de anemia moderada. Nas crianças de 6 a 60 meses, a prevalência de anemia foi de 51,7%, 39,4% de anemia leve, 9,8% de anemia moderada e 2,5% de crianças com anemia grave. Nas gestantes não houveram fatores de riscos significativos. A idade da criança foi fator significativo para ocorrência de anemia, os menores de um ano possuem oito vezes mais chances de estarem anêmicos que crianças maiores de um ano. Os questionários do PNSF nas gestantes e crianças demonstraram pouco conhecimento sobre o programa, a importância da suplementação e informações sobre alimentos fontes de ferro, bem como alimentos que interfiram na absorção do ferro, positiva ou negativamente. Os coordenadores do PNSF são na maioria profissionais da área da saúde (90%) que atuam em outros programas no município, metade atuam também no programa de suplementação de vitamina A, os demais atuam na atenção básica ou fora dela e uma coordenadora atua na merenda escolar. O envolvimento com todas as atividades do PNSF ocorre com apenas dois dos coordenadores. As causas da ineficiência do programa para os coordenadores: a falta de interesse da população; a falta do suplemento; falta de capacitação da equipe de saúde e falta de supervisão na execução do programa. Os profissionais de saúde acreditam que o PNSF não tem sido eficiente: falta do suplemento; falta de interesse da população; falta de interesse dos gestores federais e/ou locais; falta de capacitação das equipes; falta de profissionais de saúde com compromisso com os objetivos do programa. Tanto os coordenadores quanto os profissionais de saúde responsabilizaram a falta de sucesso do programa aos beneficiários e a falta de do suplemento, como os dois pontos mais citados. Apesar da importância da orientação nutricional para o PNSF a minoria da população recebeu esse tipo de orientação. Sugere-se a partir deste estudo que haja sistematicamente um Programa de Orientação Alimentar à equipe do Programa de Saúde da Família visando aumentar o acesso da população a informação adequada e direcionada ao combate dessa carência nutricional.
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Variáveis nutricionais e nictemerais de dietas com diferentes fontes de lipídeos em ovinos Santa Inês / Nutrition and variable diel diets with different lipid sources in sheep Santa InêsPereira, Marília Williani Filgueira January 2013 (has links)
PEREIRA, Marília Williani Filgueira. Variáveis nutricionais e nictemerais de dietas com diferentes fontes de lipídeos em ovinos Santa Inês. 2013. 55 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Zootecnia, Fortaleza-CE, 2013 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-08-08T13:46:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2013 / The aim of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of different fat sources in the diet of lambs over the intake and digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), total carbohydrates (TC), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and metabolizable energy (ME), microbial production, nitrogen balance (NB), creatinine excretion and nictemeral pattern of feeding behavior. It was used 35 Santa Inês sheep with initial body weight of 13.00 ± 1.80 kg. The experimental design was randomized blocks. The experimental diets consisted of five treatments: the control diet without supplementation, added cottonseed (CAL), bran cashews (FCC), cottonseed meal plus cashews (CALFCC) and calcium salts of long chain fatty acids (CaAgCl). DM intake (kg/day, %PC and g/kg0.75) and nutrients (kg/day) did not change according to the inclusion of dietary lipids, with the exception of EE, NFC intake (kg/day) and NDF (%PC and g/kg0.75). The lipid supplementation influenced the nutrients digestibility, so that diets with CAL showed the lowest digestibility coefficients for DM, OM, NDF and CT (63.89, 64.41, 70.79 and 54.02%), respectively, when compared to the control diet. There was no difference between diets in relation to urinary volume, however the excretions of creatinine were influenced. The NB did not change with the inclusion of lipids, however, purine derivatives excretions (PD mmol/dia), purine derivatives absorption (PD abs. mmol/day), microbial nitrogen production (N microb mmol/day), microbial crude protein (CP microbial g/day) and microbial protein efficiency synthesis (ESPBmic (g)/kgNDT) were influenced by addition of dietary lipids, so that the lowest means for these variables were for diet supplemented with CaAgCl (3.48, 2.95, 2.14, 13.40, 21.31 mmol/day), respectively. The ruminating time (RT), number of chews (No/day), chews per bolus (No/bolus) are influenced in accordance with the addition of lipids in the diet, so that longer times have been expended for the CAL treatment (10,14, 78,91 and 61,026), respectively. The animals fed heavily at times on the periods of 06 to 12 and 12 to 18 h and ruminated in periods that comprised the intervals 18 to 24 and 24 to 06 h. Supplementation with different lipid sources did not influence the consumption of DM and nutrients, with the exception of EE and NFC intake but influences the digestibility of DM and nutrients. NB and urine volume are not affected according to the lipid inclusion in diets, however, the excretions of creatinine are influenced and microbial production is reduced when CaAgcl are part of the diet. The lipid supplementation influences diary cycle patterns on intake behavior in Santa Ines sheep. / O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a inclusão de diferentes fontes de lipídeos na dieta de cordeiros sobre o consumo e digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), carboidratos totais (CT), carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF), nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e energia metabolizável (EM); a produção microbiana; o balanço de nitrogênio (BN), as excreções de creatinina e os padrões nictemerais do comportamento ingestivo. Foram utilizados 35 ovinos da raça Santa Inês com peso médio inicial de 13,00 ± 1,80 kg, em delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com cinco dietas experimentais (dieta controle, sem suplementação; dieta com caroço de algodão (CAL), com farelo de castanha de caju (FCC), com caroço de algodão mais farelo de castanha de caju (CALFCC) e com sais de cálcio de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa (CaAgCl). O consumo de MS (kg/dia, %PC e g/kg0,75) e dos nutrientes (kg/dia) não foram alterados com a inclusão de fontes lipídicas nas dietas, com exceção dos consumos de EE, CNF (kg/dia) e FDN (%PC e g/kg0,75). A suplementação lipídica influenciou a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, de modo que as dietas com CAL apresentaram os menores coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, FDN e CT (63,89; 64,41; 70,79 e 54,02%, respectivamente), quando comparado à dieta controle. Não houve diferença entre as dietas em relação ao volume urinário, no entanto as excreções de creatinina foram influenciadas. O BN não foi alterado com a inclusão de lipídeos, porém as excreções dos derivados de purina (DP mmol/dia), absorção dos derivados de purina (abs. DP mmol/dia), produção de nitrogênio microbiano (N mic mmol/dia), proteína bruta microbiana (PB mic g/dia) e eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana (ESPBmic g/kgNDT) foram afetadas pela adição de lipídeos dietéticos, de modo que as menores médias para essas variáveis foram para a dieta suplementada com CaAgCl (3,48; 2,95; 2,14; 13,40; 21,31 mmol/dia, respectivamente). O tempo de ruminação (TR), o número de mastigações merícicas (n°/dia) e mastigações merícicas por bolo (n°/bolo) foram influenciados de acordo com as fontes lipídicas na dieta, de modo que os maiores tempos foram dispendidos para o tratamento CAL (10,14; 61026 e 78,91, respectivamente). Os animais consumiram preferencialmente nos horários que compreenderam os períodos de 06:00 às 12:00 e 12:00 às 18:00 hs e ruminaram nos períodos que compreenderam os intervalos 18:00 às 24:00 e 24:00 às 06:00 hs. A adição de diferentes fontes de lipídeos não influencia o consumo de MS e dos nutrientes, com exceção do consumo de EE e CNF, porém influencia os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS e dos nutrientes. O BN e o volume urinário não são influenciados de acordo com a fonte de lipídeos da dieta, contudo as excreções de creatinina são influenciadas e a produção microbiana é reduzida quando CaAgcl fazem parte da dieta. A suplementação à base de caroço de algodão influencia os padrões nictemerais do comportamento ingestivo em ovinos da raça Santa Inês.
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Prevalência da pré-eclâmpsia entre adolescentes atendidas no sistema público de saúdeKanyinga, Felly Bakwa January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A adolescência é uma fase de vulnerabilidade e de exposição a vários comportamentos de risco para a saúde. A gravidez na adolescência associa-se a elevada taxa de complicações maternas e relaciona-se a elevadas taxas de morbimortalidade materna e fetal. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de pré-eclâmpsia (PE) na população de adolescentes atendida no sistema público de saúde no sul do Brasil e avaliar a sua associação com os principais fatores de risco e a ocorrência de eventos adversos maternos e fetais. Método: Estudo transversal realizado entre adolescentes (idade ≥10 anos e <20 anos) internadas nas enfermarias de puerpério do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, localizada na região sul do Brasil. Resultados: Foram estudadas 533 adolescentes no puerpério, durante um período de nove meses. A idade média foi de 17,5 ± 1,4 anos, sendo que 10,5% eram menores de 16 anos, 63,8% brancas, 81,2% primigestas e 21% tiveram seu nascimento por cesariana. Foi observada uma prevalência de 5,3 % de PE entre as adolescentes, sendo 17,8% com PE grave. A presença de anemia, uso de drogas lícitas (tabaco e álcool) ou ilícitas na gestação e obesidade não se associaram de forma significativa a PE. A suplementação de vitaminas e minerais durante gravidez associou-se significativamente (p=0,034) a ocorrência de PE. As complicações puerperais foram mais frequentes no grupo de PE quando comparado ao grupo sem PE (32% x 7,9%, respectivamente). No grupo de PE, a prematuridade foi significativamente mais alta (35,7% x 10,7%). Conclusões: A prevalência de PE encontrada na amostra estudada foi semelhante aos dados da literatura. Destacamos a maior prevalência de prematuridade e complicações puerperais entre mães adolescentes com PE. / Introduction: Adolescence is a vulnerable stage and exposes to various behavioral risks that may affect the health. Teenage pregnancy is associated with a high rate of maternal complications and is related to high rates of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of preeclampsia (PE) in the population of adolescents that were attended in the south of Brazil public’s health system and assess its association with major risk factors and the occurrence of adverse maternal and fetal events. Methods: Cross-sectional study among adolescents (age ≥10 years and <20 years) hospitalized in the puerperium wards of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, located in the south of Brazil. Results: We studied 533 teenagers in the puerperium, for a period of nine months. The mean age was 17.5 ± 1.4 years, and 10.5% were under 16 years, 63.8% white, 81.2% first pregnancy and 21% had their birth by caesarean section. A prevalence of 5.3% of PE was observed among adolescents, 17.8% had severe PE. The presence of anemia, use of licit (tobacco, alcohol) and illicit drugs during pregnancy and obesity were not associated significantly the PE form. Vitamin and mineral supplementation during pregnancy has associated with the occurrence of PE (p=0.034). Puerperal complications were more frequent in the PE group compared to the group without PE (32% vs. 7.9% respectively). In the PE group, prematurity was significantly higher (35.7% vs. 10.7%). Conclusions: The prevalence of PE among adolescents found in the sample studied was similar to the literature data. Preterm birth and puerperal complications were highly prevalent in teen mothers with PE.
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The relationship between infant feeding practices and diarrhoeal infectionsZiyani, Isabella Simoyi 11 1900 (has links)
To determine the relationship between infant-feeding practices and diarrhoeal
infections, a descriptive survey was conducted to infants between six to 12 months
of age.
A guided interview was conducted to 105 mothers of infants who attended the health
facilities of Mbabane, Swaziland.
The results show that breast-feeding is routinely practiced by the majority of mothers
and exclusive breast-feeding is very low, but supplementary feed in the form of
formula or solids are introduced by the majority of respondents within the first three
months of life. Infants who were given colostrum and breast milk had fewer
diarrhoeal attacks. Other factors, for example education and cultural factors
influenced the feeding practices and number of diarrhoeal attacks.
It is recommended that breast-feeding should be promoted as an important
intervention in the control of diarrhoea / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors on the bioactivation of dietary nitrate during submaximal exerciseEff, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Aim: The purpose of the study is to show the influence of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI in form of esomeprazole) on the bioactivation of dietary nitrate (sodium-nitrate solution) in submaximal exercise, through affecting the gastric pH. Method: Randomized, doubled-blinded, placebo-controlled and crossover study with six subjects (mean ± SD, age 29 ± 5years, height 170 ± 5 centimeters, weight 70 ± 5 Kg, BMI 24,36 ± 1,75 Kg/m2 blood pressure 119/ 77 ± 6 mmHg, 3 male and 3 female). They were tested in two different trials. Every trial consisted of two parts. One part was cycling on 4 different submaximal stages (80W/60RPM, 80W/90RPM, 120W/60RPM, 120W/90RPM) for 5 minutes each, with 90 minutes rest in between. The same protocol was repeated. In the beginning of the resting time a sodium nitrate solution (NaNO3-, 10mg/kg body weight) was ingested. VO2, VCO2, RER, VE, Lactate, Glucose, heart rate and blood pressure were recorded. Venous blood samples were taken. Whether esomeprazole (10mg) or a placebo were taken 24h, 12h and directly before being tested in both trials. Subjects were pleased to have a nitrate poor diet starting when taking the pills. An information sheet was provided. Results: No significant differences were found between the post values and the treatment. Tendencies of a higher oxygen consumption when taking esomeprazole (2,62%) in comparison to placebo (0,11%) were observed. Systolic BP decreased by 3,91% with the placebo while it decreased just 2,04% with esomeprazole after intake. Sex-specific differences occurred in the metabolism of esomeprazole and dietary nitrate. RER showed a significant post nitrate difference between the female and male participants with t=.006 and a significance in predietary nitrate intake. VE in female (40,79 ± 7,20 L/min) and (50,03 ± 10,09 L/min) in male were as well significant (t=.017). Conclusion: Tendencies of effects of PPI are seen in the post-values of VO2 and BP after intake of dietary nitrate. Gender-differences are shown in RER and VE. More research is needed to see the impact of dietary nitrate on the human body under submaximal load.
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